I: THE CQRVALLIS GAZETfE. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1902. To cover the cost of setting and dis- -iKntinrr th fvnA in aru-h matters, a charge of fifty rents will be mule for each "Uard ot xnanica, ana nve cents per line for each Bet of "Resolutions of Con iolence" appearing in these columns. LOCAL NEWS. The Gordon Hat. V. E. Yates euent a couple of dajs this week in Independence, at tending legat business. Born, Tuesday, March 11,1902, to the wife of Harlev L. Hall, at Buena Vista, daughter. If yoa have auy acbea or pains, call and Bee Dr. Holt, The Osteo path. Examination tree. T. VV. Dilley has just received a lot of new Imperial wheels. Take a look at them. They are the latest. We are sole agents for the best $3.00 hat in the world, the Uordon New advanced Kline's. styles are uere, at Milton Morgan is the latest pur chaser of a fine cushion-frame Rambler wheel with coaster brake at Berry's. At the Corvallis Saw Mill for the present you can get good shingles sor $1.40 per M. Also geod fenc ingfor $7 per M. Improvements are in progress in many ways in Corvallis. A num ber of new houses are in course of construction in Jobs Addition. Groceries at Young's Cash Store We still continue in Ladies' and Fancy goods, Hats, Shoes and No tions. Give us a call. Goods de li erd in city. Dr. Ravers, who was a recent victim of diphtheria at the home of Dr. W. T. Rowley in this city, has bo far recovered that he is again about the streets. Con Gerhard arrived home during the first of the week lrom a brief visit at Junction City. Beyond a doubt Con had a most enjoyable time during bis visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coopey, of Portland, who have ' been visiting with Mrs. Coopey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kaupisch, returned to their home Wednesday. A few days ago Thomas White horn sold his 9-aere orchard and buildings, north-west of the college, to Jo'in Meeker. The consideration was $2,400. This was a highly improved property. .According to Hicks' weather prognostications, the heaviest storm period of March will be from the 22nd to the 23rd. For this period he predicts one of the heaviest storms of the winter. Presbyterian church services at 11a. in. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 10 a. m. Ctnistian En deavor at 6:30 p. m. You are cor dially invited to attend all these services. Andrew Carrick, Pastor. F. L. Miller has had workmen employed during the week recon structing certain portions of his store building. When everything is in place the establish. nent will be greatly improved in every way. Mr. Ferris, an organizer for the Order of Pendo, haB rented apart ments in the cottage iust north of J. C. Taylor's residence. He will occupy it with his wife and child. Mr. Ferris intends remaining here permanently. Arch Homing, of Yaquina City, arrived in Corvallis, Tuesday, and passed a day or so in his old home. Arch is now blacksmithing for the C. it E. company at Yaquina City, a position that he has held for a couple of years. W. O. Heck art has just com pleted the task of remodeling the interior of the Alien & Farra store building. J. H. Simpson's business haB so enlarged that he will occupy theFe apartmentB, together with his present quarters, as they join. State Senator John D. Daly, of Corvallis, passed through the city the first of the week. It i3 said that he will blossom out as a form idable candidate for the nomination f state printer on the republican ticket. Oregon City Courier-Herald. Tuesday, Morgan & Eglin nego tiated the sale of the 48-acre tract of land that belonged to George Horning. By the terms ot sale, Win. Crees became the owner of the tract, for which he paid $2,500. This property lies iust west of the college farm and is known as the old J. D. Hukill place. Henry Ambler, the wide-awake real estate agent of Philomath, was in Corvallis, ednesday, in the in terest of his business. He reports that he is very successful, indeed, in his handling of real estate and at present has a number ot pros pective buyers in view. Mr. Am bler has a splendid reputation for square dealing. Titus Ranney, the merchant of Summit, was in Corvallis during the first of the week, paying his taxe3 an I looking after other busi ness. Mr. Ranney recently bought out L. L. Ma toon, his competitor in business. By the terms of sale he acquired the store building, real estate and good will, but did not negotiate for the stock. W. A. Sanders, Jewe'er. Gordon hat is warranted to wear a year or a new one free, at Kline's. Holy Communion at the Good Samaritan church next Sunday (5th in Lent) at 11 a. m. . W. O. Heckart is putting a fine large double window in Mrs. Mary liryson s private room ai ner nome. Services at the M. E. church next Sundav as usual. The pastor, F. L. Moore will occupy the pulpit W. L. Price- came out from Kings Valley, Tuesday, to be near his daughter, Miw Ethe, who is quite ill in this city. A bunch of keys were found ou the streets of Corvallis, Tuesday. Owner may have the same by call ing at this office. Students and faculty at O A C will take a holiday today. Many will sro to Salem to eniov the state oratorical contest. Mr. J. L. Underwood has orga nized a double male quartette, and they will frequently give a selec tion at the evening service at the M. E. churcb. T. W. Dilley reports the sale of a lady's Imperial bicycle to Mrs. Watson, of Philomath, Wednesday. Also a fine New Home sewiug ma chine to Geo. Garshwiler, of the same place. A petition was circulated Wed nesday looking to the securing of a pension for Mrs. Kelsay, widow of the late Colonel Kelsay of this city. Mrs. Kelsay is now employed as a nurse in Chicago. M. Jacobs was on the streets Tuesday for the firbt time since his recent severe illness. .He is ap parently as well as he was before the attact of paralysis which came near causing his death. Rev. G. S. O. Humbert will preach at the Christian church next Lord's Day. Subject at 11 a. m., "The Message of the Seven Churches in Asia:'' at 7:30, a chart sermon on the "Church of Christ." Henry Ambler, the real estate agent of Philomath, will be in Cor vallis every Saturday. Parties wishing to see him, can do so by calling at the Occidental hotel, be tween the hours ot liana l. Attorney 3. H. Handley, of Till amook, paid this city a short visit a lew days ago. mis is not uia first visit to Corvallis. He was en route to Peoria on business and took the steamer Leona for trans portation. Mr. Handley is one of the attorneys in the case now in the courts known as the great tim ber land steal ol Tillamook. Rev. P. A. Moses has been at Crawfordsville for the past week, the guest of his brother. He may remain a week or two longer.. Last Saturday, his wife received a letter announcing the death of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Watson, in Arkansas. Of a family of twelve children Mrs. Moses and one sister are the sole survivor?. Mrs. Moses waB the Lyoungest of the family. The annual meeting of the Mis sionary Society of the Presbyterian church was held at the residence of Mrs. P. O. Wilson, on Wednesday, at which time reports from those having in charge the different branches of work, were represented. The reports made a good showing, and the members of the society were greatly pleased and expressed much satisfaction over the result of the past year. The following ladies were elected officers foi the ensuing vear: Mrs J W Crawford, Presi dent: Mrs P O Wilson, Vice Presi dent: Mrs W P Lafferty, Secretary; Mrs J H Harris, Treasurer. A few'days ago Mrs. A. D. Mor rison, of this citv. received a letter from her husband, who is in San Francisco, with reference to the condition of Miss Bertha Thrasher who is in a hospital in at that city, Mr. Morrison stated that Miss Ber tha had passed what was supposed to be the crisis and that her broken limb was mending rapidly and Bhe was not suffering a particle of pain. This will be good news for her many friends tier parents re ceived a 14-page letter from her last Wednesday. This itself was a good sign. She eays she is getting along splendidly and is having tne best of treatment and could not wish for greater attention or kind ness. Congressional Convention. A convention of the republican "party of the first congressional dis trict of the State of Oregon is called to meet in Roseburg, Or., Tuesday, April 1st, 1902, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating one representative for congress, and to transact such other busineis as may properly come before the con vention. The convention will consist of 171 delegates, of which number Benton county will be entitled to seven. Delegates or others in attendance on the convention mav secure a rate of one and one-third fares for the round trio on the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern railways. bv navint? full fare to Roseburg and taking a receipt to that effect and Ravine the same properly certified by C. B. Winn, secretary of the convention. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. Council Notes. The city council met in regu lar session Monday evening, for the transaction of the following business, a good share of its at tention being taken up with con sideration of granting and con sidering positions for lateral sewers: ' The sewer committee reported favorably on the petition for a lateral sewer through block 17, N. B. and P. Avery's addition to Corvallis. The report was adopt ed, and the committee instructed to take, the necessary - steps for construction of this sewer. The committee was granted farther time in the matter of the petition of Flora Porter for a lat eral. - The ordinance providing for a sewer along the middle of the alleys of block 4, County Addi tion; block 14 and part of block 15, Dixon's second addition, and across Harrison and -Taylor streets, was passed. Petition of property owners for a lateral through blocks 21, 20 and i9, old town of Marysville; and blocks I, and K, Avery's addition, and as far as a line be tween the lands occupied by P. Avery and John Fulton as may be designated by the sewer com mittee, was granted and neces sary steps ordered taken to con struct this lateral. Petition for a sewer through blocks 8 and 9, as was one for a sewer through blocks 12 and 13 Countv addition, and another, signed by property owners and the trustees of the M. E. church, asking for a lateral through blocks 22 and 23, old town of Marysville. The police judge was instruct ed to issae a warrant to the chief of police for collection of delinquent assessments on the lateral through block 15, old town of Marysville. The matter of making partial payments on sewers hereafter constructed was referred to the finance committee. The finance committee was granted further time to report on the bill of the electric light com pany for $27. This committee reported that it had refused an offer of $800 for the old engine house and grounds. Z. H. Davis, who was present, then asked the co uncil to set a price on this property. A motion to offer the property lor sale at $1500, was passed. Bills were allowed amounting to $302.75 on the genera, and $11.75 on the street funds. The reports of the police judge, treasurer and chief of police were adopted and placed on file. The petition of the fire depart-, meut asking for the use of the fireman's hall for social purpos es, was referred to the fire and water committee. An ordinance amending sec tion 2 of ordinance 29, relating to animals and prohibiting them from running at large within the corporate limits of Corvallis, was read. There being objection to the bill, a motion was made to reject, which was lost. A mo tion to refer the bill to the city attorney to report at the next regular meeting, carried. The petition of Mrs. S. E. Baldwin and others for a side walk along the east side of block 11. Wilkias' addition, was re ferred to the street committee. A resolution was adopted di recting the chief of police to serve notice upon the owners of the following lots or parts of lots to repair sidewalks: West side of lot 12 and south 4 of lot 11, block 4, county addition to Cor vallis, owned by Mrs. Lesse J. Seafford. Walks were ordered Construct ed adjoining the following prop erty : W est side of lot 10, block 1, Dixon's addition, owned by M M. Cauthorn; east side of lot 1, block ib, owned by Congrega tional church ; east side of lot 2, block 16, owned by Mrs. R, Kelly. The chief of police was order ed to serve notice on William Groves to make snch changes in Opera House as were recom mended by the fire and water committee. Registration. The total registration of voters in Benton county up to Wednes day morning was 76S. This is a trifle more than one-third o: what the total registration should be. Two years ago the total registration in Benton county was x,o6c. When the election returns came in' it -was found that a good many who had registered did not vote; - It is thought that the registration this year will slightly exceed 2,000. If the law allowed the registra tion of all new-comers a much heavier vote would be registered this year than ever before in the history of the county. But ac cording to law, the new arrivals shall have been, when the election. - . day. arrives, in - the state for a period " of six months," otherwise they will not be entitled to' a vote. .As the election will be held on the 2nd of June, it will be seen that those who arrived in the state later than the 2nd of last December cannot register as they will not be entitled to vote at the elec tion. Where it is found that a man will be otherwise qualified to vote on election day, the law declares that he shall De regis tered. - For instance, if it is found that a vounor man will be come of aee a few days before election he may be registered while he is yet a minor. The Oratorical Contest. This evening the representa tives of eieht institutions f learningln! Oregon will meet in Salem to decide the qnestion ot superiority in oratory. From what can be learned the attend ance from all parts of the valley will be large. Corvallis will send a good delegation to Salem on this oecasion. The contest will be held in the aaditorium of the First M. E. church of that city and it is feared that it will not accommodate all who would lik to attend. The colleges represented," the subjects of the orations, and the speakers, are: University of Oregon Eugene "Public Opinion." by Arthur Gamber. ! Pacific University Forest Grove "John Brown ot Ossa- watomie" by John Hale. .-. Willamette University, Salem "The Spirit of Progress," by R. B. Wilkins.. . V ... Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis "Our Mission - to the Negro," by Herman Tartar. Oregon State Normal School, Monmoath ' "Law . and Litera ture," by Harry Belt. . Pacific College, Newberg 'Commercialism," by Miss Ner- via Wright. . McMinnville College, ; Mc- Minnville ? 'The History f the American Negro," by E. A. Smith. ' - . ' " ' Albany . College, Albany The Martyrdom of- Man," by Charles Sternberg. - - Local Institute. Sup't. Denman has been busily en gaged during the. past week arranging for the coming local teachers' institute at Philomath, on Friday and Saturday, March 21st and 22nd. As a result of his labor, he has arranged a most inviting and interesting program. The beBt talent in the country that could be se cured will assist in making this insti tute a success. His successes in the past is a guarantea for the success of this gathering. Through the kindness ot th e Philomath College the evening 'session will be held there so as to have access to their piano. The other session will oc cur in the public school. For the eve ning session, an excellent literary aud musical program will be rendered. Ru thyn Turney, violinist, and Mordaunt Goodnoueh, pianist, have Kindly con sented to assist. Besides there will be a guitar solo by Miss Bronte Coffelt, and selections by a Male Quartette; The following have kindly consented to re oitei Miss Ivy Durkee, Miss Lois Lewis, Miss Ethel Weed and Harry Rowev Supt. J. H. Ackerman has signified his willing ness to deliver the evening address, A number of interesting subjects will be discussed at the day session. The following program has been arranged for this session: "Conditions Necessary for Easy Control," Prof. F. S. Haroun; Fads, Their Uses and Abuses," Supt. J. H. Ackerman; "Advisable Changes in the State Course of Study," S. W. Holmes'; "Assignments of Lessons," T.T.Vincent;; "The Recitation," Prof. J. M. Haskins : "How to Secure and Hold Attention," Prof. N. Tarter; "Pun ishments, iMauner, Conditions, End, Prof. W. T. "Wyatt. The singing will be in charge of Prof. W'G. Fischer; This insures good music for the day s session. Sup't Denman desires us to announce that all teachers of Corvallis and, the neighboring vicinity can attend the same free of charge, as two covered hacks will be secured - for this occasion. Those wishing to go shonld communicate this fact to nim. For Sale. Black Langshan chickens, ana shep herd puppies. J. H. Edwahds, Dusty, Oregon. For Sale. "Natures Great Health Restorer'' the ere at Rheumatic remedy. For sale at A. Hodes'6tore. M. L. Adams, Agt. Corvallis, Ore Death olMrs. Hyland. The funeral of Mrs." B.F. Hy land occurred from the family res idence - yesterday afternoon. Mre. Hyland had : been quite feeble for some time, and last Sunday morn ing early, while in a state of deliri um, she partially dressed . herself and wandered out doors. About five o'clock" her. husband heard a noiae at the barn, and going out found his wife nearly perished from exposure, lne patient continued very ill, and Dr. ,Cathy was called in Tuesday. Pneumonia had .set in and Mrs. Hyland died Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock. c The deceased was born in Illinois, 84 years ago. She married Mr. Kiger and together they crossed the plains to Oregon in the early 60's. Many years ago they were engaged in the hotel business in this city. To them . were born ten children, those most prominently known in Corvallis being Ruben, Dock and Ed Kiger, and Mrs. Geo. Simmons .After the death of her husband, Mrs. Kiger married B. F. Hyland, who survives her. Interment was made in Odd Fel lows cemetary. Something Novel. The Columbia Annual Confer ence of the M. church, South, will be held in Corvallis this year some time in September. The M. E. church is not carpeted and the Epworth lage have un dertaken to raise fnnds for this purpose along -novel lines. They desire to carpet the church by the time the conference is held. About January 1st, 300 circu lars were issued to various inter ested parties among the league, a penny accompanying each cir cular. The object is to see how much each could make of his penny by judicious investment and handling1. So far .about thirty-five of the three hundred talents have been returned, to gether with the accumulations. The returns in all cases have been gratifying. On April ista meeting will be held in the church, when all re turns will be placed in the hands of the treasurer. On this occa sion a musical, and literary pro gram will b rendered .and vari ous anecdotes, related Dy tnose who participated as to the man ner in which they increased their original capital. To this meet ing; the general public will be invited and it will be free. Wanted. Two Men Married or. single, to work on farm. Houses furnished; employment the year round. Address X, this office. .For Sale or Exchange. I : have 160 acres of Land located 6 miles from Corvallis, Benton Co., Or for sale or will exchange for Portland city - property. For further particulars call on or address-: Mks. J. Mason, owner, Corvallis, Or. The Number of Delegates. Following is the number of delegates to which the following precinct are entitled at the Re publican convention to be held in this county Friday, March 28th: Corvallis No. 1, 6; Cor vallis No. 2, 8: Corvallis No. 3, 7; Corvallis No. 4, 5: Philomath 9; Wrenn .3; Blodgett 3; Sum mit 2; Kings Valley 4; Alsea 3 Dusty 7; Monroe 4; Willamette 4; Soap Creek 3; lairmount 3 Total number of delegates to County Convention 71. Avoid tne Pettalty.. Taxnavers of Benton County : "While not required to do so, I call your atten tion to the fact that the time for getting 3 per cent rebate for payment of taxes expires Saturday, March 15th. You are allowed by law to pay half of your taxes on or before April 7th and the balance on or before October 6th without rebate or penalty. If one-half is not paid by April 7th the law requires you to pay a penalty of ten per cent and interest at 12 per cent from April 7th to date of payment. I will be required to collect the penalty and interest, for the law exacts it and I will have ho discretion in the matter, Corvallis , March 7, 1902. M. P. Burnett. Sheriff Benton Co. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Administra trix of the Estate of Samuel A. Hemphill, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County, sit ting in Probate. AU persons having claims against said Estate are required to present the same, duly verified, to me at my residence in Corvallis, Oregon, or at the Law Office of E. Holgate in Cor vallis, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first Publication of this notice.' Maey A. Hemphill, Administratrix. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 11th dav of February, 1902. N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes : "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible cough settled on her lungs. We tried a ereat many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey on.l Tar which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since! -f?0116 ss " A v. 'k'fX'.dbL :c ' Quality, Colorings and Style. Subject to t V V V -""'wi' - - -Vow ; Inspection in the Qrcat Variety of " , .PjJ r ' . - Attract!" Designs Shown in ' B 1: SW E R I OR I I ;:SWEATERS J fi WKiP ii M y the R & W" Knitting I I B31l!ll3 Mills ProdncersoftbeOnlyStrictly I I I I t&2&s$&MMM Higb-rfimde. Lon(r-Wearint. Perfect I III, ill SfSsa Fitting Sweater in the World. AU fl I H I lll Siies All Prices-No Troobln to fl 1 !' I IP I Show Yon the Oood Points. - M STYLISH AND V HANDSOME 1 V In a Wide Range of Pleasing Patterns Values that Admit of No Dispute Prices to Suit Your Convenience In the lip SILK AND WORSTED FANCY VESTS Every Qood Dresser Is Making ' Selections They are Assured of Your Approval If Yoa See Them. NOW IS YOUR To 5 S. L, Kline Gto...... secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect Summer Grazing ands at Nominal Prices ' The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchasedl40,000 acres of the Corvallis and Yaauina Bay Wagon Road lands, known as the .-'Coe Lands," have now placed them on the market. These ara unimproved lands situated iu Benton and Lincoln counties, along the line 'of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing and fruit raising section of Western Oregon. Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre Easv Terms. Perfect Title. M. JVl DAVIS, Agent October 7. .1901. Real Estate, Insurance, Collecting and Ex change Agents. Mortgages, Wills, Deeds "Papers We advertise in 200 .weekly 800 news advertising agencies, and properties are the best. . .. , If you wish to buy, sell or to a ;o,ooo-acre ranch in any We will buy, sell,, trade, kill or We try to do you justice and reasonable. Collections of old outlawed debts a specialty. Insurance written in best companies in the United States. Office over Postoffice, Corvallis, Oregon. S5 tiiIM5aSa Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House Pioneer Bakery AND RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. i H. W.t HALL, Proprietor.- RAMBLER ISKING Because every advanced method of the mechanical art is employed in building the Rfmbler wheels. All the elements of beauty, strength, originality and high quality are blended in the eight Rambler models offered this season. The Ram bler bicycle has always been the easiest running wheel on the market, and in the twenty-three years of its manufacture it is recognized to be as strong as any wheel made. The sculptor's reputation is not made by the first work of hia chisel. The best in everything is the result of making the good better, and in keeping everlastingly at it. The Rambler ia equipped with the famous G. & J. tires ; the handiest and most durable tire made. This wheel is on sale at J. K. Berry's, and in buying a Rambler you have your choice of all the latest equipments for bicycles; such as saddles, handlebars, pedals, Dells, toedips, graphite and oil NO VE L TIES Banna aaaoat mom 1 mmZtiG OPPORTUNITY Corvallis, Oregon. N arid All Kinds of Legal Drawn. news papers in the East, through our facilities for handling youf swap anything iroin a can or a dog part ot the United btates, see us. give it away. give satisiaction. uur charge are We Buy ami Sell Farms. If you want to sell farms or city prop erty list it with us. Write us or call and see us, we advertise in Eastern papers. If you want to buy property or want s business location write or ca?l on ue. Houses lo rent, money at low interest, insurance written, collections made, farms rented, etc. Office in ! Bandera" Jewelry Store. N. P. Peterson. G. A. Robinson. A Oreat Saving. All property owners should know it. For one Dollar we will sell you our ever lasting Fence Post receipt. To be had at this office. Chapped hands, cracked lips and roughness of the skin cured quickly by Banner Salve, the most healing ointment in the world. Graham & Wortham,