v. IHE CORVALUS GAZETTE. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.1903 With thisistueof the Gazette, Geo. L. Pan! severs h s ohhhc tiou with the pijer tu r twelxe ear- of nearly continuous ser vice. He entered as ''devil,'' has Dassed throui;ii the various chairs, as com posit 01, foreman and job printer, and for the last fur'veats he has acted -as editor and business manager. During this latter period the ciiculation of the. paper has nearly doubled, and a ?emi-weekly edition has been added. The Gazette now rides ; Prosperity's sea with a sound hull and well-filled locker, The retiring .skipper is replaced at the wheel by an experienced mariner and the old ship is pre pared for any weather. Mr. Paul leaves this week for San Francisco, where, be will spend the winter. Are Ex-Offlcio Wardens Although the season for kill ing China pheasants does not open for some weeks, we are in formed these birds are bein slaughtered in the fields sur rounding Corvallis. In the light of this information, it may not be amiss to quote the following provisions of the present game law: . From and after the passage of this act the sheriffs, and deputy sheriffs of the counties and con stables of the various precincts . and districts of the state of Ore gon shall be and hereby are created ex-officio fire, game and fish, wardens. Said sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables or wardens shall have power without warrant, to search , any boat, conveyance, vehicle, . fish box, fish basket, game bag or game coat or other receptacle for game or fish, when they have good reason to believe that any of the laws for the protection of forest and timber lands, game and tood fish have been violated; and the said sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables or wardens shall at any time seize and take possession of any and air birds, animals or fish which have been caught, taken or killed at anv time in any manner or for a pur pose, or had in their possession or urider control; have been shipped or about to be shipped, contrary to any f the laws of this state. Any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or warden, as informer or prosecutor, upon the arrest and prosecution of any offender to conviction under the provis ions of this act, shall in addition to the fees to which he may be entitled under existing laws, be entitled to receive one-third of the money collected in such action.: A Recorded Waterway. Acting under instructions from the city council the sewer com mittee of that body has a force . of men' engaged in opening the College ditch from Monroe street to the place where it empties iHto Dixon Creek. . Six men in charge of O. J. Treese began this work last Wednesday, and they expect to complete it in about twelve days. This diteh was opened about' 1891,. but it has . been used as a dumping- ground , by residents along its banks, and is now filled with tin cans, brick bats and all manner of junk. ! The ditch is recorded at the court house as an open water-' way and a penalty attaches to obstructing it in any manner; It drains quite a section of coun try, and is a stream of considera ble proportions during the win ter months. When completed it will be seven feet wide, and .will average four feet in depth. The ditch heads at the lane along the south side of the College campus and empties into Dixon creek near the crossing of the S. P. and C. & E. -railroad tracks, be ing about one mile in length. Real Estate Transfers. 1 S Hudson and husband to G E McDonald, Frac - lot Philo math; $130. ' Stephen Vinson to J. I. Hill, C. D. 10 near Albany; $10. State of Oregon to Jas Meakin, 80 acres, Sec 36, T 14, 7 W; 100. Minnie Xee to F. Herzig, I 30-100 acre College Hill Add; John Wiles (Est) to R.-l-t Wil son, 200 acres west of Wells; 4617.25. SLEEPING APART. A Great Mistake Mads by Married People. Albany Herald. M.writi'l peopl hum M.iiip;r the mono genic relations. Hpci il v make g eat niiotnkt in ainitt lnu Hi !-lv--M to nliep toyeider. Tin .r;u't' . ;i nit-t'liro.. leal to nin"ii'L""iii.t i I f in tiv-H lo eitil't lio'ir nni 1 -i i-vi'iy :M with one pt-iroii not oiry i'."!- : 11 -tjiia.iy..i- I ion of thoe magnetic elementH u tiit:l, when !iveis- 111 ijiumlity nnd quality, produce 1 hyaioul Ltt anion and r-assional love, hut it priuiotea permanent iincon venialiiv bv making the martini pair row; alike phyt-i-'ally. The interchange of individual le:iricit.ies and the absorp tion of pail 1 others exhalations Wad direct y to lenipermcutal inad.iptalion, and to this cause may doubtless be as- crihed one of. " the chief reasons u hy a husband and wife manifest fiicI. a ten dency to grow alike after many ya-s of uompaniont tiip. There is lioii.inu; that will bo derange the nervous system of a person who is eliminative in nervous force as to lie in bed all night with an other person who is absorbent in ner vous force. The world is overrun with afflicted people from the effects of ner vous exhaubtton and physical decay. To such Dr. Darrin invites them to try his electrical treatment, bo successfully applied to thousands of our citizens who have languished in the throes of disease and now enjoy the blessings" of health and happiness. , AN OrEN LETTKK. The following letter speaks volumes for Dr. Darjin's mode of treatment: Dr. Darrin Dear Sir: It is with great pleasure and thankful heart I wish to in form you that I am cured of salt rheum, which I have suffered with for 25 years, at times bo bad that my hands would crack to the bone, and my body waa also badly affected. I have no words that can express my thankfulness to you. Mrs. E. Sherrrett's of Nancottver. Wash"., has known of . my condition, and can be referred to. Refer an); one to me at 3779 Ruby street, Oakland, Calif. Very respectfully yours, ! Mrs. Martha Dailv. ANOTHER OPEN LETTER. . To the Editor: For more than six years I have had catarrh in its most ag gravated form cansiDg headache and sickness at the stomach. Through Dr. Damn's treatment the pah has left, the stomach cured and the catarrh ahout well. I reside rive miUs from Lebanon, Or., which is my address and will gladly talk with anyone on the subject. II. J. Downing. DEAFNESS CURED IN TEN MINUTES. Mr. Editor: I wish to state through your columns that Dr. Darrin cured me of deafness in 10 minutes. Refer any one to me at 423 Clay street, Portland. Henry M. "Williams. DR.. PARRIN'S PLACE OS" BUSINESS. Dr. Darria is located ia Albany at the Revere hotel until Dec. 1st, and will give free examination to all from 10 to 5 or 7 to 8 daily. The poor free except med icine 10 to 11 daily, and. those able to pay at the rate of $5 a week or in that proportion of time the case may require. All curable chronic diseases of. men and women a specialty. If you are troubled with impure blood, indicated by cores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofu lous or syphilitic poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts and $1.00. Allen & Woodward. For Sale. Light buck board, second hand, in good condition. Enquire at this office. Orders for Ice. All orders for 5 or 10 cents worth of iee must be sent to the factory by 9 o'clock in the morning on the day of de livery. Patrons will please observe this rule. M. Ek, Proprietor. Fruit Buyers Attention. ; I have 1000 bushels of Newtown Pip pins in my apple orchard, one mile west of: the court house, Corvallis. Buyers are invited to call and inspect this fruit. . Joun Meeker. - For Sale. A neat and comlortable 5-rooui cottage with 1. lots, three- blocks north of col lege. Call on or address. W. 0: SCHRIBEE. Dr. Lowe, the well known Oeulo Optician, is now at the Occidental, to remain till Wednesday noon. Bible Conference September 1st to 3rd. K. L. C. E. Convention on Friday, in the " tabernacle near the United Evangelical church. Morn ing sessions begin at 9 o'clock and afternoon sessions at 2 o'clock. Evangeli&tie services every eyening. The best ever, arid ever the Lest, Dr. Lowe's glasses. Dairy Farm for Rent. A good dairy farm for rent, miles from Corvallis. Enquire of Wm. Creea. The best of ice cream and all kinds of soft drinks at Small & Son's. vai, . iwu rvnuw w MM I TUU ARE TAKING because the formula is nlainlv nrinteil bottle showing that it 'ui finipV Iron and" Qui nine put in tatelesa foim. No cure, No Pay. SO EXCELSIOR BRAND OILED CLOTHING and SLICKERS CI rutrao twd to fc oc p you drr. The IhwI im.trprooT clothing in the world. (Sot onlv the genuine tho kind thai won't crack, peel or Ret sticky. All sicev all styles, lor all kinds of work. If not at dealers, write to H. X SAWYER A SUM, & Mf rfc- ' Saat Cambridge, Mass. Our Clubbisur List. Suoscrihen t the COItVALMS UAZiSTTE can obtain the following iapers in combination gub HcripUoiM with the GAZKTTK, at the very low priced suited below; cash in ml ance always to ac company tho order. Those wishing two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please correspond with this office and we will quote vou the coinhinli m price. .Wecan save you money on nearly all publications you desire. '. The abbreviations below are explaii ed a follows: W. foi weekly; S Vt for tr.i-weekiy; T W, tor tri- : weekly; II, for monthly; S JI, for semi n onthly. The firt price represents the subscription rate of the publication aion, ami the second the rata tor the publication offered , in conjunction with the senil-wer'. lv OAZKTTK. .. ..- Oruifou Airriculturint and Rural Korthwest, Po. t- land. Or., S.W., 50 cents; l.BO. Oreuouian, Portland, Or., W.,$1.50; 2.S5. : Eural Spirit, Portland, Or., Contains a live-stock market report, W., $2.00; 2.55. Pacific Christian Advocate Por and. Or.. W. $2.00. 3.05., . ' : The Tbricc-a-Weck World, New York, T. W., $1.00; 2.20. Homestead, Des Moines. Iowa, A thorough? stock and farm journal, W.. $1.00; 2.30. , The Kepublic, St Louis, Mo S. W., $1.00; 2.05. The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind., Live stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 50 cents; 1.65. Boston Cooking- School Blagazine, Bi-M., 50 cents; 1.0O. Young People's Wcel Chicago, 111 , W., 50 cents $1.90. Cincinnati Inquirer, Ciiiuinnati, W., i'l.CO; 2 05. The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobdeii . HI., M., 50 cents; SI 75. - Farm, Field snd Fireside, Chitago, II!.. W., $1.00; 2.1 St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, has no riva as a frreat modern newspaper, T. W., $1.00; 2.15. The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90. The Cosmonoliton Maarazine. New York, M., and Atlas of the World, bound ill cloth, 5U pages of latest maps; S ". z.bo. Tke Outing Magazine, New York, M., $3,00; 3.80. Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. W..J1.00; 2.30. Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.15. American Homes, Knoxville, Tenn., M., $1.00; 2.30 McClure's Magazine, New York. M.,$1.00; 2.40. Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville. Ky., one of the best papers from the great South, T. W., $1.00; 2.05. - s "Dairy Fortunes," a neat, well written book of 201 pages on all questions concerning dairyin?, feeds and feedins. the constituent properties of all kinds of feed: 39 combinations forniinjr well balanced rations for dairy cows. Every d.uryman should have it. Price with the Corvallis Gazkttk one year, $2.50. Farm and Fireside, - Springfield, Ohio, S. W., 50 cents; 1.75. . " Women's Home Companion. Springfield, Ohio, $1.00; 2.15. Lippiocott's Msgazine, Philadelphia, Pa., 11 , $2.50; 3.25. Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and Dance), New Yoik, M..S1.00; $2.15. . The Century Magazine, New York, M., $4.00; 6.05. Hoard's Dairvman. Fort Atkinson. Wis., The best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world, W., 1.00: 2.30. . Oresron TouJtrv Journal. Salem, Or., M.. 50 cents; 1.80. ' . ; The Designer, New York, Standard Fasliions, M $1.00; 2.35. 9 J & K2i J U L O BLUE RIBBON State- ; Salem ; ' September 14 - 19, 1903 The greatest Exposition and Live Stock Show on the Pa . cific Coast. " i High Class Racing every afternoon $12,000 Cash Premiums ; on lire stock and farm , products. - All exhibits hauled free over the Southern Pacific. Reduced transportation' rates on ' all lines. . Live Stock Auction Sale held in connection with fair. . t ' Fine camping ground free and re- T duced rates on campers' tickets . t Come and bring your fam- A ' ; ilies. For further in-- " Jf ' formation, write M. D. Wisdom, Secretary A Portland, Oregon. .' CaH for Warrants. Notice is hereby Kiven that there is money in the city treasury to pay all warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to May 24, loOl, also all endorsed street fund city war rants. Interest will stop on the same from this date. Dated at Corvallis, Or., Aug. 14, 1903. Wm. McLaqan, , CitV Treasurer. Cocks for Mating. I have a number of fnllbred, this sea son, roosters for sale as follows: Brown Leghorn. Black Minorcas, White and Barred Plymouth Iiocke; choice $1.00. Must be sold by September 15. Otto F. L. IIerse. Hop growers can now get their hop tickets, with the correct i umber printed on each ticket, at -the same old price of $3.00 per thousand. We have the finest sawed fihinodfl on earth. We also carrv shakes ana cand made shingles, we are . . , .. .. - overbtonkftd on the A caucorl oi?n gle which we. are offering at $2 per v.m,.. . vu. ...i.ir unil urn; rnnvisann . - nrirn Kan, Tiiii " , ,f V'"" - wmj w UtSKeS Kidney S Bnd bladder right. I I.ook for FALL Our New Fall and Winter Stock i now arriving, when compete it will he the largest ami most atlraclive stock of High Grade Merchaii-i'H we ever had I h. pleasure of, Fuumitting to our paiforisv : Store Closes at 6 O'clock RENT or INTEREST Its gasy with our And by combining with others in our co operative plan, you can within a short time Payments less than rent will pay for a house and lot or a farm; payments less than your interest will wipe out your mortgage, if you are now carrying one. This .. up-to-date plan of o operation is the most practi cal and the most beneficial ever of fered in the North west. . ORDER OF FRATERNAL HOME BUYERS, 6iCv611612 McKay Bldg, Portland, Oregon. a GARDNER : Photographer STUDIO 908 NINTH STREET Near College Walk CORVALLIS, K f OREGON. GET YOUR JOB WORK DONE HERE KELLETT'S OIL Of EDEN SWE TS RITSOf EDEN Win Positivelv Cure anv . case of Rheumatism no matter how severe or how : long standing.- THE CALIFORNIA CO-OPERATIVE HEDI CAL COMPANY, OF OAKLAND, : will refund the purchase price to all Rheumatism Patients not cured FOR SALE BY GRAHAM & WELL.S AGENTS FOR CORVALLIS. PHILOMATH MILL CO. MANUFACTURCKS OF FIR LUMBER Complete Stock of Rough and Dreaeed Lumber kept constantly on hand . . t , OFFICES AT PHILOMATH, OR tcxg laxative cromo quinine TaMets. jq Seven Million boxes sold in post 1 2 months. , This ' Sissn&tlire. 12 1903 Phone 691 By a perfect sys tem of combination we give your dol lars the earning power of the dollars of the rich. Re fer to the editdr of this paper. help. NO INTEREST RESULTS CERTAIN ABSOLUTELY SAFE Notice for Publication. ; United States Land Office, Oregon Citv, Or., . Aujfust.8, 1903. rotice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1903, William A. Boss, of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6234, for the purchase of the S of N E of Sec, No. 12, in Township. No. 12 S, R. No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk at Corvallis, OregOD, on Saturday, the 24th day of October, 1903. He names as witnesses: Heman Pittman, of Wren, Oregon, William Green, Thomas D. Hufft, George Green, all of Philon.ath, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 24th day of October, 1903. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice to Contractors. Sealed tenders will be received by the board of directors for school district No. 9, Corvallis, Oregon, until Thursday, August 27th, at 12 o'clock noon, for the erection of an eight room frame school building. Plans and specifications can be seen at F. L. Millei's store, Corvallis, Oregon. Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. - Geo. E. Lilly, Chairman Board of Dirctors. For Sale. Good, young team of mares, weight about 2500. Inquiie at this office. To Cure a Cold in One Day Ackei's Ulood Elixir positively Cures I Chronic Hlood Pokoning and all Scrofu lous alTeciious. At all times a matchless 'system tonic and purifier. Mopey re funded if vou are not satisfied. 50o and1 $1.00. Allen & Woodward, DruSgist j I or ftttlc. . " ., , Tl.re Jft!-- fififeia gvioj milk. Fil let ii itv' rtd Jifey heifei1, highly liieii. o v- ami h Wl at old, Hud KlObe .f 1 mi hp' . Jcibfy huils iiom the best itgibtervd btiaios., A few Jertey bull and heifer, la ves for sale fiom the cele tiraitd imported Jeney bull. Gold Coin. Twelvt rade. two year-old Jersey and Durham heiftra of milk strains. One red Durham bull three Tears old. His culvea are splendid quality. M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Or. " Wanted. ; . llfty i e'lar poles 25 and 30 feet; 7 inch tops or over. Deli vet ed in Corvallis. Apph-ai i.tliceof Pacific States Telephone ana J..K-0ran jouipany. Mr. J. E. Sloper has returned to Corvallis, and parties having wells to dig will do well to secure his ser vices. He makes a specialty of rock drilling. His address is Cor vallir to cur eI a Cold insone day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH drug gists refund the money if itfails to cure E W. GicvC's sigriatureibon each box. CONSUMPTION the most dreaded and deadly of all di seases, as well as pneumonia, and all Lung troubles are relieved at once and cured by Acker's English Remedy "the kins of all Cough Cures.'' Cures coughs and colds in a day. 25 cents. Your money back if dissatisfied. Write for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Allen & Woodward, Druggists. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD. -The greatest farm paper of the Northwest. Published weekly at Salem, Oregon. Edited y the farmers of the North west. Twenty pagey. Illustrated. A western paper for western ueonle. 6a papers for $1.00. Publi cation began Inarch 1, 1000. Now has 9,200 sub scribers. Phenominal growth is due to its being the best farm paper published. You should read t. We will send you the iiomkstead and corvallis gazette for 1 year, to one subscriber, for 82.25. Reduced Excursion Rates to the Seaside and Mountain Resorts Tor the Summer. The Southern Pacific Company has placed on sale at very low rate, round trip tickets to the various resorts along the lines, and also, in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern Eailroad, to De troit and t lie seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good for return until Octo ber 10th. Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay, good going Saturdays, returning Mon days, are on sale at greatly reduced rates from all points Eugene and north on both East and Westside lines, enabling people to spend Sunday at the seaside. Very low round trip rates are also made between Portland and the same points on the Southern Pacific, good going Satur days and returning Sunday or Mondiy, allowing Portland people to speud Sun day in the country, aad out of town peo ple to have the day in Portland. Tickets from Portland to Yaquina Bay good for , return via Albany and East Side, or Corvallis and Westside, at the option of passenger. Baggage checked through to Newport. A new feature at iNewport this year will be an up-to date kindergarten in charge of an experienced Chicago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet de scribisg the seaside resorts oh Yaquina Bay has been published by the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern Rail railroads, and can be secured from any of their agents, or by addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany, Oregon. I hav Had occasion to use your i Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medi. I cine and. am pleased to say that I never used anything for stock that gave half as good satisfaction. ' I heartily recom mend it to all owners of stock. J. B. BELSHER, St Louis, Ma Sick stock or, poultry should not eat cheap stock food aay more than sick persons should expect to be cared by food. When yoor. stock and poultry are sick give them med icine. Don't stuff them with worth less stock foods. Unload the bowels and stir up the torpid liver and the animal will be cured, if it be possi ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the Bowels and stirs rrp the torpid liver. It cures every malady o stock if taken in time.. Secure a 25-cent can of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay fo- itsilf ten times over. Horses work better. Cows give more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. It solves the problem of making as much blood, flesh and energy as possible out of the smallest amount of food con sumed. ; Buy a can from your dealer. Cores Grip , En Two Days. . v ii every Vjfr fUZyr BOX. 25C E A. CATHEY, M. D Physician & Surgeon Hooms 14 in Bank Building. Oiice HourB I a, m. ) to 4 p. ut. Ket-idence; Cor uei 6th and Adan.u 6U. 1 elephout ui office and residence. Corva'lia, . ' . - - Oregon. C. H. NEWTH Physician S? Surgeon 1 Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OBEGON. E. R. Bmjson ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corvallis, Ore'orw Office la Foatoffice BaUala. Notary. Titles. COrfYKYANCIKO. JOS. E- WILSON. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. 1 t - ' ! Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burnett Building. , i - Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies Ccrvsllls, Oregon Established, Incorporated WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most. complete .llne'J oi (Pure Drugs and Chemicals in ; Corvallis. Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, Flue Perfumery, Toilet Artlcls, Combs, Brashest and Mirrors. RUTHYN TURNEY : VIOLIN s Instruction given to beginners and pupils in all stages of advancement. Studio Opposite Parsonage, M. E. Church, (South ) See the New Royal Sewing Machines at E E. WHITE DEALER IN New . and Second-hand Furniture . and Musical Instruments'. Musical Instruments Cleaned, Re paired and Tuned. Satisfaction Guaranteed; PHONE NO. 441. ' tOkvAlllS.OR WatcH Confidence ;. Makes traveling a pleasure, when csrrect time is always a necessity. Yours may he a capable timekeeper, but through incom petent repairing you have lost faith in it. Brine It 1st to 'me. -1. Will repair the vomt wrecked watch, and I will do itf ecoaoml cally. Albert J. Metzoer Occidental Building. ' CoxvaUia, Or. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cures Dyspepsia and all disorders arising from Indigestion. , Endorsed by physi cians everywhere. Sold by gll druggists. No cure no pay. 25 cents. Trial pack -age free by writing U W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Allen & Woodward, Druggists. To the Public. I have leased my truckljfor the period of one year to L. F. Weoster, ho will engage in the truck business. I thank my patrons for past favors, and bespeak for my successor a liberal patronage. I have taken offices in the Ficher brirk, over the poetoflice, and shall engage in the real estate, loan and insurance busi ness. I shall be glad to hae owmrs list with me, property they have for sale, or houses they liaye to rent, , . G. A, BOBIN'SON, Corvallis, Or. Administrator's Notice. Notii;e is hfirchv oHrn fht tli nnMi!,M,.j 1 keen duly appointed by the county court of the at a fja rtf (trMmn Dann ? . . . thfl tat.d.t.P ilf Wm KriatlB flaAoaaaJ A 11 havtn&r claims against said eataU are hereby re- us by law required at my office in Corvallis, Oregon, within six mouths from the date hereof. vatea tnia imu aay of July, 1903. kA , , VT. E. YATES, Adm'r of the estate of Wm. Kriens, deceased. Notice of Gnardlau's Sale of Real . .- Estate.. .''- Notice ) hereby (riven that the onderaiirned as guardian of the peronn and eaUtel of KM Mat Fisher and Lelaad W. Fisher, minorf, will on r Saturday, the 12th day f Septymber, 1003, at the hour of ten o'clock in the tfnreaoon of .M ' day, at the court house door, in the' city of Cur vallia, in Benton eonnt, Oretron offer ' fur Mle and' sell at public auction to the highest liidrtt-r for cash in hand, all the ri'ht title, interest anil estate of said Elsi May Fisher and LelmulW. Fisher, minors, in and to the following- deoiH mil property tt wit: An undivided one thirty-second interest in and to Block number eleven (71) in the County Ad dition tothe City of Corvallis Benton county, Ore gon. . . , Said sale is made under and in pursuance of a license and 1 rder of sale jfnW by the eouaty court of the state of Oreenirfor. Benton conntv the 8th day of Augast, 18, in tlra matter of the guardianship and estate ofsaid Elsi llay Fisher and Lieiauu t. risner, minor Dated this August 14. 1 A Wit' o nnv.M. Guardian of the Denon and estataa r.r k !ai u. m, ao..w. warn ... i 111 1 1. lumwi,. Saha. an J DonJ U7 l?Lkjh ar Sale. Fine stock rajich, 160 acres. Tor 1 ar ticulara addres, J. A. Dawbos, ' ...