tamamsrxBwsaaa THE" COBVALUS GAZETTE rubl lahod mvery Tuaaday and Friday by tha GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO. O. A. Dearing, Ed. and Mgr. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1903 EDITORIAL COMMENT. Chicago has the honor of being selected as the place for holding the next Republican Convention for the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt as next President of the United States. The convention will meet at 12 o'clock, noon, on June 21st. When the nomina tion and election is such a sure thinff. it really seems almost un necessary to go to the expense of holding a convention. jfr d& The Evening Telegram of De cember 14. 1903, comes to us as an Industrial Edition, and con sists of 64 pages full to the brim with good words for Oregon Thirty-two pages are devoted to the commercial interests of the state, 16 to the mining interests, and the other 16 to the news of the day of publication. It is an honor to the state and a credit to its enterprising publishers. aj aj ij W. I. Buchanan, lately U. S. minister to the Argentine Repub lic, has been appointed minister to the Republic of Panama. Mr. Buchanan is a trained diplo mat, with a thorough knowledge of the Latin-American races, and although his appointment is only temporary, it is hoped that his services will be particularly valuable to both countries during the lormative period of the new republic Panama has already called an election, to come off January 20, to establish a perma nent and regular form ot govern ment on the Istnmus. A per manent government is an un known quantity in South Araeri can politics, and this is as likely as any to prove an iridescen dream. a The rumored .retirement o Porfirio Diaz from the presidency of Mexico is a step to be re gretted, though his long and faithful service of twenty-six years certainly entitles him to rest from his labors. The proud est monument in his career wil be the public schools of Mexico, Education is universal, it wil shortly be made compulsory, and tne peon child may now pass from his a-b-c to the.highest di ploma entirely at government ex pense. All this has been acorn plished in spite of the continued opposition of the church and the church party, which numbers seven out of eight of the entire population of the country. ft a& Recent labor troubles in differ ent cities bnngs out one tact in great prominence. It is that the employers, not the unions, took tne ottensive. This is carrying the war into the enemies country, The National Manufacturers As sociation, under the leadership o D. M. Parry, of Indianapolis seems to be a fixed fact, and will ing to fight to the bitter end They have a strong organization unlimited capital, and a fixed de termination to succeed. In the recent Cloak Manufacturer strike in San Francisco, the fac tories shut down at once, and non-union hands were immedi ately imported from the East The manufacturers claim that 'what is sauce for the goose is . sauce, for the gander," and the labor unions cannot logically deny the right they themselves exercise, that of organization. The Youth's Companion in 1904. As the years increase The Youth's Companion endeavors to keep pace with them in all that is wise, beautiful and progressive, and not only to retain bat to deserve the honorable and exception ally high place it holds in the confidence and affection of three generations of readers. The greatest living authors in all branches of literature continue to Contribute to it. . Among the important series of articles will be one on the occupation of the farmer in many parts of the world in England, in Ireland, in India, in Argen tina, etc. ; The annual Announcement Number of The Companion, describing the principal features of the Companion's new volume, will be sent to any address, free. The new subscriber tor 1904 will receive all the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1903 tree from the time of subscription, also the Compan ion Calendar for 1904, lithographed in "twelve colors and gold. ' THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, , 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Musical Recital. Last Saturday evening occurred the first public musical recital of the season. As usual with these recitals, the chapel .was filled to overflowing. The pro gram was not only interesting but highly educational as well, especially since it contained such compositions as Mendelssohn's Rondo Capriccioso and the Haydn Sonata No. 2. Each number was well ren dered and was of genuine musical interest This is all the more noticeable when it is considered that none of those who appeared in solos were artists, with the ex ception of Miss Agnes hove. The O. A. C. orchestra of 12 pieces rendered the opening num ber with splendid spirit and en semble. The composition was by. our local composer, Ruthyn Turney, whose talent is not con- nnea 10 tne vionn aione, as nis work m the band and orchestra will go to show. Among the violin pupils, Miss Kerker ex celled lor technic. Mr. Kerker or tone and Master Max Miller "or courage in facing the audience for the first time with so difficult a composition. Master Miller is only 12 years of age. Tae Ladies' Chorus elictted the warmest applause with Soil ing's arrangement of the Blue Bells of Scotland. The piano solos of Miss Sproat and Miss Hawk, of Philomath, were delivered in splendid style, while Miss Ranney's selection deserves special mention as it was performed from memory. The last number on the program was Mendelssohn's Rondo Cap riccioso, which was rendered with consummate skill by Miss Agnes Love. Miss Love is already an accomplished pianist with super ior technic and interpretation, and her future may be looked forward to with interest. Her repertoire comprises many of the leading works oh piano. Sup't Den man mailed last week a circular letter to his teachers setting forth the work which our schools are to furnish in the St. Louis Exposition in 1904, and which is to be returned to Lewis and Clark Fair at Portland in iqos. 1 nis letter has tne en dorsement of State Sup't J. H. Ackerman. In his letter to Sup't Denman he says: Friend Denman: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your circular to teacners concerning the proposition of a school ex hibit for the St. Louis Expo sition. The circular is first-class, and, if you have not already done so, may I suggest that you send a copy to each county superintend ent in the state. I am glad to know that you are taking an in terest in this matter as I have every reason to believe that the teachers of Benton county can prepare a very creditable exhibit. With best wishes for the sue cess of your exhibit, I am, as ever, J. H. Ackerman, Sup't Public Instruction. Wood. We want a few cords of dry fir or maple wood, on subscription account, at once. . Letter List. For the week ending Dec 12, 1903. Persons calling for these letters wil! please state date on which they were ad vertised. They will be charged at the rate of one cent each: Miss Sylya Anderson, -R. Z. Brown, F. ti. Davis, Kuth Gream, John Hickam, VV . J . Leo, Mrs. ti. K.teger. K. Mickles, Harry E. Miller, Mrs. B. Miller, Benard Mailer, Miss Cieorgie Martin, Q L, Powell, Frank Peterson, Miss Anna Rasmussen, Mrs. Abby Smith, John B Slater, Miss Marth J. Smith, Ike Smith, Miss Mamie Star, Claud Thompson, Jessie waker, 1. u. wmte, Jyrus waiter. B. W. Johnson, P. M. Holiday Rates on the C. & E. R. R. The Cor vail is & Eastern Railroad Co, have made a round trip rate of one fare between all stations on account of the Christmas holidays. Tickets will be good going from Saturday, Dec. 19, 1903, to Saturday,- January. 2, 1084, and for re turn at any time up to and including Monday, January 4, 1904. Minimum charges 25 cents. A Merry Xmas Happy flew Year ' To the friends and patrons of the OCCIDENTAL HOTEL Contrary to the report I understand is in circulation, I am now, and expect to be, doing business at the same old corner. Try our Xmas Turkey Dinner. h. m. brtjistk: One Dozen Pbotograpbs ...fiiaRc... 12 bri$tma$ Presents Portraits finished in Platino, Platinum, Carbon, emery Pboto, South main Street. WANTED r Five Hundred Turkeys for Christmas Fa P. CLARIS PHILOMATH, ORE, Business Locals Diamond rings at Metzger's. Fine line of ladies' brooches at Metzger's. Real ebony goods, at Metzger's. Overcoat sale at Kline's. Get your ribs fixed at the Bicycle Hospital. Have you seen the anti rust and wiad proof umbrellas at the Bicylce Hospital. There's a reduction sale in men's and boy's overcoats coins on at Kline's now. Keep warm. Fine stock Blank ets, Comforters, Overcoats. Under wear and Furs, at Nolan & Calla- hans. Big bargains this month in La dies' Tailor-made Suits, Walking Skirts, Flannel Shirt . Waists, Boys Suits and Overcoats. Nolan & (Jal lahan. Diamonds and fine jewelry make the best and most satisfactory Christmas gifts. One look will convince you Come and be pleased.' F. M. French jeweler, Albany. Silver novelties at Metzger's. You should enroll in the Corvallis Business College on January 6, 1904. Watches, clocks and jewelry, suitable for Christmas presents at the lowest prices, at E. P. Greffoz's, The Jeweler Tea sets. Coffee sets and all kinds of silverware at E. P. Greffoz, The Jeweler, If you wish to give a suitable present at a reasonable price call on E. P. Greffoz, The Jeweler. The second term of the Corrallis Busi ness College opens Dec. 14th. New classes will be formed at that time. Write the Corvallis Business College for circulars of Eclectic Shorthand, compar ing other systems, and yeu will be de lighted. " We nave the variety that insures au easy and satisfactory choice of Christmas presents, in the line ef diamonds, jewelry, watches and solid silverware. F. M French, jeweler, Albany. We have in our office an 11x17 Call fornia Reliable job press which has been very little used, and which we will sell at a price' considerably below what it would be held at by the dealers. It is in good shape, and will do the best of work. It has long shaft for steam fix- tmes but not fixtures or fountain. Let us quote you price. ' Our store will be open evenings from Monday, 20th. to Thursday 24tb. Nolan & Callahan. Bu our Holiday presents at Nolan & Callahan's. Wanted. To trade a good buckboard for a milch cow. Uali at the uazettu. Pm Am KLINE, Llvaataok Auctlonoar Corvallis, Oregon. Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O, address Box 11. Pays highest prices lor all kinds of livestock. Satisfaction guar anteed. Twenty years experience. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon Citv, Or., November 13. 1903 Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to ail the Public Land States bv act of August 4. 1892, Philip U. Johnson. of Monmouth, county of Polk, State of Oregon, baa (his day filed in this office his sworn statement A a 6122, for the purchase of the E of 8 IS of Sec No. 18, in Township. No. 13 S, R. No. 6 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Hoses, Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Friday, the 22nd day of January, 1904. is more valuable lor iu iimoer or stone tnan tor 116 names as witnesses: unaries newman oi Inavale. Oreiron, Hiram Newman. Fred Hubler, Frank Fisher, all of Monmouth, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 32nd day of January, 1904 ALUEttNUfl 8. papSUB. Kegister. , loh't Ion pear Them Xmas bells. They have been jingling with us for the past month, and now Santa Claus has given us permission to 'jingle them for you, and from now until January ist, 1904 we shall make them jingle merrily. If some of the melody does not get into yonf house it won't be our fault The choicest things will go "first. No need to wait until the last moment; buy now. You need not have them delivered now. We will store them for you and deliver them when you' say. Here are a few suggestions: Our stock is now at its best and you have time to make your selec tions leisurely. . . ... GIFTS FOR THE LADIES A Fine Dress Pattern A Fur or Silk Umbrella A Lounein? Robe A Silk Petticoat A Pair of Shoes or Slippers A Walking or Dress Skirt A Circular Shawl A Silk Shirt Waist And numerous other articles, all worth 100 cents on the dollar the day after Christmas. We have lots of the Boys and Girls . . 0..X BLAOKLEDG-E, furniture and music Store The public is invited to Bed Room Suits Woven Wire Mattresses, Extension Tables, Children's Rockers, Dining Chairs, Kitchen Treasures, Side Boards, Musical Instruments, SECOND HAND PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR SALE South Main St. J. E. HENKLE, CASH STORE. I haye just opened a General Merchan dise btore at my old corner, and in my new building, at Philomath, Oregon, and can show you ,many Bargains! from a new and carefully selected stock You will save money by calling on me Detore purchasing. A lull line oi BOOTS AND SHOES AND RUBBER GOODS Watch Confidence! Makes traveling a pleasure, when correct time is always a necessity. Yours may be petent repairing you haye lost faith in it. M Brlnir It I ta 'ma. I Will rcoalr the worst wrecked watch, and I will do iteconoml- caity. ALBET J. METZGER, Occidental B nil ding. Corrallis, Or. Notice f Pinal Settlement. In the estate of L. Diller. deceased, notice is hereby given by the undersigned administrator ot said es tate ttiai said administrator nasniea nis nnai account in said estate and that the County Court ot Benton County, Orearon, in probate, has appointed Monday, the fourth day of January, 1904, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court room in the County Court House in the City Of Corrallis, in Benton County, State of Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to aid final account and the final settlement thereof T. X. CHAK.MAN, Administrator of the Estate - '. of h. Diller. deceased. , Dated December the 4th, 1903. The night School for Bookkeeping and Typewriting meets on Monday and Thursday evenings of each week, in the Corvallis Business College. - . Mil? GIFTS FOR THE GENTLEMEN A Business or Dress Suit An Overcoat or Raincoat A Dress Suit Case A Silk Muffler A "Hawes" $3.00 Hat A Smoking Jacket A Pair Fine Susp nders A Pair Shoes or or Slippers good things for come and seemystock of Bed Lounges and Couches, A good line of Mattresses, Center Tables, Children's High Chairs, Chiffonniers. Rockers, Kitchen Safes, Window Shades, Bamboo Furniture, just in OR FOR RENT. 0. J. BLACKLEDGE PROFESSIONAL. B A. CATHEY, M. D Physician Surgeon Jttooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours Residence : Corner 5th and Adams Sts. Telephone at office and residence. Corvallis, - - - Oregon. PHILOMATH MILL CO. MANUFACTURERS OP KIR. LUMBER Complete Stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber kept constantly on hand OFFICES AT , ' PHILOMATH, OR HARDWARE - TINWARE STOVES PAINTS OILS A full line of Winy . dow Glasse5C3C.3C Harness, Wagons, Buggies and Farm Machinery.. JSC PHILOMATH - -OREGON. no m Kids u Qi FOR LITTLE As heretofore purchase of toys, Mechanical and Steam Toys of Late Designs Books Drums Rubber Balls Footballs Boxing Gloves Desks Blackboards Toy Carpet Sweepers Rubber Goods of all kinds. We have a big present for every school boy and girl who buys a nair of shoes or a suit Don't fail to see what this . H. this THE EDUCATION THAT PAYS Is thorough training in SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEPING, LET TER WRITING, ENGLISH GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION, RAPID CALCULA TION. COMMERCIAL LAW as taught in the Corvallis Business College Where the work is most THOROUGH in short and complete courses, saving the student time and money. ENROLL JAN. 5, 1904. Call upon or address. I. E. MdlARDSON, jCORVALLIS, OREGON. You are cordially invited to inspect my New and Beautiful line of Holiday Goods. I am ready and waiting to show you the Best of Everything for Christmas. My stock is thoroughly first-class and up-to-date, combining Novelty and Quality with very Reasonable Prices. My assortment is so complete that a variety of desirable Gifts in many grades and prices will afford you a wide field for the selection of appropriate Gifts for one and all. " Our Holiday Stock gives you new ideas and supplies Exactly What You Want. ALBERT JT. METZER, THE WATCMAIER, OCCIDENTAL HOTEL BUILDING JSOXKRIS KRINGLE.X3C Will soon be here. The holiday rush is no on in earnest Go to Pratt's for a complete line ot Christmas gifts. ... Presents for tee Ladies: Watches, cut glass, rings, sil-, verware, fancy clocks, sterling novelties, ebony toilet pieces. Presents for the Gents: Stick pins, cuff but tons, hat and clothes brushes, silver-trimmed flasks, watches, chains, fountain and plain gold pens. Come early and secure your choice of the most exten sive assortment of its kind in the city. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I am Yours for Xmas Gifts, Open evenings after December 10. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler & Optician J. 0. MANN J. 0. d n THE PEOPLE we have made a big including: all the is- HARRIS H. W. HALL We have made our reductions ir prices this year BEFORE Christmas, instead of after. Bear in mind. am Street & CO. & CO.