Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 14, 1903, Image 2

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Every good citizen wi.l in
dorse the stand taken by Presi
dent Roosevelt in his letter to
Governor Durbin, and will ap
prove every sentiment uttered
therein. Whatever of impul
siveness may be charged to the
President for his action, is more
than balanced by the gravity of
the causes that made it necessary.
. The Gazette has been out
spoken in its condemnation of
' mob violence and protest against
the disposition in high places to
palliate the crime of the lyncher.
It has branded the leaders of the
mobs as anarchists and called
upon all citixens to have rever
cnce for the law.
In beginning his letter to Gov
ernor Durbin," the President said :
"I feel, my dear sir, that you
have made all men your debtors
who believe, as all far-seeing
mea must, that the well-being,
indeed, the very existence of the
Republic, depends upon that or
derly liberty under the law which
i as incompatible with mob
violence as with any form of des
potism. Oi course, mob vio-
lence is simply one form of an
archy; and anarchy is now, as it
always will be, the handmaiden
and forerunner of tyranny.
"I feel that you have not only
reflected honor unto the state
which, for its good fortune has
you as its chief exeoutive, but
upon the whole Nation. It is
incumbent upon every man
throughout this country not only
to hold up his ' hands in the
course you have been following.
lnt tn dnnr tiie a 1 1 -r i f i r n that !
the matter is one of vital con
cern to us all.
"All men must feel the grav
est alarm over the growth of
lynching in this country."
After reviewing the many re
cent cases of lynching, and ad
monishing the courts to visit cer
tain and swift punishment upon
men who have been found guilty
of a crime like rape or murder,
the President deplores the in
dulgence of the mob spirit in
these terms:
"Surely no patriot can fail to
see the fearful brutalization and
debasement which the indul
gence of such a spirit and such
practices inevitably portend.
Surely all public men, all wri
ters for the daily press, all clergy
men,, all teachers, all who in any
way have the right to address
the public should with every
energy denounce such crimes
aad to support those engaged in
putting them down."
The Mystery Cleared.
The mystery surrounding the
disappearance of George Arm
strong was cleared up last Sun
day, when some loggers found a
badly decomposed body in the
Willamette river near Sydney,
Marion county. Mrs. Armstrong
and son viewed the 'remains and
identified them positively as
those of the husband and father
who was last seen alive on the
morning of March 2, 1903. The
clothes were identified' as
those of the missing man, and
the beard still remained on one
side of the face. The body was
buried last Wednesday afternoon
at the Palestine cemetery near
Mr. Armstrong was a promi
nent farmer and had resided near
Wells for a number of years.
He ""was 59 years of age at the
time of his death, and besides a
wife, left four grown sons to
mourn his death.
On the morning of his disap
pearance he had attended a meet
ing of the district school board
and seemed in his usual good
health and spirits Returning
home he changed his clothes and
went down in the timber, where
the hired man was chopping
wood. -This was about ten
p'clock. After a few moments
of conversation, Mr. Armstrong
started for the house a quarter of
a mile away. From that mo
ment he was asraipletely lost
as if the arth had swallowed
him. Searching parties were
organized, and the river was
dragged, but to no purpose.
As is always the . case many
theories were advanced as to the
cause of his disappearance and
his probable whereabouts. By
some it was thought that he had
been a victim of foul plav, others
lielieved he'had left tbe country,
while those with a more practi
cal tarn of mi ad were couvmced
that the missing man had fallen
in the- river while temp rarily 1
deranged. r ' -
Thls Eminent Divine Upholds the Adver.
Using Doctor Whose Becomes Known.
" Albany Herald.
That most eminent tlivin, i lie late
lev. Henry Ward Blier, pui ii ly ad
vocated the advert ibing doctor, as he
ouce stated in the following word:
'I aui glad that tlm doctor cured him.
I am glad that the doctor put it into
the paper that he uonld care him. And
if any doctor is certain that he can cure
such diseases and don't put it into the
paper, I am sorry. What a pity it would
have been had t his doctor come to town
with his wealth ot science and exper
ience, and gone away leaving him uu-
c 11 red! What a pity it would have been
if he had been so prejudiced against ad
vertising as to read the responsible certi
ficates of the doctor and give 'him the
go-by as a quack ! What are newspaper
lor it not to circulate information? What
more valuable information could a news
paper give than to tell a sick man where
he can be cured ? If a man has devoted
his life and labor to the study of a special
class of diseases, the necessity of hid
saying so becomes all the more pressing
His duty to advertise becomes imperious.
A really able man, whatever his gift?,
mattes a great mistake if lie fails to use
those gifts through want of advertising
The above extract from an able article
of the Rev. Mr. Beecher embodies i
sound view on the subject of advertising.
Suppose Dr. Darrin had come to the city
and Hot advertised, who would know ot
his presence ? Since Dr. Darrin has been
in Albany he has relieved more ajjony
and suffering than toBgue can tell His
testimonials have substantiated his
cures. The fact that his offices at the
Revere Hotel are crowded the greater
part of the time and t hat few go away
dissatisfied, is pretty good evidence of
his success.
The editor of this paper is personally
acquainted with many of the people
named as cured by Dr. Darrin.
J. W. Pate, Jefferson, Or.,, rheumatism
and diabetis, cured.
A. G. Bvere, Independence, total deaf
nesa, cured. 1
Mrs. T. James, Salem, female trouble,
tumor, heart trouble and headaches, re
B. G. Dove's daughter, Salem, diabetis
Mrs. S. Stanfield, 323 Mill street, deaf
ness and discharging ears.
F. H. Habn, 11 State street, Salem,
catarrh, cured.
Henry Voegeli, Medford, Or., deafness
L. Ewenson, Brownsboro, Or., deatV
ness, cured.
C. C. Presley, Grants Pass. Or., deaf
ness, cured.
Wm. Senor, Medford, Or., deafness 20
years, cured. -
Mrs. Wm. Druschel, Canby, Or., total
deafness, cured.
Charles Carney, Jacksonville, Or., ca
tarrh for years.
Mrs. Martha Woodruff, Cleveland
Or., partial paralysis.
Ex-Judge G. C.ockett, Merlin, Or
deafness 10 years.
Wm. Hunter, Eugene, Or., catarrh 20
Dr. Darrin gives free examination to
all, and when necessary gives medicine
in connection with electricity. The
poor treated free from iO to 11 daily, ex
cept medicines, muse wining to pay
10 to 5 ; evenings, 7 to 8 ; Sundays, 10 to
8. Office at Revere House, Albany, an
til Oct. i.
Call for Warrants
Notice ia hereby given that there
money ia the city treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the general fund
and endorsed prior to May 24, I9OI,
also all endorsed street fund city war
rants.. Interest will stop on the same
from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., Aug. 14, 1903.
Wm. McLagan,
City Treasurer.
Letter List.
For tbe week ending Aug. 15, 1903.
Persons calling for these letters will
please state date on which they were ad
vertised. They will be charged at the
ate of one cent each :
Mrs. Delbert Bradstet, Mrs. J. H. Mc
Diarmid, John Duffey, A. J. Ervin, J.
E. Gould, J. H. Johnson, Leopold Levy,
Emma Mulkey, Burt Morrison, Mrs.
Margaret Pickard, Fred Stephens, M.
Stenstrom, Frances Taylor, Wm. Wade,
Estel Wilson. ;
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
I want 1000 tons of hay to bail this
season. Parties wishing this kind of
work dene will do well to call on or writ
to the undersigned. The price will be
reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed.
J. R. Habxaw.
Suffered Eight Months.
I can heartily recommend Acker's Tab
lets for dyspepria and stomach troubles.
I have been suffering for eight months
and tried many remedies without anv re
lief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tab
lets, which I used nly a short time and
am now perfectly well. Thanking vou
for the speedy recovery, I am gratefully
yours, Francis I. Gannor, Vancouver,
Wash. Send to W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., for a free trial package.
(Nothing like them.)
Orders for Ice.
AH order w5orl0 cents worth of
ice must be seat to the factory by 9
o'clock in the morning on the day of de
livery. Patron 'will please observe ifs
rule. M. Ek, Proprietor.
tSil n"n w5, wc
Kr l Oiled Clotblnr.
lie! .n tlie world. Will
not crack, peel or get
!Ukv. Look for trarte
mark. If not at dealer'
send lor catalogue.
II . M . 8c j r (mm. Sale Hf r.
Saturday evening, Julv 2ath, on the
Philomath road, a meerschaum pipe.
Finder please leave at this office and re
ceive reward.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or..
Aua-ust. 8. 1008.
Notice is hereby triven that in compliance with the
provisions of the act ot Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States Of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory, as extended to all tne ruoncLna
KtntM hv act of Auirust 4. 1903. William A. Ross, of
Philomath, county ol Benton, state oi uregon, na
ihia dav filed in this oftice his sworn statement rso.
.14 for the uurchue of tbe S M of V E V ot Sec,
will offer proof to show that the land sought
rn. l-z. in lowiisniD. nu. xs a. a. i uu
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
aid land before Victor P. Moses. County Clerk at
Cnrvallis. Oreiron. on Saturday, the 24th day of
October. 1003.
He names as witnesses: uemau ruunt vi
Wren. Oresron. William Green, Thomas D. Bufft,
George Green, all of Philomath, Or.
described lands are requested to . file their claims in
Anv and all uersons claiminor adversely toe auovc-
this office on or before said 24tn aay or vciouer, xmo
ALGER NO a. Hcgister.
Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real
Notice li hereby given that the undersirned as
guardian of the persons aud estates of Kui Alay
f unerfpui tieiaoa n. risaer, minora, wui vn
Saturday, the 12th day ! September, iaoa,
at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said
dav. at the court house door, in the city of Cor
vallis, in Benton county, Oregon, offer for sale and
all at Dublia auction to tbe hitrhest bidder for cash
in hand, all the right title, interest and estate of
said Elsi May Fisher and Iceland w. ri.ner. minors,
in and to the following desciibed rol property to
witr An undivided one thirtv-seccad interest in
and to Block number eleven (11) in the County Ad
dition tothe City of Corvallis, Benton couuty, Ore-
earn sale is maae nnaer ana in pursuance ui a
license andtrderof sale granted by the county
court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, en
the 8th dav ot August, l0l, in tne matter oi tne
guardianship and estate of said Elsi May Fisher and
Leland w. Fisher, minors.
Dated this August 14, 1W3.
Guardian of the persons and estates of lsi May
Fisher and belaud w. inner, minors.
" SALEM ';
September 14 - 19, 1903
The greatest Exposition and Live
Stock Show on the Pa
cific Coast.
High Class Racing every afternoon T
$12,000 Cash Premiums
on live stock and farm
All exhibits hauled free over the
Southern Pacific.
all lines.
rates on m
Live Stock Auction Sale
held in connection with fair.
Fine camping ground free and re- A
, duced rates on campers' tickets
Come and bring your fam-
ilies. For further in
formation, write
M. D. Wisdom, Secretary
Portland, Oregon. '
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, lit. W., 60 cents
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W Si. CO; 105.
The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , 111.. M..
60 cents; $1-75.
Farm, Field and Fireside, Chicago, 111.. W., $1.00;
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St Louis, bSs no rlra
as a great modern newspaper, T. W., $1.00;. 2.15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90.
The Cosmopolitan Hagasine, New York, If.,
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 66 pages of
latest maps; ( ;"2.85.
The Outing piegadne, New York, H., $3,00; 3.80.
Pacific "Homestead, Salem, Or. W.,tLO0; 2.3a
Table Talk, Philadelphia, H., $1.00; lli
- American Homes. Knokville, Tena, M., SLOO;
McClure's Magazine, New York, M., $1.00; 2. to.
Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky.,
one of tbe best papers from tbe great South, T. W.,
$1.00; 2.05.
"Dairy Fortunes," a neat, 'Well written book of
20 pages on all questions concerning ouryine,
feeds and feeding, the constituent properties of all
kinds of feed; 89 combinations forming well
balanced rations for dairy cows. Every dairyman
should have it. Price with the Corvallis Uazkttc
oae year, $2.50.
Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, 8. W..
60 cent; 1.76.
Women's. Home Oomi -anion, Bpringfleld. Ohio.
$1.00; 2.15. '
LippiocoU'8 Magatine, Philadelphia, Pa., M.,
$2.60; 8.25. . . . ? '
EvV Month (Musfft. -'ong aiid IXnce), Kew York.
M-.Jl.OO; 2.15.
the Century Maitaiiiv, New York. M., 14.00; 8.05.
Hoard's Dairyman, Fort, Atkinson. Wis., The
best most up-to-date ttairy journal iu the world. W..
1.00: 2.30. .
Oregon Poultrj Journal, Salem, Of., M., '60
cents; 1.80. .,
The Designer, New York, Standard Fashions. M
$1.00; 25.
Pocket Atlas of the World, 881 paires, containing
colored maps of all the states and territories in tbe
United States, the - province of tbe dominion of
Canada, and of every country and civil diviviou on
the face oi the globs. Also valuable statistical In
formation about, each state and county, giving tbe
population of every large city in the wor esides
other valuable information. A bandy preference
work for every person; with Corvallis G bttb one
year, 2.00.
American Agriculturist, Chicago, 111., including
copy of Year Book and Almanac, W., $1.00; 2.30.
When you take Grove's Taateleu Cnllf Taale
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle -showing that it if simply Iron and Qui
nine put iu tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50
the most h joII ng salve In the world.
i auantitv of Remnants have accumulated during our late Sale,
which will be sold regardless of
Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, White Goods, Table Linens, lowcltngs,
Outine Flannels, Muslins, Shirtings, Percales, Ginghams, Ribbons,
Laces Embroideries, etc. Also
Women's and Children's Shoes,
Boy's Suits, Summer Skirts,
Our New Fall Stock
Store Closes at 6 O'clock
a. asi sMaWMMHal
Its easy with our
And by combining with others in our co-
operative plan, you can
Payments less than rent will pay for a
house anid lot or a farm; payments less
than yoiif interest will wipe out your
mortgage, if you are now carrying one.
This ? up-to-date
plan of co operation
is the most' practi
cal and the ? most
beneficial ever of
fered in the North-,
. 610611612 McKay Bldg,
.' Portland, Oregon.
Near College Walk
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p.m.
" " Corvallis 2:00 p. m.
" arrives Yaquina 6:25 p. m.
1 Returning: ,
' Leaves Yaquina .... 6 :45 a. m.
Leaves Corvallis.... 11:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany . . . . 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detroit: ?
Leaves Albany; . . . . 7 :00 a. m.
Arriyes Detroit .... 12:05 p. m.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit . . . .12:45 p. ra.
Arrives Albany . . . . . 5:35 p.. m.
Train Ka. 1-arriyes in Albanj' in
time to connect with the S. P. south
bound train, ae well as giving two or
three hours in Albaay befoie departure
of 8. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
traina at Corvallis and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and adjacent
Train 3 for Detroit, Brei ten bush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon,
giving ample time to reach the Spr.ngs
same day. v..
For further information apply to
Edwin Stonb,
H. H, Cbonise, Manager.
Agent. Corvallis.
Thos. Cockkell, Agant Albany.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
.Cmmii MTTRrm Kmt said lit BASt 12 month S. TliSS RlSTTtatrrTt.
cost. There are Kemnants ot
odd lots and uroiceu lines oi Men s
Summer Underwear, Men's and
Wrappers, bummer Corsets, etc.
is Now Arriving.
Phone 691,
By a perfect sys
tem of combination
we give your dol
lars the earning
power of the dollars
of the rich.' Re
fer to the editor of
thi6 paper.
vviinm a suuu miic
Bay your harvesting outfit
from Nolan & Callahan. Big
stock to select from.
Dairy Farm for Rent.
A good dairy farm for rent , 1 . miles
from Corvallis. Enquire of Wm. CreeS.
Our Clubbing List.
Snogcriben to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain tbe following papers in combination sub
scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very lo
prices stated below; cash in adxnce always to ac
company the order. Those wishing- two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will please
correspond with this office and we will quote you
the combination price. We can save you money on
nearly all publications you desire.
Tbe abbreviations below are explained as follows:
W. foi weekly; S W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri
weekly; M, for monthly; 3 M, for semi monthly.
The first price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alone, and the second the rate for
the publication offered in conjunction with the
semi-weekly GAZETTE.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port
land, or., S.W., 60 cents; L 80.
Oregonian, Portland, Or., W., $1.50; 2.66.
Rural Spirit, Portland, Or., Contains a live-stock
market report, W., (2.00; 2.66.
Pacific Christian' Advocate Por and. Or.. W.
2.00. 8.06.
The Thrice-a-Week World, New York, T " W.,
S1.00; 2.20.
- Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough stock
and farm journal, W.. ? 1.00; 2.30.'
The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W.. $1.00; 2.05.
The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind.. Live
stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 60 cents; L66.
Boston Cooking tScbool 1 aazine, Bi-M., 60 cents;
To Cure a Cold in One Day
We sell the greatest of blood purifiers '
Acker'e Blood Ehxer, under a positive
guarantee. It will cure all chronic aud
otber blood poisons. If you have erup
tions or sores on jour body, or are pale, '
weak or run down, it is jnst what you
need. We refund money if you are not
Kutiblifd. ;ii (-flit Him $1.. A'len- &.
W IMIllrtHMl, til HjlM.-,. 1
rr Sale.
Thrto Jersey heifers giviu milk. Fif
teen reniHtire.1 Jersey heiferp, highly
bred, one ami halt years old, and those
of leHHHge. Jersey bulls from tlie best
registered strains. A few Jersey bull
and heifer ca.ves for sale from the cele
lira I 1 imported Jersey bull. Gold Coin.
Twt lve grade two year-old Jersey and
Durham heifers of milk strains. One
red Dm ham bull three years old.. His
calves rre splendid quality.
M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Or.
Fifty t' poles 25 an I 3J feet; 7 inch
top or over. Delivered in Corvallis.
Apply at office of Pacific States Telephone
and Telegraph Company.
Mr. J. E. Sloper has returned to
Corvallis, and parties having wells
to dig will do well to secure his ser
vices. He makes a specialty of
rock drilling. His address is Cor-
to cureIa Cold intone day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drug'
gists refund the money if itfails to cure
E" W. Gloves sigDalureiiion each box.
If you desire a good complexion, use
Moki Tea, a pure'herb drink, It acts on
the liver and makes the skin smooth and
clear. Cures sick headache; 25 eta. and
50cts. Money refunded if it does not
satisfy yon. Write to VV H Hooker & Co ,
Buffalo, N. Y. Allen & Woodward,
dru ggists.
farm paper of tbe Northwest. Published weekly at
Salem, Oregon. Edited by the farmers of the North
west. . Twenty pages. Illustrated. A western paper
for western people. 62 papers for $1.00. Publi
cation began iiarch 1, 1900. Now has 9,200 sub
scribers. Phenominal growth is due to its being
the best farm paper published. You should read t.
We will send you the hojiestead and corvallis
eAZRTTi for 1 year, to one subscriber, for $2.25.
Reduced Excursion Rates to the
Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the Summer.
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale at very low rate, round
trip tickets to the various resorts along
the lines, and also, in connection with
the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, to De
troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay,
latter tickets good for return until Octo
ber 10th. "
Three day tickets, to Yaquina Bay,
good going Saturdays, returning Mon
daye, are on sale at greatly reduced rates
from, all points Eugene, and north on
both East and Westside lines, enabling
people to spend Sunday at the seaside.
Very low round trip rates are also made
between Portland and the same points on
the Southern Pacific, good going Satur
days and returning Sunday or Monday,
allowing Portland people to speod Sun
day in the country, and out of town peo
ple to have the day in Portland.
Tickets from Portland to Yaquina
Bay good for return via Albany and
East Side, or Corvallis and Westside, at
tlie option of passenger. Baggage
checked through to Newport. A new
feature at Hewport this year will be an
up-to date kindergarten in charge of an
experienced Chicago teacher.
A beautifully illustrated booklet de
scribing the seaside resorts on Yaquina
Bay has been published by the Southern
Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern Rail
railroads, and can be secured from any
of their agents, or by addressing W. E.
Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Ce., Portland, or
Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R.,
Albany, Oregon. -
Mrs. Fred Unra-th,
President Country Club, Benton
Harbor, Klcta.
"After my first baby was born I did not
teem to regain my strength although the
doctor gave me atonic which he consid
ered very superior, but instead of getting,
better I grew weaker every day. My hus
band insisted tfjat I take Wine of Cardui
for a weak and see whet it would do for
me. I did take the medicine and was very
grateful to find my strength and health
slowly returning. In two weeks I was out
of bed and In a month I was able to take
up my usual duties. I am very enthusi
astic In its praise."
Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs
of generation for the ordeal of preg
nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis
carriage. No woman who takes Wine
of Caxdni need fear the coming of her
child. If Mrs. TJnrath had taken
"Wine of Cardui before her baby came
she would not have been weakened as
she was. Her rapid recovery should
commend this great remedy to every
expectant mother. Wine of Cardui
regulates the menstrual flow.
Cures Crip
In Two Days.
a every
box. 25c.
Physician Surgeon
Itooins 14 in Bank Building.
Ofiee Honr. I J002 m
J l lo 4 p. !
K?i.i-iii-t:: iun.ei 5ih tti,d Adam St
'1 e it-phone at otlict aud residuttce.
Oorva'lis. - v- - - Oregon.
Physician Surgeon
Examining surgeon D. S.Pension Bureau
E. R. Bryson 7
Corvallis, Oregon. , i
Office ia Poatoffice Building,
Notary. Titlks. Cojivxyakcixg. '
Practice in all State and Federal Cotirt.
Office in Burnett Building.
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Suppliet
i. a -
Porun Ilia ft ra rrr n
Established, Incorporated
The most complete :line'. oi '(Pure Drugs and
Chemicals in..CorvalH.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Articla,
Instruction given to beginners and
pupiltt in all Btages of advancement.
Studio Opposite Paksonage,
M. E. Church, (Suuth )
New and Second hand Furniture
and Musical Instrument.
Musical Instruments Cleaned, Re
paired and Tuned.
- Satisfaction Guaranteed. .
KO. 441.
U) t A J J IP. OH
Eaunmrs. EG. Emery
Have purchased the Photo Gallery
of Mr. Philips, on Main street, ai.d.
will be pleased to meet old friends
aud new ones at their Studio-!
Jill Of orR Strictly first-glass.
Fancy Portraiture and Genre
' Work a Specialty
Developing and Finishing for the Trade
Makes traveling a pleasure, when carrect
time is always a necessity. Yours may be
a capable timekeeper, but through incom
petent repairing you have lost faith in it.
Bring; it in to me. I Will repair tne worst
wrecked watch, and I will do it. economi
cally. Albert !. Mftt7nPT
Occidental Building.
Corvallis, Or.
that gets pour lungs sore and weak and
paves the way for preumonia and con
sumption, or both. Acker's English
Remedv will stop the cough in a day and
heal vour luugs. It will enre Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all threat
and lung troubles. Positively guaran
teed, and money refunded if you are not
satisfied. Write to us for free sample.
W. H. Hooker & Co.,-Buffalo, N. Y. .
To tHe Pttfellc.
. I have leased my trHrk.'Jfor tl.e period
of one year to L. F. Wooster, ho will
engage in the truck business. I thank
my patrons for past favors, and beppeak
for my successor a liberal patronage. I
hflvfl rnlin nfBnpa in -th. Vtcliav
over the posioiFice, and shall engage in
the real estate, loan aad insurance busi
ness. I shall be glad to have owners list
with me, property they have for sale, or
houses they have to rent.
G. A. Rojunm'N.
Corval is. Or.
Adtniciotrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby (tiven that the unJersiTned has
ksen duly appuuite-l by the connlr coort of th
utato of Oregon tor bvnion county, atimiiiUtratoc of
the nutate of Wm. Kriens, dec-eased. All persons
having claim, against salt estate are hereby re
quired to present the same to me vronerlv reriflnl
as by law required t my odtce in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this 16th day pf July, 1903. .
AdmV of the estate of Win. Kriens, deceased.
For Sale. 1"
Fine stack rn h, 160 $ru p. f For 1 ar
ticulars 8ilIrs-, - , , ,
J. A. Dwson,
' Hojj8n,Pr.,