Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 31, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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FEIPAY, OCT. 3i, 1902.
It was said of an English King
that "he never said a foolish
thing nor did a wise one." Oar
British cousins are almost per
suaded to reverse this assertion
and apply it to Andrew Carnegie.
To have been so successful in life
they are quite prepared to believe
that he never did a foolish thing;
but they are sorely tempted to
believe he does not often speak
wisely. His recent address at
St Andrews on the occasion of
his reinstatement as rector ot the
university there has given great
offense to Englishmen. It has
been sneered at, ridiculed and
derided by the English press.
The head and front of his of
fending seems to have been that
he aootaled to the German Em-
peror to use his influence in form
iaer a political and industrial
union, a sort of European United
States which should insure botn
the peace and the industrial su
oremacv of Eurote. Uhis was
enough" to disturb British equani
mity, but when he declared that
"it is a physical impossibility for
Great Britain to produce material
things rivaling in amount those
ot countries the size of America,
Gsrmany and Russia," he "twist
ed the tail of the British lion"
in a very tender spot, tor Eng
lishmen begin to realize that
England's industrial supremacy
is rapidly passing away. The
United States ii destined to be,
at no distant day, the supreme
industrial factor of the world,
Mr. Carnegie's theories may be
crude and impracticable; his
prophesies may be altogether vis
ionary, but he evidently sees the
facts which all thoughtful men
on either side of the Atlantic
ocean clearly recognize.
They see that many of Eng
land's natural resources are well
nigh exausted; that jealousy and
distrust among the nations of
Europe maintain a militarism,
particularly in liermany and
Russia, which is a terrible incu
bus upon the development of
their industrial energies. Thev
see the immense territorial area
of the United States, and her
. vast and various resources almost
untouched; they see the skill.
courage, intelligence and tireles
energy of our people impelling
us swiftly along every line of
national development.
With no jealous and distrustful
neighbors; mighty enough in
men and resources to meet any
emergency, we put all our ener
gies into our industrial life.
It is questionable if Europe,
even if united as Carnegie sug
gests, could prevent our world
wide industrial supremacy.
"The most powerful weapon
in conquoring foriegn markets is
a profitable home market," he
declared. This is good Ameri
can doctrine. Our home market
is worth more to us than the ag
gregate oi all possible foreign
markets. Thanks to the Ameri
can doctrine of protection and
the wise policies of the republi
can party, our home market has
been preserved unto ourselves.
Our people will pursue the even
tenor of their way. They will
not abandon those policies which
are rapidly carrying us to the
fore front of nations and the in
dustrial supremacy of the world.
Europe may follow whatever
plans she chooses, it is utterly
impossible for her to stay our in
dustrial march by any itinerary
she may attempt.
Englishmen should rather
curse their policy of free trade
and ungenerous, selfish colonial
conduct thaa grow choleric be
cause of the blunt speech of a
hard-headed Scot who sees the
superiority of things American
To aid the Fair.
The Woodmen of the World of
Oregon have arranged for a ser
ies of demonstrations throughout
the entire state this winter. This
order has alwa vs been active in
taking up any matter which it
has been felt a fraternal society
could consistently do.
When the war broke out the
Woodmen of the World immedi
ately declared that all members
who enlisted should be kept in
cood standing without any cost
on the part of those entering the
armv. This action was remark
able in view of the fact that
many insurance companies have
a clause in their policies making
the same void in case of death
while in naval or military service.
This patriotic action on the part
of the Woodmen of World was
followed by a great many of the
fraternal orders of the country.
When the idea was advocated
that it would be right and proper
and in harmony with the spirit of
Oregon to erect a monument to
the memory of the Oregon Vol
unteers, the Woodmen of the
World immediately came to the
front and by reason of their ser
ies of demonstrations three ears
ago, gave the movement such an
impetus that its ultimate success
was immediately assured and
contributions for the proposition
poured in from fiAns, corpora
tions, individuals and "Societies
throughout the state.
No sooner had the Lewis and
Clarke fair been broached than
the Woodmen of the World pre
pared to assist it. The unanim
ity of sentiment in favor of the
project which thev are showing is
remaikablv. Realizing that if
we are to enthuse the entire na
tion we must first become en
thused ourselves, the Woodmen
have chosen a splendid method ot
making the people think, and to
think deeply, with reference to
the 1905 fair, at the same time
prosecuting their work of build
ing up their society.
They have chosen an unique
badge, on which is a stump (ofn
cial emblem of the order), on the
face of which appear the letters,
"W. O. W." These letters are
the accepted initials ot the Woo 1
men of the World, but the Ore
gon membership have given it a
new title and call it "Wide
Awake Oregon Woodmen."
There are four exposed roots on
the stump. On the endf each,
which appear sawed or cut off,
are one of the numerals, thus
completing the four figures,
1905. In Oregon this winter
the Woodmen of the World will
carry on an aggressive campaign
securing new members, and
their cry is nineteen hundred and
five candidates in the state of
Oregon, during the winter o
1902-v This was done in order
to fully fix in the minds of their
membership, and the public gen
erally, the 1905 fair. It is also
the number of candidates the or
der could naturally initiate dur
ing the winter anyway. The
Camps of the city of Portland
have pledged to secure 905 can
didates, allowing the remainder of
the stateto furnish the balance,
an even r,ooo. Following the us
ual socal spirit of this order,
district and county initiations
will be held throughout the en
tire state.
The Oregon Woodmen will
close their series of demonstra
tions with great banquets and
other social events and it is safe
to conclude that both the World's
Fair aud the order itself will re
ceive splendid assistance as a re
sult of this activity on the part
of the Woodmen of the World
Mere Evasion.
Ed Gazettk. : I bel eve yonr article of
24th inst. is sufficient to convince any
impartial reader of the truth of what I
before stated, "that you are willfully try
ing to misrepresent me."
I will again state the facts which I have
heretofore attempted to have you under
stand, to-wit :
That the law of i90i made it manda
tory upon the Assessor to provide him
self with such records.
That the assessor asked the court to
provide him with such records.
That the county owned what was need
ed in the shape of present owner books
and maps.
That by posting- said present owner
books and maps only on the first day of
March each year, they would be just
what was needed by the assessor.
That said books would remain with the
Recorder, except when in actual use by
the assessor.
That the change in manner of posting
would be of little or no inconvenience to
any one.
That the cost of making and maintain
ing another set would be avoided.
That the court is com post d of Mr. R.
Irwin, Mr. W. A. Jolly and myself.
That said - court was unanimous for
said change.
Whether the court received informa
tion of the wants of the assessor, or that
the Bowers slough bridge was in danger
ous condition, "in session" or "out of
session" is immaterial. (The Gazette
may as well understand now that the
County Judge proposes looking after the
interests of Benton County "outofses
sion' as well as "in session.")
Whether the information regarding this
or any other matter came through Mr.
Jolly, Mr. Irwin or myself is immaterial
uenau the information and acted ac
cordingly. We have no appoloey to of
fer the Gaskttk or any one else for said
action, but feel confident that time will
prove said change of great benefit to
Benton County, not only in aiding in the
assessment but in proving and correcting
op said present owner books and maps.
I do not care to longer continue this
matter for I believe the public now have
the facts and by the facts I am willing to
be judged. Yours Truly.
V. E. Waiters.
Like all that Mr. Walters baa said np
on this subject, our readers will observe
that the above is evasive and not to the
point From the outset he has not met!
a Bingle proposition squarely, but has en
deavored to draw attention Jrotn the ori
ginal question to personal matters.
His statement "that the law or i90i
made it mandatory upon the assessor to
provide himself with such records" is ab
solute proof of what we have contended
from the firs', and is evidence that the
com t is usurping the prerogatives of Iba
assessor when it attempts to do what the
law makes it mandator npon the asses
sor to perform. "
In conclusion the Qacettc has this to
ay : It will discuss the acts of the court
relating to business done by that body as
representatives of the taxpayers of this
co-inty, whenever it considers such dis
cussion . legitimate and of interest to its
readers. Aad no aiuoaat of intimidation
will deter it from the performance of its
Real Estate Transfers.
Mary B Davis and hus to W
W Ryder and wf 4 lots in Jobs
ads; $10.
A E Laws to W P Minor, lots
4 to 12 inclusive, blk 6, Jobs
add; $225.
R W Nichols, by sheriff", to P
H Marlay, 260 acres near Mon
roe; $25.30 in taxes.
Fain ai d sweat
have 1 o etiret cn
h-rncfc& treated
Lureka har
ness Oil. It l'
harness fiOt
only keeps
lookiug like
new, but
wear twice
one by tlM
Harness Oil.
very here
in cans
all MFCS.
Made by
Standard Oil
Of Galveston, Texas).
"Wine of Cardul is indeed a bless Ing
la tired women. Having suffered for
seven years with weakness and bear.
Inj-down pains, and having tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
with Do success, your Wine of Cardul
was Ac only thing which helped me,
and eventually cured me It seemed to
buUd up the weak parts, strengthen
the system and correct irregularities."
By "tired women" Mrs. Adams
means nervous women who have
disordered menses, falling of the
womb, ovarian troubles or any of
these ailments that women have.
You can cure yowself at home with
this igreat women's remedy, Wise
of Cardui. Wine of Cardul has
cured thousands of cases which
doctors have failed to benefit. Why
not begin to get well today? All
druggists have $1.00 bottles. For
any stomach, liver or bowel disor
der Thedford's Black-Draught
should be used.
For adviM and Weratare, address, g
lptoms, TDM Ladles' Advisory Be
it, The Ctmtt&nooga, Medicine
Utaaooga, lean.
rite First National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On allkuids of asoroved seenritv. and Mnef4l1
to cn&urage and build up the legitimate bus
enterprises ud industries of this country.
Keeetved subject to check payable en demand.
Foreiga Exchange
.Sight exchange and transfers sold available in
aaaay, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Issued available in the principal cities ot the
PrinclLi Correspondents Upon whom
Sell Sight Exchange
The Commercial National Bank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-Cahfornian Bank, San Francisco. Calif
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking- Ass'n
Importers & Trader's National Bank. New Yark
Bho and Leather National Bank ef Boston. Mas
rauaacipnia National Baukof Philadelphia, ft
Sick Headache absolutely and peima-
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herli drink. Cures Constipa
tion and Indigestion, makes, yon eat.
sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction
guarat teed or money back. 25 cts and 50
cts. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co.,
BofTalo, N. Y., for a free sample. Allen I
& Woodward.
do not bica!-. t A, gg
andi.t. Tha.VWh, V X ,BJ
M use
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given, that the assess-l
the construction of a sewer through
Blocks 20, 21, and 22, County Addition
to Corvallis, in the manner provided by
ordinance Number 109. in each of the'
following mentioned lots and "parts of
lots was entered in the docket of City i
Liens of Corvallis, on the 20th day ofl
October, J90'- and is due and payable at
coin, and if not paid on or before the 1st
"' "
nay 01 ao vein tier, iwz, me common
Council will order warrants to be issued
to the Chief of Police for the collection'
thereof with interest thereon at eight per
cent per annum from that date and costs
oi collection , viz.,
J. M. Cameron, Block 20, Lot
Countv Addition, $20.41.
J. U. Cameron, Block 20, Lot
County Addition, $20.4i.
J. M. Cameron. Block 20, Lot
Connty Addition, f 20.41.
Laura A. Whitney. Block, 20,
County Addition. $20.41.
Laura A. Whitney, Block 23,
County Addition, $20.41 .
Lau-a A. Whitney, Block 20,
County Addition, $20.41.
Laura A. Whitney, Block 20,
County Addition, $20.41.
Laura A. Whitney, Block 20,
Lot 4,
Lot 5?
Lot 7.
Lot 8,
County Addition, $20.41.
William Bogue, Block 20,
County Addition, $20 41.
William Bogue, Block 20,
County Addition, $20.4i.
' J. M. Cameron, block 20.
County Addition.
J. M, Cameron, Block 20,
County Addition, $20.4i.
Florence Porter. Block 2i,
County Addition, $20.4i.
Florence Porter. Block 2i,
Lot 9,
Lot 10,
Lot Jl,
Lot 12.
Lot 2,
County Addition, $20.41.
Pauline Kline, Block 21, Lot 3, County
Addition, $21.41.
Pauline Kline, Block 21, Lot 4, County
Addition, $20. 4i.
J. N. McFadden Block 21, Lot
County Addition, $20 41.
J. N. McFffdden. Block 21, Lot
Coantv Addition, $20.41.
- J. N. McFadden, Block 2i, Lot
County Addition. $20.4 1.
J. N. McFadden. Block 2i, Lot
County Addition. $20.41.
Pauline Kline, Block 21, Lot 9, County
Addition, $20.41.
Panliue Kline, Block 2i, Lot 10.
County Addition, $20.41.
Louisa A. Gardner, Block 21, Lot u,
County Addition, $20 4i.
State Agricultural College. Blork 21,
Lot 12, County Addition, $2u 4i.
M. J. Wells. Block 2l', Lot 1, County
Addition, $20 41.
- M. J. Wells. Block 22, Lot 2, County
Addition, $20.41.
- M. J. Wells. Block 22, Lot 3, County'
Addition, $20.41.
Karl Lachele, Block 22, Lot 4, County
Addition. $20.41.
Karl Lachele, Block 22, Lot 5, County
Addition. $20.4 1.
Karl Lachele. Block 22. Lot 6, County
Addition, $20.4 1.
J. B. Horner, Block 22, E. Lot 7,
County Addition, $10-21.
r- t. B. Homer, Block 22, E. Lot 8,
, County Addition, $10.21
f J. B. Horner, Block 22, E. V2 Lot 9,
County Addition, $10 21. "
Maiion F. Wood, Block 22, W. 2 Lot
: 7. County Addition. $10.21.
Marion F. Wood, Block 22, W. yi Lot
8, Couuty Addition, $10.21.
Marion F. Wood, Block 22, W. Lot
9, County Addition, $10.21.
Heirs of Carrie Howe, Block 12, Lot
10, County Addition, $20.41.
Heirs of Carrie Howe, Block 22, Lot
11, County Addition, $20.41.
- Heirs of Carrie Howe, Block 22. Lot
12, County Addition, $20 4r,
By order of the Common Council of
E. P. Gbkffoz,
Police Judge.
Corvallis. Oregon, October 20, 1902.
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby ciTen, that tbe assessment made.
by ordinance number 131 for tbe corttruction ot a
sewer through blocks 18 and 19, CouDiy Addition to
Corvallis, iu the manner provided by ordinance
Number 108, in each of the following; mentioned lots
ana nans oi iota was entered in tne docket 01 city
Liens ot Corvallis, on the 20th d&T of October, 1002,
ver coin, and if not paid on or before the ist day of
November, 1902, the Common Council will order
warrants to be issued to th e Chief of Police for the
collection thereof together with interest thereon
at eight per cent per annum from that date ana
costs of collection, viz., -Adam
and M. Raider, Block IS, Lot 1, County
Addition, $23.47.
Adam and M. Balder, Block 19, Lot 2, County
Addition, S23.47.
Richard Graham, trustee, Elock i9, Lot 3, County
Addition. 23.47.
. Thomas A. Jones, Block i9, Lot 4, County Addi
tion, 823 47.
Thomas A. Jones, Block i9, Lot 5, County Addi
tion, $23.47.
Thomas A. Jones, Block 19, Lot 6, County Addi
tion, C23.47.
Thomas A, -Block i9, Lot 7, County Addi
tion, 823.47:
Thomas A. Jones, Block 19, Lot 8, County Addi
tion, $23.47.
R. Graham, Block, 19, Lot 9, County Addition,
K. Graham, Block 19, Lot 10, County Addition,
. Anna Farra, Block 19, Lot 11, County Addition,
AnuatFarra. i Block 19. Lot 12. Countv Addition,
. . School District Na. 9, Block 18, Lot 1, County
. School District No. 9. Block 18. Lot 2. Count
Addition. S23.47.
School District No. 9. Block 18. Lot 11. Countv
Addition, 23.47.
School District No 9. Block 18. Lot 12. County
By order of the Common Council.
Police Judge.
CorvallH Oregon, Oct., 20, 1902.
to prevent Pneumonia and Consumption
is to cure your cold when it first appears.
Acker's English Remedy will stop the
cough in a night, and drive the cold out
of your system. Always a quick and
sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles. If it does not
satisfy you the druggistlwill refund your
money. Wiite tons for tree sample
W. H. Hooksb & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Notice is hereby eiven that the under-
siened has been appointed administrator
ot tne estate et Charles llerron, aeceased,
and that any person having claims
against said estate will present them to
the administrator at bis office in Corval
lis, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within
six months from this date.
Corvallis, Or., September 5, 1902.
W. E. Yates.
If you are troubled with impure blood,
indicated by sores, pimples, headache,
etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood
Elixir, which we sell under a positive
guarantee. It will always cure scrofu
lous or syphilitic poisons aud all blood
diseases. 50 cts and i i. 00. Allen & I
Assessment of Sewers.
Notice is hereby given that the assess-,
icent made-by Ordinance Number 128,
for the construction of a sewer through.
Block 34, Averys Addition, Corvallis, in'
the manner provided by Ordinance Num
ber in. in each of the following "men
tioned lots and parts of lots was entered
in the Docket of Citv L'ens of Corvallis
on the 20th day of October. 1302, and isl
me aim payame ai me nttife 01 the Ulty
Gold o; Silver and Xi notV,d T
Treasurer of Corvallis in United States Iho lal Hu. f V..l ,ono
the Common Council will order warrants
to be issued to the Chief of Police for the
collection thereof, together with interest
thereon at eight per rent per annum
from that date and coots of collection,
, "TEliaabeth C. Bell, Block 84, Lot T ,
"'I v. inwn AIHirinn Si IA
George Jfi. Lilly, Block 34, Lot 2,
Averys Addition.
30 1G
p-TGeorge E. Lilly, Block 84. Lot 3,
30 16
Mary E. Avery, Block 34, Lot 4,
Averys Addition,
Mary A. Barber, Block 34. Lot 5,
Averys Addition,
Mary A. Barber, Block 34, Lot 6,
Averys Addition.
The Protestant Episcopal Chnrch
Block 34, Lot 7, A verys Add.,
The Protestant Episcopal Church,
Bloc k 34, Lot 8, Avervs Add.
The Protestant Episcopal Church,
30 16
80 16
30 16
30 16
30 16
- Block; 34, Lot 9, Averys Add.
The Protestant Episcopal Cr-orcb.
Block 34, Lot iO, Avervs Add 30 16
John W. Hayes, Block 34. Lot 11,
Averys Addition,
John W. Hayes, Block 34, Lot i2,
30 16
Averys Addition,
30 16
By order of the Common Council of
E. P. Gbkffoz,
Police Judge.
Corvallis , Oreton October 20, 19O2.
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby eiven that the assess.
ment made by Ordinance Number ia5TK
for the construction of a sewer through
Block 10, County Addition, Corvallis, in
the manner provided by Ordinance
Number I21, in each of the following!
meiiuuiieu iuu nnu pmia ut tuts una t-u
tered in the Docket of City Liens of Cor
vallis on the 20th day ot Oc tober, 19O2,"
and is due and payable at the office of
the City Treasurer of Corvallis in United
States Gold or Silver coin, and if not
paid on or before the let day of Novem
ber, io02, the Common Council will or
der warrants to be issued to the Chief of
Police for the collection thereof, together
with interest thereon at eight per cent
per annum from that date and costs of
collection, viz.,
Mrs. M. M. Miller.' Block iO, Lot
I, County Addition,
Mis. M. M. Miller, Block iO, S.
A Lot 2, Cauutv Addition,
S. W. Jackson, Block 10, N.
Lot 2, County Addition.
S. W. Jackson , Block iO, S.
Lot 3, County Addition,
William H. Fitz-Patrick, Block
iO, N. Yz Lot 3. Couuty Add
William H. Fjtz. Patrick, Block
10, Lot 4, County Addition,
Christian Church, Block iO, Lot
5. County Addition,
Christian Church, Block iO, Lot
6, County Addition,
Anna Farra, Block iO, Lot 7,
County Addition,
Anna Farra, Block iO, Lot 8,
County Addition,
Anna Farra, Block it). Lot 9.
County Addition,
Joseph Yates, Block iO, Lot iO,
County Addition,
Joseph Yates, Block iO, Lot 11,
County Addition, .
Joseph Yates, Block iO, Lot 12.
County Addition,
By order of the Common Oou
22 24
II 12
II 12
II 12
II 12
22 24
22 24
22 24
22 24
22 24
22 24
22 24
22 24
22 24
IK il of
E. P. Gkeffoz,
Police Judge,
Corvallip, Oregon, October 20, i90a.
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given, that the aeeess
ment made by Ordinance Number 127,4
tor tne construction 01 a sewer through
f Block 23, County Addition Corvallis, in
the manner provided by Ordinance Nuui
ttO. in Mlh rtf f Via fnllnirificr mAntmnpfl
WJ?" of .lot. was entered in the
1 Docket of City Lien 8 of Corvallis on the
2UU1 day ot Uctober, IW2, and is due and
payable at the office of the City Treas
urer of Corvallis in United States Gold
or Silver coiD, and if not paid on or be
fore tl e ist day of November, 19O2, the
Common Council will order warrants to
be if-sued to the Chief of Police for the
collection thereof, together with interest
thereon at eight per cent per annum from
that date and costs of collection, viz.,
M. J. Wells, Block 23, Lot 2,
J"J.County Addition,
Walter T. Wiles, Block 23, Lot 3.
$22 89
22 89
Conntv Addition,
Walter T. Wiles, Block 23, Lot 4,
County Addition,
J. Wells, Block
22 89
Lot 5,
lot 6,
Lot 7,
Lot 8,
County Addition,
J. Wells, Block
County Addition,
J. Wells, Block
County Addition,
22 89
22 89
22 89
22 89
22 89
J. Wells, Block
Countv Addition.
Walter T. Wiles, Bloc k 23, Lot ft,
Conntv Addition,
Walter T. Wilep, Block 23, Lot 10,
County Addition,
Margaret C. Snell. Blotk 23, Lot
11, County Addition,
Margaret C. Snell, Block 23, Lot
12, County Addition,
M. J. Wells. Block 23, Lot 1,
County Addition,
22 89j
22 89
22 8o I:
-By order of the Common
Council of
E. P. Greffoz,
Police Judge,
Coivallif, Oiegon, October 20, i902.
Call for Warrants.
Notii-e is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked not paid for want of funds up to
and including those of April 3rd, 1902.
Interest will be stopped on same from
this date,
Dated 11th. Io02.
W. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer of Benton Co., Or.
is the cause of more discomfort than any
other ailment. If you eat the things that
you want, and that are good for you, you
are distressed. Acker's Dyspepsia Tab
let will make your digestion perfect and
prevent dyspepsia and its attendant dis
agreeable symptoms. Yon can safely
eat anything, at any time, if yon take
one ol these tablets afterward. Sold by
an oruggists on a positive guarantee
25 cts. Money refunded if von
Send to ns for a free sample. 1
. HOOKBB. it Co, Buffalo, N. Y.
Assessment for Sewer.
ment made by oiainauce Number 126,
tor toe construction ot a eewer tiireuch
Mocks 5 County Addition, and 19 Dixon's"
2nd Addition, Uorvaliis, in the manner
provided by ordinance Number 120 in
each of the following mentioned lots and
parts of lota was entered in the Docket "!
of Citv Liens of Corvallis on th snth
day of October, 1002. and is due and
payable at tbe office of the Citv Treaa
nrer. of Corvalli, in United States GltTT-
or Silver coin, and if tot paid on or bel
iurc wn mi uay u uuteuiucr, itnu, ug
Common Council will order warrants to
be issued to the Chief I Police for the'
collection thereof together with interest,
thereon at eight per cent per annum"
from that date aud costB of collection
vis , - -. .
LJane and Clara Hutchens, Block 5,
iiOt 1, county Addition, $173JS.
Jane and Clara Hutchens, Block 5.
TLot 2. Countv Addition, $17.03."
C. C. Hartlesa, Block 5, Lot 3, County
Addition, $17.03.
C. O. Hartlesa, Block 5, S. i6 feet
rLot 4. County Addition, $5.68.
Cora M. Davissoa. Block 5. i6? feet
Tront by 100 feet through the middle of
16 Lot 4, County Addition, $5.68.
T E. J. Moore. Block 5. N. 16? feet Lot
14, County Addition, $5.68.
T ti r C T1 l e o 001 f-, T .
5, County Addition, $n.36.
" Isabella Gellatly, Block 5, N. 16 feet
LLot 5, County Addition, $5.68.
Isabella Gellatly, Block 5, Lot 6,
County Addition, $17.03.
f Isabella Gellatly, Block 5, 'Lot 7,
Conntv Addition. $i7.03
t Isabella Gellatly, Block 5, N. 16 feet
Lot 8. County Addition, $
E. J. Moore, Block 5, S. 33 feet Lot
8, County Addition. $li.36.
- E. J. Moore. Block 5, S. 16 feet, Lot
9, County Addition, $5.68.
i Cora M. Davisson, Block 5, 16 feet
front by 100 feet through the middle of
Lot 9, County Addition, $5.68.
-j C. C. Hartlees, Bloek 5, S. 16 feet,
County Addition, $5 68.
C. C. Hartless, Block 5, Lot 10, County
Addition, $17.03.
E. E. Taddock, Block 5,-Lot 11,
County Addition, $i7.03.
County Addition, $i7.03-
K. IS. faddock, Block 5. Lot iz,
J. H. Albright, Block 19, Lot 1
cms Second Addition, $17.03.
J. II. Albright, Block 19. S. K Lot 2,
Dixon s Second Addition, $8 52,
, Jacob Wbitaker, Block 19, N. Lot 2,
Dixons Second Addition, $8 52.
L Ja.;ob Whitaker. Block i9. Lot 3,
Dixons Second Addition, $17.03.
J. W. Simpson, Block 13, Lot 4, Dix
ons Sei-ond Addition, $i7.03.
J. W. Simrson, Block 1q, Lot 5. Dix-
Dns Second Addition, $17 03.
J.W.Simpson, Block i9, Lot 6, Dix
ons Second Ad lition, $17.03.
Jacob Whitaker, Block I9, Lot 7, Dix
one Second Addition, $17 03.
Jacob Whitaker, Block I9, S. JUrt 8,
Dixons Second Addition, $8 62.
Martha Simpson, Block la, N. Lot
8, Dixons Second Addition. J8.52.
I Martha Simpson, Block lo. Lot 9, Dix-
r A o. . .j , .1 .1 :.: . -r n
Second Addition, S17.03.
Juna (Jlme, Block I9, Lot 11, Dixons
Second Addition, $i7.03.
Julia Cline, Block 19, Lot 12, Dixons
Second Addition, $i7.03.
George Taylor, Block 18, Lot 7, Dixons
Second Addition, $i7.03.
By order of the Common Council of
E. P. Greffoz,
Police Judge.
Corvallis, Oregon, October 2), lo.2
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given, that the assess
ment made by ordinance Number 130 for
the construction of a sewer through
blocks 6 and 7, County Addition, Cor
vallis, in the manner provided by ordi
nance Number i22 in each of the follow
ing mentioned lots and parts of lots was
entered in the Docket of City Liens of
Corvallis, on the 20th day of Octe'ier,
and is due 1902. and payable at the office
of City Treasurer of Corvallis, in United!..
States tiold or buver com, and it not
paid on or before the ist day of Novem
ber, 1902, the Common Council will or
der a arrant tobe issued to the Chief of
Police (or the collection thereof together
with inteiest thereon at eight per cent
per annum from that date and costs of
collection, viz.,
J. H. Simpson, Block C, Lot 1
County Addition.
J. H. Simpson, Block 6, Lot 2,
Countv Addition,
Ida B. Callahan. Block 6, Lot 3,
Countv Addition,
Ida B. Cailahan, Block 6, Lot 4.
County Addition,
Ida B. Callahan, Block 6, Lot 5,
County Addition,
Ida B. Callahan. Block 6, Lot 6,
County Addition,
William Groves, Block 6, Lot 7,
County Addition,
William Groves, Block .6, Lot 8,
Countv Addition.
$22 32
2 i 32
22 32
22 32
22 3-!
22 32
22 3 J j
22 32
flda B. Callahan, Block 6, Lot 9,
County Addition,
Ida B. Callahan, Block 6, Lot 10,
County Addition.
22 32
22 32
22 32
X H Simpson, Block 6, Lot 11,
C unty Addition
J. H. Simpson, Block 6, Lot 12,
County Addition.
Martha Burnett, Block 7, Lotl,
22 32
22 32
22 32
22 32
22 32
22 32
22 32
22 32
22 32
- ,
County Addition,
Martha Burnett, Block 7, Lot!2.
Cennty Addition,
M. S. Woodcock, B ock 7, Lot 3,
-I .1 j;.;
on L. . vuuoif aiiuiuou,
jm. o. n oou cock, rtioc'K , ivOi 4,
Countv Addition,
M. S. Woodcock. Block 7, Lot 5,
County Addition,
M. S. Woodcock, Block 7, Lot 6,
County Addition,
M. S. Woodcock, Block 7, Lot 7,
County Addition,
M. S. WoodcocK, Block 7, Lot 8,
County Addition,
M. S. Woodcock, Block
7. Lot 9.
Pntinfw 0
fM- g Woodcock. Block 7. Lot 10.
Conntv Addition. 22 32
raiartha Burnett, Block 7. Lot 11.
County Addition, 22 32
Martha Burnett, Block 7. Lot 12.
County Addition, 22 32
By order of the Common Council of
E. P. Gbeffoz,
Police Judge.
Corvallis, Oregon, October 20, 1902.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court ef the State ot Oregon
for Benton County
In the Matter of the (state of Leslie M. Mat
toon, deceased:;
'lhe undersigned havine been aorjointed bv
the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, as
administratrix of the estate of Leslie id. Mat-
toon, deceased, notice is hereby given to the
creditors of, and all persons bavins claims
against said estate t present their claims, veri
fied as reauired bv law. to her at her residence
in Summit, Benton County, Oregon, within six
1 morons iroiu iae uate oi ue Hrsc puoiicauon ol
tnis notice, towit, wunin six months iromuie
i7th dav of October. r9oi
. . ATT,9SJ'
tood, Deceased.
- Physician Surgeon:
Booms 14 in Bank Building. J-
1 in to
Office Hours - -
Residence: Corner 5th and Adams Sta.
Telephone at office and residence.
- rCo'va1!18,
- ; - Oregon.
W. T. Bowieo, HI. D.
Physician, Surgeon, Occulist
Office Booms 1 and 2 in Bank Bldg.
Residence On 3rd street, between
Monroe and Jackson. Residence tele
phone No. 311.
Office Holes 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 4
and 7 to 7:3o p. m.
Physician, Surgeon
Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureau
Osteopathic Physicians
Office on. South Main St. Consultation
and examination free.
Office hours : 8 :30-ll :45 a. in; 1-5 :45 p.m.
Telephone 235.
Corvallis, Oregon.
OBlee la Wbltehera Blork
Dentistry of every description dune in first
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposite
the post office, Corvallis. Oregon.
E. 11. Bryson
Corvallis, Ore'on.
Office in FostcfEce Building.
Cojvvi YAsri..
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office in Burnett TJnildinit.
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Suppliea
Ccrv&ICis, Oregon
Established, - Incorporated, tro
The must complete line ol Pure Drugs aad
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books aud Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine lerfumery, Toilet Article,
Combs, Brusuea aud Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Slissors, Fine
Mnnagerjol Peracription Department,
T.A. JOK368. SBefistered,
ptcisl Crnrn in Pl-arn acy stjlen v.f t;nii
ty, Indiana
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
Auk, 12, 1962.
Notin if I e rehy iriven that in compliance llh th
roviFTons of the art of Ot ngreta of June S, 1878, en
titled "An act fr the tale of timber lauds in ti e
States of California, Oregon, Keada, and sthii'p
ton Territory," as extended to all the PulKo Lai d
States by act of August 4, 1802,
of Coriallis, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has
this day filed ill thi ctllce his mm stattnent o.
6Se4. f-r ir.e punhaw of the N KW i and N i NE
of C.ctu'li No 34 in Townrhip No. 12 S, hn re Ho.
1 W, and will offer proof to f-hi w that the land
sought it more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural pun oses, and to esttblieh his claim
to Mid land l-efore Victor P. Motes. ilerk of Benton
Co., Corvallip, Or., on Saturdry, the lbt day of No
vember, 1902.
He names as witnesses:
Michael J. Flynn, John Hyde, Frank M. Spencer,
John P. Huffman, all of Philomath, Orfeon.
Any and all persons .lainiing adversely theabove
deacribrd lands are requested to file their dams in
this office on or before said 1st day of Nov., 1902.
C'HAS. B. M03KE8, Register.
Notice for Publication
Land OlfVe at Oregon City, Or.,
September 20, i2.
Notice is hereby eiven that the follow
ing-named settler has tiled notice of his
intention lo make final pioof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will he
made before tbe County Clerk of Benton
Countv, at Corvallis, Oregon, on No
vember 8th, lo02. viz: Alfred K. Dun
can, H. E. 12i46, for the N W. of
Sec. 32, T. 10 S.. B. 7 W.
He naiuec the f dlowing witnesses tn
prove bis continuous retdrleure upon and
cultivation of raid land, viz: Edward F.
Strouts, Charles Johnt-on and liius Ban
ney, all of Summit. Oregon, and Charles
H. Rigdon, of NaEhville, Oreg n.
Tresspass Notice.
All persons are hereby notified not to r
trespass, by hunting or otherwise, on
tbe premises 'of the undersigned near
Wells, Oregon. . E. F. Wiles,
John Wbitsman,
W. T. Wiles,
John Smitb.