CORVAL 89, GAZETTE WEEKLY. ' l :.'s UNION Bstalt. JalT. 1WVT. il ffAnoAlMarad Uafc 4800 COBVAIililS, BENTON COUNTY, OEEGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1301. VOL. XXXVIII. KO. fi2r ' Gizovra -- mm m inutiumiuuuu r uu, iw. EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS THE WORLD. OF A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Fire in Bloomington, 111., destroyed property valued at $50,000. Schley will file objecitons to the findings of the court of inquiry. By the explosion of a gasoline stove in St. Louis, two women were fatal ly burned. Emperor William lias decorated Marquis Ito. of Japan, with the Order of the Bed Eagle. According to a London correspond ent, the Northeastern Kailway has given an order for 20 American loco motives. Telegraph company ordered Marconi to cease his experiments in Newfound land, as they owned exclusive control in that country. A Vienna paper publishes a semi official statement that the interna tional anti-anarchist negotiations are likely to be without result. Burglars entered the Rhinebeck, N. Y., postoffice and bunk and got stamps and money to the value of $300, but in the bank they secured nothing. A Paris paper states that Com mandant General Botha has reported to Mr. Kruger that he has 24,000 armed men, 10,000 being Cape Col ony recruits. General Botha, the Boer leader, was wounded in a recent engagement. Whatcom, Wash., is flooded with counterfeit money. Emperor William complains that German workmen drink too much beer. The house will take up the matter of war tax reduction after the holi days. Marconi received a wireless message at St. John's, N. F., from Cornwall, England. An insurgent major and 42 men have been captured by the Americans in the Philippines. General Bell has adopted a concen tration policy in Batangas province, Philippine islands. A negro has been captured who confesses to have wrecked the train near The Dalles, Or., recently. The backbone of the cold wave, which has prevailed throughout the east and middle west for the past week, has been broken. ' Murderer Dalton was found guilty of murder in the first degree at Port land. Mormons have made 3,000 converts in the mountain -counties of West Virginia. A block of 17 business houses was burned at Sweetwater, Tex.; loss, $150,000. South Manchester, Conn., eilk weavers struok to havejtheir machin ery changed. Burglars robbed a bank at Shreve, O., but were unsucessful at Felicity, in the same state. Goldsmith fe Co.'s housefumishing establishment in Milwaukee was dam aged $50,000 by fire. Major General MacArthur has been ordered to assume command of the department of the Colorado. The Democratic senatorial caucus considered the canal treaty, but could reach no decision, being divided. liThe eighty-third anniversary of the admission of Illinois into the union as a state was celebrated at Spring field. Prince Tuan is planning a rebellion in Mongolia. Every roailroad entering Salt Lake has joined in a rate war. The date of King Edward s coro nation is fixed at June 26, 1902. Yukon miners are unknowingly throwing away thousands of dollars worth of platinum. A French aeronaut, who has already crossed the Mediterranean, will try to cross the Atlantic. The Scranton, Pa., labor conven tion was unanimous for Chinese ex clusion, but not for Japanse exclusion Speaker Henderson has announced the new house committees. inis not usually done until after the holi day recess. Wayne, W. Va., was almost wiped out by fire. Eight business build ings and three dwellings were de stroyed; loss $40,000. The Texas Railway commission and the railroad are at outs. The com mission is trying to compel all trains to be run on schedule time. Power for the St. Louis exposition is to be generated by the use of Texas oil as fuel. The official report of the finances of the Pan-American exposition shows that the exact deficit will be $3,326,114. A new office has been created by Governor Yates, of Illinois.. Its in cumbent is entitled "orderly to the Governor. ' ana ma general auwes ar RESOLUTIONS ON SCHLEY. Many Were Introduced in the House and Senate Call for an Investigation. Washington, Dec. 19. Representa tive Wheeler, of Kentucky, a mem ber of the house committee on naval affairs, today introduced a resolution for an investigation of the Schley case. The resolution recites the re sults cf the recent court of inquiry and adds: "Whereas, Admiral George Dewey, recognized as the foremost naval offi cer of the republic, entirely disagrees and dissents from the opinion of Tins colleagues on said board of inquiry, and, "Whereas, The American people desire that the conduct of Rear Ad miral Schley should be investigated and passed upon by citizens of the re public, in no wise connected or iden tified with the navy department; therefore, be it "Resolved, That the committee on naval affairs of the house of represen tatives be directed to inquire into the conduct of Rear Admiral Schley form the time he assumed control of the flying squadron up to and including the engagement with the Spanish fleet off the coast of Cuba." Provision is made for a report to the house of repersentatives, and authority is given to send for persons and papers. Senator McComas, of Maryland, to morrow will introduce in the senate the following resolution : "Whereas, Commodore Schley was the senior officer of our squadron off Santiago when the Spanish squadron attempted to escape on the morning of July 3, 1898, and, "Whereas, He was in absolute com mand and is entitled to the credit due to such commanding officer for the glorious victory which resulted in the total destruction of the Span ish ships, be it enacted, etc., that Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley, of the United States navy, retired, be hereafter paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro priated, the same pay and allowance he received as rear admiral on the active list of said navy at the date of his retirement by reason of age." PHILIPPINE FINANCES. No Interference With Importation or Expor tation of Gold or Silver. Manila, Dec. 19. -The United States commission has finally decided not to interfere again with importa tion or exportationjof gold or silver, unless absolutely compelled to do so by force of circumstances, but, begin ning with the year 1902, the commis sion will alter the two-to-one rate, in accordance with the existingratio, in the hope of preventing the further exportation of gold and American bills, which are at -present being shipped daily. The reports from the provinces of the earthquake of last week show that they suffered more severely than Manila. At Batangas a soldier was killed by falling masonry. Ships felt the shock several miles at sea Seven hundred bolomen have sur rendered in the island of JSamar, ow ing to the lack of food. A son of the governor of the island of Negros has been killed in an en gagement with Iiadrones. t our cases of the plague have oc curred here, the first since October. A PROSPEROUS LITTLE CITY. Has a Population of Only 500, Yet Does the Business of a Much Larger Place. Cody, Wyo., Dec. 19. Cody has a population of about 500 and is grow ing rapidly. It is the terminus of the Burlington Railroad, and will probably remain the terminus for several years to come. It is destined to be the leading town of the Big Horn Basin. It is the shipping point for the flock owners of large herds of sheep and cattle. It is sur rounded by fertile land, much of which is under cultivation, and much more will be in tne near future, as there is an abundance of water. There is untold mineral wealth in the mountains around here, plenty of good coal, millions of tons of the finest quality of gypsum, oil and sul phur deposits enough to keep hades hot for centuries to come. The town is incorporated. A contract has been let within a week for a 50-room stone hotel, the foundation for which is completed. A good road has been laid out, and the grading nearly com pleted to the Yellowstone National Park, the eastern boundary of which is about 35 miles from here. Reciprocity With Cuba. . New York, Dec. 19. Commercial bodies throughout the United States are being asked by the Merchants Association of this city to co-opearte in a movement toward securing favor able action by congress in the matter of commercial reciprocity with Cuba, To this end, resolutions on the sub ject,' recently adopted by the directors ot tne association, are Deing seni mechrants and commercial orgamza tions all over the country, and also to President Roosevelt, members of his cabinet and to all congressmen. Sultan Has Fears. New York, Dec. 19. The Constan tinople correspondent ot the London Times and New York Times says Sul tan Abdul Ham id is, as usual, pain fully apprehensive about his annual visit to Stamboul at mid-Ramadan in order to kiss the prophet's mantle, It is the only day in !the year when he will venture out of the Yildi: miosis. Many "preventive -arrests NEWS OF THE STATE TEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report A farmers' institute will be heldat Cove, December 30-31. A new creamery is to be startetd at Fairview, Tillamook county. Presbyterians of Glendale have just dedicated a new church building. Frank Brehin, a convict in the pen itentiary, committed suicide by hang ing. Jack rabbits are so numerous in Eastern Oregon that they becoming a pest. Hold-up men in" Salem are carry ing on very extensive operations in Salem at present. There is about three feet of snow in the Cracker creek district and five in Cable Cove district. ' The rceent snow, while not very heavy, was very welcome to the log gers of Eastern Oregon. Another rich strike has been made in the Columbia mine, Cracker creek district, Eastern Oregon. A snydicate of mining men has purchased mining property on Upper Cow creek. The price paid was 25,000. Extensive prepaiations are being made for the annual Douglas county poultry show to be held . in Roseburg December 26-28. The wholesale slaughter of Mon golian pheasants in Linn county is thinning them out so that it will be necessary to take steps to prevent their killing. The discovery of three new and rich quartz ledges have been made in Josephine county. One is m Coyotte creek district and the other two on Rouge river. Sheriff Cooke, "of Clackamas coun ty, has sold all porperty on 1900 de linquent tax list. The amount of taxes on the roll amounted to less than $3,000. The Braden quartz mines, a few miles from Grants Pass, which have been shut down for some time, will resume operations in a short time, on much more extensive scale. A fruit farm, considered the best in Union county, was sold a few days. ago for $15,000, which is about $275 per acre. The farm lies one mile from La Grande. It has a fine resi dence and outbuildings and 3,500 trees in bearing. The new Y. M. C. A. building Salem has been formally opened. Pendleton wheat buyers have just purhased 75,000 bushels at 50 cents per bushel. Stockholders in the'Lewisand Clark centennial will meet January 13, for the purpose of organizing and electing board of directors. A company has been incorporated for the purpose of extending the elec trio line from Lents, a suburb of Portland, on to Sprifrfwater, circle around through the Molalla country and join the line of the Portland City & Oregon Railway Co. at Oregon City, Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, 5960; bluestem, 6061c; Valley, 59 c. Flour Best grades, $2.653.20 per barrel; graham, $2.50. Oats Nominal 95$1.00 pr cental Barley Feed, $1616.50; brewing, $16 16. 50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $16. 50 17;. mid dling, $20; shorts, $17; chop, $16.50. Hay Timothy. $11 12; clover, $77.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery,2225c dairy, 1820c; store, 1214c per pound. Eggs Storage, 20 22 ; fresh, 27 28c, Eastern 2225c. Cheese Full cream, twins, 13 13Ki Young America, 1415c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 3.50; hens, $4.00; dressed, 910c per pound; springs, $2.00 d.00, per dozen; ducks, $3 for old; $4.5 5.50 for young ; geese, $66.50 pr doz en; turkeys, live, ll12c; dressed, 123 15c per pound. Mutton Lambs, 3c gross; dressed 4s per pound; sheep, $3.25 3. 50 gross ; dressed, bbc per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.12; light, $4.7o5; dressed, b7o per pound Veal Small, 88c;large,77 per pound. Beef Gross top steers, $d.b04.00 cows and neners, Jfd.ou: dressed beef, 37c per pound. Hops 8 10c per pound. Wool Valley, ll14c per pound Eastern Oregon, 812c; mohair, 2121c per pound. Potatoes 859 per sack. No president was ever elected by direct votejof the2people of the United States. ; Wheat, rye, turnips and flax are decreasing crops in Great Britain, Barley, oats, potatoes and small fruits are on the increase. Out of 6,831 earthquakes which had been recorded in the world from the earliest times up to 1850 the British Isles were respensiWs tor - n tower 826. CONCENTRATION TN LUZON. General Bell's Method of Stamping Out the Rebellion in Batangas. Manila, Deei, 18. General Franklin Bell has been exceedingly active in Batangas province, where he intends, by every means available, to stamp out the insurgents. Lieutenant Hen- nessy, of the Eighth infantry, together with one American scout and six Fil ipinos, captured an insurgent major, with 42 men, 22- rifles and 880 rounds of ammunition, without the loss of a man. A number of captured docu ments and papers, now in the hands of General Bell, implicate in the in surrection the president and other prominent natives of Lian, Batangas province. General Bell has notified the natives in Batangas that December 28 he proposes to concentrate them in the neighborhood of towns. He will move their livestock, rice, etc., to within the limits of concentration. After that date, - everything outside these limits will be confiscated. The roads from Batangas and Laguna provinces are lined with a continuous stream of native, men. women and children in the carryalls, carts, and mounted on cariboos, seeking safety from the horrors of war. " The column under Colonel Theo dore J. Wint, of the Sixth cavalry, is .ciuuua in ii,b operations against tne insurgents and has received high praise from the military authorities. I he insurgent General Torres, who as found guilty by a military com- ission after ordering the assassina tion of an American corporal, and sentenced to be hanged, but whose sentence was disapproved by General unariee, broke down when he was re leased. He said it was iust that his fe had been spared, because he was innocent of the crime imputed to im. He has expressed his highest regard and warmest feelings for Gen eral Chaffee, and his appreciation that the supreme military power in the Philippines is in the hands of such a man. Torres savs he is sub missive to the existing conditions. CHINA IS HELPLESS. Will Yield in the Manchurian Matter to the Strongest Influence. Pekin, Dec. 18. The Manchurian question has reached a stage which best informed observers consider to be crisis in Chinese history. The Chi nese governent is beset between Rus sia on the one hand and Great Brit ain, the United States and Japan on the other. The governent is helpless, and will yield to that faction able to-L. bring the strongest pressure to bear. irince Ching is distinctly more friendly to Great Britain than was Li Hung Chang. The British, Ameri can and Japanese representatives here have separately visited Prince Ching and insisted that they be shown any treaty belore it is signed. Prince Ching has submitted to them the draft cf a treaty practically identical to the treaty already published. Prince Ching is now pressing Rus sia for more definite terms, the pres ent form of the treaty being so vague in its important points as virtually to leave Russa a free hand. The Japan ese minister has taken a strong stand in the matter, and has notified Prince Ching that Japan will require conces sions equivalent to all the advantages conceded to Russia in Manchuria. HAWAIIAN INCOME TAX. The Amount Collected Will Be Far Below the Sum Expected. Honolulu, Dec. 12, via San Fran cisco, Dec. 1. Complete returns as to the income tax show that the amount of tax collected will be far below the sum expected when the law was passed. The returns show an ag gregate assessment of $335,000, which is about half of what it was hoped the tax would bring in. lhe smallncss of the figures is believed to be due in part to recent failures in sugar stocks. The board of survey appointed to examine the ship Roanoke, which ar rived here with a cargo of coal on fire, has made its report. Tne vessel is found to be considerably damaged and the board commends Captain Amesbury for making for Honolulu instead of trving to make San Fran cisco, declaring that his decision probably averted a terrible ocean tragedy. lhe board recommends that she proceed to San Francisco with the coal in her now, amounting to about 1,000 tons, the rest having been discharged here in an effort to find the hre. Warren Sails From Manila. Washington, Dec. 18. The trans port Warren sailed from Manila yes terday with 756 short term enlisted men and Generals Hughes and Funston. To Relieve Admiral Glass. Washington, Dec. 18. Com mander J. F. Moser has been ordered to command the Pensacola at San Francisco, relieving Rear Admiral Glass, who will continue his other duties. " . Look for Mrs. McKinley to Die Soon, Chicago, Dec. 18. Relatives of Mrs. McKinley have little hope of her living long, according to a statement made by Lieutenant -James McKin ley, United States army, a nephew of the late president. Lieutenant Mc Kinley passed through Chicago t0' night in company with General S. B, M. Young, the successor of General Shatter in command at ihs Presidio, Ban Francisoo. DID NOT FAKE WELL ASSIGNMENT OF SENATORS FROM PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Should Have More and Better Appointments, Yet They Have Little or No Complaint to Make Senator Mitchell Will Push the Isthmian Canal Bill Senator roster Remains Chairman of Insular Committee. Washington, Dec. - 19. Senators from the Pacific Northwest did not fare as well as some of their Republi can colleagues in the matter of com mittees, nor as well as -could be wished, yet they have, little or no complaint to make. Besides refilling the places he had. Senator Simon has been added to the pension and -one or two minor com mittees, retaining his chairmanship of irrigation. Senator Foster has been added to District of Columbia and another minor committee, and remains chair man of insular surveys. While benator Mitchell regrets that he was not able to obtain a place on the committee on commerce, he is well satisfied with being placed on in teroceanic canals, where he is able to push the isthmian canal bill, and to secure his old place on postoffices and post roads, and also to occupy a place on Pacific islands and Porto Rico. hich deals with Hawaiian affairs. As to commerce, Senator Perkins, of California, was a member of the com- lttee on committees, and, of course, when he insisted upon having a place on commerce, it could not be other wise. A number of Senator Mitchell 's friends were anxious to have him on privileges and elections, but his well known position in favor of the elec tion of senators by direct vote of the people stopped him from securing that place, as the committee has been arranged to prevent any such legisla tion. There was also quite a desire among large number of the older senators to have Senator Mitchell go upon for eign relations, but Fairbanks and Kean insisted upon being placed there, and, being members of the committee that made up the slate, naturally got it. Senator Mitchell's general assignments are very satis factory. - BOER LEADER CAPTURED. Commandant Kritzinger Falls Into the Hands " of General French. London, Dec. 19. A dispatch from Lord Kitchener announces that Com mandant Kritzinger, the famous Boer commander, who has figured so prom inently in connection with the invas ion of Cape tJolony, has been cap tured, badly wounded, by General French. Kritzinger was trying to break the blockhouse cordon at Han over Road. The capture of Commandant Kritz inger, wbo has been styled the De wet of Cape Colony, " is regarded as very important. He has been a troublesome invader of Cape Colony and is credited with more barbarities than any other commandant except Scheipers. In a recent proclamation he called himself the chief command ant of Cape Colony. During the last few days most, per sistent reports emanating both from South Afrnca and' from Boer head quarters in Europe of an approaching crisis in South African affairs have been current. It is alleged that Mr. Kruger will abandon his demand for independence and that the Boer leaders in the field are inclined to cease fighting and seek the best terms obtainable. In ' a speech yesterday at Cape Town Sir J. Gordon Spriggs, the premier of Cape Colony, declared that the outlook had never been brighter than at the present time. Change in the Cabinet. Washington, . Dec. 19.- Charles Emory Smith, of Philadelphia, has tendered to the president his formal esignation as postmaster general, to take effect early next month, and Henry C. Payne, of Wisconsinu, vice chairman of the Republican national committee, has accepted the tender of the office, to which he will be nomin ated after the holiday recess. To Let Women Vote. Washington, Dec. 18. Senator Warren today introduced an amend ment to the constitution, granting the tight of suffrage to women. Cold and Fog in England. London, Dec. 19. Cold, accom panied by dense fog, upset most of the traffic arrangements in London this morning. River traffic was at a standstill for hours, and thousands of out-of-door laborers were unable to reach work. The railroads in the provinces are slowly clearing their tracks, which have been snowbound for four or five days. Telegraphic communication remains greatly im- pared. Naval Arch Project Given Up. N ew York, Dec. 19. Park Benja min, president of the Naval Arch Commission, which has charge of the proposed naval arch and water gate at the Battery in this city,, announced today that the project has been tem oorarily given up. The arch and gate was to have cost $1,300,000 and $250, 000 had been pledged. Mr.fBeniamin said that the Schley 'controversy had destroyed public interest inthe under taking. . ' , BAD TRAIN WRECKS. Three Disasters in a Day's History of Rail- roading Lives Lost in Each. ... Helena, Mont., Deo 17 A special to the Independent from Kalispell says a wreck occurred on the Great Northern Railroad near Essex, in the Rocky mountains, at 2 o'clock this morning. . The engine, mail car and smoker remained on the track, .but all the1- others were derailed. Some cars were overturned and all were more or less wrecked. The accident was due to rails spreading: ' -One man waa killed. He was prob ably smothered to death. : The debris caught fire, but the flames were put out by the uninjured passengers. There is said to have been much loot ing during the excitement. The train was going at the rate of 25 miles an hour when it broke in two. The air brakes were set immediately, pre venting a more serious accident. The largest number of injured were in the day coach. All were asleep at the time of the accident. ., The Illinois Wreck. Rockford, 111., Dec. 17. Failure on the part of a conductor to obey orders is supposed to have been the cause of a head-end collision on the Illinois Central Railroad, between Irene and Perryville, early today. The two trains were the east bound passenger train No. 4 and a freight train from Chicago going west. As a result eight people are dead or miss ing and 11 injured. The trains met in a slight bend in the track, both running at full speed. The smoker, express and baggage cars were piled on the locomotives, penning in the occupants of the smoker. Only three of the half dozen persons in that car escaped. The others were penned in and if not instantly killed were roasted to death and their bodies, along with those of the engine crews, were entirely con sumed. All efforts of the survivors to reach the victims were unavailing. The flames drove them back from every point. The temperature was 20 degrees be low zero and an icy wind was blowing across the prairie, the point where the wreck occurred being a shallow cut, affording no protection. The injured were without hats and wraps and suffered terribly. By t"he united efforts of the survivors, the way car was pushed back from the wreckage to escape the flames and the wounded were placed on the bunks inside. Went Through a Bridge. Williamsport, Pa., Dec. 17. A freight train on the Philadelphia & Erie division of the Pennsylvania Railroad went through the bridge spanning Lycoming creek, between this city and Newberry, at 6 o'clock this morning. Three lives were lost. The train was known as fast freight No. 83, and was running three hours late, owing to the disarrangement of schedule in consequence of the storm. The bridge spanning the creek was a two-span iron structure, the first span of which gave way. The engine and nine cars were engulfed in the icy waters. The creek was greatly swoolen as a result of the heavy rains, and it is presumed that the middle piece had been weakened. No efforts could be made to reach the bodies on account of the height of the waters. TREATY AGREED UPON. Hay Concludes Negotiations West Indies. for the Danish Washington, Dec. 18. As a result of the negotiations that have been in progress between Secretary Hay and Mr. Brun, the Danish minister, the last obstacles of substance to the pre paration of the treaty of cession whereby the United States, will be come possessed of the Danish West Indian islands , have been removed. It is said that 3the points ..of differ ence have been adjusted in a manner to insure the acceptance of the treaty by the United States senate, and it is even possible that the convention may be laid before that- body before the holiday recess. ' The decision of the supreme court in the insular cases has made easier the preparation of the treay on satisfacory lines. '. Barn Full of Cars Burned. Chicago, Dec. 18. The total de- strution of the Lincoln avenue car barns of the Chicago Traction Com-, pany, with more than 160 cars, re sulted from a fire this morning. Be sides the building, nearly all the grip cars and trailers used on the Lincoln avenue line were destroyed. Loss, $130,000. Engines for the Southern Pacific. Houston, Tex., Dec. 17. Vice President Kruttschnitt, of the South ern Pacific, announces that orders have been placed for 60 new freight engines, five passenger and 10 switch engines, in addition to the 103 recent ly ordered and which are now being delivered. Mr. Kruttschnitt esti mated the car shortage on the South Atlantic division at about 1,000 per day, and to partially relieve it he has ordered several hundred cars now tiea up here to Galveston, whence the freight will go to JNew York by boat . Issuance of Duplicate Medals. Washington, Dec. 17. Senator Mitchell has offered in the senate a joint resolution authorizing the issu ance of duplicate medals to such per sons as have received them from the president or congress, and subse quently lost them. While this reso lution is general in character, it primarily designed to restore to Gen eral H. B. Compson, of Portland, a edl issued to him may years age. TREATY RATIFIED SENATE APPROVES THE HYj PAUNCEFORTE AGREEMENT..;1 Only Six Dissenting Votes Seventy Jwo . Members Voted in the AffiriMayeThe ;.. Pfincip! Speech of the . Day.Wa;Made . . by Senator Teller in Opposition-Vote : Reached After Long Discussion.' -' ' Washington, Dec. 17. The ! aWte yesterday ratified the Hay-Tauricefote' isthmian canal treaty by the decisive" vote of 72 to 6. The vote was reached ' a few minutes before 5 u 'clock, -after almost an hour's disci closed doors.. 'There were no ..' tional' - incidents during the entire time. The debate was nnfinvf in clusively te a discussion of the ' mer its of the agreement, and the policy of its provisions The principal" speech of the day was made by Senator Teller in opposition to the' treaty, 'and he was followed in rapid succession"' bv " 12 or 15 other senators, whn smnLa briefly either for or' against the motion to ratify. When the treaty was laid'hflfnrn the senate Senator Teller oiroo,1 confidence that the resolution would" : be adopted, and while he had no ouiv.r pose to attepmt to prevent that result, . he was convinced that there are few senators who are really satisfied with the treaty. With Great Britain in her present mood he believed h said, it would have been possible to -secure a treaty which would give en tire satisfaction, and he criticised the state department for failing to do so. i r t- i- i , . . ... "o ww uo position tnat it would have been sufficient to abrogate the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and said that England knew well enough that with that result accomplisehd she could very well trust the United States to maintain the neutrality of the canal, as the country could be prepared to do so for many years. benator Culbertson offered an amendment to insert the Davis forti fication paragraph of the last session. This was defeated, 15 to 62. benator Bacon then offered an amendment striking out in the pre amble the reference to the I Clavton- Bulwer treaty the words "without im- paring the general principle of neu tralization established in article 8 of that convention"; also the follow ing words in article 7 relative to the purchase of stock, "subject to the provisions of the present treaty"; also all of article, 3, relative to the neutralization of the canal ; also all of article 4, declaring against change of territorial sovereigntv, and was defeated, 18 to 60. The treaty then was ratified bv a vote of 72 to 6. SEVERE STORM IN MAINL. One of the Worst in the History of the State Damage is Large. Portland, Me., Dec. 18. This state is suffering tonight from one of the severest storms in its history. Floods and washouts have been numerous. Trains are delayed, and mills on the Androscoggin, Kennebec and Penob scott were all unable to start their machinerythis morning because of high water. Many cities and towns report that great damage has been done to streets, families have been driven from their homes, and street railways are inop erative from floods. Up to tonight, only one death had been reported, that of a fireman on the Canadian Pacific Railroad, whose engine plunged into a washout. A similar accident on the Maine Central result ed in the injury of three persons, one of whom may die. Madison, on the Upper Kennebec ' river, sustained the greatest damage from floods of any place, it being fully $500,000. Logs and ice crushd v buildings and overturned many -: others, especially in one section of the town, where there are large mills. A . minion ieet or lumber was washed away. lhe Great Northern Paper " Company's loss is very heavy. Its expensive electrical machinery was ruined. r The heaviest loss on the Andro scoggin River was sustained bv the ' International Paper Comiianv. .t Rumford Mills. This company lost - more than 2,000,000 feet of logs. Reports tonight from that section of Maine east of Bangor indicate that f the loss of property will be tremen- ' ious. un the Upper Penobscott alone the loss will ranee from S80 000 t.a $100,000. Snow in Scotland. ; London, Dec. 18. The fall of snow in Scotland is heavier than at any time in 50 years. Several gamekeep- 5. ers and shepherds are missing, and '; the destruction of sheep in the snow drifts, which range from 10 to 20 feet deep, is unprecedented. Parts of England are suffering almost eqnally 'i from the heavy snow. A train which ' was snowed up near Hartinpton orv n Thursday was released only today. The frost is so severe today that out -side work has been suspended at many '.. points. r Chinese Will Oppose IL New York, Dec .18. A dispatch to the London Times and the New York Times from Hong Kong says a spe cial Portuguese ambassador, Senor Branco, is now at Macao, preparatory to going to Pekin to press for an ex tension of the boundaries at Macao similar to that granted at Hong Kong in 1899. The Chinese officials regard the proposition unfavorably, and strong opposition to it is prob able. . . : tbow of dtootiv and poUoetsaa. are consequently made every day. S .- ; ' ;-: