THE CORVaLLIS GAZETTE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER H, 1901. WHAT THEY EXPRESS. Selections from Roman? History A general analysis of the late election? show the results to be most gratifying not only to re publicans but alsa to all friends of good government. The elec tion of Seth Low to be mayor of greater New York city, and that of Jerome to be; district attorney is a signal triumph of civic right eousness over the most tyrannical and corrupt government ever in flicted on any civilized people. For seventeen years continuously Tammany has controlled the city. Extravagance, venality, - corrup tion, vice an 1 crime marked its adminislraiiou aud enriched its leaders. To overcome and de throne these seemed to be a well nigh hopeless undertaking. It ha-; been done and the people have given a . grand demonstra tion of the power of aroused and determined public sentiment. The result in Pennsylvania is the peoples' unmistakable expres sion of satisfaction not only with their local governments but with republican policies. Pennsylva nia is a carefully aad well gov erned state. The' cry of corrup tiou comes from a handful of senator Quay's political enemies who desire to succeed him, and has very little foundation in fact. The people know this. . There is no city in the Union having higher moral sentiment than Philadelphia. Harris' pluralty for State Treasurer shows that the city government is not a de fiance of this sentiment. The fine majority of nearly 25000 given for the republican ticket in Alleghany county indicates the continued attachment of the wage-workers to the doctrine ot protection. In Ohio the re election of Gov. Nash is especially gratifying to republicans. Kibourne the dem ocratic candidate, an exceptional ly strong man whose candidacy strongly appealed to the old sol dier and the labor vote is defeat ed by nearly 68000 votes. The people of Ohio approve republican policies, not simply because they honor the memory of McKinley, but because they believe, as he believed them to be : right and for the country's good. Massachusetts, -Rhode Island, New Jersey and Iowa are still found in the republican column and give ample evidence of their purpose to remain with it. Ne braska, South Dakota, Colorado and Utah proclaim the heresy of free coinage of silver burnt out. They return to the republican fold, and the silver tongued or ator of the Platte can never again induce them to leave it. . The results in Maryland and in Kentucky are what should have been expected by every one. Gorman will now doubtless suc ceed Willington in the U. S. Senate, and will be to all a more acceptable senator, which is not saying much, indeed, commend able of Gorman. Again we have a ' 'solid south. " Race prejudice alone will keep the south solid for an indefinite period. We expect to see the south divided on many policies. Protection is growing in favor in many portions of the South. . It will so be quite impossible, . in many southern districts to elect men to cangress unless thy are protectionists. - The rapid industrial development of the south is contributing to ' this, and if the race problem were once removed or finally set tled the south would cease to be S3 closely identified with one party. She can trust the repub- . lican party on nearly all nation al policies, but will not trust it on the treatment of ' the negro. The late Booker Washington episode but served to confirm the SDuthera people in this attitude. While we may wish this were otherwise we cannot blame the south. . The elections show that there will be no new alignment of par ties. The country was never be fore so prosperous. Republican policies have been the mightiest factor in promoting' this prosper ity. The democracy has no is sue can find none, and is forced to continue merely as a negation. Bryanism has cost the democrat ic party a heavy piice. Tho Children's Friend. Literal Translation from . Eulroplus by C. MacLean, Ph. D. Doatn of Mlth'adaten, Catiline's -Conspiraoy. (Continued) While tbfse tliirj were lit. are j ieng carrie' I on pirates were itifrstiii;; every spa in such a manner ilmt for tin 1 Romans, the conquers of lliu who h world, sailing was not safe. Wherefore that war which ho brought to an end hotb with unnstsal succrss iin'I dispatch wag entrusted to Gneius Pouipeius as general. Soon also the war against the Kings Mithradatea and Tigranes was as signed to him. This having been under taken, he conquered Mitkradates in Ar menia Minor in u battle fought by night, plundered his camp, and killed forty thousand of his soldiers, while lie himself lost only twenty men from hia army aud two csaturiras, llithra dates fled with his wife and two compan ions. And not long afterwards, when he severely punished his own soldiers, he, having beu goaded t deatli by a rebellion among Ihu soldiers of Pharua cea, hia son, drank poison. Such was the end of Mithradatea Lit. This end Hithradates had Hunc finetn habuit Mithradatea. And lie diad near the BoapUorua, a maa of singular ability anil wisdom. He ruled sixtv years, lived seventy-two years, and had wared against the Romans forty years. In the consulships of Mar cug Tullius Cicero, the Orator, and Caius Antonins, in the year after the founding of the city six hundred and eightv nine. Lucius Ser gius Catiline, a man of very noble family, but of a most depraved dispasilion, con - spired with some men famous indeed but audacious, for the purpose of destroy ing thsir native land. lie was driven from the city by Oicer... His accompli ces having been captured, they were strangled in prison. Catiline himself having been conquered in battle by An tomus, the other consul, was put to death. In the six-hundredth and ninety ninth year after the building of the City, in the consulships of Decimus Junius ouanus mureaa, raeieuus celebrated a triumph for his eonquests in Crete, and Pompey for his victory in the war with with the pirates and with Mithradatea, No triumphal procession was ever like this one.") The sons of Mithradates, the son of Tigranes, aad Aristobulus, King of Judea, were led in front of the triumphal oar; and an immense sum of money, both iu gold and silver an un limited amount was borne in front. A t this time there was no serio'.is war iu the world. Yon'll have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. - .Your children will suffer, too. For cough, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure cevcr fails. Acts promptly, It is very pleasant to the tusie ""and peif-ctiy harmless. C. B. iieory, Vim:lier.ler, Ky., writes: "Our tittle pirl wdh attacked with croup late one n hi h ud Via so hoarse t-lie could hardly, ppeak. We pave her a few doses iff One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her immediately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next morning she had 110 signs of hoarseness or croup." Graham & Wells. , We Are Headquarters FOB FURNITURE A Little-Known Fact That the ma jority ef-eerious diseases originate in dis order of, the kidneys. Foley's Kidney Cure is guaranteed. Be sure to get Fo ley's. Sold by Graham & 'Wortham. A winter trip to Southern California and Arizona via the famous Shasta Route is one never to be forgotifn. Renewed acquantance with this section ' will ever develop fresh points of interest and ad ded sources of enjoyment under its son ny skies, in the variety of interests and added industries, iu its prolific vegetation and among its numberless resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. T trains leave Portland daily, morning and evening for California. These trains are equipped with the most improved pat tern of standard and . tourist BleeDine cars, and the low rates place the trip in reach of all. For illustrated guides of California and Arizona winter resorts. Address B. B. MlLLEB Gen. Passr. Agent, Portland, Or. "I had a running Bore on my leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest, of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hun dreds of dollars in trying to get it healed. Two boxes of Banner Silve entirely cured it." Beware of substitutes. Sold by G -aliam & Wortham. Notice for publication. United Statks Lucd Office. Oresron City. Oregon. October 2o. 1901 Notice ia herebv eiven that tbe following-named settler has filed notice of his intt-ntiou to make final profit iu support ot his claim, and that said proof wilt be made before County Clerk ot Benton County, at Corvallis, Orejroi, on December tn, 1V01. viz: II. E, 11045 for the Lets S and 4 of Sec. 21, T. 13 8., K. 5 W. lie names the following witnesses' t prove his continuous residence upon anl cultivation of said land, viz: Je--f3 sorter, ol corvallis, urean. John Whitaker, of Corvsll'is, Oregon- William New, man, ol corvallis, orejpn. I.. A. uurieurt, ox uorvai Us, Oregon. CUAS. D. MUUKL.B. Kt-ji tor. CARPETS WALL PAPER AND OHAHTER OAK STOVES and RANGES THE FINEST LINE OF :ART SQUARES AND RUGS -EVBB SEEN IN OOHVA1II8. " , 3". 33- TiOlAJyS'JXr cS3 CO. Semi-Annual Report of County Officials, Oct. 31, 1901. A Physician Testili3. "I have taken Kodol Dvspe; pia Cure and have -never used anything ia my life that did me the good that did." says County Physician George W. Scroggs of llall County, Ga. "Being a physician I have perscribed it and found it to give the best results." If the food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons tho system. You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dispepsia Cure digests what yon eat. You need suffer from neither dispepsia nor starva tion, The worse case quickly cured. Never fails.' Graham & Wells.. IF YOUR BICYCLE NEED DOCTORING COUNTY TREASURER. amounts Received; . Gen. Fund. Amt on hand from last report $ 9386 84 Received from Sheriff taxes 1900 18441 76 Amount on hand from last report. City of Corvallis 378 88 Received from Sheriff taxes 1900 " ' 117859 Amount on hancTlast report City of Philomath... 138 84 Received from Sheriff 1900' " 86 94 Amt on hand last report School Dist No 9 .... Eecd from Sheriff taxes 1000 f, Amt on hand fiom last report School Dist No 17 Keca ironi tonentl taxes 1900 "- -Amt on hand last report School Dist No 26.... Reed from Sheriff taxes 1900 " " Amt on hand last report School Dist 2"o 49 Reed from Sheriff taxes 1900 " Amt on hand from last report School Dist No 4 . . K.ecq trom sneritt taxes 1900 "... Reed from Sheriff delinquent tax sales.. 166 02 Reed. " " " " City of Corvallis 35 Reed " " School Dist No 9 Reed ', .-, ' City of Philomath 63 Reed from Sheriff fees 8 30 Kecd from V E Watters assig tax lor 1890-1898. .. 126 45 Reed from V E Watters O D Co taxes 324 53 Reed from V E Watters Redqt tax from I888-I890 1240 95 Reca ,, " " . ' City of. Corvallis 20 22 . Recd 1. .i s " School Blst No 9... Rec from V E Watters state orders, scalp bounty 115 99' Eecd from V E Watters fees 256 15 Reed from State Treasurer School Int Fund Reed from Moses & Chandler peddler licenses.... 300 Reed from EHolgateJ P Fines 11 75 Reed from C W Davis J P Fines 1 80 Reed from Grant Elgin Fees 435 15 Reed from W H Boles Int on bonds School ,Dist No" 17 Amt on hand last report Institute fund Reed frcm G W Denman Institute .urd Amt on hand from last report Road dist No I4. . 3 77 Amt on hand last report Bicycle Fund 277 48 Amt on hand from last report Road fund... 30 03 Reed from Secretary of State for rosid fund....... 8022 Reed from R C Kiger for old bridge lumber 5 03 School Fund Repairs to court house.... Wuter for court' house Insuiance premium, court house ipsnrance. Teachers examinations ' "Total...... 102 45 n3 60 77o 00 48 00 $i4,726 59 "CLERK'S SKMI-ANNUAIi SUMMARY STATEMENT Of th financial condition of Benton county, Oretion, on thr 3oth day o! faeptt niufr. A. D,, liloi, hu-iuMve: . . April 1, ittoi, to i-oiintv warrants outstanding and twpaul $22,ois l October I, 1901 to county wariaula September 30, 1901 issued fortt months ending Total . By Co. warrants tedeemed and canceled since April 1 901 County warrants outstanding and unpaid Oct. 1. 1901 ... . LIABILITIES. To county warrants outstanding and unpaid To estimated accrued interest 7004 05 5438 54 1I5 98 653 27 5J 35 75 Si 58 80 74 46 28 31 30 80 20 65 55 20 31 98 rs 21 05 54 00 291 92 7 37 2974 36 62 oi 12 50 83 00 RESOURCES. By Cash in hand of County Treasurer, applicable to pay ment of county warrants By cash in hands of sheriff applicable to payment of coun ty warrants i RECAPITULATION. Total Liabilities..... Total resources (exclusive of county property and amount ' due on tax tale record) Net Indebtedness .' . 14,726 59 $37-345 4 26.328 82 11,016 58 n,oi6 sS 300 00 $n,3'6 5 $ 1,037 80 27 00 lof 1 8o 11,31658 1,064 80 10,251 78 Slate of Oregon 1 Y ss County of Benton J I, Virgil E. Watters, County Clerk of Benton County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the claims allowed by the cpunty court of said county for the six months ending September 30th A. D. iqoi. on what ac count the same were allowed, the amounts of warrants redeemed during said six months, and tbe amounts ot warrants outstanding and unpaid on the 30th day ot September A. D. 1901, as the same appears upon the records in my office and in my office and in my custody ' , In witness whereof, I nave hereunto set my hand and athxed the seal ot me county court, this 1st day of October, A. D. 1901. VIRGIL B. WATTERS. County Clerk. Semi-annual statement of the eounty treasurer of Benton county," Oregon, for the six monins ending sepi 30m, a d 1901, 01 money received ana paiu out, For Sale. Four-room cottage and two lots, near S. P. depot. Inquire of W. C, Corbett, Corvallis, Or. - , Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for dcuhjd liuunty. D. N. Williamson, " - Plaintiff, I . vs. -llarv A. Williamson. 1 i. u. wuuamson Martha E. Prettyman, J. W. Williamson, Wiley A Wlllianuon, W. O. Williamson, P. E. Wil liar son, Arthur Beam is, Mattie frettyman-John-ston and Henry Pretty man, a minor. Defendants. 10 Mattie iTeuyman-Johnstoc. cae of the above named defendants: IN THE KAMR OP THIS STAT8 OP MOON, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of the above-named plaiutiB filed against von in the above entitled court, oa or before the expira tion of six weeks from the data of the first publica tion of tills summops. which " the 11th day of- Oc tober, 1801, and the lai, da the publication of this summans is t-e Siwl day of November. 1901. and you are notified if you fa? to appear and answer said complaint the plaint will apply to said court for the relief prayed ior is his said complaint, towit For a decree and order ol said court to correct a misl take and error in the description in a certain deed mad.! ?.Bd executed by P- . Williamson and Mary A. Will'amson to the plaintiff on July 25th 1896 and recorded in the deed recants for Benton county" Orofron, Velume 33, at page 412 thereof, and for such other relief as to the court may seem lust This summons is served by publication thereof ia the CoavALLis Oazbtts by order of Hon. E. Wood ward, County Judge for Benton County, Oreron. . Made the 9th day of October, 19ol. N, M. Nbwporv, Attorney for Plaintiff. Take it to the BICYCLE HOSPITAL J. K. BERRY, Proprietor.; Watch Confidence Makes traveling a pleasure, when correct time is always a nece. :ity. Yours may be a capable time keeper, but through incom petent pairing you have lost &Uh in it. Bring it in to me. I will repair the worst wrecked watcu, and I will do it economi cally. . Albert J. Metzocr Tnree Doors Nowh of the Foateffice. FINE MILLINERY Spwial Line of Street , Hats. : V . . ' FULLINGTON & HORTON, Corner 3rd and Monroe Sis. . J. E. FO WELLS SHpEJvlHKEf?. Repairing promptly and neatly done. First door west of the Gazette office. BANNER SALVE tha most healing salve in the world. 32(5i9 Hi AMOUNT PAID OUT. Paid on County warrants .1.26151 27 Paid interest on Co Warrants 923 81 Paid on Bounty Scalp Tax 2524 7(i Paid on School Sup t Warrants Hal on hand general fund 823 85- Bal on hand school fund " Paid City of Corvallis 1578 o4 Paid City of Philomath 218 46 Bal on haud City of Philomath. i...... 7 9& Paid School dist N6 9 ;' Paid School Dist No i7 .......... Bal on hand School Dist No i7..... Paid Int on Bond Indebtedness Sehool. District . ' No i7 v ' Paid School Dist No 49 Paid Jsehool Dist No 26... Paid School Dist No. 4 Bal on hand School Dist 4 , Paid School Sopt tor Institute use Bal on band in Institute Fund Paid orders road Dist No 14.'. 3 77 Paid on Bicycle Fund.... 173 78 Bal on hand bicycle fund...... . lo3 7o Bal on hand road fund llo 25 Those faraojs little pills, DeWitt's Lit tle Early Itisers compel your liver and bowels to do their duty, thus giving you pure, rich blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. Gra ham & Wells. Modern Surgery Surpassed. State of Oregon fl720I 25 74o2 84 8463 06 -773 77 5o 85 75 81 2 7o 65 il 133 26 U7 45 8 4o 53 60 42 00 JS17201 25 TO 110MESEEKERS. No. 101 loacres, 15 in cultivation, good buildings, fine fruit and water, good bottom land; price, 650. 4 miles from Philomath. No. 13180 "acres, 25 in cultivation, nice vounn orchard: fair buildings, 2 cows and calves, team, wagon and har ness, clow, cultivator, tools, etc. : also furniture. This is a good hill ranch and is cheap at $ 700. - 6 miles from town. 74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation ; small honse; good hard and water ; 1 miles from town; cheap at $1,500; on main counljroad ; good pasture and timber. . 113 A good 7-rooin house with one half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken houses and sheds, price $600; well ar ranged for poultry - raising; this is a cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from Corvallis postoffice. : HENRY AM BIER, Real Estate Agent, ' Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon "While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician who advised me to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve," says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "I procured a box and -was entirely cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure for piles, giving relief in stantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers." Surgery is unnecessary to cure pile.3. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured by it. Beware of counter feits. Graham & Welln. Farm for Sale. K. B. Blodett oners for sale his 57i) acre stock farm, one-half niile from Bled ett, O -ego 1. $32019 64 1 eg , . County of Benton J I, W. A. Buchanan, County Treasurer, of Benton cettnty, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement of the Amounts received, amounts paid out, and balance on hand in the County Treasurer Sot the six mouths ending September 30th, A. D. 19ol. W. A. Buchanan, ?f i Treasurer Benton County, Oregon. SHERIFF. : Semi-annual statement of the Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, 'for the eix months ending September 30, 1901. . " DEBTOR " - April 1, 1901, to bicycle funds on band.... To amount received on account of 1899 taxes To amount received on account 1900 taxes To amount received on account delinquent tax sale To amount received on account mileage collected ... 27 00 3 37 26,038 00 19913 . 8 30 CREDIT. By Cash paid to County Treasurer.. By amount bicycle tax on hand. . . 126,275 80 26,248 80 i7 00 Executors' Sale of Real Property. Executors Notice of sale ot real property. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the County Court f the Slate of Oregon for the County of Benton, made on the 3rd day of Septen-'ber, 1901, in tbe matter of the Estate oi Thomas Eglin de ceased, the undersigned Executors of said estate from and after Saturday the 9th day of November 191, will proceed to seU the real properly herein after described, belonging to said Estate? at private sale at CorvallU Benton county State of Oregon, for cash at the time of purchase. The said real prop erty to be sold as herein required, is described as follows: To Wit: All the right, title and interest of the said Estate of in and to Lota No. 7 and 8 of Block No. 1 in the Original Town of Marysville now the City of Corvallis, Benton county, State of Oregon; and also all of the North half of lot No. 1 (except 25 feet'squaro en the West e'.:d of natd Lot 1) all of Lot No. 2 and the South half of Lot No. S, all in Bkck No. 18 of the Oruriual town of Uaryaville now the City of Corvallis Benton county State of Oreton. Said real property to be sold in two separate par eels. Said sale subject to the confirmation of said County Court of Benton county Slate ol Oregon, Datea Oct. 8th, 1SW1. Geo. F. Eous Wm. Crees, Executors of the Estate of Thomas Egliu, Deceased. Consumption threatened C. Unger, 212 Alaple-SL, Champaign, I'l., writes: . was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consump tion. I tried a great many remedies and whs tinder the care of physicians for sev eral months. I used one bottle of Fo ley's Honey and Tsr. It cured me, and I have not lieen troubled since." Sold by Graham & Wortham. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry et every description on In first class manner, and satisfaction goar- antesd. CBOVX AND BRIDGE W3EI 1 SPECltLTY Offic-e over Zierolf 's firocery store, epposiw the pot office. CorvaJHs. Oregon. 26,275 80 Notice for Publication. Ukitto States Land Omc. t Oregon City. Oregon, October, 6, 19CH Notice is hereby given that in co-npliance with the provisions el the act of Congress of June 3 187-8 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands tat the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washimr ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Lana States by act of August 4, 1892, CHARLES W. WILKINSON, of Philomath, comty of Benton, State of Oregon has th-i day tied il this office his sworn statement No. 6624, for the purchase of the S. 1 ollt W I and Lots 3 and 4 of section No, 4 in Township No. 18 South, Range No, 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim xi said land before the Register and Receiver of tr s office at Oregon City Oregon, on Saturday, the 21st day of December; He names as witnesees: Melrose Courter of Falls City, Oregon, John Hyde of Philomath, Origou Charles odell of Philomath, Oregon, and fred Simeral of Philomath, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above desenbed lands are requested to file their claims in Una office on or before said 21st day of December 19M- CHAS. H MOOKES, - Register Chas. Replogle, of Atwater," 0., was unable to work on - account of kidney trouble. After using Foley's Kidney Cure four days he was cured, Sold by Graham & Wortham; - Miss Mabel Cronise Graduate of Chicago College 1 of Music Teacher of Vocal and Instru mental Music. CORVALLIS, OREGON. Notice of laal Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that' the undersigned ag administrator of the estates it Ransom A. and Ma hala Belkn..p deceased has Bled his final account in said estates in the County itourt of Benton connty. State of Orsgon and that said court has appointed Saturday lien. 7, 1901 at 10 o'clock a. m. at county Couit Room in the court house in the city of Cot-vails, Benton county State of Oregon, as the time and place to hear the objections if asj to said final ao coui.t f nd the settlement of said recount and estates Corvallis Oregon. . . , . . ' W. C. Belknap. - Administrator of the estatrs of Ransom A. and Mahala P.. Ikr.ap, Lep: ..k1. Mr. G-. A, Stillmau, a merchant' of Tampico, 111.. writes: "Foley's Kidney Cure is meeting' with wonderful success. It has cured some cases here that' physi cians pronounced incurable. I myself am, able to testify to its merits. My face today is. a-'living picture of health, and Foley's Kidney Cure has made itsnch." Sold by Graham Wortham. ' State of Oiegon 1 ' County of Benton J " 1,'M.P. Burnett, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, amounts paid to the Connty Treasurer, aad the balance on hand for the six months ending Sep tember 30, 1901 .; - - M. P. BURNETT, . " Sheriff of Beuton County, Oregon. r COUNTY CLERK. '. ' Semi annual report of the County Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, showing the amount of warrants drawn, and for what purpose allowed, as per order of the County Court, from the first day of April, A. D., 1901, to the 3oth day of September, A. D., 1901, both inclusive: - . . . County Judge............... .............. . Salary sneritt. Salary clwk...'..... Salary recorder Salary school superintendent Salary county treasurer . B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Phjjsician $ Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. . I 10 to 12 a. m. Offi Hours J a to 4 p. m. Reaidwice : Cornet College and 8th Sts. Telephone at office and residence. Corva'lis, - - - Oregon H. C. Walkms, sexton ot the Method ist Church, Springfield, Pa., says: "My wife has been very had with kidney trouble and tried several doctors without benefit. After taking one bottle of Fo ley's Kidney Cure, was much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." Sold ly Graham h Wortham. Salary assessor.., balary commissioners r.... ....... Salary county surveyor Salary stock inspector. Justice courts........ Circuit court Janitor court bouse Roads and bridges. . , Care county poor Keeping up present ownership books.. Board of prisoners.. Deputy sheriffs...... Deputy clerk. - Stamps and Expressage..... Long Tom and gravel bar ferries Running Corvallis Ferry .... Telephones.. ..... Printing, books and stationery Surveying county line Supplies for court house...... .........r.... Wood for court house Field notes for surveyor Rock crusher. , Rebate taxes State fair exhibit...... Coroner inquests , Gravel loader Work on tax roll , Bicycle inud Bounty on wild animals .... Insane 450 00 999 96 900 00 - 500 00 499 98 25o 01 744 15 153 70 3125 130 90 S14 70 240 0U 3,715 US 821 93 45 00 70 18 32 00 92 Oo Xl3 16 6S93 ate 6s 7920 -429 76 JO 85 13 29 201 o5 200 00 J, 154 00 200 25 ! 0 00 98 5o s5o 00 .47 60 J7003 j78 00 1 2 75 Notice for Publication. ' Lass Click ai Oriooh Crrr, Oregon October 12, 1901. Kotice is hereby given that the following-nan. el settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi.l be made before the County Clerk of Benton Co., at Corvallis, Oregon, on November 23, 1901, viz: BL E. No. 11 1C8 of Clara J. Seits fonrerly Clara J. Hearing widow of James A. Hearing, Deceased, for the NE i NW & NW J NE J Sec. 2-T. 18 S., B. 6 W. She name", the following witnesses to provo her continuous lesidenca upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas H. Coon, of lnavale, Oregon, Thornton A Leir aster, of Inavale, Oiegon, James Lemaster, rf lnaale, Orron, Sam W. Cilhoon, of Dusty, Oregon. CHAS. B. 1IOORE3. . Register. LG. ALTMAN, M. D. Office Corser 3rd and Monroe streets Boueb 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun day 9 to 10. Eesidknce Corner 3rd and Harrison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Telephone 315, at residence. Notbv. TiTi.HS Con Ncisa. JOS. H". WILSON. ATTORNKY-ATJUaW. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Firat National Bank Building. Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies ifafam ells CorvalHs, Oregon Established, -. Incorporali?, rfoS WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete line ot Pure Drugs aad . Chemicals in Corvallis. Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Artlcla, Combs, Brushes and Mirrors. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery CIGARS Manager of Perscription Department, T. A. JONES, Reentered, Epecial Course in Pharmacy at rercue Caiveisi ty, Indiana E. 11. Bryson ATTORNEY IT LAW Corvallis, Oreon. Office in Poatoffice Still dine. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST OBe i Wlill.horn Blork Corvallis, Oregon IF. T. Rowley PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OPTICIAN. Office over First National Erwl.