Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 05, 1901, Image 3

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TUESDAY. NOViSidfiEa?), 1901.
To cover the cost .of setting and (lis:
tiibutin;; ttie type i;i such luattera, a
charge of fitly cents will be' nnde for
per lino for each set 'fesclutioiia-el I
0Dloleiico" appearing in these coluuiu?.!
CiUill vmu Ul. 1L1UUIU).. illlil live u:uis
W. S. Gardner, Photographer.
Kline's $10.00 Suits are good
For rainy
Viojbrellas go
day garments and
to Nolan & Callahan.
Dr. Lowo's glasses are good glass
es. They strengthen - the eyes and
Professor N. Tartar, of the Cor
vallis public schools, was in town
yesterday on a -visit to his brother-in-law,
Mr. W. W. Williams. The
Dalles Chronicle.
J. M. Cameron went to Portland,
Sunday, to remain a few days.
His purpose was to lay in a large
stock of leather, which he will work
up during the winter.
There is to be a farmers' institute
held atElkton, Oregon, on the 8th
and 9th of this month. Dr. James
Withyeombe, Prof. Kent and other
members of the O A C staff expect
to attend. '
During the latter part of last
week, T. G. Woodlaud, an East
ern Oregon genileman, visited
Corvallis and vicinity. He seemed
well pleased with what he s.iw of
ou country.
Steamers are later than usual in
reaching Corvallis this year. The
waters of the Willamette have risen
some during the past week or two,
but oonsideiable rise is needed yet
before boats can reach us.
Bicycle riders showed no hesitan
cy in using the sidewalks of this
city last Friday morning. It seems
quite like old times' to experience
the inclination to go up in the air
when the-be'l rings close up behind
us. . .
Roderick Nash had little time to
so on when he killed the deer on
the college farm last Thursday af-
at that. - From now
on until the
first of next July it
will be unlawful
kill deer.
for anybody to
Clerk Watters says that the
docket for the fall term of circuit
court will not be a very heavy one,
but that it will be larger than that
of last upring which was unusually
light. Circuit court will convene
on the fourth Monday 'of this
month, the 25 ih.
During the past few days the
weather has been somewhat cooler.
Saturday morning there was soma
ice to be found in tho water puddles
about towrr. The chances are that
had the weather not been very fog
gy we would havo had thing3 prefc
ty well frozen up on this, date.
When John Osborn last Wrote to
relatives in this city he was visiting
the Pan-American exposition at
Buffalo-" He expressed his opinion
that there was quite a show going
on in Buffalo. His health, at the
time of writing was very-good, in
deed, and he thinks he will stand
an Eastern winter very nicely.
The editor of a Prineville paper,
speaking, it is presumed, of eggs
- taken on subscription, asks the
question, "Why don't the eggs
hatch?" We don t know how it is
out at Prineville, but in The Dalles
' the demands of the editorial stora
ach are so urgent that toe eggs
never get time .to . hatqh. The
Dalles Chronicle.
Willis McElroy has been engaged
us' teacher and director of the
Fourth Regiment Band of Eugene
He played with DeCaprio's band at
the Portland Carnival and Exposi
tion, and daring his stay in the
East was under the instruction of
some of the greatest cornetist of the
day. Mr. McElroy is a nephew of
W. S. MeFadden of this city.
General Gillespie, Chief of Engi
noers, in his annual report upon
the river and harbjr work, just
submitted to the Department, rec-
omends $600,000 for the continua
tion of the jetty work at tho mouth
of the Columbia River for the fiscal
rear ending June 30. 1903. These
figures are the same as those of
Captain Langfitt, in charge of the
river and harbor work in the North
Supt. Denman visited Philomath
Public Sokool last Thursday. Ha
reports everything moving along in
a satisfactory manner uader the
efficient tutorship of Prof. S. I
Pratt, Miss Ivy Durkee, and Mrs
Lee Ella Fields. He visits the
schools of Blodgett, Summit and
Kings Valley this week. He will
address the citizens of Kings Val
ley in the new church, Wednesday
- pick Smith, formerly of U.'of O.
wlaved halfback for Columbia
against Yale in the football game
last Saturday just to snow tnem
'Eastern fellers" a trick or to they
have never learned about the game.
He filled both teams with open
mouthed wonder and Colaaibia
tried to press him into permanent
service, but Dick would not feel at
home in anything but an Oregon
football squad. Register,
"V. A. Sanders, Jeweler.
) Lowe, the optician, arrived
yeuerday. , -
' New goods alllhe tiiae at .Nolan
c'i Callahan. '
Mr. Will Flemtnhig returned
a-t- Friday, from a few day's vis-it
. , . . . , ,
vl !l ' oxiem.
,.fof A Klingemann, Corvallis,
Orogon, will teach German,, in a
town, community or fimily.
The social club will hold its first
meeting Saturday evening at 8:30
sharp, at the fireman's hall. ;
. C. Lincoln Bennett, of this city,
is now representing the Equitable
Savings and Loan Association. . ,
All kinds of Umbrellas at the
Bicycle Hospitals " Recovering a
Mrs. E. C. Hay ward, and child.
after a four months visit in Vic
toria, B. C arrived home in this
city last week.
Tho John Rowland place, south
of town comprising 98 acres, passed
into the hands of W. U. Davis, yes
terday. Daring tho month of October
2,300,000 bushels of grain were ship
ped abroad fromTortland. This is
a pretty showing for one month.
Mrs. L. L. Porter, of Oregon
City, arrived in Corvallis, Sat
urday, for a brief visit with Mrs.
Porter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Adam Ass ill was over from Cor
vallis Friday and Saturday. Its
no trouble to find out when Adam
comes to town you can hear him
a Ion ways off. Yaqnina Bay
Rev. R. L. Meiley left yesterday
for Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, J
to be at the bedside of his mother
w.ho is seriously ill. He will be ab
sent four or five weeks.
The regular November term of
circuit court will convene Monday,
the 25th. The adjourned meeting
will probably occur the preceeding
Friday. From present indications
there will be few ciimmal cases.
Oregon has been awarded the
first prize ior.hops at the Pan-'
American exposition. The award
is regarded as of great commercial
importance to the state, as every
country in the world was asked to,
compete. !
According to Lincoln county ex
changes the payment of $KJ0,000 to
the Indians of . tho biletz was to.
havo commenced yesterday. If
this be true the Indiana, by judi
cious managemeHt, will have "pin
niojaey for some days to came.
Bruce Burnett arrived in Corval
lis, Saturday, and visitod "honao
folks" until Sunday. Bruce states
that he likes his situation as ex
press messenger on the run from
Airlie to Portland and that every
thing is progressing smoothly with
Roy Woodcock, of this city, has
reason to leel gratified over the
complimentry notice he is receiving
in many Oregon exchanges on his
work soon to be published on Ore
gon birds under the title of "An
Annotated List of the Birds of Ore
gon." Miss Ivette Smith went to Al
bany yesterday to visit relatives
and f.iends. She was accompanied
by h?r grandfather, Mr. James For
gey, who recently arrived from
Washington. TheV will also visit
Corvallis, Brownsville and Jordan
Valley. Statesman. ;
The eomissioners and other prom
inent citizens of Lincoln county
passed through this city yesterday
enroate for Eugene, where the case
of Luckey vs Lincoln county will
09 xieara Deiore tue circuit court.,
now in session in Lane county.
The case was tried in Linn -county,
but the plaintiff was non suited.
The funeral of Ransom A., the
two-year old son of Hon; aed Mrs.
E. H. Belknap, of Dasty, occurred
Friday, and interment was made in
Simpson Cnapel cemetery. Death
was the result of an accident Tues
day morning. The children were
playing in the house, when the boy
fell backwards into a large iron
kettle of hot water. Almost his en
tire body from his knees to his
neck was scalded. He suffered
terribly for a short time when he
became unconscious. ' He died at 2
p. m. Wednesday. The sympathy
of friends in tins section is extend
ed to the bereaved parents. .
R. B. Miller, who succeeds C. H.
Markham in tjie office of Southern
Pacific railroad in Portland, is con
tinuing that gentleman's - vigorous
campaign for the development of
Oregon's resources. Agent Farmer
is in receipt cf a letter from the
Portland office advising him that,
hereafter, all agents of the company
in this state shall bo ' required to
interview the merchants and others
of their respective loaaU'ies the first
of each month and determine the
amount of butter, eggs, and ill
manner of marketable faim produce
then on hands. This data is to be
forwarded immediately to the Port
land office where the totals are
made, and buyers -are brought in
louch with producers. In this way
the demand for quantities of any
product may be supplied imme
diately, for the purchaser knows
just where to- look for it and how
much each locality can supply.
'Snot to Km;
The saloon operated in Alba
ny by .F. M. Potneroy, 'formerly
cf this cUy, was tho scene of an
attempted hold-up lat Saturday
morning; about ' one o'clock,
"Bert," the son of the proprie
tor, had closed up for the night,
when three men knocked at the
door. The Herald thus relates
what followed:
The men said they vanted a
drink. Mr. Pomerot sleeps in
the building and without hesitar
tion opened the door. A3 he did
three men ordered him to hold
up his hands and to give them
his money. Instead of doing as
commanded he drew a small 32
calibre revolver and fired at one
of them, hitting him somewhere
ia the body. Tha man dropped
to the floor and exclaimed, "My
God, I'm shot." One of the
robbers grabbed the gun- whioh
Mr. Pomerey held and wrenched
it from his hand. The two then
picked up their wounded pal and
left the building without secur
ing any money, but kept the re
volver. TIley went in an easter
ly direction throagh the S. P.
yards and at press time had, not
been' found.
The men are described by Mi.
Pomerey as heavy set, burly
fellows j and one of them had a
hSavy growth of beard on his.
face. They arc supposed to be
h'obos. Policeman MeCIaiu was
on their trail at an early .hour
this morning and they will prob
ably be captured, as the wound
ed man could be easily tracked
by the blood from the- pistol
Mr. Willard Gilbert, of Cor
vallis, and Miss Juanita P. Hol
man, of Fall City, wera married
at the home of the bride, Wed
nesday, Oct. 3a, 1901, Rev. J.
R. G. Russell officiating. The
bride was beautifully dressed in
gray, , while the groom wore the
Hsnal black. ' Many relatives
and friends were present to wit
ness the ceremony, afld all par
took of a bounteous wedding din
ner. At one o'clock in the af
ternoon a number ef Falls City
citizens gave the couple a rat
tling charivari the most racket
ever heard at that time of day.
At three o'clock the bride and
groom left for their new home in
Philomath. All wish taem hap
piness . and , prosperity.. Polk
County Observer.
Real Estate Transfers.
C Welloher to A Wilhelm,
lots inMonroe; $140. ; .
J W Walters to F C Walters, !
deed 13,. interest in sSawmills;
MF Starr to Breymaa Bros,
quit claim deed to" land near
Monroe; $1. , " 1
Jane Dearnan to G W Deriman,
2 lsts, blk 4, Chase's Addition
to Corvallis; $1.
G W Grayson to REX
Brown, land near Wells. -,.'...
Benton County to W O Hck
art, quit-claim deed to 4 lets,
blk 8, County Addition to Cor
vallis; $1,
H L, Martin te C A Bauer,
160 acres, see 28, t 13 s, r 7 w;
$77-' '
C H Crabtrea to A W Hawley,
160 acres, sec 28, t 14 s,-r 6 w;
$500. , . :' .., .
A fiue all wool black clay worsted
dress suit good weight and silk
sewed for $10 at Klines.
Boring at Yaqnina.
Operations have practically
commenced to ascertain whether
or not oil exists iS paying
quantities in L-iricoln connty.
The company owaing the appa
ratus, now at Toledo, will at
once begin to sink for traces of
coal and oil.
The machinery consists of a
tragtion engine, portable derick,
set of drills, ranging from
to 6 inches, with all necessary
appliances, The boring capacity
is 1500 feet, but Mr. Watkins
stales tSat 2000 feet may safely
be reaehed , by careful manage
ment. ;
This is the first Keystone
drill to be put. in operation in
Oregon, althoajh large numbers
ot them are in use in the Cali
fornia oil fields, also in many
other sections of the United
States, where "arcspeatia? and
mining operations are earried n,
and generally . conceded to be
th& best drilling machine on. the
market, both from compaet, sta
bility, economis and portability
points or view. . .
The first borisg operations are
to take place on F.M. Staaton'!
farm, three miles north of Tole
do. It had been tke intention
lo commence operations on"; the
Carlson Ranch, five .miles! up
Depol ; Slough, bat the rdagh
ness of the road -" and its lightly
constructed "bridges made it, im
practicable to. reach that point
No Game With Chemawa.
There wasjio football game' at
the college Saturday. The con
test scheduled to occur between
the O A C and Chemawa elevens
was called off at the last minute.
Some strict rules have, been
adopted by the college aiid other
leading educational institutions
of the state with the laudable
purpose of eliminating profes
sionalism and other objectionable
features from eolle&e athletic
contests. Under tSese rales the
college can admit no rnaa to her
team whose record is not absolu
tely free from these objectionable
features, and mere, her team is
barred from competing with
teams containing such members.
Chemawa, it is claimed, insisted
on haviag men in her line-up
who did not fill the requirements
of these rules. Chemawa bars' a
right to have these men in her
team, but their preseflce made it
necessary for the college to can
cel its game with her.
' Maud Muller.
" (Revised Version.)
Maud Mailer on a summer's day,
Set a hea in a brand new way.
(Maud, you see, was a. city girl,
Trying the rural life a whirl.)
She covered a box with tinsel gay, ;
Lined it.snugly with new-mown hay. ;
Filled it nicely with eggs, and then
Started to look for a likely hen
Out of the flock selected one;
And then she thought her work was done.
It would have been, but this stubborn
- . beta
Stood up and cackled 'Ka-doot!'' and
Maud Muller came, and in hurt surprise,
Looked coldly into the creature's eyes.
Then tied its legs to the box. "You b?t,"
Said she, "I know how to make you set."
But still it stood, and worse and worse,
Shrieked forth its wrongs to the universe.
Kicked over the box with its tinsel gay,
And ign'ominiously flapped away.
Then a bad boy over the barnyard fence,
Tee-hee, "Say, Maud, there's a differ-
. euce ' '
" 'Tween hens, you know, and it is that
One says 'Ka-dost' and the other 'Ka
v dat!", v ;
Then Maud recalled tliat the ugly brute
She tried to set had said "Ka-doott" -:
And ever sineethat historic day,
She blushes in an embarrassed way, ;-
To think of the Wobble she made once
when . - . '" '. .
She tried to set a gentlemen hen ! ; -,
Toronto Star.
Additional Local.
The Black Cat: ; ' . :
Just a, few sacks of red clover
seed lelt for sale at Ziertlf's.;
Go to Zierolf's for nice red clover
seed raised in Benton . county
only a few sacks left.
Students washing neatly done
including-mending. Leave orders
at A. K. Milner's grocery store near
P. O.
For fine table linens, napkins,
toweiS, lace curtains, rugs, Ioudbs
covers, white and colored blankets,
marseilles, quilts, - etc. Nolan &
' Ladies we are showing for Fall
and Winter extensive lines of fine
dress goods, silks, satins, velvets.
dress trimmings, furs, tailor-made
suits, capes, iaokets, raglans, rainy-
day skirts and ladies furnishings
throughout. Nolan & Callahan.
Old Soldiers' Meeting.
Old soldiers are requested to meet at
the residence of S. Chipmai on Friday,
Nov. 8th, to meet the inspector of the
W. E. C. Mes. S. Chu-man. .
. ' ' ' President.
For Sale.
Having retired from the business ef
farming, I will sell a 3-inch Bain wagon,
springtooth hayrake, and a : splen
did young mare, cheap. Terms, cash or
well secured note. J. L Taylob,
Corvallis, Or.
Benton county red clover seed for
sale at Zierolf's.
Fresh Fish.
Chinook salmon at 6) cents per pound,
Silver salmon 5o cents per pound by the
100 pounds, ready for family use. Leave
orders at Farmers Hotel, or address.
A. A. McClkary,
Waldport, Or.
1000 R. R. men at $2.25 and $2.50 per
day, 100 barkers at $2.00 per day, 15
bucbers at $2.00 per day, 20 swampers at
$2.00 per day, 50 teamsters. at $35 per
month and board, steady work, wood
choppers 80 cents to $1.10 at H. H. Hig.
leys Employment office, No.lS5 Morrison
St. Portland Oregon.
Hoa. H. B. Miller's Vies.
In a letter to the Oregon Agricul
turist, Hon. H. B. Miller says: -
The state of Oregon should take
a lesson from the failures of China
and resolve to have no one sided
structure; schools are plentiful for
the education of lawyers, ' doctors,
and the general training required
for merchants and bankers; and
training schools for mechanics are
growing more, plentiful, and all of
these areTeing endowed 1 7 million
aires in great abundance; but
schools for proper training in the
science and art of agriculture in all
branches are depondent mostly
upon state aid, and it should be the
policy of the board of regents of the
O A G to strengthen the experi
ment station and practical training
work of the institution.
The Agricultural College is bless
ed with some men who are able
and effective workers in the science
of agriculture, and it is and has
been for years one of the serious
mistakes of the institution that
these men have been kept at work
doing ordinary, cheap grade leash
ing, and their best qualities have
been dwarfed because of this low
grade, class room, text-book teach
ing. You have struck the keynote of
the difficulty in the make up of the
board of regents.
Leading dairyman, stockmen and
horticnlturists should be put upsn
the board and should be its dom
inating power.
It some man would take up the
question of irrigation in Oregon
and do as good work in that line as
Mr. Killin did in dairy work, he
would be doing a noble service.
The immense amount ot available
land and water going to waste in
almost every section of Oregon is
simply beyond conception. Oppor
tunities for irrigation 'should be the
leading subject ia Oregon a adver
ti ing literature.
Oliver Meetings.
Saturday afternoon the audience room
was filled and part of the annex, at'the
meeting for women. -
Sunday morning was a full and enthu
siastic service, that bore immediate fruit.
J 30 men listened to Oliver in the Men's
meeting for aa hour and a half, Sunday
; Sunday night was a jam with many
Standing up and quite a number of seek
ers went forward..
Oliver will speak on the Divinity of
Christ tonight. This is the second part
of his lecture.
On Fjiday and Saturday night's he
will discuss the Amusement question.
Afternoon meetings at 3 o'clock Wed
nesday. Thursday and Friday, .
Oa Shares. '
About 200 Cotswold
shares. Apply to
ewes to let,,on
Wm. Cbees;
Corvallis, Or;
For Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land west of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work and.improvements on the place.
Address . ' M. S. Woodcock, ..
Corvallis, Oregon. ".
. Wanted.
1000 girls for house work, ?5 girls for
work in Hotels, 50 girls for work in
stoJes, 50 girls for waiting on table,
steady work, good pay, $15 to $25 per
month at H. H. Higley's Employment
office No. 185 Morrison St. Portland,
Would you marry
cents for details,
Portland, Oregon.
if suited? Send 10
postoffice box 633,
Suits that Do Suit.
Capps suits always have a form-fitting
shapeliness that isjaimply superb. Fac
ing, trimmings and linings are most ap
propriate and the tailoring is flawless.
, Back of every Capps suit is a money
returning guarantee back of the guar
antee is 62 years of successful, honest
business. Stout, slim, and average-sized
men can all be easily fitted from the
Capps sizes. We rely on the intrinsic
merit of these goods and their low prices
$10 to $18 to win and retain customers
For sale only by . ' . ... "
The largest stock of overcoats, ultlers,
raglans and mackintoshes in town.' '
"Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th
Century;" a remarkable book: sells on
sight; free territory ; liberal commissions.
Address, Washington Publishing Co,
Chamber ef commerce Building, Tacema
Wash. .
Be Wise.
Come to our - store when in need
of clothes, we are offering some
great suits tor $10 in clay worsteds.
serges, cashmeres, . and fancy pat
terns. It you want them better.
we have them up to $25.00. S. L;
: Jailor "
tm. scHArrHtn 4 mux
S. L.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber
Corner of 5th and.Washington Streets.
For prices enquire at yards orjaddress the companyatjCorvallis
or Philomath, Oregon. , : ,
Job Printing
at this
To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect
Summer Grazing Lands at Nominal Prices
The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchased 40,000 acres of the
Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road lands, known as the "Coe Lands,"
have now placed them on the market.
These ara unimproved lands situated iu Benton and Lincoln counties, -along
the line of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing and fruit
raising" section of Western Oregon.
Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre. Easy Terms. Perfect Title.
ISA. M. DAVIS, Agent . -
October 7, 1901.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eatmg House 1
Pioneer Bakery
I Fresh-bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. .Smokers supplies
- : ' a specialty. "
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
Reduced Ten Per Cent
For October.
That Means Overstocked.
'This includes our entire stock of the season's latest crea
tions in Box Coats,
"VWING to -the fact that pait
7" ot our clothing has arrived
a little late, our manufacturers
doing such a large business they
were unable to meet the demand
for their popular clothes, we will
give yon extra values in suits for
$ro.oo, any of them worth the
price and many of them worth
a great deal more.
Malt Orders
Carefully Attended To
' Corvallis. Oreaon.
Automobiles, Etc.