THE-WILIS GAZETfE. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1901. To cover the cost -of Betting and dis tributing the type u snch matters, a rharge of fifty vents will be nude for eav.h "Card of Thanks," and five cents per line for each s net of "Resolutions of Con ioleuce" appearing in these columns. LOCAL NEWS. W.S. Gardner, PhotosraDher E. R. Bryson was doing businena -in Albany the latter part of the week A. Wilhelm, Sr., of Mouroe is at tending circuit court in,, this city this week. Attorney N. M. Newport, of Al bany, was in the city on legal busi ness yesterday. . l San Thurston, one of 0 A C's former, gridiron veterans, is now coaching the Monmouth Normal school team. Supt G. W. Den man returned Sunday from Dallas, where he de livered an address before the teach ers institute held in that city last, week. Attorney W. E. Yates returned Saturday from Canyon City, where he appeared aa counsel in some im portant legal matters in the circuit court for Grant county. ... E. N. Kiger is in from Alsea, to be present during the hearing of a case before the circuit court in which he is interested. J. E. Tay lor, a witness in this case, is also in in the city. James Smith, better known as "Jimmie the cook," dropped dead in Eugene last week. . tie was pret ty well known in Corvallis, having been employed as cook at the 0 A C at one time. Manager ; Kaupisch informs us that the new butler factory will be gin operations next Monday. Its capacity is about 2,000 pounds per day but, for the present its output will be about zUU pounds. Walter B. Wiles, of Anaconda, Mont., and Mary Jfilnora Snonkwu ler, of Salem, were married in Sa lem, at the home of R. M. Davis son, 664 Court street, on Wednes-I day, November 20. Rev. William S. ; Gilbert, of Portland, officiated. The Jire department, was called out in a pelting rain Friday after noon about two o'clock, but its ser vices were not needed. A blaze at the Thorp borne in Job's Addition was the cause of the alarm, but it was extinguished almost as soon as it was discovered. ,: Josiah H. Herroa and Miss Let tie Edwards were married at the home of the bride's parents near ..Junction, November 20th. The groom is one of the substantial young farmers of near Monroe and the bride is the daughter of I. N. Edwards, one of the influential fanners of Lane county. F. J. Oberer, of the Charter Oak Mill Co., came up from Airlie, Fri day. He reports that his company is having great difficulty in secur ing cars to ship their lumber. They have no outlet by river, and the railroad company's failure to move their product promptly has caused them much concern in tilling orders. Mr. U. N. Williamson, of Fair- mount, was in the city Monday at tending court. Mr. Williamson is being urged to come out as a candl date for the legislature before the next republican- county con vention. He is a pioneer citizen of Benton county and bis friends be lieve he is well qualified to fill such a trust. A little Jersey heifer was born out at the Agricultural College last Saturday night, that is said to be the finest bred animal of this breed in the United States. Every ani- real on tine college farm is register ed or eligible to registration. A bunch of sheep belonging to this in stitution is believed to be the finest in the world. . W.A.Sanders, Jeweler. ilKlineV $10.00 ' Suits are good ones. . ' Get your umbrella fixed at .The Bicycle Hospital... :; Miss Julia Warrior left Saturday for A short visit in Portland I. Russel Wvatt an attorney of AM my was in the city Saturday. Miss Maggie Whitaker returned yesterday from a few days, visit in Portland. Mrs. Anna McCune of Shedd vis-r ited at the home of her mother, Mrs McLormack the first of the week. The Yaquina Bay News is highly indignant because the Gazette has credited items from its colnmns to a contemporary. Cite the instance, Brother. Lets see- the indictment. Among the pupils of Mr. Hidden to appear in the violin recital last week in the Marquam theatre in Portland was Miss Leona Smith, of this city, who is studying music in the metropolis. Evangelist Burton's subject for Tuesday evening is "What is Christ to Me." Wednesday eve ning, "The Heart of the Gospel.," There will be afternoon services on Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:30. This afternoon, Mrs. J F. Stei- wer will entertain the ladies of the Reading Club at 'her residence in thiH city. Great preparations are being made for this occasion and delicious refreshments will be served. .. ' A letter from China states that Miss Winifred Miller who is with her parents, Counsel and Mrs. H. B. Miller, had been very ill and for some time her life was despaired of, but when the letter was written she was out of danger. Kenneth Miller is expected home on the Transport Sheridan, which will probably be before Christmas. - - I Dr. M. M. Davis, came in from the valley Tuesday night accompanied by N. P. Peterson, recently travel ing auditor for the Peavey-Elevator company, with headquarters; at Lyons, Nebraska.." Mr. Peterson is temporarily located at Corvallis, but is inspecting Lincoln county and may find something that suits him. Here s hoping.Leader ; : Fourteen hundred - and seventeen patients representing twenty eight na tionalities and twenty seven religions beliefs and no belief were ministered to by the Good Samaritan . House of Mercy during the year ending May 31st 1901. Has it not a claim upon the lib erality of "all who profess and call them selves Christians.'' C. MacLian. Ph. D. Mr. Gibson arrived Saturday with his family from Dixon Nebras ka. They were accompanied by the family" of a gentleman from Laurel, in the same state. This gentleman is expected to arrive to day with a carload of furniture and household effects. Mr. Gibson is a contractor and builder and was en gaged in this business for years3 Michigan . v A SNAPPY CONTEST. Bit iHssFlatterifig '.. Report. Rev. Frank L. Moore pastor, of the Methodist, church, has been granted a three months' leave of absence in which to complete his course at mew Theological Semi nary, at Madison, N. J. Professor B J. Hoadley, of Willamette Uni versity, will fill the pulpit of the Methodist church during the Rev. Mr. Moore s absence." The weddihgof Mr. Eugene Wirtz and Miss Blanche Small is to oc cur at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Small in tnis city, tomorrow evening at 9 o'clock. The cermony will be performed by Bey. Mrs. Ella Hum i i. mi. Den,, ine young couple may re main in uorvains for a few days but they intend making their residence in Oakland, Calif., for the present, at least. ft -.1.1.' 1 .11 . . a roooery wnica Das just come to light, occurred m this city sever al nights ago. , When Charley Mout opened ms butcher snap one morning ne round tne cash reeiste: open and the dollar change, usually left m the till, j;one. Investigation disclosed the fact that a hole had been cut in the screen door at the rear of the shop, and the latch raised. The door had been left open for ventilation. Susnicion rests strongly upon a certain party, but nothing nas been done in the igatter thus far. . . A basket social will be given by the Ladies of Plymouth at Ply mouth church five miles south-west of Corvallis on Thanksgiving eve ning November 28th. Among the features of the evening will bean address by Sohool Supt. G. W. Denman, also recitations, and mu sic. 1 be price of the baskets will t j . . si ,i . i , ne determined Dy tne laaies weigni, Each gentleman purchasing a bas ket will pay otte-half cent per pound tor the lady whose basket he draws A good time is anticipated. The new $10 United States legal tender note, recently authorized by the Treasury Department, has made its appearance in Washing ton. D. C, and 'Claud Gatcb, of Salem, received the first one to come west says the Statesman. It came from' Paying Teller Gibson, of the Treasury Department at Washington, being one Of the first sent out from the Department It may well be called the Lewis and Clark Exposition note, aa it iscer tainly comemorative ofthe proposed Exposition to be held in Portland in 1905. The Farmers' Defeated' Dudes by a Score of Fifteen "to 'Five. :.The game-' of football -.laved by the second yieaips Mjf'O A cj and l ol,U on -tag college cain- pus Satufday alterrioon wasthe most snappy and . spectacular of any contest seen on tne . Home field in two seasons. While the college eleven dii not contain a man that appeared in the game against ' Pacific. university the week before," if' put up a fcame that will hustle -the first team to beat The university employed only second team men, and neith er team employed anbstitute, This speaks yrtil f"fc tie clean ness of the' contest. V"1 m There ' was just one feature-to burden the pleasure of the after noon. ' A ? harden ; iffficted f and inflicted Mr. z, Burden, . if' you please, physical instructor at the U. of O., whose specialty seems to be in intruding ,Himsetf Jinto places where he is -nat', Wnted. Like "Dr, ?Pei'S seems to have a genius for being offensive, and a tact for doing the wrong thing H the timeV: Itfis unfor tunate thai I thaMinjyejrsityi has such a person id her! faculty. Her students are' true sportsmen, and their behavior is always gen tlemanly. But ; so l long as Mr. Burden is i permitted to force himself in as official for the uni versity - in any of its contests, just so long will the, representa tives of that institution be m.bad repute in the athletic world. "Mr. Burden has been id : Cdrv"fllHs: be fore aid he is not welcome here. If he is a gentleman ;that is suf ficients reason -ifbi$; Bis" staying away so tar- as, participation in anything of" a 'public nature is concerned. If .the members of the university team are to be-believed, he was not Ranted as an official in the contest' Saturday, but he offered his Services, and they dared not oflend by refusing to accept j them.3 A member! of the .'varsity team? of '9, said bunday: - 'MJarden' came - near breaking up the first team that year. . He claims that he played siiuJiuuLH uu a.;- luu: j. cam, auu ne wantca ;to coacn me varsity His positioa as physical vinstrucT tor gave him opportunity to use pressure, but we withstood him, He can never' officiate for the varsity again." , ; Saturday he made himself most obnox'Ious by his quibbling oyer trifles, and egotistical behavior. The other officials and the play ers bore with him patiently, but the spectators were aggravated be yond endurance. Not so .in the games with Albany and Pacific university.! , Although: in each case the coach of the -visiting: team acted as an official, not decision was questioned 1 nd jal' went smoothly. , : .j -: A."LJ"Ivnisley, chemist at the State Agricultural College at Cor vallis, was ' in the city last night says the ? Portland ; Telegram,' on bisiway home from a trip to Union, wbere he spent the : past two weeks analyzing sugaiT: beets from which seeds are to bo grown next season. N6w that the harvest days are over f .1 i tilings are very .quiet in ine jitue countrv town of Eastern -Oreeon. says therchetKist, and be found it dillicult to convince himself that this was not the week of turkey and cranberry sauce, so heavy had time hung ou.hia shoulders there, notwithstanding the fact that he did two days' work , for every 24 hours he was there. - ; So far as the beet culture is con cerned, however, Union is strictly nit, declares Mr. Knisely. On the average all the roots analyzed Showed fully 20 per cent of sugar, which means virtually 5 per cent of the entire substance of the root. Some went aa high as 23 per cent, which is considered remarkable. "For the sake of comparison," said Mr. Knisley "it may be said that when in New York a few years ago, I was told that beets analyzing 16 per cent were considered verv good. The climate of the country about Union ia very favorable for beet culture, an abundance of water and sunshine, sro to make the sweet beet" The method of analyzing the beets is quite simple when once understood, Mr. Knisley 's mission at Union was also to instruct the people there how to carry on the experiment themselves. A small hole is bored diagonally into the beet and the boring pressed and the juice put to a chemical test. The result is" kept classified, accord: ing to the percentage ot saccarine, and tha beets graded and placed in bins until Spring, when they are planted lor seed. Thus the very best sugar-producing beets can be cultivated. A. B. Leckenby, the grass expert, well known in these parts, is now in charge of the beet industry at' Union, and will super vise the analyzing of 40 tons of beets to be planted next spring.. Burton's Lecture Friday Night. "In the Corridors - of Antiquity "A Lone Yankee Abroad With California city dailies as one of. the best and most entertaining lectures ever givenjc JJ f O, , on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Burton eaveT his lecture twice crowded houses. in Los Angeles ta Jose ever had, the opportunity to listen' to." Prof. Denton, principal, of the higb school at Gilroy, Calif., says: 'I have Dean, John B. Gongh, 'Eli Perkins' and other men of national reputation, and say cheerfully that he compares favora bly with any one of them. I have been urged to have it repeated here, and should do to but for the fact that ' the' Masons are going to have him return and give this lectnre in their hall At the Opera House. Friday, Nov. 29, at 8 p. m. " ' We are closing out all mackin toshes at cost. Nolan & Callahan, THB GAME. State3, 910; "West Indies, 2. Total, 1417. f Religious Faiths Adventists, 2; Baptist, 69; Christian, 53; Congrega tional, 28; Christian Science, 1 ; Dankard, ! 1; Episcopal, 121; Greek, 1; Heathen,' 79; Hebrew, 21; Luthern, 165; Meth odist, 181; Presbyterian, 13D; Quaker, 4: Raman Catholis, 109; Salvation Army.l; Saul Sleeper, 1; Swoedanburgiun, 2; Spiritualist, 1; Unitarian, 8; Unitfd ' Presbyterian, 1 ; 'Prote3tant," 128 ; No reluiouj faith, 00. Total, 1417. Circuit Court. Circuit court convened prompt ly Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Judge Hamilton and Prosecuting Attorney Brown arrived Friday evening and no time was lost in putting the legal machinery in motion. All day Saturday was consumed in hearing civil mat ters. Six jury cases appear on the docket this term. - The first of these to be heard was an action for damages for breach of con tract brought by E. W. Strong against the Charter Oak Mill Co. The case came on for hearing yesterday morning. Real Estate Transfers. Concerning Yaquina Harbor. E C Rodger and wife to W E Rodgers, 18 acres near Albany; Con., 4i75. Marshal Allen to J J Wyatt S of M for $625. Cora A Hartley to M C Miller deed lots blk, 4, N B & P Avery, add. $100. G B Needles to Wm Tanton deed 160 a sec 6 T 15 S R 6 W $1000. C Widmer to R Greffoz et al mort 316 a near Albany. . $4000. S Mills to LV Flint mort 164 a sec 3 T 12 S R 6 W $400. F C Baker to H Harrison S of M for $ nco. " - G H Wamsley'to C C Hartless mort 86 a . sec 22 T n S R 7 W. 375- - - '' ' Eugene kicked off, defending the west goal. Rinehart ran the ball in ten Yards: ' And in the first scrimmage Hanley was sent the line. For a moment there was a mass of writhing hu mamtv and then Hanley was seem to emerge "with the ball and J head for the visitors goal. Laugh lin was close behind him, block-' ing beautifully aaa.. he, erased the goal line safely tor the" first touchdown in the. first 3O sec onds of play. Try for goal fail ed. . - Eugene punted to the farmers' 20 yard line and soon secured the ball on downs. After 20 minutes of hard work on the line Starr was sent over for the uni- rversity's only touchdown- Ge-al was missed. ". Soon after the kickoff, U of O was forced to punt. Cathey, at safety fall, gathered it in and made a sensa tional run of 40 yards before he was , forced - out of- touch. Time was called with the ball a Grip-Sack" is spoken of by thelja the farmers posession, ia the A dispatch from Washington regarding Pacific coast, harbor improvements, has this to say of conditions at Yaquina bay : -There is now a' balance avail able for this project amounting t $12,734, which will cover the cost of rock removing at the en trance of the bay. - The expen ditures to Tune 30, 1900, $690, 027.68, resulted in. completing the . two jetties provided ior by the original projects, as stated above, and in prepairing to re move the cluster of rocks as pro vided tor in the present project. The expenditure during fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, re sulted in increasing the depth of water over a portion of the clus ter of rocks -beyond the sea end of the South iettv from 6 feet to 12 feet at mean lower low tide,' which c latter is equivalent to about 17 feet at high tide. It is estimated that the remainder of the cluster of . rocks may be re moved during the present Sum mer; with the fuuds available. The" maximum draft : that could ordinarily be carried during the fiscal year ending Tune 30, 1901,' at mean low tide over the shoal- est part of the bar channel prop' er was 14 - feet, and over the shoalest -part of the cluster of rocks ajt one side of the channel beyond the sea end of the South jetty about 6 feet. Additional Local. ' The Black Cat. "A fine all wool black clay worsted dress suit' good wtight and silk sewed for $10 at Klines. Overcoats, Overcoats, largest and most select stock in town. . Nolan & Callahan. . Big reduction sale, . 20 per cent discount on all goods. ' Fuliington & Horton. Cor. 3rd and Monroe Sts. Now is the season of the year when every bicyclist needs a mud guard for his wheel. Dilley the art squares, lounge rugs at Nolan & New stock covers and Callahan. Mud guards put on your wheel at the Bicycle Hospital. The best and cheapest that can he had. "Would you marry if suited? Send 10 cents for details, postoffice box 633, Portland, Oregon. Bargains in cloaks, wrappers, jack etsand tailor-made suits at Nolan & Cal ahan. -. - Clover Seed for Sale. In quantities of 100 pounds and over, 10 cents per pound. Advantage of this offer should be taken immediately. - BlCHABD KlOEB. I X J OUR GREAT TEN DOLLAR SUIT SALE! Schaffhet iJailori Clothe j the fact that part ot our clothins has arrived a little late, our manufacture! s doing such a large business they were uuable to meet the demand for their popular clothes, we will give you extra values in suits for $10.00, any of them worth the p;ice and many of them worth a great deal more. Mail Orders Carefully Attended To Kline. BENTON COUNTY LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers of allkinds of . Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber IH CARLOAD ELOTS YARDS AT CORVALLIS'V-n Corner of 5th andiWashington Streets. For prices enquire at yards oraddress the company at.Corvallis or Philomath, Oregon. .IJob Printing Tp secure a' Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect Summer Grazing Lands at Nominal Prices The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchased 40,000 acres of the Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon -Road lands, known as the "Coe Lands," have now placed them on the market. These ara unimproved lands situated in Beaton and Lincoln counties, alone the line of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best erazinsr and fruit- raising section of Western Oregon. Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre. Easy Terms. Perfect Title.' M. M. DAVIS, Agent October 7, 1901. . Corvallis, Oregon. The' First Steamer. visitors territory. Score O A C, In ten minutes after the kick- of in t" e second ha!f the farmers The Daily Record 'One of the best Isent Hanley 6 ver for their second , . , t 1 . . t, " t . , 1 r, . . lectures ever given lm xioa angeies. . Pasadena Daily News "At once pleasing, eatertainicz, instructive an inspiring." ' : " : N San Jose Mercury "One of the most touchdown after a series of :eLuant attaets n the line. ld1 mir bril- Ten minutes later Hanley broke M-through the line and assisted by rrit " : c,K:: ,,rUast toehdown. in this- half The first steamer of the season blew her whistle at Corvallis, Sunday evening at 5 p'clock. She was the Pomona- and this "was her first trip to this city. At six o'clock Monday mornmj she left on the down trip, ' bavins added some wheat to the load of freight she had already taken on at Albany, .The Ruth . came up last night and left this morning with 309 bales of hops. Tke river is now at good boating stage. : During ; Saturday night it raised five . feet, . and the' Po mona and Huth will find no dif ficulty in making regular trips and orovidinsr Corvallis wita a daily boat service. JjSiigene was completely outplay ed, bhe had the ball in her pos session but once and then tailed heard Col. - 3. P. Sanfoid, Henry ClayTto make her yardage. The farmers' were comine raoidlv iTdown the field when time was called. : Final score." O A C. 1 ;: U OtU; 5. . -TThe Bugene vounesters olav a clean, gritty game, and they are all good; fellows. Of the local eleven, the werk of Haaley, Abraham, Laughlin, Cathey, Gellatly and Riaehart was espec ially noticable. The two latter guarded the ends like Veterans. ' For Sale. - Having retired from the business of farming, I will sell a 3-inch Bain wagon, a springtooth hayrake, and a splen did young mare, cheap. Terms, - cash or well secured note. J. I. Tayloe, Corvallis, Or, 'Our Martyred Presidents.' The lives of Lincoln, Garfield and Mc- Kinley. The actual scenes of the three greatest assassinations, of the century, and illustrations connected with the illus trious lives of these men. No better book published. The cover design with three medallion photographs is a beauty. 500 pages, cloth bound $1.50. Order by mail from W. B. Satterlee, 312 Oak St., Port land, Or. The Best Holiday Gifts. Thanksgiving Services. Thanksgiving service will be conducted at the Episcopal Church on Thanks giving Day at.IO: 30 a. m. The offering will be in the behalf Of The Good Satnar itan Hospital. This institution is un der the management of the Diocese of Oregon, but its mission of mercy is re gardless of nationality or religious com plexion. - This the following statement taken from the Report for the year 1900 01 shows': .r.y.y - v. ';,..;- Nationawties Austria, 5, Australia, 2; Alaska 1; District of Columbia, 1; Canada, 83; China, 7; Chili, Is Colum bia, 1 ; Germany, 73 : Holland,' :i; Ireland, 14 ; Denmark, 10 ,' England, 40 ; France, 14; Finland, 17; Italy, 14; Japan, 73; Norway 1 35; Nova Scotia, 14; Roumania, 1 ; Russia, 5; Scotland, 20 ; Sweeden, 42; Switzerland, 17; Turkey, 1; United Our Martyr Presidents LINCOLN-GARFEELD-McKINLEY Their illustrious lives and noble deeds. Their speeches and stories. The assas sination scenes and a history of -anar chy. Beautifully Stampted Cover, - $1.50 contain the medallion netos - - 1 Grandest Century IN THE WORLD'S' HISTORY. A review of the events and achieve . ments of the past century, fully illus lustrated; 600 pages, 7xo - - - $3.00 Life of Wm. Mckinley . Interestingly written and fully illus- trated, - - - - $1.50 The Story of a Beautiful Life. By Cannon Tarrar. The Bible story of Christ, interestingly L written and illustrated with 300 repro auctions ot lamous paintings. Cloth Bound, goo pages, - - f 3 00 Order by mail from, r , W. B. SATTERLEE, - - Foblisber's Agent, - 312 Oak St., Portland, Oregon. Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House Pioneer Bakery AND RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on band. Smokers supplies a specialty. ; H. W. HALL, Proprietor. JACKETS Reduced Ten Per Cent For October. , That eans Overstocked. This includes our entire stock'of the season's'jlatest crea tions in Box Coats, Automobiles, Etc. ' - a r S Corvallis, Oregon.