) THE CORVALUS GAZETTE. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1902. To cover the cost of setting and dis tributing the type in such matters, a charge of fifty cents will be niide for each "Card f Thanks," and five cents per line for each set of "Resolutions of LOCAL NEWS. The Saver school opened yester day with Miss Florence Jlaxfield, of this city, wielding the "birch. T. W. Dilley, "The Fixer," has baen making some improvements in the interior of his place of business- Wanted By a thoroughly com petent man, a position as book keeper. Address P. O. Box 272, Corvallis, Or. At the Corvallis Saw Mill for the present you can get good shingles sor 11.40 per M. Also geod fenc ingiorf per m. The Meneley Concert Co., which The Bicycle Hospital has just re- made such a favorable (?) impres cetved the largest and -finest stocklsion on the occasion of their visit to of Rambler bicycles ever brought to I this city last year, is again in Ore W. A. Sanders, Jeweler, Trade your old wheel in on a Rambler bicycle at the" Bicycle Hospital. Miss Addie Schiffler, of Albany, is the guest of the Misses Crawford, of thie city. The World Almanac for 1902 credits Oregon with hating four teen millionaires. There will be preaching service m the Mt. View school house Sun day afternoon at 2:30. A fii.e half-tone of Attorney Ros- coe Bryoon and his bride appeared in rnday's telegram. Miss Mabel Cockerel, of this city, has been visiting relatives in Leb anon daring the past week. If you have aiy aches or pains. call and see Dr. Holt, The Osteo path. Examination tree. Ladies, we have just received new Bilk organdies for wear, all the new shades. Callahan. George Hodges came out from Lincoln county yesterday. He ex pects to return home today. . The Republican Congressional Committee for the first district of Oregon met at Portland Thursday. The convention will occur at Rose burg, April 1st. - A prominent attorney was seen on the streets yesterday with" ai bible in his hand. This recalls the fact that in British territory a bible is quite necessarv in court proceed ings, as one is obliged to kiss the book in taking oath. A Devout Hascal. A well-dressed and gentleman ly appearing Englishman, giving the name of Chas. Thomas, and claiming: Portland : as his rest denoe. appeared in Corvallis Thursday of last week and began making the acquaintance of lead ing citizens. He attended Chris tian Endeavor at one of the churches Sundav evening and took occasion to make soma re marks before the meeting. Mon dav moraine- he walked out ot town without paying for his night's lodging at the Occident al. Then things began coming evening Jsolan & An. important meeting of the Benton County Citizens' League oc curs at the court house next Satur day evening. At this . time officers to liffht will be elected, and items of espec-1 Shortly after his arrival in L.or- ial interest are to be considered.. A vallis he fell in with a couple of lull attendance is urgently re- 1if inenranrt naea. stranp-ers quested. here, and made arrangements to D. T. Yergain has been indicted take out a. policy for $io,ooo, for rape iu Lincoln eounty and J He visited the various saloons placed under bonds in the sum of am -ninved life trenerallv. But ?500. In default of this sum, he Ut,;e rniiWI mntiv ' He isnS Corvallis. See them. We have enquiries from the East for large stock ranches. What have you for sale? Morgan & Eg lin, The Leading Land Agents Rev. Hiram Gould, formerly pas tor of the M E church ot this city, is now a candidate for congress, being the prohibition nominee. Lebanon Criterion. Bert WeBtbrook and Dell Burk- hart, members of the Albany or cbestra, paid this office a friendly call during their visit to this city last Friday. Groceries at Young's Cash Store We still continue in Ladies' and Fancy goods, Hats, Shoes and No tions. Give us a call. Goods de liyered in city. Rialto Weatherford was down from his ranch near Harrisburg during the past few days visiting with relatives. His wife has been here for a week or longer. Marsh Simpson passed through Corvalhs, Friday, from Polk coun ty en route to his home at Elk City, Lincoln countv. Marsh is the same hale and hearty fellow of yore. Saturday was Washington'! Hirthday and flags were spread to the breeze from the couit house, the city hall and the college to honor the memory of the "Father of His Country." Henry Heanel, who has been in Montana for the past fev years, gon. In default of was brought out to Corvallis Mon day morning and placed in Benton county's jail to await the next term of the circuit couit in Lincoln county, Miss Anna bamuels, of Portland, is the and 3Irs. L. L. Porter, of Oregon City, who have been visiting in Corvallis since Friday of laBt week, returned to their homes on Monday morning's boat. The Weideman Dramatic Co., of which Ivan Daniel, of this city, is a member of the band and orches tra, are coming narth from Cali fornia and will strike Oregon in about a month. Sunday, March 2n 1, will be Rev. L. M. Boozer's last Sunday in Cor vallis, after three years in the pas torate of the United Evangelical church. He will leave the follow ing week for Portland. -Miss Mabel Abbey, who repre sented the Pierian society at the recent local oratorical contest was given a reception, oaturday eve ning, at the home of Miss Mildred Linville. A highly enjovable time is reported. Architect Burgraff, of Albany, who drew the plans 'and specifica tions for the Agricultural Hall at the O A C, was over from Albany, Saturday. On his return he was accompaniea dy ooniracior onooK, four different funds who proceeded on to oaiem to vipu j j f f t Willi ma lamuy. Teddy Palmer, a member of the graduating class at O AC for 1900, has accepted a position at r ruit- vale, California, and has departed from his Grants Pass home tor the scene of his new duties. Teddy has a - . A "XT M a cnecic on tae iirsc isauonai Bank , of Portland, which was honored by Ben Woldt : Asimi lar check was cashed by Thomas Am . . , ... I WU1U.UU1UI XiiM X- V fact scarcely worth mentioning . . i-.w anA appearance of the Carrie r .7 - . w , ' 7 7- Stanley rheumatic company at the "e. arew on lflC,J.usl i Opera House last Friday and Sat- " city Dy casnmg two cnecKS urday evenings. As they left more forgio eaeh at Wiley & Zeis' and money in Corvallis than they took J. G. Wuestefeldt's. Monday out of it. we will let that atone in a morning the check taken up at the measure for their coming here, a though this should not be taken by similar organizations as a, license to repeat their performance. Messrs. A. Wilhelm & Sons had in the cargo of the Knight Com panion 1000 barrels of flour when she went down off the coast of Ja pan lately. The flour was fully in sured, a precaution not to be over looked by as good business men as the Wilhelms, and especially where their property is the destructive latter place was presented at the local bank for payment, but the cashier refused to accept it . A telegram was then sent to the First National of Portland and J. W. Newkirk, assistant Cashier of that institution - wired-that no party of the name of Chas. Thomas had a deposit there. Thomas was last seen about four quent that Herald. miles south of town, footing it to be exposed to tor parts unknown gales which fre- region of the world.- Tax money still continues to roll in at the Sheriff's office. Al though the roll had been in the hands of Sheriff Burnett but a week, by Saturday night 164 citizens had gard him as more animal than human, An Ingenious Chinaman. Genius commands respect wherever found, and as it belongs to ao country and to no race, it is often found where least expected. If those, who are accus tomed to sneer at the Chinaman and re- returned to his home near Mon- cu any friends in this city who will roe a short time ago and during be pleased to hear of his good luck the past few days has visited with lin life. Last Friday, a week ago, Re- the real estate Iceiver William Galloway and Regis- friends in this city. Henry Ambler, agnt of Philomath, will be in Cor vallis every Saturday. Parties wishing to see him, can do so by cillingatthe Occidental hotel, be tween the hours of Hand 1. Cal Thrasher went to Airlie, Sunday and expected to organize a lodge of Modern Woodmen of America there last night. It was thought that the new lodge would start out with a membership of about twenty. ter C. B. Moores took in $4,600 in the United States land office at Oregon City. There were eleven cash timber entries made by parties I from Dallas. The lands were taken up in 1 (0 acre tracts and lie in Polk county. Oregon City Enter prise. Mr. Lou Simpson came up from Portland, Saturday, for a brief visit with relatives. He returned home yesterday and his wife and daugh ters, who have been here for a T. K. Berry, at the Bicycle couple of weeks, will return to Port nospuai, nas neen improving ine iaud, Friday. Mr. Simpson is an interior of his pkee of business. exnert ieweler and has been in the He has moved his repair shop to employ ot Butterfield Bros., but is ine rear ana nas nuea up me ironi at present with (Jonenheimer , .11- j-.?, - t-i oi ine DUiiamg very tasiuy ior nis new stock of wheels. Peterson & Robinson, are prepar ing to issue another pamphlet con taining a short description of prop erty listed with them. Parties having land which they wish to pell will do well to see this firm and hare it appear in this new list. Mrs. Mary Milhollen, whose home is about three miles cast of this city, was stricken down a lit tle more than a week ago with a stroke of paralysis. She has been in a very serious condition since, but is now thought to be slightly improved. Dr. C. F. Ra-er, ef Sacramento, Calif., arrived in this city, Friday, for a visit of a few days with Dr. W. T. Rowley. They were class mates at Ann Harbor Medical Col lege. Dr. Raver is greatly pleased with what he has Been of this part of the state. The Presbyterian parsonage has been thoroughly overhauled and re painted and papered inside by C. A. Barnhart A Sons. In the course of a few weeks Rev. Andrew Car rick's wife and child will arrive from North Dakota, when the fam ily will occupy the parsonage. r Teddy Crawford came up on the boat Thursday night, from Salem. He came up for the purpose ef tak ing a part in the dance given by the students at the Armory, Friday nigbt, and to visit relativee and friends. He returned to Salem on the ooat Saturday morning. M. II. Kriebel, who has been working at insurance business in this city, his old home, for the past ten days, returned to Portland on Friday's traiu. He expected to come back to Corvallis yesterday to complete his work in this line. Mr. Kriebel took a basket contain ing twelve dozen of our fresh ranch eggs home with him. A telegram from Dayton, Yam hill county, last Thursday night, reported the purchase there yester day by B. O. Schucking, of Port land, of two lots of 1901 hops, at 15 cents per pound. The hops sold were the Turner and Cain lots. These are the first Oregon hop3 sold at 15 cents this season, and other sales will soon be made at the same price. Roman Zahn came out from Al sea, Friday, in response to a letter from his wife, who has been ill in this city for a couple of weeks. Mr. Zahn went home Saturday, but ex pects to come out again in the course of a week and take his wife home with him. He says that it is surprising to note the demand there is for timber land. He says that at present there is scarcely a foot of vacant land in his neighbor hood. Those interested in the success of the coming Festiual of Music in this city should lend thtir support in every way possible. Tonight the choruses will be rehearsed un der the direction of Mr. Wallace Nash. It is to be hoped that a good number will attend and take part. It is also desired that at this meeting the singers will go pre pared to purchase their books. The total expense for books will be about $1. Let all assist for the glory of "Old Corvallis." The dance given by the students at the Armory, Friday night, was a success in every way. There was a good attendance and dancing was kept up until midnight. Some thing happened to the lights and caused some inconvenience, but this was taken good-naturedly. Various valley towns were repre sented on the floor. The Albany orchestra furnished the music and gave good satisfaction. Including the members of the orchestra there were perhaps twenty young people in attendance from Albany. paid taxes amounting to a sum in excess of $6,000. This amount was placed in the county treasurer's hands Monday morning. Twenty- were represent of segregating these amounts and keeping them accurate is no small one. The Oregon Agricultural College, which is in advance on the silo question, has proved that the sweet silage which is preserved by mere heating is much more relished by stock and more profitable than the common silage. The thing now to demonstrate among the farmers is that it is as profitable for- them to care for ab the common silage. If the Agricultural College can dem onstrate this to practical use it has indeed made a great discovery for the stockmen of the country. Pa cific Farmer. Last Saturday the children of the primary grade of the public school were given an excursion up the river on the Leona, under command of Capt. Graham. There were about thirty in the party, including some adults, and they went as far up the Willamette as Finley's Landing.The day was ideal and they were as comfortable as could be out on the deck of the steamer. The excur sionists had tables rigged up on the deck and took their dinners out in the open air. When one stops to consider that this took place on the 22nd of February, there is all the greater reason for loving Oregon. Every member of the crew from the captain down did his best to make things pleas ant for the party. Judges Chosen. will visit the little steamer Leona, which plies between Portland and Corvallis, and inspect the handiwork of Joe, the Chinese cook, they will discover to their surprise that the yellow man has me chanical genius. worthy of the Yankee. Not long ago, Jee approached Engineer Gwinn with the request that he be per mitted to usejthe latter's pliers. He had a sheet of zinc under his arm and the en - giueer was interested in what Joe in tended doing. Spreading the zinc upon the floor, the cook began work with the pliers, and when he had finished and drawn the parts together, there appeared an excellent model of a ship's hull. The joints were 'neatly soldere7Tulk-heads, forming water-tight compartments, Were placed ia position and the hull was ready to receive the machinery . The works of three old clocks were eecored and by a combination of parts of these, Joe pro vided power for the propeller. A short lever appears above the deck just for ward of the pilot house and a few move ments of this backward and forward puts the machinery, which is all concealed below decks, in motion. The propeller is drivem with great rapidity for three or four minutes. There is not a particle of wood about the entire vessel. The hand railing extend ing back from the bow ; the pilot house and the steps leading to it, as well as the windows and doors which swing upon hinges are all of zinc and their joints and fittings are neat and perfect. When it is considered that the boat is not to exceed two feet in length with a draft of prob ablv four inches, and that the various parts must necessarilv be small, Joe's work is remarkable. He uses his kitchen on the boat for a work room and the ship which has been turned out of this construction room is the pride of Joe and the entire crew of the Leona. Reed and W. H. Miller, doing ousmess undtr the name of the Lackiamute River Improvement Association also made snrveys of this stream and made declara tion of .their intention to ; open up the river, charge tolls, etc The SpauldiHg Company then filed an injunction against the Luckiamnte Association. re-; straining the latter from proceed ing with thtir proposed work The Lnckiamute River Improve naent Association in turn filed aemorrer to this lmunction and this demurrer had a hearing at the November term of the circuit court for this county. - Ulerk Waiters received the de eision of Judge Hamilton a few days ago and he sustains the de murrer. He says: The above case came on to be heard on the demarrer to plain tiff's complaint filed by defend ant, plaintiff appearing bv its at torneys, Hedges and Gnf&th, and defendants appearing by tneir attorneys, Yates. Yates & Gibson. The court, having heard the argument of council took said case ander advisement, and now having considered said matter, finds that said demurrer should be sustained. It is there- ore ordered that the demurrer of defendants to plaintiff com plaint be, and the same is here by sustained. Berry Is Agent. It was believed and contended a few years ago that bicycle building had reached its high est stage of development and that few improvements could be expected. But this conclusion was at fault Th bicycle of 1902 is as great an improvement over the models of three or four years ago, as a Pulman sleeper is over a box car, and the Rambler is king of all. James K. Berry is the agent for the Rambler in this city. He has both 7901 ad 1902 models. The latter is a handsome wheel and has all the late improvements, including the cushion frame. Every part of the machine is fully guaran teed. The bearings are all ground steel. You may have your choice of seat, handle bars and pedals. A Football Benefit. No play so difficult or having the merit of "The Wife'' has been produced by amateurs in Corvallis in recent years. A beautnul 4-act drama, with scenes laid at Newport and in Washington city, it tellsTa pretty story, and its lights and shadows are strongly arranged. The proceeds of the entertainment, which will be given March vtn, will go to the athletic association fund at the 0 AC. We Announce To Our Many Custom rs - And those that it would pay to be, that OUR NEW SPRING GOODS Are Arriving Daily. - Mr. Kline, while ia the city, has had the choice pickings of the large3t aad bist firms from the East and West. As we buy for spot cash, and get a big discount, we offer . our goods at a modest profit. It Pays to be One of Our Customers. Following are a few of the firms that we have the exclusive, sale of goods for in Corvallis: . HART, SHAFFNER fc MARX, Clothes for Men. THE GORDON AND WALDORF, Hats for Men. BLACK CAT HOSE for Ladies, Men and Children. QUEEN QUALITY SHOES for Women. -THOMPSON GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS. . The White House. Corvallis, Or 8 fe I s u TO MMMm PORTLAND For the next few days anything in the Store at wholesale cost. FORD & LAWS House Furnishers, South end of Main Street, - - Corvallis. Oreaon. NOW IS YOU B OPPORTUNITY To Trade. 20-acre fine fruit ranch near Saa Jose, Calif., for farm in Benton or Lynn coun ty. 240 acres good land in Harney coun ty, Ore., for Corvallis property or farm Good Livery Stable., horses, buggies, and complete outfit in one of the best towns in Oregon. Fine Flouring Mill in good locality, 80 barrels capacity, doing good business. See Mokgan & Eglin. Corvallis, Ore, At the meeting of the execu tive committee on the State Inter-Collegiate Oratorical contest which took place here last Friday afternoon, Mr. Jones, represented Newberg; M. A. Acheson. Al bany; C. A. Redrnan, Eugene; Harry Swaflford, .Salem, and J. D. Zurcher, O. A. C. Moa mouthj Forest Grove and Me Minnville were not represented. The meeting was called for the purpose of selecting judges to act at the contest that will take place in Salem, March 14th. Judges had been chosen at a previous meeting, but one or more of those chosen were un able to act. Harry Swafford, presideat of the association, ruled that Harry Belt, who was to represent Men mouth was disqualified for the reason that Monmouth did not hold her local contest when the other colleges did, the second Friday in February. Howtver, this matter will be considered at the bnsiness meeting that will preceed the contest at Salea on the 14th of March. There was perfect harmony at the meeting and the judges selected are per fectly acceptable to all patties. The names ot the judges are not to divulge at present. Old Orchards. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colas, prevents pneumonia. An orchardist of experience was dis cussing the condition of numerous old orchards of this section, a few days ago, and gave it as his opinion that a lot of good healthy pruning was a most desir able thing when dealing with an orchard covered with moss and the trees loaded with dead limbs. He says that where there is a superabundance of moss it forms a desirable place for codlin moths and other insect pests during the winter and their presence is felt later on. The moss should all be scraped off and the trees freely sprayed with Bordeaux Mixture. The dead limbs should all be taken off and the trees pretty well pruned down. For the first year or two after a vigorous pruning the orchard will not produce very much fruit, but what it does yield will be first class. The year or two that follows the pruning cannot be counted as lost, because the fruit produced prior to that time was worthless anyway. It takes a new healthy grow th of timber to produce a rich lucious fruit. Demurrer Sustained. The matter of river rights on the Luckiatnute has occupied the attention of the circuit court for this county during the past ses sion or two. The Chas. -K. Spaulding Logging Co. made declaration of their intention to make use of certain privileges allowed by law. A party con sisting of R. Dunn, M. L,. Frantz, C. JA. Frantz, T, B. ARRIVED THIS WEEK Ladies Fine Shoes. Wash Dress Goods. Silk Organdies. Wool Dress Goods. Silks, Satins. Velvets. Men's Furnishings. New Arrivals Semi-Weekly. For Sale or Exchange. I have 160 acres of Land located 6 miles from Corvallis, Benton Co., Or for sale or will exchange for Portland city property. For further particulars call on or address Mas. J. Mason, owner, Corvallis, Or. Piano PL4YING AND TEACHING Mordaunt Goodnough Whose understanding of the higher art of music has been obtained by years of study and attested by several years suc cessful teaching, announces that he will receive pupils at any time for the pro duction of RefirM Mimical aitf pTarjisfcic Pl)d; of the first class. Lesons also given in specialties, such as Mason's Pianoforte Technics, Eeed Organ. Harmony, Etc. Call at residence, one block west of courthouse. To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect Summer Grazing a nds atNominal Prices - The Coast Land & live Stock Company having purchased 40,000 acres of the Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road lands, known as the "Coe Lands," have now placed them on the market. These are funimproved lands situated in Benton and Lincoln counties, along the line ofthe Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing and fruit raising section of Western Oregon. Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre1! EasvaTerms. Perfect Title. VC. WL DAVIS, Agent October 7. .1901. Corvallis,ZOregon1 MORGAN EGL N Real Estate, Insurance, Collecting and Ex change Agents. TITLES ZBIMIIItSnEID- Morfgages, Wills, Deeds arid All Kinds of Legal Papers Drawn. We advertise in 200 weekly news papers in the East, throujh 800 news advertising agencies, and our facilities for handling your properties are the best. If you wish to buy, sell or swap anything from a calf or a dog to a 50,000-acre ranch in any part of the United States, see us. We will buy, sell, trade, kill or give it away. We try t do you justice and give satisfaction. Our charge are reasonable. Collections of old out-lawed debts a specialty. Insurance written in best companies in the United States. Office over Postoffice, Corvallis, Oregon. i Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House Pioneer Bakery AND1 RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits ano nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers suppliesfU a specialty. H. Wa HALL, Proprietor. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right Chapped hands, cracked lips and roughness of the skin cured quickly by Banner Salve, the most healing ointment n the world, Graham& Wortham. Bids fer Wood. Bids for furnishing the Agricultural College with wood for the ensuing year will be received by the Purchasing Ageat -up to and including March 8, 1902. Sea Ihe Clerk of the College for the cpeciGca tion.3. -Totpj D. Dai,y, Sec. Board Regents. Corvallis, Oregon, February, 190?.