Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 31, 1901, Image 4

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They take possession of the body, and
are Lords ol Misrule.
They are attended by pimples, boils, the
Itching tetter, salt rheum, and other cu
taneous eruptions ; by feelings of weakness,
languor, general debility and what not.
They cause more suffering than anything
Health, Strength, Peace and Pleasure
require their expulsion, and this is posi
tively effected, according to thousands of
grateful testimonials, by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which radically and permanently drives
them out and builds up the whole system.
No Deferred Payments.
"Is your daughter learning to play
by note?"
"Certainly not," answered Mrs.
Cumrox a little indignantly. We pay
cash for every lesson. The idea!
Regulate the Liver.
Irregularity kills. At the first sign take Cas
carett Candy Cathartic. Keep a box handy at
nome, in your pocket, in your aesK. au drug
gists, 10c, 23c, 60c.
Well Bred.
Gentleman That looks like a well
bred dog.
Owner I should think he was well
bred. Why, he won't have a bit of
dinner until he's got his collar on !
I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago. Mbs. Thos.
Bobbins, Maple street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, 1800.
Taught by Experience.
"We shall need," said the officer
who was arranging for the government
expedition, "food supplies for six men
and a boy."
"Supplies for eight men," said the
secretary, jotting it down. "What
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Made in Germaay.
The much talked of Chinese astro
nomical instruments brought from
Pekin and now in the possession of
Germany have been proved to be the
work of a German named Gogeissl,
who died in 1771. He was attached
to the court at Pekin and was presi
dent of the royal observatory.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
Case of Cattarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & Co., Props. , Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Wist & Trtjax,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Walking Kinnan fc Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken Internally .acting
Airectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Irnggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The Golden Hint ,
' "I see that petrcleilrhl s being used
for laying dust. Something new, isn't
Scarcelyr Petroleum has been 'lay
ing dual' for John D. Rockefeller for
nearivfortv vears " Cleveland Plain-
tT Permanently Cared. No fits or nervousness
IIV ' after firstiiav'R meofDr. Kline'sGreat Nerve
Restorer. Sand for FREE $.00 trial bottle and treat,
ise. Da. E.H. Kline, Lui..y31 ArchSt..Philadelphia,ia
The Difference.
Pater You are very forward, sir.
In my day the young man waited
until he was asked to call.
Young Man Yes - and now he
waits until he is asked not to call.
Tit Bits..
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Authority and Pay of Admirals.
An admiral may command a fleet
or fleets ; a rear admiral may con.-nand
a fleet or a squadron, or division,
under an admiral or vice admiral ;
an admiral receives $13,500 whether
on sea or shore duty; the first nine
rear admirals receive at sea $7,500,
. on shore duty $6,375; the second nine
at sea $5,500, on shore $4,675.
Sufferers from this horrible malady
nearly always inherit it not necessarily
from the parents, but may be from some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through several generations. This deadly
poison may lay dormant in the blood f oi
years, or until you reach middle life, then
the first little sore or nicer makes its ap
pearance or a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other part of the body,
gives the first warnine.
i To cure Cancer thoronchlv and Derma-
nently all the poisonous virus must be
eliminated from the blood every vestagt
of it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and
is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced oui
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
disease never returns.
Cancer beginsof ten in a small way, as the
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows .
A small pimple came on my jaw about an inch
dciow inc ear on ine ten siae oi my tace. it gav
uc iiv rdiu r uiconvcn-
eince, and I should have
forgotten about it had it
not begun to inflame and
itch ; it would bleed a
little, then scab over, but
ould not heal. This
continued for some time,
when my jaw began to
swell, becomiu? verv
painful. The Cancer be- -5
gan to eat and spread,
until it was as lar?e as a
half dollar.when X heard 3
of S. S. S. and determin- ,
ed to give it a fair trial, flt
and it was remarkable ''
what a wonderful effect
it had from the very beginning ; the sore began te
heal and after taking a few bottles disappeared
Cntirelv. ThlSWas two vrara avn 11im..t. e,;tl
bo signs of the Cancer, and my general heatlb
wuHiito 5WU.-JHBSL ji. amsEK, A,a riata. Ma
is the greatest of all
blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed
purely vegetable. Send
for our free book on
Cancer, containing valuable and interest
ing information about this disease, and
write our pnysicians aDout your case, wi
make no charge for medical advice.
t ttough oymp. Tastes Good, use I
In time. Sold by druKcrtRts.
Kipling has written a story of the
South African war which he puts Into
the mouth of a Sikh.
There will be Issued In London a vol
ume containing extracts from the late
Emperor Frederick's diary relating to
the campaign of 1866, his Journey to
the east In 1869, the war with France In
1870 and 1871, and his journey to Spain
In 1883. The work Is edited by Mme.
Margarethe von Poschlnger and trans
lated from the German by Miss Frances
A. Welby.
The Menasha (Wis.) Evening Breeze
contained the following notice of the
death of the original of Mr. Dooley:
"Lovers of the humorous and original
writings of James McGarry, better
known to the world as 'Dooley,' will
mourn the loss of a man who, by his
own peculiar gift, has ascended from
an humble, unknown saloon-keeper to
a world's famous author. It is said
that many of the most humorous of his
writing were produced while bolstered
up in bed and in great bodily pain."
The London Athenaeum describes
; Maurice Hewlett, now that Stevenson
Is dead, as the prince of literary story
tellers. There are two points Involved,
It says. One is that with Mr. Hewlett
the primary interest is that of the story
itself, and not, as with the most consid
erable of contemporary novelists, some
issue of psychological analysis or phil
osophic idea which the story Is mere
ly designed to illustrate. His aim and
his triumph is to rivet the attention to
succession of events, to launch It upon
that swinging voyage among ebbing and
flowing- emotions which and not, of
course, the bare succession of events
Is the proper end of narrative art.
Here are a few epigrams taken from
Gustave Vapereau, the French author
of a Dictionary of Contemporaries:
Women have a way of saying all and
telling nothing; of saying nothing and
telling all.
A woman wishes to find in the man
she loves superiority of some kind-
even In evil.
Women love us for our talents, and
adore us for our faults.
A woman's success is not complete
unless she has found some one who
makes her suffer.
Nature has declared a prime Inequal
ity between man and woman she Is
enchained by what she bestows; he Is
unchained by what he receives.
Wit throws out sparks, genius gives
There are little nothings which aie
everything; they confer., elegance on
carriage, originality - upon style, per
fection upon work.
Nothing makes one doubt Immortality
more than the frivolity of thought
among the majority of mankind.
Life Is a river which depends lees
upon its source than upon its affluents.
Ivory from Bones.
An extensive and Increasing Indus
try has rtfcently, according to a French
report, become established in Prance
to furnish an artificial substitute for
natural Ivory in view of the growing
Insufficiency of the latter to meet the
demand of art and industry in the vari
ous applications. The greater number
of products formerly employed in this
line were obtained by injecting white
wood with chloride of lime under very
strong pressure. At the Amsterdam
exhibition, however, almost all the
products which attracted so much at
tention had been prepared with the
bones of sheep and the waste pieces of
deer and kid skin. The bones are, for
this purpose, macerated and bleached
for a period of two weeks In chloride
of llmo, then heated by steam along
with the skin, so as to form a fluid
mass, and to this latter are added some
quantities of alum. After having been
subjected to these processes, the sub
sequent treatment consists in filtering
the mass, drying it In the air and allow
ing It to harden In a bath of alum, the
result being white tough plates, which
are more easUy worked for various ob
jects than is the natural ivory.
The Driver's Point of View.
The hotel coach was filled with a
crowd of happy, jubilant visitors, and
the horses tolled splendidly up the hills.
As each eminence was reached and at
every turn in the road the crowd would
burst forth into cries of wonder and
delight at the magnificent scenes
which burst upon their view. Tha
mountain jehu alone preserved a dig
nity and silence which rather awed the
others. At length, after a particularly
lovely view had been passed, one of
the guests at the driver's left hand re
'You don't seem to take much inter
est In the scenery. No doubt It's an old
story to you."
The driver shook his head.
"No, that's not It," he answered. "I
just don't care." Then he leaned a lit
tle closer and whispered, "But I knows
just how you folks must feel. Yon all
come from a long distance just to see
things, and you're bound to enjoy It
anyhow so as to get your money's
worth and not feel as though yon was
cheatin' yourselves. Oh," said this
driver in a superior tone, "I don't mind
It when I understand how 'tis."
Military Bicycles.
Both the bicycle and automobile are
meeting with favor from the army au
thorities In Europe. The bicycle has
ceased to be considered purely as a
means of locomotion for pleasure, and
is now regarded as an efficient mount
for soldiers. For scouting and the con
veyance of dispatches, the bicycle Is
without a rival, being noiseless, occu
pying small space and affording a very
insignificant target to the rifle fire of
the foe.- It Is reliable, and a bicycle
company or division Is very mobile.
The wheel also affords the enormous
advantage over the horse in that It re
quires no forage supplies. '
Sweet-Potato Flour.
A company with a capital, of $1,000,
000 has been organized in Vineland,
N. J., for the making of flour from
sweet potatoes.
Especially When It's Applied to
Drama Case of Shore Acre.
"When Shakspeare asked the ques
tion 'What's In a name?' he little knew
that In after years theatrical managers
almost without exception would dis
cover by experience that there's a great
deal in a theatrical entertainment.
"Take, for Instance, the most suc
cessful of the late James A. Heme's
plays, 'Shore Acres.' Why, the name
of that play was changed twice beforo
it became a success.
"When Mr. Heme presented a piece
called 'The Hawthorne' at the Grand
Opera House in Chicago In 1805 it was
not an instantaneous success. As a
matter of fact Heme bad not produced
a real substantial success in some
years previous to that time, although
The Minute Men,' 'Margaret Fleming"
and 'Drifting Apart' had met with fav
orable attention in many cities.
"There didn't seem to be any draw
ing power In the name 'The Haw
thornes,' and the title of the piece was
changed to 'Shore Acres Subdivision.'
The change didn't seem to have any ef
fect upon the attendance while the
piece remained on view in Chicago, at
any rate, and it was decided to make
another shift In title before the play
was presented in Boston. In that city,
under the name of 'Shore Acres,' Mr.
Heme's play made the greatest hit of
the year. It came back to Chicago and
was accepted at the value placed on the
play in Boston and New York.
" 'Hearts of Oak,' which has always
been credited jointly to James A.
Heme and David Belasco, was orig
inally presented under the title of 'The
Mariner's Compass.' 'Hearts of Oak'
was not presented in this country until
1878, at Hamlin's Theater in Chicago,
but the play called 'The Mariner's
Compass,' which was tried in England
several years before without attracting
any great amount of attention, had all
of the scenes and incidents which made
'Hearts of Oak' one of the greatest
drawing cards among- the tear-compell-lng
dramas of the past two decades.
" 'Hearts of Oak' Is really a felici
tous title. It suggests a whole lot. But
what does 'The Mariner's Compass'
suggest? A storm at sea or something
of the sort, and we have many storms
at sea.
" 'The World, one of the most suc
cessful of the typical English melo
dramas," says a writer in the Denver
Times, "about the first of the kind to
be presented at the Adeiphia Theater
In London to reach this country, was
originally called 'A Wreck at Sea.' It
was J. Z. Little who suggested the
change in title. Known as 'The World'
the play that failed to Impress itself
upon theater goers when presented un
der the title 'A Wrrck at Sea', found
great favor."
A promise to deliver coal In the future
Is held, In Tradesmen's National Bank
vs. Curtis (N. Y.), 52 L. R. A. 430, to be
a sufficient consideration to support an
acceptance of a draft for the purchase
The right of a wife to maintain an ac
tion for the alienation of her husband's
affections Is sustained in Metser vs.
Betser (111.), 52 L. R. A. 630, under a
statute giving married women the right
to sue as If sole.
A clause In an Insurance policy mak
ing it void In case of its assignment is
held, In Whiting vs. Burkhardt (Mass.),
52 L. R. A. 788, not to apply to an as
signment of his interest by a mortgagee
who Is entitled to receive the proceeds
to the extent of his interest.
A person who has contracted to build
a house and furnish the materials for a
fixed sum has an insurable interest to
the value thereof, though he has re
ceived nearly payment of the price in
full, holds the Supreme court of South
Carolina In. the case of TJlmer vs. Phoe
nix Fire Insurance Company (39 S. E.
Rep., 712).
A street railway company is held, in
Groves vs. Louisville Railroad Com
pany (Ky.), 52 L. R. A. 448, to be liable
for a defect in a street caused by the
projection of the rails, although they
were originally properly laid, where the
surface of the street had fallen away
from them. The authorities on the
question of the liability of a street rail
way company for defect In track or
street are collated in a note to this case.
The Inability of students to acquire a
residence for voting purposes merely by
attending an Institution of learning is
held, In re Barry ,(N. Y.), 52 L. R. A.
831, to extend to students In a Roman
Catholic seminary studying for the
priesthood, although each of them has
renounced all other residence or home
and on admission to the priesthood will
continue hi the seminary until assigned
elsewhere by bis ecclesiastical superi
ors. Wbat She Wanted.
A woman rushed into a Harlem drug
store the other day. In one hand she
carried an empty quart bottle and in
the other she tightly grasped a five
cent piece.
"Let me have five cents worth of
ozone at once," she said to the drug
gist. "What did you say,' madam?" the
druggist asked.
"Some ozone."
"Why, madam, there's ozone in your
bottle now."
"Sir, I do not want to be insulted,"
replied the woman indignantly. "I
know what the doctor told me to get,
and if you don't keep it let me know.
Have you got any ozone or not?"
"Well," said the druggist very delib
erately, 'ozone' is an element In the air
we breathe, and unless the air In your
bottle has become contaminated it has
about as high a percentage of it as any
I have In the store. ' I would suggest
that possibly your physician meant
that you should get some benzoin."
"Oh, yes," hastily replied the woman.
"that s It I knew It was something
like ozone."
She took the five cents' worth of ben
zoin, which was almost lost sight of on
account of the ozone which still remain
ed In the quart bottle.
An Atchison man Is so stingy that, in
order to save shoe leather, be walks
on the ground at the edge of the brick
A man is as old as he feels, according
to a venerable saying. "An old man
always feels old,
Short Slorie$ f
Dean Swift, of St. Patrick's, Dublin,
was one day watching with a friend the
roof of a building on which several men
were at work fixing slates. Suddenly
one of the men vanished. Thereupon the
dean turned to his companion and said:
"I like to see a man go quickly through
his work."
A friend once apologized to Robert
Louis Stevenson for not visiting him,
and said that the real reason was that
be did not know where Samoa was.
Stevenson replied that it was simple
enough to find It All you bad to do
was to sail out of San Francisco on a
ship, and take the first turning to the
left -
The Sultan of Turkey recently played
an amusing joke at the expense of
some medical experts at Constantino
ple. When the plague broke out In his
capital the Sultan asked If anything
was known as to the cause. On. being
Informed that 11 was to be found in the
state of the drinking water, he called at
once for six empty bottles, which be
had filled in his presence, all from the
same one of the palace wells, placed his
own seal upon them, and then, without
divulging their community of origin,
handed all six to a prominent analyst
To his amazement, the report sent In
was that four of the samples contained
plague microbes. The fifth was merely
jutrid water, and the sixth was quite
pure. Abdul Hamid calmly shrugged
his St'iouhlsand Kept "hia thoughts to
Some of the naval cadets who are
aboard the Alabama, and are having
their first real cruise off the Atlantic
coast, recently got a lesson in prompt
ness that they will not soon forget
They went ashore with the captain,
and were told that the boat would re
turn at a certain time. Five minutes be
fore that time they appeared at the
head of the long pier, sauntering slow
ly toward where the captain stood wait
ing for them. Exactly on the dot of the
appointed time he gave the order to
shove off, and the boat started, leaving
five astonished cadets on the pier not
forty feet away. When they had got a
pull-boat and rowed out to the ship,
three miles or more, they were told by
the captain that it was not polite to
keep their superior officers waiting, or
to approach him as if they were "go
ing to a funeral."
Elihu Root, the Secretary of War.
has a vein of humor lp.-his composition
which sometimes finds vent in irony.
During the most trying crisis In the
Chinese affair, a group of newspaper
reporters were admitted to his pres
ence, and, standing In a row, plied him
in turn with questions. The Secre
tary's expression changed from Inter
ested curiosity to rather marked wear
iness as the bombardment went on,
but his manner never lost its gravity,
and when the last of the group burst
out with: "Mr. Secretary, I am inform
ed that the President is very tired of
Minister Conger, and is going to get
rid of him."' -"'Ah," responded Mr.
Root, with evident relief that the news
was out, "you have discovered that at
last have you?" "Yes; and now could
you tell me whether Mr. Conger will
be dismissed, or simply superseded?"
"Neither; the President with careful
regard for Oriental etiquette, will send
him a poisoned letter.-"
The Ideal Husband.
The man who makes the best hus
band has a temper calculated to bear
the wear and tear of .every-day life.
He does not fly into a passion at a tri
fle, or vent his rage at things that no
body on earth could have prevented. He
may show his righteous wrath on occa
sions, and rail at persons or things that
deserve it, but he doesn't harp on tho
annoyances for .hours afterwards and
make everybody about him miserable.
A good proportion of men who take to
drink do it because they have little else
to occupy their" time; When a man
takes to doing nothing from choice,
look out for that man. He Is pretty sure
to soon drift into bad habits. The best
of husbands is considerate; he Is al
ways thoughtful regarding his wife,
performing various acts likely to min
ister to her comfort. If men had any
idea how women love to be taken care
of and looked after, they would, per
haps, exercise their own powers In that
direction a little otfener. When a hus
band comes .home at night and meets
her, tired and worn with the burdens
and cares of the day, of which - he
knows nothing, a kind word will cheer
and comfort her as nothing" else will.
New York " Weekly. "." .
Snow Fireplaces.
Sixty degrees below zero is the
frightfully cold atmosphere In which
Alaskan gold tranters must often work.
They make fireplaces of snow In that
desolate region. The snow is pressed
into blocks like bricks and a fireplace
two or three feet square is built with
them. When the fire Is lighted the
snow, of course, melts on the surface;
but when the fire Is out this freezes so
hard that the next fire causes it to be
come only damp. A snow fireplace used
only for cooking purposes will last for
an entire winter.
Steel Roofs.
A new patent steel roofing will short
ly be placed on the market, and It is
asserted that this product will com
pletely displace galvanized iron for
roofing purposes. The system of man
ufacture consists of steel strips bent
cold in the press, the covering being
formed of plain galvanized sheets bent
back on the edges and locked into tu
bular rafters. Works for the manu
facture of this product on a large scale
are being constructed at Darlington,
"Few Die and None Resign."
Lord Blair Balfour, Lord Justice
General, recently mentioned that there
had been in Scotland only . fourteen
Lord Justice Generals In the last 200
Voyage." .
"Voyage" was formerly any journey,
whether by sea or land.
A womaaf is really seriously ill when
the bargain advertisements in a news
paper fail to interest her.
, A Neglected Apple.
Mrs. Benham You used to say
that I was the apple of your eye.
Benham Well what of it?
Mrs. Benham Nothing, except that
you dont seem to care as much for
fruit as you once did.
China's Beer Import. .
China has imported this year more
bottles of beer from Germany than
any other country in the world.
The presence of the German army is
held in part responsible for this.
Parental Sarcasm.
"Yes," said Farmer Corntossel.
"our boy Joaiah is devoting a good
deal of time to games and light liter
ature jes' at present. "
"isn't that rather an unprofitable
"Yes. But, you see, all the cabinet
offices an' big diplomatic places is
filled ; so I reckon Josiah feels that
there ain't much else fer him to do
at present." Washington Star.
A Dark Outlook.
Stranger (in Frozen Dog) I sup
pose a poet would be liable to starve
to death in this place."
Broncho Bill Well, if he lievd
long enough to starve to death he'd
be gosh-almighty lucky. Puck.
The Modern Maid.
She Do you think it is safe for
me to go out on the lake alone with
He Why not?
She Well, the last time I went
the young man kissed me. Town
Topics. '
Medical Profession Hereditary.
In Korea the medical profession is
heriditary, passing from father to son.
The basis of medical study is a work
in 19 volumes, written about 2,000
years ago.
A Chance for Poor Lovers.
A curious custom exists in the
Prussian royal family of selecting
every July a half dozen young couples
too poor to marry and having them
wedded in the. garrison church at
Potsdam on the anniversary of the
death of Queen Louise of Prussia.
After the ceremony each bride re
ceives a gift of a sum equivalent to
about $125 and a handsome family
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Terr small and as easy
te take as ragac
W Girts I nar YeffsttDle.;
She'd Give Him
"Madam," said the hungry tramp,
"I haven't had a bite for a week."
"How extremely careless of you,"
she replied, as she called the doe.
Denver .Times.
End Is Not Yet, For Him.
She So this is the end of our en
gagement? He It may be for you; but it will
take me a year to pay the bills.
Brooklyn Life.
Bobert Lowe, afterwards Lord Sher
brook, once saw a deaf member of par
liament trying his best to catch with
his ear trumpet the words of an ex
tremely dull speech. "Just look at
that foolish man, "said Lowe, "throw
ing away his natural advantages.
If yem baren't a regular, bealthy movement of tbd
bowels every day, you're tick, or will be. Keep your
bowels open, and be well. Force, in the 8 nape of
violent pbyeic or pill poison, is dangerous. Tbe
rimootbest, easiest, most perfect way ox keeping torn
wun sua uicar aiiu vuhua iM ow wuMI
Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, - 60o. Writ
for free sample, and booklet on healtn. Address
birlles Bwrtr Cnapaaj, CUiaso, Moatral, law Isrk, VH
Holiday Resolutions
KeeSey Cure
Gore relief from liqmor, opium and tobaose
habits, Bend lor particulars to
Keeley Institute,
Moved to 430 William
Ave.. Fortland, Oregon
sav yt ' hi
5. TRADE iiAHK raismco J
mt4 smmaysa) mjiiamMimi
. j-ii-safY. W
' bank or express company in Pendleton.
It Is Well To Be Prepared....
No telling about this climate of ours sunshine one minute, storm the next. It
pays to invest in time. ALLESINA'S ANTI-RUST UMBRELLA FRAME protects
and will practically last a lifetime. Let us explain why our umbrellas do not rust.
fMt I '
Louisville. Ky.
For saj by &1I druoJiata. Price fifty cents per. bottte.
...Columbia University...
Academic and Collegiate Halls.
COURSES Classical, Literary. Scientiflo and
Commercial. For particulars apply to
REV. E. P. MURPHY, President,
University ?ark, Portland. Oregon
Portland, Oregon. Founded 1870.
i Kama School for Boys.
Ilitary and Manual Training.
Writ for Illustrated Catalogue.
Are best because thev mA
of best material. Are stronger and heavier
tnan otners, hence more durable. The feed is
absolutely accurate, reliable and positive, and
will sow same auantitv. Hn or down hill nr fin
side hill. Hoosier Drills are cheapest because
BhST. We keep full stock of repairs at princi
pal points in tbe Northwest. Catalogue free.
First and Taylor Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
JOHN POOLS. Portland, Oregon,
Tootoi Horrlaon Street,
Can give you tha beat bargains la
Buggies. Plows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pnmps and General
Machinery. Sea as before baying.
Patents Send no Money
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