Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 12, 1901, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, NOYEilBEft 11, 1901.
To cover the cost of setting and dis
tiibxiting the type in such matteis, a
(charge of fifty cents ll,.be nude for
e4li "Oard of Thanks '' and five cents
psr Hue for each pet "Resolu'ions of
Cod lol3D.ce" appearing i i these coluuiud.
W. A. Sanders, Jeweler.
Kiine's $10.00 Sails are good
New goods all the tidae at Nolan
& Callahan.
We have received an authoritive
ietiT from Monroe cays the Junc
tion City Timea, which states that
while tearing down a wood shed on
the Miles Star plac, a human jaw
Now is the teason of the year
whan every bicyclist needs a mud
guard for his wheel. Dilley "the
fixer", has them, in all makes. Get
one early. They don't cost much.
Miss Hulda Holden has returned
to Oregon City and has resumed
her duties teacher in the Park
place school. While in Corvallis
she took special instruction in
drawing in Alpha Hall at O A C.
The test well at the penitentiary,
Salem, has been u success and the
I water supply for this state inatilu
' lion has been solved. At tti9
' depth of 23 feet a flow of water
, was struck that furnished . 24,C30
gallons pur day.
Asa Tuanicliif, an old Corvallis
boy, who has beeu night operator
of the Baker City telegraph office
for the past few years, has been.
promoted to manager of that office,
vice E. L. Pearsou, who has resign
ed and gone to Arizona.
bone was found. Where this bone
was found was only 30 feet from
the residence which was destroyed
by fire a, few months ago. The
find has caused a good deal of talk
and conjecture, but how it came
there is an unsolved mystery.
Ladies we are showing for Fa1!
and Winter extensive lines of fine
dress goods, silks, satins, velvets,
dress trimmings, furs, tailor-made
suits, capes, jackets, raglans, rainy
day skirts and ladies furnishings
throughout. Nolan & Callahan.
Report says that diptheria his
again developed in the vicinity of
Dusty. A little child of George
Wagner is dangerously ill but was
still alive Friday morning. George
Buckingham has one child down
and-other children of the family
are expected to contract the dread
Complaint comes from local busi
ness men, as well as from those oi
other towns in the valley that,
there is a ehortage of cars in the
S. P. freight service, and as a result
shipments are loDg overdue, and
trade conditions are badly upset
Another matter of grievance is the
fact that the railroad company ap
parently gives little heed to the re
quest of shippers that more cars
be added. .. -. iV; , .-. '..
Manager Kaupisch, -who has had
charge of the skimming station of
the Hazlewood Creamery Co., in
this city for the past two years, has
tendered his resignation to take ef
fect the-first of December. Mr.
Kaupisch will establish a plant here
for making butter on a large scale
and begin operations about the
first of the month. The building
will stand near Sheasgrees & Bux
ton's box factory on the river bank.
market,- to reach which thcr-cost The au)J rompt
per car is $600- Jacksonville q y B of B&vclHoflDital
Times. nrAt,entvda. cttnflaoriLtAcin . veat.Ar-
- . i j
The revival meetings at the ; day morning about 8:30. An alarm
Christian church began with i1 j was sent in and the department re
good intereet and the meetings c " -ponded in a jiffy, but its services
the church are delighted with the were not needed. A tube blew out
work of Evangelist Burton. They : of a gasoline brazer, while that
exuect a great meeting. Re'. Bur machine was in operation, and the
ton is logical, eloquent, earnesj and ! wall opposite was soon in" flames.
Christ-like in his presentation of; Mr Berry saut off the flow ot gas,
the truth. The subject of his ser- j and extinguished the- blaze with a
Saturday Night's Concert.
W. S. Gardner, Photographer.
Get your umbrella fixed at The
Tcyole Hospital.
, The regular monthly meeting of
iL city council was held last night.
Editor L. L. Porter, of the Ore
gon City Enterprise, spent Sunday
with relatives in this city.
Mr and' Mrs E. ,R.Bryson left
Sunday for a visit with relatives i-i
Portland. .-,.:
Oregon fruit won 80 medals n
the Pan-American exposition, and
prizes were also awarded this stale
on three kinds of nutf.
R-sv. R. L. Meiiey, of this city,
delivered one of th addre38es ba
fore the session of the Willamette
Presbytey held in Salem last week.
While in Corvallis last week,
udse Stewart of Lincoln county
perchased a Jersey calf from the
college, and shipped it to his farm
near Toledo.
The wife of Jesse Gross at Cor
vallis who has been quita sick is
much better. George Gross expect
ed to leave for Corvallis on yester
days train but on account ot her
improved condition will not go at
present. Register.
Dr. Withy combe and Professor
Kent returned Sunday from Elk
ton, Oregon, where they took part
in the program of the Farmers'
Institute held, at that place Friday
and Saturday, under the auspices
of the Agricultural College.
The Georee Brown slock farm of
80 acres, situated four miles west of
Philomath, was purchased last
week by F. N. Toothacre, of Salem,
late of Nebraska. The deal was
made by Henry Ambler, the rust
ling real estate agent of Philomath.
Hon W. E. Yates left es'eriay
for Canyon City, Grant eounty,
wbere he is te appear as counsel in
an important case to bs heaid be-
foi-H the circuit court which con
venes at that city next Monday.
Miss Tessie Buoy, who has been
quite ill in this city foi- the past
several weeks, is improved much
in hpalth and eXDectS: to return to
her home in Toledo this week. Her
brother, W. H; Buoy; and family
are now at Toledo on a protracted
visit, after an absence of some
months at Astoria.
Oiwell Bros, of Central Point,
who are tho largest growers of ap
' in southern Oregon, .have
gathered their crop of apples. It
amounted to 40 cars of 600 boxes
: each. All of the Newton Pippins
umwn bv them have been contract
ed for by tho London, , England,
The concert given at the col
lege chapel, Saturday evening:,
usder the arspices ef the societies
of that institution, was the ina
sical event of the season, and
the equal of any purely musical
progiam heard in Corvallis. The
numbers were all from the works
of the masters, with the ex
ception ef the compositions of
Rutkyn Turney, and these
suffered little by comparison.
With the first number, the
piano solo "The Star - Spangled
Banner" (Concert Paraphrase) by.
Troyer, Mordaunt Goodnough
wen the favor of his audience,
and their delight grew as the
program proceeded. Mr Geod
nough has a "glibaess" of touch,
brilliancy of technique and mas
terful grasp of interpretation
which plaee him in a class with
artists many years his senior.
His readition of Moszkowoki's
'Valse Brilliante" in A-flar,
was accorded a double encore.
There is an artlessness in the
manner of Miss Mabel Cronise
which adds charin to her efforts
oa the concert program. Her
rendition ef Gounod's "Tell Me
Beautiful Maiden" was accom
plished with such ease and absence
affectation, as to command ad
miration. While not powerful or
possessed of the dramatic quality,
her vole is sympathetic, and
under perfect control, and her
interpretation is artistic.
Rathyn Turney was tendered
an ovation at his first appearance,
and at the conclusion of his first
number, his ewn difficult and
Deauuisi "antasie," ne was
f iven an enthnastic recall. His
playing is of nature which "takes
hold" of an audience and the more
he is heard the greater he is ap
preciated. The "Mazurka de
Concert," by Musis, which
makes such demands upon the
technique, was performed with
consummate skill. At times the
notes seemed searcely more than
whispers, and when the bold
voice of the G string resounded
like that of the trombone, one
could Scarcely believe that the
same instrument was capable of
of such variety of sound.
The Musical Festival.
Corvallis at 6 o'clock a. m.
On the other hand the O. C. T.
Co. will operate its steamer Po
mona on the same route and she
will leave every Tuesday, Thurs
day, and Saturday, making a
daily schedule. On the McMinn
ville and Dayton run the O. R.
& N. Co. will operate its steamer
Modoc, which will leave Port
land at 7 a. in. every Tnesdav,
Thursday and Saturday. The
O. C. T. Co. will operate on the
same run the steamer Altona,
which. will leave every Monday,
Wednesday and Fridav at the
same hour. In this manner the
McMinnville Davton
Has a Snap.' '."...
The editor of acountry newspaper
has no business to make mistakes,
says Truth. He has no business
ever to get anything iuto his paper
that people do not like. . He ought
to know what would suit each in
dividual or he ought, to take each
item before u id published and let
the person whom it oncer;.; censor
it. An editor has plenty of liino to j
do line, as all he has to do is to j
hunt news and elean rollers, set
type, clean the - floor, pen short
items and hustle advertising, fold
papers and write wrappers, make
paste and man the papers, talk to
country .uu uiovi imuw vj j
ti -1. At i
wmiiavB bumcimutr . aave j :niBtakeaj hunt tho ehears to elip
never had before, and; that j articles, dodea the bills and dun
is a daily steamer . service.
The R. & N. will operate the
steamer Elsmore to clear up any
surplus frieht which may accu
mulate at any river points. All
tickets sold will be inter
changeable, so that a passenger
leaving on an O. R. & N. boat
one day may return on an O. C.
T. steamer the next day.- The
new arrangement mean practi
cally a division of the Upper
Willamette and Yamhill River
countries by the two companies,
and each will gain by the ar
Publle School Items.
The new seats for the seventh
and eighth grades have arrived,
and have been put in their
places, greatly to the srtisfactien
of the teachers and pupils of
those grades.
Through the efforts of the
teachers and pupils, enough
money has been raised to pur
chase a Hew drum which has ar
rived and is now in use.
Mrs. Cramer is again at her
post after a few days absence on
account of ill health. '
The grades have just finished i
their examinations for the second i
The different grades are now
looking forward to the coming
exercises for Thanksgiving.
The Board has bought a cabi
net of mathematical blocks for
the eighth and ninth grades,
which were greatly in- need of
the delinquents, take cussings and
tell subseribers that he needs
money. An editor has no business
to make mistakes while attending
to little trifles like these, and living
ton oxtail soup, flavoring, imagina
iol; wearing old shoes and no col
lar, a patch on the equator of his
pants, and at the same lime turn a
smiling countenance on the man
who tells him that his paper isn't
worth . the subscription price and
anyone could run a better one with
their eyes shut. -
J" Commissioners Court.?.
mon lor tnis; xuu
Greatest Mistake of all." On Wed
nesday evening: "Supreme Real
ities." Monday the government com
menced the long deterred payment
to the Siletz Indians of the pur
chase price of the resevation lands
for which, at its last session, Con
gress appropriated $85,0 .0 says the
News. The rate per capita will be
19fT46. The payment will be
made alphabetically and the settle
ment of estates of deceased Indians
will be taken up last. We under
stand, that the settlement of quite
a number of these estates will be
held up on account of irregularities
of the administration thereof, . The
Davment is being made by Special
Indian Agent D. W. Manchester, of
Cleveland, Ohio, who has ' been at
the Agency for some timo past ar
ranging the preliminaries.
Numerous cases or poisoning
due to drinking "loaded" apple
cider are coming to light and in
vestigation is being prosecuted.
Home of this cider, known to have
been manufactured at fcalem, is
being analyzed at the Agricultural
College, by the station chemists.
and as soon as the State Dairy and
Food Commissioner has received
hU raturu, he will attend to the
manufacturer who placed it oa the
market. There are those who
bulieve that the cider was rendered
poinoniou3 by having been shipped
and handled in unclean vessels,
but chemist Kniseley has found the
elder contained sodium fluoride,
deadlv poisoa. The drug was used
bv tbe manufactures for the pur
tyyta of preserving t'9 cider. The
(.ymptouos of thoe whs partook of
this leverage are mose oi poison
fnirrialent oramps,followed by
vomitine. The reason no fatilities
are reDorted in connection with the
cases is that only sma'l amounts of
tbe cider were taken into the ttom
bucket of water.
The jury awarded a verdict of
of $325 for the planitiff in the case
of Luckey vs Lincoln county which
was tried in Lane county last week.
The action was for $5,000 damages.
The jury is said to have stood six
for the defendant on the first ballot.
Two weie in favor of $1000, and
the other four were scattered in
sums ranging from $1C0 up. The
jury finally added the total amounts
together and devided by 12, and
the $323 verdict was the result.
The county will probably appeal
the case to the Supreme Court.
In keeping with its purpose to
do all in its power to promote the
Interests of farmors tributory to
its road in the Willamette valley,
the S. ' P. isi'ie rd f n 1 ry if
now distributing,-gratuitously, the
choicest seeds it has been able to
obtain. These comprise about 100
varieties of wheat, eats' and barley,
and include wheat and oats from
Oregon, Washington ' and British
Columbia, barley from Germany
and wheat from Shanghai, Australia
Argentine and New bouth Wales.
Samples have baen sent to Henry
L. h reach of this county.
During the last. 15 days of the
open season, which expires Uecem-
ber 1st, China pheasants may be
sold in the markets. This selling
of same however. Is permitted only
under certain conditions, and with
certain restrictions. Non-resident
market huatera are required to
pay a license fee of $10, and all
market hunters, whether resident
or non-resident are restricted to 10
birds a day. Compliance with
regulations is also required of those
who handle game intended for sale.
Those purchasing for the purpose
of sale are required to keep
record of all purchases open at all
reasonable ' times to the inspection
of the game warden and his depu
Hon. Wallis Nash addressed
the student body at O A C yester
day "inorning : on the subject of
the musical festival to be held in
thia city next spring and the
enthusiastic reception accorded
his remarks showed that he had
stuck a responsive chord. He told
them that he expected the college
to furnish a chorus of ioo voices,
to which should be added 50 from
Corvallis making the local con
tingent r;o strong. Albany will
bring 60, Eugene 30 or 40 and
Salem as many more, so that at
the least calculation 200 vioces
will be heard in the rendition of
the oratorios. The" Portland
symphony orchestra of 3 pieces
the finest organization in the
Northwest will accompany the
singers, if present negotiations
succeed. .
This evening at 7 130 o'clock,
at the Presbyterian church, a
meeting will be held to formally
launch this excellent eaterprize.
The people of Corvallis know no
Wanted on Shares.
Twenty sheep,' 20 goats; gotd 'pasture,
good attention .
C. A.Bareingkr.
Fern, Or.
F. P. Morgan, AUoraey-at-Law
Office 6th door south of J. H. Harris'
store, in old express office buildiug, Cor
vallis, Oregon. Will practice in all the
State and Federal Conits. Will give
special attention to Divorce matters.
Also have a few choice farm and city
properties for sale. - ' '
The regular term of cominis-
loners conrt for November was
in session last Wcdenesday and
Thursday. 1 The following busi
ness was transacted.
The cost bill amounting to
65.25, in the matter of State of
Oregon vs. Henry Haskins, was
allowed. -
The cost bill in the cause of
the state of Oregon vs. Pearl
Cooper, amounting to $33.30,
was allowed. - . '.-r
The cost bill of M. M. Waltz, J
J. P,, in the cause the state of
Oregon vs Henry Haskins," a
mounting to $4.50, was allowed.'
In the matter of the changing
of the boundaries of Alsea pre
cinct, which came ap for con
sideration upon the representa
tion of Willis Vidito and W-.J.
Howell, showing that the boun
daries of this precinct should
be changed so as to embrace
territory how lying within the
boundaries of Willamette and
Bellfountain precincts, it was or
dered that these changes be
In the matter of repairing the
county road from Corvallis to
Philomath, it appearing upon
the representation of Thomas H.
L-ooper that this road is in a
very bad condition in vicinity ot
Oak Creek and that if the same"
is not repaired and put in proper
condition soon, said road will be
practically impassable during the
coming winter, it was ordered
that when an amount not ex
ceeding $1 50, uow being sub
scribed, is secured the court will
donate a like amount, dollar for
The semi-anual reports of the
sheriff, clerk, and treasurer were
presented and ordered spread ap
on the journal of the Court.
yvVING lo ihe fact that . t
ol our clothing has arrh d
a little late, our manufactures
diing such a large business tir. y
were unable to met : -the demand
for their popular clothes, we v. i'l
give you extra values in suits for
$10.00, any of them worth the
p ice and many of them wor;h
a great deal more.
Mail Orders
Carefully Attended To
Suits that Do Suit.
such word as "fail", and when
they stand sponsor foi an under
taking the only question-is "how
great a success can we make it?"
Additional Local.
L. Kline.
Manufacturers of all" kinds of
Rough and Dressed Fir Ltimbe
Corner of 5th andlWashington Streets.
For prices enquire at yards oraddress the company at.Corvall
or Philomath, Oregon.
Job Printing
at this office
To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfec .
Summu Cii'is Lands at Nominal Prices
The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchased. 40,000 acres of tb
Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road lands, known as the "Coe Lands,'
have dow placed them on- the market
These are unimproved lands situated in Benton and Lincoln countie
along tbe line of tbe Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing and lrui
raising section of Western Oregon. - -
Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per' Acre. Easy Terms. Perfect Title.
M. M. DAVIS, Agent
October 7, 1901. Corvaiiis, Oregon.
The Phllemato Road-
Capps suits always have a form-fitting
shapeliness that is simply superb. Fac
ing, trimmings and Iiuiaga are most ap
propriate and the tailoring is flawless.
Back of e very Capps suit is a money
returning guarantee back of the guar
antee is 62 years of successful, honest
business. Stout, slim, and average-sized
men can all be easily fitted from the
Capps sizes. We rely on the intrinsic
merit of these goods and their low prices
$10 to $18 to win and retain customeia.
For sale only by
The Black Cat. ' !
For rainy day garments and
umbrellas go to Nolan & Callahan.
Prof. A. Klingemann, CorvalliSj
Oregon, will teach German, in a
town, .community or family.
A fine all wool black clay worsted
dress suit goo 1 weight and silk
sewed for $10 at Klines.
Big reduction sale, 20 per cent
discount on all goods. Fullington
& Horton. Co-. 3rd and Monroe
For fine table linens, napkins,
towels, lace curtains, rugs, lounge
cove's, white and colo-ed blankets,
Marseilles, quilts, - etc. Nolan of
Callahan. '
The largest stock of overcoats, ulsters,
raglans and mackintoshes iu town.
Daily Beat Service Assured.
We called attention last week
to. tbe fact that arrangements
were pending whereby Corvallis
might have a aauy boat service
this winter. A plan has been
perfected which assures such
service. ".
Under the new schedule which
will take place as soon as the
water has reached the proper
stage, the U. K. &.N. Co. ; wii
operate the steamer Ruth be
tween Portland "and Corvallis
and way points. She will leave
Portland every Monday, Wedaes
day and Friday at 6:45 o'clock
a. m., and returning -will leave
For Sale.
Having retired from the business of
farmin', I will sell a 3-inch Bam wagon,
spfingtooth hayrake, and a splen
did voune mare, cheap. Terms, cash or
well secured note. J . I. -Taylob,
. ".. Corvallis, Or.
Thos. Cooper was in town
Saturday. He has supervision
of the improvement of the road
to Philomath, and informed the
Gazette man, that work on that 1
thoroughfare is progressing nice
ly. Already $ 140 of the required
i?o necessary, with what assis
tance the county" is to 'give,; to
complete the improvement has
been subscribed. Work has
been in progress for a week, and
six teams are hauling gravel at
the' rate-ef' 43 loads per :day
The road has been graveled well
from the Joe Johnson place to
the foot f the hill near Rose's
orchard. - The average ', price
paid pei load is 40 Cents, acd
with the $300 at command
eoeratioas may continue - until
the first of December, at which
f C n a fTiA rnaJ will In Amnft
shape as far as the Prior Scott'f (
place. -ir
"' Wanted. " '
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
"fcsfc Tll E
Pioneer Bakery
. Fresh bread daily. ; A complete stock of candies, fruits and
' ;tJ nuts kept canstantly 'on hand. Smokers supplies
' ' " - " a specialty. . i : - "'-
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
5 xaisms?ssisS:Sjfflm
- . . . . . - . e i
Fresh Fish.
Chinook salmon at 6 cents per pound,
Silver salmon 5 cents per pound by the
100 pounds, ready for family use. Leave
orders at Farmers Hotel, or address ;
- A. A. McCleaey,
Waldport, Or.
" 10J.6 E. B. men at $2,25 and $2.50 per
day, 100 barkers at $2.00 per day, 15
buckets nt $2.00 per day, 20 swampers at
$2.00 per day, 50. teamsters at $35 per
month and board, steady work, wood
choppers 80 cents to $1.10 at H. H. Hig
leys Employment office, No.185 Morrison
St. PortleTid Oregon.
1000 girls for house work,' 75 girls for I
work in Hotels, 50 girls for wort in
stales, 50 girls for waiting on table,
steady work, good pay, $15 to $25 perl
month at H. H. Higley s Employment
office No. 185K Morrison St' Portland, '.
Oregon. ---
Would you marry if suited? Send 10
cents for - details, postomce box 6ao,
Portland, Oregon.
Be Wise.
Come to our store when -in need
of clothes, we are offering some
gre-t suits for $10 in clay worsteds,
serges, caBhmeres, and fancy pat-1
terns. If you want them better.
we have them up to $25.00. S. Li J
Kline. '
Reduced Ten Per Cent
For October.
That Means Overstocked.
1 This includes our entire stock of the season'slatest
tlons in Box Coats, Automobiles, Etc.
Foley's Honey ah Tar$ Corvallis,
for chlldren,safe,sure. A opiates.