Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens the delicate lung tissues, deranges the digestive organs, and breaks down the general health. . It often causes headache and dizzi ness, impairs the taste, 6mell and hearing, and affects the voice. Being a constitutional disease it re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Radically and permanently cures ca tarrh 6fThe nose, throat, stomach, bowels, and more delicate organs. Head the testimonials. No substitute for Hood's acts like flood's. Be sure to get Hood's. " I was troubled with catarrh 20 years. Seeing statements of cures by Hood's Sar saparilla resolved to try it. Four bottles tntirely cured me." William Sherman, 1030 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Train was a Trainer." George Francis Train was congratu lated on the hot rake-like selling prop erties of his recently published autobi ographical book. "Yes," he said, "but lots of pecple want free copies." "Indeed?" "Ye , there must be an impression abroad that I am an accommodation Train." New York Times. BEAUTIFUL TEETH. Wise Brothers are Adding Another Charm to Woman. It is getting to be distinctly the fash ionable thing to have a fine set of teeth. This is one of the mcst effective rea sons why modern dentistry has made such a big step in advance. The mother who now-a-days refuses to have her daughter's teeth attended to is regarded as having little love for her child. No longer is there fear of pain, for toot b-fil ling, and tooth palling, is attended by no pain what ever. The most comfortable and lux urious apartments are provided by the leading dentists, and the prices are ex ceedingly low. Wise Brothers, the famous dental firm in the Failing Building, Portland, Ore., have done more than anyone elee in the Northwest to bring about this condition of affairs. It is as correct a thing for ladies and gentlemen to be as careful to have a nice, white set of presentable teeth, as it is for them to keep their hands clean. Physicians and all rp to-date people welcome these facts, for they indicate that hu manity is making a long stride- ahead. Instead of caring for the teeth being a bugbear, it is greatly a matter of com fort and pleasure. After the teeth are put in perfect order once it is a slight duty easily watched to keep them so. Go to the dentist regularly at least once in six months and you are all right. And, for the sake of yourself and your friends, don't neglect your teeth a day longer. The next time you visit Portland step in at Wise Brothers and see for yourse f hiw simple and inex pensive it it to h ive a good, beautiful set of teeth again. Compromised. "Whew!" exclaimed Nuwed, "what's the matter with this mince pie?" "Nothing," replied his wife, who was a white ribboner. "I followed your mother's recipe except where it called for brandy. I put in root beer instead." Philade phia Press. ' A New Kind. Miss Townfrom Oh, I'm afraid to eat those hard, boiled eggs. My doctor Bays they are so very indigestible. The Sanitarium Hostess But these eggs are exceptions. They were laid ; by hens that are fed with predigested corn and wheat. Judge. Extortion from the Inexperienced. "It cost me $1,000 to get my di vorce," said the Boston woman. "You were swindled," replied the woman from Chicago. "That's about twice as much as I ever paid for any of mine." Philadelphia Record. CANNOT Rheumatism must be through the blood, and no remedy brings such prompt and lasting relief as S. S. S. It attacks the disease in the blood, neutralizes the acids, and removes all irritating or poisonous substances from the system. S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it circu lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposits are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer Is happily relieved from the discom forts and miserv of Rheumatism. External remedies are all right so far as they go, but they don't go fat enough, and you can't depend upon them to do the work of a blood purifier, and those who pin their faith to liniments and plasters as cures are bound Rheumatic sufferers who write us about their case will receive valuable aid and helpful advice from our physicians, for which no charge is made. We will mail free our special book on Rheumatism, which is the result of years of practical experience in treating this disease.- It contains in condensed farm' much information about Rheumatism. TIIZ SWIFT &PZOIFIO CO., ATLAMTA, OA No Limit. She None of your "love in a cot tage" for me. I want a brown etone houre in a fa h enable neighborhood. He And 1 euppoee you want it in your own name, too. Brooklyn Life. One of Many. He What do you think of young Windig? She Reminds me of a phonograph. He Hw is that? She He talks a great deal, but never says anything original. Ashanti's Butter Tree. . In Ashanti there grows a tree resem bling in appearance our oak, which furnirhee excellent batter. This vege table butter keeps in good condition all the year round in spite of the heat, in its natural state. They Needed Amusement. A little girl who had been watching some friends of her aunt playing euchre afterwards said to her mother: "I never saw such a sad lot of people in my life, they are always saying 'hearts are lead." The Natural Location. "Mamma, where is the mouth of the Mississippi river?" asked Lucy. "I know,"' said little Johnny, look ing up from his play, "it's wight under it's noee." Portrait of Mrs. Roosevelt. The portrait of Mrs. .Roosevelt, with her daughter Ethel the work of Miss Cecilia Beaux will be published for the first time in the April Century's article on "The Restoration of the White Houfe." The portrait was painted for Mrs. Roosevelt and at her request, in the White House, and will remain in possession ot the Booeevelts instead of becoming the property of the government. How True This Is. Lead a perfectly worthless life, do nothing but amuse yourself, and if you complain bitterly of it every one will think you respectably serious; but if you once allow it to be seen that you are content, then- your oldest friend comes to' see you and will do nothing but scold you for your frivolity. Duer Miller, in Lippincott's. An Anti-Noise Conference. Fifty mutes, representatives of var ious deaf and dumb societies, recently held a conference in Chartiers, France. The chairman called the assemblage to order by pretending to ring a bell, and speeches were made in the deaf and dumb-alphabet. Asked and Answered. "What," aeked the youth from Lud low, "is the great Eecret of success?" "The great secret cf success," replied the Norwood philosopher, "is to find something you can't do then do it." Cincinnati Enquirer. In Chicago. Stella Did she ask'you to her fare well bachelor dinner? - Bella No, but she promised me an invitation to her next divorce tea. N. Y. Herald. Just Saw the Point. ' Dalton How that English chap did laugh at your joke. . Waller Yes, he must have heard it before.' The Reason Why. She What an extraordinary picture and why on earth do you call it "Horn?" He Can't imagine, unless it's be cause there's no place like it. Illus trated Bits,. Her Kindly Assurance. "I don't take any interest in these investigations as to whether monkeys talk," remarked Willie Wishington. "I don't see why you should," re marked Miss Cayenne. "I don't be lieve a monkey would be able to tell you anything that you couldn't have thought of for yourself." Pope Leo's Many Legacies. The pope has been happy in legacies. It has been reckoned that during his pontificate a sum of sore than 1,000, 000 pounds has been bequeathed to him in various ways, $600,000 having come to him in one year, and one re cent bequest being for no less than $200,000. BE RUBBED OUT But a good liniment or plaster will often give temporary relief because it produces counter irritation or reduces the inflammation and sore ness. But no sort of external treatment can have any effect whatever upon the disease itself, for Rhoamatmm la not a skin dlsoaso, but is due to an over acid condition of the blood, and the deposit of irritating- matter or Uric Acid salts or sediment in the muscles and joints, and no amount of rubbing or blistering can dislodge these gritty particles or change the acid blood. Rheumatism often becomes chronic, and the mus cles and joints permanently stiff and useless and the nervous system almost wrecked, because so -much, time is lost in trying to cure a blood disease with outside applications or doctoring the skin, treated . LovtiTUle, Ky., March 87, 'OS. Gentlemen: I am glad to say that S. 8. S. has cared ins of Bhennaatism. About two years ag-o I suffered from Rheumatism in. my knees and feet, my ankle welling mo that I couM not put on my shoes. This continued for several months, daring- which time I was applying- liniments and going by my physician's directions, but derived no benefit. I was told of S. S. 8. and tried it. I immedi ately rot relief, and continued the medicine until X was entirely well. 8108 Floyd St. X). J. DTJANE. to meet wiin disappointment, ana win be nursing a case of Rheumatism the greater part of their lives. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, does not contain any Potash or mineral of any kind, and can be taken with safety by old and young. PUCK'S MODERN COOKBOOK. Advance Sheets Secured from Publish era' at Great Cost. Dressed celery Bathe the celery carefully In tepid, soapy water. A Turkish bath, though advocated by some. Is not necessary unless the celery has been playing out In the dirt. Dress each stalk daintily In va rious colors. A white Swiss muslin frock, with blue ribbons, is pretty, or a pale pink chiffon made up over green taffeta. Cup cake Take two coffee cups and a tea cup." Dresden china Is best, but cauldron or other English ware will do. Break the cups Into small bits, after which pound them Into powder. Sift this carefully into a bowl and add six eggs, also broken. Bake. In a quick oven and when done sift a pow dered sugar bowl " over them. LJLtle cup cak'es are especially nice for af ternoon teas. ' Waffles Take a large piece of sole leather, cut it into oblong shapes and mark It off Into small squares. Fry In any old grease and serve with hot sirup. These are Just tpo waffle for anything. Ribbon cake Take four yards, or say four yards and a half, of narrow blue ribbon, and a yard of light pink ribbon. Place these in a chopping bowl and mince into fine shreds. Add a spool of sewing silk and a paper of needles. Mix- thoroughly and spread between layers of ' well-pounded cake. Bath buns In a good-sized bath tub set" several bath sponges to rise over night. In the morning remove the sponges, squeeze well and add two ounces of powdered soap and an ounce of orris root. Make up into small buns, place carefully in a sponge basket and fry in boiling lard. When done sprin kle thickly with powdered sugar and serve with a whisk broom. CONVERSATION AS A FINE ART. -Lessons in Talking Should Become Part of Our Kducation. "Before these days of dellghfully written and widely distributed descrip tions of passing events, conversation was regarded as an artistic . accom plishment, and valued a great deal more highly than It Is at present," said a matron In the New York Trib une. "We hear so many curious facts, we see so much more of the world than our coach-traveling ancestors, that the spirit of astonishment is less easily conjured than of old, when the sciences had destroyed fewer of our illusions and mankind was less analyt ical. Crispness, conciseness and hu mor are the Indispensable Ingredients of the dish offered to the jaded men tal appetites of the, old and young of to-day. Lessons in the art of con versation should be considered quite as necessary to a girl whose mind is expanding In the hothouse of her lit tle school world as instruction in the sciences or modern languages. The chief difficulty, apart from the girl her self, would be to find a teacher com petent to make the study both profit able and interesting. But fjhe cause is well worth a struggle, and the only thing is steady, serious, daily culti vation. Some people are born with a turn for conversation; It comes by na ture to them to make the apt repar tee, the sympathetic phrase, when oc casion calls for It? others have the airy manners, the speaking glance from liquid eyes, the reserve thawing, con tagious laugh. These are gifts of the favored few; but we are all-endowed with the faculty of intelligible speech, and It behooves us to regard the mak ing the utmost of it not as a mere frivolity, but as 'a duty to our social neighbors." Live Woman Farmer. Mrs. Nellie E. Lakin, of Boscawen, in'. H., is said during the last year to have carried over $500 worth of farm produce to the stores of Boscawen and Penacock, $400. worth of which she raised on her own farm, x doing the work almost wholly herself. Last sum mer she loaded and stowed away forty loads of hay. She raised 100 bushels of corn, cutting most of ft up and husking all of it; also raised eighty five bushels of potatoes, digging most of them herself and putting them Into the cellar. Last fall she picked 200 bushels of apples. She did -all the work In her garden, and had four cart loads of vegetables. She drove to Pen acock once a week, missing but four weeks during the year, and all through last spring and since last September she has driven to Franklin twice a week to carry her 16-year-old son George to the Franklin High School. In addition to all this work, she has performed the ' household duties In a family of five, continues the Woman's Home Journal. When New Hampshire women can do farming in this ener getic way. It Is no wonder that in 103 granges of that State a majority of the members have recorded .themselves In favor of female suffrage. Yet the op ponents of equal rights for women will no doubt assure the public that the New Hampshire woman would be crushed under the burden of a ballot. Get Something Anyway. f "Fannie Brown drove twenty miles to see an old mahogany bureau. that belonged to some farmer's family." "Did she get It?" "No. She found It was stained pine with a warped front and a broken leg." "So she had her ride for nothing." -"You are wrong. She broke the car riage, the horse lost a shoe, and the honest farmer Charged her $3 for a s-lnaui nf milk find tha hnrsa tnot n ! Cleveland Plain Dealer. Plenty on Hand. "You would get along a great deal better If you didn't get so excited," i said tne calm man to . his irascible friend. "Can't yOu learn to keep your ' temper?" . i "Keep my temper! Well, I like thatl" retorted the other. "I'd 'have' you understand that I keep more tem per In one day than you hive in your posset sien during a whole year" Have No Relfs-ion. Mr. Hanbury, the recently returned Arctic explorer, who has been study ing the Eskimos, says they have no re-J ligion not even a belief In a Supreme Being. I Never demand that a busy man stop work to applaud j ou. - . - j HOW A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ESCAPED SPRING CATARRH BY THE USE CF PE-RU-NA Nothing Robs One of Strength Like Spring Catarrh- Spring Fever is Spring Catarrh. MISS HELEN WHITMAN. Miss Helen Whitman, 308 Grand avenue, Milwaukee.,' Wis , writes: "There is nothing like Peruna for that tired feeling, which gives you" no ambition for work or play. After a prolonged illness, about a year ago I felt unable to regain my health, but fonr bottles of Peruna made a wonderful change and restored, me to perfect health. As long as you keep your blood in good condition you are all right, and Peruna seems to fill the veins with pure, healthful blood. 1 thoroughly endorse it, MISS HELEN WHITMAN. Have you got nerves? Well, you ought to have nerves. But they ought to be strong nerves, good nerves. Does your hand tremble? Yon are living too fast." Does your heart flutter at times? You had better call a bait. Americans live too fast. They crowd too mu h into a single day. Thjy have too little leisure. The hospitals and insane', asylums are filling up. The quiet, pastoral scenes of yore are becoming rare. It's time that we quit this sort of business. How to Get Strong Nerves. Fir.t, repair the injury already done to your nerves. The way to do thisis to do exactly as did Mattie B. Curtis, For Sweet Charity. " Hazel Young Banker seemed to be greatly taken with me at the ball last night. He danced with me four times. Helen Oh, well, that doesn't prove anything. It was a charity ball, you know. N. Y. Times. Example at Hand. ' u "Want to -learn how to weave bas kets, do yon?" said Mr. Upjohn, irrit ably. "What queer freaks you some times takel" "Why, yes," placidly replied Mrs. Upjohn. "I think T took one when I married you." Chicago Tribune. Something Doing. In a western Ontario city a newspa per organ, is booming a mayoralty can didate on the ground that he is "a man who does things." The ' opposition organ, on the other band, alleges that he is a man who does the people. Ottawa Citizen. Hint for Indian Fighters. "Are there any marks by which the bay can be identified," asked the police superintendent, making 'copious notes of the case. "No," said the father of'the missing youth, who had run away from home to fight Indians, "but there will be when I get hold of him again." - Tit Bits. Difference in Rank. "Say, captain, won't yer. please gim me a dime?" "Naw, I jest gave me last dime to a guy wot called, me admiral." Chicago American. v Many-Sided Man. "A man is like the ' moon," said Janet,' abruptly. - "When it is under a cloud!" ex claimed Sir Francis. "We see him night after night," Janet continued, "yet it seems that there's one side that's always hidden from us." Lippincott's. . - Not en the Menu. One day when my brother was a little boy, my grandfather was a guest at din ner. That afternoon1 a neighbor said to my brother : . "Yon had your grandpa for dinner, didn't you?" "No sir," was the prompt reply; "we had turkey." " I suffered terriblv and was ex tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla; and was soon feeling all right again." - Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matterhow long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. v Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it; throw away everything else. $160 a battle. Allanqfiste. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparina. He knows all about this grand old family medicine. Follow his advice and w will be satisfied. J. C. ATIS to., loweit, nass. eecretary of Legion of Loyal Women, Hotel Salem, Boston, Mass. She said in a recent letter: "I suffered for over a year with general weakness and, de bility, manifested in severe headache and backache. I took four bottles of Peruna, and for two months have been entirely free from these maladies." Nervous Prostration. Thousands of cases might be quoted in which Peruna has been used to res cue people from the perdition of de ranged nerves, and put them on the good, solid foundation of health. The county auditor of Erie county, New York, Hon. John W. Keff , in a recent letter written at Buffalo, Now York, Real Estate Note. - Governess How many feet make a yard? Ethel I don't know, but I heard Mr. Johnson say last night that there were 5,000 square feet in his. Somer ville Journal. f PMNfANGUISH MGELTHOU: Sold EvEmzHME. Difference. "What sort of a man is my husband? Well, before we were married he would n't kave the house before midnight, and since that he never enters it be fore." Journal Amusant. Piso's Cnre is a good coupb. medicine. It has cured coughs and colds for forty years. At druggists, 23 cents. Fads In Dinner Napkins. Napkins became popular in France sooner than in England. At one time it was customary of great Freneh din ners to change the napkins at every co'irse, to perfume them with rose water, and to have them folded a differ ent way for each guest. To Break in Hw Shoes, Always shake in Aliens Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains, damp, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures Corns and Bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample mailed FREL. Address Allen 8. Olmstead. LeRoy, N. X " Helpful Hubby. Wife I wish you would let me know -what Eort of a dinner to have tonight, i Husband That's a good idea. Well, I. shall either not be home at all. or else I shall bring three orfrienda with me. Life. , ID CENTS. VTbAsJIF CURES Ml - T" ii w nvr jar n - w aV ArlaERfflii' -tatd; "I wa persuaded by a frien to Iry a bottle of your great nerve tonic, eruna, and the results were so gratih ng that I am more than pleased to re onmend it." Spring Tonic. Almost everybody needs a tonic in be spring. Something to brace th L erves, invigorate the brain and clean l. tl J TL t. T" 1 1 1 iL uo urjuii. just reruoa win uu iiiii i bejond all question. Everyone who ias tried it has had the same experi mce as Mrs. D. W. Timberlrke, of .ynrbburg, Va., who, in a recent letter, iiade use of the following words: "1 always take a dose of Peruna after bus iness hours, as it is a great thine for the nerves. There is no better spring t ni". and I have used about all of them." .atarrh in Spring. The spring is the best time to treat catarrh. Nature renewB herself every spuing. The system is rejuvenated by pring weather. This renders medi cines more effective. A short course of Peruna, assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should have a copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on catarrn. Address. The Peruna Medi cine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Lulu Larmer, Stoughton, Wis., says: - ' "For two years I suffered with nerv ous trouble and stomach disorders until it seemed that there was nothing to me but a bundle of nerves. 1 was very irritable, could not sleep, rest or compose myself ,and was certainly unfit Mrs. Lulu Larmer. to take care of a household. I took nerve tonics and pills without benefit. When I be gan taking Peruna I grew steadily better, my nerves grew stronger, my rest was no longer fitful, and today I consider myself in perfect health and strength. My recovery was slow but sure, but I persevered and was reward ed by perfect health." Mrs. Lulu Larmer. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Scotch Saloon Statistics. Airdrie has more saloons in relation to its size than any other town in Scot land. There are 42 for every 1,000 inhabitants. Coatbridge and Renfrew come next on the list. Ayr has the worst record for drunkenness 57 6 charges yearly for every 1,000 inhab itants. BOW'S TH1ST We offer One Hundred bollars Reward for any case of Cattarrli that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry outany obligations made by their firm. West & Tkuax, ' . Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Waldino Kiknan & Mabvim, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intemally.actiug Tirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 7fic per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Crushing Blow. "I like your people and your institu tions in general," remarked the educat ed foreigner, "but the streets of your city are the worst I ever saw." - "Great Scott," exclaimed the horri fied Chicago man. "Have you ever been in Constantinople?" "Constantinople," rejoined the ed ucated foreigner, "is my native city." Mothers will Baa Mrs. tTlnsioWs Sooth tag Syrup the best remedy to use tor their smidren during the teething period. Family Frankness. . Sister Susan Do we dine with you Christmas, Rebecca? Sister .Rebecca Oh, no, Susan. Don't you remember? It's your turn to have ub. CITS Permanently cuna 5o On or nerrousnoa r 1 1 O after nnt .1t' ntof Ir. KliD's Great NeiTf Sestorer. Send for FREBS4.O0trialbottleandtreat is. Ca.B.rI.KLiKc.Ltd. uai Arch 3U Philadelphia. fa The Auctioneer. Said a conscientious auctioneei : "La dies and gentlemen, there is no sham about these carpets. They are genuine tapestry carpets. 1 bought them from old Tapestry himself." I WX8IT Til JRIIV POP RASH & Chicken, Duck and Geese feath- ers. Address G. O. SMITH, 10thandaaviaStm.fPortland,O Steam Wood and Drag Saws to Order. $3 lay PERFECT F1TTINQ PISTON AND VALVE RINGS. THFT McCAULEY MACHINE WORKS, NOTHING SO GOOD FOR PRUSSIAN Makes Hent Lay and Keep! them laying, Cures Cholera, Roup and all Oiteaies. It Strcngtheni Young Chicki and Helps Them Grow. WOULDN'T BE WITHOUT IT.-Chas. Lack, Rosalia, Wash., says be wouldn't be without Prussian Poultry Food. PRODUCES ECCS. As an egg producer Prussian Poultry Food has no equal B. H. Payne, PalnsvUle, Ohio. 'Prussian Poultry Book, FREE. Pbcssian Rsjcedt Co., St. Paul, Minn. iLsand SJc Pkg. rOUTLAMU BJCKU CO., BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing. Portland Wire & Iron Works MANUFACTURERS. U7 FRONT ST. fli'fcfS WMHif All fISF FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. 'Pastes Good. Use tn time. Bold By drumnsts. REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Successors to John Poole. Foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Write us or call for prices on everything i the machinery line. Closing out at cost: ag on?, Buggies, Cream Separators also all sec ond hand goods, to make room for new line. THE CAUFORUIA BOTANICAL GATEWAY TO ' HEAL.TH AIND WEALTH Is really a one dollar book mail .d you for 25 cents silver, to introduce it. It tells you about newly discovered Botanical Remedies for the aire of many diseases, new ways to make noney and get employment, to nurse and care or the sick, to prolong old age and live 100 years, the newly discovered Angle Worm Oil nassage for removing wrinkles and b autify ing the complexion, new varieties of roses, fruits and vegetal les, the wheat, corn and sun ilowe. food, cereal coffee, imitation cala, gold and silver, stands acids, preventing smallpox pittings, maple syrup and sugar from wood, new solt.drinks, trade secrets for manufacturer, things you need not ask the doctor, a real hon e doctor book and encyclopedia of gi-neral infor mation, wanted by every man and woman that wants health and wealtn. Is aoout 100 pages, 1x9, paper cover. Contents sheet free. The California Botanical Medicine Co., 1198 North Alvnrarto Ht.. T.os Anceles, CaU Salzar'a Rao . SPELTZ .What is it food atL2 FARIV1 . C atalog tens. ton i Proudest record of any seedsman on eartky and yet we are reselling out for mure. We desire, by July nt, tuifloo more and benoe this unprecedented ofler. SIO.GO for 00c, e will mail noon receipt of 10c. In stamps vur jjimi caiaiogne, won.i 1100.00 to any S5kx wun many larm seed samples, eosinto, Iteardless Warley, Bromua, j lu.uu TO eet & start wit h. vfll'A Please yr'i'' uR?S, AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS Are sold subject to ap proval and at a price that will enable you to make a good profit on a few cows. The cleanest, fairest ma chine in all the vorld. Strongest in ALL these points thai any other, viz: Close Skimming. Easy Cleana g. Light Running. Durability. Write for free catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER 10. PORTLAND, Ore. . SPOKANE, Wash. BOISE, Idaho Won Medal, Paris, 1900. DR. G. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chl- . Sfys&Jf great because be cures people wHuuut opera tion that are giveu up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical sct- euce iu this country. Throutth the use.of those harmless remedies this famous doctor knows the action of over 600 different remedies, which he successfully uses in different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asihma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. : has hundreds of testimon ials. Charge moderate, t all and see him. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars. Send 4 cents in stamps. (JOJSSUIj TATION 1'BKE. ADDRESS THE G. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE C3. 132 Trhlrd St.. Portland, Oregon, ay Meutiou paper. For alx yeara I was a Tictlm of dya pepeia in its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that. Last March I began taking CASCARETS and since then I nave steadily improved, until I am as well as I ever was in my life." David H. Mukpht, Newark. O. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 26c, 60o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling UiMtdj Coapaar, Chicago, Hoatreal. R.w Yark. 311 UO TO DUO Sold and guaranteed by all drng nU" I U-DMU gists to CVKR Tobacco Habit. P. N. U. No. 151903. I TT'HEN writing- to advertisors pleasa mention thfa paper. Shafting, Hangers, Pulleys and Belting. Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or. CHICKENS AS THE K!S2lfJWK POULTRY FOOD Part land, Oregon, Coast Agents. 1 CANDY Ua cathartic 1 Alcohol, ILLUSTRATED 1 Poultry Netting WHOLESALE RETAIL Wire and Iron Fencing