Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 07, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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. Tomorrow is Jacksou Day.
Doubtless democratic societies all
over the country will fittingly
celebrate the day and glorify the
hero of New Oreleans and laud
jhis memory to the skies.
. -x He is an unique figure in
American history. Great he
was not, yet few men have been
so idolized by great masses of the
people as was Jackson. Devoid
of scholastic training in any direcr
tion, of a fiery, impetuous temper,
of an imperious will, a domineer
ing spirit and a quarrelsome, tur
bulent disposition we wonder at
his immense popularity. , But
these characterics. sources of
weakness in other men, seemed
to be elements of strength in
him. -Joined to superb courage,
most zealous patriotism and tre
mendous energy when aroused to
action they made up a character
which strongly appealed to the
backwoodsmen of Kentucky and
Tennessee because they under
stood it and felt it was in har
mony with their own. They
felt he was one of themselves,
worthv to be trusted and for
them a safe and well qualified
leader; and so he was.
He conquered the Creek In
dians in 1814 and was placed in
command of the Army of the
South, with headquarters at Mo
bile. His purpose was to drive
the Spanish out of Florida, and
he begged for orders to take Pen
sacola. He did not believe the
republic was safe while a single
Spanish flag floated anvwnere on
the north coast of the Gulf of
Mexico, The people of the
Southwest were unanimous in
desiring to control Florida. Now
that the English were at Pensacola
Tackson was more than ever de
sirous to sieze the place. He
had no orders to do so, yet he
tried his utmost to provoke a
quarrel with the Spanish govern
or. On November 3rd, 18 14
he marched with forty-one hun
dred men, appeared before Pen
sacola the night of the sixth, car
ried the place by assau'.t th
next day, and compelled the
British to evacuate and blow up
port Barrancas. Tackson was
back at Mobile on the eleventh.
The British expedition against
New Orleans was rapidly ap
proaching, but Jackson seemed
to be stricken with apathy and
, negligence. He. sent a thous
and men to chase Indians on the
Escambia; he left twelve hun
dred at Mobile; he sent Gen.
Coffee with two thousand to
Baton Rogue and sent but one
regiment to New Orleans where
he himself arrived December 2nd.
He found the city utterly un
nreoared to resist, although the
British expedition was then oft
the coast of Cuba. He bent his
energies to the work of prepara
tion. He proclaimed martial
law, and quickly massed his
troops at that city.
The battle of New Orleans is
familiar history. Never has been
assembled such a motley, heter
ogeneous lot of men as formed
Tackson' s command. The breast
works behind which they lay
lacked any sort of engineering
skill 111 their plan, lney were
in a straight line, and so most
difficult to defend. But they
were defended by skilled marks
men who wasted no powder and
lead. The attacting force was
largely composed of Wellington's
veterans of the Peninsula massed
in solid column. The riflemen
of Kentucky and Tennessee
simply slaughtered them. Al
most seven-hudred men were
slain in front of Jackson's line.
Three generals, seven colonels
and seventy-five inferior officers
were counted with the dead.
From this time on Jackson was a
national t figure. Scott, Gaines,
Brown aiid Miller had achieved
all the success that had thus far
relieved the humiliating record
we had made on land. It was
reserved for Jackson to close the
war with a halo of glory resting
upon the American arms.
We tollow Jackson to the Sem
inole war and see his energy cap
ture and destroy the Negro Fort
and Saint Marks, but we find it
difficult to approve of his execu
tion of Arbuthnot and Ambristu.
His administration as president
embraces a stormy period in our
history, but his unswerving de
votion to the Union leads us to
forget his errors.
In after years his "By the
Eternal the Union must and shall
be preserved" was the rallying
cry of thousands of patriotic men j
of all parties, and contributed
mightily towards aving the union
of states. ;
He deserves his Cliche in our
history, and will forever rank
with our most earnest patriots.
Shrouded in Mystery.
Eolk county seems to be in
some straupe wav favored with
mysterious disappearances. About
three vears a?o A. KT. Handv. at
lone time a resident of Corvallis
and well known here, . disappear
ed while out hunting near Falls
City,' and, although diligent and
exhaustive search was made,
nothing has yet come to light
that has cleared the mystery sur
rounding his disappearance. How
he came to his end is still a mat
ter of conjecture. Th last issue
of the Dallas Observer chronicles
another disappearance that seems
quite mysterious. It says:
Considerable uneasiness is felt
by the friends of Henry Kuhlen
since his strange disappearance
on Monday of this week. He
had been boarding in Dallas and
cutting wood on the Grant place
in the hills two miles east of
town. Monday morning he took
his lunch pail and - started out to
work as usual. He failed to re
turn in the evening and has not
been seeu since, His friends be
came alarmed and sent1 out
searching parties in all directions
through the hills, but no trace
of him can be found. In fact,
he disappeared - as completely as
if the earth had gaped and swal
lowed him.' Kuhlen is a single'
man, aged about 25 or 30, is an
ex-soldier, and has been around
Dallas for several T 1 1 '""Us- He
is not in- nnan
as is kno
tnat ne uas su
. -
reason and wandered away
The Other Side.
Editor Gazette: Your issue of the
3rd inst. contained an article on "early
closing," which I think a splendid sub"
ject for discussion in a debating club.'
Like all other questions, it has two sides
to it I agree with the Gazette in re
gard to the overworked clerks needing
rest and that they should have a right to
quit when night comes on just the same
a3 any other laborer. But don't you
think the boas should keep open until
the laborers who commence work at
seven o'c.ouk and quit at six in the vaii
ous factories, mills, shops, etc., have had
a chance to make their purchases for
the morrow? If you w ill advocate clos
ing the saloon at six, or about fifteen
minutes before, I could heartily grasp
your hand. But men m ho labor to keep
the Wheels of lriuustrvrnovinsrin Corva
ila must hate food to ajt and Clothes to
wear, and if they have -to keep at their
work until the merchants close their
places of bueiaess what show have thev
to get the necessities of life? A person
probably will suggest that he let bis
tired, worn-out wife go and make the
purchases; it would he good for her to
take a walk ot, say one-fourth of a mile
to a mile, after doing the family wash, or
if he has no wife, then let his sweet
heart go. But if he has neither wife nor
sweetheart well, then hp has no busi
ness with anything to live on anyway.
C. 1j. I
Corvallis, Jan- 6, 1902.
He Won the Organ.
Ed. Gazette: By yur kind indulg
ence, 1 wish to state through the col
umns of your yaluahle paper to the gen
eral public and to the host of patrons of
the Big White House, of the City of Cor
vallis, ur., that I, being the holder of
the winning number, 9968, in the grand
drawing contest for the organ which was
manufactured in our city, and that I
have received the organ, and that it now
graces the parlors of my humble home.
Am I a musician myself? No, but I
have two little fellows who are they put
one toot each on the pedals, hold the
keys down, and let her "squeal." I have
been asked the question : "What did
the organ cost you ?' . Now, for the ben-
efiit of those who think that possibly I
may have had some kind of a pull or
stand in, or, if you pleaie, some cute
way of getting next, that this is entirely a
mistake. Th t organ did not cost me one
cent. J; or every dollar s worth purchased
at the v lute House I received a ticket
the same as others. A number of times
I went away forgetting to get my tickets.
1 am not hired nor paid for writing this,
out l wish to. utake the statement that
Kline's is indeed the White House. And
last, but not least, he keeps white peoale
oeiuna tne counters.
J. D. Howell.
Endorsed 1905 Fair.
At a meeting ot the Citizens
a . -
League at the court hortse Saturday
evening the following items of busi
ness were transacted: The com
mittee appointed to confer with the
wuucit 111 me matter or im
proving the various street crossings
on me rauroaa streets, reported
that they acted as instructed and
that the work had been accomplish
ed. I he secretary was .instructed
to ask the Grange, Agricultural
Mmege, county court and city coun
cil to co operate with the league in
the formation of a committee, con-
listing of one member 'from each!
organization, to" provide ways and
means to make a creditable exhibit
to the Letria and Clark Exposition.
. A. similar resolution- was pasHed
asking for cooperation in securing
an exhibit to "the state fair.
A resolution was passed congrat
ulating the citizens of Poitland for
their enterprise in launching their
1905 fair and endorsing the movement-
The resolution asks the
'people of Benton county
to give
'hearty and active swi.rt.
Joint Installation.
A public installation of ; the G A
R and WRC occurred in their hall
last Saturday evening. After the
business meeting, a delightful ban
quet was spread, and an enjoyable
social time was had. I ne loi low
ing officers were installed for Ells
worth Post by Department officer
Chipman:. -?,.v - "
S. Cbipman, post commander, in
stalled by John, Young; .WV New
ton, SVC; Robt ICainpbeU, J V U:
Levi Orin, Q M; 0 J Treese, officer
of the Day; D C Rose, chaplain;
Rowland Fischer, fcurgeon; O M
Wheeler, adjutant; F A King,
sargeant major; H H Glassford,
quarter master sargeant.
Mr. Young installed the
officers, as - follows: Mrs. Cronk,
president; Mrs. barah Elgin, S V F;
Mrs. Franke Smith, J V P; Mrs.
Lyndie Robinson, .chaplain; Mrs.
Cora Case, conductor; Mrs. Warner,
asst conductor; Mrs. Martha Ab
bott, guard; Mrs. Hubler, asst guard
Mrs Tillie Reed, first color bearer;
Mrs Clark, secopd color bearer; Mrs
Sam Kerr, third coloibesr- r; Mrs D
VV Pritchard, fourth color bearer;
Mrs Lee Henkle, secretary; Mrs
vi Orin. t rearm rAr.
While perusing the following
story that is going the rounds of
the press one is liable to -lose
sight of the fact that he is read
ing: a "rat story" and conclude
that the wheleAtale is rather
"fishy." Here it Is:
Superintendent Honchen, of
the Washington statiehateaery,
at Chinoek, has discovered -an
entirely new enemy or young
salmon. For a number of morn
ings he noticed that there were
many young- salmon in the
troughs with their heads gone.
One night he sat up to try and
learn the cause of it, and found
that a number of rats jumped on
the edge of the troughs and act
ually went fis hing. .; t The rats
would reach in. the water, grab.a
young salmon by the bead bite it
off and start after another. - The
rats in the vicinity are being ex
terminated as rapidly as possible.
Silver Novelties
Albert J. Metzger
Oocldental Hotel Bide.
Notice for Publication.
U.vitkd Status Land Omen,
Rosebursr. Oretron. Dec . IS. 1931.
Notice is hereby eiven that in compliance with the
provisions ot tne act 01 congress of June 3. 1878.
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of Caifornia, Oregon,- Nevada and Washing
ton 1 emury, as exienaea to ail me J imnc Land
States by act of August 4. 1892,
of Independence county of Polk, State of Oretron has
xnis uav niea- ia 101s omce nis sworn statement
No. 1932, for the purchase of the 8 I NW 4.
lots S, 4. sec 2, T. 14 S., R 7 W. and will offr proof
hi ehiiw mat we rauu souirns is more valuable lor its
timber or stone than for agricultural Durooses. and
to establish his claim -to said land before the RetriKter
uu nweiverix mn umre axitoseourg, uregon, on
Monday, the 10th day of March 1902.
He names as witnesses: Ora Clodfelter of Inde
pendence. Or. Clarence E. .Ireland of Indeoendence.
Or. Dick Zahn of Alsea. Or. Frank L. Whiteaker of
independence. Or.
Anv and all uersons clanniiifir adversely the ahnvw
described lanos are requested to file their claimes in
mis omcs on or Delore sua loth day of March 1902.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder rirhL
makes kidneys and bladder tight I
Rats go Fishing.YJ
Corvallis Most Popular Eating - House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
aspecialty. f
H; W. HALL, Proprietor.
Tinware !
We haveiSought the
'n' a. j. T7;i;
Stock of
slightly damaged by water and smoke, at aboutlO cents on the dollar,
which we willinow offer for sale at prices that will make you thiuk we did
not even pay the freight These goods comprise everything in the tinware
line, both useral and ornamental. Come before the best is all sold.
See Our One-Cent-Apiece Window.
I rnpn a i aao
Kit-. v 1 I 1
n House Furnishers, -
Special jLine of Street
' 'Hats.
spiXtffcTON & HORTON,
Our $89 Piano
case organs lead them all. They
. cannet be excelled for durability,
...-.richness' of tone and . neatness
. .of case. Organs frsm $43. 00 up,
made on -' Special preerd. We
v are meeting with the best of euc
)" cess and selling organs os fast as
they can be made. .We have an
-- extra lot started, to reach out far
' ; thsr.T " By sending in an order
J early, we will be able to fill it in
V7 good. shape; No.Eastei n organ
,;can;i compote wiih our lnstru-
erita lis make-up guaranteed
Hre rash, or down
5. 4 in 12 nip's, or
00 down and $5 00 per month.
One payment must be made be
fore organ leaves factory.' We
guarantee tile 'organ, "arid if not
as represented we will refund
the money.
For further information ad
dress: I
I Corvallis, Oregon. .
- Information Wanted.
The . manufactures ..,f Banner Salye
havingl'always' believed tbat no doctor
or.medicine can cure "in every case, but
never having heard where Banner Salve
failed (ocure ulcers, sores, tetter, eczema
or piles, as a matter of curiosity would
like to know if there are such cases. If
so they will gladly refund the money
Graham & Wortham.
Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.,
says: . "Our little girt almost strangled
to death with croup. The doctors said
she couldn't live but she was instantly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure-
Graham & Wells.
The First National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK. President.
C E. MOOR, Vice-President.
WALTER T. WILES. Cashier. ,
GEO. E. LILLY. Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES,. Corvallis; Oregon.
Loans Made
pproved securlt;
d build un the '
On all kinds of approved security, and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate bust
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
. Deposits
Received-subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Siht eZChftnre and tranefare cnlil iroi'la' la t
the principal cities of Entrlnnrl Ireland. Swit.
laud, France. Belgium. Holland Nnrwuv
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Issued available in rh
United States.
Principal Correspondents Upon Whom Ws
sell bight exchange
The Commercial National Bank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Aneio-Californian Rank. San
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n.
Importers & Trader's National Rank. New York
lf j"d Lather National Bank, of Boston. Mass.
luuuucipm national liaufcol Philadelphia, fa
the most heating salve in the world.
Tinware ! Tinware !
cr n., .
WW mmf WW Smmf
Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Oreeon City. Or. Nov. 2a lorn
Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act fur the sale of timber lands
in tue states ol L'alitorma, Oregon Nevada, and
Washington Terriloriy," as extended to all the Pub
lic uana states ay act or August 4, 1892,
ef Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this
uay ,iieu in wns urace ner sworn statement No.
5556, for the purchase of the S W Jol Section No.
12 in Township No. 13 S. llange No. 7 W, and will
offer proof to show that the Innd (ought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish he- claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, on Thursday, the 13th dav of February,
1902. She n&mesas witnssses: Michael G, Flynn, of
Philomath, Ore., Freeman W. Robinson and Albett
M. Robinson, both of Fall City, Ore., and Hort C.
Eakin, of Dallas, Oie.
Anv and all Dersoas claimin? adversttli thA
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 13th dav of February.
1902. GHAS. B. MOORES.
Notice for Publication.
Uxitkd States Land Offick.
Oregon City, Oregon, October, 5, 1901
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions ef the act of Congress of June 3, 187-8
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon,
has this day Bled i l this office his sworn statement
No. 6624, for the purchase of the S. 1 of N. W i
and Lots 8 and 4 of section No, 4 in Township No.
13 South, Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to
shwvba the land sought Is ' more Valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to taid land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City
190Ln' n Satulday tbe 2l8t daJ' of December,
He names as witnesees: Melrose Courier of Fa'ls
City, Oregon, John Hyde of Philomath, Oregon,
Charles Odell of Philomath, Oregon, and Fred
Simeral of Philomath, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 2lBt day of December
lfl01- ,. CHAS. a MOORES,
The Children's Friend.
You'll have a cold this winter. Maybe
you have one now. "Your children will
suffer, too. For cough, croup, bronchitis,
giip and other winter complaints Ore
Minute Uough Cure never fails. Acis
promptly. It is very pleasant to the
taste and perfectly harmless. C. B,
George, Winchester, Ky., writes: "Our
little girl was attacked with croup late
one night and was so hoarse she could
hardly speak. We gave her a few doses
of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved
her immediately and she went to sleep,
When she awoke next morning she
had no signs of hoarseness or croup."
(jraliam & Wells.
Can Furnish Trees
And Shrubs and Vines of all kinds
on fcl'ort nolice.
A full line of
Evergreens, Ornamental Shrub-
ery, Nutbearing and Shade
Corvalli. Oregon,
Albert Brownell, Proprietor.
To Step a Cold.
After exposure or when you feel a cold
coming on, take a dose of Folej's Honey
and Tar. It iiever fails to stop a cold if
taken in time. Craham & Wortham.
Osteopathic Physician
is permanently located in Corvallis. Will
treat both chronic and acute diseases
without the use of knife or drugs. Office
first door souih of Miss Johnson's millin
ery store. Hours from 8:30 to 11:45 a
ni. ; 1 to 5 :45 p. m.
Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinet
The best cabinet made. Endorsed by
over 1,000,000 happy users. I will fur
nish these cabinets for a short time at.
I greatly redueed rates, as follows: $12.50
cafine;s, only ?iu; a 510 cabinet, now
to.uu ; ana tne regular $o cabinet, only $4.
freight prepaid . Order at oncp .
I Mrs. J. A. Skixwood, Agent,
38Front St., Salem, Or.
Modern Surgery Surpassed.
"While suffering from a : bad case of
piles I consulted a physician who advised
me to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve," says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga.
"I procured a box and was entirely
cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a
splendid care for piles, giving relief in
stantly, and I heartily recommend it to
all sufferers." Surgery is unnecessary
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hasei
Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns,
bruises and all other wounds are also
quickly cured by it Beware of counter
feits. Graham & Wells.
Editor Lynch of "Daily Post" Phillips
burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar with this result:
"I have nsed a great many patent rem
edies in my family for coughs and colds,
and I can honestly say your Honey and
Tar is the best thing of the kind I have
ever nsed and I cannot say too much in
praise of it." Graham & Wortham.
For Sale.
Four-ronm cottage and two lots, near
S. P. depot. Inquire of W. C, Corbett,
Corvallis, Or.
C. W. Lynch, Winchester, Iud., writes
I owe the life of my boy to Foley's
Honey and Tar. He had membranous
croup, and the first dose gave him re
lief. We continued its use and it soon
brought him out of danger." Graham &
Good Advice.
lhe most miserable beings ia the
world are those suffering from Dyspep
sia and Liver Complaint More than
seventy-five per cent, of the reoDle in
the United States are afflicted with these
two aeseases and their affects : such as
aour otoniacfc, sick Headache, Habitual
Costivenees. Pal di tat ion of thA Heart
Heart-burn. Waterbrash, Gnawing and
turning .rains at me pit ot me stomach.
Yellow Skin, Coated Toueue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up
of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc.
Uo to your Druggist and get a bottle of
August a lower tor 70 cents. Two doses
will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's
rnze Almanac. Uraham & Wortham
Reliable and Gentle.
"A pill's a pill," says the saw. But
there are pills and pills. You want a
pill which is certain, thorough and gen
tle. Mustn't grips. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegeta
ble. Do not force but assist the bowels
to act. Strengthen and invigorate.
Small and easy to take. Graham fe
J. W. Bryan of Lowder, Ills., writes :
My little boy was very low with pneu-
mouia. Unknown to the doctor, we
gave him Foley's Honey and Tar. The
result was magical and puzzled the doc
tor.'as it immediately stopped the rack
ing cough and he quickly recovered."
Graham & Wortham.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
- Satisfied People
are the best advertisers for Foley's
Honey and Tar and all who use it agree
that it is a splendid remedy for coughs,
colds or sore lungs. Graham & Wortham.
A Physic'au Testilies.
"I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and have never nsed anything in my
life that did me the good that did." says
County Physician George W. Scroggs of
Hall County, Ga. "Being a physician
I have perscribed it and found it to give
the best results." If the food you eat
remains undigested in your stomach it
decays there and poisons the system.
You can prevent this by dieting but that
means starvation. Kodol Dispepeia
Cure digests what you eat You nerd
suffer from neither dispepsia nor starva
tion, Tbe ttoree case quickly cured,
Never fails. Graham & Wells.
Chas. Replogle, Atwater, O., was in
very bad shape. He says "I suffered
a great deal with my kidneys and waa
requested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I
did so and in four days I was able to iro
to work again, now I
Graham & Wortham.
am entirely well."
1000 girls for hduse work, 75 eirla for
work in Hotels, 50 girls for work in
stoJe?, E0 gii Is for , waiting on table,
steady work, good pay, $15 to $25 ner
month at II. H. Higley's Employment
omce No. 1852 Morrison St. Portland
A cangli, i old or la grippe ttn le"iiip
pea in the bud, with a dose or two of
Foley's Honey and Tar. Beware of sub
stitutes. Graham & Wortham.
wo. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation.
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land; price, $650. 4U miles
from Philomath.
74 160 acres; SO in cultivation ; small
nouse; good barn and water; 1 miles
from town; cheap at $1,600: on main
county read ; good pasture and timber.
No. 11286 acres, 30 in eultivntion hl.
ancegood pasture and timber, fair house
and barn and other buildings, fine fruit
and Water, one and one-half miles from
Philomath, price $2,000; a good place for
the money,
No- 8165 acres, 140 in cultivation,
good house, barn, orchard and water.
ah well lenced. two milen fmm Phiin.
math, one of the gnest farms in Oregon:
price 30 per acre.
., Keal Estate Agent,
1 5c, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon, j
Physician Sjr Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
Residence: Corner College and 8th Sts.
Telephone at office and residence.
Corva'lia. - - - Oregon.
Oftick Corner 3rd and Monroe streets
Houas 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8 ; Sun
day 9 to 10.
Scsidkncx Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone S15, at residence.
Not by.
Titles. Cohvevancing.
Practice in tall State and Federal Court,
Office in First National Bank Building.
E. R, Bryson
Corvallis, Oretron.
Office In Postoffice Building.
Mm la WMUfcora Blwk
W. T. Rowley
Office over First National Bask
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
First door west of the Gazette office.
Dentistry of every description done in first
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposite
tbe post office, Corvallis. Oregon.
Drugs & Medicines ' Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Corvallis, Oregon
Es'ablisbed, Iucoi poratid, 1898
The most complete Hneot Pure Drugs
Chemicals in Corvallis,
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fin Perfumery, Toilet Artlcla,
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