LBPnTdDMAI OPINIONS OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS When Should a Man Marry? WHEN should a man marry? The ambitious young person with an income of $8 a week has been pro pounding this inquiry to the piMile editors of our leading dailies for years. He is enjoined not to be deceived with that fatuous mental arithmetic which teaches that what is enough for one is sufficient for receives the impression from newspaper adv.sers that he should have more than $10 a week, and not quite so much as f IS, He writes that the young woman of his choice tJJ. too conservative, and he is advised that she cannot be worthy of such unselfish devotion as his, and if she were truJyjm' anly she would make the amount buy as many automobile coats as possible. , tM In view of the perplexed state of the public mind on this all-important theme, the recent edict of the German Kaisur comes with authoritative force. It sets marks and boundaries, establishes incomes, social station, and even limits previous conditions of alimony. The Emperor has promulgated an order to the effect that no officer may marry unless he receives a salary of $1,125 a year and is in the enjoyment of an Income of $375 more. That is to say, if he and his future wife, between them can muster $1,500, the wedding march may be sounded. The hopes of the $15 young man are cruelly dashed, for officers who get no more than $750 a year are forbidden to even con sider the matrimonial contract. Carpins critics may say that ihe whole matter might be simplified by giving every officer in his majesty's service at least $1,500. This would give the business of marrying otE the :..rn,5in iirmv tn that irresponsible little deity who goes about with gauze wings and shoots amorous shafts with reckless profusion. Cupid is not trusted in Germany, and there is a growing lnpk of fonfidpnep in him here. The United States has an un written code with regard to the finance of matrimony. A young lieutenant in her army or navy spends his salary for uniforms and extra allowances for the mess. When he marries he must of necessity have a private income, or he must find the daughter of a magnate or something or other who is willing to share his lot and his glory until a kind government increases his rank. Sometimes the larger pay does not come until he is beyond the pale of forty. Harper s Weekly. were German, 82,394 were English, 76,43:? were Irish, vt,G0 were Swedes, 29.101 Norwegians. 11,618 Danes and 18,937 Scotch. This gives a total of 533,719 out of, the 788,992. or nearly 70 per cent, and there was a targe Bntisn immigration from Canada besides. At the present time 70 per cent of the immigration is from Italy, Austria-Hungary and Russia. . The probable effect of such a cnange in cnaracter i popu lation ooens un a wide field for sociological speculation, espe cially in reference to the larger cities of the country. The in jection of a comparatively large and new element into the municipal affairs of such cities as new lora. mcaBo, busiuh and Philadelphia, which receive the greater share of immigra tion, is a thing the results of which can only be surmised. In the meantime., the country will have a new problem in the task of assimilating the new. elements which are thus being injected into the national life. Denver Post. - The Dangers of Ambition. I HERE is a tendency of modern life to give too much rein I . to ambition. The quality, if it may be called such, is un I duly exalted; and some grave faults, even, are held to be I palliated by the fact that ambition has prompted tnem. The child is schooled to covet things far above its present sphere, and while this is done there is absolute omission of teachings as to the sweet, old-fashioned virtue of content. Ambition, reasonable and properly regulated, should be entertained by all; but to be reasonable it must bear a mod erate proportion to the existing conditions of the individual life. The intense purpose to do well what lies before one is noble. It is not so commendable to reach out to accomplish other tasks that do not distinctly and naturally lie before tne, Many good things are ill-done because of the not wholly justi liable ambition which has moved certain persons to the doing of them. It is not consistent with the true philosophy of life that we should be ever straining for results. Let duty be done simply and thoroughly, and there will be no need of worry as to the results. - - We hear much of intense will-power compassing extraor dinary successes. There is a great deal of intense volition without the corresponding force that can alone give it effect It is absurd to will anything intensely which we are incapable of accomplishing. Yet that is what many thousands of persons are doing, and they commit the further folly of striving to accomplish it against all probability of success. There are exceptions in which this striving may appear heroic; but they prove the rule. Excessive ambition is the ruin of too many lives in every grade of society. The advice ascribed to Cardinal Wolsey by Shaksponre, "Fling away ambition." is too sweeping; yet the faculty of moderating ambition to fit the talent or capacity that is available for its service should be sedulously cultivated. Philadelphia Times. New Problems of Immigration. TATISTICS of immigration, taken in conjunction with information furnished by agents in Europe, indicate that the present year is to be a record-breaker in the 1 recent history of this country. Last year the total nmn i,er of immigrants arriving in America was 487,915. This vear it is estimated the number will not be less than 600,000. The most remarkable and interesting feature of the immi gration movement, however, is the fact that there is a decided change in the character and nationality of the people coming to our shores. In 1882 as many as 250,630 of the immigrants Conviction of Woman Criminals. IS the world changing its attitude toward the woman crim inal? It would appear so from the sentences recently passed on two convicts. In Minnesota, Mrs. Tanke, pronounced guilty of murder, is sentenced to. life imprisonment and to hard labor. In Kansas Miss Morrison guilty of like crime, is sentenced to twenty-five years' Imprisonment, practically a lifetime. The Minnesota case was settled in one trial. The Kansas crime rather followed the historic custom oi lenieutj and only after three trials was the case finally settled. These two sentences may be taken as evidence that woman is begin ning to be judged as criminal and not as woman. Just what effect this will have on tne numan race is u-"w ble. No attempt has ever been made to aeny inai women ,. similar criminal instincts with men, but the position in which she has been held has kept man from visiting upon her the penalty that he pronounced upon himself, xnere nave ueeu woman criminals irom tne oeginiuus, a.u-c since the poison of the Borgia. But, partly because- of ideal izing and partly because woman did not share in the world s i.nm,it;ni onri tnarornra ahp waa nor neia io ue ui tu & ! .. i a. knar, fnnnrl irililtV in tne law-DreaKing, woman una uoi in any appreciable degree. The asexualizing of crime will De a nenent to me . . , .. j : cr afta oil anil r AAA i an nnn wnriten art" mil so uiueieut aiwi ., divide them into sexes in the punishment of crime is to fail in th. onntrnl of crime. It is not Dleasant to contemplate a who,-. tha nrisnrw filled with women. But these ...u In illustration are the best preventive. at. i. aui f Ct J ,mo.i aae - - Dispatch. cesscned Cost of Trarel. Before the Siberian railway w8 available, a trip from London to Shang hai cost frmo $325 to 475. Sow it can be made for from $65, third class, to $160, first class. Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a friend of the afflicted and' an enemy to pain which it overcomes. Bee Selects Queer Home. Some reels of thread in a factory at Brannton, : Devonshire, have r been chosen as a home by a solitary .be, which is now actively engaged filling them with honey. It Cm! White Tott Walk; ' .v n - .Vaai tl.h t end TlfiW SlUMS Alien h riwi-two tum.m.s , feel easy. It Is a certain cure lor wwaafjOf lous and swollen,, "??hJSn oday. A t all dru fnrists, 25c. Trial Pkagy ed FEES. Adresa Allen 8. ouneisa. Premonition Proved True. A sensational case of coincidence re- rentlv menrred at Newport. Mr. Charles Anstee. the proprietor of the Potter's Arms notei, naa a prowaMuou. that he would die on the anniversary of the death of his wife, who fell and fractured her skull' a year ago. - His friends tried to laugh him out of it, hnt he was found dead in bed at o'clock a few mornings ago exactly year after his wife's fatal accident. - , Acting the Part. r "Since he married that rich girl understand Dabsley leada a dog's life. "I expected as much." "Yes: he does nothing but eat. lie around the house and growl." Phila delphia North American. Y Money Made in Gambling. ES, there is money made in stock speculation, in buying and selling grains and in playing the races. Yes, mill ions of dollars are made and thousands of persons are becoming the richer thereby. But the persons who are matins- the- fortunes are not those wno invest weir ..;k1- rhi winners are the brokers ana tne Doonmaners Every time a man aeais in a siocs. or a uusuc-i ui w "!. nova a certain ner cent to the person who executes his orders, and whenever he bets on a horse race he pays even a greater ner cent to the man who gives him oaas. xnese inaiviuuuis are bound to be winners; they have a "dead sure thing a ; ha oml thev will get the cash. Of course some men have the luck to win heavily at both oir Qmhlinir and playing the races. The names of those are always emblazoned forth. Nothing is said of the multitude who fail. If persons who contemplate risking their money on either of these forms of gambling wouia taae pencil ana paper and figure the percentage against a possible winning, nine-tenths would start a bank account and be satisfied with the small but sure return on their investment. Cincinnati Post. . : She .Might. "I wonder if she regrets her mar riage?" "YVhv should she?" "Well, vou know, they're both - - . . . . literary, and now her husband tmnxs himself entitled to every Drigni iaea she has." Failed to Scare Him. His medical adviser You won't last lon at this rate, young man. You are burning the candle at both ends. " Gavbov Very well- doctor. When the candle is burnt out I'll light the gas. I V Droldical Rains in England. Drnidical remains, several "plague .... . m I ' . iPA i" T . IT A stones,' "erected aooui iwa.i;.,o old- market crosses ' and 40 stocks or their remains, are among , the ancient monuments ' now to be found in the west riding of Yorkshire, England. M. DS.B.H.KUW flts r Or. KliMi for FKBE AAMtTibottteandtM tSVA Pm MiMmBf Pi i rllt after !irt ly" amtrot Dr. Klin's Gr Nnn . . Regret,' : .- Mamma Why, Willie, you asked for two pieces of candy, and you got them. Aren't you BatisnedT ; . t : ? .WiHie No m, 1 ain't. xou gave v - . t V I t up so easy i m jest kickiu mjwu 'cause I didn't ast you for more. - Mothers will Cnd Mrs. rVlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their Sfaaldren during the teething period. . Not Able to Share It. Hewett The editor says it will be at least a year before he can publish my poem. That's a long time to wait. . Jewett Yes; you,: might die. and then the whole disgrace would fall on your family New York Herald. THE BEST WATERPROOF CLOTHING IN THE WORLD BEARS TUB TRADE MAW MM Is the name sometimes given to what is generally known as the B At) PIS EASE. ' It is not confined to dens of vice or the lower classes. "The purest " and best people are sometimes infected with this awful malady through handling the clothing, . drinking from the same vessels, using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in contact with persons who have contracted it. It begins usually with a little blister or sore, then swelling in the groins, a red eruption breaks out on Ten years ao I contracted a bad case " the body, sores and ulcers appear of Blood Poison. I wu under treatment in the mouth, the throat becomes faphystclanimtillfottiidthathecould , ; " ' , - . , do me no good. Than beg-an taking- ulcerated, the hair eye brows and 88 s x 0O"m.need to improve at once lashes fall out; the blood becoming in a very short time all evidence of more contaminated, copper colored the disease disappeared. I took six bot splotchesandpustueruptionsaud "SSS: sores appear upon different parts of j the body, and the poison even destroys the bones. S S. S. is aSpecific for this loathsome diseaseVand cures it even in the worst forms. ItSis a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes tbe blood and oenetrates to all parts of the system. Unless you get this poison out of your blood it will ruin you, and bring disgrace and disease upon your children, for it can be transmitted from parent to child. S. S. S. contains no mercury or potash. but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound. Write for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagious Blood Poison. If you want medical advice give us a history of your case, and our physicians will furnish all the information you wish without any charge whatever. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A. 1 . ,Z YJMA MAPt M SLACK OR VtLUW , TAKK9WITUTC ON SALE EVERYWHERE . CATAkOSUttFKEC SHOWING' FULL UNEOPj GARMENTS AND HATlli AJ.TOWEg C0..S0ST0N. MASS. s SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY PortUnd. Oregon. Founded U70. ft Rome School for ' ' Military and Manual Training. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. ARTHUR C NEWILl, Principal FOR SALE. - One Second Hand Nichols & Shepard Separator, size 40-60, with wind stacker, only run 40 days; a bargain. Inquire ot JOHN POOLE. - Foot Morrison St., Portland, Or. 1 1 Hi The Business of Executing. ENRY B. PLANT died in June, 189, leaving an estate valued at $17,000,000. Among the executors was Judge vnde Harrison, who recently resigned. In suDmit- I 1 ting to the New Haven, Oonn., court his statement as trustee Judge Lynde said that he naa received as pay ment for his services the sum of $161,625 more than $50,000 a year. Each of the other executors had received a like amount. - "A : : " What a pity it is that more of the American people cannot be made executors by millionaires who are getting ready to die. It is a lino business, this . executing. Where is the man who wouldn't be willing to be an executor if he could get $161,625 for three years' work at it? The widow and some of the sons of Plant have now suc ceeded the original executors, and will hereafter manage the estate themselves. It is not surprising, since the figures have been made public, that they should want the executing jobs in the family. Chicago Record-Herald. WHERE QUEEN VICTORIA DIED. Osborne House, Which Edwarl Pre sented to the British Nation. Famous Osborne House, one of the favorite residences of the late Queen Victoria, which was presented to the British nation by King Edward VII. on Coronation day, is one of the most inag ivificcnt of the several homes of Eng lish royalty. The gift is peculiarly grat ifying to the Hritish public, as Osborue Is sacred to the memory of the late Queen and will ever be inseparably con nected with incidents in the life of that beloved sovereign. As it will be necessary for King Ed ward to spend a considerable part of the year in London aud in its neighbor hood, at Windsor, and having also strong home ties in the county of Nor folk, he felt that he would be unable to make adequate use of Osborne House as a royal residence, and he therefore, offered the property as a gift to the na tion. It is the King's desire that the house be devoted to national purposes and converted into a convalescent home for officers of the army aud navy whose health has been impaired in the service of their country. It was at Osborne House, . Isle of Wight, that Queen Victoria died, Jan uary 22, 1901. It is situated in Whip plngham Parish, not far from Cowes. The house can only be reached by cross ing the ferry to East Cowes and ascend ing a steep hill, the view from every OLDEST WORKING LOCOMOTIVE IN THE WORLD. The first locomotive constructed by CJeorge Stephenson was built in 1813, while he was employed at the Killing worth Colliery. Northumberland. In 181S)the owners of the Hettou Colliery. Durham, decided to transform their wagonway into a locomotive railroad, and recognizing the -abilities of the "Killiugworth engine-wright," they invited Stephenson, to act as engineer of the undertaking. The railway, which ran from Hetton Colliery, a few miles from the city of Dur ham, to the Wear at Sunderland, was opened on Nov. 18, 1822, on which date there were five of Stephenson's engines at work. One of these is shown in the above illustration.. After nearly eighty jars' continuous working, it is still to be seen hauling the coal trains at the Hetton Colliery, and it is now claimed aa the oldest working locomotive in the world. ace, London, least of all. While the' Queen was at Osborne the grounds were jealously guarded, but when she was absent visitors were allowed to HL jiiafi f England," as it Is called, will have remarked the luxuriant manner la which flowers grow there. J&fegetable Prcparationfor As iimil;.ting theFoodandRedula- 'toigtoeStomciBarlBowelsof Tl?iMgil?aTnTiT?ivL- Promotes DigestIon.CheerfuF nessandRestContains neither Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. TiOT HAH.C OTIC . ' Pumpfun SW II mtoholl Wagon. -Aperfect Remedy forConstipa fion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of - NEW YORK. exact copy or wrapper. Jj J . tH&W For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature the . i w In Use For Ovfir Thirty Years P ill THl OKHTkUR SOHMli. OHK W. U DOUGLAS $3 & $3:52 SHOES W W. L- Douglas shoes are worn by more men in all stations of life than any other make, because they are the only shoes mat m every wa ua. those costing $5.00 and $6.00. W. L. DOUGLAS 94 SKUta Bst tmoorfett and America !' PattAtCalf. Enamel, Be Calf, Calf, V lei Kid Corona ColtjHat. Kanaaroo. Fast Color Eyelets used. C.nitnn ! The enulne haw "W. Ij BOUOLAS taOtlOn I amJflnd price Btamped on bottom. Shoet by mail, Zbc. extra, mim. j W. L. DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. TOYOMEN Our Antiseptic and hii-ex- - 4frT oorw ft epoch in women's therapeutics. Tt Is th ideal cleanser and TUB OKL HCAL OKBM 1IESTROYKB. One box EAtH IT EXPANDS four two kinds of KlnM. tablotf fr with J7,nsJ,,J'niPt inf..n..iin,, for Wimi only " VRKK in plain onvlopo. lis briiii-li ofls.wi ITntiold throuKhdruzitorol. Lady onta wuitaO. Best on Earth Brcsnse It is made or the best material possible to bay. The manufacturers absolutely pay 3i to 35 per cent above the market price ot best grades of wagon timber for the pri vilese of cul ling over and skimming off the cream of the wagon stock, which iscarried lor S to o years be fore making up. which means an investment iu wood stock of nearly one million dollars. MITCHELL Wagons are unsurpassed for quality, proportion, finish, strength and litfi running. W'liv take chances on any otherT WliV not get the best? A MITCHRT.U ailtohoU, Lmwlm Stavor Co. Portland. Seattle. Spokane. iJois Agents ISvery where. OR. G. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese doctor is 'called great because he cures people wilhout opera tion that are given up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chl- JZsggi nse neros, roots, duus. 5 iSi hurUn and veeeiables lhat are entirely un known to medical sci ence In this conmrv. 1 hrouRh the useol uiose harmless remedies this famous doctor knows the action of over 500 different remedies, which he successfully uses in different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, slomach. liver kidneys, etc. : has hundreds of testimon ials. Charges moderate. -'all and see him. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars. S-nd 4 cents in stamps. COJSSLlr TATIOU FREE. ADDRESS THE G. GEE WO ChiHESE MEDICINE CO. 132 Third St.. Portland. Orego 03-Mentiou paper. THE HEW PENSION UWS Applv to Nathan Bioktobd, Attobnut, Washingtojt. D. C. SENT FREE El Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uae . ta thiied 'by draggMs Km P. N. V. Ve. 391903. HEN wrlt5ag to advertisers please mention tuu paper. . PORTLAND, OREGON " Play Both Ends. In Guatemala, the Indian population tries to double its chances for the effi cacy of prayer by worshiping t a Chrif-tian altar with images of itB hea then deities hidden behind it. OSKOKNE HOt'SE, PHESEXTED BY EDWARD VII. TO HIS SUBJECTS. uirtof. which Is a delightful one wood l:uil. valley, town, river and sea being visible. Queen Victoria used to spend most of the winter months at Osborne, which was her favorite residence next to Balm. ral. Scotland. She liked Wind sor ''ast'. little, aud Buckingham Pal- Inspect them. The gardens, with thelr terraces, their myrtle and rose trees, and their many rare exotics, are among the finest In the south of England. The climate of the Isle of Wight is consid erably warmer than that of the main land, and every visitor to that "Garden Anglo-Indian Life. Every night at dinner the Anglo-Indian holds a kind of levee. The In sects which attend dance gayly round the lamp, and one has to watch one's plate and glass carefully lest some of the insects should dance into them. There is one insect a little, flat. brown, shining creature which emits the worst odor in the world. If one of these touches your food the whole is tainted and rendered inedible. 'You dare not kill these pests, for if one be crushed the whole room becomes filled with its disgusting , smell and is. unin habitable for the next half hour. So these abominable insects fly about with impunity while the poor Anglo- Indian must perforce look helpless ly on. China men as Debt .Dodgers. New Year time in China is always fruitful of fires. It is the Chinese cus tom that all debts must be liquidated by the end of the year. Failure to do so means utter ruin or ones credit. It frequently happens that a Chinaman, seeing disgrace staring him in the face, will set fire to his houe and thus plead to his creditors, "How could I pay? The gods have destroyed my home. Ask the gods for the money." In this way, if not detected, honor is saved and credit unimpaired. Hammering Away. We didn't expect everybody to send for a sample can of Monopole spices the first week. But we won't be satis fied until every family has had at least a chance to get one. All that is neces sary is to send your grocer's name and two 2-t!ent stamps and we will send a full weight tin of any variety you wish. We think you'll say Monopole spites are the bestyou ever tried. If you dont think" so. keep on using the other kind. Address Wadhams & Kerr Bros.T CoKeo Boasters and Manufactur ers, Portland, Ore. Exception. "This talk about inventions oein' injurious to labor is all nonsense," said convict No. 151. "Why so?" asked the guard. "Because it is. a patent burglar alarm wuz the cause o' me gittin five years at hard labor' Seme people always insist on look ing at a dead man, because he's 'ree. Poorh? " For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly, I then tried Ayer's Sarsa parilla, and in one week I was a new man." John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use trie old, tested, tried, aad true Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. SLM a bottle All tool- As tout doctor what lie thinks of Ayer's Si5irUla He knows all about thiaRrand oldlamllymedicine. Jfollow liis advice and w. winb. ..usfled. No matter how pleasant your surroundings, health, good health, is the foundation for en joyment. Bowel trouble causes more aches and pains than all other diseases together, and when you get a good dose of bilious bile coursing through the blood life's a hell on earth. Millions of people are doctoring f r chronic ailments that started with bad bowels, and they will never get bettor till the bowels are right. You know how it is you neglect get irregular first suffer with a slight headache bad taste in the mouth mornings, and general "all gone" feeling ; during the day fceep on going frbm had to . worse tintiH ihe suffering becomes awful, fife loses hs charms, and there is many a one that has been driven to suicidal relief. Educate your bowels with CASCARETS. Don't neglect the . slightest irregularity. See that you have one natural, easy movement each day. CASCA RETS tone the bowels make them strong and after you have used them once you will wnndVf whv it is that you have ever been without them. You will find all vour other disorders commence to get better at once, and soon i you wiH be well by taking THE TONIC LAXATIVE 1 " . fmS00 ff- mj I mn jmi mmi i .iii -1 1 1 I in m m sue. U FlUj U faMJ 25c ALL DRUGGISTS. NEVER SOLD DM BULK. CUBE! .wnendletcla. U- bad blood, V tMA bowel. nlu after MUwc.llTsr trouble, sallow eompi"" ud dizziness. When your bowels don's mo a bowel troubles. a S. leriT tor are gpttlue: sick. Constipation lulls mora iople tba all otEer diseases oEether. Is starter for the ehronle aliments and la?T saffbrfwat that eons afterwards. No matter what all Ysu start teklnc CASCARETS todar, for yon Ulerlet well and bo wen all the flmenntU 1 . L.U,.V. wt... nrke onr adrleel start W1U E7 JC Ionian " iftTi to euro or money reiamoso. TO CTKEi TiTK ' GUARANTEED If In years ajra : of CA8CAB- old. ow It Is million bozes a rear, greuer a,anK - wy -imll-r dlel.e.b tH. H. MSZSLZS'-fSm sd rrcA?ciBT.ut.i,JE fair, aot bm and ue emprr wx w - " k'r.. kii.