Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 20, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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m corvailis gazehe.
FB1IUY, JUNE 120, 1902.
Those were wholesome ir.ilh-
uttered by Dr. Wise in his ad
dress to the class Conimencem u'
morning. They could not be
otherwise, for they came fiO:ii
the heart of a wholesome man
With hiin example is . as bound
to wait upon precept, as night is
certain to follow day. It is but
natural. The innate honesty of
the man is manifest in his ewry
act, and pretense is as foreign to
his nature as guile is to truth.
He is no dissembler. He speaks
no false opinion, that the smooth
surface of vanity may go unruf
fled; he caters not to public sen
timent, ih:U honeyed words may
follow. What a thing is he
names it. What truth dictates
he utters. His is the wisdom of
the sage; not of the wiseacre.
Irtt not his words of counsel,
and his courageous example be
lost on this community.
There was one orecept set
down by Dr. Wise that should
be charactered in the memory of
every member of the class, and
seasoned by constant reference
He charged these voune men
and women to make use of vision,
that they might find their proper
sphere in life. There are today
too many pettifogging lawyers
rating at the bar; too many
mouthing orators fuming and
vaporing from the rsstrum; tco
many little, insipid preachers
confusing the scriptures; loo
many hucksters in the marts of
trade; too many cheap pohti
cians rosin? as statesmen; loo
many "hands" in factories and
oi the farms.
With proper vision the petti-
logger might have been a success
ful farmer; the weak preacher
might have made his mark as a
financier; the individual who
failed as an orator might have
become a skilled physician.
Those ' who should be mould
ers of public opinion are largely
responsible for this conoitiou.
Through lack of moral courage,
or for fear of .offending, they let
the counterfeit pass current as
the genuine coin. If an individ
ual is out of his sphere, tell him
so, and you do him a kindness
and serve society. It his efforts
are worthy of commendation, do
' not hesitate to say so; if they de
serve severe criticism, be no less
honest. If the coin is spurious
nail it down. Help those who
lack vision, to see.
Commencement Happenings
The exercises at the unveiling
of the tablet in memory of Cap
tain Woodbridge Geary, former
commandant at the college, who
"was killed while leading his
troops in a charge at Malabou,
Philippine Islands, were appro
priate and impressive. The tab
let is of white marb!e, and bears
the name of Captain Geary, a
tribute to his worth, and the
time, place and manner of his
death. It is embedded in the
masonry near the east entrance
to the armory. A short program
preceeded the address by Mr. B.
F. Irvine. In his eulogy of Cap
tain Geary, Mr. Irvine extolled
the virtues of the man as a citi
zen and soldier. He said the
pages of history contained no
stblimer storylthan that of Wood
bridge Geary's fidelity to duty.
He admonished the cadets who
had had the privilege of the dead
comman lant's acquaintance and
instruction, to give heed to the
lesson that his life had taught
and to emulate its example.
A urogram of musical and lit
erjtry numbers was given by the
dipartments ot music and elo
cution at the college armory
Monday evening:. The attend
ance was large aud the exercises
eniovable. Vocal solos by Mis
Bates and Mr. Carnahan, and an
instrumental duet by the Misses
Horner were to many the most
pleasing numbers on the pro-
pram, while many complimentary
things have been said of the pan-
tomine "L,ead Kindly Jigut,
by Miss Steiwer, and the scene
from "Pygmalion and uaiatea,"
by Mr. Wilson and Miss Irvine
Nine stalwart members of the
faonltv tasted the ashes of defeat at
the conclusion of their game of ba.- e
pill Monday, aitern mn wunaiire
number of "grave and reverend se
mors" of this year's c'ass Thev
made a game fiuish, however, and
if they had not run out of innings
it is altogether probable that they
would have at least tied the score.
With the odds 10 to 2 against them
rly in the game, ihey cut down
the average wonderfully and the
final core was 14 to U, with the
eoiors ou the long end. Hay ward
and Cordley were the battery for
i he faculty, -while Biiyeu appeared j-
m the box for the seniors and bcott
stood behind the bat. ;-.
The largest crowd of the com
u.piiceiuent season attended the ex
erciser! "fven hy the Senior c!a?s at
Use north -?itranw to the ad:uiii--t
ration busldiu,' T'n'M v .sfterrM-i
St-ats were arranged
on ttiM campus.
and ihe class aaeenibi-J on th
step?-leading to the entrance.
Air. Tully announced the num
bers on the program, which opened
with a ciasa song of. appropriate
words set to the music of ''March
ing Through Georgia." The class
history by Mr. Houston followed.
He told of the parent toi'lng of th j
class the day of its erganiza
tion, until it had reached the go d
which had ever been kept in view i
Wm Van Gross read an oricinal !
poem and Thomas Eilyeu delivered
an oration, each number being
qnile meritorious.
. The c!ae3 will was solemnly read
by Miss Edith Howard. Each leg
acy was a shaft which found the
vulnerable spot of the various mem
ber? of the ficultv and employees
of the institution. Some of them
were f limp, but -they contained no
anioius and should 1 ave no eting.
The c'as3 will concluded -the
Forged a Check
A btrangcr appeared at Fischer's mill
about ten days ago anil purchased half a
ton ol 4 feed . He tolJ August Fischer
that he had been in the employ of G.
Harding, north of Corvallis, for some
time and offered a check for $-12.25 in
payment of t lie feed. The amount of
feed bargained for came to $10 and Mr.
Fischer paid h'.m the difference. $52.25.
The stranger, who gave his name as C.
O. Cline, told Mr. Fischer that he was
going to engage in teaming and that he
had moved his family to Corvallis aud
gave the location of the residence he had
taken posession of. When Mr. Fischer
spoke of the matter of sacks, the stranger
told him that there was a box in the
barn that would hold the feed and it
could be emptied from the sacks. . He
did not want the feed delirered until the
following day.-
The check bore the dale of June 101 h,
and Mr. Fischer did not- take it to the
bank for payment until the following
Saturday, when the forgery was detected.
This aye the forger plenty' of tim? to
get out of this section, particularly as
Mr. Fischer did not pay much attention
to the appearance of the stranger.
Sheriff Burnett had business that took
him over to Albany, Tuesday afternoor,
and he inquired of parties between here
and there regardiug the forger and learn
ed that the latter had appeared at Dick
Kiger's and asked for a blank check on
an Albany bank, stating that he had pur
chased a cow and desired to draw a check
in payment for her and had forgotten his
check hook. Mr. Kiger told him that
he did not do his banking in Albany and
did not accommodate him.
Mr. Burnett also learned that lie de
sired to make some trivial purchase at
the store at Granger, provided a check
on the Lebanon bank for $20 could ha
cashed. Here he failed.
Later 'on the forgrr appeared at Mr.
Hardiug's and told Uis htory of having
forgotten bis c heck book and Mrs. Hard
ing gave him thtee jblauk checks, saying
that he might spoil one or two in making
it out. In Jthis way the stranger learned
that Mr. Harding had a bank account
and did his banking in Corvallis.
It is a peculiar circumstauce, but true
that no two persons who came in con
tact with the swiudler give the same de
cription of the man. However, all agree
that he rode about the country on a.bicy-
cle. A week or two previous to the for
gery above-mentioned similar swindles
were reported from Eugene and Sheriff
Burnett is of the opinion that the same
part' is responsible for all of the forgeries
Cadet Officers.
Last Friday afternoon, Major F. E.
Edwards, commandant, O A C. cadet bat
talion, announced the names of those
who would etrve as officers of the four
military companies next year. The pro
motions are as follows: Cadet major,
Byrani Mayfield; first lieutenant ancri
quartermaster, James XV. Hartley ; first
lieutenant and artillery officer, I. P.
Whitney; first lieutenant and band
master, James D. Zurcher.
Cadet 'captains : J. JS. Johnson, E.
B. Beatty, V. S. Wells and John Taul
8n. Cadet first lieutenants: I. M.
Underwood, E. L. Baruaugh; W. D.
Jamieson and John Howard. Cadet
second lieutenants: P. E. Clark, F. C.
Pate, F. L. Deyer and E. Wkklusd
Forty corporals and thirty-five sergeants
were also appoint ed.
borne Reasons
Vhy Vcu Shcuid Insist on Having
1 pmm umms on
CiiicvjU:.!o! liy any oilier.
Renders hard, leather mjH.
-". dally .;-quied.
fVct'iv: out water.
A heavy hodicd oil.
An excellent preservative. i
r..i . ,
n"-e.- e-.-M oi ou" Harness.
Never burns ilie'le.-.ther ; its
Efficiency is increased.
Secures he.-.t service.
Sthches kept from hreaking.
Is .sold ii! aJJ
- M:iN!Tfa-tureil hy
-m:i.lui a Oil Company.
B SB a'
$3 oo shoe the "correct shape" shoe for
men :s CI! d between the outsole and
insole with a mixture ot ground cork and
rubber, which acts as a cushion for the
vieartr's foot, kteps ont moisture and
prevents squeaking. Alwaj'S $3.00,
never less. PetUr than seme shoes at
$3. 50 shoes, made from White's Crown
Calf, wears better, keeps its polisa bet
ter, in fact, the best shoe madeingthe -world
for the pi ice. Sold only by
F L. MILLER, Corvallis, Or.
When you see it in our ad, it's so.
Phone 191.
If you are looking for some real
Fruit and Poultry Itanche?, wn'te for
I shall take pleasure in pi - i' g jon all
also showing you over th. ountry.
Notice to the Public.
The ordinance prohibiting chickenB
running at large is now in force. Owners
will be given a reasonable length of
time' to prepare coops, after that arrests
will be
made where the ordinance is
A. B. Alexander,
Cheil of Police.
Harvester for Sale.
New Ui.ampion Ilarvoter, for sale at a
very low f.zure. Call on John .Matthews
on John Wright place, one milejiorth of
Notice of Heal Settle lscnt.
Not ice is hereby given lliat the linal
account of Percy K. Keiiy, :is adminis
tralor of the estate of llotiina Such, de
ceased, has been filed in the county court
of Benton county, Oregon, and that the
4th dav of August, A. D., 19J2, at the
hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. of said day
has been duly appointed by said court
for the hearing of objections to such
final account and the settlement thereof.
Dated this 14th day of June, A. D.,
1902. Pkkcy R, Kelly
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Iiosina Such, deceased.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that
money in the ciiy tieasury to
there is
pav all
warrants drawn 011 the general fund and
endorsed prior to March 13, 1900. Inter
est will stop on'same from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., June 10, 1902.
Wm. McLagan,
City Treasurer.
Auction of Dairy tows.
I will sell at my ranch, on Philomath
road Saturday, Juue 28th, at 10 o'clock
a. m., the following property. Twenty
head, No. 1 milch cows; 12 head year
ling and fall calves; 1 short horn hull, 4
year old'; 1 short horn hull, 2 year-old ;
1 Jersey bull, yearling; between 40 and
50 iiead of hogs 7 orood sows, ballance
young hogs from 50 to 100 pounds; I5O
chickens, mostly hens; 1 light two-horse
wagon ; 1 phaeton, 1 set double harness,
almost new ; and numerous farming im
lerins of sale: All sums under $50;
1. 1 . 1 .t -1. , . .-. , . .
caan ; oetween ifou ami ?zuu. one year s
time,. at 10 per cent. ; over $200, at 8 per
cent, interest.
S. B. Ban's,
. Corvallis, Ore.
M. A. Goodiiough
Dealer in
Pianos, Organs,
Violins, Guitars,
aud small instruments of all description.
Manufacturers agent for the
World - Famous
Pianos snd Organs
whi h have a world wide reputation for
their tone, action and dcrahility. I also
sell the best automatic, piano-player on
the market today the Parpgon.
Office and residence one block west of
rourt hense. '
good bargains in Stock. Grain,
ray special Ii.tor come and gee me
the reliable information you wish;
Benton County, Oregon
Assessment far Sewer.
Notice is 'hereby given, that the as
sessment made by Ordinance No 116. for
the construction of a sewer throuuh
Blocks 22 and 23, Corvallis, in the man
ner provided by Ordinance-No. 105, in
each of the following mentioned, lots and
parts of lots was'entered in the docket
of City liens of Corvallis ou the ISth
day cf June, 1S)02, and is due and pay
able at the office of the City Treasurer of
Corvallis, in United States gold or silver
coin, and if not paid on or before the
5th day cf July, 1902, the Common
Council will order warrants to be issued
to the Chief of Police for the collection
thereof, together with interest thereon
at 8 per cent per annum from that date
and costs and collection, viz:
Block 2i, Lot 1, Lucia Additon...$24 09
Lucia Additon... 24 09
3, J L Hertdiner 24 Co
4, J L Hersi.iaer 24 09
5, J L Hershner 24 09
0, wm ii roves u;i
7, T II Wellsher 24 09
8, T H Wellsher 24 09
9, T H Wellsher 24 09
10, Agnes Thompson 24 09
11, Agnes Thompson 24 09
12, Agnes Thompson 24 09
1, M E Church.... 24 09
2, M E Church 24 09
:5, Heirs cf Emily C
Pernot 24 09
4, S Chipman...: 24 09
5, The fc-vangelical
Church 24 09
G, The Evaugelical
Church 24 09
7. Anna M Beach... 24 09
8, Anna M Beach. . 24 09
9, Minerva J Kiger.. 24 09
10. Mary J Mays 24 09
11 N 30 feet, Mary J
Mavs 14 45
12, Ma'ry A Flett 24 09
11 S 20 feet, Marv A
Flett 9 64
1. Benton County... 24 09
2, Benton County... 24 09
11, Benton County... 24 09
12, Benton County... 24 09
3 S 9 ft. Benton Co 4 33
10 S 9 ft, Benton Co 4 34
By order cf the Common Council of
Police Judge.
Cot valiis, Oregon, June 18, i902.
Assessment for Sewsr.
Notice is lierehv given that the as
sessment made by Ordinance No Ii5,
for the construction of a eewer through
Blocks i2 and j3, Conutv Addition to
Corvallis, in the manner provided by
Ordinance Jo i(M; in each ol the lol
lowinjj mentioned lots aud rarts of
lots was entered in the docket of City
liens of Corvallis on the iSth day of
Jnne, 1992, and is due and payable at
the office of the City Treasurer of Cor
valiis, in United States gold or silver
coin, and 11 net paid ou or before ihe5th
day of July, 1802, the Common Council
will order warrants to be issued to the
Chief oi Police for the collection thereof,
together with the interest thereon, at
8 per cent per annum from that date
and costs of collection, viz:
13 Si4ft
I, F II ftlills,.,,, ,.,.$19 91
Henrietta E Uilley 19 91
3, MelUsa E Cameron 19 91
4, Melissa E Cameron 5 57
5, A M Wit ham 19 91
1 3
1 3
0, A 31 Uitham., 19 91
7, A M William 19 91
8, A M Witham 19 91
9 A M Witham 19 91
N 35 ft 4, A M Withs.m 14 33
10, Mary , Webber 19 91
11, Mary A Wilkin?. 19 91
12, Mary A WM kins... iy 91
1, Lillian N Lake.... 19 ci
2, Lillian N Lake ig 91
S 2 3, Lillian N Lake ' 9 95
4, Mary E Smi:h 19 91
JN i 3. Marv la, binith 9 qd
OJ Hlackledge i9 tu
OJ JilaCEiedge 19 91
O J Blackledge 19 91
O J Blackledj'e 19 91
O J Biackledge 19 91
lu, Helen Holtjaie 19 91
11, Helen Hoigate 19 91
12. Helen Hoigate 19 91
By order of the
Common Council of
Police Judgp,
C01 valiis, Oregon, June 13, 1902.
the most haaling salve in the world.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Court of the S:.a:e of Oreson for
Benton Cocmy"
m me Matter ot the Estate
3. B. Lee, (dee'd) and f
C. H. Lee, Tartuers . )
Notice is lir?h.c iiveji t hat tlie final oi-count of
the undersigned Admiuisvntor ci the estate of J. B.
Lee, deceased, and -C.. II. Lee. partners, tos been
rendered to said Court for settlement, and that Fri
day the 6th day of June A. . 1002 at 10 o'clock A.
M. has bsen duly appointed lv said Court the Ume
f-ir the settlement theieof: at whtih time anv per
son interested in said estate hy" haviin objections to
said account may- appear fid OIo his objections or
cx;ept-icns in writing to paid at count and-coutebt the
- C. II. I.liK.
Administrator ot' the estate o J. B. Lee. dee'd and
C. II. Lee, partners. "
We Buy attl Sell Farms
If yon want to sell farms or city prop
erty list it with ns. : Write ns or call and
see ns, we advertise in Eastern apers.
If you want to buy property or want a
business location write or call on ns.
Houses to rent, money at low interest,
insurance written, collections made,
farms, rented, etc. Office in Sanders'
Jewelry Store. , N. P. Teteeson.
G. A. Robinson.
IU first National Sank.
WOODCOCK, r resident.
IIOOR, Vice-President.
M. f.
C. V,
GEO. K. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Leans Made
On all kinds cf approved securits', and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi
ness enterprises aud industries of this country.
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchange and transfers sold available ic
the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer
land France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ge:
many, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Issued available iu the principal cities ol th?
United States.
Princij. X Correspondents Upon Whom V;
Sell Sight Exchange
The Coinmeieinl Kai tonal Sank of Chicago.
The First National Bnk of Portland, Oregon.
l"he Bauk of California, ?n Viaucisco, Caiif.
Augio-Cahforuian Hak,F:t L'raucisco, ai:i.
The National tity Ba::k Nfv York.
The Kaitk. efKew Y-:rk Nntsonul Ranvins Ass t?
Importers & Trader's National Rank, NeftrTforK
Shonainl Leatho- NaiV-nal Batilc of Boston. Mhst
F&iladelbbia Nntiout i J ai.kof i hlTadclnkia.
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given that the assessment made
ny Ordinance No. 117, for the construction of a
swer through Blocks ! anil S, County Addition to
the City of Corvallis, in the manupr provided by
Ordinance 106. in each ot the following mentioned
lots, and part of lots, was entered in the 'docket of
City liens of Corvallis, on tne Jn day ot June, muz,
and is due nnd payable at the otlice of the City
i Treasurer, of Corvallis, in United States g-ohl or
silver coin and if not paid on or before the 5th Cay
of July, 1902, the common council v.'ill order war
rants to be issued to the Chief of Police for tlia col
lection thereof together with interest; thereon at 8
per cent per annum from that date and costs of
collection, viz:
Block 9, Lot 1, HS Pernot... , 23 42
H S Pernot a
H S Pernot , 23 42
Emma Smith . 23 42
Emma Smith 23 42
Emma Smith 23 42
Emma Smith 23 42
S, Lmiua Smith ....
9, Emma Smith
23 4-2
23 4:
10, Adrtie Job 23 42
U Addie Job 23 42
12, Addia Job 23 42
' S, " 1, Methodist Church South 23 42
" 8, " 2, JJethodiet Church South 23 42
" 8, ' s, Methodist Church South 23 42
' 8, " lo, Methodist Church South 23 42
8, " li N i, Methodist Church South. 1171
" 8, " 4, Methodist Church South 23 42
" 8, " 9, Methodist Church South 23 42
" 8, " 5, W J Heckart 23 42
" 8, " fi, W O H6ckart 23 42
" 8, " 7, WO.'Hcckart 23 42
" 8, " 8, WO Heckart.. 23 42
8, " 12, -Victor P Moses 23 42
" 8. " 11 S i, Victor P Mose 1171
By order of the Common Council of Corvallis
Police Ju-lge.
Corvallis, Oregon, June 13, 1902.
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given that the assess
ment made by Ordinance No. 113 for
the construction of a sewer from the
manhole of tne main sewer on Van
Buren street on the south side of Block
4. County Addition, thence northerly to
a point fifty feet north of ;the middle of
the south tide of Bock 15, Dixon's
Second Addition to Corvallis, in the
manner provided by fordinance No. 101.
In each of the folloninrr mentioned lots
and parts of lots was entered in the
docket of the City liens f Corvallis on
the 18th day ot June, 1902, and is due
and payable at the ofhee of the C:4v
Treasurer of Corvallis, in United States
gout or silver coin, ami if not oaid on
or before the 5th oay of July, 1902. the
Common-Council will order warrants to
be issued to the Chief of Police for the
collection thereof together with interest
thereon at 8 per cent, t er annum from
that dale aud costs of collection, viz;
Bl'k 4, Lot
1, MC Willbanks and
Pearl Hout $22 01
W J Willbanks 22 01
W J Willbanks 22 01
Flora Portt r 22 01
Thomas Whitchorn 22 01
Thomas Whitehorn 22 01
H'rs Henrv Elliott
and Elda Elliott... 22 01
Ji'rs Henrv Elliott
and Elda Elliott,,.. 22 01
11 'rs Henry Elliott
and Elda Elliott
F M Sntford
22 01
22 01
11 01
N 4. F MSuiiord
Block 14, 1, 2S, .Margaret N
Cooper 5 51
14 " 1. C-S Marv Newton It! 60
14. ' . Hol.t Buchanan... 22 01
14 " H, liol.t Buchanan... 22 01
14. " 1, Ehas Woodward.. 22 01
14, " 5, Elias Woodward.. 22 01
" 14. " V, Eliaa Woodward.. 22 01
" 14, " 11, Elias Woodward.. 22 01
14, 12, Elias Woodward.. 22 01
" 14, " 7, EH Colbert 22 01
" 14, " 8, Ii H Colbert 22 01 1
" 14, " 9, It H Colbert 22 01
" 14, " 10, Ii H Colbert 22 01
' 15, " 1 Virgil E Watters.. 22 01
15, " 7, Virgil E Wattere.. 22 01
By order of the Common Council of
Police Judge.
Corvallip, Oregon, Jun-? IS, 1902.
Foley's Kidney Cure, f
makes kidneys ana bladder right.
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given that the assess
ment made by ordinance No. for the
construction of a sewer from the man
hole of the main sewer on Jefferson street
on the north side ot blocK 2i, old town of
Msrysville, ' now CorvaHi?, through
blocks 21, 20, 19, Corvallis, blocks L and
K. Avery's Addition, in the manner pro
vided by ordinance No. 103 in each oil the
following 'mentioned lots, anil parts of
lots, was entered in the docket ol the city
liens, Corvallis, on the iSth day ot June.
ilK2. and is due and payable at theoflice
ot the city treasurer of Corvallis, in
United Stated gold or silver coin, and H
not paid on or before the 5th day of July,
1902, the Common Council will order
warrants to be issued to the ehief of po
lice for collection thereof, together with
interest thereon at 8 per cent, per annum
from that date, and cost of collecting,
namely :
(Original town Marys ville, now Cor
vallis.) Block.
I Francis Blanchett $26(1
t 2 J-'ranois Blanchett , 24 66
3 Francis Blanckett 24 60
4 Presbyterian Church 24 CC
,5 Presbvtsrian Church 24 60
6 Presbyterian Church 24 66
7 Baptist Church 24 Go
N i 8 Baptist Church 12 33
9 Louisa Crees 24 06
S J 8 Louisa Creos 12 33
10 John H. Simpson 24 C6
II John H. Simpson.. 24 C6
12 John H. Simpson 24 66
1 Marinda Abbey 24 66
2 Marii:da Abbey 21 60
Ma;inda Abbey 24 66
4 Marinda Abbey.. 24 60
5 Wm. Groves 24 66
6 Wm. Groves 24 66
7 L. . Cathey 24 60
20 '
" 19
L. E. Galhcy 4 66
1. A. Cathey 24 66
B. A. Cathey 24 66
Joseph Fierstciu 24 66
Joseph Fierstein 24 66
Jokn Wiles 24 08
John Wiles 24 06
llulda A. Brown 24 66
F. Bcrclitold 24 60
Keubcn KiKar 24 66
Reuben Kiger 4 60
Roseila Rowland 24 CO
Koseila flowiand 24 06
Cora A. Hartley 24 60
Cora A. Hartley 24 66
ora A. Hartley 24 60
Cora A. Harticv 24 (.0
(Avery's Addition to Corva'dis.)
1 Wm. Porter 24 60
2 Wm. Porter 24 66
3 John and Hamia Cains 24 66
t Caieb liavis 24 66
S Caleb Davis 24 00
K Caieb t avis 24 60
7 fc'arah J. Tunnicliffe -24 00
K Sarah J. Tunuicliffe 24 06
9 Sarah J. Tunnicliffe 24 6
10 Sarah J. Tunnicliffe 24 60
11 S.J. Tunuicliffe 24 66
12 S. J. Tunnicliffe 24 66
1 Ruth Buchanan 24 66
Ruth Buchanan
24 66
2 4 66
Ruth Buchanan . . .
F. Berchtold
F. Berchto'.d
F. Berchtold
F. Berchtold
F. Berchtold
Ruth Buchanan..
Ruth Buchanan . . .
24 60
24 60
24 66
24 06
24 6i
i4 66
24 66
4 66
Ruth Buchanan. .
By ore er of the Common Cour.c"! of CorvallW.
Police Judgr.
CoiVJllis, Oregon, J-ne 18, 19(2.
N tiee is hereby given tlu.t the unlcraigucd have
been duly appointed cxecutois of thu Last Will-and
Testament oi Robert E. Cooper deceased .
All person? having- claims pga'ust ?aid estate are
hereby required to present the same duly verified as
by law required at the law olHce of Yates &. Tatm, at
Corvallis, Oregon, w ithin six months from the date
of the lirst publication of this notice.
Tii.w H Coops r and Geo. W. Coopkr,
Attention Breeders.
My stallion Gim Crack Jr. and Gen'l
Gonien will mske the season of 10J2,
Mcnda3Ts at Farmei's feed vard, Corval
lis. Thr-fe stallions are full hlood
ClycesdaUs, Sire, Gini Ciack, 44U8;
Dam Barbara Gordon, C441. Imported
by Showalter & Lmscn, of Eutlcr, Ind.
M. S. Co n.
Farm for Sal.
One ImLthed r.iid sixty acrts, oce-liHlf
sewed to gn ss; gocl Louse, fair haru,
fine orchard, situated yz miles fioni
Wren, Ore., on ;ccd icad. Piiie, $9ii0
spot cash, or 1,000 with mortgage, En
quire at this office.
United States Land Office,
Oregon Cit v, Oregon,
Slay 6th. 1!'J2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act oi Congress of June 3, lb7S, en
titled "An act for the sale nf timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1S92,
of Falls City, county of Po'k, State of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
5784, for the purchase of the Northeast i of Sec. No.
14 in Township No. 13 S, llavge No. 7 W., and will
offer proof to show that the laud soucht is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for aericuitunl
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the County Cleik of Benton countv at Cni valiis,
Oregon on Saturday, the 19th day oi July, 1Mi2.
lie names as witnesses:
Albert M. Kcbinson and FiecmBn W. Hcb!iifon of
Falls City, Ore., and Ilai-t C. takin and Joscpii K.
Sibley, of Dallas, Oregon.
Any nd all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before faid 19th day of Julv, 1902.
CHAS. li. JIOOKES, lUgUter.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at
Oregon City, Ore , June i4, i!02.
N.itiee is heieby given that the iollowiiiy-namcd
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before County Cleik of Iienton Count v
ub corvains, recon, on July 2sth, i02 viz
H. E, iSiOa for the Lots I, , 3, 4, 5, and C. Sec. -20
T. IIS.,R,6 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upiu ani cultivation of said land
Gcrge A. Bayiie, George p.avnc Jr , Ilonier Lilly,
a.'l of Wren, Or., Henry O. Witbam, of Corvallis Cr,
v Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
. . Orejfon City, Oregon, June 10, 1902.
Notice is hereby riven that in c-omnliaiin- with tl
proviMons of the act of Congress of June 3, 187K, en
titled "An aci f,.r the sale of timber lands in the
iit.ves of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washinc
t..n Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
State3 by at of August 4, iS92,
of I'crtland, county of Multnomah, State of Orcon,
has tin's day filed i i this oh'ice his sworn statement
No. 5778, for tl e purchase of the N V 1 4 of Section
No. 14 111 Township No. i3 S, Range No. 7 W, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to ebtahlith his cianatosaid
land before the R( j.'ister and Reccivir ofthisnttue
at Oregon City, Oregon on SAturdav, the 80th day of
August, iSOi ' '
He names as wit:iesfes: Lli.-ha V. Spencer of At
sea, Oregin, Frank Klecker of Ali-ia. Uiesrjn. Sam.
ucl d. hwiinf of Philoa-ath, Oregon, Charles H. Chip-
oi wi'oi 1., iitgOI .
Any and all persons cluiming adversely the above
descrii.ed Kfds are requested to fiie their clamis in
tnis o.t.ce on or beioie ;a;d 30th dav of August, i90?.
CHAS R. J.OjRES. L.gistcr.
Ksvf Stone Quarry.
I have opened a elone quarry on. my
pla-je ose mile north of Corvallis. No
bptter foundation stpnp cau be foiind iri
fiie county. Bui!ders nd others are re?
quested to wiite or eee me, whea in need
Thob. Bovlden.
Physician Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
Office Houra
Residence:- Corner Col lego and 8th Sts.
Telephone at office and resklem-e. -Corva'iiH.
. - - - : ; Oregon.
W.T. Bowleg, pi: D.
Physician, Surgeon, Occulist
Office Booms 1 and 2 in Bank Bldg.
Residence On 3rd street between
Monroe and Jackson. Residence tele
phone No. 311.
Office Hovrs 10 to 12 a. in. ; 2 to 4
and 7 to 7:3o p. m. .
Physician Surgeon
Examining surgeon JJ. S.Pension Bureau
Osteopathic Physicians
Oflice on South Main St. Consultation
and examination free. .
Office hours : 8 :3011 :45 a. m; 1-5 :45 p in.
Telephone 235.
C-'rvaiUs, Oregon.,
Offli-o in Wbitehorn Block
llntistry of evtry description done in first
class 'manner, and satisfaction guar
anteed. csown tfiD mm WOSK A SPEG!ALTT
OrSoe over Zierolf s arrocery store, oppose
tlit post cilice, Corvallis.' Oregon.
E. R. Bryson
Corvallis, Ore-'on.
ClHce in Pcstoffice Building.
Notary Titles Co evamoinu.
Prai tii-e in all State and Federal Court.
Office in Unrne't R-i'ldini?
Orugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Ccivaltis, Oregon
I!.lablislicd, Iticoiporatf d, 1898
The most complete line I ol Pure Drugs and
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Bcofcs -scd Stationery, Ccxtimercial Ta
pers, Fine rerftuncry, Toilet Article,
tCcmbs, rrutbes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Mitiaifer; of Perscription Department,
T. ;a. JOKES, Hecistered,
Special Cct'tse in Ihfrnscy rt Tftr'rf tfKfii
ty, Indiana
Notice for
Vi.ited States land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
- ; April 7th, 1902.
Nttite it- l3' rin tl F.t in ccmi-disr c with tie
prvisiors of the hut vi C 1 of Jni:e 3, lfc78, en
titled "n ret nr tl-c tale cfrtJn ber In ds in ti e
States oi (aliloiu.a, legr n, NM-ada, ar.d Wcshirg
ton Territory," as txlm td to all the Public Lsnd
Stat s by net of August 4, 1S92,
of Inriepeni'erce, County of Folk, State of Orepoti,
has this day till d in this" oflice his i-wcrn statement
No. 5704, for the purchase of the S. 1 of N. E. 4. and
Lots 1 ' ml 2 of Section No. 4. ili"Toulhiul3 S..
Range No. 7 Weft, and will (ffer proof to show that
the land 1 ought is niore valuable for its timber or
Ktcne than for sgiiculiural puipo.'es. id to estab
lish his claim to said land btfore the Reprii-ler and
Receiver of this cilice at Oiegon titv, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 24th day of Juue, 1602 He names as
witnesses: C. E. lielaiid, (hi.rks Liiyiu, Rube
Dickinson and Samuel L. iivin ell cf l:xe ti.dcnce,
Any ar.d all perttrs e'ein irg rucrrelv the above
described Isi.ds are xquottu to file thiir claims in
this oflice c n cr Ufcre taid 24th isv of J11 e. 1 1 2.
t'nitcd States Land Office,
Oregon City. Orcgc.n,
yy3, 19ig,
l olice is 1 ercly given tLat in c mi In 1 ce with the
1 rcvisiotis of the act of C pgiess of Jjn c 3, 1B78, cn
tithd "An act lor tl.e tBle of tlndir is ids iu the
States of California, Orcunn, KtM.c', ami Waliirg
ton Territory," as (jitucid to ail tie 1 ul 1 c laid
States bj act of Augutt 4, lfcS2,
FRANK A. riEliC :.
of C r-.allis, Cmnlv of Benton, S.thit i f Oregon, has
this daj li ltd in this flee his w in .litnin 1 No.
5735, for the 1 1111 1 tse of ti e S. W. y, if.'tc. No i'6
in Township No 12 H., Ranjie No 7 V., ai d will of
fer proof to iho tl.e is.) (' n 1 el t h n oie slu
able for its tin.lir or fti ne tlaii li ) 1 eriiuhutal
purposes, si d to 0..1 biitli bin 1 ain to m id In ii 1 e
fore the county cleik at Conallif, Cnti 11, in Satur
day, the 19th dav 1 f July, 1CC2. .
He names as w iti.ets:
Simon P. Kai.ty f f Cirt.)lis. ( r , Irutt F. Ri y.
der, Charles V. ttiikinx.ii.Wilioi Sicott, 1 1. of I hiio
math, Or.
Any ar.d a!l peifonp t'sin ii p : livcrrcly tl ei l ove
described ItndK aie iic,i.ttt(ii to fie t). emit n t in
this office 01 or l.iMittaid J!,!l, n ofilui), I!i2
CA!S. P. i:OjV.lg, li(tisir. v.
A Great Staving
AJlpioierty cwrni. tjct.ld luv it.
For oiie Dollar ne will tell un ri,rnn.
lasting Fence Pcet ren ipt. To I l .1
at this office.