Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 08, 1902, Image 1

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INIOX Entrnb. July, 1897.
GAZETTK Kstab. Iec. 1863.
; Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL. II. NO. 50.
My natne a Unwin Gerald Unwin.
"Bev. Gerald Unwin, B. A.," I am
usually styled on the backs of envel
opes; for, though I have laid aside cler
ical duties, for the present at least, I
am still in orders. Now that 1 enjoy
leisure and the absence of those petty
worries which prey upon the subordin
ate cleric more than the lay mind can
conceive, I set myself to write out the
strange narrative of event and experi
ence which, in the Providence of God,
have worked such a change in my con
dition. I promised myself and my
friends some months ago that I would
do this, but until now I could not bind
myself to my desk; I have bad too
much other occupation, desultory, per
haps, but agreeable: in short, like the
man in the parable, I have married a
wife. Yet that is the very reason why
my friends in town have pestered me,
and now grow clamorous to know all
about it. They lmve been" good enough
to remind me that, though it is prover
bial clergymen get handsome wives, yet
it is quite out of the common for so or
dinary looking a priest aa myself to
win a lady so beautiful and dis
tinguished as (they are pleased to say)
my wife is; and, further, that though
it has been whispered fine looking cler
ical tutors have had the audacity to as
pire to ladies oi very high rank indeed,
their aspiration have usually been
overwhelmed with contumely; and,
lastly, they are consumed with wonder
that I should have lighted upon a re
fined and delicate Frenchwoman in the
wilds of Lancashire of all conceivable
places. Terhaps, they add, with a
touch of sarcasm which I can com
placently endure, I was the only creat
ure like a gentleman she had ever seen.
But my story is all too terrible and
serious to be introduced with persiage.
About two years ago I accepted a cur
acy in the village of Timperiey, within
a few miles of a large Lancashire town.
If I had had much choice I would not.
have chosen a cure of souls among mill
hands and miners. I would have pre
ferred to perform my duties under a
clear eky, rather than under a canopy
of smoke; within call of fields and
woods, rather than in a forest of tall
chimne.vs and black beads of coal pits.
But since 1 nasi disappointed in my
hope of a cure in a certain pleasant vil
lage of Sussex, I resolved to go to Tim
periey in Lancashire. So when one
dark afternoon of February I alighted
at the nearest station on a branch rail
way, and asked a fellow passenger, who
looked like a nat ive, and who was hurry
ing away, whether he could direct me
to Timperiey when I was answered
with a curt "Noa," I was not discon
certed. I received a somewhat unin
telligible direction from a station por
ter, and leaving orders concerning my
luggage, I went out into the dark and
the drizzle to walk to Timperiey.
I tramped for half a mile or so along
a well paved road, and then (according
to direction, I thought) I turned down
a narrow lane between a hedge and a
wooden fence. I trudged some distance
through deep mud, now stumbling upon
lumps on the firm edge of the cartway,
and now plunging into holes, when the
lane seemed to lose itself in a field. 1
hesitated a little and then resolved to
return to the road. My eyes were now
used to the dark, and I perceived a
foot path across the field inclining
back toward the road. I struck into
this, thiuking it would Fave me some
distance. But I soon found to my
vexation" that "the shortest way arcoes
is the longest way round." I perse
vered over tho sodden grass, and some
. times somthing else besides grass, and
presently began to scent somewhat of
the pleasant odors of rusticity, and my
spirits rose a degree or two. I passed
- a low black wooden building, and
guessed it was a cow house; I heard
the animals pulling at their chains and
munching their food. By-and-by I
found myself again on a tolerably good
road, came upon some houses of the
suburban semi-detached villa descrip
tion (at one of which I knocked and
inquired my wav), and soon, stumbling
and splashing through exasperating
mud and cinder?, came out upon the
edge of the valley in which Timperiey
I stood and gazed around me. Such
a spectacle I had never seen before. I
listened to and felt the feverish rush of
the life of Lancashire industry. The
birr and buzz of thousands of spindles,
the swift click and thud of shuttle and
loom, and the regular sob and respira
tion of mightv engines mingled with
the rush of watei and the plaintive
panting of some machine as of an en
slaved gem of the Arabian JNights
could not at first apportion the sounds
to the various groups of buildings be
neath me. On mv right was a many
storied mill, whose bright windows
were reflected in the glassy surface of a
pond, on the banks of which there
grew, pensive and forlorn, a few scrubby
trees. On my left an aggregation of
long low buildings with glass roofs,
that looked with their shining backs
like monstrous, crouching dragons of
antediluvian davs. Farther up the val
ley was another group of buildings
wrapped in a cloud of steam. Imme
diately before me was a ruined mill,
unroofed and gaunt, with its bell tower
and its tall, cold chimney outlined
against the fky ; behind it was another
group of irregular buildings. A dozen
tall chimnevs poured their smoke into
the sulphurous air, which was pervaded
by a certain glow insufficient to dis
sipate the darkness, but enough to make
the stream which-wound down the val
ley gleam like a black gigantic snake
Now and again furnace months opened
and glowed with a ferocious glare,
while weird tongues of lurid flame
flickered on the slope and ridge behind.
As I looked a great repulsion seized
me. I recalled the Prophet's descrip
tion in the Old Testament of the Valley
of Hinnom or Tophet, in which men
sacrificed to strange gods, and caused
their sons and daughters to "pass
through the fires to Moloch." This,
surely, was one of the Tophets of mod
ern days, in which the sons and daugh
ters of England are made to pass
through the fires of the Moloch of
Wealth and the Baal ef all-devouring
And still as I looked and thought of
this the bell tower of the ruined mill
before me fell with a loud clang, and
there uprose into the air to mingle
with the other sounds the frantic
screaming of pigs and neighing of
horses. I was not surprised; I was
somehow prepared by the scene not to
be surprised at anything that might
happen in this strange region. I
passed, however, hurriedly down the
slope by a rough path, and found the
road into the valley and the village. I
heard voices and saw a dim crowd of
people about the ruined mill, but the
wtream, black and evil-smelling, was
between me and it, and I bad perforce
to let my curiosity wait. I continued
my way into the village, which, I
found, lay behind the many-storeyed
mill toward the mouth of the valley and
close to the high road by which I
should have entered it. I had, as it
were, let myself in by the back door.
Before I was well into the village I
passed an arrangement of low buildings
with blank walls to the road, from
which came no sound of life or work,
but, instead, the vilest and strangest
smells that ever offended the sense,
and from the midst of which rose a
towering chimney that smoked eon
sumedly. These, I guessed, were part
of the chemical works of which I had
heard. I found the rectory at the
other end of the village. I did not go
the rector was in bed ill but asEed
to be directed to my lodgings.
I had some tea and then I prepared t "
go to dinner at the house of Mr. Em
manuel Steinhardt, one of the creators
and lords of the Tophet into which I
had entered. He was rector's church
warden, and I had corresponded with
him concerning the curacy, and had
made this dinner arrangement a week
ago. I asked my landlady where I
should find Timperiey Hall.
Oh," sam she, looking at me with
a comical eye of respect, "you'll be go
ing to Muster Steenheart s? (so she
pronounced the magnate's name).
"He's at th' other end o' th village on
Shale Brow" (she called it "Brew").
"Stop a bit, mon." She went to the
door of the room and called, "Dick,
lad. you mun tak' the parson up to
Muster Steeuheart's." Then turning
to me, she said, "He'll tak the, mon,"
and withdrew.
I was amused; and when a minute
or two later she called from the bottom
of the stairs,
Art ready, parson? Th lad s wait
1 positively laughed to myself. My
amusement increased when I saw my
iuide, a young Hercules in clogs, who
might easily have "taken" me to Tim
periey Hall and farther under his arm.
Timperiey Hall I discovered over
looked the valley from the side oppo
site to that from which I had first
viewed it. Soon I was in its drawing
room, shaking hands with Mr. (or
Herr) Emmanuel Steinhardt; for I saw
at once that he was of pure Teutonic
breed, and I heard, when he had spoken
a few words, that he must have spent
all his youth and part of his manhood
in the Fatherland: he spoke perfect
English, but with an indescribable,
tell-tale accent. I had just time to
notice his burly figure, his somewhat
rounded shoulders, and his massive
bald head, when I was introduced to
his wife, a tall, nandsome, Lancashire
woman (her speech betrayed her), with
grey hair, evidently a good deal older
than he; then to Miss Louise Lacroix,
of whom I will only say at present that
she looked refined and foreign a rare
exotic in this region of surprises; and,
lastly, to "my son, Frank," a young
man of one or two-and-twenty, who
looked in every way and spoke like an
Englishman. These introductions over,
we sat down to wait for the announce
ment of dinner. There was very little
said: they seemed constrained, and I
was, perhaps, shy. No one seemed to
think of trying to set me at my ease.
Mr. Steinhardt sat watching the clock,
and at intervals throwing questions
over his shoulder to his wife. (One
question I noted was, "Is Jim coming
at all?" to which she answered, "Jim
said he might look in after dinner and
smoke a pipe" and I wondered who
Jim was. I was wishing I had not ac
cepted this invitation for my first even
ing in Timperiey, when the voung lady
edged her chair a little nearer to me,
and said, with the sweetest of smiles
and the most musical of tones:
"You come from the south from
London; yes?"
Her accent was that most delightful
of all foreign accents the accent of an
educated Frenchwoman. I answered
that I had come from London, though
I was not native there.
"I, also," said she, "come from the
south; from London last, but from
Paris before."
Here was common ground for pleas
ant reminiscence, and we became
friends at once.
While we were talking I happened
to glance across in Mr. Steinhardt's di
rection: he was looking straight at me
for the first time, fie rose and angrily
rang the bell. Presently we went in ta
dinner. I, of course, sat next to him
on his right, and noticed with some eu
riosity, aa he carved, that bis hands
seemed encased in very fine lemon
colored gloves: a second look assured
me that they were merely stained.
His son's hands were similar, but of a
deeper hue. For the first time it oc
curred to me that mv host was the lord
of the Chemical Dye Works.
"They were your works, I suppose,
M. Steinhardt," I said, "that I passed
after entering the village?"
I was alone on my side of the table,
and had to speak to him, or be silent.
"Yes," said he, rather abruptly.
Then after a pause, "You came by that
road then.?"
So I related how I had lost my way,
and how I had been struck (I did not
say, "disagreeably") with the impres
sion of ferocious energy my first- view
of the valley gave me. -
" 'Ferocious energy, " he repeated,
with a smile, looking at me as if he
liked the phrase, and thought the bet
ter of me for having uttered, it. "It is
a great place for industry, and it will
be greater yet."
I asked him how it happened that a
large mill was unused and falling in
"That is mine," he answered. "It
is unlucky. It was a spinning mill;
once one of the floors fell through, kill
ing many people, and twice it was
burned, all in 10 years yes, all in 10
"And today it seems to have added
to its work of killing." He looked at
me. "You have not heard, perhaps,"
I said .
I related what I had seen and heard.
"Have yon heard of this?" he asked,
glancing from one to another.
No; None of them had heard. 'x
"I must see to it," he said, and
stirred as if he would set out at once;
but be added, "after dinner."
And after dinner he set out; and I
thought better of him than I had at
first been disposed to do because of his
kindly feeling, though it were only for
In the drawing room, however, I was
struck with the altered manners of the
family in the temporary absence of its
head. Mrs. Steinhardt was gossipy
and kind even motherly; Frank threw
off his awkwardness and shyness, and
delighted me with his skill on the
piano; while Mademoiselle Lacroix was
very bright and winsome. Yet, now
conversing with her and now observing
her (when, for instance, she sat near
Frank at the piano), I could not but
remark that a look of sadness over
spread her sweet face of sadness, and
as of anxiously waiting for something
or some one whenever she was left to
her own thought. This expression I
was able to account for satisfactorily
very soon.
We had been some time in the draw
ing room when the door bell sounded a
loud peal, and at once I saw that sub:
dued expression of patient waiting on
Miss Lacroix's face flash up into one of
eager expectancy. For a moment she
looked at the door with her pale face
gone paler, and listened with quick ear,
till she heard the voice of the visitor.,
when her eager hope collapsed and sank
int) deeper sadness than before. It
was a rich, cheery voice I heard come
from the hall.
"Is th' new parson come?" it asked
of some one.
"That's Jim," said Mrs. Steinhardt
with a laugh "m7 brother."
This, then, was the gentleman who
had come to smoke a pipe. He en
tereda tall, stout, ruddy Englishman,
gone somewhat grey. He at once took
possession of the room and of the per
sons in it. His bright and ample pres
ence extinguished the gaudy, gorgeous
furniture, and his voice, instinct with
humor and un-selt'-coEsnousness, filled
the void which usually reigned in that
(To be continued)
Divorce in Europe.
Divorce was established in Germany
in 1875. From 1881 to 1885 the year
ly number of divorces was about 8,000,
while of late years it exceeds 10,000-
In England divorce was established in
1857. During the years 1858-1802 the
annual number was about 200; in 1894
about 550; in 1898 about 650. In
Austria, where only non-Catholics can
apply for a divorce, the number of de
mands for divorce increased 25 per cent
in four years, and in Belgium about 20
per bent in four years.
Hard on the Cook.
Lord John Townsend, a British gour
met of 50 years ago, would often call to
the footman in the middle of dinner:
"Tell the cook to come to me this
moment," which occasioned rather an
awkward pause. Then, on the entrance
of the poor cook with very red face from
the combined effects of the kitchen fire
and mental confusion, he would address
her in a voice of thunder: "Pray have
the goodness to taste that dish and tell
me if yon do not agree with me that it
is beastly."
A Big Hog.
Down in Vladosta, Ga., recently,
hog was killed, whose gross weight was
1,260 pounds; his net Weight was 955
Each ham weighed 102 pounds. This
fat monster produced 501 pounds of
lard, or nearly a tierce and a half
enough to last a small family about
four years. Besides the lard, there
was nearly a wagonload of sausage from
this one pig, to say nothing about dish-
pans full of hogshead cheese, liver pud'
ding and other products.
Right in Their Line.
"Those cold Boston girls naturally
enjoy the Abbey 'Holy Grail decora'
tions in the public library."
"Because a frieze is right in theii
OLKS Surprising Mamma.
Elizabeth Eliza,
While mother was away.
Thought, "How can I surprise her
When she comes back to-day?
"I'll plant some seeds this minute,
Here in this pretty bed,
And there'll be flowers in it
By afternoon!" she said.
For this dear little maiaen
Had notions rather queer
As to the time seeds stayed ia
Before the shoots appear. -
Then with the planting ended
She got her watering pot,
And thongh the rains descender
She kept right on why not?'
Elizabeth Eliza, '''?:"
You naughty little
In faith you did surpnfc' her '
A-blooming there yourself!
-Chicago Chronicle.
How It All Happened.
Tommy had a cold on Washington's
birthday. It was just a wee bit of a
cold, not enough to count, Brother Fred
said; but then Fred didn't know any
thing about It, of course.
"An I can't bring In the kindling-
wood or feed the chickens or go to
schooll" announced Tommy, jubilantly,
and then he coughed, such a funny.
made-up cough that Brother Fred
laughed "Ho! ho!" and Sister Kate
laughed "He! he!" and Mamma Stone
said, "Deary me! You're not a bit like
George Washington, are you?"
Tommy didn't know what It was all
about, and he said so, and then mamma
laughed, a bright, cheery laugh. "Do
you know who George Washington
was?" she said.
Tommy stood very straight and tall.
He put back his shoulders and let his
arms hang down by bis sides. He
looked just exactly as he did when he
stood at the head of his class at school
"George Washington was a great gen
eral," he said, quickly, "an he was a
soldier, an' a President of the United
States, an he was the 'Father of His
Country,' 'sides lots of other things!"
"Good!" said mamma. "And George
Washington was never too sick to do
his duty, and that is one reason why
he was a great general and a good sol
Tommy sniffed. ,"I guess George
Washington never had a cold like
miner' he exclaimed.
"Ho! ho!" laughed Brother Fred. "He
he!" laughed Sister Kate again.
"Never had a cold.'' said mamma.
Once upon a time he had a fever, and
he had to stay In his bed for days and
davs. but the minute he was able to
net un and go out again, DacK to nis sol
diers he went: Are you a Die to go out.
Tommy, or must I put you to bed?"
Tommy looked solemn. "I don't want
to eo to bed!" he said, aecidedJy. "1
"Then," said mamma, "a whole army
of wood-sticks wants to see you, and
some feathery soldiers want their
breakfast,, and a whole schoolroom of
boys and girls will expect you to lead
the march. If you wish you can play
you are George Washington, instead of
Tommy Stone, and only one thing you
must remember if you play tnat play
that yon are never too sick to do your
And that is how it all happened that
Tommy fed the hens and filled the
wood-box, and when he went to school
he had a new George Washington story
to tell; and it was such a good story
that the teacher put a star on his slate,
which means that it was a very good
story, indeed.
When Tommy came home at noon his
cough was gone and he had forgotten
all about his cold, which all goes to
prove that Brother Fred was right It
was not enough to count. xoutn s com
Voota Ahnnt Flacrs.
What the various signals mean in
the flag code is told thus In the last
number of New Education:
1. To "strike the flag" Is to lower
tha nlrra In submission.
nsed as the symbol of
"o" - -
rank and command, the officers using
them being called "flag officers. Such
flags are square, to distinguish them
from other banners.
3. A "flag of truce" ts a white flag.
displayed to an enemy to indicate a
desire for parley or consultation.
4. The white flag is a sign of peace.
After a battle parties from both sides
often go out to the field to rescue the
wounded or bury the dead under the
protection of the white flag..
5. The reg flag is a sign of defiance
and is often used by revolutionists.
In our service it Is a mark of danger,
and shows a vessel to be receiving or
discharging her powder. -
6. The black flag is a sign of piracy.
7. The yellow flag shows a vessel to
be in quarantine or is a sign of a con
tagions disease.
S. A flag at half-mast means mourn
ing. Fishing and other vessels return
with the flag at half-mast to announce
the loss or death of some of their
9. Dipping the flag Is lowering it
slightly, then hoisting it again to sa
lute a vessel or fort. If the President
of the United States goes aboard, the
American .flag is carried In the bow of
his barge or hoisted at the mast of
the vessel on beard of which be is.
Grammatical Errors.
Avoid saying
It is me, for It is I.
It was him, for It was he.
It was them, for It was they.
He spoke to John and I, for He spoke
to John and me.
Between you and I, for Between you
and me.
Those kind of people, for That kind
of people.
These kind of things, for This kind
of things.
Each child must keep in their seat,
for Each child must keep in his seat.
I do not think I shall go, for I think
I shall not go.
I will try and see him, for I will try
to 6ee him. Popular Educator.
Medicine of Dos Barks.
Little Ethel, aged 4, and her grand
mother were great chums. One day
the old lady was taking a dose of med
icine, and the child Inquired:
"Grandma, what's 'at?"
"That is medicine, my dear."
"What is it made of, Grandma?"
"Out of leaves and roots and barks,'
replied Grandma.
"Oh, grandma," said Ethel, as her
big eyes opened in wonder, "is it made
of little dog barks?"
He Missed One fear.
Two boys were on their way to
school, and conversation passed be
tween them respecting each other's
First Boy Then how old are you?
Second Boy Ten. And how old are
First Boy I'm 11. I should have
been 12, only I was sick a year.
A Fuuny Moon.
One summer evening a little girl was
out doors washing her feet After a
while she happened to look at the
moon, just under a cloud. She jump
ed up and ran into the house as fast as
she could, and said:
"I'm not going to stay out there, and
that moon slipp'n' and slid'n' 'round
like that!"
Jack's Puzzle.
"Daddy," asked little Jack, "where
does a snake begin when he wants to
wag his tail?"
Some Philosophical Comments Made
by a British Jurist.
Judge Bacon, who presides in the
London (England) County Court Is one
of the wits of the British Judiciary. He
has to deal with all races and all class
es, and has become famous for terse
decisions and quaint sayings. Here are
some of the utterances that he recently
delivered from the bench:
On the veracity of woman "Women
tell stories so much more easily than
Concerning interpreters "People
who translate a language they do not
understand into one they know less."
When the evidence was contradictory
"There is nothing astonishing in per
jury. It has long ceased to surprise
me; It only saddens me now."
About money lenders "My own im
pression Is that the lender is about as
honest as the borrower. As a rule there
is no misrepresentation that a man will
not make when he wishes to borrow
money, and when he does not want to
pay it back he will repeat the opera
tion." To a defendant who declared she
"couldn't stay there and listen to such
lies" "Think of me; I have to listen to
them every day of my life."
A woman pleaded inability to pay a
debt on account of illness. Four doc
tors had attended her Judge Bacon:
"Four doctors! And you have survived?
Wonderful !"
Suggested by a solicitor's undecipher
able signature "It must have taken
him a good deal of time and trouble to
hit upon such a signature as that, with
dots and scrawls all over the place. I
suppose he considers illegibility a sign
of intellect."
At Whitechapel County Court "The
morality of the Hebrew ought to be as
high as that of the Christian. It is de
rived from the same source, and the
rabbis inculcate a standard of just
dealing of the purest and highest char
acter." Few Savers in Sheffield.
Not 10 per cent of the large wage
earners In the English cutlery trade
save a farthing, declares the Lord
Mayor of Sheffield.
Be charitable. Every ton of coal
given to the poor in this world will be
so much fuel saved from use in the
A Lifting- Machine.
The device shown Is just the thing
for the farm that is operated by one
man with occasional help, as many
farms are run A platform, of any di
mensions desired. Is built of heavy oak
planks with a hole cut in the middle
in which Is inserted a post made of
timber three or four inches square. A
slot is cut in this post to extend nearly
one-half its length, and is an inch and
a half wide. The lever should be made
of timber one and a half inches wide
so as to fit snugly In the slot. This lever
is bolted into position. A number of
holes should be bored through this
lever so that a longer arm may be had
on. one side of the post when wanted;
as a rule the lever works best when It
extends about double the distance on
one side. If the object to be moved is
heavy it may be best to spike the plat
form to the ground, which may be read
ily done by the use of long wooden pegs
driven through holes bored in each cor
ner of the platform. It will be noticed
that two holes are bored in the post
below where the lever arm Is fastened,
permitting the operator to lower the
arm to suit the work be has to do. This
lifter will be found very handy in mov
lng logs, grain in bags and other heavy
things which must be handled on the
farm. -
Wheat as Stock Feed.
The Topeka State Journal says that a
miller and grain dealer in McPherson,
Kan., says there is less wheat in Mc
Pherson County than for many years
at the same date. The scarcity of corn
and its high price have led many to
feed It to stock. He claimed to know
of some who had fed out 5.000 bushels,
and one man, who sold 7,000 bushels
last July, had since bought 8,000 bush
els to feed oat, and another had bought
15,000 bushels for the same purpose.
He estimated the amount fed on the
farms in that county at not less than
500 bushels on each farm, and the to
tal as not less than half the crop of
1001. White we think these figures
may be a little exaggerated, or more
than a little if applied to more than
the one county, we do not find fault If
they are true. Though In the Eastern
States, we used to think wheat flour
bread a lnxury compared to that made
from cornmeal, or "rye and Indian"
meal. If the farmers there can grow
wheat so that It costs less than corn.
let them feed it as it has about the
same nutritive value. Not many years
ago the farmers of Kansas and Ne
braska were reported as burning their
corn because a ton of It would not buy
a ton of coal, and made a better fire.
Now If a bushel of ground wheat will
fatten as many steers or hogs as a
bushel of cornmeal, and costs less, let
them use it American Cultivator.
Home-Made Milk Aerator.
It pays to use some standard device
for -aerating and cooling the milk
drawn fresh from the cows. The aera
tion of warm milk is
very Important
when several cows
are milked. For a
small quantity of
milk in shotgun cans
a home-made device
can be utilized. The
accompanying cut
Illustrates its con
MILK AKBATOB. Birucuon ana use.
Procure a good hand bellows and have
a tinsmith solder on a small tin tube,
with a "rose" attachment at the bot
tom, somewhat like that shown at A
in the cut. B represents a brace sol
dered on to make the attachment more
rigid. A clamp can be attached at C to
fasten to the edge of the can. though
the bellows can be easily operated
without. It may be necessary to extend
the tube of the bellows at D. This ar
rangement will work satisfactorily in
quickly areating a can of warm milk
and can be done while the can is setting
in water to cool down. Hoard's Dairy
Growing Sorghum for Stock.
The failure of the corn crop last year
will induce farmers to plant more or
less of other things the coming season.
Alfalfa, millet sorghum and speltz
will all be tried, and in some localities
one or more will be found a most de
sirable addition to crops for stock. The
culture of sorghum is extending, and
tests have proved that its culture is
not confined to favored sections; vbut
that It can probably be grown with
-success wherever corn can be grown.
The plant is drought-resisting, it yields
heavily and the stalks, if properly
cured, are eaten and relished by all
farm stock. The main trouble experi
enced with sorghum is In the curing
the crop seems to be as easily raised
as corn, but it is best cured under
cover by setting it in small shocks
along the wall of a shed. It may be
cured in the field, like corn. If put up
In small shocks. Every farmer with
cows or swine should give up an acre
of ground thl3 spring for sorghum. You
may not be able to grow It with full
success this year, but will learn its
needs thoroughly, so that the next sea
son it will be a success.
The Ideal Farm Home.
Forty years ago this subject would
have meant something quite different
from what it does at present says In
diana Farmer. Then a plain frame
building, with plastered walls and a
brick chimney would have seemed a
great advance on the double log cabin,
with its stick and mud chimney at
either end, the well sweep in the yard,
chickens roosting In the trees or In
the front yard was not deemed out of
place In early days, and shade trees,
shrubbery and flower beds were ex
ceptional, if not unknown.
The ideal farm home as we now re
gard it must have many ornamental
features and numerous conveniences
that in pioneer days were unthought
of. As to externals our first thought
is regarding walks and drives. They
should be dry and clean. Mud should
not be tracked into the house, and to
prevent this gravel should be used
freely, not only to make walks to
barnyards and outhouses, but to build
drives from the road In front to the
wagon shed in the rear. A shed or
covered way ought to extend from a
side porch of the house to the drive so
the ladies can enter or depart from the
carriage dry shod. It must have a
telephone connecting with all the
neighborhood and the towns and vil
lages near. It can have a dally mall.
which it easily can have if the roads
are what they ought to be. It must
have shade trees, vines, shrubbery and
flowers in the blue-grass lawn, and a
small fruit as well as a vegetable gar
den, well stocked with the best varie
ties and well tended, and it should be
convenient to the kitchen, so as to be
most available and useful.
Shield for the Cram per.
J. F. Granger, of Waukesha County,
Wisconsin, writes Iowa Homestead: "I
enclose a sketch of a good plan to keep
a horse that is an
habitual cram per
from getting his (
tall over the line
and giving trouble.
Buckle two
lengths of light leather from hip strap
around the tail above the breeching,
making it fit easily and loosely over the
tail. From the buckle of the crupper on
each side fasten a perpendicular strap
on each side of the rump. Make a
leather network down to the bottom
piece, and one will have a device that
will let the horse switch his tail and at
the same time will prevent any trouble
coming from getting his tail over the
Does Sheep-Raisinsr Pay.
To this question the sheep raiser on
land at a low value will undoubtedly
answer yes, and the man on high price
'.and no. It would seem as if some
thing was wrong with this state of af
fairs. Year by year the raising of
sheep in large numbers changes from
the high price farm to the one where
land Is cheap. It may be true that in
the East where farfes are held at
prices more than double that asked for
land in sections of the West, farmers
can not afford to raise sheep," yet why
not? In any section where sheep can
be raised without the winter season
of feeding being too long sheep should
be raised with profit regardless of the
land value of the farm, within reason,
of course. It is largely a question of
intelligent management, just as with
any other crop. Everything seems to
point to a decided change in methods
during the coming years, and the
thoughtful farmer with some knowl
edge of sheep raising Is beginning to
feel that by keeping up the fertility
of his farm he can raise sheep as profit
ably for his market as his distant com
petitor for his.
Beet Pulp as Feed.
Seven thousand sheep and 150 steers
are on feed on the beet pulp at the
Fort Collins (Colo.) sugar refinery. The
company also sells the pulp at 30 cents
per ton, and the sheep eat between ten
and fifteen pounds of it each day,
while each steer tucks away from 100
to 150 pounds daily and often bawls
for more. The feeding is largely of
the experimental order as yet. The
officials say that they will import some
grain In order to finish the animals
properly before sending them to mar
ket .
Cost of Keeping a Hen.
There is considerable difference of
opinion as to how much It costs to keep
a hen. The cost depends upon the hen's
ability to forage. It Is a saving and
clear gain to convert refuse into eggs
and meat. The cost of keeping a ben
has been variously estimated at from
50 cents to $1.50 a year. It costs more
In the Northern States than In tho
Southern States. It costs more If the
hens are confined than if they are al
lowed to run.
A Barn for the Cows.
Don't keep cows in same barn with
other stock. Time is money, therefore
the barn should be convenient for clean
ing out for feeding and for getting
cows in and out. It should allow aa
abundance of sunshine.
The ten dollar note, known as the
"Buffalo Bill." has on it the face of a
suicide. Meriwether Lewis.
Canada last year added TA to
railroad mileage and Mr'imig