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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1904)
aLI8 GAZETTE. Vol. XLI. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday February 9, 1904. X Published every Tuesday and 'Friday by the GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY. 0. A. Dearing, Editor and Business Manager WAR BEGUN IN THE ORIENT. Japanese fleet Seize Russian Vessels Happened Yesterday at 5 P. M. War has commenced between Japan and 1 Russia, bv Hi seizure of Russian vassals by tba Japanese fleet. ' Time, Monday after noon at five o'clock. j j EDITORIAL COMMENT. We wonder if there is any real necessity for low ering the asbestos curtain between the Chamber lain vice-presidential boom and the democratic party. r The name of the president who pulled down the flag in Hawaii is Grover Cleveland. And this is claimed to be the best that democracy can offer to the loyalty of the country. a A republican congress is another name for wise national progress. It is the best expression of the genius of the American people. The duftv we owe to posterity is to maintain it in its integrity. Nothing like taking advantage of your oppor tunities as they turn up. The Mormon elders who are proselyting in Idaho are enco enraging -the "leap year doctrine." Now, ladies, speak up lively. -""r ' ---r.'Ai-t -:ft .y,.?.t , a"" gr Fresh-laid eggs are like gold dollars; they are either good or bad. There is no middle ground lor tuem to occupy, w nen an rip-nt eacn nas a standing value that nothing can take away from it. When bad they are worthless, except in Kings Valley, where they are found useful in enforcing needed lessons in the social status of visitors. jfr Delaware witnessed on Saturday last, an act of justice for which she is to be commended. A brute by the name of Corbett Lee, at Newcastle in that State, was fastened to the whipping post and received ten lashes, well laid on, for wife beating. This is to be followed up by a month in prison. The gentleman probably deserved what he got, and we hope he enjoyed it. ajfc aja Isa't it strange that the first thought with which a democratic politician approaches any sub ject of national interest is to see whether any politi cal capital can be made out of it. There is no thought as to how the interests of the. -United States are advanced by any policy which the ad ministration has adopted; the one question ever present in the democratic mind is whether the inci dent cannot be distorted in some manner to the purpose of exciting some prejudice in some minds against the administration. What a misfortune it must be to be a democrat, anyhow ! Jt Jt Jt One of the most fascinating myths of our child hood days was certainly the story of Atlantis the fabled continent which was said to exist in the At lantic ocean, between, America and Europe. How the imagination reveled in the wondrous tales of its splendor and its power, its palaces and its pyramids. How fancy run riot in picturing its marvels. But the inconoclastic hand of science is tumbling traditions" about our ears. The ' fairy tales of myth and fable, the dim traditions of an almost forgotten past the haunting memories of vague and shadowy legends, are, bv the aid of modern science and research, shaping themselves into actual historical facts. Recent paleontologi cal researches have established the fact of there having really existed an Atlantis a land connec tion between Europe and America in the ter tiary period. This was a continent, savs the earlv Egyptian records, lying over against the Pillars of Hercules, in extent greater than Libya and Asia put together, and was the passage to other islands, and to another continent of which the Mediter ranean Sea was only the harbor, and that within the pillar of the empire of Atlantis reached to Egypt and Tyrrhenia. A little while later there was an earthquake, and the great island of Atlan tis with its 64,000,000 inhabitants, sank beneath the sea. From this continent branchins- out from the Mediteranean, Europe-and Africa received its -first people and its first civilization; a civilization that has left its impress on Egyptian history, and frhich the boasted progress of two thousand years has hardly equaled and seldom surpassed. Atlantis Is one of the stern and stubborn facts of history and cannot be ignored. .There will be no U. S. Senator to elect in the next legislature, and that body, ought to do some good and effective work next session. Benton county has a state senator to elect next June. See to rt, gentlemen - politicians, that a man ot high character and good, business ability is nominated to that position. This is not a question of factional fighting it is the selection" of the .best man tor Benton county's interests. ' Here'is an opportunity to do some good work. . Our county has been well represented in the position heretofore. -K Keep up the standard, gentlemen. Y 3 Japan has at last reached , the limit of her pa tience, and it is more than probable that the pres ent week will witness the beginning of hostilities in Coiea and Manchuria. It is certain that Russia, who has simply been playing for time to complete preparations, will not yield to Japans demands relative to Mauchuriai. If Japan has the spunk she is every where credited with, the war is certain. It is for her to decide whether it goes on or not. Russia has crippled herself to some extent in the large loans she has been forced to make to com plete the Trans-Siberian Railway, to build her new navy, and internal improvements throughout her vast empire. Her indebtedness to France alone is nearlv one and one-half billion dollars, and it is doubtful if she can make another loan. On the other hand Japan . has just received a voluntary subscription of one million dollars toward her war fund. She has just made her first call for the re turn to Japan of all her people in America who are liable for military service. It is said that, there are at least 150 men in San Francisco alone, who will obey the call, and return to Tbkio on the first steamer which leaves port tomorrow. Failure to comply with this call forfeits all rights of citizen ship in Japan. It is unnecessary to say that the call will be obeyed. There is a feeling of relief in Tokio at the fact that all donbts regarding the out come of the negotiations have been practically set at rest " Patriotism is rife among the little brown men'and they are stirred to a high pitch of excite ment. Let the battle begin. ; ttf r -While the people are- still -discussing State Superintendent Ackerman's plan for teaching agri culture in the public schools, it is well to study and profit by the experience of. other countries on similar lines: . The government of Denmark spent $500,000 last year for the purpose of making more farmers. Any laborer in that country who saves one-tenth of the price of a plot of land can bor row the remainder of the money from the govern ment, paying three per cent, interest. The gov ernment sends expert professors, of agriculture to give every farmer free lessons in farming, and each new farmer is given a free trip to a model farm, so that he may learn how to make the best possible use of his land. An example like this is surely worth our attention, if not our emulation. If it is to the interest of a small country like Denmark, with only limited resources at its command, to spemd large sums to make more farmers, surely our own country, whose possibilities of agricul tural development are almost unlimited, could well afford to spend millions to establtsh farm training schools, where every man or boy who desires the knowledge might learn how to till -the soil and become -an independent producer on the land. As a preliminary measure to these schools, surely nothing could be better, as a foundation, than Supt. Ackerman's plan of giving the scholars of our district schools a first course in agricultural topics. This will be a fit training for a fuller course in our agricultural colleges, even if the plan as practiced in Denmark were not carried out. The Danish plan ot promoting agriculture and encouraging homemaking will result in a more contented and patriotic people and raise the stand ard of citizenship in that country. It might be followed with profit in this country. . Kew How to Ket a Hotel. ? Guest I'd coon starve here. Proprietor (country hotel) There's plenty to eat. J "Perhaps so, but those waiter girls of yours don't attend to me." rThey don't? Well, thafa, easily fixed. Here's some wax." ' ,"What good is . that?" J'Put it on your mustache, of course, and curl the ends. You're got too much dfa married look." N. Y. Weekly. ' I ' -'.Moat Uafaaaloaaala, - "My gracious!" suddenly exclaimed little Mabel Blugore, who had been day dreaming; "I suppose there's no helo lor it." , J "What are you thinking of, dear?" saucea ner mamma. -- Why, I was just thinking when we M ... . aie we 11. nave to wear ready-made neaveniy robes for a few days till We can be fitted." Philadelphia Press, v v T That's Waat. Out of barrel and out of sack, Out of closet cheat and pack, , : Burglars take thinrs bow and then For burg-lara are auch taking- men. Chioaso Dally News. Reductions for. . HARD OH BIK, Youngwed I say, old chap! what would you consider the hardest thing to learn-about a baby? . Cynicus Not talk about it. Phila delphia Press. Undoubtedly True. The progressive woman Would like, it appears, To advance in ideas , And retrocede in years. -tfi Tkt Proper Secarlfy. Jinks Johnson wants to borrow 10 from me. Is he good for that amount? Binks Yes, with proper securities. Jinks What would you suggest? Binks A chain and padlock, a pair of handcuffs and a dog. That would be enough, I think, to hold him. Tit-Bit Log-leal, . Willie Mamma, I dreamed last night thai papa gave me a bicycle for my birthday, and you gave me a watch. Mamma But, Willie, you- know dreams go by contraries. Willie Then you will give me the bi cycle, and papa the watch? Brooklyn life. OUR BRAINY CONTEMPORAPIES. - Portland papers are agitating the question of whether or not the Lewis and Clark fair shall close on Sunday. Better wait "and see whether congress puts up the wherewithal to insure it opening on weekdays. Eugene Guard. The home of ex-Presideht Cleveland has been blessed with a new baby. The family scales could not be found, and recourse was had to the sacred set used only to reccrd the triumphs of the father's famous fishing. What was the delight of the fond parents to find the infant-son weighed exactly 47 pounds. Oregon City Courier. a a You may call him a "rube," or a "hayseed," or a "yap," but the farmer is nevertheless the biggest man in the country. He could buy all the national banks, pay the national debt, purchase both the steel combine and the Standard Oil trust and put Wall street out of business, out of the product ef his own honest toil, and still have half a billion dollars left for pocket change. , To sum it up in a sentence the farmer, by whatever name he may be called, is the most important class in the United States and has a right to grow chesty at the show ing he makes. Agriculturist ' , Part of Her TroaUa. Mrs. Millions The clergyman spoke quite bitterly of the extravagant en tertainments given by wealthy mem bers of the congregation. Millions Did he mention ' any name? Mrs. Million (with a sigh) No; he didn't mention a single name! Puck. A'Ooldea Baad. Tea7-I hear you're taking an inter est in church work. You have a Band of Hope, haven't you? - Jeaa Not yet, but I'm to get it to day, and it's to have twt 4iamonda in it. v Charlie only proposed last night. Philadelphia Press. Hot Certala. "Did you," the landlady archly asked, "ever taste Belgian hare, Mr. Smyth ere?" "1 don't know," the star boarder answered; "there was one in my soup at dinner. What is your cook' na tionality?" Chicago Times-Herald. A Btretoa ot Ima&lnatloa. "Mrs. Binks has a noble stretch of im agination, hasn't she?" "I' don't know her very well. Why do you think so?" "I heard her speaking of the flat they live in as 'our town house.' " Cleve land Plain Dealer. Not Safe Guide. "Daughter, wouldn't you trust your father to choose a husband for you?" "No, indeed, papa. You would con aider any man eligible who would lis ten to your talk about your rheuma tism." Chicago Record. The Store the Better. Mrs. Oldboy A, short golf skirt 1T,: this makes a woman look ften yaors younger. Oldboy In that case, my dear, yon should wear about three. Town Topics. A Ifcsjmtive Poteney. Money," said the philosophical per son, "does not always bring happi- "No," answered the matter-of-faet friend. "But the lack of it invariably brings discomfort Washington Star, Stady la Kooaoanlea. . "She acepted me, bat wouldn't letine art by her on the sofa." "Whr not?" "Said she'd juet paid 80 cents to have her white dress done up." : uetrow Rree Fiese. - ... - GROCERIES D G Sugar, 100 lbs.: ........ . Extra C Sugar, 100 Ids. ............ Padlock brand Peaches, 35c cans ..... ' Palo Alto brand Peaches, 25c cans. . : Extra Standard Corn, two cans ...... ' " " Tomatoes, two cans. . 6 Packages Yeast Foam-....... .'. ... . 6 Packages Magic Yeast 4 Packages Arm & Hammer Soda . . . . 3 Cans Fancy; Sardines, in oil.'. . ...... 2 lbs. Golden Sunrise Coffee ........ 7 Bars Daisy Laundry Soap. . . . ...... 6 Bars Silk Laundry Soap'. . t ........ . 20 Dozen Clothes Pins. 10 Packages Tooth Picks. Defiance Wash Boards .$ 5 65 . 5 15 25 20j 25; 25 '25;; ' 25 25 '"25 25 25 25 25 25 20 HHKit you see it in our ad if $ $o DISHES. One set decorated Cups and Saucers 5(X " " ' Dinner Plates 5a " " " Soup Plates... '.. SO " " " Breakfast Plates " " " Pie Plates.. 40 I Tor tfte month of Tebruary only. lUc warn your prefer .THE,. PIONEER BAKERY H. 17. HALL A fresh and complete, line ef candies, nuts and fruits kepfe constantly on hand. Our bread is always fresh. We carry complete line of smokers' re-cessilies. Main Street ;3 1 THE LARGEST PAPER IN BENTON COUNTY, AND THIS BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. u E I u u u u WE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR, WHEN PA3B "STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.