Catarrh . Is a constitutional disease. It originates in a scrofulous condition ot the blood and depends on that condition. It often causes headache and dizziness, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, af fects the vocal organs, disturbs the stomach. It is always radically and permanently cured by the blood-purifying, alterative and tonic action ot Hood's Sarsaparilla This great medicine has wrought the most wonderful cures of all diseases depending on scrofula or the scrofulous habit. Hood's Fills are the but cathartic Relics or an Age -Long Past The petrified forests of Arizona were recently examined anew under the direction of the general land office. The silicified logs lie in the greatest abundance within an area of eight square miles in Apache county. In some places they lie more thickly than they could have stood while living as trees, and it is thought they must have been carried there by a swift current of water in the mesozotic age. M Hionj In Royal Kitchens. The most costly kitchen belongs to the Spanish court, the cooking uten sils alone having a value of nearly $75,500. and are of a ereatage. The kitchen of the shah of Persia is, how ever, the most valuable in the world. Even the cooking pots are lined with gold and the plates and dishes used at the royal table are of solid gold, incrusted with precious stones. If it were possible for the contents of the shah's kitchen to be put up at auc tion they would realize over $5,000, 000. P1TQ Permanently Cured. No fits r nerronsneK rl I V after first (lay's aiof Tr. KliM'sGreat Nerw Restorer. Send for FRBESJ-OOtriaJbottleand treat iM. Ua.R.H.KLiNB.Ltd..31 Archi3t..Philadelphia.Pfc A Wisconsin Family's Prominence. Dr. Roswell Park, one of the physi cians who attended President McKin ley, is a son of the Rev. Roswell Park, D. D., who founded and was the first president of Racine college, Racine, Wis. Only Woman Arctic Explorer. Mrs. Peary, who recently returned from a year's trip to the Arctics with supplies for her husband, occupies a unique position in the world as the only woman arctic explorer. She has several times accompanied her husband on his expeditions, sharing the dangers and hardships. Mrs. Peary's little daughter, Mary Annig .hito Peary, was born in the far north in 1893, and did not see daylight un til she was six months old. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow'S Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Present of Philippine Products. President Roosevelt was recently presented a handsome cane and seve ral pieces of cloth manufactured in the Philippine islands by A. Abren, a Filipino merchant traveling in this country to get a knowledge of American mercantile methods. Romance In Real Life. The present Lord Bath at one time was the affianced of Princess May of Teck. The match had been publicly . announced, and all the arrangements niade. but at the last moment, al most. Lord Bath insisted on marry ing Violet Mordaunt. Princess May, after becoming the fiancee of the Duke of Clarence, subsequently mar ried the latter's younger brother, the Duke of Cornwall and York. Fiso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Brieh. 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. e, woo. Curious Chronological Facts. No century has ever begun on a Wednesday, a Friday or a Sunday, and the same order of days is repeat ed each 20 years. January and Octo ber of each year always begin with the same day : so with April and July : so with September and Decern 'ber: so with February, March and . November. Madrid to Erect Eight Statue. The magistrates of Madrid, at a re cent meeting, voted the sum of 250,- 000 pesetas for the erection of eight statues of Lope de Vega, Muriho, Moratin, Ventura-Rodriguez, Goya, Arquelles, (Juevedo and Salamanca. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases pat together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great manv years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to care with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therpfore requires constitu. tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care, man ufactured by F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, OHo, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mucons surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad dress, ' F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Ball's Family Fills are the best " Dogs Work In Relays. The L980 miles between Skagway and St. Michaels, Alaska, are covered by 600 dogs, working in relays of. 25 miles, in four and one-half days. Between White Horse and Dawson, 140 horses are kept going day and night in relays. Many pood physicians and nurses use Wizard Oil for nbttinate neuralgia and rheumatism. It's the right thing to do. Nationality of Our Presidents. President Roosevelt is the second president of Dutch ancestry, Van Buren being the first. Of our other chief executives, 14 have sprung from English stock, five from Scotch-Irish, three from Scotch and one, Jefferson, from Welsh. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. A constipation cure that pleases your palate, pleases your stomach, pleases your pocketbook Caacarets Candy Cathartic. Druggists, 10c., 2Sc.,60o. Must Be Lovely. ' "But none of the other girls seem to admire my new dress." "Is that so Turn around. " I . didn't realize it was so pretty as that." Philadelphia Bulletin. LliHtS WHtKfc ALL fcLSfc tA LS. i Best uoQgn Bjrtip- Tutea uooa. in time, soia dt arotnnns. AN ANCIENT SPOJiT. "s E MERRY GAME OF FOOTBALL" MANY CENTURIES OLD. It Wsm Flared br the Greeks, Car ried os by the Bomaoe, Developed hy the British, and Perfected by Madera Americans. "Ye Merry Game of Football from Ancient Times Till Now" Is the title of an illustrated article In St Nicholas from the pen of N. O. Messenger. The Greeks invented the sport, and through the Romans It reached the Britons. In the time of Queen Elizabeth football waa in high favor. It was played in the city streets, on the commons, and in country lanes. There was not much rule or order to the game, the object being merely to put the ball into the enemy's goal, by fair means or by foul. The goals might be a mile apart, with ditches and hedges and highroads' be tween. The players struggled In ear nest, and broken bones were no rarity in the rush that followed. This was probably the roughest and most brutal period in football's history. The accounts of the times speak fre quently of accidents, and too often there were fatal incidents in the play ing of the game. Shrove Tuesday was football day in those times, and then the whole popu lace went football mad. Every one turned out to kick the ball. There was one grand scramble to reach it as it was punted down the streets, over housetops, and across commons. The merchants barred shop windows and doors as the merry crowds surged through the streets, for scant heed was given to any obstacle that stood in the way of the pursuit of the ball. Some times two or more crowds. In chase of the flying pigskin, fell foul of one an other's course, and then there was a to-do, and the strongest held the right of way, perhaps carrying off both balls, and causing the other crowd to join In their pursuit With the year 1800 the game began to be adopted by English schools and universities as the leading sport. In 1863 an association was formed, and It was made a scientific sport At this time the game was played differently by dif ferent universities. Rugby permitted carrying the ball, holding runners, charging and tackling, while Harrow and Winchester only allowed kicking. In 1871 the. Rugby Union was formed, and rules laid down. Prior to 1875 American universities had paid little attention to football. It was Harvard that brought the game to the United States, and In order to have a foeman worthy of its steel taught it to Yale. Old Ell" took gracefully to the drub bing that was Involved in learning the first lesson, which was learned so well that for many years thereafter Har vard had no more victories. The Rugby game has been developed in America mainly along the lines of Interference and tackling. The -Yankees were quick to perceive advantages which could be gained in this direction and put them Into play. In 1886 Prince ton Introduced the "wedge," using It against Harvard, who in turn took it up against Yale next year. Then Harvard went one better and brought out the "flying wedge," which, with the "V, the "push, and the plow," are perma nent 'features of football work. . In the perfection of football playing Into a scientific sport from the old rough-and-tumble games of the past an Involved system of signals has come into use. The signals are made by call- ing out numbers. There seems to be no lessening of interest In the sport There may be as many as twenty thousand spectators, and the great game of football, which began with the Greeks, was carried on by the Romans, developed by the Brit ish, and perfected by the Americans. seems to be indeed tire king of autumn sport SEVEN WAS HIS FATE. Mystic Flsrnr e Pursued Franklin John son Throncn litre and to Death. In the long life of Franklin Johnson, who died, after a week's illness of pneu monia, at his residence, 61 West 49th street. New York, recently, the figure 7 or a combination of 7s occurred so surprisingly In connection with every event of Importance that befell him that It was only fulfilling a present! meat he had frequently expressed when his death occurred In his 77th year. Mr. Johnson was born in 1825, which, by a process of subtraction and add! tion, easily resolves Itself Into a com' bination of 7s. His wife was born on the 7th of a month and their marriage also occurred on a 7th. Their only child, a daughter, was born on a 14th and died on the 21st of a month, in her 14th year. . . Previous to living at 61 West 49th street Mr. Johnson had resided at 77 West 52d street, and finally, yesterday was the seventh day since he was taken with a chill, which developed Into pneumonia and caused his death. ' At oe time Mr. Johnson feared that he would die in his 67th year, but when he passed that period In his life he had the utmost confidence that he would live until he reached his 77th vir BeyWd that period, however, he had no expectation of living. Mr. Johnson was the last of one of New York's oldest families, says the New York Herald. His grandfather served under Gen. Washington, and his father was for many years one of the best-known contractors In the city. His mother was a cousin of Ethan Allen. Of his ten brothers and sisters there are no male descendants known to the family here, and Mr. Johnson leaves no children, his wife alone surviving him. He had not been In active business for many years. . TEXAS LYNCH LAW. Some Explanation of Its Working- by a Texan Abroad. Some ten or more years ago, says man from Texas, we had occasion In our town to send one of our prominent citizens to England to look after some business of a p'rivate character which he, with half a dozen more of us. was Interested. He was a bit raw, as you might say In the East, but for our purpose he answered admirably and we shoved him to the front and let him loose among the effete Inhabitants of Britain. I don't know what he didn't do or say over there, for wet could only get Information by hearsay, but an Ameri can, who met him one night at a club, told us of a conversation which he had heard on that occasion. There. was a general talk on, the' subject of the wild and woolly manners of the Southwest and the Texas ideas of justice. We couldn't have anything like that. don't you know, in this country," said an Englishman. No, I reckon not," responded the Texan; "It takes a special trainln' that you folks won't ketch up to f er a good many years yit, I reckon." "I should hope not," laughed the Eng lishman. "'Tain't your fault, though," con soled the Texan; "you can't expect to have all the best things over here, you know." It's a good thing, I know," admit ted the Englishman, "but yet I think the system is most defective. Judge Lynch is not always in the right" I don't know about that," said the Texan, shaking his head, doubtfully. Now," said the Englishman, conclus ively, "are you prepared to say lhat justice is always promptly administer ed in this manner?" The Texan hesitated a moment and showed unmistakable signs of falling to uphold his cause. I reckon you're right. Colonel," he said. "Sometimes the rope breaks or a gun misses fire the first time, but you ughtn't to hold that ag'n us, fer we never let the cuss git away." Syracuse Standard. MOULTING OF THE TARANTULA. Entomological Occurrence of More Ordinary Interest. An event of more than ordinary In terest transpired In my office yesterday noon. The large female tarantula shed her skin for the second time since she has been In captivity. Those familiar with insects, spiders and related crea tures are aware that they are Incased by a hard, unyielding Integument In crease of size la permissible only when the skin is shed, and one that has been newly formed beneath expands to the requisite degree. This is a process con stantly occurring in nature, and ever excites Interest In the beholder. When a large spider, three inches long, throws off the old integument it is a thrilling sight.' In the present case the taran tula had evidently been feeling unwell for some days, a condition frequently preceding this process among insects. and yesterday morning she was, found lying- upon ber back and apparently dead, but moved a little upon being dis turbed. She lay thus until about 12:15 o'clock, when the rustling of her move ments made excited attention. The old skin was ruptured about the thorax in such a manner that the top could be removed entire, and through this open ing the giant spider was literally work ing out of her old skin. This was ac complished by the aid of the eight legs and the two leg-like palpi. At the end of an hour the change had been effect ed. The spider lay upon her back, be side the perfect skint resting from the severe exertion. This tarantula was unusually large before she moulted, and Is now of still greater size. She came North In a bunch of bananas about two and one-half years ago, and until last January was the pet of Dr. J. M. BIgelow. While under his care one skin was shed, and is now in my possession. An idea of the increase in size attendant upon moulting may be gained by comparing the dimensions of the dorsal piece of the skin shed about the latter part of 1896, when under the care of Dr. BIgelow, and the on shed yesterday. The first measured one inch and the second measures one and one fourth Inches. Therefore the present dorsal piece will probably be propor tionately larger when fully expanded.- New York State Entomologist, in Al bany Argus. . ' Bad English. Men and women of all classes break the rules of grammar nowadays, pre ferring picturesque to correct speech but the offense is most often committed by the poor. Yet bad English is not a necessity of poverty, for there Is not a man or woman pr child In this 'broad land of free schools who is compelled to say "I knowed" or "I seen" or "I have saw," or any one or all of dozens of the most glaring and inexcusable outrages of syntax. There is no more necessity for the poor person to speak Incorrectly than there is for the most favored of our people. Schools and newspapers and books are within the reach of all at absolutely no cost save time and a little thought . and application. It Is not asked or expected that any person use perfectly pure speech, for a certain lat itude of language is permissible; -but there is no possible excuse for such er rors of Bpeech as prevail among the so called lower classes, which Includes thousands of people who have plenty of time to talk and read. The root Of the matter lies In the carelessness and In difference of parents and teachers who neglect the children in their charge at a time when they are learning the lan guage, not out of grammars, but out of the mouths of their elders, and of each other. It Is as easy to say "I knew" or "I saw" or "those things," as It Is to say T knowed" or "I seen" or "them things," and why let the children use that which Is more difficult and harsher than that which is easier and softer? Aimed at the Trusts. ' I cannot buy potatoes for I haven't got the prices- The daily plate of "murphies" must miss . .- O, had I now the money blown in sum mertime for ice, The situation had not been like this. The ice trust, in the summer, and the coal trust in the fall, The hay trust in the winter, and all that; Some blamed old combination is dead sure to get it all And keep one honest statesman "bast ed" flat. Nebraska State Journal. Honeymoon Faith. Nell Mrs. Newlywed says she has perfect confidence In her husband. Belle Yes; she even gives him her letters to malL Philadelphia Record. A woman thinks she is becoming used to business when she has learned to be suspicious of every man she meets. The "story" that sounds funny to you may not be funny to other people. Don' repeat It too often. To'.MoUsgpq of Lssrgo Families la this workadav world few women are so placed that physical exertion is not constantly demanded ox them in their daily life. , We make a special appeal to mothers of large families whose work is never done, and many of whom suffer, and suiter lor lack of intelligent aid. To women, young or old, rich or poor, we extend an invitation to accent tree advice. Oh, women t do not let Mas. gabbtjb BsxxicvnxB. Tour lives be sacrificed when a word of advice at the first approach of weak- , may fill your future years with healthy joy. Address a letter to Mrs. Pinkham's Laboratory, Lynn Mass., and you will not be disappointed. "When 1 betran to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was not able to do my housework. I suf fered terribly at time of menstruation. Several doctors told me they could do nothing for me. Thanks to the Pink ham advice and medicine I am now well, and can do the work for eight in the family. , 1 would recommend Lydia IS. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers with large families." Mbs. Cabbie Belleville, Ludington, Mich. Advice for Astor. Mr. Astor cannot be a peer of Eng land because the law prohibits natur alized subjects from attaining toS'that dignity. Mr. Astor has tried so hard to get away from his fur and pelt ancestors that he has brought it to the notice of all the world, and got nothing else for his pains except dis appointment. It is a wise spn who accepts his own pedigree. Pittsburg limes. Angling Society Protects Fish. One of the most important duties of the Thames Angling Preservation Society is the recovery from the reser voirs of the London water companies of the hundreds of thousands of fish which, is various stages of babyhood, find their way from the Thames into those large sheets of water. ' Were it not for the frequent nettings which take place, the most, serious harm would probably result to the river from the vast - number of hsh which are constantly being drawn from it. Biggest Warehouse in the World. Liverpool has the biggest ware- he us i in the world. It is built be side the ' docks, and- is intended to house the imports of tobacco which form so important a part of Liver pool's trade. The warehouse is 725J feet in length , 165 feet wide and 124 feet 10 inches high. The ground area is 13,300 square yards, and the area" of the several floors 174,098 square yards. Oldest Man in America. Elijah Bledsoe, colored, living near Burgin, Ky., is believed to be the oldest man in America. There seems to be good ground for believing that he is over 120 years old. ' He is known to have been married 13 times, and something like half a hundred of his children are scattered over the state. & te PEFRfiSn And Acta V" , Pleasantly and Gently. :. OvCOjAfMl Permanently Witt many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformi ty 'of product, which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. , .Syrup f Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with out -in a-riy way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect freedom from any unpleasant after effects. In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene ficially on the systems To tet, its beneficial effects . . I :.. It' ... r -.- . . Louisville. Ky. - Wholesale Beer Drinkers, The British are the largest drinkers of beer in the world and the consump tion is growing. The quantity of beer absorbed in 1900 amounted to 1,289, 766,000 gallons, or not much less than 208,000,000 cubic feet; in other words, the contents of a reservoir 2,000 feet long, 1,000 feet wide and 104 feet deep. Dreyfus Returning to Alsace. Captain Dreyfus, who has been liv ing at Uologne, near ueneva, ior some time past, has determined to leave Switzerland and make his home in Alsace, where he was born. He will spend the winter in the Biveria, after which he will definitely settle down in Alsace, devoting his time to literature and, scientific pursuits. Allegations Certified To. A Sumner county (Kansas) man who had a neighbor arrested for slan der, swore to the following affidavit : "I hereby solemnly swear that the de fendant set Upon me, calling me a lobster, a pauper, a scarecrow, and an idiot, all of which I certify to be true." - Not Smooth. Quinn I think Bob Evans called his book a "Sailor's. Log." - De Fonte Yes, and it seems to me some people ran against a good many knots when they read it. Chicago News. South American Underground Telegraph The Argentine Republic has been obliged to put the telegraph line between Rosario and Buenos Ay res under ground, because on wet days the electric current was dissipated through the numerous spider webs attached to the wires. A Smart Girl's Deception. A wise girl in Garnet, Kan., ties an apron around hei waist whenever she sees her "steady" coming, and when she lets him in she blushes and excuses herself on the-, plea that she has been "helping mamma." Kan sas City Star. If Ton haven't a regular, health? movement of the bowels ever? day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be welL Force, in tbe shape of violent pbyslc or pill poison, is dangerous. The iimootbest, easiest, most perfect way ox keeping toe tow els clear and clean la to take Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10a , SOo. Write for free sample, and booklet on healtn. Address Storing SihiIt pny. Cateim oertwl. Sw tort. S23S KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN GET WET! THE ORICINAt, 5 Oil. CD CLOTHING- rWC kH BLACK OR TCLLOW (SSUBEFitOTECTieN I IN ON 3AI EVER CATALOGUES REE JHCWIKS PULL LINE Or 6ARHENT3 AND HATS. AJ.T0WERCO.B03TON,IiA33. N. P. N. U. No. o-iaoi. WHSlt writing- ta advertisers please meution this paper jflfZ&W CANDY if ly CATHARTIC . BflN'X v my U f 1 f f LrV'S-l'-i? rWHPDPv lJ TO THErTAsVr, oiy Tne 2BrjiiernArUTactJrca Dy Srv FrA rvcioco.Ca.!. DKUOOIITS WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES Regard Peruna as Their Shield Against Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrhal Diseases. feu Sirs. Belva A. lockwood. Late Candidate tor toe Presidency. Mrs. Belva Lockwood, the eminent barrister of Washington, D. C, is the only woman who has ever been a candi date for the presidency of the United States. She is the best known woman in America. - As a pioneer of her sex in the legal profession she has gath ered fame and fortune. In a letter to the Peruna Medicine company, she says: " have used your Peruna both for myself and my mother, Mrs. Hannah J. Bennett, now In her 88th year, and I find it an in valuable remedy for cold, catarrh, hay fever and kindred diseases ; also a good tonic for feeble and old people, or those run down, and with nerves unstrung." Yours truly, Belva A. Lockwood. Peruna cures catarrh . by removing the cause, inflamed mucous mem branes. Dr. Hartman, the compounder of Peruna, once said in a lecture to wo men: A great number of women consult me every year. I often have occasion to say to these patients : 'I fear you have catarrh, madam.' They will generally reply, Oh, no, I never had catarrh. My nose is perfectly Well. Informed. - "He seems to be a well informed man." "Ceitainly. 'His wife tells him everything that's going on." Phila delphia Bulletin. " Holiday Resolutions TAKE 1HX ICcccy Cure feurereuef fjom liqwor, opium and tobasoa MiAkv.. oeuu ior parliouiars to Keeley Institute, Z&tfg2g2Z Wa mafia tha ceiabrafasf Ant I -Ri.m Umbrella Frame. IN YOUR Yflll Find thP lYlffPrPriPP ,B,1W?.? VM IIIV W IIIWI WIJW One brings no In von r nnrsn firnPShPPlf'c llfP KHIpr L 1Jauidt?Plntorspray"the roosts, quietly destroying all UlUCOUCUn O. LIliC TVlllCI lice. The.prire is nothing in comparison to the eood It will do. Save Your Chickens. PORTLAND SEED CO., 13B Front Why Pay High Prices? For WATCHES, DIAMONDS and JEWELRY when yon can buy nn - redeemed pledges for Amount of Money Loaned with interest at the Portland Loan Office, 'Vow New Jewelry at 40 p6r cent lower New YorR.flY PRICE SO PER BOTfLE clear, and my breath is not bad. I am not troubled with .coughing or spitting, or any other disagreeable symptoms of catarrh.' 'But you may have the catarrh all the same. Ca tarrh is not al ways located in the head. You may have catarrh of tbe lungs, or stomach or liver, or kidneys, and es pecially you may have ca tarrh of the pel vic organs." The. doctor went on to say : "I have been' preaching this Railard. Eureka Sprirgs, ark., cured of a seven esse oi catarah by reruna. doctrine for the last 40 years, but there are a vast multitude of women who have never heard it yet. Catarrh may attack any organ of the body. Women are especially liable to catarrh of the pelvic organs. There are one hundred cases of ca tarrh of the pelvic organs to one of catarrh of the head. Most people think because they have not catarrh of the head, they have not catarrh at all. This is a great mistake and is tbe cause of many cases of sickness and death." Mrs. T. Pelton, 562 St. Anthony avenue, St. Paul, Minn., writes: "Pe runa has done wonders for me. It has cured my headache and pal pitation of the heart; has built up my whole sys tem. I cheerfully recommend Peru na to all sufferers afflicted with ca tarrh. My moth- er is never without Peruna. When one is tired and generally out of sorts, if Peruna is taken it imme diately removes that tired feeling." If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to 'Dr. Hart man, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Colum bus, O. Britons Growing Taller. It is affirmed that no nation is in creasing so rapidly in height and weight as the British. In 50 years the average height has risen from 5 feet 7 14 inches to 5 feet 8J inches. j The average height of the criminal class is but o feet 5 4-5 inches. Patents Send no Money BHt a model or drawing with a description, and we will advise you. J. S. Duflie en C P ii Co., (Dept. A) Washington, J). C. tvE.C Do not come to our store to please ns, bat we are iler, yoa. ALLESINA'S ANTI-KUST UMBKhLLA FRAME, covered with nor own make of goods, wijl please you as you have never been Mrs. T. J. i Key-. s vn mm Mrs. T. Pelton. A NICE UMBRELLA is a fine Christmas present. JOHN ALLESINA, 809 Morrison St., opp. Postoffice. PORTLAND, ORE. POCKET! low chickens and healthy, contented Jowls. money to your pocket, the other means moner whinh mill .A Kn.. o J eea uraeebeck's Kee Producer nnd Health Food to the chickens-prevents mortality. Pullets begin laying when five or M w tw er cent, more eggs produced. Straai, Portland, Or. Coxar Aganta. than at any Jewelry Store in Portland. HOOSIER DRILLS Are best became they are thoroughly well made of best material. Are stronger and heavier than otnecs, hence more durable. The feed is absolutely accurate, reliable and positive, and will sow same quantity, Hp or down hill or on side hill. Hoosier Drills are cheapest because BEST. We keep full stock of repairs at princl. pal points in the Northwest. Catalogue free. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. First and Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, reotof Morrison Stress, Can give yon the' best bargain la Bnggies. Plows, Boilers and Engines, Windmills and Pomps and General Machinery. See as before baying. Local Agent Wanted WANTED A local agent in each township to sell oar up-to-date publications. Good remuneration and steady employment. Address, UNION PUBLISHING, CO., Room 10, Lewis Rldg., Cor. 8th and Morrison Sts.. PORTLAND, ORS. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. mm, Founded 187 O A Homo School for Boya Military and Manual Training ran form wpwsar moot, lie, 1UU1 Wrlto lor Hluatrated Oataloowo ...Columbia University... : Academic and Collegiate Halls. COURSES Classical, Literary, Bclentlfio and Commercial. For particulars apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, President, -University Park, Portland. Oref oa. I,, J I,