1 A 1 ' J. . ." AN HUMBLE EFFORT. De oT leaf hang upon de tree ' When summer days was pas', . . . "I guess," says he, "it's up to me, I's all dat's lef at las'; . De blue and red of de posy bed ' Is fadin' fas' away. I nebber 'mounted to much," he said, "But I's all dat's lef to-day." An' de gold and scarlet handsomeness Dat he done hang out dat day, I)ey kind of lessened our distress Foh the flowers dat went away. An' we didn't chide him, wif joys so few An' say dat he w'an't no good; But we kinder thanked him, jes' a few, Foh doin' de bes' he could. Washington Star. TONIETTA'S QUESL, 1 SHALL go to America! All Amer icans are rich! Why need we starve here, when plenty is wait ing?" the angry words rang ever In lit tle Tonletta's ear, and she could shut her eyes and see again the father stern and forbidding; the mother, pleading and tearful, and the handsome, dark eyed brother, who had gone from their door In far-away Italy, that summer's day, and from whom they had heard no tidings. That was long years ago, before they, too, had come to America, "this land of golden promise, in search of him. Tonletta had been but a babe then; now she was quite a little woman. And Mariano, the lost one, would be 20 years tld, a man, Indeed. At first they had looked eagerly into every boyish face they met, sure that they would soon find him. But the days grew into weeks, the weeks into months, and now the months had counted off one whole year, and still no trace of him. They had questioned their countrymen wher ever they went, but it was always the same doubtful shaking of the head, and some had even laughed. It was like searching for a grain of sand upon the ocean's shore. Even were he in this great, crowded, bustling New York, it was a hopeless task. And then the lit tle sad-faced mother began to lose even the slender thread of hope to which she had clung so long, and sometimes she would say, "My Mariano is dead, - I "wht do" you sura that sons? who ABB YOU? know he is dead!" then fall to weeping bitterly. , The little fruit store which the father had placed on' the corner of a. busy street was doingtairly well, and they might have been so happy had it not been for this dark day cloud that hung over them, and each grew darker; for soon the sad-faced mother lost all pride in the pretty cottage she had loved so well. She no longer sat before the door, with busy needle flashing in and out some snowy linen, but with hands fold ed idly before her she watched all day down the busy street, or wandered aim lessly about the little garden-plot, hum ming over and over again a plaintive Italian lullaby: O, che carl l'adora, che 'il mio'tesora, Vi mio d'amor, parla ancora ! . "Dear mamma, why do you sing the same little song?" Tonletta would ask. ' "Because it is the one my Mariano . jloved best of all," the mother would 'reply. "If he is out there" in the great . world, I am sure its sweetness will some day reach his heart and bring him back to me." '.'. . . It was but the foolish fancy of the yearning mother-love, perhaps, yet .who can say that a kind heaven did not send It? And then there came an even ing when little Tonletta, from her seat on the tiny doorstep, heard one. from a group of kindly neighbors who had paused before the gate, say pityingly "Poor woman! She is breaking her heart for the son that was lost. She will surely lose her mind unless he is restored to her, and It is more than likely that he has gone back to Italy, "To Italy! To Italy!" the little girl started to her feet. ' Ah, why had she not thought of that before. "To Italy!" Yes! yes! It must be so, for he had said he would come again, when he was rich like the rest of the Americans; and she must go to-morrow and. tell him that the little mother wanted him so so badly,., and he must come home with her, and then they would all be happy once more. Her childish mind had forgotten all the long ocean voyage, and she could hardly wait next morning until the tiny lunch basket, which she always carried to kindergarten, was packed, and she could start She had made up her mind not to tell her secret. It was to be her own, until the happy moment when she would return, leading her brother by the hand. She took from its place on the clock-shel the little Iron bank where she had hoarded all her savings, shook out a handful of pennies, then kissed her mother fondly and started on .her . Journey. .At the corner she climbed into a waiting car, and when the kind-faced conductor paused before her, she held out the little brown hand "To Italy, please," she said. "To Italy?" he asked, in wonder. Then, "Oh,- you. mean Little Italy; but that's Just . 5 cents. You mustn't give me all your money." . And then she sat, with her great eyes very wide at the strange' sights and sounds as they whirled swiftly away across the great city. She had never - been so far from borne before, so it was all new. At last the conductor came . again! '- f' .J- . "Here you are, little, one," he said, as - the car came to a stop.-- "Better run right home to your mother." for he thought, of couysf that she lived hare mm ENQLAND'S GAIN AND Great Britain's census Is expected to show a total population in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales bf 42,000. 000. This expectation is based upon the average decennial" rate of Increase shown during the last linlf of the cen tury. The figures" contrasting the pop ulation of these divisions of the empire a century ago and as estimated to-day Is interesting: 1801. 1901. England (Including Wales) ),J3i,o49 33,0OU,OUU Ireland (first counted in 1821) 6.S01.82T 4,250,000 Scotland 1.(03,420 4,350.000 Most remarkable showing of all If one excepts the decline of Irish popula tionIs the gain of London, first city in the world in size and financial pow er. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the imperial city had a popu lation of 804,845. This has grown to more than G.200,000 at the beginning of the twentieth century. The rate of increase In most of the divisions of the empire have steadily declined since 1850, and the rate of loss in Ireland .has also fallen corre spondingly, a hopeful sign fofthe Em erald Isle. The losses are due almost entirely to emigration. In the ease of the English emigrants the colonies have been the gainers mainly. Most of the Irish who left their island have come to America to make homes, though a considerable number of the millions who have put the dust of Erin behind In the Italian quarter, or Little Italy, as it Is called. For Just one moment the little girl hesitated and looked about her, half frightened at the noisy, crowded street, but In the thought of the sorrowing mother at home all fear was forgotten and bravely she started on her tramp. Ah, the terrors of that weary day and of the weary days that were to follow. Patiently she wandered through the busy streets singing over and . over again the little lullaby that was to bring him back to them: . : . ' - O, che cari L'adora, che il mio tesora, Vi mio d'amor, parla ancora! Each evening she returned, so tired she could scarcely drag her weary feet, but with the morning hope and courage came again and the thought, "Surely to-day I must find him." Passers-by wondered at the strange child who sang over and over again the same little song. The kind-faced con ductor greeted her each day with a questioning smile, but Tonietta did not heed, for she thought only of her strange quest, and of the poor little mother who was growing paler and paler, until she was but a frail shadow of her former self. Very often a mist would come before the child's dark eyes and sobs would drown . the faltering tones, but she could not give up. She must find her brother. It meant so much to them alL And it was through her tears, at last, that she saw him, al though, she did not know. It was the faltering tones that made him start from his seat on the door-step, where he sat, heartsick and alone, gazing before him into a future that was dark indeed. '' "Why do you sing that song? Who are you? What Is your name?" - He caught her arm almost fiercely. Tonietta drew back in alarm. She had been looking for a handsome, well dressed, happy Mariano, yet here; a ragged, sad-faced, boy bent over her, a boy with a "something" in his dark eyes that made her answer, in spite of her fright; "My name Is Tonletta. It is the little mother's song.". My little mother! My little sister!" he cried. ". "Ah, Tonietta, don't you know me? Am I so changed?" . "Mariano! My brother!" She flung her arms about his neck and almost sobbed for Joy. "Come you must come home with me, for the little mother Is waiting for us:" Detroit Free Press. - UNINVENTED INVENTIONS. Great Problems for Which Solution la Eagerly Sought. Every home and workshop - teems with profitable suggestions to the man with open eyes and mind, says a writer in Everybody's Magazine. .-,- . The fortunes of Mr. Carnegie, the Rockefellers, the Armours and all their associates were founded on just such observations. The cost of refining kero sene oil is paid to -day from the des pised sludge acid which used to foul our rivers and harbors. The old waste of the slaughter houses brings in much to-day as the flesh of the animals killed. - .. .' Nature has waste products : still waiting for use. Prairie wire grass Is one of these. It is now made Into hand some furniture and furnishings. Corn stalk pith is made into fillings for war ships' hulls, to close watertight the holes made by an enemy. Find a substitute for the elastic Para rubber and your fortune is made. Cellu loid and oxdlzed linseed oil are fair sub stitutes for some purposes, but nothing has yet been found that possesses the true elastic properties of rubber from Para. There is - still : "nothing - like leather" for shoes, but - the Inventor may find a substitute to his profit .The automobllist Is waiting anxiously for a satisfactory, power to drive his carriage. The same power would solve the vexed question of cross-town cars in New York. The Metropolitan Street Railway Company Is, spending ; thou sands in experimenting with compress ed air and storage battery s cells, -but these are only makeshifts'. ' Steam rail roads need a similar power to. operate independent -cars tor suburban service ;.Xiquid air .and acetylene gas 'both offer new fields for the' Inventor, Al though liquid air tan be' made for, per haps 5 cents a gallon, as yet not a single commercial use has been found for It. IRELAND'S LOSS. them have sought places of abode In all the far portions of the world drawn under the protection of the British flag.." The population of London, roughly speaking, doubles itself every four de cades. In 1801, out of every ten peo ple in England and Wales one person lived In London. To-day one out of every seven persons In England and Wales Uvea In London. This growth. It Is scarcely needful to point out, has not taken place in . central London, where the population has been dimin ishing by about one-twelfth In each of the last three decades. The Increase Is In the suburbs, where the small house never ceases to encroach and multiply. In the central area, which Includes the districts of St. George's. " Hanover Square, Westminster, Marylebone, St. Giles', the, Strand, Holborn, the City, Shoredltch, Whltechapel and St. George's-ln-the-East, ' the number of llbuses which cease to be inhabited, or are transferred to the category of "houses . not occupied at night," amounts to more than 1,000 each year." The fourteen largest provincial towns In England Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham. Leeds, Sheffield, Bristol, Nottingham, Bradford, Hull, Newcas tle, Salford. Leicester, .Oldham and Portsmouth do not amount in Joint population to the figures of London, even If the growing Outer Ring of suburbs be excluded. Mr. Plctet, of Geneva, a pioneer In the liquefying of gases,. has proposed to use the process for separating the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, and marketing each of these for special purposes. A factory in New York has the same ob jects in view. Carbonic acid gas, frozen out of the atmosphere, would also be a product of the process. ROBERT BUCHANAN. Eccentric Poet and Playwright, with Impressive Personality. . In the death of Robert Buchanan In London, the career of an eccentric poet. novelist and playwright came to a close and a man of im pressive personal ity 'was removed from the world of letters. ' M r y- Buchanan was of pure Scotch descent and was born at Caverswall August. 18, 1841. He was educated at Glasgow Univer sity, : graduating KOBr. Buchanan, when 19 years' of age. Immediately he determined upon a literary career and went to London. Three years later he produced his first volume, which was well' received. Soon he became one of the most voluminous of authors, poems, novels, plays and criticisms coming from his pen In start ling profusion. His writings ranged from the very good to the very bad, but his successes were more frequent than the failures. - His dramatic ventures were almost without exception most pleasing to the public, his- success be ing attained by clever anticipation of the popular taste. His career marked him as a man of rugged force and hon esty who, from excellent and even lofty motives, was continually blundering Into indiscretions which drew ridicule upon him. ' In America he became known princi pally by reason of his championing Walt Whitman and calling America to account for its failure to recognize and crown the "good gray poet" as Its rep resentative genius. The letter, which was widely discussed, was resented not only "by the American public but by Whitman himself. . WILL BE USED AS A HOSPITAL. San Francisco Mansion of the - Late Collis P. Huntingdon. - The San Francisco mansion of the late Collis P. Huntington, which is soon to be converted Jnto a charity hospital by gift of Mrs. Huntington, stands on Nob Hill, the aristocratic residence place of the town, In a cluster of houses the owners of which are known to fame as California's wealthiest men. The Huntington house Is a three-story rest- THE HCNTWSTOX MANSION. dence," occupying .an entire block. . It is built of marble, and Its simple, stately appearance gives it a charm which at taches to very few of the palaces of California's millionaires..: Its color is pure white and its general' architec tural plan is modeled after the " Pitti Palace in Italy: Its, neighbors are the house of the late Charles Crocker, of Mrs. Hopkins-Searles-, the Flood man sion and the old -home of . Governor Stanford. -" . ' - - ; laughs of European. Nations. -An American traveler In Europe re marks the Italian laugh Is languid but musical,. th German as deliberate, the trench as -spasmodic and- uncertain the upper, class English as guarded and not always genuine, the lower class English, as explosive, tbe -Scotch of ali classes as hearty and the Irish as rol licking. ' . . --.vCoBt of Printing: Bank Notes. : it costs almost exactly a cent apiece to print Bank of England notes. WISDOM OF THE ANT. WONDERFUL INSTINCTS OF THIS INSECT. Provides for Itself la All Emergencies and in Doing; 80 Develops a Special ism Much Here Complete than That of Man. - Han looks entirely to the outside world about him for the means of ac complishing his purposes; insects, on the contrary, drawinz upon the re sources of their own natural constitu tions, often adapt themselves to the conditions and. requirements of their lives by structural modifications. For instance, men make the tools they require for carving or for digging. Insects grow them; vessels being need ed as receptacles for liquid food, man learns the art of the potter, but the cu rious honey ants transform themselves Into living bottles, to which the work ing members of the commune resort for refreshment. "'- The tools of insects, exquisitely fash ioned and finished, are much more per fectly adapted for the purpose they serve than are any contrived and man ufactured by human beings, but there is a disadvantage connected with them they cannot be laid aside. The tools dominate the tool-bearers, and check development in any direction not con nected with their use. This leads to the extreme specializa tion we find among insects. The egg producer, the queen of the termites. although she possesses the usual num- br of limbs belonging to her species. Is totally Incapable of locomotion; as are the living bottles of the honey ants, The queen lays eggs, she can do noth ing else; the living bottles store up and yield food to other members of the for micary, and are as incapable of per forming other uses as if they were mere lifeless cells in a honeycomb. Among the ants this tendency to spe cialization has resulted in establishing species limited to particular industries or to particular methods of , living. Some species of slave-making ants, for Instance, confine themselves so entire ly to military affairs, and have so en tirely lost the arts of peace and effi ciency in domestic affairs, that they are not only obliged to depend upon their slaves to -care for the young in the formicary, but to have the food placed in their own warlike mouths, and would starve in the midst of plen ty were this not done. -," The mandibles of these ants are en tirely unfitted for - work. They can neither crush, cut, nor saw, but, being sharply pointed and curved, they make most serviceable weapons. -The workers of the East Indian phei- dologeton diversus have among them gigantic soldier ants, a hundred times as large as themselves,' and it would naturally be supposed that these big creatures with enormous heads would prove formidable defenders of the for micary, while the truth is that, so far from this being the case, they cannot bite at all, even when provoked to do so. "V;"'' -' ' r - And yet the smaller members of the pbeldologeton commonwealths find use for the great creatures.- Numbers of them may often be seen riding about, as human beings do upon elephants, upon the heads and backs of their gi gantic confreres. - .; '-; , But the Colobopsis ants', which bur row in branches, seem to have discov ered how to profitably employ the big heads among them. They are placed at the entrances of the formlcan dwell ings, their great heads fitting in and filling the doorways. As a worker belonging to the house hold approaches she Is recognized by the animated ' and intelligent front door," which draws back sufficiently to admit the entrance to its. friend and then resumes its double office of sentry and barrier. Scientific American. CALLED HIMSELF IMPOSTOR. Mark Twain's Opinion Given in the ftrictet Sense. - . Sometimes on a sunny afternoon 'Mark Twain strolls up and down that part of Fifth avenue and Twenty-third street where art and book' stores are frequent. The humorist seems to find certain rest In peering into windows of these, though he rarely crosses - their thresholds. He was about to turn away from the window of a shop when his eye was caught by what seemed to be an etching of himself. He was. staring blankly at his likeness when he was joined at the window by one of those chatty individuals always ready for a street-corner exchange of opinion. ' "Pretty good likeness of the old man, Isn't it?" said the chatterer, without seeing the writer's full face, which was partly in shadow. Mark said it was. . '.'Say, what do you think of that fel low's work, anyway?" went on the chatterer. . v "I think," said Mark, stlU without turning his head, "that he is the great est impostor the American people ever refused to take seriously." -; "How so?' ..:-v. "Well, because he really-is serious arid because nobody'U believe him; he passes for being humorous." With that Mr. Clemens faced his questioner. - "Well, I'll be switched!" ejaculated the chatterer. . The face of : the humorist . became deeply concerned, says the New York Times. "For heaven's sake, don't tell any one I told you.- It would ruin me with my publishers," he said, starting up the avenue. ': - Bu the chatterer went home and told his friends. - MAY HAVE GLASS HOUSES. Recent Inventions Make Possible Res - - idences of Vitrified Material. If the visions of a French savant -are realized we shall all be living in glass houses before very long.- The founda tions and the walls would be construct ed of, a variety of glass recently invent ed called "stone glass,";, which has al ready successfully withstood the sever est tests.: The walls 4feuld be built of glass, held together by angle Irons, so as to permit of a hollow space through which pipes could pass (the pipes them selves being glass work) .conveying hot air, hot and cold "water, gas, . electric wires, drains and everything heeded for the health and comfort of the inhabit- ants. Stairs and balustrades, ceilings and wall decorations, mantelpieces and fireplaces, would all be constructed of glass. ." - ' Our chairs and tables. In the new glass age, will be made of vl trifled ma terial, toughened to the strength of oak and mahogany. ' Our cooking utensils, our plates and cups and saucers will be made of the same substance. Even our knives and forks will have glass handles if not glass blades. .The new glass house will be absolutely clean and practically indestructible.. The whole of its surface can be washed from the top story to the basement without a trace of humidity .being left. Dust cannot collect on its polished sur face, and the spider will find no place on which to hang its cobwebs. They have already begun to pave the streets of Paris with glass, and it is found that the substance, while prac tically indestructible, is admirably suit-. ed to the feet of both men and beasts. and, as it neither holds nor makes any dirt, it Is absurdly easy to clean. Its only fault is that It somewhat Increases the noise of the traffic, but even this might by and by be overcome. Perhaps it might be possible, in connection with one of the many projected exhibitions, to construct on a modest but sufficient scale a dwelling of the kind M. Henri- vaUx describes. People would then be able to experience the actual sensation of walking along glass floors, of climb ing a glass staircase, of being surround ed by glass walls, of sitting on glass chairs at glass tables, drinking tea out of glass cups and stirring it with glass tea-spoons. How far this could be ac complished with due avoidance of mo notony it is hard to say. WATER-DRINKING. Declare! to Be Beneficial to the Health in Various Ways. When it is considered that the body Is made up very, largely of water it can readily be understood how important to health is a constant supply of this fluid. Many people have a notion that the drinking of water in any amount beyond that actually necessary to quench thirst Is injurious, and acting on this belief they endeavor to drink as little as possible. The notion, however. is wide of the truth. Drinking freely ot pure water is a most efficacious means not only of preserving health, but often of restoring it when falling. All the tissues of the body need water, and water In abundance Is necessary also for the proper performance of ev ery vital function.' Cleanliness of the tissues within the body is as necessary to health and comfort as cleanliness of the skin, and water tends to insure the one as truly as it does the other. It dissolves the waste material, which would otherwise collect in the body, and removes it in the - various excre tions. ' These waste materials are often ac tual poisons, and many a headache, many rheumatic pains and aches, many sleepless nights and 'listless days, and many attacks of the "blues" are due solely to the circulation In the blood or deposit in the tissues of these waste materials, which cannot be got rid of because of an insufficient supply of water. S-w:.-'' '- - Water is accused of making fat, and people with a tendency to corpulence avoid it for that reason. But It is not strictly true. It does undoubtedly often Increase the weight, but it does so be cause it improves the digestion, and therefore more of the food eaten is utilized and turned into fat and flesh. But excessive fat, which we call cor pulence, Is not a sign of health, but of faulty digestion and assimilation, and systematic water drinking is often em ployed as a means of reducing the superfluous fat which it sometimes does with astonishing rapidity .Youth's Companion. - ; Water Polo. 'Water football would seem to be a more appropriate name for the game known in England as water polo, since neither -ponies nor sticks are used. Two goals are placed a hundred feet apart, and six men are the complement on each side. . The players stand, or rather swim, in the center, and the referee at a signal throws the ball between them. Then comes the tug of war, scrambling, wrestling and fighting to push the ball, which is of inflated rub ber, seventeen inches In circumference. to the goal. Thtere are no particular rules of play, and the players must be expert swimmers, as the game is play ed in deep water, and it is nothing un usual for eleven players to pile on one, and the entire twelve then go to the bottom. It is a common thing to see a violent antagonist .suddenly disappear from view, 'as If seized by a man-eating shark or alligator, but in this case by merely a pair of bands about the swimmer's ankles. The ball must be kept In the water and shoved, not thrown, between the goals. This leads to desperate measures In front of goals. ana frequently tne entire inning or nrteen minutes is piayea witnm a rew feet of the desired point without any result The Innings continue ; fifteen minutes and the best goals out of three constitute a victory. It looks like a rough game to the onlookers, but It really is much less dangerous than the ordinary game of football, and is cer. tainly more enjoyable. Bullion, and. L Bullion has a million dollars, -- Fifty" cents have 1 " ' ' Bullion, sitting in his carriage, j Swiftly travels by; Bullion has a marble palace Whose white walls are high; As for appetite, be has none, But a horse's I. - - Bullipn's going out to luncheon. Ah, well, so am I; He will taste a crust and drop it : With a weary sigh; I will hungrily devour All that I can buy -. He can't even eat a doughnut ' Or a piece of pie. . . : . . ' . Things are often badly managed Here below the sky; ' Bullion ought to have my stomach, . Or, Btill better, I -. : Ought to have his wad of money ; J See the poor old guy 7 AH he wants is toast for luncheon. Steak and onions I. Chicago Record-Herald. . - Any man who has time to think of his troubles .has entirely 'too-.' much spare time on his hands. ';-' r '. OUR BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO- INGS HERE AND THERE, Jokes and Jokelets that Are Supposed to Have Been Recently Born Saying and Doings that Are Old, Curious and LaagosUt-The Week's Humor. Warwick Now, on what basis do the powers ascertain the Indemnity China Is to pay each of them? Wlckwlrc'-Well, as. near as I can make out they charge about $500 for every Chinaman they killed. Puck. There Are Others. He Why, the professor has spent years investigating sun spots: She Goodness! And people say women are inquisitive! Puck. No Harm Ion;. She Papa has had some trouble with the gas company, and they have threat ened to turn off the gas. He How unfortunate. She Yes, but I told him It didn't make any difference to me. Weirjr'i Latest. Weary Don't you remember a love ly, blue-eyed, curly heaTed little chump wot you uster kiss, and give pie to some years ago? Well, I'm him. : Masbe '. "Why is it," complained the German Fried Potato, "that you are more gen erally esteemed than I am?" "Perhaps It is because all the world loves a lover!" replied the Mashed .Po tato, -being more modest than logical An Advance in A-t. "Mrs. Dash, what is your club doing to help beautify the city?" "Oh, we are working hard to get the clothing houses to use the word 'trous ers' instead of 'pants' in their adver tisements." Kverythini Goes. Little Willie Say, pa, what "carte blanche" mean? does Pa It is a term used to explain the actions of a man who has 50 tli his pocket and his wife is spendng a week in the country. Before They Kipsn. Sue Brett Where did you spend your vacation? Ham Lett In the country. Sue Brett Have a good time? . Ham Lett Sure. It was a genuine pleasure to find a place where there were only fresh eggs. - - - Says Mr. Sour Iron, "Yes, it's mostly bill and coo during the honeymoon," growled Mr. Sour- drop, helping himself to the best piece of chicken, "but after that I've noticed-! that it Is pretty nearly all bill." Whereupon the young dry goods clerk was seen to look thoughtfully in the direction of the school teacher. Baltimore American. v . - Slisthtly Chansel. Catherine Did you ever see "lovers' row" in Lincoln raritr Grace Oh, yes. Catharine Well, George and I quar reled there. Grace Then It must have been lov rs' row. "Oh! how bitter it Is to sell newspa pers when me soul is a-cryin' fer art!" ItWasa"ot." "Why do you wear a lover's knot as a Bonrfnln?" asked Mrs. Hardcastle of her bald and eranky bachelor brother. "Because I am not a lover," replied n snannishlv Fu' Ailment. He These beastly summer hotels! She I know it! What did we ever leaVe home for, any way? "Well, we wanted the debt and the unrest" Life. Troubles and Trials. "I tell you, sir," said the clergyman. "the trouble lies in the fact that we have too many lawyers." "There is where you are away off,' remarked the judge. "The real trouble is due to the fact that there aren't half enough clients." Chicago News. Pleasant Anticipation. Overheard at Atlantic City: -"My vacation ends to-morrow." - "What a relief it must be to be able to go back to the office and take a rest. Philadelphia Record. .. '" Their Advantage. . "But," said the young mosquito, "is not man much stronger than we?" "He Is," responded thefond parent; "but we may venture to attack him on I account of our 'superior mobility. Puck. ' " , - The 'Glamour of Effort. Julia Julius, why-don't you try to set something to do? . Julius I have tried; but even wnen l try and fail I. feel such a virtuous glow that it unfits me to try again for a long, long time. . v .. Fome Grounds. What's wrong with the expression. tempest in a teapot?' " "It Is not true to fact Now, if it were tempest In a coffee pot' there' d be some grounds for it" Philadelphia Times. Doesn't Seem Possible; Girls are more or less peculiar. And something s wrong with the miss Who really means it when she says That she doesn t care for a kiss. Dead Filence. Nothing from my poor husband?" said the widow to the medium. 'No, ma'am," was the reply; "not even a message saying that the fire Is out!" Everyboly Anainit Him. 'Mr. Boobleby isn't very popular, is he?" . 'No. The poor fellow seems to have fewer friends than a fat man in a crowded street car." Harper's Bazar. His Ion lition. Willy LIttleboy Papa, what Is a czar? Papa A czar, my son, is a Russian potentate almost entirely surrounded by assassins. Life's Little Frictions. "Are you getting ready for winter?" "Oh, yes; we've had our last scrap with the Iceman, and have begun to quarrel with the coal man." An Enrrtle Piss. She You don't put mnrh fervor into the love let tersVou write uie. He Don't I? Well, perhaig I used myself up on that love letter I had to write your father. Adn ter-tted. "They say that apple butter Is adul terated a great deal now," said Mrs. Cumso. "Yes, much of It is only apple butter ine," added Mrs. Cawker. The Kins' KisclUh. "They say that Edward VII. is very careful of his speech and often corrects ail error in language made by others." "Well, he is the natural guardian of the king's English, you know." Lous Distance Chee. There's comfort in autumn let joy have its fling With winter before us we're headed for spring. W.I.I Western Buffalo Ways. Dick See anything new at the Pan-' Am? Tom Yes; the restaurant waiter brought ice for my iced tea in the palm of his hand. "Bobby, I'm surprised. This note from your teacher says you're the last boy in a class of twenty-one." "Well, it could be worser." y"I don't see how." It might have been 'a bigger class." Beyond His Reach. Harry Did you hear about thaw tewwible fix I was in? Gussie No,- dear boy. Harry You know my shirt waist but tons down thaw back, and when my bloomin' valet went out and got Intoxi cated I had to sit up all night Chicago News. ' Disturbed Clumbers. "Where are you going?" "I am going to notify the police not to pay any attention to noises emanating from our boarding house to-night." 'What's up?" 'Why, we had Welsh rarebit for sup per and every boarder is bound to have the nightmare before midnight" Envy. Jimmy Say, Billy, some spiders have a dozen eyes. Billy Gee! I'd like to be a spider on baseball days. I could cover every knothole in the fence. Great Uncertainty. "But how are we going to leave town?" anxiously inquired the trage dian, after he had learned that there were no railroads. "Well, that depends on the show," responded Amber Pete. "If the boys get their money's worth you'll ride on the coach; if they don't you'll ride on a rail." An Experience 1 Beau. ' Jimmy Look! Dere goes Mamie Mul berry with Nibsy Murphy, an' she's hangin1 on his arm fer dear life. D' yer s'pose she's doin' dat ter show she loves him? Petey Naw; it's ten ter one she's doin' it ter make him feel foolish. Puck. Smile Gave Her Avar. Mistress Did Mrs. Brown leave any message when you told her I was out, Norah? ' . Servant No, mum; she didn't say anything, but she looked kind o' pleas ed like. Boston Herald. Gen. De Wet's Ancestors. The Dutch antiquarian Peter van Meuvs gives some information about the De Wet family. It appears'that the most eminent predecessor of the fa mous military leader in the South Afri can "Orange-Vrystatt" was a painter of considerable note in his day. Jaco bus Willems De Wet lived in Haarlem n anil et tllA 1 Hll Wtlflll-V Wild ffia beginning of the 17th. The name of the artlst stands first in the family registers of the old Kaapland families. A Ja cobus De Wet, his dfscendant and namesake, settled on the River "Lies beck In South Africa, where he mar ried a Jesina Pretorlus, and died there in 11J.1, rcaviug u v e uiiwicil . ' v , ' - JSoap for Cancer. ' v If we are to believe J. H. Webb. M. R. C. S.. England, who has made a state ment to the Intercolonial Medical Jour nal of Australia, the cure for cancer is . to be found in a very simple remedy. He has made some experiments upon cancer patients. He asserts that they have been cured, and that the agent In this recovery has been soap! Sanitary Record. . '