Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 21, 1903, Image 2

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FRIDAY, AUGUST 21. 1903."
The growing Spirit of anarchy i,a8
so plainly manifested by recourse by
to mob law on smaller and Still be
smaller nrovocation. is too ser-
i0US a matter to admit of Other
ff. r-
i i J i u
One may treat the lyncher with
severity, without palliating in
any sense the crime ot his vic-
tim. The Oregoman has chosen man wen Hr,a favorably knorwn to all our
to be whimsical in its utterances readers. His caee will go far to estab
concerning this question, and it lien the ekill of Dr. Darrin, who cured
has numerous disciples among
rarwrc nf thp stati that have
a habit of grasping momentous
questions with a profound super.
The Salem Tournal relieves
itself of this bit of wisdom:
"There is one remedy for mob
law and only one. If there is no
crime there will be no punish-
ment. Let the fiend assassin ab-
stain, and there will be no mob
to restrain." Why pause here?
ly radiant intellectual observa
tion: Remove temptation to
commit crime, and there will be
no criminals?
There is a remedy for mob
law. In a recent discussion of
the "Relation of the Law to the
. .. . . . . -r .
MOO opint, viliei justice lvOiee, j
Of Ueleware, said: ,
"One cure for mob law un-
questionably is the fearlessness in
defense of the accused bv his
"Outside of violence, the rem
edy in my judgment, is that the
people shall be taught in season
and out of season that our safetv
as a people lies in implicit obe
dience to the law. This should
be taught in our public schools;
by the press and by the pulpit
and the forum.
"Anarchy lurks under the
pleading garb of liberty and the
assassin clothes himself as a de
fender of human rights. Law
lessness is our danger. Rever
ence of the law and obedience to
her mandates is our salety. A
strone masterful sentiment of
such obedience to law is a sure
cure for mobs."
Visited Their Mines.
, E. J. xDtmn, Robt. Glass, Guy
SeeleyandMr. Thatcher returned
last Friday from the Fall Creek
mining district, where they spent
several days inspecting the mines
discovered by Expert F. M. Hop
kins. The latter accompained
. the party. This property is situ
ated about 35 or 40 miles east of
Eugene on the north fork of the
Willamette, and gives promise of
being very rich.
Mr. Hopkins is an experienced
mining man and he is thorough
ly familiar with this district. " The
gentlemen who visited the mines
with him last week are stock
holders in this property and are
highly , pleased with what they
' law. Much pay dirt is in sight
and the ore is mostly free milling
quartz.; and porphyry. A good
...trail leads to he "mines, which
1' are easy of access. - Assessment
work has been done and the com
pany will incorporate in the near
Special Train "to Albany.
A special train will be run to Albany
over the C. & E., next Thursday, August
27th, to accommodate those who may
wish to attend the performances of
Singling Brothers Circus, which shows
in that city on the above date. The
pecial will have Corvallis at 9 a, m.f
Philomath at 8:40 a. m. Returning,
leaves Albany at 6 p. m.
The rate from Corvallis and Philomath
to Albany and return will be 50 cents;
Granger, 25 cents. These tickets will be
good going on regular or special train
August 27, and for returning on special
train only on sama date. The rates on
the regular train will be the same as on
the special. Tickets from Yaquina to
Wren, inclusive, will be eood on regular
train No. 1, Thursday, August 27, only ;
and for return on) regular train No. 2,
Friday, August 28, only.
For Sale.
young team of mares, weight
bout 2500
Inquiie at this office.
For Sale.
A neat and comfortable 5-room cottage
with IK lots, three blocks north of col
lege. Call on or address.
W. C. Schbiber.
Buy yrrar harvesting outfit
from Nolan & Callahan. Big
stock to select from.
Dairy Farm for 5et.
-A good dairy farm for rent , 1 miles
from Corvallis. Enquire of Wm. Crees.
He Was Deaf, and His Hearing Wis Res-
stored by Dr. Darrin's New Mode
of Treatment.
(Salem Join mil.)
The mil v uomlfrnil ctm-N 1' .
ttceomplibh-d are being tstifiedto
a lust of amice 1 f uiieters who can
seen and consulted on the miraculous
cures on their k-ehlf. It ia safe to Bay
that no specialist has attained the prom-
ment - e of Vr. Uarnn in tins country,
and he cannot neip out meet witn grauu
Those who are disposed to doubt Dr.
Darrin's cures will have their doubts
shaken on reading the following card
from Judge O. P. Mason, of Portland,
him ten years ago:
Dr. Darrin Dear Sir
Your electri
cal treatment is most undoubtedly a
wonderful success. I have been for a
number of years gradually becoming
deaf, particularly in my left ear. Fcr
the last few years I have feared that I
would be compelled to give up my law
practice entirely, as at times I could not
hear well enough to understand what
witnesses testified to, unless they spoke
in a high tone of voice. A short time
ago I commenced treating with you and
now can hear as well as I could 20 years
in hearing anyone speak in aa ordinary
tone of voice. I am frank to say that in
my case your treatment has been a suc
cess. 1 am sorry that I did not apply to
you sooner. Refer anyone to me.
miss cociiran's good luck.
A better pleased young lady could not
ha fnnnil in Alhnnw VPfltPrdflV MlSS
l" J -J
jjthel Cochran, ofMc. Tabor, Oregon
Miss Cochran had been afflicted with
deafness for many years and lost all
hope f cure3 until her neighbor, J. L.
Oxford of Brownsville, who had been
enred of deafness, advised her to con
sult Dr. Darrin at Hotel Revere. With
a faint heart and skeptical to the last
degree, she called on Dr. Darrin and to
her great joy was made to hear nearly as
well as ever. Her aunt, Mrs. C. W.
Yates, of Albauy, saw the treatment and
can vouch for the 'above facts.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at the
Hotel Revere, Albany, from 10 to 5
o'clock daily ; evening 7 to 8, Sunday iO
to 3.
The doctor makes a specialty of all dis
eases of the eye, ear, nose and throat,
catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, la grippe,
heart, liver, bladder and kidney diseases
or those who Bulfer from apathy and in
difference; also consumption, genito
urinary "and ekin diseases in either sex,
such as blood taints, seminal weakness
and lost vigor, varicocele and stricture.
All curable chronic diseases treated at
$5 a week or in that proportion of time
as the case may require. The poor
treated free, except medicine, from
10 to 11 daily. No case will be pub
lished ' except by the permission of the
patient. All business relations with Dr.
Darrin strictly confidential. Electrical
appliances furnished. One visit is de
sirable, though many cases can be treat
ed by home treatment by writing symp
toms. Eyes tested and glasses fitted.
. The doctor will remain until October
1st and those wishing treatment will do
Well to call soon as many require second
I want 1000 tons of hay to bail this
season. Parties wishing this kind of
work done will do well to call on or writ
to the undersigned. The price will be
reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed.
.' J. R., Hablan.
If you are troubled with impure blood,
indicated : by sores, pimples, headache,
etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood
Elixir, which we sell under a positive
guarantee. It will, always cure scrofu
lous or syphilitic poisons and all blood
diseases. 50 cts and $i.00. Allen &
Orders for Ice.
All orders for 5 or 10 cents worth of
ice must be Bent to the factory by 9
o'clock in the morning on the day of de
livery. Patronj -will please observe this
rule. , M. Ek, Proprietor.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or.,
Aurust.'8. lBus.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
proYisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for the male of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon,. Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Pttblio Land
States by act of August 4, 1903, William A. Ross, of
Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
S234, for the purchase of the 8 ot N E of Bee.
no. ii, in iownsnip. no. iz a, k. jno. 7 net, and
will offer proof to show that the land sons-ht
is mora valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk at
Corvallis, Oregon, oa Saturday, the 24th day of
October, 1903.
H6 names as witnesses: Reman Pittman, of
Wren, Oregon, William Green, Thomas D. Hufft,
George Green, all of Philomath, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims jn
this office on or before said 31th day of October, 1909.
Notice of
Guardian's Sale of
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as
guardian of the persons and estates of Rlsi Hay
Fisher and Lelaad W. Fisher, minors, will on
Saturday, the 12th day ef September, 1903,
at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, at the court house door, in the city of Cor
vallis, in Benton county, Oregon, offer for sale and
sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, all the right title, interest and estate of
said Elsi Hay Fisher and Leland W. Fisher, minors,
in and to the following described rel property to
Wit: An undivided one thirty-second interest in
and to Block number eleven (11) in the County Ad
dition tothe City of Corvallis, Benton county. Ore
gon. Said sale Is made under and in pursuance of a
license and inter ot sale granted bv the eonatv
court of the state of Oregon for Benton conntv. An
he.8th day of August, 1003, in the matter of the
,gysdjAnship snd estate of said Elsi Hay Fisher and
Xeland ff. Fjsher, minors.
MUU?AgV$ 14,1903.
Guardian of the persons aqd estate; of fclsi May
fisher and Leland W. Fisher, mjpoi,, '
Is no hindrance to the
' rider who wean
Man or saddle can not get wet.
Tor all kinds of work.
Warranted waterproor.
Look for traoe-marK.
It not at dealers, write
B. Saw7.r Im, SwUMta.
XHt CaabfMc, SUM.
Our Clubbing List.
ii k. rnpvit.T.ra ti a ttf. no
obtain the M'owintr iper. hi comWnation sub-
Boriptloii. with. the OAKTTfc ;, at the very
prices statea miow; chii m uiii I
company the order. Those wishing two or more
.o.HlWtlnna named with the GAZETTE, will pli
correspond with this office and we will quote you
the combination price. We can save you money on
nearly all puiiliuauons you desire.
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
W, foi weekly; 8 W lor semi-wees ly; i m, ir m
weekly; II, tor monthly; S H, lor semi nonthly.
Tt. Ant nrlra mirMaiits the subscription rate of
the publication alone, and the second the rate for I
the publics lion offered in conjunction witb the
senil-weeklv GAZETTE.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port
land, or., a. w., oo ceuie; ei.ou.
Oretronian. Portland, Or.. W., LM; IM.
Rural Spirit, Portland, r Contains a live-stock
market report, n ., sa.w; 31.00. .
Pacific Christian Advocate For and. Or., W.
$2.00. 3.05.
The Thrice-a-Week World, New York, T. W.,
LOO; 2.20.
Homestead. Des Moines. lows, A thorough stock
and farm Journal, w.. l.ou; tau.
The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., $1.00; 2.06.
The American Fanner. Indianapolis, Ind., Live
stock, farm and poultry Journal, M., 00 cents; 1.00.
Boston Cookioe School llagaxine, Bi-M., 50 cents;
Youn People's Weekly, rhlcsfc-o, ul, w., 60 eents
Cincinnati Inquirer. Cincii.nati, W.,1.C0; 2 06.
The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , III, M.,
50 cents; $1 75.
Farm, Field and Fireside, Chicago, I1L, W., $1.00;
81. Louis Globe-Democrat. St. Louis, has no riva
as a great modern newspaper, T. W., SL00; 2.16.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90.
The Cosmonolitan Hamzine. New York. M
and Atlas of the World, bound in doth, 66 pages of
latest maps; I ; 2.85.
The Outing Magazine, New York, M., $3,00; 8 SO.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. W.,S1.00; 2.30.
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.15.
American Homes. Knoxville. Tenn., M., $1.00;
McClure's Magazine, New York, 11., 81.0U; 2.40.
Twlce-a-Week Courier Journal. Louisville. Ky..
one of the best papers from the great South, T. W.,
Dairy Fortunes, a neat, well written book of
204 pages on all questions concerning dairyinir,
feeds and feedine. the constituent properties of ail
kinds ot feed; Si combinations terming weu
balanced rations for dairy cows. Every-dairyman
should have it. Price with the Cobvallib Gazrttk
one year, $2.50.
Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, 8. W.,
50 cents; 1.75.
Women's Home Companion. Springfield, Ohio,
$1.00; 2.15.
Lippiocott's Magazine. Philadelphia, Pa., M.
$2.50; 3.25.
Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and IMnce), New York.
M..S1.00; Silft.
The Century Magazine, New
Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. . Wis., The
best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world, W.,
1.00: 2.80.
Oreiron Poultr journal. Salem. Or., M.. 50
cents; 1.80. : ...
The Dciirner, New York, Standard Fashions, M,,
$1.00; 2.35.
, Pocket Atlas of the World. 881 paces, containing
colored maps of all the Mates and territories in the
United States, the province of the dominion of
Canada, and of ererv country and civil division on
the face of the globe. 'Also valuable statistical in
formation about each state and connty, giving the
population of every large city in the wor esides
other valuable information. A hsndy ! reference
work for every perkon; with Corvallis U kits one
year, 2.00.
. American Agriculturist, Chicago, III. , including
copy of Year Book and Almanac, w., si.ou; 2.80.
September 14 - 19, 1903
The greatest Exposition and Live
Stock Show on the Pa
cific, Coast
High Class Racing every afternoon
$12,000 Cash Premiums
on live stock and farm
All exhibits hauled free over the
Southern Pacific.
Reduced transportation
all lines.
rates on
Live Stock Auction Sale
held in connection with fair.
Fine camping ground free and re
duced rates on campers' tickets
Come and bring your fam-
ilies. For further in
formatio'n, write
M. D. Wisdom, Secretary
Portland, Oregon.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money in the city treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the general fond
and endorsed prior to May 24, loOl,
also all endorsed street fund city war
rants. Interest will stop on the same
from this date.
Dated at Corv"lif. Or., Aug.J4, 1003.
. Yh. WcL,qn,
City Treasurer.
Our premium department is open
PrenciuniP for everybody. Get cou
pons with every purchase of 25
cents or more at Kline's.
The best of ice crearn and all
kinds of soft drinks at Small &
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Toaic
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui
nine put in tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay - 50
BAN ft E R 8 A LVE
, the most 1 liny aalv In the world.
! r i.
r AS-
A. Quantity of Remnants have accumulated during ot;r late Sale
which will be sold regardless of
Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, White Goods, Table Likens, Towelins,
Outine Flannels. Muslins, Shirtings, Percales, Ginghams, Ribbons,
idLca Aiiuuioiuwiwa,
Ytfomens and Children's Shoes,
ISOV H OU11S. vJUUJUiCl uivuui
Our New Fall Stock
Store Qoses at 6 O'clock
Its easy with our
And by combining with others in our co
operative plan, you can ,withm a short time
. Payments less than
York,M..woo;.o5.U1QUse and lot or a
than your interest
mortgage, if you are
This upVtoddte
plan of co operation
is the most practi
cal and the most
beneficial ever of
fered in the Northwest.
610611.612 McKay Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Near College Walk
E. D. RESSLER, President.'
Will Positively Cure anv
case of Rheumatism no
. matter how severe or how
v fopg standing.
will, refund the purchase
price to all Rheumatism
Patients not cured
graham: & WELL.S
'ca Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
2Zm hnvec feU In nasi 1 2 month. This f2tim V
cost. There are Remnants of
-- -
Summer Underwear, Men's and
Titr O r .
J au ai.i, kiuuiuivi vv .j
is Now Arriving.
Phone 691,
By a perfect sys
tem of combination
we give your dol
lars the earning
power of the dollars
of the rich. Re
fer to the editor of
this paper.
rent will pay for a
farm; payments less
will wipe out your
now carrying one
Training School for Teachers, Courses arranged
especially for training teachers for all branches ot
the profession. Most approved methods for graded
and ungraded work taught in actual district school.
The demand for graduates of this school as teachers
far exceeds the supply, The Training Pepartment,
which consists ot a nipe grade public school of
about 350 pupils, is well equipped inajl its hranphes
including Lloyd Music, Prawipgand Physical
Training. The Normal course the pest and quick
est way to State Certificate. Fall term opens Sep
tember 22. For catalogue or information address
J. W. rUTLER, Secretary
Complete Stock of Bough and
Pretsed Jjijmber kpt constantly
on hand
offices v
Acker's Blood Elixir positively Cures
Chronic Blood Poieoning and all Scrofu
lous affections. At all times a matchlees
system tonic and! pnritier. iMoey re
funded if you are not satisfied. 50c and
$1.00. Allen & Woodward, Druggist
Illl Nil'..
Thief J-n"' 1.. iinis ftiviuv: uiilk. hi
ipi 11 r k'"' ' Jfii-ev ln-ifpB,
litrtl, v niii Ii It tiil-!.l. Mini thobe
of ltniK-'- Jeie bunt, lioin llie lies I
regittfrt-d fcu.its A few Jersey bull
and heifer ra.tea fcr sale fiom the rele
briittxl imoiied Jersey hull. Gold Coin.
Twtrlvw ti.du imo year-old Jersey and
Durham heifers of milk strains. One
red Durham bull threo ears old. His
calves Hre pplerwlid quality,
M. s. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Or.
W nn ted.
I Fiity't-edar poles 2o an J 30 feet; 7 inch
I tops or over. Iliveied in Corvallis.
; Apply at otl'u eof Pacific .Stales Telephone
'ami Teleraf li Cuuipaii).
Air. .T. E. S.i it r has returned to
Corvallis, ai.d parties having wells
to dig will do well to secure his ser
vices. Ue makes a specialty of
rock drilling. His addrees is Cor
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drug
gists refund the money if " itfails to cure
E" W. Glove's sigcatureiton each box.
the most dreaded aod deadly of all di
seases, as well as pneumonia, and all
Lung troubles are relieved at once and
cured by Acker's English Remedy 'the
kins of all Cough Cures." Cures coughs
and colds in a day. 25 cents. Your
money back if dissatisfied. Write for
free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Allen & Woodward,
farm paper of the Northwest. Published weekly at
fcsiem, Oregon. Edited by the farmets of the North
west. Twenty pages. . Illustrated. A western paper
for western people. 62 papers for $1.00. Publi
cation began Aiareh 1, 1900. Now has 9,200 sub
scribers. Phcnominal growth is due to its being
the best farm paper published. You should read t.
we will sena you the homestead ana corvallis
gazette for 1 year, to one subscriber, for $2.25.
Reduced Excursion Rates to the
Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the Summer.
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale at very low rate, round
trip tickets to the various resorts along
the lines, and also, in connection with
the Corvallis & Eastern Eailroad, to De
troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay,
latter tickets good for return until Oeto
ber 10th.
Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay,
good going Saturdays, returning Mon
days, are on sale at greatly reduced rates
from all points Eugene and north on
both East and Westside lines, enabling
people to spend Sunday at the seaside.
Very low round trip rates are also made
between Portland and the same points on
the Southern Pacific, good going Satur
days and returning Sunday or Monday
allowing Portland people to spend Sun
day in the country, and out of town peo
ple to have the day in Portland.
Tickets from Portland to Yaquina
Bay good for return via Albany and
East Side, or Corvallis and Westside, at
the option of passenger. Baggage
r checked throuah to Newport. A new
feature at Newport this year will bean
up-to date kindergarten in charge of an
experienced Chicago teacher.
A beautifully illustrated booklet de
scribing the seaside resorts on Yaquina
Bay has been published by the Southern
Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern Hail
railroads, and can be secured from any
of their agents, or by addressing W. E.
Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or
Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R
Albany, Oregon.
have had occasion
Draught Stock and
cine and am pleased to fay that I never
used anything for stock that gave half as
good satisfaction. heartily recom
inend It to all owners of stock.
), g. BELSHER, St loui. Mo.
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock fbod any mora than
sick persons should expect to be
cored by food. When your stock
and poultry are siek give them med
icine. Don't stuff them with worth
less stock f ood3. Unload the bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and the
animal vn.
ill be cured, if it be rxssi-
ble to cure it. Black-Drai
ht Stock
and Poultry Medicine
oads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady off stock if
taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can
of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pay f o; itsqlf ten
tiroes over. Horses work better. Cows
ive more milk. Hogs sain flesh.
d hens lay more ecsa. It solves the
problem ot mating as much blood,
flesh, and energy as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
Cares Grip
in Two Days.
on every
dox. 25c.
Physician $ Surgeon
Kooms 14 in Bank Buildin.
Oficf Hourb . lUtoU
I i K 4 p. 1-
Kei:iciTe: t.'iii'iiei 5L i.d Atitioia Btbi.
leieptuiuv at uUiu; Hiiil rtxti- .u. e.
Coiva'iis, - - - Oregon.
Physician y Surgeon
Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureau
E. R. Biyson
Corvallis, Oreorv.
6fSce In Poatoffice BalldlaK.
Notary. Titles. Convxyabciko.
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office in Burnett Building.
Drugs ft Medicines Kodaks & Photo Suppli ea
Corvallis, Oregon
Established, - Incorporated 189
The most complete line ol Purc Drugs od
Chemicals In. Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article
Combs, Brashest and Mirrors.
Instruction given to beginners and
pupile in all stages of advancement.
Studio Opposite Parsonage,
M. E. Church, (South )
See the New Royal Sewing Machines at
New and Second hand Fomiture
and Musical Instruments.
Musical Instruments Cleaned, Re
paired and Tuned.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
PnONE .). 441. ' COkVlUPjOK
Have purchased the Photo Gallery
of Mr. Philips, on Main street, aud
will be pleased te -meet old friends
and new ones at their Studio.
Work strictly Tim-etas.
fancy Portraiture and Genre
Work a Specialty
Developing and Finishing for the Trade
Makes- traveling a pleasure, when correct
time is always a necessity. Yours may be
a capable timekeeper, but through incom
petent repairing you have lost faith in it.
Bring It In to too. I Will repair the worst
wrecked watch, and I will do it. economi
cally. Albert J. Metzeer
OccldentalI Building. . Cotvallla, Or,
cures Dyspepsia and all disorders arising
from Indigestion. Endorsed by physi
cians everywhere. Sold by gll druggists.
No cure no pay. 25 cents. Trial pack
age free by writing t W. H. Hookeb h
Oo., Buffalo, N, Y. Aukn & Woodward.
To the Public.
I have leased my tru k iox the period
of one year to L. F. Wooster, who will
engage in the truck business. I thank
ray patrons for past favors, and bespeak
for my successor a liberal patronage. I
have takeu e mcee in the Fi ber brick,
over the poetoffire, and shall engage in
the real estate, loan and insurance busi
ness. I shall be gld to bavA onf rs lint
with me, property they have for sale, or
houses they have to rent.
G. A, Robpnuon,
Corval is, Or.
Administrator's Notice.
Noti 1 hereby e;iven that the umterslipisd has
keen duly appointed by the (x'uuiv wurt of thl
state of Oreeoii fpr Benton county, adnaiuistratorof
the estate of Win. Kriens, deceased. All persona
having claims against said estate are' hereby r,
quired to. present the sanie to ate nronerly verified
as by law required at ny offge in CorsallU, Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 16th day of July, 19ua.
- " w- B- YATES, r
AdmV of the esUU of Wm. Kriens, deceased.
For Sale. '
Fine stock anch, 160 acres. For par
ticulars address,,
J. A. Dawson,
, : , Harlan, Of,