Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 10, 1901, Image 3

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To cover the cost of setting and dis
tributing the type in such matters, a
charge of fifty cents will be niide for
eauh "Card of Thanks," and five cents
per line for each set of ''Resolutions of
Condolence" appearing in these columns.
W. S. Gardner, Photographer
Call in and see Kline for Xmas
There will be a dance at Burnett's
Hall next Friday evening, Dec.
There will be a grand ball given
at Summit on the evening of De
cember 25th.
A full line of German, American
an 1 French china, either decorated
or plain- at Zierolf s.
Again we are indebted to James
Bier for a case of his delightful
soda pop. We don't know how we
would get along without James.
The home of Mrs. Elizabeth Ger
hard was the scene of a social gath
ering last Thursday evening. Games
and conversation were the features
of the evening.
Last Thursday, ' Sidney Trask
and wife arrived from their home
in Woodburn for a visit of a week
or longer with Mrs. Trask's parents,
Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses.
There wouldn't be much dancing
if it wasn't for the hugging. Al
bany Democrat. But would there
be less hugging if it wasn't for the
dancing? Eugene Register.
The query has been expressed re
garding the possibility of Corvallis
having a poultry show this winter.
Eugene will have e poultry show
that will last three days, beginning
on December 19.
J. K. Berry came very near
losing one of his eyes, one day last
week. He was running an emery
machine when a small bit of emery
stone struck him in the eye, neces
itating an operation.
The Cadet Battalion of O A C
will give another of their enjoyable
dances in the armory on the eve
ning of December 20th. A Port
land orchestra will be secured to
furnish the music on this occasion.
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. A.
Baurogartner arrived from Irving
ton, Washington. They were at
one time residents of this county,
but left here about twelve years
ago. They expect to remain here
during the winter. -
A few days ago W. O. and Chas.
Heckart, ot thin city, received a let
ter from a brother who is a practi
cal miner and is living in Wyo
ming. The writer stated that he
had just struck an exceedingly
rich deposit of copper.
ine Artisans ot this city are
planning to give a number of their
friends an evening of enjoyment
next week. This social event will
likely take place a week from to
morrow evening when a literary
and musical program will be given.
The Steamer Gray Eagle arrived
in Corvallis, Saturday. Mr. Miles,
of the C. K. Spaulding Co., was on
board in charge of the work of
gathering up some 2,000 logs that
were recently . lost from a large
drive and are scattered along the
Willamette. This is a loss of near
ly a million feet of lumber.
A gentleman who has some forty
odd head of cattle in the Big Elk
com try, made the statement a few
days ago that so far this season he
had not fed anything to his stock
The animals have run on the range
and no attention has been given
them and they are said to be in
good order.
A. W. Moses and family will take
up their residence in this city some
time this week. Mr. Moses is the
son of Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses
of this city. He arrived a few days
ago irom south uaKota. Me is a
very enthusiastic bandsman and
will take an active interest in mu
sical affairs in our city.
The board of school directors of
district No. 9 will be obliged to
Corvallis business men who have
little bills against the district if
they will not hold them so long, as
it makes it troublesome to keep
track of these little items. This
admonition is a rather startling
departure from 20th century meth
ods and should make a favorable
impression on those business men
who are lucky enough to hold little
bills against district ISO. 9.
Richard Scott, of Milwaukie,
president and Professor W. L. Kent.
of the Agricultural College at Cor
vallis, secretary, of the State Dairy-
men s Association, are preparing
an elobrate program for the State
, Dairy Association at Salem, on
January bth, 7th and 8th, during
the, noiding ot the Farmers' Con
gress. In Western Oregon dairy
ing has become an industry of great
promise and great interest will
likely be taken in the work of the
Association when it convenes. Many
prominent tspeakers will be in at
tendance, among whom will be
P.'of. G. L. McKay, connected with
the dairy department of the State
Agricultural College of Iowa, at
Ames, "
W.. A. Sanders, Jeweler. -Kline's
$10.00 Suits are good
ones. :
Get your umbrella fixed at The
Bicycle. Hospital.
Nice assortment of American cut-
glass at ZierolFs.
Born, Sunday, December 8, 1901,
to the wife of Chas. E- Small, a son.
Day lamps, night lamps, Langing
lamps, stand lamps, all kinds of
lamps at Zierolf 's.
It is a long time since there was
as much rainfall in one day as
greeted Us last Sunday.
I will offer for sale Blankie's 25c
Coffee, for 20c per pound in 50c
lots. One day only, Friday, Dec
ember 13th.
If you go to any other location
than ours you won't find our large
assortment of Xmas presents, jew
elry, toys, etc. W. A. Sanders,
Leading Jeweler.
Miss Mildred Linville is prepared
to fill holiday orders for burnt
work in wood and leather. Some
very pretty and artistic specimens
of this work may be seen at her
Yesterday Norton Adams began
the task of partitioning off a part of
Taylor & Smith's market so that it
may be used as an omce. When
done it will prove quite a conven
ience to the proprietors.
Attorney W. E. Yates returned
yesterday from attendance at the
fall term of circuit court for Lincoln
county. He reports a very small
docket there this term. The court
nearly finished everything on Sat
Miss Lula Sprngler sang "The
Holy City" at the Presbyterian
church last Sunday, and her rendi
tion of it was most highly spoken of
by those capable of judging. Miss
Spangler is always warmly received
when she can be persuaded to sing.
The recent storm occasioned a de
lay in the work of putting in the
sewer through the JLiee-JNoIan-jJavis
block. However, the work is nearlv
completed and a day or two of good
weather is all that J. H. bmith fe
Co. require to finish their contract.
Evangelist Burton's subjects at
the Christian church this week
are of unusual interest. Tonight,
The . Dead Line": Wednesday,
"The Unwilling Skeptic;" Thurs
day, "Divinity of Christ." Every
body is invited ito hear these
A farmers' institute will be held
at Toledo, Lincoln County, Decem
ber 18th and I9th. Dr. Withy-
combe, Professors Knisely and
Kent, and possibly others from O A
C, will attend and assist in making
the institute of material interest to
those who are present.
Three sailors that were rescued
from the bark, loaded with lumber,
at Yaquina last week went through
town on Monday.' They were out
at sea 8 or 9 days and drifted from
Gray's Harbor. Two of the parties
seem as well as any one while the
other is somewhat crippled. They
blame the tug boat captain with
deserting them.
The two burglars of Lincoln
county who have been held in the
Benton county jail, were arraigned
immediately upon their arrival at
Toledo last Saturday, pleaded guil
ty, and were sentenced to two years
each in the penitentiary. The
sheriff, J. H. Ross, passed through
Corvallis yesterday on his way to
Salem with these parties.
A boiler and some small mach
inery for the furniture factory ar
rived Friday evening of last week".
It is now being placed in position
in the Creighton building, and ar
rangements are being made to re
ceive additional machinery which
will arrive shortly. Messrs. Colton
& Gregory hope to have the factory
in operation early m January.
An effort is being made to reor
ganize the Corvallis Band with a
view to concert work. ; There is
talent enouth in sight to give as
surance of an organization of merit
if the boys take hold of the matter
in a business-like way. A well
-rendered program of concert num
bers would give pleasure to a large
class of people who reside in this
city and hope for the up-building
of the place.
A recent letter from Mrs. C. E.
Dentlar to relatives in this city,
conveys the intelligence that she
reached Manila safely October 14th.
Captain Dentlar arrived four days
later. They left shortly after for
the isle of Leyte, but Mrs. Dentlar
was uncertain as to how long she
would remain there. The natives
are most treacherous, and a guard
of soldiers is necessary at the Dent
lar home at all times.
Sheriff Ross, of Lincoln county,
came out from Toledo, Saturday,
and took Chris Taylor and J. F,
Robinson, who are charged with
having burglarized the depot at
Eddy ville, back with . him. There
being no county jail of sufficient
security in Lincoln county, the
prisoners were brought io Corvallis
for entertammant nntu the meet'
ing of the circuit court for Lincoln
county. Sheriff Burnett, ot this
county, accompanied Sheriff Ross
to Toledo. The latter is a witness
in a certain case that will have a
hearing. Circuit court is now in
session in Lincoln county.
Student Gorrell,- a -delegate irom
U of O to the Y. M. C. A. conven
tion in this city, paid this office a
a pleasant call, yesterday.
At its regular meeting last Sat
urday evening, Ellsworth Post, No.
19, G. A. R. elected the following
officers for 'the ensuing year: S
Chipman, post commander; W
Newton, senior vice commander;
Robert Campbell, junior vice com
mander; Levi Oren, quartermaster;
D C Rose, chaplain; O d Tresse,
officer of the day; Harvey Sargent,
officer of the guard; J W Ciawford,
representative to department en
campment; Robt Campbell, alter
nate. At the suggestion of the
Chamber of Commerce f Port
land, the First National Bank f
this city has been selected as the
depository tor this section of the
state, for contributions to the
McKinley Memorial fund. The
nam and postoffice address of
each contributor will be in the
archives of the National associa
tion and each donor will be fur
nished with a souvenir certifi
cate as evidence of his or her
participation in the work.
A quiet wedding took place last
Sunday at five o'clock in the after
noon at the residence of Mr. D. C.
Rose, this city. The contracting
parties were Mr. D. C. Rose and
Mrs. Georgie F. Stevens, both of
this city, Rev. Humbert officiating.
Mr. Rose has been in business in
Corvallis for many years and has a
host of friends and warm admirers,
while his bride is an estimable lady
who has endeared herself to quite a
large circle of friends. The Ga
zette extends congratulations and
joins a legion of mutual friends in
good wishes for the newly wedded
"There's many a slip betwixt the
cup and the lip." A good lady of
this city invited her minister to
take dinner with her last Sabbath.
On the day before she purchased a
"spring chicken" and early Sunday
morning she put it in the pot
Here it remained for more than
half a day. The good minister ar
rived the chicken was not doue.
After waiting a couple of hours the
good housewife concluded to give
up the idea of chicken and have
oysters instead. The chicken i3
still cooking and Dilley, "The Fix
er," says, that if all goes well it
will be done in season for dinner
next Sabbath.
A recital by the students of the
musical department of the Agri
cultural college will be given in the
college chapel next Saturday eve
ning. (Jnly members kol the class,
the faculty and the press have in
vitations to be present. The recital
is njt public, for the reason that all
those who appear upon the program
have not yet had the experience
necessary to acquit themselves as
creditably as is desired. However,
public appearance of the class
may be expected early in the
spring. The recital aaturday night
is not intended to be in anywise ex
clusive, but is merely a class re
hearsal in the presence of class
mates 1 and teachers. At the con
clusion ot the program an informal
reception will be tendered the
The annual convention of the
Young Men's Christian Associ
ations of Oregon and Idaho
which convened in this city Fri
day afternoon, closed its session
Sunday evening, and the dele
gates departed for their homes
Monday. Nearly zoo delegates
were in attendance, and the meet
ings were very enthusiastic and
productive of much good. The
program as outlined in Friday's
Gazette was closely followed.
The visitors speak in high terms
of the hospitality accorded them
by the citizens of Corvallis and
enthusiasm displayed by the
local organization in looking
after their welfare. ' -
Rev. F. L. Moore is suffering
from a severe attack of blood
poisoning. About a week ago,
he scratched ane of his fingers
on a nan, mating a siignt
wound. Little attention was
given it at first, but it refused to
heal and blood poisoning set in.
Several operations have been
performed, and -it was feared
that it might be necessary to am
putate his hand in order to ar
rest the progress of the desease.
faunday, Drs. Pernot operated
again, making an opening en
tirely through the hand near the
middle of the palm, and the
patient's condition now seems
greatly improved. - ' .
Whatever Pleases
Makes a good Christmas present. The
books, fountain peus, portmanteaus.
letter sets, and various other holiday
articles oa display at the Book Store are
certain to please.. Therefore, they will
make good Christmas preseuts. When
on a tour of investigation, don't over
look C. A. Gerhard. -
. Wonted.
Boy to use spare time tacking up ad
vertisements. Also an agent for the best
selling books published
W. B. Satteblee. .
212 Oak St., Portland, Or,
Hold What We Have.
The following item appeared
in a recent issue of the News
Herald, published at ML Vernon,
Wash. The Gazette man in
terviewed a member of the firm
mentioned, and was assured that
there was little likelihood of the
plant leaving this city. The ar
ticle, however, serves as a re
minder that while we are branch
ing out after new enterprises, we
must not permit those we al
ready have to slip away from us:
The proprietors of the Frank
lin Iron Works, of Corvallis,
Oregon, two of the firm now ini
this cityj have decided to remove
their works from the Webfoot
state to some place in Western
Washington, and after looking
the Puget Sound country over
pretty thoroughly, have about
come to the conclusion that Mr,
Vernon is the proper place to lo
cate. The Franklin Iron Works is
no mere plaything, but oae of
largest concerns of the kind
operating in Oregon. The firm
is prepared to do any kind of
work in its line, and our people
can readily see what an . institu
tion of this kind;, means to Mt.
Vernon, if the owners locate
W. H. Franklin, one of the
firm now in this city, will soon
have a proposition to offer the
citizens, and if it is a fair one
(which we have no doubt is all
right) our people should offer
him all the encouragement pos
sible, and assi: t in having this
company remove its works to
Mt Vernon.
County Court.
The commissioners' court for
Benton county convened in reg
ular monthly session last Wed
nesday. The grist of bills al
lowed was unusually large,
owing to the witness and juror
fees entailed on , account of the
recent session of the ciicuit court
for this county. The witness
fees for circuit coart amounted
to very nearly $400 and the jur
ors' fees to something like $450.
Here is between $800 and $900
added to the regular monthly
The matter of opening the
Quick-Decker road, near the
Gearge Mercer place, was con
sidered, but no action was taken.
The applications of Wm. Bar
clay, et al. tor relief from double
assessment was given attention
and the matter continued for the
term. ,
Action on opening of road
through lands of J. E. Thomp
son was postponed.
Bounties-were allowed Jessie
Brown, for one wildcat, and
Homer Lilly for a coyote scalp.
Each received $2.
Court adjourned Friday noon.
A Narrow Escape.
While driving a team across.
Marys river bridge just south
of town, last Friday, Frank Whit
aker came very near being in a
serious runaway. As he was
leaving the south end of the
bridge, a lady bicyclist passed
him and rode on to the trestle
sidewalk." His team took fright,
and with one lunge broke loose
from the wagon, and ran to the
corner of Cemetery street, where,
instead of keeping the road, they
plunged into the yard of Mr. F.
P. Morgan-, breaking down the
fence in two places. After fall
ing and struggling lor some
time, they dashed oa down the
main road, but coming to the
Mill race bridge one ot them
fell in the ditch, where they
were captured by Mr. Whi taker.
He was lucky in not having a
more serious accident.
Mrs. J. R. Bryson returned last
week from a brief visit at Tipton,
Iowa. ' ;. -
1. ' . :
D. Leigh Colvin, president of
the Intercollegiate Prohibition
Association, addressed the
students in college chapel yester
day mormng. Mr. Col via will
endeavor ; to establish a local
branch of the association.
Zip! Boom! Bee!
Here are We!
Holiday Opening!
Don't You See!
We will have our entire Hue of Fancy China and Holi
day Goods on display on that day. We have spared no pains in
making selection and spreading our table with thechoicest delicacies
of the season, and extend you a cordial invitation to come and par-"
tuke of the feast of Novelties. . .. s.
Additional Loc
Th-Black Cat.
W-are closing out all mackl'V
tchi-dat cost. Nolan & Callahan.
Zierolf carries a full line of
Heinz's condiments no more need
be said.
Overcoats, Overcoats, largest and
most select stock in town. - Nolan
& Callahan. ...
New .stock art squares, lounge
covers and rugs at Nolan &
New is the teason of the vear
n-en every bicyclist needs a mud
guard for his . wheel. Dilley "the
Mud guards put on your wheel
at the Bicycle Hospital. The best
and cheapest that can he had.
Reduf'ic;i8 on all . men's and
boys' e.-'.i.s, overcoats and mackin
toshes go at cost. Klines.
See our up-to-date line of shirts,
collars, neckwear, suspenders, fancy
hose, gloves, sweaters, etc., also
nice Xmas presents, at Klines.
Clocks, ' v
Jewelry, ' c
Silver Novelties
Albert 1 Metzger
. Watchmaker.
Oocldental Hotel Bldg.
Jardiniers, all
prices, at Zierolf 's.
varieties and
"Would you marry if suited? Send 10
cents for details, postoffice box G33,
Portland, Oregon.
Bargains in cloaks, wrappers, jack
etsand tailor-made suits at Nolan
& Calahan.'
A fine all wool black clay worsted
dress suit goo J weight and silk
sewed for $10 at Klines.
New line of 0 A C souvenir
dishes at Zierolf's.
Miss Mabel Cronise
Graduate of Chicago College
, of Music.
Teacher of VocaR. and Instru
mental Music.
Special Line of Street
Corner 3rd and Monroe Sts.
The Best Holiday Gifts.
Our Martyr Presidents
Their illustrious lives and noble deeds.
Their speeches and stories. The assas
sination scenes and a history of anar
chy. Beautifully Stampted Cover,
Contain the Medallion Photos
- 150
Grandest Century
A review of the events and achieve
ments of the past century, fully illus
lustrated; 600 pages, 7x9 - - $3.00
Life of Wm. McKinley
Interestingly written and fully illus
trated, - - - - -. $1.50
The Story of a Beautiful Life.
By Cannon Tarrar.
The Bible, story of Christ, interestingly
written and illustrated with 300 repro
dnctions of famous paintings.
Cloth Bound, 500 pages, - $3.00
Order by mail from,
Publisher's Agent, :
312 Oak St., Portland, Oregon.
For Sale Cheap.
Three : horses, - wagon, harness and
black-smith outfit. Iuquire of
W. Westfail,
Near C. & E. depot.
Our line of Holiday goods is
complete Zierolf.
Mr. Garrow and sons, Joseph.
and Wilbar, are home from Mc
Cloud, California, on a visit un.
til after the holidays. ..
kL't 4 -U
' hut. KHtrniu.UlM
S. L.
To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect
Summer Grazing Lands at Nominal Prices
The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchased 40,000 acres of the
Corvallis and Yaquina Bav Wagon Road lands, known as the "Coe Lands,"
have now placed them on the market.
These are unimproved lands situated iu Benton and Lincoln counties,
along the line of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best crazing and fruit
raising section of Western Oregon. J -
P ces: $1.00 to $4.00 perlAcre KEasv Terms. Perfect Title.
ISA. M DAVIS, "Agent!
October 7, 1901. Corvallis, Oregon.
J. 0. MANN & CO.
Buy Your Furniture where you can
have a Variety to Choose from.
For example, we have
8 different patterns of Combination Writing Desks and Book Cases
6 " " ! Ladies' Desks
12 : ", " ' Extension Tables
6 " " " Sideboards
15 " " " Dining and Kitchen Chairs
60 " c " ci t Rockers and Parlor Chairs
30 " " " Center Tables
40 ." " Bamboo Goods.
25 " " " Lounges and Couches
12. . " " " - Iron Bed
13 " " " Bed RoOm Suits;
17 " " ' " Odd Dressers
4 " . " " Kitchen Safes.
4 " " Chiffoniers
260 . Rugs and Art Squares
35 M " " Carpets
10 " " " Lnlium
120 " .." " . Wall Paper
A fall fine of Matting. Besides
Stoves of all kinds and Tinware
Granitewear and Everything in that Line, New
ann Second-Hand.
We are Headquarters for Window Shades, having recently
bought 150 dozen at ene order. Come and look us ever. No trouble
toshowgoedf. Prices guaranteed to be right. Nothing so nice
for a Xmas present as a piece sf furniture
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh, bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and g
nuts kept canstantly on hand.ffj Smokers supplies j
. ' a specialty,
H. W. HALL, Proprietor;"
.S?Job Printing . S
i&jCy at this office - - i&JC)
YOU could not buy anything
better for a Christmas pres
ent than one of our nice suits, or
an overcoat. We are still selling
all our men's and boys' clothing
' at a great reduction, and they are
going fast. And we have lots of
other things you want.
Largest line of Men's White
and Fancy Shirts in town; 50c
to $3.00.
. Fiae line of Neckwear, Sus
penders, Plain and Silk Handker
chiefs; 10 cents, up. SSISi
The great Black Cat Half-Hose
fpr Men and Boys; 10c to 35per
Come in and se what we have.
If you can't be pleased here,
thare is no use to go elsewhere. I