WEEKLY. Consolidated Feb. 1899. COBVALIilS, BENTON COUNTY, OBEGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1301. VOL. -XXX VIII. NO. 48. GAZBTTB Bstab. DM EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. k Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Student riots have occurred in Spanish towns. Colonel Meade, ot the marines, is oh trial for drunkenness. Fire at Assumption, III., destroyed property valued at $55,000. The Metropolitan bank, of Ta- coma, has closed its doors. Ex-Representative Sweet, of Idaho, is charged with embezzlement. The National reciprocity cohven tion has opsned in Washington. Smallpox is spreading in Vienna, 35 cases being reported in two days. Prominent Seattle woman has been carrying on smuggling on a large scale. An entire family near Los Angeles, Cal., was shot and then literally cut to pieces. Consul Dickinson has located Miss Stone and asks for Bulgarian troops to rescue her. John Hay was the principal speaker at the New York chamber ot com merce dinner. . There is trouble in the Washington delegation over the appointment of a United States marshal. The United States training ship Alert has sailed from San Diego for Magdalena bay for gun practice. Bobbers blew open the safe of the First National Bank at Mondon, Wis., -and secured between $5,000 and $6,000. Non-Union Men Are Attacked at Mines Near Vincennes, Indiana, Vincennes, Ind., Nov. 21. Four hundred union coal miners from Washington, Connelburg, Petersburg, Princeton and Montgomery arrived here at an early hour this morning and at 5 o'clock made an attack upon the non-union miners employed at the Prospect Hill mines near this city. As a result two men are fatally hurt and a halfdozen more seriously injured. ' ,-.7' The union - miners formed at the union station and marched to the mines. - Just as the men on the day shift were going on duty they were attacked. The union men asked for the foreman and when told that he was in bed said : , "All right ; we will get him." They started after Scott, the foreman, and in the melee that followed Scott and his family defended themselves as best 'they could but were powerless. Scott was badly beaten and W. r. Collins, an attorney of Washington, a brother-in- law of Scott, who was visiting with the family, sustained injuries that may prove fatal. , VALUABLE CARGO. WHY UPTON SUCCEEDS. My racalpt for nromoarlty. In much m concern mm mine, Im mt thm dlapoaalof mil. Harm It Imi "Work hard, daml honmmtly, ba antorftrlmJng, axmrclam careful ludotnant, mdvartlam frmaly but Jadlcloumly." Sir Thomma Lin ton, Im Saturday Evanlng Poat. deaths are reported ASSAULTED BY MINERS. NEWS OF THE STATE TEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Steamship Brought Products From Alaska : Valued a $200,000. Seattle, Nov. 20. Products of Alas ka valued at $200,000 were brought to Seattle as the cargo of a single vessel, j the Senator, Captain James B. Patter son, which arrived from the North to-: day. - Fish and fish products made up the entire shipment. There were 37,- 215 cases of salmon from Petersburg, Girard Point and Sitka Bay canneries, and 2500 cases of fish guano and 550 barrels of fish oil from, the Kilasnoo fisheries. On the return the Senator got aground on a rocky bottom at the north entrance to Wrangel Narrows, bending several plates on the star board side forward. She hung fast about 20 minutes and then hauled her self off. While the springing of the plates did not cause a leak, it may ' lat er be necessary for the vessel to go into drydock. - ' ' " ---'.'"""'.- The Senator brought 89 pasengers from various Southeastern Alaska points, prominent among whom were Professor C. C. Georgeson, special agent of the United States Agricul tural Department: W. T. Summers, president of the First National Bank of Juneau, and Dr. B. K. Wilbur, of Sitka. Two plague from Odessa. Bolomen tried to rush an American force in Samar. Oregon wins 232 prizes at Pan American Exposition. . Many accidents in the United King dom were due to fog. An Aberdeen editor attacked the character of Judge Irwin. Scouts fought engagements with rebel in Southern Luzon. Oil prospects are good in Idaho and in Malheur County, Oregon. -' The demand for raw material from abroad shows a steady increase.'- Japanese and Russians are assum ing closer commercial relations. A Mississippi moonshiner killed two deputies and burned their - re mains. A native priest, convicted of mur der, has been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. An alleged conspiracy to proclaim a republic at Dawson is reported from Skagway. E. F. Lowenthal, of New York, robbed of $10,000 in diamonds in Portland Hotel. The transport Hancock is ashore in Japanese waters. More shipwrecks are reported on the English coast. - A mounted force of Cape Dutch sur rendered to the Boers. . Twenty persons were killed by the earthquakes in Erzroum. The President's Thanksgiving proc lamation was cabled to Manila. Merit and not political influence will be recognized in army , promotions. Ways and means committeemen are divided on the subject of reducing war taxes. . Aguinaldo declines the offer of an American lawyer to work for his re lease. State of Oregon will make a sur vey of arid lands in eastern part of state. - Insane man killed an officer at Cos- mopolls, Wash., shot a friend, and was seriously, wounded himself. Tom Considine broke down while testifying in behalf of his brother, on trial.fpr murder at Seattle. Fire in Boston destroyed property valued at $100,000. The secretary of the interior has created a bureau of forestry. President Roosevelt has. pledged the Lewis and Clark Centennnial his hearty support. Fire destroyed every mercantile and several fine houses in , Pucwash, N. S. Loss, $50,000. : Latest advices from Miss Stone's place of confinement state that her imprisonment is affecting her reason. The people of the South think that as soon as they can have faster steam ers and more of them they can keep all their cotton mills working full time . making cloth for export. - DrBozarro, of Gorz, has published a pamphlet in which he tries to prove that the Adriatic has for more than a hnnnanrl veara been rising and en- - croaching on its shores. , The lower nttrta of Triest are experiencing trou ble already, and in course of time Ven ice will be buried In the mud of the BIG GOLD SHIPMENT. Largest Sum Ever Sent to Europe in a Sin- gle Shipment 1 New York, Nov. 21. Ladenburg, Thalman & Co. today engaged $500, 000 in gold for : export. The big Lloyd German liner Kaiser " William der Grosse, which sailed for Europe today, carried , in .her treasure room coin and bar gold valued at more than $7,000,000, It was carefully stowed away in oak casks and iron bound boxes and was under - seal in the specie room. - It. wag the largest sum ever sent across the Atlantic in a single steamship and -represented- the engagements made by the larger financial houses of . New York since the final shipment of last week, Most of the gold goes to meet foreign obligations not paid by balances. TEN JAPANESE KILLED. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portanceA Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries - Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report The Astoria Canning Company will not sell its Alaska cannery to the trust. ' A daily mail service will at once be instituted between North Tamhill and Tillamook. The 10-stamp mill on the Flagsstan" mine at Baker City is again running day and night. The Astoria City Council bas or dered the improvement of five blocks of city streets. Seattle capitalists have purchased the Little Chieftain mine, in the Myr tle Creek district, for 120,000. Portland parties have "bonded three claims in the Myrtle Creek district for $12,000, and another for $10,000. Stock in all parts of the state is reported as being in better condition now than ever before. Stockmen are sanguine that the losses this winter will be very- small. ' , -V The amount of scalp bounty war rants issued by Wasco County dur- ing the two months ending .October 31 is $502. This is less than the two corresponding months of last year. T. L. Gilliam has 6,500,000 feet of sawloga ready on the Upper Mohawk to deliver on his 10,000,000 contract with the Booth-Kelly company soon, as there, is sufficient water to run them. . - - ' - : , Lewis C. Pooler, a pioneer of 1852 died at Willard. in the Waldo Hills, November 8,. aged 69 years. - He was a native of New York. -He crossed the plains to Oreogn with an ox team and settled in the district where he died. - , GoldWorth 50 cents was taken from the craw of a duck raised at Scotts Mills. - Thieves broke into a Eugene store and stole a number of small articles of little value. A recevier has been appointed for the Columbia Logging Company, near St. Helens. . Superintendent Brown, of the Fall River fish hatchery, says the outlook there is very favorable. . Practically all the hops about Dallas have been shipped. Prices were from" 8)4 to 10 cents per pound, Senator .Mitchell has announced that he will endeavor to have a new federal court district established in Eastern Oregon. " L . Boseburg's city council has let the contract of. grading and surfacing with crushed rock about 10 blocks of the principal streets. ; - Thirty dwelling houses have been built in Dallas since - January 1. Every .dwelling and business house in the town is occupied. - ' V-Nine carloads of wool - left Harris burg the other day for the East. The shipment weighs 103,000 pounds and is one of the largest individual sales ever made in that valley. - HYDROGEN ; A COMPOUND. Discovery of Harvard Professor Supports the Theory. - - ; : Boston. Nov. 20. Professor E. C. Pickering, director of the Harvard Ob servatory, has made a discovery that he regards as important. .1 In a state ment just out, he says: ' : ' - :f - - - The spectrum of a streak .of light ning was photographed last July. From such a small beginning two discover ies have developed. Not only are the chemical elements,; so-called, com pounds, but it Is likely that hydrogen ItsebV which chemical theorists have thought to be one element of which the others would sooner or later prove to be compounds, seems to be of com posite nature." S - Other photographs made at about the same time show the curious fact that the spectrum of lightning is not always the same. Some of the photo graphs show a doubling of the bright lines. Professor Pickering' was at first Inclined to believe that this was a sort of composite photo, but he now concludes that the doubling looks as though hydrogen, the- only : element studied in the lightning spectrum, and hitherto believed to be least likely ever to be proved a compound body, is made up of at least three compon ents. This conclusion he bases upon the fact that there were 30 lines in the hydrogen spectrum on one photo, three in another and one in the third, the different flashes havnig been pho tographed under ; different Ji circum stances. ' -' - - - V; ;-?v Another remarkable circumstance in connection with the study of pic turing of spectra of lightning flashes is that they are similar to teat of the second new star in the constellation Perseus, known as Nova Pewet No. 2, which were taken on March 23, 1901k - CLOSED ITS DOORS CRIME OF A MOONSHINER. Killed Their THE METROPOLITAN BANK. OF TACOMA, SUSPENDS.. Two Officers and Cremated Bodies A Posse In Pursuit Oxford, Miss., Nov. 19. John A. Montgomery, Deputy United States Marshal of this -xlty, and Deputy United States Marshal Hugh Mont- Has Deposits of About $500,000 Savings of g0mery,' ot Pontoloc, left here last the School Children. Amounting to Over night for the purpose of arresting $12,000, Are Involved - Due to a Mis. Wl" MatW- T"?,!. - - i auu iuwupuiupi tv uv mm. v cu v understanding Regarding a Suit Brought ot ma today, Hugh. Against the Old Metropolitan. Montgomery's horse was found stand ing at the gate of Curdy Hall, a neigh bor of Mathls, and Mathis' house had been burned to the ground. Upon further Investigation two partially I burned bodies were found in the ash es of the burned building, which have been identified as the remains of the Deputy Marshals. John A. Montgom ery's horse has not been found, and Tacoma, Nov. 2L The Metropoli tan bank, P. V. Caesar,- president, closed its doors yesterday after stand ing a run all of the day before. The run began as the result of a misun derstanding, the small depositors be lieving that a suit filed against the receiver of the Metropolitan Savings L Mathis made his Bank, which failed five years ago, tnl hnnu tn men had something to do with the present Deen killed and the house set Metropolitan Bank. About $40,000 on fire. Mathis wife" was at her was withdrawn and the bank has ap- father s a few miles from her burned plied for a receiver. Dwight Phelps home, and she says she and her hus was appointed, " with a bond of $10,- band left home 'yesterday., her hus- 000. The fact that the school children's savings account, amouoting to $12, 000, was in Jthe bank, helped to spread the rumor started by the old suit. LETTERS FROM. MISS STONE, Long Captivity Has Affected. Her Health - ; .. Brigands Hold Out for Big Ransom. Sofia, Nov. 20. Another I;lter has been received from Miss "Sllen M. Stone. ' Her health has beon some what affected by her confinement and hard fare, but she expresses herself as still confident of ultimate release. ' A letter to Mr. Dickins'ony diplomat ic agent of the United States' at Sofia, replying: to his proposals concerning a ransom, says the brigands -will hold out for a figure very much above we sum at Mr. Dickinson's command. The brigands Interpret Mr. Dickinson's note having fixed on the sum he, is willing to pay, and on a time limit, as being indicative that he can get more money. They also demand immunity from prosecution, nut it is ampossi- ble for the diplomatic agent of the United States to have ponto bind the governments of Bulgaria and Tur key. This point, however, Is not likely to be a serious obstacle in the way of negotiations. - . Reason .to Be. Hopef " Washington. Nov. ' 20. Another ca blegram received from. United States Consul-General Dickinson at Sofia, today indicates that, while Miss Stone has not yet been ransomed, there is reason to feel assured as to her fu ture. The dispatch furnished evi dence that Mr. Dickinson remains in direct communication with the bri gands or their agents. MINER - RELEASED. - band leaving the country. Mathis was indicted last Summer for making and passing counterfeit money and was out on a $2000 bond. The principal witness against him was a negro living in the same neigh- THE CANAL TREATY ENGLAND HAS MADE BARGAIN. -A GOOD Only Details of Agreement Made Public Art That the United States Has Exclu. sive Control, and Must Alone Guarantee Neutrality London Press Says England Should Be Pleased. Washington, Nov. . 19. The new ' Hay-Pauncefote treaty was signed yes terday at 12:05 by Secretary Hay, for the United States, and Lord Paunce fote, the British Ambassador, for Great Britain. The Metropolitan's total deposits are borhood. About a month ago the ne- about SoUU.uuu. The laiiure is aue entirely to the . misunderstanding, President Caesar says he 18 negotiat ing with New York parties, and be lieves he .will be able to perfect ar rangements to pay every depositor in full. The school savings are secured by school warrants held in trust by the secretary of the school board. No statement of the liabilities and resources has been given out. After therunon the bank,- the clearing gro was assassinated. The two Mont gomery s went to arrest Mathis for making Illicit whiskey, and it is sup posed that they were prevailed upon to remain for the night, and were shot while guarding their prisoners. A posse of 30 or 40 of the leading citi zens of Oxford went to tne scene-to day and every effort will be made to capture Mathis. .. . . - CAUSED BY DENSE FOG. i a a -r.- nn UUUOC IX1CI, B11U, aiVCX OH CA"""""" Malta. i. J P.l.f.K.. I. k. of the securities, offered to advance " money to carry it, provided President Caesar raised $25,000. X his was not done and the clearing house declined assistance. .-. It is unofficially. stated that the securities of , the bank . are below the amount credited to depos-j itors, and that there was only $6,000 cash in the vaults when the bank suspended. MOROCCO DESIRES REFORM. Work of Twenty -eight Others Were Injured in Montana ' Train Collision. Great Falls, Mont., Nov. 20.-Ten Japanese laborers were killed and 28 injured, three probably ' fatally, and the others more or less seriously, in a collision between a- freight train and a work train on the Great North ern Railroad near Culbertson, a sta tion close to the Eastern boundtry line of the state, Sunday morning. The freight train was running at a rate of speed estimated at 25 miles per hour; the work train was stationary. Round a curve, the freight crashed Into the work train, and sad havoc followed. One of the cars in the work train was a bunk or sleeping car. In this there were 41 Japanese laborers. But three of them escaped death or injury. . The Indian war veterans of Lane county met at the ; court house 'in Albanv and began arrangements to ward securing legislation by the next congress granting pensions to- all veterans entitled to them. - 1 " Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, 57; stem, 58c : Valley, 5657c. Flour Best grades, $2.65 3. 50 per barrel; graham, $2.50. Oats Nominal 95$1.00 pr cental Barley Feed, $15.5016; brewing, $16 16. 75 per ton Bran, $15.o017; mid- Removing Debris at the ; Baby . Mine Contmnes. r Pocahontas. Va.. Nov. 20 The work of removing fallen slate and deb ris from the Baby ' mine ; continues. This morning Fritz Moulton was found entombed In a room on. the west side.? He was living, but a few hours more would, no : doubt, .have broueht death.' For six -Hours pny- sicians worked with - hint - before he was restored to consciousness. -He is vet feeble, .out will HKeiy recover. There, was great rejoicing when the news spread that he aad peen. recov-: ered alive. Moulton says all wltfiiri blue-1 the mine Thursday night commented on tne heaviness oi me aimospnere, and that a number of tne men -left their work ahead of ninv-He soon found that danger was imminent, and alone with several otners, "- started running from the drilft. A heavy re port that shoos; tne mountain was heard, and an instant later a huge Surrounding Influences Jlamper the Ruler in His Efforls for It. New York, Nov. 20. A : correspon dent of the London Times and New York Times, wiring from Marakesh (City of Morocco), states that!he has just had a long audience with the Sultan of Morocco. .. ; .-" I : On entering the " palace, " says the correspondent, he . was conducted through an open square. On one side of it were cages'.containg: His Majes ty's collection of wild beasts, , while roaming about were Barbary wild sheep, gazelles, wild boars and cranes. Sultan Mulai Abdul-El-Aziz, the dis patch goes on to say, is tall and well- built, with a most Intelligent and most pleasant expression and witn fascin ating manners. No interpreter was present at the audience, the conversa tion being in Arabic throughout. There is, declares tne correspondent. no doubt 4n regard to the soundness of the Sultan's views, but he is much hampered by surrounding influences, and honest viziers are required. Ab- Kingdom France Das A Share. London, Nov. 19. Saturday's fog which was general throughout the United Kingdom, was responsible for many accidents and fatalities. The driver, ot a London omnibus was found -dead in his box, while the ve hicle' Was still running. He was a victim' of cold fog.' Several collisions -occurred in the- Mersey. The Dominion liner Roman, from j Portland, . November , ran down and sank the : British steamer Sapphire, of the Dundee Gen Line. There was no loss of life. - - - A Norwegian brigantine has been seen drifting helplessly off Hull, and it is feared that several persons have been drowned. Paris, Nov. 19. During the greater part of today. Paris and Its suburbs were shrouded in a dense fog, which seriously interfered - with railway transportation- and vehicular .traffic, and- caused a number of minor acci dents. The fog was so thick along the Seine that the steamboats were compelled to suspend service. - - Millstuffs- dling, $1920.50;. shorts, 1617. 50; cloud of smoke and flame. was seen BIG DIAMOND ROBBERY. A New York Merchant Was Robbed of $10,000 : Worth at the Portland Hotel Washington, Nov. 19. This treaty is Intended to replace the first Hay Pauncefote treaty. That convention was amended so extensively by the United States Senate at its last ses sion that the British Government de clined to ratify it. Within a few weeks negotiations began afresh be tween Secretary Hay and Lord Pauncefote, which have just resulted in the signature of the new treaty, drawn with special reference to the objections found by the Senate with the first treaty. From a due sense of the courtesy which must be observed towards the United States Senate wherever a treaty is concerned, the State De partment is estopped from making public the text of the new conven tion, and that will remain secret un til the Senate itself shall break the seal of confidence. It is said at the ' State Department that the various publications which have been made of the alleged text of the treaty are . all erroneous and conjectural, though in view of the rather free admissions that have been made of the purpose of the negotiations it has been possi ble by use of the text of the first treaty to construct one similar iu general terms to the new conven tion. The principal point of difference be tween the new and the failed treaty is the withdrawal of Great Britain iioru the joint guarantee of the neutrality of the canal, thus leaving the United States the sole guarantor. The ex cision of the old provision respecting the right to fortify the canal leaves that right by inference outional with the United States. All commerce of whatever nationality passing through the canal will fare alike; there will be no discrimination in rates in favor of United States shipping. Otherwise the new treaty ' is m scope similar to last year's treaty. It replaces technically the Clayton-JBui- wer treaty, concluded on April 13, . 1860. -By the terms of that old con- vention the United States and Great ' Britain- agreed that . neither . should seek any advantages In rights of tran sit across the Isthmus. By the new Convention, Great Britain yields her right in favor of- the United States, which is thus at liberty to construct a canal. Nothing more remains to be done as far as this treaty is concerned be- Portland. Ore., Nov. 18. Diamonds 1 fore the Senate meets, or, Indeed, un valued at $10,000 and about $90 in til the treaty shall have been ratified, money were stolen last night from a i rejected or amended, ix it snouia De room, In the Portland Hotel, occu-1 ratified, the State Department will dul-El-Aziz makes no secret of his de- Pied by A. F. Lowenthal, of New-York proceed immediately to negotiate the sire to see reform in every branch of City, and the audacious thief manag- treaties with Costa Rica and Nicara the government. The correspondent ed to escape with his booty and get gua for which it already has arranged G.;ni. safely away. . in protocols pending before-the ben-. CipC'-.'-CU '""r-I " t ...V.I - Jl- J .... " "ill tl , T,ol n im . uuHcuuutM m a uewn late, wmuu win iiciuui. mo ......... w cious stones, and he Is at present on be constructed and prescribe the terms tne Pacific Coast on a business trip, upon which the consent of Nicaragua Last Saturday night ne arrived ai and Costa Rica is given, it was m an- the Portland HoteL and was ticination of this action, it is presum- assigned to a room on the- ground ed, that the Nicaraguan Government floor facinsr Yamhill street being the nnlv recently denounced the treaty of third window from the northeast cor- trade and commerce with the United - ner of Seventh and Yamhill streets, states. This treaty contained sec- His traveling, trunk, containing the tions conveying rights as to canal con- less Oriental, whereas he - found a young man full of energy. He says ne left the palace more hopeful than ever that there is a possibility of a bright future for Morocco. Laden With Contraband for Boers. ; "Loudon, Nov. 21. The govern ment has caused the detention of a British Bteamer which was fitting out greater part of his diamonds he used struction which are to be replaced by ostensibly- for a pleasure cruise, at in trade, and a portion oi nis money, m0re modern provisions. Victoria ilocka: cm, -the eround that was placed in - his room. There are - t.T, veaafil wM laden with contraband two keys to this room, one usedDy - WORSe THAN DISEASE. of war destined for the Boers." A ?"' ll S searchlight fixed on - the steamer's usuany m charge of ' the Janitor in Children Given Anti tdxine for Diphtheria Were Roosevelt's Message Is Long. Wahsington, Nov. 21. The cabinet meeting today lasted about two and a half hours. The whole time was spent in the reading of the president's message and in commenting upon its various features. The message is long, and is said to be vigorous in tone, in that respect at' least quite characteristic of Roosevelt No other business was transacted. - - Student Riots in Spain. Madrid, Nov. 21. Students riots have begun in Madrid. .! Yesterday the tramways were attacked, and attempts were made to set the cars on fire. ; Over 20 persons were injured. Students disorders were also reported in' Barcelona and Valencia. In the senate several senators referred to the serious nature of the student disturb ances and the minister of education replied that the government was re solved upon acting with tne greatest energy. : Shot by aWoman. Creston, la., Nov. 21. Mrs. Charles Edwards, a widow, living three miles west of here, today shot Andy Narly and Herman James,. white, '"who she claims were tiying to prevent her from occupying a leased farm where the shooting occurred. Nearly may die, but James is not seriously-hurt, Mrs. Edwards and her children were coming. - He lost sight of his compan-! ions, but he turned into a side room as quickly as possible, and Was shut off by failing slate. - rrouamy two days passed before he succumbed to the foul air. - - - Fournier Not Satisfied, ,New York. Nov. 20. Henry Four nier, who on Saturday brofce an auto mobile records, by going a mile in 61 4-5 seconds, on the ucean rarKway, is far from being satisfied that the limit of automobile speed has been made. In fact, he says the gasoline machine has .just begun to demonstrate Its power, and declares next year he-will make a mile in 32 seconds. Not An Iceberg. Port Towhsend, Nov., 20. Arrivals chop. $15(316.50, Hay Timothy. $11$12; clover, $77.60; Oregon wild hay, if.o6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery,2526)6c ; dairy, 1822o; store, 1214o per sound. Eges Storage, 20 22 fresh, 28 30c, .Eastern zztgzoc. Cheese Full cream, twins, 13 13c: Youne America, 1415c. ' Poultry Chickens, mixed, f2.50 3.50; hens, $4.00; . dressed,-: 10 11c per - pound springs, $2.50 3.00, per dozen; ducks, $3 for old $3.00 4.00 for younjrr Eeese, $67 per doz en : turkeys, live, ll12c ; ', dressed, 1214c per pound. Mutton Lambs, dMc gross ;, dressed 66c per pound ; sheep, $3. 25 gross ; from the north on the steamship Sena- mast broueht her under suspicion and it is said a subsequent search disclosed four field guns and quanti ties of raw material for the manufac ture of gunpowder. and that the vessel was fitted inside to accomodate from 500 to 600 men charge of all the rooms on that cor ridor. dressed, 66Jc per pound, Hoes Gross, heavy, Sb6. 2a ; light, S4.7o5: dressed, 77o per pound, Veal-Small, 8 8 c : laree,77 Jc per pound. . - . Beef Gross top steers, $ 3.oU4.w; tor report that the steam ship Topeka nrninlr a rocK in xaKU uuei mislead ui an Iceberg as previously reported. A passenger on the Senator was on the Topeka -when tne acciaeiit uccun and was on deck: ? A blinding snow Buried Under Red Hot Slag. Homestead. Nov. 18. One man was killed and two seriously, burned The captain of the as the result of a party of workmen deaths by lockjaw (tetanus) of seven Taken With Tetanus and Soon Died. St. Louis! Nov. 20. Coroner Funk- houser today rendered a verdict find ing the St. Louis Health Department negligent in the preparation of the diphtheria anti-toxine that caused the steamer says his instructions from his being buried under a mass ot molten employers- directed . him- to call at Hamburg after leaving the 1 names. Darmstadt .-Gymnasium Burned. Darmstadt,' Nov. 21. The great building erected by the . Darmstadt Gymnastic Society, which was opened with great ceremony October 6 by the grand duke, Ernst Ludwig, was destroyed by fire this morning. Four slae at the Howard Axle Works to day. : The accident occurred on the cinder dump back of the company s plant. The victims were engaged in collecting scrap wnen a party oi workmen at the top of the dump, about 20 feet above, dumped their car over-the edge, not knowing that the men ' were directly .beneath them. The car contained about ,eight children to whom it was recently ad ministeed for diphtheria?. For some time the City Health De partment had been making an anti toxine for use in diphtheria cases. This was distributed among practic ing physicians through the city free of charse. and used m the city institu tions quite generally. In many cases ft is said to have saved lives, rne serum was obtained from horses that tons nf slae. a greater part of which 1 i tn ho t-nntraotpA tetanus. servants employed about the building was red-hot; and much of it In a mol- and to naTe imparted it to the anti- were.burned to death. cows and heifers, SAOUQd.DO dressed r : motn ot,v HnilorB beef, 5)6Mc per pound. , i J . . overhanging cliff on the Hops 810e per pound., - lBhore of Taku Inlet, r Seafaring men Wool Valley,ll13c per "pound ;fBmnial. -with icebergs say that when a vessel collides with one tne punc ture is always below the water line, and the Topeka's injuries were above. ..Postoffice. Robbed and Burned. . Washington, Nov. 20. A dispatch received here announces: that the postoffice at Freemansburg, W. Va., was robbed and nurneu suuuoor uiuru- tng.- No loss is stated. - Reform for Austrian Exchanges. Vienna, Nov., 21. The government introduced the long expected produce exchange" reform bill in the reichs- tag today. The bill does not prohibit dealing In futures in, grain, but pro vides for strict state supervision ; for the purpose of checking the unlawful use of ' the rules relating to futures. Quotations -are to be made by sworn ofHeials. Fictitious transactions with Eastern' Oregon, 812)c; mohair, 20 21c per pound. Potatoes 65 eo per sack. The first English postage stamp was black, but' the postmarks were hardly visible on it,' and this tone' was fol lowed by red, with the familiar por trait of. Queen Victoria. ' Vibration caused by the . under ground electric road has injured the tower of St.- Mary-le-Bow on Cheap- side, London, a famous church built by Sir Christopher wren. The corn- Warrant for Murderer. St. Louis; Nov. . 20. Chief of De fortivea Desmond received a capias ninT haa agreed to tiav 15000 in. order I tnrtnv for Ben Kilpatrick, from Sheriff 7. . . i . l. . A uii j I tt Da4t, RruV Tot- wtlArA mat tne tower nugnt ne mnusmeiieu. nuwze, Is - -r ;; ; It is now 23 inches out.of perpendlcn- Kilpatrick is wanted ior u ourusr ?T X. , ' . lar. - - ': I of William xnoraiou. ten state. ' Mexico Importing Wheat. Citv of Mexico. Nov.19. From all narra of the Western . United States, I wheat is" being sent into Mexico in amounts, never before equalled. It is narimated by buyers and railroad men in this city that by the ena oi was committed for trial toaay. it oe- December more than 1500 cars will veloped from the testimony taken that have been delivered into the republic, there had been no attempt at imita- And even this great amount will not tion of the names, but that all had end the Importation, so long at tne been written off-hand in the same duty is waived and there is the slight- manner. "Wheeler's " counsel pleaded est lack of corn.: Both buyers and that the prisoner had been drinking transportation men .believe that the anrt aa irresponsible. - The magis- toxine drawn from their bodies. "Forger Committed for Trial. New York, Nov. 20. O. B. Wheeler, Jr.; charged with forging the names of a number of prominent business men of Chicago to a sheaf of notes aggregating on their faces siod.ouu. f h Mt nf aflWMna- nnwi will tie imnnrrjit.1an will continue Until theltrflto aid he would let the higher term ior uie uiuti i hw ."' court pass on. me rcoii""'"'""'- v"w classed as felonious. Gambling be yond certain limits is prohibited. Opposition to Castro. New York, Nov. "21. A Caracas, Venezuela, correspondent" cables to the Tribunte : A laree shipment of Mausers and cartridges has ; just left La'Guayra on a Venezuelan gunboat for the Colombian "insurgents. Pres ident Castro's' position : depends on the success of the; latter; All Vene zuela, even his ministers, oppose his oolicv.; .-The revolutionists, - under expires. . Bad Food in French. Army. Paris Nov 18. La Liberie today asserted that 2,000,000 francs worth of HaHnrafl American - tinned - foods have been discovered among the mili tary stores at Verdun, uenerai -an- prisoner. I the state of Caxf bobo.' Duties on Ship's Stores. New. York.. Nov. 20. A dispatch from Melbourne to the London Times and the New York Times says the cus toms authorities, in" pursuance of the dre' the Minister of War, has conse- provision of the customs regulations oil tinned foods act. havfl sealed the stores of mail queuu, 7- " i . a,a , n.AaT, to lire. among the : army stores, wnoiue. oicauioo u.uuvj, -- -French or American, to be sold, on the vent the consumption of them while ground that it would be better to have the vessels are in that port 6r travel no stores at aU than to depend upon ing between Australian ports. The canned provisions which would be company's agents will probably test found to be bad at the OUtDreaK oi i tne vanauy, ui i ,f"" i the seats ttuuuue kuiwiku ""' ejected last week. lagoon. . 1