Spring Medicine There is no other season when good medicine is so much needed as in the Spring. The blood is impure, weak and impoverished a condition indicated by pimples and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, loss of appetite, lack of strength, and want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Make the blood pure, vigorous aud rich, create appetite, give vitality, strength and animation, and cure "all eruptions. Have the whole family begin to take them today. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has been nsed In our family for some time, and always with good results. Last spring I was all run down and got a bottle of it, and as usual received great benefit." Miss Becxah Eoyce, Stowe, Vt. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. The Only Way. Clergyman I am sorry to hear that you sell liquor in this hotel. Hotel Clerk Well, sir, we wouldn't if we could get people to stop baying it. Brooklyn Life. Explanatory. "For a first attempt in public," said her friend encouragingly, "I thought you EaDg with a good deal of feeling." "I don't wonder at that," replied the ambitious young vocalist. "My heart was in my throat all the time." Chicago Tribune. The Root of the Matter. Pat An' bo yez shtruck fer shorter hours? "Alike Yis We want each wan to consist av for -rty minutes, begorry! Puck. A Strong Man. "Jaysmith ia a stroDg man, said Ten spot. "Indeed?" asked Goslin. "Yes; I have Eeen him break a twenty-dollar gold piece." "Ah, I presume you mean that he is a strong man financially." Beware of Ointment for Catarrh Tbat Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys tem when entering it through the mucous sur-. faces. Such articles should never be used ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Ter bottle. Hall's Family Fills axe the bet. Disappointed. "So you were held up by bandits?" "Yes, and that isn't the worst of it. They simply took my money without detaining me long enough to give me a start as a magazine writer or lectur er." Washington Star. That "O-u-g-h." A rough-coated, dough-faced plough man strode coughing and hiccoughing through the streets of Scarborough. Punch. A Canadian's Wise Saying. The greatest asset of any country is the brains of its people. Andrew Eonar Law, M. P., London. A Guess. , "This is the laundry," said the agent who was showing them through the house. "Here, you see, are stationary wash tubs." "Ah. whv do von rail tTifim nratinn. ary?" inquired the bride-to-be. "Is it because colored goods won't run, in them?" Philadelphia Press. Something of a Mathematician. "He must be a pretty good mathe matican?" "How. is that?" "He's manager of a burlesque show." "Well?" -"Well, that's mostly a question of figures, isn't it?" Brooklyn Eagle. Calls for Explanation. Philosophers like Mr. Perkins, Mr Morgan's partner, who declared that in modern conditions the young man who works hard must win success, " should add a few foot notes to their disquisi tions explaining matters satisfactorily , to tho men who have worked hard and not won. Those Who Roost. Newcome They tell me hens never lay eggs at night. Did you know that? Subbnbs Uh, yes. Newcome Strange, isn't it? Snhhnhs Nnt at nil. All t.liA hno or. rviafAra of n i ir K wrntt L-nsnr I Philadelphia Press. -Mind This. It makes no difference , whether It Is chronic, acute or Inflammatory Rheumatism of the muscles or joints St. Jacobs Oil cures and cures promptly. - Price, 25c. and 50c f.liRfS Wrtl-KF ill USE fillS. Bert Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. 1786 in time, sola dt druggists. I J SEKnONS i& Love of Christ. Our love must be personal and not abstract. Rufus Jones, Quaker, Philadelphia, Pa. The Bible. The Bible Is a book for the common people, to be studied by every man. Bev. J. C. Agef, Sweden borglan, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Real Gospel New York needs the real Gospel of Christ The. popu lar Christianity is paganism. W. K. Klndel, Zlonite, New York. Smallest Service. Money Is the smallest service a rich man can j?Ive. It is barren unless service Is given with it James Logan, Evangelical, Worcester, Mass. Self-Control. Where restraint Is not exercised over one's self it all leads to a tendency to allow base passions to master us. Rev. Dr. Cotter, Roman Catholic, St. Paul, Minn. A Higher Union. The time is ripe for a higher union, a union that shall result in building up the type of so ciety in which good and free men be lieve. Rev. W. H. Ramsay, Louisville, Ky. - Higher Kingdom. The facts of God's Higher kingdom are as plain to the man who studies and believes as are the facts of God's lower kingdom. Rev. L. N. Watson, Episcopalian, Chil licothe, Ohio. True Living. To rid yourself of your own hell and to keep out of others is the art of true living. This may not be ecclesiastical advice; it is common sense. Rev. F. , E. Mason, Independ ent, Brooklyn, N. t. Restitution. Great gifts from taint ed fortunes are acts of restitution. Judas' money was not put In the treas ury of the temple, but devoted to the uses of the community. Rev. .Dr. Grant, Episcopalian, New York. The Moral Code. Society at present is to be condemned for many devi ations from the moral code, but more particularly in its frivolous views of the sacredness of marriage. Rev. Dr. Kranskopf, Hebrew, Philadelphia, Pa. Highest Type. If Christianity is the highest type of civilization and who can -deny it? then Is it not true that we are retrograding instead of ad vancing in certain lines? Cardinal Gibbons, Roman Catholic, Baltimore, Md. , Amusements. People can get the good there Is in amusements without going to the bad, if they have the right purpose; a class of genial, broad-minded Christians are attracting men to re liglous life. Rev. J. L. Scudder, Con gregationalist Jersey City, N. J. Good Courage. A believing heart Is a source of courage. . Good courage is the courage of faith in God. The Lord said to Joshua: "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." Joshua be lieved God and was Invincible. Rev. W. A. Huckabee, Methodist, Macon, Ga. Need No Law. People who wish to do right need no law; those who are desiring the finest and best things do not feel the touch or pressure of any statute; they keep within the limits of the right because they have no de sire to do otherwise. Rev. Dr. Savage, Unitarian, New York. Character. Christ looks at life in its contribution of character. It is not a question of per cents and returns of an investment simply; It is a matter of principles and purposes and results in life and life forever. He asks: "What sort of men does it produce?" Rev. Dr. Carlisle, Methodist Columbia, S. C. The Greatest Thing. Love Is the greatest thing, not only in this world, but in all worlds. It Is the master builder of the home and also of the human heart. It is the essence of true religion. Our human loves are but sparks of the great divine love. Rev. Dr. Waters, Congregationalist, Brook lyn, N. Y. Heart Power. The world is run on heart power, yet men do not real.'ze it. Thought, what a great thing it is! It is said that the day of high thinking is past. I do not believe it. There must be high ideals and aspirations. Thinkers are necessary men of thought, as well as action. Rev. Dr. Page, Episcopal, Waco, Tex. . An Action. The average man does not seem to think far beyond an ac tion. There Is a larger belief In luck and chance than there is in law and certainty. The men of this genera tion have constructed a God after their own conception and laws contrary to the principles of the kingdom of God and the Scriptures. Rev. Dr. Sim mons, Baptist, Peoria, 111. Development. To strive to find the best In life, to get at Its real though half hidden meaning; day by day faithfully looking always for the deep er, truer things of life, cannot fall to bless us. We live to become some thing rather than to get something. Heaven cannot come to those wasting the life given to them for develop ment. Rev. A. E. Bartlett, Uhlversal ist, Manchester, N. H. Deserves More. Which 'of us dares to say that he, in God's sight, deserves more than he gets? Which of us, then, can say that God is bound to give him more than He does. The truth taught all through the Gospel is to throw our selves not upon the justice of God, but upon His mercy, His goodness. And goodness is free. It is spontaneous. It flows from God. Rev. Dr. Alsop, Epis copalian, Brooklyn, N. Y. Maybe a Higher Temperature. A doctor was attending a dangerous case where a Scotch butler was en gaged. On calling in the forenoon he said to Donald: "I hope your master's temperature is much lower to-day than it was last night." "I'm no' sae very sure aboot that," replied the butler, "for he dee'd this morning." Grand Larceny. ' He stole a kiss.' "Now, that," cried she. "I'll have you understand, Is really petit larceny." - "It's not," said he. "It's grand!" - -Philadelphia Press. Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, Wash ington, D. C, Ladles Auxiliary to Burnside Post, No. 4, G. A. R., recommends Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound. " In diseases that come to women only, as a rule, the doctor is called in, some times several doctors, but still matters go from bad to worse; but I have never known of a case of female weak ness which was not helped when Iydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was used faithfully. For young- women who are subject to headaches, backache, irregular or pain ful periods, and nervous attacks due to tho severe strain on the system by , some organic trouble, and for women 01 aavancea. years in ine most crying time of life, it serves to correct every trouble and restore a healthy action of all organs of the body. " Uydia E.PinkIiain's Vegetable Compound, is a. household reliance in my home, and I would not be with out it. In all my experience with this medicino, which covers years, I have found nothing to equal it and al ways recommend it." Mrs. Laura L. B arses, 607 Second St., N. E., Wash ington, D. C. $5000 forfait If original of ei-ove letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Such testimony should be ac cepted by all women as convinc ing evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a rem edy for all the distressing ills of women. 'Of Course. The palmist looked fixedly at the woman's hands. "Why," she said perplexedly, "this is queer. Your right hand and your left hand give different fortunes." "Yes, I suppose so," replied the woman, placidly. "I never let my right hand know what my left hand doeth, you know." New York Times. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Safer. "Aren't you afraid to go bear hunt ing all by yourself." ' - "No," answered the huntsman. "I'd rather take chances on meeting a beat single-handed than on being my self mistaken for game by an excited companion." Washington Star. CITO Fsrmsnenny Curea i So fits or nerrsasnesl rllO after first day's me of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for FKEE trial bottle and treat, is. Da. R. H. Klins. Ltd. v3lArchSt.Fhiladelpiua.Fa. Might Be Doing Worse. "If I were the mayor," remarked the stranger who had attended a meet ing of the city council, "I wouldn't permit the aldeimen to waste so much time in useless wrangling over trivial matters." "The mayor knows what he is about," replied the citizen. "When they're wrangling they're not doing any mischief." Chicago Tribune. Mothers will Coo Mrs. Wlnslotr's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their Sbildren during the teething period. Pedagogics. "Oh, yes," replied the bright and scientific young mother; "I always give-Clifford 25 cents when I spank him. The best authorities are quite agreed that punishing a child for noth ing tends to confuse his ethical notions." Pack. ST. HELEN'S HALL. Portland, Oregon. A Boardingand Day School for girls. Has a Normal Kindergarten Training Depart ment, which has a separate residence for kindergarten classes. The Boarding De partment provides a cheerful and well ar ranged home for young ladies. For cata logue or other information apply to MISS ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Principal AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS Are sold subject to ap proval and at a price that will enable you to make a good profit on a few cows. - The cleanest fairest ma chine in all the vorld. Strongest in A IX these points thai', any other, viz: Close Skimming. Easy Cleana g. Light Running. Durability. Write for free catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER 10. PORTLAND, Ore. SPOKANE, Wash. BOISE, Idaho Won Medal, Faris, 1900. I have used your valuable CASCA- BBT8 and find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I hare used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now com- Sletely cured. Recommend them, to ercry one. nee tried, you will never be without them in the family." KDW. A. Mabx, Albany, N. Y. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c 26a, SOc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... teritef Bmes, Coapi.T, Chicago. Boatr-tal. Itw T.rk. ZZl MTflIHf Sold and guaranteed by all drag. I U'DAu gists to VU1LB Tobacco BaUw V -1 misHi , . l YCSJTV candy I JJ CATHARTIC -i t'S. TWAOt MANN IHOTIIID TRIALS Of. THE ASPHALT GANG. The Foreman Has Hard Work to Keep Public Off the Soft Pavement. . Said the foreman of a repair gang working on Eighth avenue: "People have an idea that a foreman has an easy time; that all he has to do is to stand around with his hands in his pocket and swear at the men at regular Intervals. Aside from the fact that a foreman superintends the job and is therefore responsible for any mistake, he has the duty of policing the strip of asphalt being laid down that Is, of keeping pedestrians and vehicles from running over it before It's hard. The gang knows how to do Its work without being eternally cussed at. I could go to sleep, and while they might loaf a little the work, would be just as welt done. But If I should go away for half an hour I'd find when I came back that half the population had either walked or driven over the new patch. "You'd suppose that citizens who are forever complaining about the condi tion of the streets would at least not delay the work; yet they're like chil dren who want to poke their fingers or their feet Into everything that looks soft. Once in a while a man will come up to the edge of a fresh strip and dig his toe into it to see how soft it is, I sup pose. Then he'll try to smooth the Im pression away, but you can't do that with asphalt make a hole in It and you've got to pour in more stuff to level it off. "The Inquisitive man isn't the only troublesome one. Probably the man who's in a hurry and doesn't like to go out of his way Is the worst. When we are working at crossings where thou sands of people pass every hour It would take a 'fire line' to keep them off. They cut right through the middle with the air of a small boy with a chip on his shoulder. Women are the hardest creatures to manage. Only a day or two ago I caught a shopper attempting to break past me. I spoke to her, as I thought, very quietly and respectfully. She jumped as If a horse had suddenly stuck his nose in her face. The tongue lashing she gave me before an amused crowd would have made a grease spot of any man less hardened than I am. " 'Don't you speak to me don't you dare speak to me,' she cried. 'You have no right to frighten people out of their senses. You wouldn't dare to talk to my husband like that. "It doesn't do much good to put up barriers of barrels and planks. I've seen a few lunatics crawl right under, them or vault over them In order to kep in the straight line In which they were going. Of course after we'have laid a stretch, we always put a fence up, and take it away later when the asphalt has thoroughly hardened. Then's the time when he merry truck driver gets in his fine work; he whips his horses up and catches one of the barrels or boxes with the hub of his wheel, and down tumbles the whole business. This is his joy and especial care, for, if his truck be big enough and heavy enough, he owns the streets. "Our troubles are not always with laying asphalt. Sometimes when we're chopping out old asphalt we clash with the 'man In the street.' Then little chips hmristling all over with sharp points. fly. in every direction, and the citizen who feels the sharp sting of an asphalt crystal seems to lose all control of his temper. His line of reasoning; if he reasons at all, is that we are Inten tionally throwing things at him. But he takes it all out in talk and fist shak ings, and goes off vowing to report the matter. "As a sort of dumnine around for t5e bad tempers of people," cdhcluded the foreman, according to the New York Times, "we eertainly deserve to be given a place with the motorman and the conductor." ' SCHOOLBOY IN ANCIENT TIMES. How, a Roman Pupil of 2,000 Tears Ago Set Down His Day's Doinars. Something quite new In the form of an exercise book for -budding Greek scholars has made its appearance in Germany. Into this "Greek Reader" have been packed all sors of delightful and almost unknown specimens of the literature of ancient Greece, such as fables, fairy tales, stories, etc., adapted for young people. There are also exam ples of the work done by the pupils of the Graeco-Roman schools some twen ty centuries ago; The following, for in stance, is the account of his daily rou tine work by a Roman schoolboy. He writes: ' "I wake up before sunrise, leave my bed, sit down with my straps and shoes and put on my shoes. Then water for washing is brought to me. I wash first my hands, then my face, take off my nightcap, put on my undergarment, anoint and comb my hair, arrange my neck cloth, put on a white upper gar ment and a wrapper. Then I leave my bedroom, together with my tutor and my maid, salute my father and mother, and leave the house." The mixture of Spartan abstinence in leaving . home without a breakfast and of the alto gether un-Spartan luxury of an attend ant tutor and maid is suggestive. ' The youth goes on to explain, with a deliclously pedantic air: "I reach the school, enter and say 'Good-morning, my teacher,' He returns the salutation. My slave hands slates, penboxand pen cil to me. I sit down in my place and write, and then I cross out what I have written. I write from a copy and show it to the teacher. He corrects and crosses out what is bad. Then he makes me read aloud. Meanwhile the small boys have to learn, their letters and spell out syllables. One of the bigger boys reads to them. Others write ; verses and I go in for a spelling compe tition. Then I decline and analyze some verses. When I have done all this I go home to breakfast. I change ray clothes and then I eat white bread and olives, cheese, figs and nuts and drink some cold water. After breakfast I go back to school. I find the teacher readr lng aloud, and he says, 'Now we will begin at the beginning.' " This schoolboy performance, says the Westminster Gazette, goes a long way to sho"wonce more that there Is noth ing new under the sun, not even the trivial round of the modern schoolboy. The vital question of to-day, accord ing to the women's journals, is this; "When Is a garment a gown and when Is it a dress?" Those who want to keep abreast of the times should read the women's journals. Health " For 25 years I . have never missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way." John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new. life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You become strong, steady,courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. $1.M a bottle. AH (Ironists. Ask your doctor what be thinks of Ayer's Sarsuparilla. He knows all about this grand old family medicine. Follow Ills advice and we will be Satisfied. J. C. Ater Co.. Lowell. Mass. "Fitlst." Not Fittest. Mrs. Kingdon Just think, out of all of Uncle Rogers' nine children, the one now living is Cousin Jane. Mr. Kingdon Cousin Jane, the dressmaker? Mrs. Kingdon Yea. Mr. Kingdon Well, it's only nat ural that she should be the last. Sur vival of the fitist, yon know. New York Times. For coughs and colds thereis no better medicine than Fiso's Cure for Consump tion. Price 25 cents. His Occupation. " What have you ever done for your country," asked the indignant citizen. "Never started to count up," answ ered the practical politician. "Too busy finding out what my country can do for me." Washington Star. Fickle. ' Tommy Lil Greenup, you told me last week you liked me bettei'n you did any other boy, and now ycu'ie let tin' Dictt Trotter shine up to you. Lil I did like you the best last week, but I've changed my mind. Does your papa keep a candy store? - Tommy No. Lil Well, Dick's papa does. Chi cago Tribune. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Little Liver Pills. GSust Bear Signature of - ee Fac-SimUe Wrapper Below. Ve?y small and as easy tOLtake as sugasi FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BlUOUtKESt, FOR TORPID LIYER. for constipation; for sallow skin. FOR THE COMPLEXION ijtMna 1 wmmoi MuaraWaooiiATUBt. " jr8ciniTe6tADie.6i 1 imHUMUM.au ' CURE SICK HEADACHE.. CARTER'S One of the essentials of the happy homes of to-day is a fund of information as to right living and the best methods of promoting health and happiness. With proper knowledge, each hour of recreation, of enjoyment and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and are of not less value than the using of the most wholesome foods and the selecting of the best medicinal agents when needed. With the well-informed, medicinal agents are used only when nature needs assistance and while the importance of cleansing the system effectually, when bilious or constipated, has long been known, yet until within recent years it was necessary to resort to oils, salts, extracts of roots, barks and other cathartics which were found to be objectionable and to call for constantly increased quantities. Then physicians having learned that the most excellent laxative and carminative principles were to be found in certain plants, . principally in the leaves, the California Fig Syrup Co. discovered a method of obtaining such principles in their purest condition and of presenting them with pleasant ana reiresning uquias m me w most acceptable to the system and the remedy became known as Syrup of Figs as figs were used, with the plants, in making it, because of their agreeable taste. This excellent remedy is now rapidly coming into universal use as the best of family laxatives, because it is simple and wholesome and cleanses and sweetens the system effectually without disturbing the natural functions and without unpleasant after effects and its use may be discon tinued when it is no longer required. . All who would enjoy good health and its blessings should remember that it is the one remedy which physicians and parents well-informed approve and recommend and use and which they and their little ones alike enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects. - Syrup of Figs is for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, in original packages only, having the name of the remedy Syrup of Figs and the full name of the Company -California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. JOHN POOLE, PORTLAND, ORE. Foot of Morrison Street. Can give you the best bargains In Boilers and Engines, Windmills, Pumps and Gene ral Machinery. Wood Sawing Machines a specialty. See us before buying. SMS SHOES UNION MADE Vt. L- Daualam mrnheim and rnrnllm wore mewi 'a Ooodjrmmr Wmit Hand- BsmraxT rrocaaa anoam tnan anyothar tnanufmcturar In thm world. $25,000 REWARD will b paid to anyone who can dlaproT tola atafomeat. Because W. L. Douglas Is the largest manufacturer he can buy cheaper and produce his shoes at a lower cost than other con cerns, which enables him to sell shoes for $3.50 and $d.00 enual in every way to those sold else where for $1 and $5.00. The Dourfaa aecrot urn. cess of tannin the bottom soles produces abso lutely pure leather ; more flexible and wlU wear lo?er than any other tannen In the world. The sales have more than doubled the past four yar. whtch proves Its superiority. Why not give w. JU Douglas shoes a trial and save money. Xot Ire Increase flW9 Sales: ,, In Business! isoa Sales: K5.OS4,a0,04r A Bain of 89,eo,456.7D in Four Tears. W. L. DOUGLAS S4.00 CILT EDCE LINE, Worth S6.00 Compared with Other Makes. The best Imported and American leathers. Heyl's Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vicl Kid, Corona Colt, and National Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelets. Raifffnn T18 B-enulne have W. I DOTJGL8 WuUllUU name and pried stamped on bottom. anoa ov mati, Z5e. extra. Jlha. Catalog free. 1 nOUSiAS, B1IOCKXUX, mass. vv V I KRAUSE & PRINCE, Wholesalers, 87-89 First St., Portland, Or. ..Scarcely a Day.. Passes but we are called upon to perform some difficult dental operation that is the direct result of neglecting the teeth. We cannot urge too strongly the benefit and economy of consulting a dentist at' the very first sign of tooth trouble. At the start these troubles are corrected quickly and at small cost. Our methods are painless and our work guaranteed .Both 'phones: Oregon South '.2291; Columbia S69. Open evenings till S. Sundays from 9 to 12. UT. W. A. Wise WISE BROS., Dentists. PORTLAND. SPECIAL PIANO SALE Lots of Snaps in Prices Every opportunity now to get good instru ments at moderate prices. Second hand pianos and organs that don't cost much, but count for a whole lot when it comes to value. Instruments whose names are prominent and young enough to justify much larger prices. Write for. a full description with names of pianos, special sale prices and all details of this great house-cleaning sale. EILER'S PIANO HOUSE "Washington Street, Corner Park, PORTLAND, Large Houses San Francisco, San Francisco, Cal. These two great leaders are worth attention of every Hardiest Known Farmer and Deal er. Mv Broma Till AT HIT Grass is wonderful in a M HI country. My Timo--I I III U I II I thy Is simply nnequaled Finest in U.! In quality. Write for prices ana samples do ur town. llveredinyouri G. S. MANN, the SEEDMAN. 184 Front St., Portland, Oregon Will also send you at same time sam ples and prices of my great specialties. Saber's Rape, green root FARM SAtZIR'S 8FTDS HT.VT.S V ATT.f 1.000.000 Customers x luuiroi nroru ui mi y RwamBO on earis, and yet we are reaching ont for more. We desire, by July 1st, tattoo more and bene his unprecedented offer. SIO.OO for BOc. If we wtu mail opon receipt of 10c in tamps vut Ptivai cauuuKUP. wori-i siuu.uu to an? wide awake fanner or ffnrdener to- w.nrr wun many rami seed Kim pie. wwiiw, iicaruieu uaneT, jsromuS, jutirc, etc., etc., positively worm sw.uu to Ret a start with, j Mease HrsW'ulT??Pl.cI Pmluo-r send IMiWflsw "-0y .taW but. wiui .w iwy?vr-,.v.'p"- aione. fto. IOC to saiwr. "MiJ-l T I . ls Send at once. P. X. u. Me. 131903, PET HEN writing to advertisers pleas i 11 mention this paper. ' Boys' and Youths' Jack Knife Shoes A5kyotir dealer for the Jack Knife Shoe. Every boy gets a pocket knife with his pair of shoes. Bestweariogshcej. Razor steel knives Uri 1. 1. Wise 208, 209, 21 J, 211, 212, 213, Kalllng Bldg, Cor. Third and Washington sta. OREGON. OREGON. Spokane and Sacramento. WBKP New York, N. Y. BR0F.1E GRASS . i M 'toaammmimitmitaLmmatim