Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 12, 1901, Image 1

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BNION Eatab. July, 1897.
GAZETTE Bntab. Dm., 1882.
1 Consolidate! Feb., 1899.
VOL. II. NO. 29,
The Doctor
By Hesba
CHAPTER XVI. (Continued.) .
"You are looking rather low," she said
triumphantly "rather blue, I might say.
la there anything the matter with you?
Your face Is as long as a fiddle. Perhaps
it Is the sea that makes you melancholy."
"Not at all," I answered, trying to
speak briskly; "I am an old sailor. Per
haps you will feel melancholy by-and-by."
Luckily for me, my prophecy was ful
filled shortly after, for the day was rough
enough to produce uncomfortable sensa
tions in those who were not old sailors
like myself. , My tormentor was pros
trate to the last moment.
When we anchored at the entrance of
the Creux, and the small boats came out
to carry us ashore, I managed easily to
,.!.. .A in tlia firdt And t(l lose
sight of her in the bustle of landing. As
soon as my feet touched the shore I start-
ed. off at my swiftest pace for the Havre
But I had not far to go, for at Vaudin's
Inn, which stands at the top of the steep
lane running from the Creux Harbor, 1
saw Tardif at the door. He came to me
instantly, and we sat down on. a low
stone wall on the roadside, but well ont
of hearing of any ears but each other" s."
"Tardif," I said, "has mam'zelle told
you her secret :"
"Yes, yes," he answered; "poor little
' soul! -and she is a hundredfold dearer to
me now than before. But mam'zelle is
not here. She is gone!"
"Gone!" I ejaculated. I could not ut
ter another word; but I stared at him
as If my eyes could tear further informa
- tion from him.
"Yes," .he said; "that lady came last
week with Miss Dobree, your cousin.
Then mam'zelle told me all, and we took
counsel together.-' It was not safe for
her to. stay any longer, though I would
have died for her gladly. But what could
be done? We knew she must go else
where, and the next morning I rowed
her over to Peter-port in time for the
steamer to Bnglandr Poor little thing!
poor little hunted soul!".
"Tardif," - I . said, . "did she lea,ve no
message for me?"
- "She wrote a letter for you," he said,
"the very last thing. She did not go to
bed that night, neither did I. I was go
tag to lose her,s doctor, and shej had
been lik the light of the Bun to me.
But what could I do? She was terrified
to death at the thought of her husband
claiming her. I promised to give the
letter into your own hands. Here it is:
' It had been lying in his breast pocket,
and the edges were worn already. He
gave H to me lingeringly, as if loth to
part with it. The tourists were coming
up in greater numbers, and I made a
retreat hastily towards a quiet and re
mote .part of the cliffs seldom visited in
Little Sark.
There, with the sea, which had carried
her away from me, playing buoyantly
amongst the rocks, I read her farewell
letter. It ran thus: -
"My Bear Friend I am glad I can
call you my friend, though nothing' can
ever come of our friendship nothing, for
we may not see one another as other
friends do. I am compelled to flee away
again . from .this . quiet,, peaceful home,
where you and Tardif have been so good
to me. I -began to feel perfectly safe
here, and all at once the refuge fails
me. It'breakg my heart, but I must go,
and my only gladness is that it will be
good for you. By and by you will forget
me, and return to your cousin Julia, and
be happy just as you once thought you
should be as you would have been but
for me. You must think of me as' one
dead. I am quite dead lost to you.
i "Good-by, my dear friend; good-by,
good-by! - OLIVIA."
The- last line wasvwritten in a shaken,
irregular hand, and her name was half
blotted out, as if a tear had fallen upon
it. I remained there alone on the wild
and solitary cliffs until it was time to
return to the steamer. ,
Tardif was waiting for me at the en
' trance of the little tunnel through which
the road passes down to the harbor. He
did hot speak at first, but he drew out
of his pocket an old leather pouch filled
with yellow papers. Amongst them lay
a long curling tress of shining hair. He
touched it gently as if it had feeling and
. consciousness.
"You would like to have it, doctor?" he
"Ay," . I answered, and that only. I
could not venture upon another word.
Three months passed slowly, away af
ter my mother's death. Dr. Dobree, who
was utterly inconsolable the' first few
- weeks, .fell into ail. his old. .maundering,
philandering ways again, spending hours
upon his toilet, and paying devoted at
tentions to every passable woman who
came across his path. . My temper grew
like touchwood; the least spark would set
it a blaze. I could not take such things
in good, part. . .
We had been at daggers drawn for a
day or two, he and I, when one morning I
was astonished by the appearance of
Julia in our consulting room, soon after
. my father, having dressed himselfelabo
rately, had, quitted the house. Julia's
face was ominous, the upper lip very
straight, and a frown upon her brow.
"Martin,", she began in a low key, "I
am come to tell you something that fills
me with shame-and auger. I. do not know
how to contain myself. I could never
have-believed .that" I could have been so
blind and foolish. ' But it seems as if I
were doomed to be deceived and disap
pointed on every hand 1 who would not
deceive, or disappoint anybody in thed
worl. : I declare it makes me quite ill
to think of it. Just look at my hands,
how they tremble.
"Your nervous system is out of order,"
I remarked. "
"It is the world that Is out of order,"
. she said petulantly; "I am well enough.
Oh. I do not know 'however T tm fo tell
you. There are some things it is a shame
to speak of.
"Must you speak of them?" I asked.
- "Yes; you must know, you will have to
-know all sooner or later. If my poor,
i l.t.M....M'.M'.-l"t
dear aunt knew of it she could not rest
in her grave. ' Martin, cannot yon guess?
Are men born so dull that they cannot
see what is going on under their own
"I have not the least -idea of what you
are driving at," I answered. "Sit down
and calm yourself."
"How long is it since my poor, dear
aunt died?
"You know as well as I do," I replied.
wondering that she should touch the
wound so roughly. . "Three months next
Sunday. .
"And Dr. Dobree," she said in a bitter
accent then stopped, looking me full in
the face. I had never heard her call my
father Dr. Dobree in my life.
"What now?" I asked. "What has my
unlucky father been doing how?"
"Why," she exclaimed, stamping her
foot, while the blood mantled to her fore
head, "Dr. Dobree is in haste to take a
second wife! He is indeed, my poor Mar
tin. He wishes to be married immedi
ately to that viper, Kate Daltrey."
"Impossible!" I cried, stung to the
quick by these words. I remembered my
mother's mild, instinctive dislike to Kate
Daltrey, and her harmless hope that I
Would not go over to her side. Go over
to her side! No. If she set her foot into
this house as my mother's successor, I
would never dwell under the same roof.
As soon as my father made her his wife
I would cut myself adrift from them both.
But he knew that; he would never ven
ture to outrage my mother's memory or
my feelings in such a flagrant manner.
"It is possible, for it is true," said Ju
lia. "They have understood each other
for these four weeks. You may call It
an engagement, for it is one; and I never
suspected them, not for a moment!
Couldn't you take out a' commission of
lunacy against him? He. must be mad
to think of such a thing."
"How did you find it out?" I inquired.
"Oh, I waa so ashamed!" she said.
"You see I had not the faintest shadow
of a suspicion. , . I had left them in the
drawing room to go upstairs, and I
thought of something I wanted, and went
back suddenly, and there they were his
arm around her waist, and her head on
his shoulder he with his gray hairs, too!
She says she is the .same age as me, but
-she Ss-terty- if vie is a dar..-, The-if mol
tons! I did. not know -What to" say, or
how to look. I could not got out of the
room again as if I had not seen,' for I
cried, Oh !' at the .first sight of them.
Thenl stood staring at them; but I think
they felt as uncomfortable as I did." -
"Julia," I Baid, "I shall leave Guern
sey before this marriage can come off. 1
would rather break stones on the high
way than stay to see that woman in my
mother's place. My mother disliked her
from the first. . : ' "
"I know it," she replied, with tears in
her eyes, "and I thought it was nothing
but prejudice. It was my fault, bringing
her to Guernsey. But I could not bear
the idea of her coming as mistress here,
I said so distinctly. 'Dr. Dobree,' I said,
'you must let me remind you that the
house is mine, though you have paid me
no rent for years. ; If you ever take Kate
Daltrey into it, I will put my affairs into
a. notary s hands. I will, upon my word,
and Julia Dobree never broke her word
yet.'. That brought him to his senses
better than' anything. He turned very
pale, and sat down beside Kate, hardly
knowing what to say. Then she began,
She said if I was cruel, she- would be
cruel, too. Whatever grieved you, Mar
tin, would grieve me, and she would let
her brother, Richard Foster, know where
Olivia was.
"Does she know where she is?" I asked
eagerly,' in a tumult of surprise and hope.
"Why, in Sark, of course," she replied.
- "What! . Did you never r know that
Olivia left Sark before my- mother's
death?''-. I said, with a chill of disap
pointment. "Did I never tell you she was
gone, nobody knows where?
"You have never spoken of her in my
hearing, except once you recollect .when,
Martin? We have supposed she was still
living in Tardif 's house. Then there is
nothing to prevent me front carrying out
my threat. Kate Daltrey shall never
enter this house as mistress.
"Would -; you : have given it up for
Olivia's sake?'' I asked, marveling at her
"I should have done it for your sake,
she answered frankly.
i "But," I said, reverting to bur original
topic,, "if my father has set his mind
upon marrying Kate Daltrey, he will
brave anything.
"He is a dotard," replied Julia. "He
positively makes me dread growing old.
Who knows wnat follies one may be guil
ty of in old age! . I never felt afraid of
it before. Kate says she has two hun
dred a year of her own, and they will go
and live on that in Jersey,-if Guernsey
becomes unpleasant to them. Martin, she
is a viper she is indeed. And I have
made such a friend of her! Now I shall
have no one but you and the Careys,
Why wasn't I satisfied with Johanna as
my friend? . - : "
She stayed an hour longer, turning over
this unwelcome subject till we had thoroughly-discussed
every point of it. Id
the evening, after dinner, ! spoke to my
father .briefly but decisively upon the
same topic. After a very short and very
sharp conversation, there remained no
alternative ' for me but to make up my
mind to try my fortune once more 'out of
Guernsey. - I wrote by the next mail to
jack Senior, telling him my purpose.
I did not wait for my father to commit
the irreparable folly of his second mar-,
riage. Uuernsey had become hateful to
me. In spite of my exceeding love for
my native island, more beautiful in the
eyes of its people than any other spot on
earth, I could no longer be happy or at
peace there. Julia could not conceal her
regret, but I left her in the charge of
Captain Carey and Johanna. She prom
ised to be my faithful correspondent, and
I engaged to write to her regularly. There
existed between us the half-betrothal to
which we had pledged ourselves at my
dying mother s urgent request. She
would wait for the time when Olivia was
no longer the first in my heart; then she
would be willing to become my wila. But
if ever that day came she would require
me to give np my position -in England,
and settle down for life in Guernsey.
Fairly, then, I was launched upon the
career of a physician in the. great city,
as a partner with Jack and his father.
The completeness of the change suited
me. Nothing here, in scenery, atmos
phere or society, could remind me of the
fretted past. The troubled waters sub
sided into a dull calm, as far as emotional
life went - To-be sure, the idea crossed
me often that Olivia might be in Lon
doneven in the same street with me.
I never caught sieht of a faded green
dress but my steps were hurried, and I
followed till I was sure that the wearer
was not Olivia. But I was aware that
the chances of our meeting were so small
that I could not count upon them. Even
if I found her, what then? She was as
far away from me as though the Atlantic
rolled between us. If I only knew that
she was Bafe, and as happy as her sad
destiny could let her be, I would be -content.
Thus I was thrown entirely upon my
profession for Interest and occupation. I
gave myself up to it with an energy that
amazed Jack, and sometimes surprised
myself. Dr. Senior, who as an old vet
eran loved it with ardor for its own sake,
was delighted with my enthusiasm. - He
prophesied great things for me.
So passed my first winter in London.
Early in the spring I received a letter
from Julia, desiring me to look out for
apartments, somewhere in my neighbor
hood, for herself and Johanna and Cap
tain "Carey. They were coming to Lonr
don to spend two or three months of the
season. I had not had any task so agree
able since I left Guernsey. J ack- was
hospitably anxious for them to come to
our own . house, but I knew they would
not listen to such a proposal. I found
some suitable rooms for them, however,
where I could be with them at any- time
in five minutes. On the appointed day
I met them at Waterloo station,' and in
stalled them in their new apartments.
It struck me that Julia was looking
better and happier than I had seen her
look for a long time.- Her black dress
suited her, and gave her style which
she never had in colors. Her complex
ion looked dark, but not sallow; and her
brown hair was certainly more becom
ingly arranged. Her appearance was
that of a well-bred", cultivated, almost
elegant woman, of whom no man need
be ashamed. Johanna was simply her
self, without the least perceptible change.
But Captain- Carey again looked ten
years younger, and was evidently taking
pains -with his appearance. I was more
than satisfied,; ! was proud of , all my
friends.- - s
- "We . want '"you to come and have a
long talk with us to-morrow," said Jo-
hanaa: tx !at to niirht,-: We shnll
be busy shopping in'tEe morning, -but
can you come in the evening?!'
"Oh, yes," I answered; "I am at leis
ure most evenings, and I - count ' upon
spending them with you. I can escort
you to as many places of amusement as
you wish to visit. " -: -.
"To-morrow, then," she said, "we shall
take tea at eight o clock. .' -
I bade them good-night with a lighter
heart than I had felt for a long while. I
held Julia's hand the longest, looking
into her face earnestly, till it flushed and
glowed a little under my scrutiny. - -
"True heart!" I said to jnyself, "true
and constant! and I have nothing, and
shall have nothing, to offer it but the
ashes of a dead love. Would to heaven,"
I thought as I paced along Brook street,
"I had never been fated to see Olivia!"
I was punctual to my time the next
day. i sat among tnem quiet ana si
lent, but revelling in this partial return
of olden times. When Julia poured out
my tea, and passed it to me with her
white hand, I felt Inclined to kiss .her
jeweled fingers. If Captain Carey had
not been present I think I should have
done so.
We lingered over the pleasant meal.
At 'the close Captain Carey announced
that he was about to leave us alone to
gether for an hour or two. I" went down
to the door with him, for he had made
me a mysterious signal to follow him. In
the halt he whispered a few incomprehen
sible sentences into my ear. '
"Don't think anything of me, my boy!
Don't sacrifice yourself for me. I'm an
old fellow compared to you, though I'm
not fifty yet; everybody in Guernsey
knows that, so put me out of the ques
tion, Martin. There's many a slip 'twixt
the cup and the lip.' That I know quite
well, my dear fellow. -
He was gone before I could ask for an
explanation. ' I' returned to the drawing
room, pondering over his words. Johan
na and Julia-were sitting side by sWe
on the sofa, in the darkest corner, of , the
room.; ,".-.:.-.-,-'.--....-".., -i: :
"Come- here, Martin," said Johanna;;
"we wish to consult you on a subject of
great importance to us all.";.;.. v.
I drew up a chair opposite to them and
sat down, much as if it was about to
he a medical consultation.
"It is nearly, eight months since .your
poor dear mother died," remarked Jo
hanna. . : ...
Eight months! Yes; and no one knew
what those eight months had been to me
how desolate! how empty! ;
"You recollect," continued ; Johanna,
"how her heart was set on your marriage
with Julia, and the promise you both
made to her on her deathbed? -;
"Yes," I answered, bending forward
and pressing Julia's hand, "I remember
every word. ' '
.There was a minute's silence after this
and I waited in some wonder as to what
this prelude was leading to. '
"Martin," asked Johanna, in a solemn
tone, are yon forgetting Olivia ?" ; : -
. "No," I said, dropping Julia's hand
as the image of Olivia flashed across me
reproachfully, "not at all. What would
you hare me say? She is as dear to me
at this moment as she ever was." -
- "I thought you would say so," she re
plied; "I did not think yours was a love
that would quickly pass away, if it ever
does. There are men who can love with
the constancy of a woman. Do you know
anything of her v
"Nothing," I said despondently; -
have no clue as to where she may be
now. - : r:-
"Nor has Tardif,' she continued; "my
brother and I went across to Sark last
week to ask him. ..-
, "That was very good' of you," I inter
rupted. - - - - .
"It was partly for our own sakes,"
she said, blushing faintly. "Martin, Tar
dif says that if you have once loved
Olivia, it Is once for alL You would
never conquer It. '' Do yea think- that
this is true? Be candid with us.
Yes," I answered, "it is true. I could
never lore again as I love Olivia." -
"Then, my dear Martha." said Johan
na, very softly, "do you'wiah to keep
Julia to her promise?" --4
I started violently. What! did Julia
wish to be released from that semi-engagement,
and be free? ; Was it possible
that any one else coveted my place In
her affections, and in the new house
which we had fitted up for ourselves? I
felt like the dog in the manger. It seem
ed -an unheard-of encroachment for any
person to come between my cousin Julia
and me. ,.,,'. :J.-t-..-r .-
'Do yon ask me to set you free from
your promise, Julia?" tasked, somewhat
sternly. .
(To be continued.)
Crippled, bnt She Helped to Find a
Fortune. , fc
I recently filed a claim" for the widow
of a Mexican war veteran," Bald H. G.
McCormlc, of Cincinnati, "that has a
rather funny story attached to It that I
think will .bear repeating, as It waa
brought about by a one-eyed, bobtailed
cat of no pedigree and of absolutely
no worth, that Is now petted as a price
less treasure by Mrs. Maggie Turtle, an
aged widow, . residing; at Harrison,
about ten miles from Cincinnati. J A
small boy with a sling; destroyed one
of the cat's eyes, and a few days after
ward, in an attempt to knock a train
from the track, the cast lost half its
tail; but the cat came back, and there
by hangs the tale, not the calt's tail, by
the way.. ' .-. :$?".'.
-"WfceH I filed the papers for the pen
sion of Mrs:'. Tuttle, whose husband
was a sergeant In the Twelfth United
States Infantry it wa found that Till
was In good shape, except his discharge
papers, and I at once requested that a
search be made for these documents.
She was certain that her husband had
left them somewhere in the old home
stead, and a diligent search was at once
instituted. The old house was ransack
ed from cellar to garret with no re
sult, and when the effort was about to
be given up in despal lt was noticed
that the old cat took a great deal of
interest in the old garwt It went to a
box in one corner of f the" room and
lumped into It." JJponJooking into the
box it was found that fiur kittens were
nestled in some old paper. When an
effort was made to look Into the box
the old cat grew ferocious and attacked
the searchers. One of the party, who
did not like the cat any way, picked upa
book and threw it aiit..Tbi8 book
missed the'eafc5 'but struck an old Daste-
board box on a sheli and knocked it to
the floor, where it burst open and the
contents rolled out on -the floor. Upon
pickingvthem up the-discharge papers
and $3,000 in -government bonds were
found: The old cat now wears a blue
ribbon and has the run of the house--
in fact, nothing is too good for it."
Washington Star. y , ;
t How to Become Wealthy. '.-.'-
In a New Hampshire city there dwells
an octogenarian physician who, in addi
tion to his wide medical skill, Is known
far and wide as a dispenser of blunt
philosophy. : The other day a young
man of his acquaintance called at his
office. r -. . -- T
"I have not come for pills this time.
doctor," said the visitor, ""but for- ad
vice. : You- have lived many' years in
this world of toil and trouble and have
had much experience. I am young and
I want you to tell me how to get rich,
The aged practitioner gazed through
his glasses at the young man and in a
deliberate, tone, said: - . - . ; :
"Yes, I can tell you.r You are young
and can accomplish your object If you
will. Your plan is this: First, be Indus
trious and economical. Save as much
as possible and spend as little. Pile up
the dollars and put them at interest
If you follow out these instructions by
the time you reach my age you'll be as
rich as Croesus and as mean as h- 1."
Buffalo- Commercial.
Literary Landmarks Doomed.
The doom of another batch of liter
ary landmarks has lately been sealed.
First theold Black Bull Tavern In Hoi
bom," where Mrs. Gamp nursed Mr.
Lewsome In partnership - with Betsy
Prig "Nussed together, turn and turn
about, one off, one on." Then the Red
Lion, at Henley-on-Thames, in which
Shenstone was saidto have written fa
miliar lines which Dr. Johnson quoted
to maintain his thesis that "there Is
nothing which has yet been contrived
by man by which so much happiness is
produced as by a good tavern or inn."
Lately, too, Burford-bridge Hotel, near
Box-hilL where Keats finished "Endy-
mion" toward the end of 1817, has been
in the market whether for demolition
of not, we cannot say. Literature.
. gai0p poetg wasted.
An English literary writer says that
"the time Is fully ripe for the advent of
a sailor poet and the marine engineer
poet: "Whether they write in terms of
rhyme or no I care not A virgin field
awaits them,- a noble Inheritance, ma
turing for ages. They can, If theycome,
utterly refute the false and" foolish
prattle of ; the armchair philosophers
and prove triumphantly that go far
from the romance and poetry of the
sea being dead it has hardly yet been
given any adequate expression ; what-
To Help tbe Tbina; Along. -
"Yes, grandfather Is 99 years and 6
months of age.'; ' ;
"You ought to get him a bicycle."
"What for?"
- "So as to help him make a century."
Commerce of tbe Thames.
Five hundred trading vessels leave
the Thames daily for all parts of the
world. "
TOr The
Two Accidents.
I heard a loud crash In the nursery
tbe other morning; and when I went to
see what had happened I found things
in a bad way. There bad been a smash
up on the Great North Nursery Rail
road. It seems that two trains, one
carrying lumber (dominoes) and one
carrying animals, had run Into each
X saw a great pile of blocks (I should
say cars) and dominoes (I mean lumber)
lying on the floor, with a number of
animals scattered about, and a
locomotive on top of the heap. The
president of the railroad came hurrying
up to help, and he said that Mr. Noah
was engineer of the train carrying the
animals, and his son Ham was . en
gineer of the lumber train.
At first we feared both engineers
were gone forever, for we could not
find them; but at last, after taking
away some dom lumber," I mean we
came upon poor Mr. Noah, stretched
out, with his head on the body of a cow,
and Ham standing by, the picture of
woe. The president picked np Mr.
Noah, looked him over and said he was
not ' hurt very much, after which the
cow was examined. Poor old Moolie
was found to have lost an ear and a
horn, and the president was loud in his
lamentations. :
I felt sorrier "for- Mr. Noah myself.
The president paid no attention to him.
and even his son Ham stood straight
up - and gazed at nothing, while his
father lay helpless among broken cars
and wild animals. Tbe animals, how-
ever, behaved very well. There were
two lions, a camel, two bears and a
kangaroo in full sight and they were
all quiet as lambs, and allowed . the
president to pack them hurriedly .in a
freight car without a struggle. '
i ter things were straightened out a
little and the president was still brood
ing over the cow, I ventured to say,
"My dear I mean Mr. President I
think Mr. Noah ought to be taken to a
quiet place. Where is an ambulance?"
"Oh, you'll find a wagon somewhere,'
answered the president "I must really
see after this cow, or she will never
look like a cow again." .
I hunted up an old freight car and put
Mr. Noah and bis son aboard. Then I
rolled them to a secluded spot behind
the leg of the table, and went back to
the president and his cow. -
"I'm afraid she'll never be any use,"
he : said, holding up the ear and the
horn he had found, "and she was ' the
best cow I have ever had."
"If you will look In the right-hand
drawer of my work-table," I said, "you
will find a bottle of glue I should say
medicine which I think will make her
all right again." , .
The president went ofC at once and
came back with the bottle, and with his
help Moolle's ear and horn were grow
ing on as well as ever in a few minutes,
although she had to have ber head tied
up for a while,-which gave her a deli
cate and interesting appearance. When
she was safely out of the way on the
mantel-shelf, I suggested . that Mrs.
Noah, at home In the ark, might hear
of. the accident and be much alarmed.
' -"That's so,", agreed the president
"She ought to come to Noah, too,- and
take care of him. Ham's no good. Hur
rah! What do you think? She's got to
take a -rowboat across the lake. The
old ; ark isn't seaworthy," - and ; he
rushed to the tin bathtub the lake, I
mean where the Noah's ark was an
chored In very still water. V I followed,
and was in time to see poor Mrs. Noah
lowered Into a rowboat . which was
much too small for her. -.-
: "Have you told her Noah isn't hurt
very badly?" I asked.
t'No, I forgot" said the president
guess she knows, though. Goody, look
at the ; boat rock! She's dreadfully
afraid, yon know. There, is a bad storm
coming, too." -"Oh,
no!" I begged.."Poor Mrs. Noah
She, will be so seasick, and the boat is
so small!" " ' ' . "" "; - : ' -
. "Can't help it!" criedhe president In
high glee. . "Here It comes! See the
waves! Doesn't she stay In splendid?"
I was very much alarmed. The little
boat jumped and rocked and Mrs. Noah
rolled from side to side. The president,
who was making the storm very bad
by stirring the water with a drumstick,
was' quite wild with delight -V1
"Oh, this is dreadful!" I cried,: and
just as I reached forward to -catch the
president's arm the boat tipped over,
and Mrs.: Noah fell out In the water.
"Therer I exclaimed,, thinking . that
was the end of Mrs. Noah; but to my
surprise she turned on her back and
began to float in a very self -possessed
and skillful manner. I always felt that
Mrs. Noah had more character than one
might Buppose -from her expression.
and her calmness- In this moment of
peril proved I was right
The president, sobered by the acci
dent, came to her rescue? with the
drumstick, and with some trouble she
was brought to shore, wet and sticky,
bnt except for the loss of a little paint.
unharmed. A wagon was waiting for
her at the landing, and she was carried
In state to tbe side of Mr. Noah. The
reunion of the family was very touch
ing after so many trying events.-
The president thought there ought to
be a feast In honor of the occasion, so a
cooky was broken In small pieces and
put on a tiny plate borowed from tbe
lady doll who lives in the South Nurs
ery district There was also a beautiful
lead pitcher full of fresh water, and the
cover of the Jackstraw box was used as
a table. ,
Mr. Noah, now quite recovered, took
the head and Mrs. Noah sat I should
say stood at the foot Ham was on
the side opposite the cow, who the
president insisted should be asked. The
pcesident himself waited at table and
was master of ceremonies. They were
a merry party, and every bit of the
cooky was eaten. As I left the room I
saw the president handing the pitcher
about like a loviDg cup and drinking
the last drop himself. Youth's Com
How a Bank Bobber Waa Brought to
. Jmt-c.
One of the most remarkable cap
tures in the history of my experience,"
said a well-known detective, "happened
some years ago, and I need not mention
the place nor the circumstance In con
nection with the case. It was in a case
where $30,000 had suddenly and mys
teriously disappeared from a bank. The
money was in a package, and was near
the paying teller's window. The bank-
was open and doing business, fpr the
money disappeared before it was time
for the bank to close. In the rush .of
business the teller left his post at the
window for a minute, and It was while
he wf s gone that the roll of money dis-
appej ed. He was dumfounded when
he discovered that a wad of , money
amounting to $30,000 had disappeared
from the amount he had on the counter
behind the screen.. Diligent search was
made." The money was gone. There
had been no one in the wicketed In
closure but the teller. He was fearfully
distressed. He did not know what to
make of it all. The bank officials were
badly puzzled. An, examination of the
outside of the wooden framework re
vealed a very small triangular scar on
the woodwork, as if some person had
attempted to climb up to a position
where the money could be reached.
The money was back several feet from
the window. The scar was freshly
made, and it looked very much like the
imprint of a peculiarly shaped tack In
the heel of a shoe. Probably twenty
days later a member of the detective
force happened to be passing through
a prominent hotel. A stranger was sit
ting in the lobby, and he was striking
the heel of his shoe with a pencil with
brass on the end of It, which be had In
his hand, and it made a sort of clinking
sound. The detective's attention was
arrested. He made Inquiries of the
clerk with reference to the man. The
clerk knew nothing about him except
that he had been at the hotel for some
time. The detective concluded th'at he
would take a long chance. He arrest
ed the man. His trunk, valise and room
were searched. No money could, be
found. The prisoner all the time was
giving out excited protestations. Final
ly the officers thought they would make
a close examination of the mattress. It
was a happy thought for they found
the money, and the $30,000 was there,
and the paying teller was the happiest
man in the world." New Orleans
Times-Democrat ---; .
Interesting Facta Abont Hen Who
Have He'd the Office. -
Of the 23 Presidents who preceded
Mr. McKinley only four died during
their terms of offices. Of these two
Lincoln and Garfield were removed by
the bullets of assassins. - ,
"William Henry Harrison, tbe grand-
father of Benjamin Harrison, died in
office just a month after he was inaug
urated. He was 68 years old, exactly
the age at which his grandson laid
down the burden of life. Zachary Tay
lor died after being in office 15 months,
at the age of 66.
Only three Presidents have died dur
ing tbe administration of tbelr Immedi
ate successors. Washington lived for
two and a half years after be retired
from the Presidency. James K. Polk
died inside of four months and Chester
A. Arthur within less than two years
from the date "of leaving the White
Four Presidents Lincoln, Garfield,
Polk and Arthur were less than three
score years at their deaths. . Seven
Presidents Washington, Taylor,
Pierce, Grant Johnson and the two
Harrisons were between 60 and 70,
and Mr. Cleveland is still alive at 64.
Monroe, Jackson, Tyler, Fillmore, Bu
chanan and Hayes exceeded tbe biblical
period of three score years and ten.
Tbe four veterans of the revolution
Jefferson, .' Madison, John - Qulncy
Adams and Van Buren lived until they
passed the mile post of four-score years.
John Adams, who succeeded Washing
ton In the Presidency, remained In pri
vate life for 25 years, saw his son elect-
ed President and finally died at 71.
Sixteen out of the 19 Presidents who
lived through their terms were In pri
vate life from 6to 25 years before death
overtook them, says the Baltimore Sun,
and the last ex-President to die, Benja
min Harrison, was 68 years old and had
been out of the White House eight
years '
Honored br the Erection of a Monu
ment to Gen. Pike.
A lofty monument, dedicated at Kan
sas City, marks the spot In Republic
County, Kan., where Gen. Zebulon M.
Pike first raised the
flag In Missouri.
. I J
4 uc ucuitouuu won
marked by interest-..
ing ceremonies, and '
the gallant soldier
and heroic explorer
was ban dsomely
The Pike family
were New Jersey
people, and Zebulon
Montgomery was
sen. z. m. i-ikk. born ln the out.
skirts of what Is now Trenton, in 1779,
while his father, a captain ln the Revo
lutionary army, was fighting the Brit
ish. While the son was a child, his
father removed with his family to .
Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and
thence in a few years to Easton,
where the boy was educated. He was
appointed an ensign ln his father's regl-
ment, March 3, 1799, first lieutenant In
November, and captain in August,;
1806. While advancing through the'
lower grades of his profession he sup
plemented the deficiencies of his edu
cation by the study of Latin, French
and mathematics. After the purchase
of Louisiana from the French, Lieut
Pike was appointed to conduct an ex
pedition to trace the Mississippi to its
source, and leaving St Louis Aug. 9,
1805, he returned after nearly nine
months' exploration and constant ex
posure to hardship, having satisfactor
ily performed the service. In 1806-7 he
tlons ln Louisiana Territory, In the
course of which he discovered Pike's
Peak In the Rocky Mountains and
reached Rio Grande River. Having
been found on Spanish territory he and.
his party were taken to Santa Fe, but,
after a long examination and the seiz
ure of Pike's papers, they were re
leased. He arrived at Natchitoches on
July 1, 1807, received the thanks of the
ffrtvornmont And In niihllnhpri IL
narrative of his two expeditions.
Capt. Pike was made a major ln
1808, a lieutenant colonel in 1809, dep
uty quartermaster general April 3,
1812, colonel of the Fifteenth Infantry
July 3, 1812, and brigadier general on
March, 12, 1813. Early ln 1813 he was
assigned to the principal army as adju
tant and Inspector general and selected
(now Toronto), Upper Canada. On April
z(, me neet conveying tne iroops lor
the attack on York reached the harbor
of that town and measures were taken
to land them at once: Gen. Pike landed
with the main body as soon as prac
ticable, and, the enemy's advanced par
ties falling back before him, he took
one of the redonbts that had been con
structed for the main defense of the
place. The column was then halted
until arrangements were made for the
attack, on another redoubt While Gen.-
Pike and many of his soldiers were
seated on the ground the magazine of
the fort exploded, a mass of stone fell
upon him and he was fatally Injured,
surviving but a few hours. .
The Multimillionaire Packer Who
Died Recently.
Herman Ossian Armour, the multi
millionaire packer of Chicago and New
York, who died at Saratoga recently,
was a brother of
4 the more famous
1 Philip D. Armour,
w hose death occur
red some time ago.
Herman was born
at Stockbridge,
r .7 1 .. i
TT I N. Y.. March 2.
1837, and from the
farm went to Mil
waukee in . 1855.
il. v. AllliUtUS.
After a few years' business training
there he embarked ln 1862 In the grain
commission business ln Chicago. His
younger brother, Joseph, joined him
there, and In 1865 took entire charge of
the Chicago establishment, while Her
man O. Armour removed to New York
and organized a new firm under the
name of Armour, Plankinton & Co. His
new enterprise was a great success
from the start, and the firm grew until-
it became- recognized throughout the
country. Mr. Armour's ability won for
him-an enviable reputation as one of
the foremost among the merchants and
financiers of the metroDolis. The busi
ness which he -was Instrumental in es
tablishing now employs 15,000 hands.
U TI n .1
A Western millionaire, who has made
a fortune out of mines, and who is re
mnrkahle alike for his liberalitv and for
his ignorance of his bank account says
the Chicago Inter Ocean, was asked one
day to contribute to an object of char
ity. The canvasser suggested that one"
thousand dollars would be an accepta
ble contribution.
"That Isn't enough," replied the cap
italist. "I will give you five thousand
if I have the money in the bank. Walt
until I call up and Inquire."
He summoned a clerk and told him to
telephone to the bank to inquire if he
had five thousand dollars on deposit as
he desired to contribute that sum, if
possible, to a worthy object. The clerk
returned, and reported that the bank
advised that he bad three hundred and
eighty thousand dollars in the bank.
"Dear me," cried the-capitalist, "as
much as that! Well, make out that
rheeK ror nve inousana uoiiars.
' Length of Facial Features,
one-third of the length of the face; the
i i .i i ... .i-i i .i
nose suouiu uiou uitasurc uue-tiiii u, me
mouth and chin together the other.
Ladies' Home Journal. .- .
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