Somt Dlitlnctlon In That, Don't let my refusal of your pro posal embitter you, Mr. Simpkins. He Oh, not all. After all, it is something to have been rejected by a firl who owns a $500 dog. Detroit ree Press. Nothing New in That. "You can't dispute the miracles In the Bible, man. Why just consider the raising of Lazarus!" "Humph! I've seen people raised that have been dead longer than Laz arus. Why my wife raises Cain every day!" Denver. Times. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 15th. A Medical authority says: "In many families throughout the world Garfield Tea often takes the place of the family physician, for practically everyone suffers at times from disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels. Certainly from no other medicine can such eood results be obtained. This Herb remedy snakes people well, thus greatly increasing their capacity for enjoying tue. u is gooa tor young ana oia. The Cheerful Wight "Yes, he's always happy when he's hunting for wort. " "What a cheerful disposition And is he never discouraged, never sad?" "Only when he finds it." Phila delphia Press. Beaker men the Brotherly Assistance, - Rodrlck They saw that was held up by masked other night. Van Albert Tes; it was at the mas auerade ball. If they hadn't held him up he'd never got home. Chi cago Daily News. Washington may be had by reading the report of W. D. Mitchell, who had the 676 acre farm of the. Mitchell estate, one mile east of Colfax, leased during the past year. . On 330 acres Mr. Mitchell produced -20, 754 bushels of grain, an average of 63 bushels to the acre. The gram was divided as follows : 6,041 bushels of wheat, 5, 234 bushels of barley and 9,470 bush els of oats. He also raised 200 sacks of potatoes, 140 sacks of onions, three tons of cabbages and other vegetables. including $64 worth of melons soul to Colfax citizens. He sold $280 worth of hogs, $824 worth of milk, $210 worth of calves and $40 worth of pears. There are now on the farm about 60 tons of prunes, worth $8 per ton at the dryer or $5 per ton on the tree, which is net proht, the buyer picking and hauling the fruit. The total value of the products " of this farm this season will reach $9,235. Lone live the King! The Kins is Wizard Oil; Pain his enemies, whom he conquers. Rather Serious. Wife I had to get a policeman to put out the cook. Husband Gone, is she? "Oh. no. He proved to be her be3t fellow, and they're both waiting for you in the back hall. Life. The Difference. Pater You are very forward, sir, In dot day the .voune man waited until he was asked to call. Young Man Yes,and now he waits until he's asked not to call. Good Reason. Arthur Has the widow given you any reason to hope? Chester Yes; she told me last night that I reminded her of the only husband she had ever really loved. Permanently Cored. No fits er nerronsnesi a.a.4a MIS' after flrst uy's nteof Dr. Kline's Great Nerrt Beetorer. Send for FRBES'J.OO trial battle and treat, lea. Sa.B. H. Kukk. Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa Far Sighted. Little Girl Please, mamma, can I hold the baby for awhile? Mother No, dear; you're too lit tle. You'd let him fall. Little Girl Well, mamma, Can I have him when he's worn out? Sure lie Knew Best Mamma Dora, your father says that that young man of yours, Mr: Hartt, is deceiving you. Dora But he isn't mamma, for I asked him, and he said he wasn t Of course he knows better than papa, WANTE D i Every man, woman and child snPer- ling with colds, asthma, croup, pneu- Jmonla or consumption to write us. American Lung Balm Pad Co.,Cuatlanouga 'ienu. ' His Great Anxiety. Athlete Did I break it, doctor? Doctor I will be plain with you The arm is broken, the collarbone crushed, the skull is fractured Athlete No, no, no! The did I break the , "What?" "Kecord?" Tid-Bits. Depressed. "I am afraid Bliggins has met with reverses. "What makes you think so." ... "He goes about with a gloomy look. saying there is no such thing as dis- ' interested friendship. That is almost a sure sign that a man has : been try ing to borrow monej. Exchange. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consiimntion lived my life three years aso. Mas. Thos. xiobbins. maple street, Durwum, is. 1. Feb. 17,1900. AH Servants Alike. Towne I could never understand why political officeholders are called public servants. Browne Why not? Towne Because they are really our bosses. : .Browne Well, 1 guess you never kept house, did you? Philadelphia Press. Not Unusual. "' May Have you heard of Clara hard luck? Belle No. What is it? "Now that they are married they have to retrench awfully to 'make up the money he wasted while courting her." Life. ' Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth, Ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their - A Fantasy Floored. Scribbs I'm getting up a fetching article on "How Men Carry Their Umbrellas." Mrs. . Scribbs Huh! Men don carry their umbrellas ; they lose their " umbrellas and borrow other peoples. Chicago Record-Herald. Wanted Newer, Truer Maxims. Mr. Schermerhorn I hope you V .1 ! i 1 , , . iiau biie new gin vitaui up tne nans, Lobelia. You know "A new broom weens clean." Mis. Schermerhorn (wearily) Not in this instance. She said sLe wasn't going to clean up any of our former it. Jr. .a T i i n i gin s uirt. Druumyn j,agie. The Hour Wat Late. Now " McBrane has more good sense than anyone I know " con tinued Mr. Staylate. "I tell you, he s the coming man." "If he has all the sense you say, remarked Miss Peppery, making an effort to suppress a yawn, "I should think he would be the going man at this hour." Philadelphia Press. PACIFIC COAST NEWS AND COMMENT REPORTS OF INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN OREGON, WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA AND IDAHO. ". Down on a Palouse Farm. A good idea of what can be done on To Cut Tall Timber. Articles incorporating a railroad farm in the Palouse country of company to operate in the timber in Millions in Talc. - A recent incorporation is the Dar- rihgton Talc Company, that has been the western part of Polk county and Lincoln county, Oregon, have been filed with the county clerk in Multno mah county and with the secretary of state at Salem. The authoiized cap ital is $100,000, and the 'corporate name is Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Company. The articles re cite that tbe object is to acquire, con struct and equip railroad, telephone and telegraph on a route to be desig nated later between Salem, in Marion county, and the mouth of the Siletz river, in Lilcoin county. This would be over a distance of about .75 miles, most, of which would be through val uable timber. The main object of this corporation is to provide an out let for the fine timber on the hills back of Falls City. The intention is to xtend the new line as the saw mills shall ea into the timber, cross ing the coast range and penetrating the Siletz country. . It will be a standard gauge railroad fine Cinnabar Ore. The discovery of mercury in Pay- in minntifiia in tVl n TLXanAnTwrn Aia. formed for the purpose o opening up eafjt of Grant,s 0re.( has and developing five full sized talc claims located in the White Horse mining district, about three miles from the town of Darrington, Wash. ' The surface showings are particularly good, with indications of a large de- caused much activity in that section. Many claims have been located and are being worked, and many thou sand dollars' worth of cinnabar ore have been removed from the mines. while the work of development and Portland" Woolen Mills. posit of pure talc. Commercial talc .discovery goes on without abatement. is used in the manufacture of paper, Tom a small noie on tne Hayneia of soap and of different - lubricating claim $4000 worth of cinnabar ore materials. It is also used in dressing was removed a few days ago. The fine leather for shoes, gloves and book """"" K . -t, . '.(.; u" best grade of cinnabar ever found in binding. Toilet preparations, such nr.n. DTW, , H . j I j , , v v0waa.. huu aa MJ nu AUVS V as iace puwuer, giuve powuer, . iuui eiei oa the" Pacific Coast. THiwiiKr. navfi inr inmr nnsiH niir The value of crude talc, as it is quar- via1 fwwvt tltA wiiita roniToa fiitm 4Q f r $30 ner ton Preparations are being made to cel- .- . " 1 ... U iUUlllllJ U 11 11 1, IU1 1. 1 11 J L Shin Direct to New York. the Portland-Woolen Mill. It is ex- An innovation in Puget sound ship- Pected that the mill will be In opera- ping is projected by the American ,n some time m tne montn or ue- .. ' . ,. icember. Machinery, under the di- Hawanan Steamship Company, ! reckon of Superintendent Huber, is which, in December, will dispatch rapidly being placed the big steamship American from Tacoma and other Puget sound ports with cargo for New York direct. Tbe , . . . , , . WO E "11 LJ ,-, 1. I. V1V111. 11 1111 11, I111U 1,111 American will be the first steamship employment to nfty operatives, io route a cargo irom jruget souna io eluding men and women, .mew lorKciiy. rsetween csan Fran cisco and New York- considerable freight is shipped by sea, but none has been shipped from Tacoma direct. A cargo of salmon of 2,000 tons will be taken as a beginning. The machinery from Dallas mill is being installed as far as it will go, and coriderable new material, is befng used. It will be a six-Bet woolen mill, and will give in- Big Mining Deal.' A mining deal involving the sum of $275,000 has been recently ; closed in the sale of the Belle and Crown prop- i erty, at Silverton, Wash., in the Still aguamish district, by Seattle . parties to Eastern capitalists. The property is located about a mile and a half south of the Stillaguamish river and is on the big contact or mother lode vein which has made famous the district in which it is located. It is a gold, copper, silver proposition. v New Bank for Vancouver. Arrangements are being made for the-organization of a National Bank in Vancouver, Wash., to . take the place of .the First National Bank, which suspended last April. - The preliminaries have been arranged and application has been made to the Con troller of Currency for authority to establish the new bank. The new bank Is to be known as the National Bank of Vancouver. The capital stock will be (50,000. . Skyscraper for Seattle. Plans are being made for the erec tion of a new ten-story hotel in Seat tle. It will be located on the Russell property at the corner of Third ave nue and Cherry street. The building will be ten stories high and con structed entirely of stone. It will be equipped with every modern conven ience. - . - Shipped for Everett. D. Jarvis & Son, who for . several years have operated a shipyard in Stockton, Cal., have secured a site on the Snohomish river, near Everett, Wash., and will open a big shipyard. The firm has been engaged -in ship building for jears in the Stockton channel. '- North Pacific Trade. The Globe Navigation Company, of Seattle, at a meeting in Syracuse, N. Y., voted to build three vessels . for use on the Pacific , in addition to the two now under construction. New Industry for Eugene. E. E. Chapman & Son have com pleted arrangements for the establish ment of a new planing mill, sash and door factory in Eugene, Ore. They have purchased the machinery foi merly used in the old Dysinger mill. They intend to greatly, enlarge the plant in the spring. The bonus of $8000 asked by H. D. Wagnon for the establishment of a three-set woolen mill in Eugene is in sight. The so liciting : committee has secured pledges amounting to $7500, leaving less than $500 yet to raise. Small Town Big Pay Roll. A conservative estimate places the payroll of the lumber industries at Centralia, Wash. , at $25,000. From the sawmills the payroll is about dou ble what it "was -last year, and with the shingle mills it has been more than double that of last year. The daily cut for the four Centralia shingle mills is 430,000 per day, .or enough to sningle over one square acre of ground. There is also about 210,000 feet of lumber cut daily by the saw mills when In operation.: vV.-; Will Develop Oil Lands. A syndicate has been formed at Baker City, Ore., to develop a large tract of land in the Malheur County oil district. Salisbury's Souvenir. A peculiar souvenir Is kept In Lord Salisbury's historic home at Hatfield. It is a stone, -over a pound in weight, with which the window of Lord Salis bury's carriage was smashed at Dum fries on Oct. 21, 1884. His two daugh ters were seated with his lordship In the vehicle, but fortunately all three es caped uninjured. Lord- Salisbury had on that occasion delivered the last of a series of speeches In Scotland. Street Cars for Walla Walla. " The City Council of Walla Walla, Wash., has passed an ordinance granting a franchise to build and op erate for 25 years an electric street car line in Walla Walla. The right to build in any and all streets is prac tically granted. Grantees may' use single trolley or other electric sys tem. ' .- In A Valuable Ditch. The dredger which is engaged egging the Olympic Marsh drainage ditch west of Sedov-Wooley, Wasn, has nearly completed its contract so far as the Olympic ditch Is concerned, When completed the ditch will have cose upwards of $30,000. - -: Spuds and Spuds. When it only takes 35 potatoes to fill a sack they are considered pretty good sized spuds, and the ground that yields potatoes of that size lieo adja cent to Arlington, Wash.' The yield per acre of potatoes is over 600 bushels. -.. r Oranges for New York. The first carload of 1901 oranges to leave California was shipped October 27 from Porterville to New York, The car was appropriately decorated aa it was a record ' breaker for that state. " How Could It Be Expected 7 Ton Bald," asserted the Irate cus tomer, "that this, tonic would make hair grow." 1 did," admitted the clerk. The customer removed his hat and showed a head as smooth aa a billiard ball. "I've been using that tonic for three months," h said. . "Oh, that's all right," answered the clerk, promptly. "You have no hair to grow. If you had the tonic would work all right What more can you expect?" Chicago Post , "WHeTi "tne 'BTnr Hnines during a rain, is it a sign that the devil is getting mar ried, or is it a-sign that the devil is hav ing a party? : We have heard ; both stories. :. ' - . Peach cobbler is the sixteen-year-old girl of the pastry family. r A shirt waist is made for men, but we'd just like to see a man wear one. "When a thing sells for 15 cents, you ought to get two for a quarter. - ' MaupKa tne xnievea Flngera. A merchant baa hit upon a novel method of protecting his cash box from marauding lingers. He sprinkle the box with a powder which has the pe culiar effect of dying the skin blue, the color being merely intensified by wash- ins;. ' - . ." . . ' A woman in love Is more or lees fool ish, but she never finds it out to long as tbe man is good to her. " The most severe critics old-fashioned people have are girla between 12 and ;u years ox axe. . M w!e - :."V, MMil - j -mrfuu . Tainl ill mrr srr 9trsimxreo. - fouxajH ft. jm ues. MATCH SOX . . " esnes. riSTERWOlMAtl (PLUG SMOKING.) D RU LI r.1 0 N D Natural Leaf 'PLUG SMOKING.) "flOBBYSPUfi ROU" "PIPER HIIBSM "BO'dtjAGR" "OLEVARiSIRr (PLUG SMOKING.) 0LD.RKCH &-K0HET "E. Rice, Oreenville." J. T.," "Good Luck," "Cross. Bow," Old Honesty," Brandy wine," "Jolly Tar," "Standard, Navy," "Planet," "Nep tune," " Razor," "Tennessee Cross Tie," "Granger Twist." o (Two " Granger Twist " tags being equal to one of others mentioned.) TAOS MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECUR1NO PRESENTS. Our new illustrated o CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 will include "many articles not shown here. It will contain the most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags, and will be sent by mail on receipt of postage two cents. r (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, .1902.) Our otter of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1902. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. - - Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages containing Tag, and send them and requests for Presents to C. Hy. BROWN, 4241 Fotsom Ave., St. Louis, Mo. TOOL 4tK ML. MO U4S. ant otm' nujuttu 10 tack . 0Bnuttvarvic cvrnucet. mm mutt Tuotto: ttueo- sue stttu Hotorr to iass, J'l ' .' 'SO SAir amo mnw oer. rsrM wttto UOAtT n taps mAavt. wson tow, SIX I tCK. imnrs ahb rents. sisnaw , MAHBltS. 3 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. : COURSES Claatical, Literary, Scientlflo and Commercial. . For particulars apply to . REV". E. P. MURPHY, President, - University Park, Portland, Oregon. OREGON-. PORTLAND. St, Helen's School for Girls. Thfrty-third year. Commodious bnlld . lngs. Modern equipment. Academic and college preparatory conrses.- Spe cial courses in music and art. Bins, trated catalogue. All departments will : , reopen September 16. MISS ELEANOR TEBBETT8, Principal. ' Local Agent Wanted - WANTED A local agent in each township to sell our up-to-date publications.- Good remuneration ., and steady employment. Address, UNION PUBUSHINO, CO.; - , Room 10, Lewis Bldg., Cor. 8th and Morrison Sts.. PORTLAND, ORE. (:ioec isaliCoC All C!E till 5 VUnLV II 1 1 L II a. rM MM, inikvi BflH trOUffii syrup, j msuae uouu m vi tne gom py uiukkkv v" i 1 , Climatic Courage, : "The Chinaman," remarked the Orientalist, "is one of the meekest, self effacing people in the world." "Oh, I don't know" answered Tthe friend who is always doubtful. "The Chinaman is the only person 1 know of in this hot weather who isn't afraid to go out in public ihjhis pajamas." Washington .Evening Star. - A Jewel. '.f. '-. Mr. Gooph I tell you, Blithersby's wife is a jewel. - c ... ,j Mr. Whooph Is that soT -, Mr. Gooph I should say so. Why, he went fishing yesterday and came home with an empty jug, " a can of salmon and two salt mackerel, and she complimented him on hi luck. - Optimistic "No," said the business man, "I never lie about ' my - business. It doesn't pay." r " : S 1 ; "But how about your advertising man?" -; - - - " , - At this he became thoughtful. ; "He describes the bargains and opportunities as" he sees them," he replied. "If he has a failing, it is optimish nothing more." Chicago Post.. - , " - A Boy's Grit A Swedish boy fell out of a window and was badly hurt, but- with clinch- jed lips he kept back tbe cry of pain. ' mi i; , ...... ' ins King, Augustus : Aaoipnus, - who saw him fall, prophesied that the boy would make a man for an emergency. And so he did, for he became the fam ous General Bauer. . - . Why Pay High Prices? For WATCHES, DIAMONDS and JEWELRy when you can buy un-- redeemed pledges for Amount of Money Loaned with interest at the Portland Loan Office, 'VoSIf SSLW New Jewelry at 40 per cent, lower than at any Jewelry Store in Portland. I At His Tailor's. -. "It's a magnificent suit, sir." "Yes. What a pity I don't fit it." Indianapolis News. ' ' life'. HOREJHAN HALP ACENMY OFEXPCRlEKCft AND GUARANTY ARC BACK OP EVERY WAT&RPROW CIWW SLICKER OR COAT CEAHN6 THIS TBABt MAHl ON SLS EVlRmrlBrB" BEWARE Or IMITATIOfUl CATALOGUES PRES.., SHOWING FULL LIKS i OP fiARM&NTS AND rMOt- A.J.TOVyEgCOB03T0N.HAgS.4i Summer Resolutions . iieeley Cure TAKE ItiJt fee re rallaf son llqaor, opiam and toDaooo babita, Band lor partieoian to . Keeley ;. Moved to 420 WIIIlra4 inSlllUlB, A.. Portland, Oregon. , N. V. . tl. No. 47 190t. w UN writing t dTOtlsex plosi f THE STAR OF STARS V - STEEL lsa SI Alt war' a MILL. Has ball bearlnt? In turn-table. Turns freely to tbe wind. Bail bean: thrust In wheel, lnnrfn lightest ranning qualities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. ?m together with galvanized bolts, double-nutted; no part ean rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perfect regulation. No spring to change tension with everv change of temperature, and grow weaker with age. Repairs always on nana. These things are worth money to you. .: Then why not buy a STAR? - - MITCHELL. LEWIS A ST AVER CD. PORTLAND, OREGONs JOHN POOLETPortlmmL Orezon, . root of Morrison StrsM. Can giro yon the best bargains in Bridies. 'los. Boilers s.ii'1 KiiiguitiH, Win-'m'ills and Pitmos an 1 (Tnei-i Machinery. See us before buying. Patents Send no Money Bat a modpl or drawing wlih a dwrii,t.i. and we'will advl yi.n. J. S. Uiiftie RnniJ & Co., (Dept. A Washington, i). C.