Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 11, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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To cover the coat of Betting and dis
tributing the type in snch matters, a
charge of fifty cents will be mide for
each "Card of Thanks," and five cents
per line for each eet cf "Resolutions of
Condolence" appearing i a these columns.
xoudz s jasn more Any cat in
window for 25 cents.
The examination of teachers will
commence tomorrow.
Ths Albany Herald states that
that city has several cases of small
St. Valentine's Day is
hand. Con Gerhard's fine
tines are going rapidly.
C. A. Gerhard want to Albany
Dy train, Friday, ana alter trans
acting some business, returned that
night by boat.
W. A. Sanders, Jewe!er.
The Willamette was up pr
well yesterday as a result of Iht
cent rains.
' Neal Murray, of Albany, returned
home yesterday after a visit of a
few day s in Corvallis. ; ' . -
If you have ai.y aches or pains,
call and see Dr. Holt, The Osteo
path. . Examination tree.
Under The Ton-en's Law.
couaty sur
veyor relocate the road accerdine
to be deter-
iax anu - survey, jne road
-r -r, t, .4. , . x w uxio ujouiwi. wu
xv. js- fliyw. curacy, nas ordered tn In,.
t r - t : .-,. i "
oegun sun ior jur jr. a. jsjine,
uie puraser oic. 3oo-acTe to original survey.
"a" L lVy. miaed by the records in the office
new law known i as the Torrens said line of road is duly deter-
cccfoin This IS tnA -, - J
lusi .ojc minea it haii k
III till V 111 II IlllLl IIHJ, -11 W I 1 1 nPTT. I n 1 "
-- T7 I "ivd oy saia roaa suDervisor
ton county, ana apour ine third in the matter of resignation of
nr trmrf-h nnc m TflP cf-ot Tit. I T . ... 0
rr 7 " "c J wens as supervisor of road
Jf w cioiStnCt .NO. 2. it wa nfcr
I hare a few pairs of mud guards
left at 75 cents per pair. J. K. Ber
ry, tne Bicycle Hospital. On account Of two deaths in his
The first payment of the Dew I congregation, Dr. Wise, of Portland,
horticultural hall was made last! wi 1 not lecture before the students
Friday, the sum being $4725. I this morning.
The Ytquina Bay News speaks of Miss Agnes Klecker, who is now
"deceased Indian lands.'-' - What n employed as a clerk at Olds &
elegant place that would be for a King's, in Portland, is visiting rela-
O J uuo wbjr. .1.. ... . .. . - . .
At the Corvallis Saw Mill for the Abraham Lincoln was born Feb- :cff: rtlfinJ . an. AvF.Herslmer wasappoint
nrMAntvnn .an not oTlool marv 12. lftOQ in TTnrrMn nr. fir I . . . , .. . I CU in fllS Place.
il 0 M 6i aTT Z: Kentuckv Tomorrow iT t 92rd U11?te JS.ma5e l e S?00. re' was ordered that the Countv
ingfor$7ierM. anniversary of his birth. - corQer who is caiiea a Kegistrar, Clerk give notice in the Corval-
Rev. L.'M. Boozer will preach in oT f Xn' nL i?:- Times asking
i . n.cuu uiua lu inrnisn nrnnn
Mrs. Fred Herzoff, who has been
from the circuit court a decree tW .m -
. in ill health for many months, went the ML View echool houseT, o S Rickard of r t0 furnish 1
close at to Portland last Friday toentera at 2:80 p. m. This will be his lait SSSnAr mSiS ffi-' forCounty Court , House for
eValen- hospital for treatment. service at this point before depart- Benton county, married to Jane 1.902. Bids are to be -rect
until yesterday, when she retu ned
for large stock ranches. What
have you for sale? Morgan & Eg-
nn, j. he Leadin JLami Agents
u d, cuutica vuu mj a i nn 1 J - J . 1
a . - 1 '-""i""' wucgc, nuureeseu, me
uu a guv Bcwiug macaine. Woman's Hlnh of R,lpm ot m0
lusniin. .1... T V. 1 1 I 1 . v"V
"'""'"B H,owo fu VVi lamette hotel, in tW ptIv Sf
Ed Thrift has surrendered his 1Dg Ior lDe
position as engineer at the Benton - W. Robbms, a graduate of O
tt lour Mills aad will go to McCloud. A U in the class of 1886, has been
Galif., where he will be employed.! in Corvallis for the past few days,
Mrs. Ora Porter came ud from
in Oregon City, last Sat- T j f 7,, T
,d visited with rJZL ttr&ct?? builder at Molalla, Or.,
but bis visit here is with a view to
making this city his home.
fee simpTe in the following land March 6, 1902.
We have enquiries from the Eastker home
urday, and visited with relatives
Court adjourned until Wed
nesday, Feb. 12, 1902.
Why Don't Yon Register.
Wanted A woman of experience
to do general house work. Can
have steady employment if atten
tive and satisfactory. Mrs. M. S
The minutes of the February
term or court will complete
County Court Journal No. 6, and
ournal No. 7 will be opened at the
March term.
Mrs. Myers Smith came up from
Oregon City last week, and while
here disposed of her property in
Jobs Addition. She has returned
to Oregon City.
Groceries at Young's Cash Store
We still continue in Ladies' and
Fancy goods, Hats, Shoes and No
tions. Give us a call. Goods de
lwered in city.
Quite a number of Philomath
people were in Corvallis, Saturday,
among whom were r"rof. S. 1. Pratt,
E. L. Bryan, Henry Ambler and a
number of others.
Tt is stated that the English par-
inugea mas were turned loose in
Oregon nearly a year ago have
wintered well and that coveys of
tnem have been seen recently.
O. J. Blackledge hag carpenters
at the task of constructing a new
rottage on his property on the cor
ner of 9th and Monroe streets. The
building will be for renting
, J. J. Cady, who has been in cor
respondence of lato with many
eastern people, informs us that
within a day or so G. W. Smith
and family, of Hartford, Kansas,
will arrive" in this city.
Henrv Ambler, the" real estate
ngent of Philomath, will be in Cor
vallis every Saturday. Pailies
wishing to see him, can do so by
calling at the Occidental hotel, be
tween the hours of Hand 1.
The third annual convention of
horticultural interests will be held
at the OAC next Thursday and
Friday. These sessions will un
doubtedly prove of great interest
iiu no,nuuiu uuviso nil WUU can
to attend them.
Two divorce cases are filed for the
next term of the circuit court for
this county, which convenes on the
fourth Monday of next month. Mrs.
Ethel M. May vs Arba P. Mav,
nnd Mrs. Lucinda Evans vs M. G.
A short time ago George B. Kea
dy received a letter from his son,
Walter, who was then in Prineville,
Oregon. Walter Beemed to be get
ting along nicely and was rapidlv
becoming a finished jackrabbit
The steamer Leon a came up the
river Saturday and passed on up
1o Booneville for a load of wheat.
The Leona was recently the victim
cf a mishap on the upper river, but
has been thoroughly overhauled
and is now in first-class shape for
Rev. H. Gould, of Newberg.
Yamhill county, has been selected
as the' Prohibition candidate for
representative in congress from
this the First Oregon district to
be voted for at the coming election
in June. Rev. Gould formerly oc
cup:ed the pulpit of the M. E.
church in this city.
Chas. H. Horner will close his
eccond term of school in the Wyatt
district next week. He has given
excellent satisfaction in this dis
trict, but has determined to quit
teaching for a time. About March
1st he will assume the position of
assistant postmaster at Condou, the
county Beat of Gillam cpunty, Or.
Benton and other counties in the
state are discussing the new road
law, some predicting it will be an
entire failure. Most of the counties
in the state have made a very small
levy, one and two mills. Clacka
mas county has worked under this
system for eight or ten years,, and
last year ppent on her "roads and
bridges nearly $60,000. The people
of the county are beginning to see
the result and approve the system
and this year the board has made a
levy of eight mills, the highest ever
made. Oregon City Enterprise.
urday afternoon
Out of respect for tBe late
Jas. Zurcher is home from Salem,
where he attended the meeting of
the executive committee of the
Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Ass'n.
J udges were selected, but they will
subject to the estates, easements,
. j - i .
mcumDrances ana cnarges nere
under noted.
Witness my hand and official
seal. Register.
xnisceruncarew recoraea in If there was anvrni f 1
the county office and a duplicate done in the wav f recristmh'nJ
issued to the owner. For The of voters it wnnld K rA I
duplicate the registrar takes the thine-, as thev seem to be verv
ouaiuic kjl mv. uu a re-1 iax m attending to this matter.
wapi mr me same, waico receipt i TJie total registration up to last
k. puma iai;ic cviucuw 01 me Saturday morning was 220.
- m U M-
not nn irnown until r.n a iav at r.ho v z. j. i .
a. t I - -- v.. xuia d.
r tBe late Prof, contest, which occurs at Salem, a " T"i i 'T" 1 " uauun-w awni 7.
E. B. McElroy, the National Educa- March 14th. Corvallis secured first i SST ITZ "T :JJUI tT? "W "
tional Association, of which he was i place on
a member, has appointed his wife,
Mrs. Agnes U. McElroy, of thiscit
a life member of the association.
Eugene Guard.
James D. Zurcher, business
ager of the O A C's athletic
arrived home, Saturday, fi
trip to Portland and Salem
informs us that be has about
negotiations with a coach fo:
year's football team
?m a
Rev. and Mrs. Park, of
Minn., arrived in Corvallis.
urday, on a visit with Mr. and Mrs
Calkins. They came to Oregon
last December, and have been visit
ing at Dallas. Rev. Park was for
many years pastor of the Methodist
The basketball team from
were defeated by the yung men ef
Willamette University, at Salem.
Last Friday evening, by a score of
63 to 11. The one-sided ness of the
score is incomprehensible in the
light of the score of the game be
tween the OAC and Monmouth
teams, played Saturday eveninsr.
next Monmouth had previouBly3efeated J to conv
balemjjet she won from O A C by a I lands.
score of 11 to 10 in a most sensa
tional game.
ocTalists of Oregon have
called a mass convention to be held
at Portland, Mai ch 19th for the pur
pose of nominating a state ticket.
On the following day, March 20th,
church at Ada, whieh Mr. and Mrs.
Calkins attended.
a mass convention is to be held at
Oregon City for the purpose of nom-
.A. Sanders, leweler, of this I f u;a ?Qff a t. -i
city has just completed three beau- party ia unknown in the eyes of the
j VTT. B , . lvcr Jaw in Oregon they have to have
medals, to be given to the winners ino or more electora in convention
of the OAC oratorical contest.
February 14th. One is a solid go!
medal, of Mr. Sanders' own design,
the second is silver, inlaid with gold.
and the third is a plain silver
Mrs. C. E. Hawkins, wife of at
torney Hawkins, cf Yaquina City,
in order to get their ticket on the
official ballot.
The papers were a little prema
ture in stating that Mr. Rennie had
accepted the position of manager of
the t armers and urangerb store at
McMiunville. He was tendered the
position, and regarded it favorably
title adverse, or in derogation
thereto, shall be acquired by any
length of possession;. The per-
sTwpuying registered land does
not nave to inquire into its
title Back of the registration
ana is entiuea to a new
certificate from the registrar
that he is the owner. Any com
mon iorm of deed may be used
v the title of registered
Lands registered upon
the death ot the owner shall sro
personal representatives of the
deceased and shall be subject to
same rules as personalty. Copy
of a will must be filed or 'the let
ters of administration; provision
is made for proceedings in tax
sale, notice Lis pendens, judg
ments, etc. The act of the leg
islature adopting the Torrens
system of registration is quite;
leng and multifarious, covering:
about 30 pages ot the session
laws of the year 1901.
Meets In Portland, April 2nd,
: i j l e ' , ti- 1 1 -
u ,u i ou T intelligence from a business staddpoint. After
that her brother, John H. Powers, Ana mnoMoiinn ;t,j o
Baen.u oionDson county, Aransas, held aut to him by his bid employ-
was instantly killed in a desperate
conflict with a party that raided a
bank of which the sheriff was vice
president, at 12:15 a. m., cn the
6th inst.. at Clarksville. Ark.
A railroad rumor is afloat to the
effect that the Southern Pacific Co.
contemplates putting on another
local train between Albany and
Portland making daily trips via
Corrallis and West Side points to
be run on about the same time as
the present Albany local train.
ers, Messrs. Nolan and Callahan,
Mr. liennie has decided to remain
with them, an announcement which
will be hailed with delight by his
many friends in Corvallis and Ben
ton county.
Rev. Boozer's term as pastor of
the United Evangelical church of
this city terminates March 1st. . At
this time, with his family, he will
leave for Portland, where they will
6pend a week, and then Mr. Boozer
will go to Chicago to enter a school
of theology. Rev.. Boozer has been
Such a train would be a great con-j pastor of the local United Evangel
venience to the traveling public. cal church for three years, during
Herald. which time he has won an ahidintr
A novel way of paying off a debt I affecti?n i the hearts f his con-
was recently brought to light at p'c6aMUU' " a
Rnlrer fM.v A hnivh .nnmin.. teem ot all other people church-
tioi! unknown, advertised a "hug- 601ng and on-church-going in the
ging social" and the affair was a community. His pastorate has
money-maker. One more and the been prosperous and successful,
church will be out of debt. Prices The University of Oregon Glee
ot hugs ranged from 15c to $1. The Club will give one of their delight
latter price was for hugginganother ful concerts at the Opera House on
man's wife. It is said that the the evening of Februarv 17th. The
has this to say
periormance in
editors paid in advertising.
A carload of coal arrived direct
from Pennsylvania on Friday's
freight. It was in charge of Mr.
Joseph Robinett, who was placing
orders taken for fuel last fall. Ten
tons of the coal goes to the OAC:
a portion of it to the carriage fac
tory and the balance to local black
smiths. The price paid was $19.50
per ton, and the freight on the car
amounted to $260.
A young lady in Albany, writing
her cousin in this city, a few days
ago, said: "Derk Ktjzzen The
wether whar we is air kold, and i
suppose whar you is it air kolder.
We is all well, and muther's got
the his Terricks, bruther Tom has
got the Hoppin Kof, and sister Su
san has got a baby, an I hoap
these fu lines will find you in the
same kondishun. Rite sune. Your
ophecshunate Kuzzen."
On account of the heavy rainfall
for the past few days the river has
risen rapidly and steamboats have
resumed their regular run to th'
city. The heavy rainfall has bee
geneial and much heavier in tl j
southern portion of the valley than
here, and an unusually high rise of
the river is predicted by navigation
company employes. The OCT
Co. is contemplating the construc
tion of a new steamer to ply on the
river during the summer months
when the river is low and she will
be built especially for that purpose,
her proposed proportions being 120
feet long by 24 feet beam, and she
will have a draught of 12 inches.
Steps are new being taken toward
having her completed before summer.
Dalles Chronicle
concerning their
that city: A large audience of rep
resentative Dalles people were pres
ent when the curtain rose at the
Baldwin last night, and sixteen
students sang into their hearts the
enthusiasm which they themselves
felt They appeared a fine-looking
lot of youDg men, and sang as an
opening chorus, "Oh Oregon," writ
ten by Prof. .Glen and - the music
composed by Dr. Strong. " In part
second s great was the "Little
Peweet" and the following encores
appreciated, that they were called
back six times.
The Republican State Centra
Committee and Second District
Republican Congressional Com
mittee met Saturday in the
Chamber of commerce, huildihg
in Portland and fixed the dates
of the meeting of the slate con
tention, and the congressional
convention. The state conven
tion will occur . in Portland,
April 2nd,:and the congressional
convention- in the same city
April ist. The committee re
commended March 22nd as the
time for holding the primaries
and suggested that' county con
ventibns be held March 29th.
Of course, these . last two dates
are optional. . '
uotn committees declared in
favor of' a reapportionment of
representatives in the conven-
10ns based on the average vote
ior presidential electors at the
ast National election. By this
arrangement Benton county's
representation will be reduced
from eight members to seven
captain j. w. urawlord was
Beaton's delegate to Saturday's
committee meeting.
The democrats have not yet
determined upon dates for their
convention, but Chairman Sam
uel White, of the .Democratic
State Central Coratrittee, will be
in Portland the latter part of the
coming week, and will then fix
tae dates for the Democratic
Saw the Oregon.
A letter has just been received
from T. T. Barnhart, who left
last week for Everett, Wash.
We reprint the following extract;
"This is quite a town, but Se
attle beats .them all. I spent
yesterday interviewing the battle
ship Oregon, at Bremerton. I
saw it all overinside and out
side, under it and over it It
was all open to visitors except
the ammunition rooms. No oae
can have much idea what such a
ship is until they see her all
through. Down in the hold cf
the tship the passages are very
small and narrow, and the men
have to almost crawl like rats.
"I found Charley Collins and
Frank Groves at the navy yard.
Charley told me I could get a
job as painter and wood finisher
at $3.75 per day of 8 hun."
County Court.
The county court convened
in regular session last Wednes
day, February 5th. The regu
lar grist of bills was allowed.
In the matter of the formation
of a committee consisting of one
member from the county court,
the grange, the OAC authori
ties and a member from the
council of the City of Corvallis,
as petitioned for by the Benton
County Citizens Lcagne, for the
purpose of co-operation in the
matter of preparing a credible
exhibit for the Lewis , and Clark
Exposition in 1905 and also for
the next meeting of the Oregon
State Fair, the court took a fav
orable view of the matter and
Judge E. Woodward was appoint
ed as a representative to co-operate
with the league in such
matters as may come up.
The matter of petition of va
rious persons for the opening of
river road across the lands oi R.
A. Hewett came up for consider
ation. This road is in the south
ern part of the county and had
been changed from its proper
15th of May, the time limit set
by law for this work, the regis
tration must be just three times
as heavy as it has been up to
aate. jnow, it the voters do
not attend this matter in season
1.1 Mi r .1 -
mey win nno tnemseives in a
"peck o' trouble" alonff about
the 15th of May, as there is only
uuc registration dook and conse
quently but one man can attend
to matters of registration.
Wren and Fairmount are the
only precincts that have not ap- 4
-.1- j e . ... . I ?7
piicu ior registration DianKS up
to aate. it seems tnat every
man thinks his neighbor will
register and he can do likewise
at "any old time," but in this
he may find himself mistaken,
as it may be impossible to take
care of this matter if everyone
delays until the last moment
It'is your duty to register why
don't you?
That's the ony way :we can think ot to describe
- the prices which will prevail in onr
Odd and End Line of
For the month of February
On Broken Lots Only
We toss profits . t? the winds, ignore cost and dis
regard former selling prices of broken lots.
S. 1.
The White House.
Corvallis, Or
And will save you money when you want
to buy. We will be pleased to nave you.
call and examine our stock, whether you
buy ob not.
House Furnishers,
South end of Main Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon. 0
Took out Papers.
Friday, Mrs. Hannah Nichols
applied for papers of citizenship.
She is the mother ot six children,
all native born. She is a native
of England and her ; husband had
made applicaticmTdr' citizenship,
but died before the papers were
granted him. Mrs. Nichols re
sides in Corvallis, but is think
ing of taking up a homestead
and this is what induced : her to
take out papers' of citizenship.
Having resided so many years in
this country she is not obliged to
wait five years for the necessary
document, as would be the case
if she were a recent arrival in
this land. She will be granted
full citizenship rights in two
years. Clerk Watters says this is
the first application, of the kind
made by a lady during his clerk
ship and it is thought to be the
first application of the -kind
made in Benton county. Mrs.
Nichol is getting well along in
years, and must be in the neigh
borhood of sixty.
To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect
bummer Grazing Lands at A Nominal Prices
" The Cbasf Land & Live Stock Cemoanv havincr nnrchafipd 40.000 nprp? nf (Via
Corvallis and Yaauina Bav Wasron Road lands, known as the "Coa Landn."
have now placed them on the market
Thee- are tunimnroved landa situated iu Benton and' Lincoln (-onntipn.
along the line off the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the bestfirrazins and fr nit-
raising section of Western Oregon.
Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre Easv'.Terms. Perfect Title.
October 7. J 901. Corvallis. Oreaonl
For Sale r Exchange.
Real Estate, Insurance, Collecting and Ex
change Agents.
I have 160 acres of Land located (
miles from Corvallis. Benton Co.. Or
for sale or will exchange for Portland
city property. For further particulars
call on or address
Mbs. J. Mason, owner,
Corvallis, Or.
For Sale.
A fine residence property located on
corner ef 3rd and Monroe Sts. in Corval
lis, Or. Three residence .lots looxloo
feet. This is a firm location and near
the business center of the city.
MbSiJ. Mason, owner,
Cor vallis, Or.
Black fur boa with Mink head. - Find
er will please leave same at this office
and receive reward.
Mordaunt Goodnough
Whose understanding of the higher art
of music has been obtained by years of
study and attested by several years suc
cessful teaching, announces that he will
receive pupils at any time for the pro
duction of
Refined, Mimical and Piar)!stic Plaijii)4
of the first class.
Lesons also given in specialties, snch
as Mason's .rianoione lecnnics, Keea
Organ, Harmony, Etc
Call lat residence, one blocs west Of
Mortgages, Wills, Deeds and All Kinds of Lesal
Papers Drawn.
We advertise in 200 weekly news papers in the East, through
800 neps advertising agencies, and our facilities for handling your
properties are the best. .
If you wish to buy, sell or swap anything from a calf or a dog
to a 50,000-acre ranch in any part of the United States, see us.
We will buy, sell, trade, kill or give it away.
We try to do you justice and give satisfaction. Our charge are
reasonable. .
Collections of old out-lawed debts a specialty.
Insurance written in best companies in the United States.
Office over Postoffice, Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies !
a specialty. M
-. ' 1
H. W.n HALL, Proprietor. f
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
Chapped hands, cracked lips and
roughness of the skin enred quickly by
Banner Salve, the most healing ointment
n the world. Graham & Wortham.
Bids fer Wood.
Bids for furnishing (he Agricultural
College with wood for the ensuing year
will be. received by the Purchasing Agent
np to and including March 8, 1902. See
the Clerk of the College for the epeciGca
tions. John D. Dai,y,
Sec. Board Regents.
Corvallis, Oregon, February .3, 1902.