Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 10, 1903, Image 2

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Published e wayr Tuesdy smJ slay
by tko
Governor Chamberlain is still
hesitating over the question of an
extra session to settle the matter
of the state taxation. A decis
ion will probably be rendered
very soon. The principal im
pediment in the way is the ques
tion of expense, as the session
will cost at least $20,000. Add
to this the expense of special
elections to fill vacancies in the
two .-branches of the legislature,
and a formidable bill rolls up
caused by the stupidity of the
men who will draw pay for work
to correct their own blunders.
Then again comes the possibility
of the repeal of the new law,
and the re-enacting of the old.
The new law eliminates the tax
dodging practices, and makes
collections easier. The new law
has manv improvements on the
old, and will be a good thing for
the state. If a good part ot the
wisdom that arranged it had been
spent in making it effective, it
would have been better for the
country. By all means, gentle
men of the legislature, stand by
the new law.
Western Oregon is promined a
linen factory, by Eugene Bosse.
at Salem. There will be several
scutching mills built at different
points m the Willamette valley;
by Mr. Bossee, next year. The
money is ready, and the construc
tion of the linen factory wilj de
pend largely upon the co-operation
of the farmers. If they will
raise plenty ot flax for Mr. Bosse,'
the linen mill will be built next
year As flax is a profitable crop
to raise, it would seem that Mr.
Bosse ought not to have any
trouble to get plenty of it to keep
busy as large a linen mill as he
wants to build. For the com
munity, an acre of flax worked
into linen will be the best that
canf be raised. It will , yield
many" hundreds of dollars,' to be
brought from abroad and expend
ed here. It oiten happens that a
hop crop yields $500 or more to
the acre. Counting the manu
facturing of it here, a flax crop
will do much better. The hops
are mostly sent away to be turn
ed into their commercial products
at other points in this country or
in foreiern lands. -Pacific Home-
. stead. .
There has been so many ap
plications for catalogues of the
the O. A. C. this year, and the
demand, still continuing, that it
has been found necessary to print
an extra edition, and it is now
going through the press. F,ami
lies who have boys and girls
growing up, are looking ahead
and examining the facilities offer
ed. bv the different educational
institutions for a higher educa
tion, and the inevitable result
will be fuller classes in the O. A
C. in the future. Our college is
a growing institution, - and a
credit to our city and state. It
remains for our city to make it
self a credit to the College.
Through, the , lault ot her own
citizens, Corvallis has just re
ceived a black eye that will cling
to her for years. All over the
Coast and the East the name of
"holy-roller Corvallis" has been
fastened on our town and all
that will be remembered of the
episode, after the usual ten days
wonder, will be the sensational
story, highly magnified and per
verted, that "Corvallis is the
place where the people make a
practice" of offering up cats and
dogs as burnt offerings." Truly
a good reputation for Corvallis
citizens to take pains to spread
over the country. We are glad
that the Gazette had no hand
in the dirty work. The blame
is not to the fanatical crowd,
who : probably sincerely believe
that in their present practices
only can they achieve salvation
for their souls. The fault is in
the early education that makes
such errors possible. Let our
schools teach family love, respect
for law and public order, love of
freedom, and reverence for truth,
with ' the cardinal principle of
brotherly love in its truest sense,
and you have grounded the youth
of the. land in the fundamental
principles that form a foundation
broad and deep, that will make
such episodes as' the present one
What Ol i- Ne'gVocrs Think of Us.
To Albqny Herald, in pp.YT3g
tf tl.w .Virll uf me (Joi valiio
-j., caws ti.e aggravation of
t.rav'-i ;nd itiUfol 'he "'Holy Ruil--r
-Ti in du!!i the of her
citizens, luinil'lt! ih .i'iofa -ilf,
and t:ut' blushes to to ifre checkd
of the unobtrusive, but loyal, town
cow. S.ilem Journal .
Candi.lly it is not fair for Cor
vallis to bear ' tne opprobrium of
fho-e lioiy Hollers. She should
hav.i iijuzz'e'l her reporteis and
kept the. thing silent. Albany
The Hurt family had the sympa
thy of the community for being a
prey 19 euch fanaticism as the Holy
Rollers, but nor that they followed
up Cretfield when he took to flight,
and brought him back and are now
harboring him in their home, anoUi
1 t 1 1
ei cnapitr nas oeen oper-ea up in
the scandal that has made Cor
vallis the pul jVct of ujuch ridicule.
Eugene Rgit?ter.
Real Estate Transfers.
L P "Richarcl son & bus to Iness
Van Winkle, lot Philomath;
R M Divifson & wf to J A
Devitt, di ntar Philomath;
$5983. v
W A Wells & wf to Geo Green,
2 lo's Jobs add; $35.
Grace Smith & bus to J D
Mann et al, lot 12, Bl 6; $1000.
Geo Spaght to G T Boyd, 1-10
a, near Dusty ;" $25.
Annie Hillestad & hus to Agnes
M Gilson, 150 a near Albany;
State of Oregon to R Hochuli,
80 a near Blodgett; $100.
State of Oregon to G J Erdner,
80 a near Blodgett; $100.
T R Chandler & wf to L B
(Baldwin, 2 lots, Philomath; $700.
Oak Grove Items.
Emtnett Williamson made a
business trip to Corvallis Monday.
Barney Cady and wife returned
home from Kings Valley, Tues
Recorder Vincent was down
from Corvallis, Sunday, calling
on old friends.
Major Dodson, of the O. A. C,
spent Saturday and Sunday in
our midst the guest of T. B,
Mr. Fred Holmes is building a
new house; which is causing some
uneasiness among some of his
bachelor friends.
Soaked again ! Yes, the last
rain did it and the farmers are
glad for it, for they can now do
better plowing. " .
It is said of a certain young
man in the neighborhood . that
his feet are so large that when he
stops moving and sits down, he
raises his feet off the ground to
keep from taking cold..
Benton county's efficient school
superintendent, G. W. Denman,
who is visiting the schools of the
north end of the county, called
on the Oak Grove school Wednes
day. He found the principal,.
Miss Anna Pagenkopf at her post
of duty, and the pupils, about
twenty-five in number, busily
engaged with their lessons. He
was very much pleased with the
condition of the school and said
many good things that should be
remembered, throwing much
stress on the. importance of the
county exhibit and hoped that all
might do their part in making
it a success.'
Strayed, lost or stolen A man
about 35 years old,' 5 ft. 8 in.
high, spare made, blue eyes and
fair skin, generally goes clean
shaved. " He was last seen going
toward the Oak Grove school
house with a new ax on his
shoulder andTsinging ."Jve a Se
cret in My 'Heart Sweet Marie."
The ax has been found at the
sehool house which causes a good
deal of uneasiness among his
many friends. . They fear he has
been foully, dealt with. . Any in
formation leading to his where
abouts will be gladly received.
Remember Phone 127, Oak
Grove Academy.
The latest news received from the
Samaritan Hospital in Portland is
to the effect that Mrs. Taylor, of
this city, mother of Mr. Walter
Taylor, is still in a critical condi
tion, no change having been noticed
for the last two or three days.
Yesterday another old soldier,
one of the heroic band that risked
bis life for flag and native land in
the stirring days of '61 to '65 left
Corvallis for the Soldiers' Home in
Roseburg. This was F. A. King,
an old veteran who has resided sev
eral years in thiw city. Mr. King
lived on the Burnett place for sev
eral years, then on a small tract of
his own near that place, which he
recently sold, and lately has been
living near the carriage factory;
tie was well Known
and respected,
T. L. Dagger, the Well-known Ex
' Editor of Scio Press, Writes of
Mis Wife's Experience With Dr.
Darrin's Treatment.
Li; is gentleman of rugb aiaudiug .n
literal y and social circled, attests the
merits pf Dr. Darrin'a new discoveries iu
treatment of the ear by electricity and
by mediciue. His opeu letter to Dr.
Darriii, located at the Revere House,
follows, and should decide all procrasti
nating people to visit the doctor, while
the opportunity is offered. The doctor
remains in Albany until November 15,
and will be in Corvallis at the new Hotel
Corvallis, Noyember 16'to December 1.
Dr. Darrin: Dear Sir: Mywife has
been troubled with discharge and grad
ual deafness in her left ear for the past
17 years. Since commencing treatment
with you two months ago, I am happy to
state the discharge has entirely ctased
and her hearing i gradually returning.
I feel coufident that she. will soon be en
tirely relieved from all trouble arising
tor this source. I make Una statement
freely, trusting that others who may be
aflected similarly may le encouraged to
lake tieatment from y.iH-.
"T. L. Dugger,
Albany, Oregou.
Circuit Court Jury List.
The iurv list for the regular
November term of lb? Circuit
Court for Benton county was
drawn last Thursday by Clerk
Moses and Sheriff Burnett. The
list is as follows:
F L Holmes, Fairmount.
John Whitaker, Willamette
C R Ballard, Wren.
li N Edwards, Bellfountain.
W C Corbett, Corvallis.
W P Small, Fairmount.
Samuel C Dixon, Philomath.
J E Henkle. Philomath.
Henry Hector, Fairmount.
A McKechnie, Fairmount.
J W Foster, iBellfountain.
W H Ish, Willamette. -William
Crees, Corvallis.
J S Robbins, Soap Creek.
W G Davis, Corvallis.
August Webber, Fairmount.
J E Felton, Corvallis.
David Perin, Bellfountain.
J M Gray, Willamette.
C J Ralls, Monroe.
S H Moore, Soap Creek.
W H Leeper, Philomath.
E C Stellmacker, Soap Creek.
H C Horton, Corvallis.
Geo W Henkle, Corvallis.
Ralph Crow, Monroe.
J B Arrants, Philomath.
A C Beamis, Fairmount.'
Frank A Plunkett, Kings Valley.
Geo Linderman, Soap Creek.
A F Winneford, Kings Valley.
Philomath Jottings.
Postoffice at Wesley was
continued last Monday.
Marion iiennett met witn an
accident in football last Satur
day. Two ribs and the collar
bone were fractured. The frac
tures were reduced by Dr. Log-
gan and Bennett will soon be on
the ground again.
One very light case of small
pox in town is carefully quaran
P EEK-A-Boo.
Business Locals
More new clothing for men
week at Kline's.
Try a 5c loaf of that fine white
bread at the D. & T. store.
. Attend the night school in
Corvallis Business College.
per pair.
S. L.
g-loves for , men $2
Kline, agent.
The night school meets on Mon
day and Wednesday evenings. v
Eggs have reached 30 cents at J.
E. Henkle's Cash Store, Philomath
Study bookkeeping !fn the Cor
vallis Business College, day and
night schools.
For Crouse & Brandegees fine
suits and overcoats for good dress
ers, see Nolan & Callahan.
Home comforts, blankets, white
ana colored Indian blankets for
cosy corners, quiits, lace curtains,
draperies, portieres and rugs, all
these things are to be found at
Nolan & Callahan's.
Our stock of footwear is full and
complete of reliable makes. ,If it's
Btyle you want, we have it; if it's
quality heie you will "find every
thing the best of its kind. Our
prices are right. Nolan & Calla
han. "The Buckeve folding vapor bath
cabinet is endorsed by 30,000 phy
sicians. The only perfect cabinet
made for the scientific application
of heat and steam in curing and
preventing dipease. Graham &
Wells, druggists of Corvallis, are
sole agents. Call and see it or
write for particulars. N
For Sale
One shorthort
bull 4 years old; 20
C. A. Barsxkgeb.'
bead shoats, ' .
r II If fit i 111 II iJft SW
K jzrmxn
. ': WE ARE JftEljf f
Notice ot Final Settlement
In the estate of William C. Woodcock, deceased.
is li reby given by the undersigned administra
tor of said estate? tha said administrator has
tiled his Hnal a ccount iu said estate and that the
County Court of Benton County, Oregon, in probate
has appointed Tuesday, the 8th day of December,
iyus, at the hour of z o clock in the afternoon of said
day, at the County Court room in the County Court
House .in ine uity ot uorvaius, in nenton county.
State of Oregon, as the time and place for the hear
ing of objection to said final accounts and the final
settleirent thereof.
Datid October 30th, 1903.
' Administrator of the estate of
William C. Woodcock, deceased.
Notice for Publication.
Land Offick at Roseburo, Oregon,
Sept. 21, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlet has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Victor P. Moses, the County
Clerk, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday, November
7. viz? Duniel R. Sien(;er on Homestead En
try JSo. &10. lor tne Lots 3, 4, o and o, Sec. 4, r. 14
S., K. 7 W. .
He names the following witnesses to rrova his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said
land, viz.: IS at nan J. Pickett, Jot ALsea, Oregon
William M. Picket of Corvallis, Oregon, Marshall
W. Ruble, of Alsea, Oregon, and Guy Seeley, of Cor
vallis, Oregon. -:
J. T. BRIDGES, Register
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
lor Benton County, ' t
A. M. Witham and Agnes Thompson, Plaintiffs,
vs. . .
Abigail Brown, James I, Garrett, Minerva Rob
ertson and W. T. Robertson, her husband, the
heirs at law of Hiram Elliott, deceased, it any
such there be. The heirs at law of John B.
Ganett, if any such there be, Defendants:
To Abigail Brown, James I,. Garrett, Minerva
Robertson and' W.J. Robertson her husband,
The heirs at law of Hiram Elliott,' deceased, if
any snch there be. The heirs at law ef John B.
Garrett, if any such there be,. Defendants
above named.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby summoned and required
to appear and answer the complaint ot the plain
tiffs in the above entitled the above en
titled court now on file in the office of tte clerk
of said court on or before the last day of the
time prescribed in the order for publication of
this summons, made by the County Judge, of
Benton County, State of Oregon, (being the
county where the above entitled suit is pending,
in the Circuit Court of said county and state)
which said order is hereinafter referred to, to
wn I: on or before six weeks from the day of first
publication hereof, and you are hereby notified
that if you fail to so appear and answer the said
complaint as herein required, for want thereof
the plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled
court for the relief demanded in said complaint,
That the said defendants and each of them,
be required to set forth the nature of his or her
claim in and to Lots four, five, six, seven, eight
and nine, in Block No. 13, in the County Addition
to the City of Corvallis, County of Benton, and
State of Oregon, and that all adverse claims
therein of the defendants and each of them
may be determined by a decree of this court.
That bv said decree it be declured and adiud& ed
that the defendants have not, nor has any of
saia aeienaants. any estate or interest wnatever
in or to said land and premises or any part there
of, and that the title of Plaintiff Agnes
Tnompsen to the south fourteen feet of said lot
four thereof; and of Plaintiff A- M. Witham to
the north thirty-six feet, thereof said lot tour,
and to all of said lots five, six, seven, eight and
nine thereof, is good and valid and that the de
fendents and each of them be forever debarred
from asserting- Wnv claim whatever in or to said
land and premises, or any part thereof, adverse
to the plaintiffs -or either of them, and for such
other relief as to the Court may seem meet and
agreeaDie to equity.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Gazette once a week for six successive and
consecutive weeks beginning with the issue of
uctoDer 2, 1903, ana ending witn tne issue ot .No
vember 20, 1903, under and in pursuance of an
order made by"-the Hon. Virgil E. Watters,
County Judge of Benton. County;, Oregon, being
the county where the above-entitled suit is pend
ing .in tne auovc- -enuiieu 1rcu1t wourc. uaiea
September 29, 1903; date of first publication
nereoi is uctoDer 2, 1903.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Notice of Executors Sale or Real
-' v.- Property
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton v;ounty.
In the matter of the Estate
. of -
Robert E. Cooper. Deceased.
notice is hereby given that under and in accord
ance with an order of sale made by the County Court
of Benton County, Oregon, on the 12th day Septem
ber, 1903, in the above entitled estate directing and
orderiug us, Thomas H. Cooper and George W.
Cooper, as executors of the said estate to sell p 11 of
the real property belonging to said estate at private
sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand to satisfy
the claims, charges and expenses against the s-ud
estate, which order was duly recorded at pp. 448-449
Probate Journal Number 9; that we the said ex
ecutors will proceed to sell at private sale from and
after Friday the 20th day of November, 1903, all the
right, title and interest which the said Robert E.
Cooper had at the time of his death in and to the
following described real property:
Beginning at a point 43 chains and 6 links west of
southeast corner of the original donation land claim
of Alberv G. Hovey, Notification No 2391. Claim No.
43, in township. 12 south, range 5 west,' running
thence west 24 chains, 43 links to a point, running
thence north 20 chains and 87 links to a point, run
ning thence east 24 chains and 43 links to a point,
running thence south 20 chains and 87 links to the
place ef beginning, containing in all fifty-one acres
more or less in Benton County, State of Oregon:
Also, commencing 20 chains and 97 links west from
the northeast corner of the donation land claim of
Albert G. Hovey, Notification No. 2391, claim No.
43, in township 12 south, range 5 west of the Wil
lamette Meridian, running thence south 18 chains
and 60 links, thence west 22 chains and 8 links,
thence north 18 chains and 6f links; thence east 22
chains and 8 links to the plao of beginning, con
taining 4L06 acres more or .'ess In Bentcn County,
Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash in hand and
said sale will be made subject to the confirmation
thereof by the said County Court ol Benton couuty,
urejjon. -
Executors of the estate ol Kobert E. Cooper, Dec' J.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City. Oregon,
Corvallis. Oregon. Oct 9. 1903,
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory, as extended to all the ruDlic Laud
States by act of August 4, lsaz,
of Wren, county of Beuton, State of Oregon, has
tins day hied in this omce his sworn statement JNo.
63Q7, for the purchase of the S. i of N. E. i of Sec.
No. 12, in T. No. 12 S. R No 7 W, and will offer proof
to show that, the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agncult. ral purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before v ictor
Moses, County Clerk at Corvallis, Oregon, on Thurs
day, tne (th day of January, 1U04
He nam 'a as witnesses:
George Green of Philomath, Oregon. Edward C.
King, Heman S. Pitman and Jesse M Huff t of Wren,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to nietneir claims in
this office on or before said 7th day of January, 1904.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
. Oregon City. Or.. Sept. 15, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
tprov sious of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. en-
titled"An act far the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing-
on Territory, as extended to alt the Public Land
states by act of August 4, 1S92,
of Philomath, county of Benton, state of Oregon,
has this day filed in this ertice his sworn statement
No. 6289, for the Trarchase of the NE of NW yA, of
Sec No. 10, in x'ownship No. 11 S, R. No. 6 W,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its tin ber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Victor P. Moses, county clerk at
Corvallis, Ot-hgon, on Monday, the 30th day of No
vember. 1903.
He names as witnesses: James E. Johnson, ot
Wren, Oregon, Andrew L. Porter, of Nortons, Ore
gon, Michael G. Flynn, and James Barrett, both of
f hilomath, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this omce on or before said 30th day of Nov., 1903.
In the Circuit Court pf the State of Oregon for
Benton county.
G. M. Missall and A, G. Knapp, Plaintiffs,
W. Lair Hill, Julia C. HiU his wife, H. Taylor Hill,
Jennie Hill his wife. G. A. Hill. Julia Hill his
wife, J. L- Hill, M. A. Thompson, Rufus Thomp
son, ner nusDaud, Kupert u. Hill, Etta Kittridge,
Kittridge, her husband, Lenora S Greg
ory, Wm. M. Gregory her hushand, Elijah' Sparks,
Louise F. Sparks his wife, Nathan M. Montgomery,
Ratah Long, Grover Long her husband, William
McConnell, Reuben Hill McConnell, Victor Earl
McConnell, Susan M. McConnell, J. Farmer Hill,
Nathan R. Hill, Margaret Hill, Gertrude Mad
Jocks, H. A. Haddocks, her husband, Julia S.
Marks, J. Coleman Marks, Katie Marks his wife
and the Oregon and Washington Trust Investment
Company Limited, a corporation, Defendants.
To W. Lair Hill. Julia C. Hill, G. A. HiU, Julia Hill,
Rupert C. Hill, Etta Kittridge, Kittridge her
husband, Ratah Long., Grover Long, Wm. McConnell,
Reuben Hill McConnell, Victor Earl McConnell,
Susan M. McConnell, J. Farmer Hill, Nathan R.
Hill, Margaret Hill, and the Oregon and Washington
Trust Investment Company, Limited, a Corpora
tion, seventeen of the above-named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby r. quired to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiffs in the above
entitled suit in the above-named court now on file
with the clerk of the said court within six weeks
from the date of the first publication of - this sum
mons, which fcsiid first date is the 23rd day of
October, 1903, and you and each of you are hereby
notified that if you fail to so appear and answer the
said coir pis in t the plaintiff s for want thereof will
apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in
their said complaint,- towit: For a decree adjudg
ing the plaintiffs to be the owners in fee simple of
the following described lands to-wit: .
Beginning at a pojfU 10 chains north and 12.12
chains west of the southeast corner of section 35 in
township 10 south, range 4 west, of the Willamette
Meridian, in Benton County, Oregon, and running
from thence, north 24.75 chains, thence west 27.88
chains, thence south 18 chains, thence east 10 chains,
thence south 6.75 chains, thence east 17.88 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 62.25 acres more
or less and that a certain mortgage executed by
Squire Montgomery and Sarah A. -Montgomery to
the Oregon and Washington Trust Investment Com
pany Limited, on the 1st day of December, 1876, and
recorded on December 5, 1876 in Book E at page 1
of the record for mortgages for Benton County, Or.,
be decreed paid and the same be cancelled and satis
fied,! and for such other relief as may be meet in
This summons is'published in the Corvallis Ga
zette by order of the Hon. Virgil K. Watters, coun
ty judge of Benton county, Oregon, made at Cham
bers in the city of Corvallis on the 17th day of Octo
ber, 1903. And the date of the first publication of
this summons is the 23rd day of October, 1903, and
the date of the last nublication hereof in the 4th
day of December, 1903. N. M. NEWPORT,
. , Attorney for the Plaintiffs.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
v Valley Points.
Low rouud trip rates have been placed
in effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to ob From Corvallis, $3.00.
C.all on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars.
will convince you that we have va
riety and quantity.
These will keep the feet warm and
Ia ladies shoes we carry the well-
known brands
' - AND '
These goods are stylish, good wear
ers and not too expensive.
Never have we been in position to
offer our customers such good goods
at such low prices.
Corner Main
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept constantly on hand. ' Smokers supplies
a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
The Popular Grocers
Will Give You Low Prices on Groceries, Millj Stock and
Poultry 'Fdbds, Granite and Tinware.'
All Goods Damaged by Fire or Water at a Bargain.
Physician Surgeon
Kooms 14 in Bank Building.
Office Honrs
Residence : Corner 5th and Adams Sta.
Telephone at office and residence.'
Corvallis, - - - Oregon.
Physician 8? Surgeon
Examining surgeon TJ. S.Pension Bureau
The Gazette for
This department of our sore has
just received from Eastern and
Western factories immense ship
ments of shoes and an inspection
Window Shades,
Wall Paper,
Iron Beds,
baby Buggies,
Go Carts,
Art Squares,
Oil Cloth,
and Monroe,
E. It. Bryson
Corvallis, Oregon.
Office la Foatoffic Balldlnc
Titles. ConvKYixctua.
; attorvey-atJlaw.
Practice in all State arid Federal Court.
Office in Burnett Building.
School Books of All Kinds. Old
books taken in exchange for new ni
for cash. Allen & Woodward.