Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 13, 1901, Image 3

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""OAT, DECEMBER 13, 1901.-
To cover the cost of Betting and dis
tributing the type in such matters, a
charge of fifty cents will be nude for
each "Card of Thanks," and five cents
per line for each net of "Resolutions of
Condolence" appearing in these columns.
W. S. Gardner, Photographer
Call in and see Klina for Xmas
The new New York Racket for
Xmas goods.
Sterling Silver novelties of all
kinds at E. P. Greffo, The Jeweler.
A full line of German, American
and French china, either decorated
or plain- at Zierolf s.
At the Corvallis Saw Mill for the
present you can get good shingles
tor $1.40 per M. Also good fenc
ing for $7 per M. '
A few days ago, Mr. Schriber, a
new comer, purchased one of the
ottages of W. S. Hufford, in Jobs
Addition. The price paid was $300.
Baptist church, Lords Day
morning subject, "The Believer's
Great Certainty." At night, "The
Last Moilation." Sunday school at
10a.m. Young Peoples meeting at
6:30. All are welcome.
There will be a basket social
given by the Artisans next Wed
nesday evening. A splendid lit
erary program is in preparation for
this occasion and au evening of
entertainment is assured.
It is desired that members ot the
Woodmen of the World meet at 7
o'clock tonight instead of 7:30.
The reason for this is that those
who desire to attend the lecture at
a later hour may do so.
Seth Hurlbert made final proof
on his homestead last luesday.
This is a parcel of, land lying
aous the Willamette river about
ten miles south of Corvallis. His
witnesses were John Whitaker and
R. A. Hurlbert.
There will be a game' of football
on the O A C campus tomorrow.
The first and second college
teams will play, and as both are
strong teams, a good game is prom
ised. This will likely be the last
game of foot ball to be seen here
this season.
Mr. Frances Feller of Butterville
left today for his home after a two
days visit with his daughters, Miss
Nellie at Cauthorn Hall, and Mrs.
C. A- Bareinger at Oak Ridge. Mr.
Feller leaves for London about the
first of the year, in the interest of
the Oregon Hop Growers.
The ferryboat owned by the city
and county and used for the pur-
. . . ii i
pose oi iransporiaung gravei nam
ere, got loose from its moorings
just above town, Tuesday morniDg,
about 8 o'clock:, ana so tar it hasn't
come back. It is not known
whether it passed over the falls at
Oregon City in safety or not.
Friends in this citv have been
informed by Rev. R. L. Meily that
he will leave his home in Mechan
icsburg, Pa., during this week for
Corvallis. He will make one or
two short stops on the way, but will
reach here in the course of a couple
of weeks permanently to occupy
the pulpit of ' the Presbyterian
church in this city.
Last Wednesday was the fiftieth
anniversary of the wedding day of
Mr. and- Mrs. John Barnhart, of
this city. ' They are both hale and
hearty, and we are glad to state
Lave every prospect of living many
years yet to come. Come to think
of it, fifty ySare 'fif wedded life is
-considerably out of the usual run
of domestic felicity, v
Sunday, Mrs. John Rick'ard re
ceived a telegram frona Olez, East
rn Oregon, stating that her daugh
ter, Mrs. Sherman Wade, was
seriously ill and desired her mother's
presence at once. Mrs. Rickard
left immediately and caught the
train at Albany early Monday
morning. At last accounts Mrs.
Wade was some better.
Sneriff Burnett returned home,
Tuesday, from Toledo, where he at
tended the meeting of the circuit
court for Lincoln county. Mr.
Burnett says that the train he
came out on encountered a large
rock on the track not far from Ek
' City. It took about half an hour's
work with sledge hammers and
drills to remove tha rock from the
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Moore, of
ths city, are soon to be visited by
the family of their son-in-law, Wm.
Lapsley, of Brimfield, 111. Speak
ing of this event in connection with
a family reunion -of the Illinois
faction of the Moore family on
Thanksgiving day, the Brimfield
'News says: It was a farewell din
ner, as well as a family reunion, as
Mr. Lapsley and wife and daughter,
Leatha, will soon etart On a trip to
the Pacific coast, leaving Brimheld
on the evening of December 11th, if
there is no change in their arrange
ments. Thev eo to visit Mrs,
Lapelev's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Moore, at Corvallis, Oregon,
gpd other relatives who reside
$ea? that place, expecting to be
0pne. about two months.
W. A. Sanders, Jeweler. . " "
Kline's $10.00 Suits are good
Get your umbrella fixed at The
Bicycle Hospital.
Nice assortment of American cut
glass at Zierolf s. ,
A nice line pf jewelry suitable
for Christmas presents at E. P.
Greffoz, The Jeweler.
A social Catherine occurred at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Sheasgreen, last night.
A. W. Moses and family arrived
Wednesday in Corvallis, and will
make this city their home.
Rev. Frank L. Moore is now
thought to be out of danger, much
to the relief of his many friends.
When buying . your holiday
presents remember our motto: "Al
ways your money's "worth." E. P.
Greffoz, the jeweler.
Two turnips sent to Corvallis.
Wednesday, by Willis Vidito from
Alsea, weighed 16 pounds apiece.
Oregon against the world.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will conduct a Bazaar about
holiday time. - Notice - of dat&Jand
place will be given next week.
A practice game of indoor base
ball between the senior team and a
nine composed of other students of
the college will occur at the armory
New York ' Racket Store, second
door south of Post Office. New
goods, notions, christmas goods and
toys. Also fresh bign grade grocer
ies constantly in stock.
The pulpit of the M. E. church
will be occupied next Sunday,
morning and evening, by Rev. D. J.
Hoadley, professor of English in
Willamette University.
Chas. M. Cad y, whose parents
reside in this city, went to Port
land on the boat yesterday. He
will visit relatives in Portland at
the same time try and secure a
situation as telegraph operator.
The first service ever held by the
Doweyites in this city, was con
ducted at the Christian church
Wednesday afternoon by Rev.
Ernst of that denomination. Mrs.
Martin, Mrs. Don Woodward and
Harold Martin were baptised into
this new faith bv triune immersion.
At a meeting of the athletic asso
ciation of the 0 A C Monday after
noon, James Zurcher was elected
Manager, and ohn Gault, Cap
tain of the football team to be or
ganized for next season. The Ga
zette suggested . Mr. Zurcher's
name for manager some time ago.
and the selection of Captain Gault
is also a wise one.
The revival meetings at : the
Christian church wiH ' close-" next
Sunday evening. The subject for
tonight is "Lost in the Fog." Sat
urday night Evangelist Burton
will give a free lecture on the Pas
sion Play. He was an eye-witness
of this wonderful production at
Oberammergau. ' The new converts
will be received into the church at
the Sunday morning service. ; -
Ferguson Chapter No. 5 A. T. &
A. M. held an election Wednesday
night and the following officers
were chosen: J. F. Yates, high
priest; H. W. Hall, king; John
Fulton, scribe; J. B. Irvine, captain
of the host; Z. H. Davis, secretary;
M S Woodcock, treasurer. A num.
ber of minor offices will be filled by
appointment. The installation of
officers will take place on the eve
ning of St. Johns Day.
Manager Kaupisch, of the Cor
vallis Creamery, made a tour Tues
day of the country; lying along the
road leading from Corvallis to
Monroe, from that place to Philo
math via Inayale, thence to this
city, establishing a creamery route.
The intention is to have a wagon
pass over this route twice every
week to gather cream for the new
butter factory in this city. Later,
other routes will be established.
Dr. D. Y. K. Deering, sheriff of
Union county, arrived Wednesday
to take charge oi El wood Cheno-
with, the- insane man who has
gained some notoriety for bis num
erouB escapes from omcers who nave
attempted to escort him to the
asylum. Last Monday afternoon he
walked into the sheriff's office in
this city and informed Deputy
Henderson that his name was
Cheuowith and that he wished to
be arrested. His request was
granted, and after he had been
identified by Student James Zur
cher, a former schoolmate, the Un
ion county authorities were notv
fied. Sheriff Deeiing left for Salem
with the patient on yesterday
morning's boat. . "
Mud guards put on your wheel
at the Bicycle Hospital. The best
and cheapest that can he had,
Redudcas on . all men's and
boy 8' eS.i&r overcoats and maokin
toshes go at cost. Klines.
are closing out all mackl
at cost. Nolan & Callahan.
Whatever Pleases
Makes a good Christmas present. The
books, fountain pens, portmanteaus,
letter sets, and - various other holiday
articles o display at the Book Store are
certain to. please. Therefore, they will
make good Christmas preeeuts. When
on a tour of investigation, don't over
look C. A. Gerhard.
From Colombia.
. James A. Edar and wife ar
rived, Tuesday, for a cou
ple of weeks' visit in this
city. Mr. Edar is a brother ot
Mrs. M. Jacobs, and this is their
first meeting for forty years.
Mr. Edar owns 2 5, coo acres of
land in Colombia, Central Amer
ica. He has been in that coun
try for thirty-five or forty years.
His plantation produces coffee,
sugar and tobacco. " At present
he is not raising a great deal of
tobacco, being more actively en
gaged in the production of sugar
and coffee. He has all of the
atest and best machinery on his
plantation for taking care of his
The plantation is situated
across a range of mountains from
the Pacific Ocean, about seventy
five miles distant. He is greatly
interested in having the Nicarag
uan canal put through, as it
would greatly enhance his trans
portation facilities. At present
the greatest menance to his well
fare is the i tate of rebellion that
is almost always in existence in
Colombia. Of . personal safety
he and his family are assured, as
the natives all respect the treat
ies of foriegn countries. How
ever, he is obliged to work
natives on his plantation and he
may be deprived of them at al
most any time during the prog
ress of a rebellion, as they may
be obliged to submit to lorce and
cast their lot with one side or
the other in the struggle for the
reins of governmentin Colombia.
Mr. Edar employs 1,000 natives
on his plantation.
An interesting feature of that
country is the seasons. Tnere
are two crop seasons in the year
down there. October, Novem
ber a.n$ December are winter
months and 'January, February
and March are summer. The
following three months are
winter and the next three are
summer. Consequently, two
crops of coffee and sugar are
produced during each twelve
The majority- of the better
class of people send their children
abroad to be educated, and, while
Spanish is the main language
spoken, much of the correspon
dence is carried on in English.
French and German.
About fifteen years ago Mr.
Edar purchased a residence is
New York City with aview t
educating his caildrenf There
his . wife and children have
spent 'the greater part of this
time. ' Mr. Edar has resided in
New York with his family as
much of the time as he could be
away lrom his plantation. At
the termination of their jVislt in
this city Mr. and Mrs. Edar will
go to San Francisco, where they
will remain dnring the remain
der of the winter.
Truth and Fiction.
There is money in the chicken
busk ess, provided, no reverses
attend the venture!., . Lee Hen
kle takes great interest in chick
ens and has a very fine flock of
Brown Leghorns at his home in
this city. Within access of the
flock is the feed box, which was
kept well -covered. The rats re
cently' concluded that they would
tap the food supply and gnawed
a hole in the side of the box.
Mr. Henkle was just as cute as
the rats and lost no lime in set
ting a steel-trap inside the box,
just where a rat would fall into
it when entering through the
hole in the side of the box.
Bright and early the following
morning he went out to see it he
had - caught a rat. He was
slightly "jarred" to find one of
his thoroughbred Brown- Leg
horn hens hanging with her
head through the hole in the
feed box, caught in the trap. He
wisely concluded - that such a
thing wnuld not occur again
and the following night set the
trap. He told his son Arthur,
to get up early the next morning
and look at the .trap. The
following morn Art found
another, prime Brown, Leghorn
hen in the trap. When the news
was broken to Mr. Henkle the
second "jar" came near being
fatal to him. It is presumed
that a small piece of board has
been nailed over the rat hole.
Laud Contest.
Many years ago James Bruce
bought some land of a party and
received a quitclaim deed to the
same. Until a year ago last.
August Mr. Bruce had undisput
ed possession of this land. At
this time J. J. Leabo looked up
the records and found that he
had a right to locate on a parcel
of land in the.W W of E of S
E of Sec .43 'r 3. R 5 W.
For a period everything went
along all right. Not long ago
Mr. Bruce decided to contest Mr.
Leabo's right to on the
grounds that the latter had been
absent from his - claim for a
period exceeding six months?
the time allowed bv law.
Chas, B. Moores, register, of
of the land office at Oregon City,
appointed V.E. .Waiters,' clerk
of this county,' referee " to take
testimony in the contest over the
land which was Mr.
Bruce. Clerk Watters took the
testimony Tuesday afternoon
and all the facts found in evi
dence were ; forwarded to the
land office authorities' at Oregon
City, who will decide the matter.
Brought Home for' Bmrial.
"Henry.. Mv Rogers, -civHian
ex-soldier. ' Gfav3& This
was the inscription bntfie end of
the plain box, which contained
the ornamented 'casket bearing
the mortal remains of ' 'Harry y
Rogers who died at Manila, P.
I., Liay 9, 190 1.
After passing unscathed
through the battles and toilsome
marches of the campaign in the
Philippines with,,-Company M.,
2nd Oregon Volunteers, he bade
his regiment ; farewell when; ; it
sailed for San Francisco,' and re
mainel enter the service of
the government in the printing
office; at - Manila. Yesterda
afternoon six of his comrades in
arms bore his body to its grave
in Cr ystal Lake Cemetery. .
The cadet batallion, battery
and band, and a large number of
citizens were at the C..& E depot
to meet the ttaia bearing the re
mains. The battery and a firing
squad accompanied the funeral
processionio the cemetery where
the last military honors were
paid the dead. A few impres
sive words were said by Rev.
Boozer, and "Harry" Roggers
was left to his last sleep.
The deceased was but 32 years
of age at the time of his death.
His comrades say he was a brave
soldier, ever ready for duty, ever
responsive to its call. His mem
ory needs no-higher tribute.
j.,. . "
; Ik Council Notes .. ,
City council mev in regular ses
sion Monday evening all . members
being present except. Councilman,
nodes. ., ...
The petition . 6,thej...Cptyallia
Choral , Union--&r stha ,use.-of-the1
fireman's hall for chorali Rehearsals
was granted- i.w,?, &.! vch ;
A committee - from the . Ladies
Coffee Club waited upon the -ceim
cil -to 1 enquire of. that body what if
tcaf. Ipriveleges they were entitled
to in jthe use ofe city faalll" 'After
some disensfiioa the committee was
informed j that . the. Coffee Club
might use the fireman's hall for-: all
kinds of gatherings exeept dances.
The. matter of providing ..greater
safety from fire and accident to
people in the building known as the
Corvallis Opera House was referred
to the fire and water committee.
Motion to place electric light om
Madison street, between the City
Hall and Second ; street, was refer
red to the .street committee. Such;
a light iB badly needed.:- ..:
Bills, amounting to $324, on the
general fund, and , $72.19 on the
street fund were allowed. -
The report of the police .judge
showed that the . city's indebtedness
on the general fund .isa $17,814.15,'
and on the street fund, . $334.20.
' leal Estate Transfers. J
Adam Radir to E. P. Smith,
north half of lot 3, , blk 9. Cor
vallis; $r. - : ,,
C L & L 3 Co to J Park, 33
acres near Philomath; 99. .-, .
T IK Cooper to J- W Ingle,
land near Corvallis j $1. ' .
J W Ingle to T ! H Cooper,
land near Corvallis; $1. ,1
Bethers to J H Gray, 65
acres T 13 S, R6 W; $260.
CL& L S Co to Walter E
Kisor, 153 acres. near Philomath;
W D Baker to John Smilh,
Zip! Boom! Bee! - V
Here are We! 'Z'c-J'
Holiday Opening!
Don't You See!
Wewill have our entire line of Fancy China and Holi-'
day Goods on display on -that day. We have spared no pains in
making selection and spreading our table with thechoicest delicacies
of the season, and extend you a cordial invitation to come and par
take of the feast of Novelties. ' -. '-' ' .
River lots S and 9; 1.
U S to W St Clair, patent
K Halverson to T Buck, land
' near Philomath; $1400.
M.J Westfallto J Hills, 3 lots
blk if, Avery's Add; $800.
' J M Osburn to M J Whitby,
1 i acres near Monroe; $500.
Jessie Buoy to H Harrison, 2
lots in, Philomath; $500.
Additional Local.
Th Black Cat.
Day-lamris. nicht lamnS. liancrincr
lamps.; stand lamns. all kinds of
lamps at Zierolf 8.
Zierolf carries . a. full linn nf
Heinz's condiments no more tiefd
bei.teld.-,-, .... ... . . , 'v"i-
Overcoais.V Overcoats, lareeitf a"2d
. v
most select i stock in town. - Nolan
&;Caltahaii.v .t ' : ; ; v
New stock art squares, lounge
covers and rugs at Nolan '&
New is the teason of the vear
'en every-bicyclist needs a mud
guard for his wheel. Dilley "the
Fixer." . , . -
See our un to-date line of shirts
collars, neckwear, suspenders, fancy'
nose, gloves, sweaters, etc., also
nice Xmas presents, at Klines.
- .... ,'. - 4,
Clocks, H
Silver Novelties
Albert J. Metzger
Oacldental Hotel BWg.
M iss a belC ro nise
nc ... - .."
" Graduate of Chicago College .
: - of Music.
Teacher of VocaE' and Instru
mental Music.: , ii 'vi;?.:
., ; uukvaliLis, yjuusuua.
j Special Line of Street
. Axuner 3ra ana Monroe sts. -
The Best Holiday Gifts.
Ofif; Martyr ' Presidents
' Their illustrious lives and noble deeds.
Their speeches and stories. Thpj6s46-
. sinatioa scenes and a history of anar-
BeatttlfaUy Stampted CoTer,
Graudest Century
A review of the events and achieve-
- ments of the past century, fully illus
lustrated;.60O pages, 7x9 - 7 - $3.00
Llfe-of Wm.' McKlnleT
Interestingly written and fully illus
trated, - - - $1.60
The Story of a Beautiful Life.
:- ; By Cannon Tarrar.
The Bible story of Christ, interestingly
written and illustrated with 300 ' repro
"ductionaof famous paintings. : ,
Cloth BotuK, 300 pages, - $3.00
,j, Order Ty mail from,
PuBlisher's Agent,
312' Oak St., Portland; Oregon:
for Sate Cheap.
y Three; horses, 'wagon, harness and
black-smith outfit. ; Inquire of -
,.i U W.. WSSTTALL, : i '
; . Near C. & E. depot, -
. ... . - - ''
' Our : line of Holiday goods is
complete Zierolf.
Foley's Kidney, Card
mtucea taonerimna bisaaer ngau
' LS" "' :? jit ;.( '
To seipufe . jl ;Gpo4 ome, Splendii kipci Ranch, or Perfect
-. Summer i Grazing Lahds at Nominal Prices u
The Coast Land Live Stock-Company having purchased 40,000 acres of the
Corvallis and Yaquina Ba v. Wagon Road lands, known asthe "Coe Landa,"
have now placed theih on the market. .
; These ara unimproved' lands situated iu Benton and -Lincoln counties,
along the line of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing and fruit
raising section of Western Oregon. i
Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre Easv Terms. Perfect Title.
. .'' : VT. M3 DAVIS.lfAgent
October 7, 1901. Corvallis, Oregcn.
J. D. MANN & CO.
...The People'
Orcat Bargain
; i JUW'. i '--lv.':--"."ILL. 'Ji'L-"
1 ; Buy Your Furniture where you can
. ; , . have a Va riety to Choose from.
tFor example,'' We have " - ' .
fi s ( (( it '
i J .
.12 , : -.-.
15 ; " . - j:
60 . . " :
2o ' "'
40 ; " - " " .7.'.'.'
12 " , . . "
it'" !'.. '
-1 ;. ' ,i-' ." - ' ' ' -
4 ' I-. f,': ,t " - - -'
aob ; ' ... ;- i . .,
35 . 1 ' ; th -:hi-h K
I20 ; " " " "
A full fine.of latting. : -Besides
of all kinds and f in ware
Graniteware and Everythitic in that Line, New
. " . ' ; . , and ' Se'condrHand. ;- -yr- -
' " ........ .:, ... ; - jd-ii ::' .'. ' ' : ' -
We are Headquarters for ';-Wina6w:Shjides, having recently
bought 150 dozen at one"!order Come and ever. No trouble
to show goods. Prices guaranteed to be "right Nothing so nice
for a Xmas present as a ; piecw', furniture' .
1 GDrvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
"Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and g
h ; 'i --nutskept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies- d
I;";'",;: ' . a specialty.
H. W; H ALL, Proprietor.!
jJS OV at this
YOU could not buy anything
' better for a Christmas prcs
.. ent than one of our nice suits, or
. an overcoat. We are still selling
all our men's and boys' clothing
at a great reduction, and they are '
going fast:- And we have lots of
other things you want.
.'Largest line of Men's White
and Fancy Shirts in town; 50c
"J to $3.00.
Fipe line of Neckwear, Sus
' penders, Plain and Silk Handker
: chiefs; 10 cents, up.
The great Black Cat Half-Hcse
; fpr';Men and Boys; 10c to 35c per
pair. : '
.Come, in and se what we have.
If you; can't .be pleased here,
' thare is no use to go elsewhere.
.' . . .
linatiori Writirig Desks and Book Cases
Ladies' Desks
Extension Tables
Dining and Kitchen Chairs -Rockers
and Parlor Chairs
Center Tables
Bamboo Goods
Lounges and Couches
Iron Beds
Bed Room Suits
! . a. - Odd Dressers
; Kitchen Safes
s!. .... , Chiffoniers
'-" e.A!-. ..Rugs and Art Squares
- Carpets
. ' ; ., " , : .-r- Lenolium
' y,-,.7.--r;w-K Wall Paper
Sob Printing . SC?