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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
GAZETTE CORVA WEEKLY, M:i:,L'J'Vi.Ciasolidated Feb., 1899. COBVAIililS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903. VOL. XXXX. NO. 37. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import, ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. The arbitrators in the Venezuelan claims case ia in session Surveyor General Eagleson, of Idaho, is to be removed from office. . ' ' The commandant of the Paget sound navy yard asks for appropriations of nearly $3,000,000. The Columbia river bar shows much improvement. There is nearly a foot more water now than this time last year. A new disease similar to bubonic plague has broken out in Cuba and is puzzling doctors who are unable to do anything with it. The third attempt to sail the third race of the present series was a failure on acount of lack of wind. The boats did not even start. A Japanese gunboat would not allow the American steamer Stanley Dollar to land at a Corean port. She was under charter by a Russian firm to load lumber. A war is on bet ween . rival steamer lines from Portland to 'The Dalles. The-passenger rate has been lowered to 25 cents and freight is carried for one dollar a ton. . The negro - suffrage association, of Boston, declares Booker T. Washington is not a fit leader for the race and has asked Roosevelt not to take his counsel if he would hold the colored vote. Ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, has been refused a new trial. . The present summer is the coldest ever experienced in New York. All teamsters in Seattle are on a. strike and other . anions threaten . to join. " - ; . ' Philadelphia and Baltimore have combined in an effort to hold the ex port trade. , Peru will prohibit the immigration of memoers of the religious orders ex pelled from France. Colombia is facing a serious uprising of her subjects. The rejection of the Panama canal treaty is given as the Russo-Japanese negotiations are mak ing headway and there is-no doubt that they will soon be brought to a satisfact ory issue. Ihe wind was again too lignt lor a race Monday, but tne Kenance was farther ahead of Shamrock than in any previous race. ' The appointment of M. Witte by. the czar to be president of the council of ministers is regarded by many as a victory for the war party. German socialists are in a lively wrangle as to the policy they will pur sue in the reichstag. The Chicago Northwestern railway will let out all of its women employes and hereafter employ only men. . The copyright of "Peaceful Henry, a new musical hit, has been purchased by the publishers of "Hiawatha" for $5,000. . - ' Minister Irishman's demands . on Turkey for attemempted assassination of " the; vice consul .- -bring -- quieting answers. Popular subscriptions will be asked from all pai ts of the United ' States with which to secure a testimonial for Sir Thomas Lipton. . The Turkish en voy at Washington, in discussing the attempted assassination of the American consul, blames mis sionaries for the rebellion. ' . Ex-Secretary of . State Powers, of Kentucky, has been found ' guilty of complicity in the 888888111811011 of ex Governor Goebel and sentenced : to be hanged. The recent attack on Vice Consul Magelssen was not the first. About two years ago he was knocked down and robbed by three men. fie attack ed his assailants, recovered his watch and gave them a severe beating. Nebraska and Iowa are still suffering from floods. - Joseph Ha worth, a well known actor, is dead from heart disease. Captain A. 'J. Pearman, -squatter governor of Nebraska under territorial government, is .dead. A San Pedro-Lbs Angeles electric car was held up by three masked men and the passengers robbed. A cloudburst near Moor croft, Wyo., washed out two large bridges on the Burlington. and did much damage to other property. Masked robbers looted the ,Mc Far land, Kan., depot, beat two men into insensibility, and escaped with booty, which was small. i Sir Thomas Lipton has given up all hope of winning a single race in the 1903 series and says he will never again challenge for the America's cup until England produces the eauai of Nat Herreshoff. Twenty Italian soldiers were killed and 80 injured in a train collision near Venice. : . - California growers want the Oregon growers to hold on for 25 cents fer their hops. I RIVAL TO Bid TRUST. Cattlemen Will Establish a Large ing Plant at Kansas City. Pack Kanes City, Mo., Sept. 3. Twenty five stockmen from different parts of the Western grass country met in this city today and arranged to perfect the organization of a packing company to compete with the alleged packers' truBt, The new company was named the Inde pendent packing company. Articles of incorporation will be drawn up to morrow and signed at a meeting to foe held tomorrow afternoon. The com pany will have a capital stock of f -5, 000,000, and will be incorporated under the laws of Arizona. Of the total cap italization, 51 per cent will be so dis posed of as to be held in oscrow by the board of directors of the company This will assure stockmen who will in terest themselves in the plan that the company will always be controlled oy stock interests. The rest of the stock will De sold to stockmen, if possible, althcugh no purchaser will be barred. The division of stock, as decided upon today, was made -to prevent any possibility of tne alleged packers' trust gaining control of the new independent company. Two million of the stock will be issued at first. The rest will be put out later. Formerly it was the plan to include the United States pack ing comapny, of Pueblo, Colo., in the scheme. Now it is predicted on good authority that the Pueblo plant will never be built, but that its capitaliza tion of more than $1,500,000 will either be transferred to the Independent pack ing company or be allowed to revert back to the stockmen w ho subscribed it. Charles F. Martin, secretary of the National livestock association, who was one of the promoters of the United States packing company and a stock holder, is in Kansas City promoting the organiaztion of the Independent packing company. The Independent packing company will build one plant in the Missouri valley, but the . exact location has not yet been decided upon. It is to be in operation in the fall of next year. Another plant will be built later, probably in Texas. WAR IS COURTED. Macedonians Proclaim an Uprising Leaders Head .Outbreak. Sofia, Sept. 3. The Macedonian rev olutionists awaited the anniversary of the sultan's accession to proclaim the long anticipated general insurrection in Northern Macedonia, the proclamation of which was issued today, signed bj all the members of the insurgent gen eral staff. The hew butbpreak is head ed by the famous Macedonian leaders, General ., Zontcheff, .prepiden t pt the Macedonian committee and Colonel Jankhoff, who was wounded in the ris ing of 1902. The new territory covers the districts in the' valley of the Struma,' at the base of the Rhodope mountain chain and to the north of the Nardar river. Colonel Jankoff is directing the movements of the bands in the southern part. It is reported that Hilmi, Pasha,. the inspector general for Macedonia, re fuses to leave his headquarters in the Konakat Monastir. The insurgent leader, Grueff, in a letter to Helmi Pasha, demanded that he prevent the barbarous acts of the Turkish soldiers and Bashi Bazonks, otherwise the revo lutionists would massacre all the Turk ish inhabitants. TEN THOUSAND FOR SHOW. Multnomah Boys Spending This Sum on Portland's Big Fall Carnival. Ten thousand dollars is the sum be ing expended by the Multnomah nth letic club on Portland's big fall carni val, September 14 to 26 inclusive and it is safe to say that the biggest and best show of the kind ever seen on the Pacific coast will be that in September. The giants from the athletic field will be there and lovers of athletic events will have an opportunity to see the big fellows contest for prizes. Low rates have been granted by the railroads and the attendance no doubt will be very large. The boys have decided to make every day a special day and this will be something of an innovation in the way of a carnival. Fair Exhibit Takes Form. Berlin, Sept. 3. Germany's .exhibit at the St. Louis exposition is taking form. Some shipments have already been made, and it ia possible to fore cast the whole with tolerable accuracy. The collective exhibits of ' porcelain, bronzesr textiles, foods, toys, leather- work, interior decorations and 20 more specialties will be complete and will represent the best that Germany can do. The government exhibits, such as transportation, education and art, will be the finest ever sent out of the coun try." . Forty Hurt In Wreck. ' " . Hastings, Ia., Sept. , 3. Passenger train No. 3 on the Burlington was wrecked here tonight in a head-on col lision with a freight engine and three cars. According to statements of pas sengers, the train was running about 10 miles an hour when the collision took place. The passengers were thrown from their seats and about 40 were in jured more or less severely, but none, bo far as reported, sustained serious in juries. Why Canal Treaty Was Rejected. NetjYork, Sept. 3. Dispatches from a Bogota correspondent assert, says ' a Panama dispatch to the Herald, that the Panama canal treaty was rejected by the senate because of the impera tive nature of the notes received from Secretary of the State Hay and United States Ministerv Beau pre. These notes, the correspondent declares, were regarded as offensive. ' HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON IRRIGATION CONQRESS PRIZES. Silver Loving Cups " for Exhibits. Agricultural Governor Chamberlain is in receipt of a letter from Chairman Fred J. Keisel, of the executive committee of the National Irrigation congress, call ing attention to the four $500 prizes to be awarded at the session of the congress in September. The prizes are silver loving cups, one for the best exhibit of hops: one for the best showing of barley, one for the finest display of varied fresh fruits, and one for the best showing of sugar beets, with the highest percentage of sugar. The cup to be given for the best display of fruit is described as being 23 inches in height and weighs 270 ounces. It Is of silver and repre sents the Goddess Pomona distribut Ing the kindly fruits of the earth. . The letter urges Governor Chamber lain to be present, if possible, and to see that Oregon is fittingly represent ed, as the subjects discussed will be of great importance to this state. It will probobly not be convenient for Gov- enor Chamberlain to go to Ogden to attend the Congress, which meets September 15. ' ' WARNER VALLEY CONTROVERSY. Settlers Are Very Anxious Over the Out come of It. , A number of residents of "Warner Valley, Lake County, were in Salem recently to interview members of the state land board regarding the out come of the controversy over the pos session of their homes. The litigation before the federal land department re1 suited in favor of the Warner Valley Stock company. The settlers claimed- as homesteaders wniie tne company claimed under a purchase from the state under the swamp land laws. The settlers, having been -defeated, asked the board to aid. them in retaining the homes they had taken. The board list ened to arguments and has" taken the matter .under advisement. In the meantime, Governor Chamberlain tele graphed the federal land department not to issue a patent conveying the land to the state until he requested it. The land company cannot secure title to the land until a patent issues to the state. Comlng Events. M. A. A. C. carnival, Portland, Sep- tember 14-26. Multnomah Fair Association races, Irvington track, September 21-26. Teachers' institutes Bevms, Sep tember 7-9: Salem, September 9-11; Vale, September 10-12; Oregon City, September ,15-17; Klamath Falls, Sep tember 28-30 ; Lakeview,- October 1-3, and Hillsboro, October 28-30. Oregon National Guard encamp ment. September 3-12; Third Infantry, Gearhart Park; Separate Battalion, Roseburg, September. 3-12. Carnival, Oregon City, September 5-8. Labor Day, Portland, September 7. State convention of mining men, Portland, September 7. - Joint concatenation of Hoo Hoos, Portland, September 9. Lincoln County Fair, Toledo, Sep tember 10-12. State Fair, Salem, September 14-19. Woolgrowers' Association, Baker City, September 14-18. Harney County Fair, Burns, bep- tember 14-20. Races, Antelope, September 17-19. Stock exhibit and race meet, Port land, September 21-26. Fair, Toledo, September 22-24. Second Eastern Oregon District Fair, The Dalles, September 22-26. Carnival, Pendleton, September 26-, October 1. Carnival, The Dalles, September 28- October 3. "Second Southern Oregon District Fair. Eugene, September 29-October 3. Race meet, Sumpter, October 1-5. Klamath County Fair, Klamath Falls, October 6-9. 1 Crook County Jockey Club . meet, Prineville, October 27-29. Scotch reunion, Fossil, October 27. ... Look for Cattle Buyers. ' "There is about 50 per cent more cattle in this valley than can be fed here this Winter," said Patsy Daly, a prominent and prosperous stockman of Prairie City, the other day. "It is not on account of a shortage of hay crop, as it is better this year-than ' it has been for many years, but for want of cattle-buyers. There have been no buyers at all in here this year, which is very discouraging to many stockmen, who have to buy hay, as no stockman can afford to feed $10 hay to his stock and may not be able to buy any hay at all." Looking for Dam" Sites. Civil Engineer F. H. Newell, chief of the United States reclamation ser vice, with a party of advisers consist ing of Civil Engineers J. B. Lippincott, of Los Angeles, Cal., who is in charge of the reclamation surveys in Califor nia; H. N. Savage, consulting en gineer, and John T. Whistler, in charge of the Oregon work,- are in the neigh borhood of Westfall and Willow Creek, to investigate the proposed sites for government reservoirs in Malheur county. New Building for Ashland Normal. . Th Southern Oregon state normal school will open for the coming year on September 14. President Mulkey, who has been traveling extensively over the state in the interest -of the institution, says the prospects for at tendance are the Brightest in its his tory. The new academic and adminis tration building, provided for by the last legislature, is .being rushed to completion. It will be a fine structure and will cost about $8000. School District Bonds Bought. The state land board has cpmpleted Its sixth purchase of school district bonds, the last purchase being $8500 of bonds of school district No.-1," Jack son county. The bonds bear 5 per cent interest. - Bid PLANT AT COTTAQB QROVB. To Work the Largest Cinnabar Deposit in America.' A 00-ton quicksilver plant is going up on the Black Butte mines near Cot tage Grove, in which G,'B. Dennis, of Spokane, is interested.. "Four years of uninterrupted devel opment, said Mr. Dennis," has ex posed the most expansive imbedding or cinmoar ore on the American con tinent if not in the world. The work represents an expenditure of nearly $500,000. ' i I "The Black Butte quicksilver mines are located in Lane county, some 18 miles from Cottage Grove. During the four years 12,000 feet of work has been done, which includes a -vertical shaft to the 1000-foot level. At each 100-foot station a drift running on the foot wall has been driven either afde of the shaft the full length of the pay shoot, 227. feet, and at each level the ledge has been crosscut for its full width of 80 feet. :i 'The average of the ore ia ahnuf 1 6 in quicksilver or $10 a -ton, and there is now blocked out more than $2,000, 000 in quicksilver. The present 40 ton smelting or distilling plant is be ing enlarged to a 300-toh capacity and the mine equipped with a complete electrical waterpower plant, furnish ing power and light, which places the property in position for rworking upon a very large scale." u . Brick Supply Equals Demand. The force of workmen has complet ed the burning of a kiln of 300.0WO bricks, and now the supply of material is sufficient to keep construction work in progress at the penitentiary, reform school and aslyum. At ; each of these places the new buildings and addi tions are under construction. Super intendent James says that although the contract 'for the. construction of an ex ecution chamber at the prison does not require its completion before January 1, the building will be ready for use before that time, and, so far as he can see now, it will be ready before the date of any hanging now in prospect. food River Apples Contracted. Joseph A. Wilson, manager of the Hood River Applegrowers' Union. lias just consummated a $20,000 apple sale. The Davidson fruit company, of Hood River, is the purchaser, and has de posited $1000 to bind ithe sale. The price for fancy four-tier Spitzensbergs is $2 a box ; yellow Newtons, $1.80," the apples' to be delivered? at railway at picking time. Before ithe recent or ganization of the union; buyers were paying $1.45 a box for"7 Spitzenbergs. This is the largest frutt Sale ever made in Hood River. - J v..-t- Much Building at Ashland. It is estimated that the value of building improvements just completed, or ? now under way, in Ashland will reach $50,000, and the high tide of building activity in that city for the past two or three years promises to be equaled before the close of the pres ent season. . A number of new business buildings have recently been complet ed and many new and substantial resi dences are now in course of construc tion throughout the city. Sales of School Land. Though-sales of school land have practically ceased, the receipts of the land department, are undiminished. The monthly, statement, made by Clerk George G. Brown, shows that . for August the collections were $30,036.11, or over $1000 a day. This is equal to the normal receipts while school land was selling. The money now coming in is composed chiefly of deferred pay ments on sales heretofore made. Will Pack Meat on a Large Scale. . Rehor and Hulac of Omaha, Neb., ave bought out Kerr & Housler's meat market and cold storage plant at McMinnville. They are making ar rangements to carry on an extensive pork and meat packing business. Mc Minnville was their choice, due to ex tensive stock raising the farmers have gone Into this last lour or nve years. Yamhill county has ten times the stock today it had six years ago. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7879c; blue- item, 80S2c; valley, 8c. Flour Valley, $3.63.85 per' bar rel; hard wheat straights, $3.04.00; hard' wheat, patients, $4.104.50; graham, $3.33.75; whole , wheat, $3.554.00: rye wheat, $4.50.' Barley Feed, $20.0021.00per ton: brewing, $21; rolled, $2121.60. Oats No. 1 white, $1.07; gray, $1.001.05 per cental. - Millstuffs Bran. $22 per ton; mid dlings, $25; shorts, $22; chop, $18; linseed dairy food, $19. ; Hay Timothy, $14.00 per "ton: clover, nominal; grain, $10; cheat, nominal. Butter Fancy creamery, 2225c per pound; dairy, 1820c store, 15 16c. : ' .. , Cheese Full' cream, twins, 14c; Young America, 15c; factory prices, llisc less. ' , Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12c per pound; spring, 1414c; hens, 1212Kc; broilers. $2.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1012c per pound ;dre8sed,1415: ducks, $44.50 per dozen; geese, $56.50. Eggs Oregon ranch, 19c. Potatoes Oregon, 75 85a per sack; sweet potatoes, 2c per pound. Wheat Sacks In lota of 100, 5)c. .Beef Gross steers, $3. 754.25; dressed, 67c per pound.. . Veal 8c per pound. Mutton Gross, $3; dressed, 5 5Kc; lambs, gross, $3.50; dressed, 6e. Hogs Gross, $5.505.75; dressed, 8c. "' ? V- , Hops 1902 crop, 20c per pound. Tallow Prime, per pound, 45c; No. 2 and grease, 23c. ,' Wool Val ley, 1 7 18c ; Eastern Oregon, 1215c; mohair, 3537c. KILL AND THEN LOOT. Chicago Hold-Up Men Oive Their Vic tlms No Warning. Chicago, Sept. 3. Without a word of warning two men were killed and two others wounded by hold-up men at the barns of the Chicago City - railway company, Sixty-first and State streets. at an early hour today. The shooting was done by three men who escaped after securing $3,000. Three of the men who were shot were working in the cashier's office and the other was a motorman asleep in the outer office The men in the office were shot befoie they were aware of the robber's pres ence ana tne motorman was killed as he was rising from a bench where he had been sleeping. The robbers took no chances, but dis posed of all the opposition of the em ployes before they entered the office Choosing the time when employes were busily engaged in balancing up the re ceipts of the night, just after the last conductor had turned in his money and left the barns, the robbers buddenly ap peared at the receiving window and be gan shooting without warning. Making sure that all opposition bad been removed the robbers then broke open tne door of the cashier's ofhce with a sledge hammer and took from the desk $3,000 in bills. They then made their escape. Four men were arrested three hours later on suspicion of being implicated in the crime. They as yet have not been identified. WANT NO CHANGE OF RULE. Danish West Indies Board Finds People Are Well Satisfied. Berlin, Sept. 2. The National Zei tung says the Danish West Indian com mission is said to have reported as fol lows to Finance Minister flage: "The pcpnlation of the islands is sat isfied to remain under Danish rule. The whites hope from the newly awak ened interest of Denmark in the island an improvement of economic conditions and the fostering of civilizing influences. The negroes, for the' greater part, are indifferent, and know bat little about Denmark. The administration of the islands was found to be nnpractical and expensive and the hygienic condit ions entirely unsatisfactory." It is believed, says the National Zie tung, that the commission will report in favor of reducing the military estab lishment on the islands and reorganiz ing the gendarmerie on modern lines ine report win also suggest that more attention be paid to public instruction, the improvement of the hospitals, the tobacco growing industry and the rais ing of eorn. vJThe commission places great weight on the necessity of com' munication between the islands them selves .nd with Denmark. The hope is expressed that the exports of the is lands can be developed, and in this connection hopes are based on the new ly formed West Indian steamship and land company. HARD ON FOREIQNERS. Venezuelan Government Punishes All Who May Present Claims. . W i Hem stad, Island of Curacao, Sept 2. Harsh justice is being meted out to foreigners residing in the interior of Venezuela, where the local authorities are hunting " down all ' foreigners who dare to present claims against Venezu ela in accordance with the recent pro tocol. Near Coroa, a local tribunal refused to accept the testimony of five Italians. On the latter insisting on tendering their depositions, three were arrested and thrown into jail. Two of them attempted to escape and were fired up on, one being killed. The Venezuelan government does not deny this occur rence, but is doing all it can to pre vent a repetition. It is learned on good authority that letters sent to foreigners from the Ital ian and other legations instructing them to send in their claims were seized in the posts so sb to prevent the claims from arriving at Caracas in due time. Where Mad Mullah Gets Arms. . Aden Arabia, Sept. 2. The principal sources for the supply of rifles and am munition to the Mad Mullah's- forces in Somaliland have been traced through a complete identification of trade marks j through agents at Harsar and JaDutil, Abyssinia, to a London firm. Since j the commencement of the operations in Somaliland, an aggregate of 3.000,. 000 rounds of Lee-Metford rifle ammu nition and correspondingly large num. bers of Lee-Metford and Gras rifles have been shipped by this London firm to Jibutil and Harsar. Chinese Rebels Are Winning. Washington, Sept. 2. Consul Mc Wade, at Canton, under date of August 24, has sent to the state department a detailed account of the insurrection in Kwang Si province, from which it ap pears that in a number of engagements the rebels defeated the government troops. The rebels are reported well armed and well drilled. The insurg ents are led by Luk Kin, who was prominent when Li Hung Chang ruled the empire. Gunboat Sinks at Sea. Cadiz, Spain, Sept. 2. The Austrian gunboat Sherla has foundered off this port. Eleven cf her crew were saved by a French trans-Atlantic steamer. Naval records do not show an Austrian gunboat named Sherla, which name probably was a telegraphic mutilation for the Kerka, an Austrian wooden schooner-rigged gunboat, 147 feet long and 3540 tons displacement. The Kre ka had a speed of nine knots and car ried two 5.9-inch guns and one'2l7-incb gun. She had a crew of 104 men. I WAR APPEARS SURE TURKEY AND BULGARIA MAY CLASH AT ANY MOMENT. Present Conditions Will Force This Step Neither Nation Is Expected to De clare Hostilities, But the Knowing Ones Hold That Only a Miracle Can Prevent Them. Sofia. Sept. 2. In both official and revolutionary circles the opinion is freely held that war between Bulgaria and Turkey is imminent, and can be averted by nothing short of a miracle It is not expected either government will formally declare hostilities, but that the prevaling conditions will force on s war. There is no question that large num bers of insurgents have recently crossed the frontier. An extensive outbreak in Northern Macedonia is probable at any time. The Autonomy prints a telegram from Constantinople declaring that the su'tan, influenced by the consuls of Germany now. favors war with Bulgaria j.oe xurxs nere, However, take an optimistic view, asserting that there is no danger of a war, as Turkey does not deeire one, an1 Prince Ferdinand and tne present .Bulgarian government are not in a position to force hostilities. ine jmiigarian agent at uskub re ports that detachments of Turkish troops sent to garrison the email towns in that vilayet have spread destruction along their route ; the villagers have been robbed and beaten, the women as' saulted and the Christian population subjected to every conceivable outrage. The local authorities appear to be help less to stop tne atrocities. At the vil iage of Rachme, six miles from Uskub, tne soldiers attacked all the peasants without the gendarmes interfering on behalf of the latter. The Bulgarian agent specifies similar excesses in many villages, and the po sition ox the Bulgarian residents is re ported to be terrible, as the cruelties committed by the Turkish authorities exceeded all limits. Dp to 6 o'clock this evening Prince Ferdinand had not arrived in Sofia, and the court officials here declare they are without informa tion as to his movements. TO FIX THE BORDER. Alaskan Commission Arrives in London- Canadians are There Also. London, Sept. 2 Sercetary of War lihULootJBX.-Secretary of State John W. Foster, Hannia Taylor and Judge John M. Dickinson arrived at Liver poo- on the steamer Celtic today for the meetings of the Alaskan Bound ary commission, wnicn will open in London September 3. The commissioners are already famil lar with the facts of the case, which were filed several months ago. At the first meeting of the commissioners next Thursday, the Americans and Canadians will submit their briefs which will be a condensation of the facts and argu ments regarding the interpretation of the treaty. The Commission will then announce the day on which the oral arguments will, be heard. The documents have not yet been made public, but the Associated Press correspondent learns that the whole controversy centers upon Canada's efforts to acquire an outlet to the sea. It is known authoritatively that the Canadian agent asserts that under the Russo-Bntish treaty of 1825 the line properly crosses numerous inlets, in cluding the headwaters of the Lynn canal. The contention seems to be that the inlets less than six miles wide situated in the disputed region belong to Canada. United States Consul Foster vigorous ly opposes this iew holding that the treaty clearly places the line 30 miles inland, following the sinuosities of the coast, thus separating Canada from all the arms of the ocean and putting Por cupine creek and the gold district un der American jurisdiction. The Amer ican representatives are confident that their poistion is unassailable. Hold-Up Man Captured. Butte, Mont., Sept. 2. A Miner special from Havre says: Stock In spector George W. Hall captured Frank Baker, one of the Curry gang, who bad, it is alleged, planned to hold up the west-bound flyer at Malta this morn ing, and would have captured the other two members of the gang had not the sight of the numerous Pinkerton detec tives flushed the game. The company had positive information that tne hold up would occur this morning near Wag ner, where the famous hold-up of two years ago occurred. Cardinals to Be Named. Chicago, Sept. 2. William J. Ona- han, of this city, who returned today from Rome, ia authority, for the state ment that in the near future two addi tional cardinals will be created in the United States. Mr. Onahan was a friend of Leo XIII, and no layman in the country stands higher in the Cath olic church than he. Mr. Onahan would not discuss the names of the men who are to be appointed, and would not evea admit he knew them. Ex-Postal Official Under Fire. Washington, Sept. 2. The federal grand jury, which has been consider ing the postal cases, ' examined one witness today. Action is expected at any moment on the evidence which has j been presented to the grand jury re- garding the acts of an ex-postal official botn during . his term of office and his subsequent legal practice. I TURKS STILL SLAY. Adrlanople Experiencing Reign of Terror Part of City In Ashes. Sofia, Sept. JL The Dnevnik pub lishes a report that one section" of. the town of Adrianople is in ashes, and three other sections are burning. . inhabitants are panic stricken and authorities have lost all control. The the, The, .luiao wo vuiuiuiiuug wnoiesaie mas sacres. An unsuccessful attempt was made, the Dnevnik advices add, to blow up the west bound Orient ex ress be tween TJshunkistri and Tchernkeskia. Only the locomotive, however, was de railed. A telegram from Leren says the rail road station at Ekshi was blown up, a number of officials kilted, and the raiht torn up for a distance of 150 meters. The insurgents have blown up the lighthouse at Vasiliko, and now occupy all the principal points along the Black sea coast. The barracks at Demitka. near Admnople, have been blown up and the garrison killed. Four thous and Albanians are pillaeintr the vil. lages in the districts of Okrida and Krushevo. The latter district has been deserted by the population, which has joined the insurgents in the moun tains. The Turkish forces in the fron tier districts have been largely in creased, i Reports from Constantinople say that 700 medical and veterinary students and army cadets have been given their diplomas and commissions without hav ing passed the usual examinations, and have been drafted into the Third army corps. ;' - An imperial irade has been issued ordering the mobilization of. 60,000 troops at Krushevo, Roumania, about 50 miles from Uskub. Great excite ment prevails in Albania, where the whole population is eager to enlist. DRAFT NEW CANAL TREATY. Colombian Senators Make Many Changes In Panama Measure. Colon, Colombia, Sept. 1. In the issue of the Correro Nacional of Bogota. of Augsut 8, it is stated that the ma jority of the senate committee cn the Panama canal treaty recommended the following, among other amend men st: 'That the Frenrh company must first obtain Colombia's permission to transfer its rights, privileges and con cessions to the United States; that only the zone necessary fo- the construction of the canal ccuJd be given to the United States" (this would exclude the cities of Panama and Colon); "that all the waters required for the canal be placed at the disposal of the United States, but not made their ex clusive property; that no mixed trib- anal s be allowed.' that the United- States laws be inoperative at' Panama. and that a fixed time be given to com plete the canal, failing which the con cession would revert to Colombia." It is learned here that prominent politicians are endeavoring to induce congress to issue a law of authorizations to the president, which would specify that Colombia agrees on principle to negotiate with the United States, . and that a new canal treaty be made by a plural committee, in which all political parties would be represented. WANT BARR TO SAIL SHAMROCK. Englishmen Will Pay Expenses of Five Races if Crews Are Changed. London, Sept. 1. A cable dispatch was sent to Sir Thomas Lipton today offering to guarantee the expenses if he will agree for a series of five races be tween Reliance and Sham brock III with their crews exchanged. . In approving of Sir Thomas' determ ination not to challenge again for the America's cup, the Globe this afternoon voices the despair which marks all the comment on the cup racing, saying: "There comes a time when constant and inevitable defeat wears even the most enthusiastic, and Sir Thomas is well advised to relinquish the struggle while his pluck is so generally recog nized and before his failures have be come a jest. While the American yacht builders are so superior to their English rivals we are not likely to re gain the cup." For Monstrous Drydock. Washington, Sept. 1. Captain Charles J. Barclay, in his annual esti mates recommends the . appropriation of $4,000,000 for constructing a : new masonry drydock at the Puget sound navy yard. He proposes to construct there the largest drydock in the world, sufficient in size to hold two ships at one time. He recommends that the deck be in two sections, to be used f ep- arately or together at will. Captain Barclay urges that the dock be author ized at the coming session, and an ap propriation made to start work. No Yacht Race. New York, Aug. 30. For the first time in the history of the America's cup contests, a race has been post poned because of too much wind. Yes terday the third race of the preeent series was to be sailed. Fol owing the futile attempt of Thursday, when there was not enougn wind to complete the race within the time limit, it was earn estly hoped by yachtsmen that yester day's contest would be decisive and the series completed. South Pole Expedition Heard From. , Berlin, Sept. ,1. The German south pole expedition, which sailed from Kiel - on the steamship Gauss Agoust 11," 1901, has arrived at the island of St. - Helena. In an article -published in - the Magazine Globus, Professor Singer. of the University of Prague, asserls that the expedition has been a failure. and gives the public no further fcnowl- edge than it had before xegarding the ' Antarctic regions. -