Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 03, 1901, Image 3

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To cover the cost of setting and dis
tributing the type in such matters, a
charge of fifty cents will be niide for
each "Card of Thanks," and five cents
per line for each set of "Resolutions of
Conioiente" appearing in these columns.
W. S. Gardner, Photographer
Call in and see Klinj for Xmas
There! is to be a social dance
given at Summit next Thursday
Just arrived at F. L. Miller's, a
large consignment of "Top Round"
Reductions on all men's and
boys' suite,, overcoats and mackin
toshes go at cost. Klines.
Miss Nellie Evans went to Al
bany, Saturday, to visit the bedside
of a cousin who is dangerously ill
with pneumonia.
Miss Kate .Gerhard, who has
been in Albany for many months
past, returned to her ' home in' this
city, last week, to remain. ,
Last Saturday, having been the
last day of the season for hunting
China pheasants, many of our
sportsmen took to the fields for a
final hunt.
A party was given, Thursday, at
the residence of J. M. Nolan. It
was in honor of Mr. Adam Wil
helm, of Monroe, and was a most
enjoyable affair.
The students of the 0 A C who
were scattered in various parts of
the state to sprmd their Thanks
giving holidays have nearly all re
turned and have resumed their
studies at the college. .
Word has reached us to the effect
that Brady Burnett, of this city,
now employed in the census de
partment at Washington, D. G.,
has had his salary increased to $1,
200 a year. There is no doubt that
Brady has merited the increase he
has received.
James Skip ton and A. L Head
rick arrived in Corvallie, Friday,
frorji Salem. The latter came up
for a brief visit with relatives, and
friends, but Mr. Skipton came Tip
for the purpose of buying horses if
he succeeded in finding any that
were suitable to his purposes.
Father Jurek, of this city, and
Father Cronkie, of Siletz, arrived
home on Thanksgiving day after a
two-weeks' visit ia San Francisco.
Father Jurek states that he enjoy
ed his outing very much, indeed,
and his looks indicate that his
health has been benefitted by his
A. W. Rose, who daring the past
year or more has been residing on
his plaoe near Chitwood, arrived in
Corvallis last week to remain dur
ing the winter, at least. Mr. Rose
disposed of his sheep before coming
out and let a party have his goats
on shares. "Cap" has many friends
in tni8 city wno will oe giau to nave
him remain here.
The last issue of the Homestead
contains a couple of half-tones of
the Benton County Prune dryer
the largest prune dryer in the world.
The pictures for the half-tones were
furnished bv W. A. Schmidt, of
Granger, and from the reproduc
tion, must have been unusually
fine. There w a nice little write-up
accompanying the illustrations.
There was a basket social given
in the Plymouth church Thanks
giving night and ten or fifteen young
people of this city attended. Supt.
Den man made an address on "Wil
liam McKinley, Our Martyred
President." His effort was highly
appreciated and did much toward
making the occasion memorable.
Those who were in attendance re
port a most enjoyable time.
George A. Houck, well known in
this city and county as a pioneer
goat raiser, has sold, during the
past 18 months, to parties residing
in Douglas, Lane, Benton, Lincoln
and Polk counties a total of 1760
grade does and wethers. He states
that so far this fall and winter the
the weather has been Very satisfac
tory and caused feed to be more
abundant than usual. He will
winter 1700 goats.
A. J. Johnson, the forestry ex-
pert, says in a recent article on
Oregon's timber resources: There
are billions of feet of lumber of the
smaller woods used for finishing
and cabinet purposes. The varie
ties are maple, myrtle, ash, black
oak, madrona, dogwood, wild cher
ry, yew, juniper, mountain mahog
any, . chinquapin, alder, willow,
birch, hawthorne. crabapple, bar
berry and mansanita.
George Denman, school superin
tendent of Benton county, and t
former Polk county boy, attended
the school district officers conven
tion in this city, Saturday, . and in
the afternoon delivered an excellent
address before that body. Mr
Denman is an enthusiastic, level
headed and practical worker in the
educational field, and is bringing
the schools of his county up to a
high grade of usefulness. He is
now serving his third term as
school superintendent of Benton
purity. Polk County Observer.
"W. A. Sanders, Jeweler." -
Kline's $10.00 Suits are good
ones. .. '.
Get your umbrella fixed at. The
Bicycle Hospital.'
Miss Ethel Kyle began a term of
school at Norton, Monday.
Prof. J. B. Horner, of the O A C,
made a trip over to Lincoln county
last week.
Miss Minnie Buxton returned to
Portland, Thursday. She holds a
position as nurse in a hospital. -
Ed Clark returned on the Friday
night boat from Newberg, where he
had spent bis Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Winn, of Al
bany, spent Thanksgiving in this
city, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J.
F. Yates.
See our up-to-date line of shirts,
collars, neckwear, suspenders, fancy
hose, gloves, sweaters, etc., also
nice Xmas presents, at Klines.
Miss Leona Smith, after spend
ing her Thanksgiving holidays with
her parents in this city, returned to
St. Helen's Hall, Portland, where
she will resume her studies, Sunday.
The work of the Corvallis pub
lic schools is being carried on in a
very satisfactory manner. The
enrollment is large; in fact, it was
found necessary to place additional
seats in one er two rooms.
During season for shooting China
pheasants it is stated that hunters
often jumped up large-eared rabbits.
some hunters declared the rabbits
to be Belgian Hares, while others
stick to the declaration that they
were jack rabbits of the regulation
The Charter Oak Mill Co. are
sawing from 3,000 t 4,000 feet of
oak lumber per day with their Sav
age Ureek mill. Air. Uberer re
ports that they have a ready mar
ket for their output at from $25 to
$30 per thousand feet, on the car.
The greatest difficulty they are ex
periencing is to seoure enough cars
for shipping their lumber.
The formal opening of the New
McClallen House, in Roseburg, will
occur on Wednesday evening, Dec.
11. M. Schmidt, formerly of this
city, is the proprietor, and to him
we are indebted for an invitation to
attend the banquet and grand ball
that will commemotate this occa
sion. Mr. Schmidt is an up-to-date
hotel man and his house will
be run in a first-class manner.
D. L. Keyt received hops at Cor
vallis last week. While there he
visited the O A C. The chief ob
ject of his visit being to familiarize
himself with their methods of con-1
ducting the dairy department. Mr
K.ey t is well pleased with the gen- i
eral management of the school and
acknowledges the .receipt of many
valuable suggestions i the science
and art of dairying. Independence
Bruce Burnett expected to leave
yesterday for Airly, where he is em
ployed with a surveying party. A
number of capitalists who possess
large tracts of timber in back of
Fall City intend running a railroad
from Borne point along the Yamhill
division of the S. P. R. R. to their
timber. Bruce states that several
surveys will be made aud that in
all probability the survey work will
last during the greater part of the
winter. " :. ;
In a recent letter from Los An
geles, California, J. H. Wilson, re
ferring to his wife's health, said:
"I don't know whether she is going
to improve under this climate or
not. I hope so. In some respects
she is not as well as when I came
down here first, in October. I hope,
however, that by early spring sne
will have so much improved that
we can return to Corvallis, occord
ing to my intention when I brought
her down here." Mrs. Wilson has
many friends in this city who hope
for her speedy restoration to good
health. :
Last Saturday J M. Cameron
exhibited some, raspberries at his
place. of business that were a sur
prise. They were picked from the
bushes in Mr. Cameron's yard in
this city a few days' ago and ar
ranged in a boquet of green leaves
and berries, the latter being in all
stages of maturity. Mr. Cameron
states that during the early part of
the summer, when the berries
should have ripened, his cow
got loose and made a meal off the
bushes. It seems that nature, in
this case, was not to be thwarted
and immediately . went to work to
produce berries on . those bushes,
with the above results.
A verv suceessful basket social
was held in the Plymouth churoh.
five miles west of Corvallis on
Thanksgiving evening by the mem
bers of the Congregational church
Several parties of Corvallis attend
ed. The program consisted of i
song by Mr. Geo. Cooper's two lit
tie girls and a recitation by Mable
Huff. Supt. Denman made the ad
dress of the evening. " The sum of
$20 was raised from the sale of the
baskets, which will be vsed toim
prove the chmch in the way of
painting the church and 1 carpeting
the isles. - Instead of selling the
baskets to the highest bidder, each
basket was sold according to the
weight of the maker. .One half
cent was allowel for each pound
that the lady making the said bask
et weighed.
Milton Morgan ' made a flying
trip to Forest Grove this week.
Eggs are 30 'cents in Corvallis.
This is somewhat in advance of
the price paid in .adjoining towns.
V Dr. Gross, who recently located
at Monroe for the practice of medi
cine, visited in Corvallis this week:
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wirtz left
yesterday for San Francisco, where
they will make there home for the
present. -'
Agent Thayer, of the O. R.& N.,
states that there is an abundauce of
freight for his company's boats at
present.; There are great quantities
of flour and wheat awaiting ship
ment. Mr. Thayer has found it
necessary to refuse to ship stock
for several parties, v
The lecture by Rev. Burton at
the Opera House. Friday evening,
is said to have been as good as any
which have been heard here in the
Star Coarse. The audience was a
large and representative one, and
they speak in highest terms of the
lecture and its delivery..
Mrs 8 L Shedd left last ThursH
day for Sacramento, in response to
a telegram calling her to the bed
side f her' little grand-daughter,
Miss May Fortsen, who was very
ill with diphtheria. A letter received
by Mr Shedd, yesterday, states that
the little ene is much improved.
' Frank Hurt is reported to be do
ing exceedingly well in his position
as shipping clerk at Ainsworth
dock, Portland. A few days ago
he checked a China steamer in and
out This is quite an undertaking
and requires considerable knowl
edge and great accuracy. He is
well spoken of by his employers.
Willis Vidito was out from Alsea
the last of the week. He returned
Saturday, in tompany with MiBS
Bray a niece of O. V. Hurt,
who will begin a term of . school
in that district. Mr. Vidito brought
out a couple of beets that weighed
15 and 20 pounds, respectively. A
cabbage, raised in this same vici
nity was . recently, presented to
Jesse Speneer. It tipped the beam
at 24 pounds.:; If you want to beat
the world for vegetables."" cabbage
on to a piece of land in Alsea. .
A. W. Moses and family are ex
pected to arrive soon from Minne
sota. Mr. Moses, is a son of Rev.
Mosei, ot this city, and visited here
some two years ago. .," He is in the
civil service, and . was then on his
way from Dakota, .where he had
been employed as teacher on the
Indian agency, to accept a similar
position on the Chipewa agency in
in Minnesota. He has spent the
last years in the school room.
and his health is completelv broken
down, with his family he will
probably take up his. residence in
The quality of hops that were
produced in Oregon this year has
been excellent. The greater part
of the crop has been shipped awav
and it is estimated that only about
10,000 bales still remain in the
state. "A quantity was recently
sold in Marion county and the
price paid was 11 cents. There are
still some fine hops in the state and
they will bring top prices, but
owing to the demand for hops be
ing pretty weft supplied, it is prob
able that no fancy prices will be-l
paid for the greater part of what
The new butter factory just
established here by the Corvallis
Creamery Company, began opera'
tion yesterday1 morning. Manager
Ktupisoh informs us that 2.000
pounds of milk and 800 pounds of
cream were received yesterday.
This Was put through the separator,
and this morning between 6W and
400 pounds of butter was
made ready for the market.
Here is an industry which promises
a sure and liberal source of revenue
to oar farmers and it should be
liberally patronized and heartily
' Additional Local.
The Black Cat,
We are closing out all mackin
toshes at cost. Nolan & Callahan,
Overcoats, Overcoats, largest and
most select stock in town, Nolan
& Callahan. ; - "
Big reduction sale, 20 per cent
discount on all goods. Fullington
& Horton. Cor. 3rd and Monroe
Sts. --.'--.;
New stock art squares, lounge
covers and rugs at' JNoian &
Callahan. - , "'.
Now is the teason of the year
when every bicyclist needs a mud
guard for his wheel. Dilley "the
Mud guards put on your wheel
at the Bicycle Hospital. The best
and cheapest that can he had.
A letter to the Oregohian, signed
"Frank Lacas," under date of Dec
cember 1st, shows the writer to be
in considerable doubt as to what
team from the Agricultural Collsg
appeared against the Normal school
team at Monmouth fast Thursday.
There should be no misunderstand
ioz about this matter. The second
team was holding the Normal
school cracks down to a 6 to 0 score,
while the first, team was piling up
17 points against Salem's 6. If the
boys from Monmouth itch for the
glory of a contest with the first
team from O A C. they should be
May Finish Tpday.
"The present session of the' cir
cuit court has already -proved
longer than has been necessary
in this county in a number of
years. - xNo time has been lost,
however, in the disposition of
matUrs demanding considera
tion. The session will probably.
close tonight.
In the case " of H. Mitchell
against Sheriff Burnett, the jury
found in favor of the plaintiff or
$167.50. This sum most be
made good by the : parties in
whose interest the attachment
was made. Mitchell has accept
ed the return of his team in lieu 1
of $107 of the amount, and
enough of the attached property
is in the hands of Stewart & Sox
to cover the other $60.50.
E, E. Norton, charged with
arceny of a buggy tongue, in
whose case the jury disagreed at
the last term of court, was found
'not guilty." -
The court dismissed the ac
tion for damages for breach of
contract brought by E. W.
Strong against the Charter Oak
Mill Co., leaving the parties to
pay the costs.
Charles Rose charged with
abstracting $5 from the purse of
Herman Urbo last Tune, while
the two were in the employ of
Gus Harding,; was given trial
Friday, and the jury, found
him guilty. Judge Hamilton
passed sentence Monday, placing
the penalty at two years in the
penitentiary, and Sheriff Burnett
left for Salem in the afternotn
in charge of the prisofter.
The case of J. B. Tillotson
vs A. wmlnelm Sc. aons, aetion
on contract, occupied the atten
tion of the court all day Satur
day and the greater portion of
yesterday, going to the jury late
in the afternoon. .
The New School.
Mrs. Julia M. DuMolion
closed a verv successful -term of
school in district No. 33, last
Friday. This is a recently or
ganized district on Soap Creek.
The progressive citkeos of this
neighborhood have erected an
excellent building, costing- not
less than $200. It is provided
with patent seats. The pupils
have made marked improvement
in their work - during the -past
terml The week ended with
closing exercises by the school.
The many recitations, songs,
quotations and other features of
the program were well rendered.
The pupils acquitted themselves
in a most credible manner Supt
Denman being present was asked
to present Walter Oleson with a
book as a reward for having made
more headmarks than any other
pmpil in the school. He having
tied - with Mrs. DuMoIion's lit
tle boy, they" drew for the same
and Walter was the luckier of
the two. These two papils only
missed five words during the en
tire term which is a remarkable
snowing. Mrs. uaMonon is
one of the cominfi teachers of
out county. . . :
Oregon's First Apples.
A paragraph is going the rounds
of the press which states that the
first apples' grown in this state
were sold at a dollar a piece and
were produced in 1853 from trees
that had been brought overland
by ex team and planted in 1847,
says The Dalls Chronicle. S. L.
Brooks, of this eity, takes excep
tion to this, and says that it is
not true. He remembers haul
ing apples with his father's team
in 18 ci that were raised by I. M.
Garrison at $4 a box. Mr.
Brooks farther says that the first
apples produced in the territory
of Oregon were from the seeds 01
four apples brought over from
England and planted in 1826 at
Vancouver bv P. C. Pamboarn,
Six years afterwards, in 183a,
the first fruit was picked from
this planting.
Real Estate Transfers.
C C Hartless to G H Wamsley
We will have our entire line of Fancy China and Holi
day Goods on display on that day. ' We have spared no pains in
making selection and spreading our table with thechoicest delicacies
of the season, and extend you a cordial invitation to come and par.
take of the feast of Novelties. , .
S of M for $375.
M 8 Durbin to T Glare C M
on stock $400.
L E Martin to M 6 Derbin S
of C M for $600.
C C Hartless te S Mills S of
M for $400.
M Barclay to J Barclay deed
Int in land near Monroe $2700.
W Westfall & C Collins to M
Elliott C M $100. -
C C Calloway to Aliance Trust
Co mort 320 a near Wells $1000.
State of Oregon .to F O Wil
cox deed 80 a near Corvallis.
$i6oL y t
Philomath College to A J
Jinkins, lot In Philomath; $70.
? John Smith to Lula S Wilson,
190 acres in t 12, s r 5 w; $3803.
E B McElroy to B Martin, lot
ia, Wells & McElroy's Add to
Corvallis; $274.
J A Hanna to M C Miller," lot
3, blk L, Avery's Addition to
Corvallis; $100. -
G W Howard to W I Price,
interest in 160 acres, sec 50, 1 14
t, r 7 w; $80. -
The revival at the Christian
church is deepening in interest.
Many conversions are reported.
Subject for Wednesday night is
"The Hereafter, or The Three
A letter received from Rev R. L.
Meiley, dated Baltimore, Md., states
that he has not recovered from the
severe cold he condtracted on his
way East. His mother's health is
much improved. He is packing
his library, and will notify the
church in this city when he will
return West.
Watches, '
Clocks, .
Jewelry, .' ;
Silver Novelties.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Hotel Bldf.
"Would you marry if suited? Send 10
cents for details, postoffice box 633,
Portland, Oregon. : '
Bargains in cloaks, wrappers, jack-
etsand tailor-made suits at Nolan
& Calahan. ,
A fine all wool black clay worsted
dress suit cool weight and silk
sewed for $10 at Klines. ,
The Best Holiday Gifts.
Our Martyr Presidents
Their illustrious lives and noble deeds.
Their speeches and stories. The assas
sination scenes and a history of anar-
Beautifully Stampted Cover,
Contain the Medallion Photo.
Grandest Century
A review of the events and achieve
ments of the past century, fally illus
lustrated; 600 pages, 7x9 - - $3.00
life. .ol Wm. McKlnley
Interestingly written and fally illus
trated, - - .- , - - $1.50
The Story of a Beautiful Life.
By Cannon Tarrar. -
The Bible story of Christ, interestingly
written and illustrated with 300 repro
ductions of famous paintings.
Cloth Bonnl, 500 page., - - $3.00
. Order by mail from,
Publisher's Agent.
312 Oak St., Portland, Oregon.
Th Hem.
Cackle, cackle, Plymouth Bocks, .
Ye can havethe wagon box,
, 'N' the smokehouse, 'n' the barn. .
Take 'em we don't car. a darn.
Cackle here and cackle there,
Lay your eggs just anywhere.
Everv time ye lay an egg,
Down the mortgage goes a peg.
Cackle, cackle, all the day,
Who kin find a better way
Fer to git ahead again -.Thai
to cultivate the hen?
New York Tribune.
are We!
Holiday Opening!
; Bon't You See!
S. L.
Manufacturers of allkinds of
R ogh and Dressed Fir Lumber
' Corner of 5th andlWashington Streets.
,; Fr prices enquire at yards or'address the company at Corvallis
or Philomath, Oregon.
$Zdr& at this
To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect
aummu. uraz 133 Lands at INominal fnces
The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchased 40,000 acres of the
Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road lands, known as the "Coe Lands,"
have now placed them on the market
These are unimproved lands situated in Benton and Lincoln rnnnHpn.
along the line of the Corvallis & Eastern
raising section of Western Oregon.
Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre. Easy Terms. Perfect Title.
M. M. DAVIS. Ao-ent
October 7, 1901.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
,"" - -THE--- &
Pioneer Bakery
1 Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and 1
nuts kept canstantly Jon hand. Smokers supplies P
:1 ' a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
Miss Mabel Cronise
' Graduate of Chicago College
- of Music.
Teacher of VocaU and Instru
mental Ntusic.
Fresh Fish,
Chinook salmon at 6 cents per pound,
Silver salmon 5)4 cents per pound by the
100 pounds, ready for family use. Leave
orders at Farmers Hotel, or address
A. A. McCleaby,
" , Waldport, Or.
No relief for 20 years "I-had bron
chitis fortwenty years," said Mrs. Min
erva Smith, of Danville, 111., "and never
got relief until I used Foley's Honey and
Tar, "which is a sure cure for threat and
lung" diseases." Sold by Graham & Wor
tham. ....
1000 R. R. men at $2.25 and $2.50 per
day, 100 barkers at $2.00 per day, 15
buck era at $2.00 per day, 20 swampers at
$2.00 per day, 50 teamsters at $35 par
month and board, steady work, wood
choppers 80 cents to $1.10 at H. H. Hig
leys Employment office, No.185 Morrison
St Portland Oregon. .
Foley's Honey sad Tar
forchUdren,safe,sure. No opiates,
TrOU could not bay anything
I better for a Christmas pres
ent than one of our nice suits, or
an overcoat. We are still selling
all our men's and boys' clothing
at a great reduction, and they are
going fast. And we have lots of
other things you want V
Largest line of Men's White
and Fancy Shirts in town; 50c
to $3.00.
Fine line of Neckwear, Sus
penders, Plain and Silk Handker
chiefs; 10 cents, up.
The great Black Cat Half-Hot 2
fpr Men and Boys; 10c to 35c pt r :
Come in and se what we have.
If you can't" be pleased here,
the is no use going elsewhere.
railroad, in the best grazing and fruit-'
Corvallis, Oregon.
Special Line of Street . .
Comer 3rd and Monroe Sts.
Parties to cut oak and ash wood from
now on, and during next fall and winter.
The work must be done neat and clean, -and
; wood cut eyea . length, closely
trimmed and honestly corded. Apply to
M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers compel your liver and
bowels to do their duty, thus giving you
pure, rich blood to recuperate your body.
Are easy to take. Never gripe. Gra
ham Je Wells,
Far in for Sale.
R. B. Blodgett ofiers for sale his 570
acre stock farm, one-half mile from Blod
ett, Oregon. ' . -
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.