Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 13, 1901, Image 2

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    'Mills GAZETTE.
There is little question but the
sanitary condition of the public
school building would be most
desirably improved by the con
struction of a lateral sewer which
would drain the school block and
afford sewer connection for the
water closets of the school
whether these be placed within
the building or remain outside as
at present. The basement of the
building is damp, and frequently
contains water after a heavy
lain fall, while portions of the lot
become almost marshy. With
out sewer outlet it is impossible
that the sanitary condition of the
closets is what it sh mid be.
While the existing conditions
may not be serious, they are a
menace to the health of some
four hundred children and their
teachers, a menace which is
bound to become mote and yet
more serious as the school increas
es in numbers. It should not re
quire an epidemic of scarlet fever
or diptheria to arouse the people
to action. The situation is such
that "an ounce of prevention is
worth many pounds of cure,"
We are informed that a-tna-jority
of the property owners in
the block south of the school
property favor the construction of
a sewer, and it would seem to be
an opportune time for the school
authorities to act, or at least, as
may be necessary to place the
matter before the taxpayers of
the district.
Book I-A Literal Translation
by C.
MacLcan, Ph. D.
V?. 101-187. Conflict between
memnon and Achilles:
And so, having thus spoken, he sat
dawn, and there stood up for them the
warno-, Agamemnon the wide ruling
sjn of Atrens enraged; and his dia-
phram i. p., his heart black all around
with rage, and his eyes were like blazing
fire. Looking fiercely, he first of all ad
dressed Kalchas : - "
"0 prophet of ills, never yet hast thou
spoken to me the thing that is good.
Always it is a delight to thee in thy
heart to prophesy calamities See 1
Kings 22:8, but a good word thou hast
never yet at all spoken, nor brought to
pass i. e., nothing good in word or work
ever comes from thee. And now, pro
phesying in th9 presence of the Danai,
thou decl ares t that evidently on this ac
count the Far-darter causes troubles for
them, because I was not willing to ac
cept a splendid ransom for the maiden,
Chryseis, since I much prefer to have
herself at home. For, indeed, now I
prefer her to Klytemnestra, the wedded
partner or. my oea, since sue is not in
feriorneither in stature nor in form,
neither in mind nor in accomplishments
i. e., neither in physical nor in mental
jrracss. But even thus I am willing to
Rive her back, if this at least be better
Jor I wish my people Jo be rate rather
than to perish. But do thou at once
malre ready for me a prize, in order that
I may not be the only one of the Ar gives
without a prize, for ihU is not seemly
imuch less fair. For ye all see this
that the prize which belongs to me is go
ing elsewhere."
And then the noble Achilles, swift
to his feet, answered him:
"0 most glorious son of Atreus, most
avaricious of all : This cannot be. for
how then can the large-hearted Achae-
aas give a prize to thee? We no longer
auywhere know of undistributed treas
ures lying in abundance from which
thou mightest be easily recompensed for
the loss of thy prize. What things we
have plundered from cities, these have
been distributed, and, really, it is not
seemly that the people be asked to col
lect these things over again (for a second
distribution). But do thou now let her
ISO according to the will of the god : and
we Achaeans will recompense thee three
fold, yea, fourfold, if ever Zeus will grant
Ito us) to utterly sack the well-walled
Trojan City."
Then the princely Aga memnon
Bwering him, said : -
"Bo not thus, although thou art brave;
O god like Achilles, cherish deception in
thy heart, since thou canst neither over
reach nor persuade me. Dost thou wish.
indeed, that thou thyself shouldst have a
prize, whilst I, on the contrary, sit thjis
destitute, and dost thou bid me give her
up? But if the large-hearted Achaeans
will, indeed, give a prize, suiting it to
my taate lit. mind, so that there will
be aa equivalent it is well. But if
they do not give it, then I, myself, will
go and seize either thy prize or that of
Ajax, or I shall seize and lead away that
of Ulysses; and he towhoml come will be
angry. I think. But these matters we
will think over at another time. Come
now, and let us draw a black ship to the
divine i. e., boundlses ses, and let us
collect into it rowers in suitable num
bers, and let us pat a hecatomb into it,
and let us cause the beautiful-cheeked
Chryseis herself to embark. Then let
some one, a prudent man, be command
er, either Ajax jor Idomeneus or the
mighty Ulysses, or thou thyself, son of
Peleus, most terrible of all men. in ordar
that, by offering a sacrifice, thou mayst
reconcile the Far-darter to us."
Then, straightway, Achilles, swift as
to his feet, looking fiercely, addressed
him: -
.Ah me, thou clothed in impudence.
cunning minded one. how can any -of
the Achaeans obey thy words either to
go on a journey or to fight bravely with
men ? For I came mot hither to fight on
account of Trojan spearmen, since they
are not guilty toward me i. e., have
done me no wrong, for never yet drove
they off my oxen, nor, in truth, my
horses, and never did they lay waste the
crop fn Pithia the fertile nursery of
heroes, shire between us very much lies
both shady mountains and loud
rearing sea; but with thee, O most
shameless one, in order that thou mayst
rejoice, we accompanied seeking requital
from the Trojans for Menelaus and for
thee, 0 dog faced. These services thou
dost not at all regard nor value; and
now thou art threatening that thou wilt,
of thine own will, take away from me the
prize for which I have toiled much, and
which the sons of the 'Achaeans gave to
me. Yet, never have I a prize equal to
thine, whensoever the Achaeans aack a
well inhabited city of the Trojans; al
though my hands manage the greater part
of the fierce battle. Tet, when a divis
ion (of the spoils) comes, by far the
greater prize (falls) to t bee, and I go to
the ships with a small, but agreeable -one,
when I am wearied fighting. And now I
go to Phthia, since it is much better that
I go home with the crooked-beaked ships ;
nor do I purpose, while here dishonored,
to heap np riches for thee."
And then Agamemnon, king of men,
answered :
"Fly by all means, if thy mkd urges
thee. I, at least, will not beg of thee to
stay on my account. There are others
near me wno percnance win gain me
honor, but especially the all-wise Zeus,
But thou art to me the most hateful of
the Jove-nourished kings; for always
strife is agreeable to -thee, as also) are
wars and quarrels. If thou art verv
brave, doubtless God gave this to thee i.'
e it is not thy merit. Go home with
thy ships and comrades and - rule over
the Myrmidons, but I do not heed thee,
nor do I regard thee when thou art angry ;
but I thus warn thee: Since Phoebus
Apollo is taking away from me the
daughter of Chryees, I will send her with
aBhip of mine and with my friends, then
I, myself, will go to thy tent and lead
away the beautiful-cheeked daughter of
Bryses, that prize of thine, in order that
thou mayst well know how much better
I am than thee i. e., than thou art,
and that another also may fear to fancy
himself equal to me and to place himself
in comparison wifh me."
If you go to any other 'location
than ours you won't find our large
assortment, ot Amas presents, jew
elry, toys, -etc. W: A. Sanders,
jueaamg jeweler. .. v
Jardiniere, all
prices, at Zierolf'a.
varieties- and
Would you marry if suited? Send 10
cents .for details, postoffice box 6S3;
rortiand, Uregon. -;
Bargains in cloaks, wrappere. jack-
etsana tailor-made suits-, at Nolan
& Calahan. . -r ...
A fine all wool black clay worsted
dress suit gool weight and silk
Bewed for $10 at Klines.
New line of OA C s ouvenir
aiene8 at Zierclrs.
For Sale.
- f
waving retired from the .-business of
farming, I will sell a 3-inch Bain wagon,
a springtooth hayrake, and a splen
did young mare, cheap. Terms, cash oi
well secured note. J. I. Taylob,
Corvallls, Or,
A Wise Woman .
Or a wise man, for that matter, will read
the ad of W. B. Satterlee and select
therefrom the books to be used, for holi
day presents. These books are beanti-
i i . . ...
miij- nuu Buowaniiaiiy Douna, and are
first-class publications throughout Noth
ing will be better appreciated by a friend
or relative.
Proposals for Wood!
Notice is hereby given that the clerk
of school district No. 9, Benton county,
uregon, win receive sealed bids to fam
uli the said district with wood for the
coming year, to wit; Twenty cords of
oak grub wood, and 60 cords split bodr
red fir wood old growth. Or 60 cords
of fir wood, second growth, good oualitv.
not less than four feet in length, and net
less than four inches nor more than eight
inches in thickness, or diameter, to h
delivered at the school building in said
district, on or before August the 15th
190'J. The board reserves the right to
reject any or a- bids, and no bids will be
received after 6 o'clock Dec., 20, 1901.
W. A. Buchanan, ;
- Clerk.
Can Furnish Trees
And Shrubs and Vines of all
on short notice. -
A full line of -
Evergreens, Ornamental Shrub-
ery, Nutbearing and Shade
Agent forthp AT.TlAivrv wTTiciiTiJa
- vivnucu, 1 ruyneior
Rofifers Bros.
1847 tableware at
th mosi haaUacj safva in tha wi4.
Without going into details, we simply 7y
desire to state that' .... ... '
...Omt 6iistms toci :
. the year, so far as beauty variety and
price go. is ahead of anything- offered
befote by us. . ".' ' . .... .. . '
Remember, our. Holiday Goods are
'"on the Dollar the day after CMristmas.
We advise early selection.
Wanted. .
Boy to use spare time tacking op ad
vertisements. . Also an agent for the best
selling books published.
. W. B. Sattkblek. r
212 Oak St., Portland, Or.
No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation,
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good I
bottom land ; price, $650. 4& miles
from Philomath.
t No. 131: 80 acres, 25 in cultivation,
nice young orchard; fair buildings, 2
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plow, cultivator, tools, 'etc.; ' also'
furniture. This is a good hill ranch and
is cheap ats700. :'5 miles from-town.
74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation ; small
house; good barn and water; 1. miles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county road ; good pasture and timber,
" 113 A goqd -7-rroom house with -one-'
half acre lot ; fruit, good water, 'chicken
houses and sheds, price $600 ; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; 'this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis postoffice. - --
jr a iiuuuiaiu, dcuwu vuuuiy, UIcuu
OP '
Having purchased the entire
f? S riyiOWMlUSother ridiclHoTIs fothLn
oy . im. wiifcins. We will of
fer every article in the store at
slaughter prices
as.we XaVit no room in our ' al
ready ovf-crowded store rooms
for the goods.
Call at the stare room former
occupied by S. N. Wilkins.
J. D. Mann 6t Co
The Children's Friend.
xon ll have a cold this winter. Maybe
yon nave one now. Your children will
suffer, too. ; Forcongh, croup, bronchitis,
grip and other winter complaints One
minute uougn cure tever fails. Acta
promptly, Itu very pleasant to the
taste and perfectly harmless. C. B.
George, Winchester, Ky.. writes j "Onr
little' "girl was attacked with croup late
one night and was so hoarse she could
hardly apeak. We gave her a few doses
of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved
her immediately and she went: to shW-
When she awoke .next morning she
had no signs of hoarseness. or cronn."
uranam dc wells.
0 0
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
rood. It gives Instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. ThflmnKt.:oni.inM
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have' been
cured after everything else failed. It
Is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
. , bu you flood
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co.. OhIrv
wi.Dotuecoatai2H times tbeSOc aixi;
Graham t Wells. ;, .
Foley's Honev . Tar
forffiiJdreMjufe.Btrre, Noopfstmu
all worth One Hundred Cents
0 $89; Piano '
.case organs lead them all. They
.cannot be excelled, for durability (
. richnesaj of tone and . neatness
- of case.TlOrgaD8 tram $45 00 up,
. made on special oreerd. We
. are hreei(ng withtlie best of euc-
cess and' selling organs os fast as
i they can be made. ? We have an
extra lot started', to reach but far
. th8fi v By sending in an order
. e'arly'werfriUhe able to fill it in
, good- 'shape.'- No Eastern !brgan
can compete ' with ; our . instru
merits in make-up guaranteed
for 10 years.. , .'.'' v ..:
. Our terms are cash, or J' down
; 3 . in 6. uio's, yi in 12 mo'e, or
$20 00 down and $5 00 per month.
; One payment must be made be
I fore organ" leaves factory: We
j guarantee thd' ofgau, and if riot
' as -represented ;we :wil! refund
the money; '----' ' -Fhr
turlher :; information ad
dress :. . ' .,i ' . - ' ..
Corvallis, Oregon.
'':Inform'at5on Wanted. - '
ji fThe manufactures of Banner ' Salye'
.haying' always'fjerleved that no doctor
or'medicine can.cure in every case, but
never navragheardewbefe Ballhe Salve
failed to cure nlee&S, sores, tetter, eczema
or piles, at a . matter of. curiosity would
like to know if there are such cases. If
so they,;w3U "iglajly irefohd "the money
Graham &,WortbaiH..,;v : .'.. - .
Brnlti-h ood Nonsease,
branded by the most competent authori
ties. They have- dispelled the silly
notion that one kind -of food is needed
for brain, , another for muscles, and still
another for bones, , A -correct diet -will
not jwly aourisha particttliariiartiof the
body, but it will sustain every other part.
Yet, however -good your, food 'may 'be,
its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion
or dyspepsia, . You must prepare for
their appearance or prevent their coming
by . taking r regular- doses of Green's
r August Flower, the favorite medicine Of
the healthy millions." A few doses aids
digestion, stimulates th6 liver to healthy
action, purifies the. 'blood, -and makes
jrpu feel buoyant " rand Vigorous. Yon
can get Dn Q, G. Green's. - reliable
remedies at Graham & Wo'thamv ':
Get Green's Special 'Almanac. '
Mrs. S. H. A Uport, Johnstown, .Pa,,
says; "Our little girl almost strangled
to death with croup. The doctors said,
she couldn't live' but she was instantly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure.
Graham & Wells.
The Real Tfaia;.
It any lady yants to get a real bargain
in a sewing machine shebould call- on
T. "w. Dilley, "The Fixer." He is sell
ing this Jyear's model New Home ma
chines for; $ 38. The usual price of these
machines is $75- The machine offered
by .Mr. Dflley is"very light: running, as
it is.hall bearing,- ''These machines are
guaranteed ,to ,j3ew.-,-equally well - with
either silk or cotton thread. ,, iiere is an
opportunity that should not be lost.
Shooting Gallery Opened. '
I have operied a shooting- gallery one
door north eTmeroh'sharness shop.
Ladies are especially invited to try their
kill with the rifie:' - Prizes ' ill" be given
every Saturday night. . . .
On Thanksgiving day I will hold a
shooting match on the flat near Mary's
river. Everybody is invited to take
part, -v Habvbv Saboent.
.1000 girls for house work, 75 girls for
work in Hotels, 50 girls for workin
stoiee, 60 girls , for waiting on table,
steady work,, good pay, $15 to $25 'per
month at H. H. Higiey's Employment I
oniceNo. 185 Morrison St Portland,
Modern Surgery Surpassed. -
"While suffering from a bad case of
piles I consulted a physician who advised
me to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve,' says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga.
I procured a box and was entirely
cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a
splendid cure for piles, giving relief in
stantly, nnd I heartilv recommend it to
all sufferers." Surgery is unnecessary
to cure piles. -DeWitt'i Witch Hazel
Salve will cure any case,. Cuts, burns,
bruises and all other, wounds are also
quickly cured by it Beware of counter
feits. Graham & WellH. -
' Editor Lynch Of "Daily Post" Phillips
burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar with this result:
"I have used a great many patent rem
edies in ray family for coughs and colds,
and I can honestly say your Honey and
Tar is the best thing of the kind I have
ever used and I cannot say too much in
praise of it. Graham A Wortham.
- -' For Sale, j-
. Four-ronm cottage and two lota, near
8. P. depot. . Inquire of W, C, Corbett,
Corvallis, Or. . ' . .
C. W. Lynch, Winchester, Iud., writes
'I owe the life of my 'boy to 'Foley's
Honey and Tar. He had metirbranous
croup, and the first dose gave him re
lief. We continued its , use and it soon
brought him ontof danger.'. ; Graham &
Good Advice,
The most miserable " beings in the
world are those suffering '.from Dyspep-
w auu jjiver vompiaint more tuan
seventy-five per cent, of the neoDle in
the United States are afflicted with these
two deaeases and their .affects: such as
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual
uestiveness, Palpitation of the Heart.
Heart-burn.' Waterbrash, Gnawing and
curnme rains at ine pit ol the Stomach.
Yellow Skin, Coated Tosgue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth,' Coming up
of Food after Eating, Low-Spirits, etc.
Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of
August Slower lor 7o cents. Two doses
will relieve you. Try- it. Get Green's
rrize Almanac. Graham. Wortham.
Reliable and Gentle.
A pill's a pill, says the saw. But
there are ,pills and pills. You want a
pill which is certain, thorough and gen
tie. Mustn't- grio, - DeWitt's Little
Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegeta
ble. ,Do not force but : assist the bowels
to , act. Strengtbeij and invigorate.
femall and easy to take. Graham &
' J. W.-Bryan of Lowder, Ills., -writes
"My little? boy was very low with pneu
monia.- Unknown to .the doctor, we
gave him Foley's Honey and Tar. The
result was magical and puzzled the doc-
tor,as it immediately stopped the rack
ing cough and he quickly recovered.'?
Graham & Wortham.
f Executors' Sale of Real " '
' Property." "'
: Execntors Notice of sale of real property. Notice
is hereby given, that in pursuance of .an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Benton, made on the 3rd day of September, 1991,
in the matter of the Kstate of Thoniaa Eglin de
ceased, the undersigned Executors of said estate
from and after Saturday the fith dav f NnvMnW
1981, will proceed to sell the real property herein-
w,. ugkiiucu, ueiuDKing w Baia state, at private
sate at Corvallis Benton county State of Oregon, for
oash at the time of purchase. The said real prop
erty to be sold as herein mnnireri is Mprihul ..
follows: To Wit All he -.right, title, and interest.
i mi, buii rjHMiv oi in ana to Lots Jo. i and 8 of
Block Noyl.;in the anginal Town of Marysville
nowtheiCrty-of Corvallis. Benton county, State of
vHN'mwuim in".flonn nail OI lot JNO. 1
ifU?' Lot No. i and the South half of tot No. 3 "all
In BkckMo,18 of the Original town of Marysyille
wkj r-wrvaius nenton county state OI
' : Said real property to ie aold In twseparate par
cels. Said sale subject to the confirmation of said
County Court-of Benton county State of Oregon.
UPatea Oct. 8th, 1981. . , , ..:
"'- 'Hi.'F. EoluS -'
. . Exesutors of the Estate bf Thdinw Eglin, Deceased:
Satisfied Heople , ' , V
are the best advertisers for Folev's
Honey arid Tar and all who- use it agree
that it is a splendid remedy ! for coughs
cold8orflore lungsi Graham & Wortham.
A Physician Testllles.
Ihae taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and have never, used anything in my
I life that did me the good .that did." says
mnty Physician George. W. Bcroggs of
J tall County, Ga. Being, a physician
I have perscribed it and. to.give
the best results."- 'If the food you eat
remains undigested in your stomach .it
decays there and poisons the system.
You pap prevent this by dieting but that
means starvation. Kodol Dispepsia
Cute diepflts wbt tnn af Vrtr, nanA
suffer from neither dispepsia "nor starva-!
tion,- The worse case quickly cured.
Never fails. Graham & Wells.
Chas. Eeplogle, twater, O., was in
very bad shape.' He says : ,. MI suffered
a Knai, ueai wun my Kiuneyg ana was
requested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I
did so and in fotirtjnys I was able to eo
to work again, now I am entirely well."
Graham & Wortham.
Be Wise. '
Coine to our store when in need
of clothes, we are offering some
great suits for $10. in clay worsteds,
serges, cashmeres, and fancy pat
terns. If vou want them better.
we have them up to 125 00. S. L.
: -- -
A cangli, cold or la grippe tan be"nip
ped in -Hie bud, with-'al dose or two of
Foley's Honey and Tar. Beware bf subs
stitntes. Graham A Wortham.- .
Foley's Honey and Tar ,
cures coios, prevents pneumonia.
,. , i
Try this Office for Job Work.
B. A. CATH EY, M. D.
Physician - Surgeon'
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
Office Hours
Residence : Corner College and 8th Sts.
Telephone at office and residence.
Corvajiis, .; . . - cs;. - - Oregon.
OrncB-CorBer 3rd and Monroe streets
Hours 9 to 12: 2 to 5: 7 to 8: Sun
day 6 to 10. "
Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone 315, at residence.
Titles. Conveyancing.
Practice in (all State and Federal Court.
Office in. First National Bank Building.
... Corvallis, preron. , .
Office in Postoffice Building,
All. - ling, dates
: : : ". ..' , . "' . . 8ubjectJO' change.
'''" 8 p. to, For San Francisco, 4 p. m.
DR, JAS. A. HARPEH.v Sail every five days '
,, from. April 2d. ..
Offle. i. White.. Blerk 8" m" 1.- T?."1"- Except
V' n- , Saturday, fo Astoria & way- Sunday
Corvallis . ;;. Oregon 10 p. m.. landing.
TF. TV Rowley
Office over First .National .BaBk-.
Repairing promptly and neatly done
First door west of the Gazette office
Dentistry of every description done in firsi
class manner, ana satisiaction guar
anteed. .. -,- . :
Office Over Zierolf 's grocery store, oppos"'
the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. .
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
v Corvallis, Oregon
Established, -y-r - , Incorporated, 189S
The most complete llne oi Pure Drugs"
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and, Stationery, Commerdml Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Artlcla,
.Combs, Brashes and Mirrors,
Pocket Knives,. Scissors, Fine Cutlery
: ' ' CIOARS
... - . . ' ' - - 1-1 -- :.-' '-
''Miin$ger of .Perscriptipn Department,
' '. .. .AJOlBSRegUtered,
Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue . Universi
rimfirst National Bak
1 ti.ishiii iuo.-. j:-;
M. S. WOODCOCK, President! 0
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President,
WALTER T. WItES, Cashier" ' '
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant?Chler. -
I0.11!. Corvallis, Oregon,
. - Loafas Made
On all kinds of npproTcd security, and cspcdalW
to encourage and boild up the legitimate busj.;
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
Deposits '
Received subject to cfieck' payable on demand.
Foreign Ezctiange . , ' .
Sight exchange and transfers sold available In
the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer
landv France, Belsrium. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria, ..
Letters of Credit
Issued available in the principal cities ol th
United States.
Principal Correspondents Upon Whom Wj
Sell Sight Exchange - ,.
The Commercial Watfnnal n . 1- nt
The Kirst National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. :
Aneloallfornian Itavilr Ran r.!;f
The National City Bank New York.
The Hank of New York National Banking Ass'n.
Impo;ters & Trader's National Bank, New York
Shoo and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass.
Philadelphia National Hank of Philadelphia, Pa
innmph; and Wonders of the 19th
Centnry ; ' a. remarkable- book; sells on
Bight ;'free territory : liberal commiRmrmn.
I Address, Wasbi ngton Poblishine Co.
Chamber of commerce Boihling, Tacoma
Waah.' -.
Shoit line
amd Uinion Pacific
from Portland
Portland Special
9 a nt.
SaltLake, Denver.
Ft Worth. Omaha
Kansas City, St.
4:30 p.m
via llun-l
Louis, Chieage
ana case
8:50p. ,
via Hun
tington. Salt Lake,. Denver,
rt worm, uraaha,
Kansas City, St
Louis, Chicago and
8:10 a ji.
St. Paul
rWalla Walla. Lew-!
Fast Mail
iston, S p o k a ne,
Minneapolis. St.
6:15 p.m.
7:00 (
Paul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, Chicago,
ana .ast.
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers
No changeof cars. Through tickets to
all Eastern points via this route on sale
-at S. P. depot, office.
Ocean and River Schedule.
." !. i FROX: PORTLAND.-,
i v ?i?Vater Permitting.
; .SteatherLlatli leaves Corvallis for Al
bany,: Saleniv Portland and Way Land
ings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
6:00 a.m.; returning, arrives Corvallis
about Midnight, Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.
E. F.THAYER, Agent, CorvalUs.
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
r: , ; - Unitkix States Land Omcp.
'Oregon City. Orrg. n; October, 5,
Notice is hereby-given that ii romiriiance with
tne provisions oi the at of Congress of .lune 3. 3fr7-8
entitled "An act for tlie te of timber lands in the
Statts of California, Oregon, ; Kevakt, and Wanning,
ton Territrtry," as extended to ail the Public Land
St-ates by act of August 4, 1892,
of Philomath, ctmnty of Benton, State of Oregon,
has this day filed iu this office his .sworn statement
No. 6.VZ4, fur the j urchase of the S. of JJ. W.
and I ots 3 and 4 of section Ko, 4 in Township No.
13 South, Kan ire No. 7 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for it
timber or stone thaij fur agricultural purposes,
and to establish bis cjaim to t-aid land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, oo atui ay,- the 2Ut day of December.
19t'L . . -
Ife- names as witnesees: Melroe Courier of Falls
City, Oregon, John Hvtie of rhi!onath, Oregon,
Charles odell of Philomath, Oregon, and frred
Sii mural nf Philr-a4k (lt-a-..n 1
Any and aU persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims m
inis omce on or oeiore said ist dav of December
190X CU'AS, B. MuohKS, ' "
Notice for, Publicotion.
United Status Land Okkicf.
Oregon City, Or., ifov. 2, lBul.
Notifie is herahv vivon thn.t in mmnlianM with
the provisions of the act of Congress Juie a. ;
1878, entitled "An act tt sale of timber lauds
in the States of Ca'ifcrnia. Oregon Nevada, nd
Washington Teiritoriy,"as extended to al the Pub
lic Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
of D-Ua3, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has thrs
day filed in. this otfice her sworn statement No.
5666, for tflie purchase of the S W of Section Na
1. in Township No. 13 S, Range No. 7 W, and will
offer proof to f how ttot the land bought is more
valuable for iU timher or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish he claim to snid land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, on Thursday, the 13th day ot February,
1902. -fche n&mesa? witn. -sen: Michael 6, Flynn-, of
Philomath. Ore . Freeman W. RnhinsnM and Athrt
M. ftobirson, Loth of Fall City, Ore.; apd Hort C
Eakin, of .'ahaBOr IG i&'V : " ' ' -1 ;
Any and all ptrsous claiming dverseh the above
described temArVreqaet-tetV to file their chums in
this onlc on oibfiot ea3 JSth day of February,
1902. - ,l GUAS. B. WOOkES.
Register. -
To Stop a Cold.
After expof lire or when yon feel a cold .
conning on, tufce a iwe of Fole s Honey
and Tar. It never' fails to stop a cold if
taken ih tiBie. Crtl ani & Wortliam.
Votire Is herehv oiven that the vrnwrn uhmI ifff
by the Cwbin.on Council of Oipvallis, to estimate
the proportionate share of the cost that the several
property owr'ei-s should pay toward the construction
of a Bcwertroin Iho north lin of Block 15, South
ward. lbrou"h the allty to the orlh line of Block 14.
old town of-Cotvallis, have tied their report of which
the following is a copy 4o-wit:
; Corvallis. Oregon, Vow. 16, 1001 , i
,:Xo. the Hon. Mayor and Councilmen of tbeCom
nton O nncil of the city of Corvallis, Oregon.
;i;'W? e ondersigned'. hereto
foro anpninl ed br you as viewers to estimate the
proportionate share of the cost of asewer to be con
structed in the city ofc Corvallis from the n sn-hole
-on the sewer now on Jeffrreon Street on the N. side
of Block 15, City of Cor alii, thtme Southerly fol
lowing the alley of said Blotk IS in a straight line to
a point on the M. line of Block 14, and toattvssthp
same to the several owners of the property benefit-: :.
ted thereby, beg to report as follows:
That we met at the office of the Police JuriVe of the
City of Corvallis, on the 12th day of Nov. A 1). 1001,
at 3 P, if. , when were present (of your viewers) S. L
Henderson and Vireril K. Watten. and after bearinr
the objections of ilr. B. F. Hyland and haviut
carefully examined the line of said proposed sewer
ana tne adjoining property, we adjourned to meet
Saturday Nov. lOi h, 1901, at 6P.M
And cow havinir caieiullv considered said matters
find: That said proposed -sewer will be 398 feet in
length ; that a man-hole and two catch basin will be
attached thereto and located in the streets of Cor- :
valhg That the contract to construct said Kewerbas
-been awarded in the sum of $448. 7u:That the expense '
of the construct! -n of the 98 feet and man-hole and
basins, amounting to $155,793 should be borne by
the City, and that the property oh iters are equally
benefitted in pioportioa to the number of lota
Ve therefore estimate and assess the proportionate,
share of the cost of said sewer as follow:
Tha thet the City of Conallis pay for the 98 feet
in the streets, . iijctuiny n aa-tole sod btMnp
amounting to, 8166 T
That M. M. Davis as the ewuer oi Lots 1, 2. S, & 4,
of raid Block 1ft, pay 97 676
ThatM. E. Lee as the owner of lots &&6said
block 15 pay , 8 48-f 88
That J. M. Nolan as the ownrof Lots 7 8, said
block 15 pav,.... 8 48 X38
1 That B. F, Ilj l-nd as the owi er of Lots 9, 10, 11,
A 12 said block 14, pay. . - -'- 8 97.670
. lies ettfolly,
B. L. Hekdkrsov.
That the property declared by ordinance to be dt
rtctly tenefitted by said sewer is a'l of Block .
otigir al ti.wn of Corvalha, and all of Adami stree
included between third and fourth streets Corvallia.
That within ten days from the final publication of
this notice, towit: Januarys, 1902, the owner of anr
property ascertained and determined by said viewer
to he direct It benefitted bv said sewer or drain U
hereby required t file with the Police Judge ef
Corvallis. any objection he or she may have to Ute
findings and determinations of sai viewnrs.
fc f. Us error.
Pelfce Jodfe of the City of Corvallis.