Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 01, 1901, Image 2

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That state which is s ; fortu
nate iu situation and natural re
sources that its people may en
gage in agriculture,
and manufacturing has all the
elements of material greatness
and intellectual and" moral prog
ress. The Pacific Northwest,
and no portion of it to a greater
degree than Oregon, is exceed
ingly fortunate as respects both
situation and natural resources.
That our neighbor north of the
Columbia river bas gathered pop
ulation and made progress along
certain lines more rapidiy than
we have is not because she pos
sessed any natural advantages
Oregon. It rather be
her people have been
actively public-spirited,
chiefly because her ad
vantages have been persistent
ly presented to the world by a
powerful corporation deeply in
terested in her development.
Our fields, forests and mines hold
immeasurable possibilities of
wealth, and all the prosperity
which attends or follows the de
velopment of varied and exhaust-
less natural resources. Two
magnificent rivers afford unequal
ed facilities for the transportation
of our products to our chief city
and seaport and thence to the
markets of the world. Our
wheat, flour, lumber, salmon
and hops are already exported in
large quantities, and because of
their most excellent quality have
foufld favor and increasing de
mand in foriegn markets.
Uur new insular possessions
and our trade relations with
China and Japan promise incal
culable commercial development
to the Pacific Northwest, and to no
portion of it so limch. as to Ore.
gon. We have but to grasp our
opportunities to insure our com
mercial supremacy.
The development of manufac
turing enterprises has received
considerable attention and has
made creditable progress. It
would seem that more earnest ef
fort should now be made to estab
lish and to develop manufactur
ing enterprises.. There are nu
merous products of ,the mill, the
factory, the work-shop which
now enter largely into our home
consumption, and are in demand
lor export which we can and
should produce. It is manufac
tures rather than commerce and
agricalture which employ large
numbers of men, develop our
latent resources and carry pros
perity! to the greatest number.
Oregen's possibilities in this di
rection are most fortunate. We
need but to lay hold of the varied
material with which nature has
so bountifully supplied us. and
fashion it into the countless forms
ofiise and ornament .demanded
by our advanced civilization or
required by the people with
which we have commercial rela
tions. .
There can be no question tliat
capital judiciously invested in
manufactures here in Oregon
will find certain and most desira
ble remuneration.
The salubrity of our climate, the
wonderful productiveness of our
soil, the wealth of our forests, the
expansion of our commerce, the
possibilities of our manufactures
invite immigration. The cap
italist may find profitable invest
ments here; the man of small
means can find his best opportu
nities here; and he whose sole
capital is brawn' and brains can
win competency most surely here
in Oregon.
Pioneer conditions are past.
Our communities are well estab
lished. Churches of all Creeds
are organized. Excellent schools
of all grades abound. Every
sUch advantage found 'in older
communities are found here.
In addition to these we present
unexcelled opportunities to the
honest, industrious and law abid
ing for home building and con
sequent happiness.
Selections from Roman History
K Literal Translation from Butropins
by C. MacLcau, Ph. D. Successes
' in Spain-Scipio is Recalled.
Meanwhile, when there was no Roman
gencrttl, the two Scipios having been
slain, Publius Cornelius Scipio, who had
waged war in the same place, a man of
all the Romans about the first, both in
his own age and in later time, is sent to
Spain in the twenty-fourth year of his
ge, He captures Carthage in Spain i.
e., New Carthage, in which the Africans
kept all their gold, silver and implements
of war. Also the most famous of the
hostages they had received from the
Spaniards. In the same place also he
captures Mago, brother of Hannibal,
; whom, along with othes. lie send to
I Kiii.e. After this message ;twas re-
ceived Ihero was utiusually great rejoic
I i.'igin Rome. Kcipia returns the Spanish
; hostages to their relatives. Wherefore
! nearly nil Spaniards went with one mind
I over to bun. Alter this he conquers
J aa-i puts tn flight Hits lru'):!.!, brother of
; Il.iijnibal, and takes very large booty.
! (jiving n;i hope that S,a.i!i iwsM w.
'. lieM much longer against Scipfct, ttiwi-
hal recalled his brother, IJasilmlxil. whir
all his forces to Italy. IK", coining by
the same route by which hU brother ha l
cjme, fell into snared laid near Sena, a
city of Picenuru, by ihe consuls of Ap- j
pius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius j
Salinator. He was slain while lightin;
Vigorously. His unusually numerous
forces were captured or slain, and a reat
weight of gold and silver was brought
hack to Koine. After this Hannibal be
gan to be in doubt touching the outcome
of the war. Grsat conraee entered into
the Romans ; a:id thry, therefore, recalled
Pub'ius Cornelius Scipio from Spain. He
came to Koine will, great glory.
Io. the fourteenth year after Hannibal
had come to Italy, Scipio, who had done
many things well in Spain, was made
consul and sent to Africa. So much was
it thought, that a certain divinity was in
this man that it was even supposed
that he had conversation with
the divinities. He fights in Afiica against
llanno, the African general, aud slaugh
ters his army .' In the sccoad battle he
captures his camp, together with four
thousand and five hundred soldiers, elev
en thousand having been slain. He cap
tures Syphax, king of Humedia, who had
joined himself to the Africans, and at
tacks his camp. By Scipio, Syphax is
sent to Rome together with the noblest
of the Nnmedians, and with enormous
spoil. This thing being heard, almosl
all Italy deserts-Hannibal. He, himself,
is ordered by the Carthaginiaus to return,
to Afiica, which Scipio was laying waste.
So in the seventeenth year Italy was
freed of Hannibal. Carthaginian envoys
sought peace from Scipio. By him they
were sent to Rome to . the senate. A
truce of five and forty days' continuance
was granted to them, until they are able
to go to Rome and return. : And thirty
thousand by weight ia silver was received
from them. The senate ordered peace to
be made with the Carthaginians in ac
cordance with the judgment of Scipio.
Scipio grants peace on these terms: That
they shall have no more than thirty fchips,
that they shall dive five hundred thou
sand by weight in silver, and that they
shall return all captives aud deserters.
Our Clubbing List.
Subscriber to the CORVALLIS GAZKTTE can
obtain the following pgpers iu combination sub
scriptions with the CAZtTTS. at tho very low
prices stated below; cash in advance always to ac-
coti'Bany the order, mose wi8hinr two or more
publications named with the OAZKXTE. will pleas
correspond with this ollica and we will quote you
the combination price. We can sore on
nearly au puoncauons vou uesire.
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
V. foi weekly; 8 W for semi-weekly; T W, lor tri
weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi iroathly.
- The first price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alouo,nud ; the second tho rate for
the puoncauon ottereu in conjunction with the
semi-wceKiy wur.u&
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Fort-
lana, or., s. w., ou cents;
Oreironian, Portland, Or., W., J1.60; 2.55.
Knral Spirit, Portland, Or., Contains alive-stock
market report, w., S2.00; 2.65.
Pacific ChiistUn Advocate Portland, Or., W.
$3.00. S.05. .
Tho Thrice-a-Week
Worid, iewYork, T. W.,
SI. 00; 2.20.
nomestcad, Des Moiues, Iowa, A thorough stock
and tarm journal, W.. $1.00; 2.3J.
Tho Hepoblio, St. Louis, Mo S. W., $1.60; 2.05.
The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Tnd., Live
elucil, ianu aua poultry jourual, M., bit cents; x.oo.
- The Cosmopolitan Magazine. Kew York. M.
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 5ti pages of
labcsd maiti, ft ;
The Outing fagaziue, New York, M., $3,00; 3
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W.,1.00; 2.30.
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., S1.00; 2.15. '
American Homes, Kuoxviile, Tena, M., $1.00:
Boston Cookm School Magazine, Bi-M., 50 cents:
McClure's Kagazine, New York, M., S1.00; 2.40.
1 wice-a-VVeek Courier Journal. TiniKvilli.. Kv
one of tlie best papers frors the great bou'.h, T. W.
- "Dairy Fortunes," a neat, well written book of
2u paes on ail questions concerning dairyinsr,
feeds and feeding, the constituent properties of all
kinds of feed; 39 combinations forming well
balanced rations for dairy cows. Rrerv dairyman
should have it. Price wirti the, CoaVALLla Gazcttk
oho year,
rocket Atlas of the World. 3S1 mces rnntainins
colored maps ef all the states and territories in the
United States, the province of the doniifiion of
Canada, and of every country and civil divisnou on
the facn of the globe. Also valuable statistical In
formatien about each state and conaty, giving the
population of every large city in the world, besides
other valuable information. A handy reference
work for every penxn; with Couvahib Gaietts one
yeii z.vv.
Oregon roultry Journal, Salem, Or.,- M . 60
The Pathflader,
District of Columbia, VI., $1.00:
in designer, Hew Yerk, Standard Fashions, M.
American Agriculturist, Chicago, III., including
Farm, FieM end Fireside, Chicago, 111., W., $LO0;
St. Louis Globe-Democrat. St. Louis.'hSs in riva
as a great modern newspaper, T. W., $1.00; 2.15.
The i Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.80.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, 111. , W.,' 50 cents;
$1.00. i-
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, $1.00; 2 65.
The, Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden', III., M
50 cents; $1 75. - . '
Farm and Fireside,
60 cents; 1.76.
Springfield, Ohio, S. W.,
Mr. W. J. Baxter,- of North Brook,
N. C, says he suffered with piles for 15
years. He tried many remedies with no
results until he used DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured
him. Graham &WelIs.
Notice for Publication.
Uhitkd States Laxd Office.
Orejon City, Oregon. October 20, 1031,
Notice is hereby Riven that the following-named
setMer has tiled notice of his intention to make final
proof ia support ot hU claim, and that said proof
will be made before County Clerk of Benton County,
at Corvallis, Oregon, on Deccmher 9tu. 1901. viz-
II. E, 11045 for the Lots 3 and 4 01 Sec. 2, T. 13 S
R. 6 W. ... .
.He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: Jcsra Porter, of Corvallis, Oregon.
John Whitaker, of Corvallis, Oregon' William New
man, of Corvjllis, Oregon. IL A. Hurlkurt, of Corval
lis, Oregon.
Foley's Honey and Tar
forchIIdren,safe,sure. No opiates.
The Real Till a?.
If any '.aijy wv.iiIb to get a real barpain
in a sewing machine ehs; should call on
T. W. Wiley, "Ttiu 1'ixtr." He is sell
ing tltis year' 'model NW Home ma
chines for $33. The usual price of these
Machines U f 75. The machine offered
by Mr Dilley is very liglit running, as
it is ball bearh:, These machines are j
guaranteed' to .sew -equally well with I
either 'ilk or cotton thread Hire is sn j
opportunity that should nut be left.
-ht -t
W Q-TCil
Makes traveling; a pleasure, when correct
time is always a necessity. Yours may be
a capable tiiiie keeper, but through incom
petent repairing you have lost faith ia it.
Bring it iu to me. I will repair the worst
reeked watch, and I will do it economi
cally. Albert J.Metzger
Tiiree Soors North cf the Fostefilce.
Special Line of Street
Corner 3rd and Monro9 Sts.
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
First door west of the Gazette office.
Geo. C. Hickock, Curtiss, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be alt you claim for it. I
have given it to my father and it is the
only thing that ever helped him." Gra
ham & Wortham. , "
fie first National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon,
Leans Made
On all kinds of approved security, and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi
ness enterprises ami industries of this country.
Received subject to check, payable on demaud.
Foreign Exchange .
Sicrht exchange and transfers sold available in
the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer
land, France. Belenum. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spam, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria.
Letters of Credit "
Issued available in the principal cities oi the
United States.
Principal Correspondents Upon Whcjn
. Sell Sight Exchange
The Commercial National Eank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. '
Anglo-Californian Bank, San Francisco, Calif.
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'm
Importers & Trader's National Bank, New York
Shoe and leather National Bank f Boston, Mass.
Philadelphia National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa
Notice for Publication.
United States Lakd Office,
Oregon City Oregon, August 2, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in comuliauce with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled ''An act for the sale of timber lands in the
states of California, Oregon, lievaiia and Washing
ton Territory," is extended to all th Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Garfield, county of Wbitiran, state of Washing
ton, has this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 5482, for 'he purchase of the Lot 8 of Sec
tioa No. 3.1, in Township Ko. 13, S. Range Ko. 6
W, ana will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for
agricultural purposes, and to establ'sh his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 18th
day of October, 1301.
Ho names as witnesses: Theodore T. Oir and
Frank L. Gwinn, of Garfield, Whitman Co., Wash.
B. F. Totten and Thomas Coon of Corvallis, Benton
Co., Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims H
this office on or before said 18th dat of October,
lOAl . . . . . . V. J .. '
Register. .
For Sale.
Four-room cottage and. two lots, near
S. P. depot. Inquire of W. C, Corhett,
Csrvallis, Or..
' Mr. G. A. Stillman, a merchant if
Tampico, 111., writes: "Foley's Kidney
Cure is meeting with wonderful success.
It has cured some cases here that physi
cians pronounced incurable. I myself
am able to testify to ita merits. My face
today is. a living jiicture of health, and
Foley's Kidney Cure has made it etreh."
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Digests what yoti ent.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and. never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do yoa good
PEoparca only by B. 0. DsWitt & Co., Chicago
the 1. bottlo contains times the 50c. fdzo.
Graham & Wells.
the most healing aalve in the world.
Wi i
13. ' MEJSlNTW e&5 CO.
' A Little-Known Fact That the ma
jority ef serious diseases originate in dis
order of the kidneys. Foley's Kidney
Cure is guaranteed. Be sure to get Fo
ley's. Sold by Graham & Worthcui.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
"I had a running sore on my leg for
seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Foiest, of
Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hun
dreds of dollars in tryicg to get it healed.
Two boxes pf Banner Salve entirely
cured it." Bewa'e of substitutes. Sold
.by Graham & Worlham.
Notice for Publication.
United Stahes Lasd Ofotce,
Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 21, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will he made beforo Countv Clerk of Benton Co. at
Cervalhs, Ore., on November 4th, 1901. viz:
William H. I'arrith,
H. E: 11117, for the SEJ Sec. 20, T. 13 S.. B. 6W.
He names the following witnesses to prove .bis con
tinuous residence -npon and cultivation of said
land, viz: Jasner Kickard. of Dustv. Ore.. Thornton
A. Lemaster, of Inavale, Ore., Joseph M. Gray of
rhiloniath, Ore., Ulynses is. uieason, oi rem, ure,
Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds
and piles, quickly cured by Banner
Salve, the meet healing medicine in the
worid. ' Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Summons, .
In the Circuit Ccurt of the State of Oregon
Benton County,
D. N. Williamson,
- Plaintiff, I
VP. V "
Mary A. W illiamstn, 1
T. B. William. on
Martha E. rrettyman, J.
W. Williamson, Wilev
A Williamson, W. G. .
William?)., P. E. 4
liamson, Arthur Btamia, j
Jlattie Hrettvman-.lohn-1 . -
stan find Henry Pretty- j
man, a minor, - i
' To Kattie Prettyman -Johnston, one of the above
named defendants:
herebv required to- appear &ud answer the com
plaint of the ahoc-named plaintiff filed against rtu
in the above entitled couvt, cn or before the expira
tion of six. week3 from the cate of the first publica
tion ol this summons, which is the 11th day of Oc
tober, 1901, and the last date of the publication of
this summons is tbe 22nd day of November, 1901,
aSvl you we notified if you fail to appear and answer
said coinplaiufthe plaintiff will apply to said court
for the relief prayed for in his-said complaint, towit:
For a decree and order of said court to correct a mis
take and error in the description in a certain deed
made and executed- bv P. R. Williamson and Mary
A. Williamson to the p-air.tiff on July 25th, 1896,
and recorded in the ded records for Denton county,
Oregon, Velume 83, atjiage 412 thereof, and fcr
such other relief as to the court may aeem just.
This summons is Berved by publication thereof in
the Corvallis Gazbttk by order of Hon. E Wood
ward, County Judge for Benton County, Orecon.
Made the 8th day of October, lOol.
N. M. Kewtcrt.
- " Attorney for Plaintiff.
If the action of your bowe's is not easy
and regular serious complications must
be the final result. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers will remove this danger. Safe,
pleasant and effictive. Graham & Wells,
Notice for Publication.
. Uxitso-Statss Land Office,
Omron Citv. Vratmi. August 2. 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "Art act for ihe sale of timber lands in the
States o, tflalifornia. Orceon. Nevada and Washing
ton Territory." as extended to'ail the Public Land
States by act of august 4, lays,
of Garfield, countv of Whitman, State of Washing
ton, has this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 64S3, for lie purchase 01 tiie t yt, w
V.. lots l and 2 of Section No. 30 in Township Ko.
13 S, R No. 0 W, and will effer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes; and to establish
hs claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Oregon uity, uregon, on rn
dav. the 18th ilav of October: 1801.
- lie names as'witnesbes: William H. Gwinn and
Frank L. Gwinn of Garfield. Whitman Co.. Wash.,
R F. Totten tnd Thomas Coon of Coriallis, Benton
Co , Oregon.
Any and all persons adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before taid 18th day of October,
1001. CUAi. B. BOUKB,
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores
of all kinds quickly, healed by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salye. Certain cute for
piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure
you get the original DeWitt's. Gra
ham & Well's.
Notice for Publication
Uxitkd States Lasd Office.
- Oregon City. Oregon, October, 6, 1001
Notice is herebv civen that in compliance with
the provisions ef the act of Congress of June 3, 187-8
entitled "An act for the fale of timber lands in the
States of California, Orepon, Nevada, ans ashing,
ton Territory," as extended to all the Tublic Land
Spates by act of August 4, 1602,
of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon,
has this day Bled rn this office his sworn statement
Nn. 524, for Hw-f irchase of the S. J of N. W. i
and 1 ota 8 and i of i. ction No, 4 in Township No.
13 South, Kange No. 7 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land cought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to faid land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Ongou, on Eatuiday, the 21st day of December,
1901. .
He names as witnesces: Melrose Courier of Falls
City, Oregon. John Hyde of fhilomath, Oregon,
Charles Odell of Philomath, Oregon, and Jrred
Sinieral ot Philomath, Oregon, '
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands ore requested to file their claims in
this office on ar before said 2lst day of December
" ', ' Register
' Chas; Replogle, cf Atwater, O., was
finable to work on account of kidney
trouble. After using.' Foley's Kidney
Cure four days he was cured. Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
Try this Office for Job Work,
POP. .
, No relief for 20 years "I had bron
chitis for twenty years," said Mrs. Min
erva Smith, of Danville, 111 , "and never
got relief until I used Foley's Honey and
Tar, which is a sure cure for threat and
lung diseases." Sold by Graham &Wor
Good Advice.
The meat miserable beings ia the
world are thone suffering 'Jroni Dyspep
sia and Liver (Jomplaint More than
seventy-five per cent, of the people in
the United btates are afflicted with these
two deseases and their affects : such as
Sour Stomach. Sick Headache. Habitual
Co8tiveiiess, Palpitation of the Heart,
Heart-burn, AVaterbrash, Gnawing and.
Burning fame at the pit ol the stomach
Yeliow Skin. Coated Toieue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up
ot iood alter .bating, Low Spirits, etc
Go to vour Druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two doseB
will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's
Prize Almanac. Graham & Wortham
Those famous little pills, De Witt's Lit
tie Early Itisere compel your liver and
bowels to do their duty, thus giving you
pure, rich blood to recuperate your body.
Are easy to take. Never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells, .
No. 101--4o acres, 15 in cultivation,
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land : price, $650. 4U miles
from Philomath.
No. 131 80 acree, 25 iu cultivation,
nice young orchard; fair buildings, 2
I cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plow, cultivator, tools, etc. ; also
furniture. This is a good liill ranch and
is cheap al $700. 6 miles from town.
74 1G0 acres; 30 in-cultivation ; email
house; good barn and water ; 1)4 miles
from town; cheap at $1j5G0; on main
county read ; gocd pasture and timber.
113 A good 7-rooin house with one
half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken
houses and sheds, price (600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes nalk frona
Corvallis postoffice.
Heal Hstate Agent,
Box 59, rhHomath, Beuton County, Oregon
Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.,
says: "Our little girl almost strangled
to death with croup. The doctois said
she couldn't live but she was instantly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure.
Graham & Wells.
Executors' Sale of Real
Executors Notice of sale of real rroperty. Notice
is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Benton, made on the 3rd day of September, 1901,
in the matter of the Esoate of Thomas Eglin de
ceased, the undersigned Executors of said estate
from and after Saturday the Sth day of November
1QC1, will proceed to sell the real property herein
after described, belonging to said Lslate. at private
sale at Corvallis Benton county State of Oregon, for
cash at the time of purchase. The' said real prop
erty to be sold ' as herein required, is described as
follows: To Wit: All the right, title and interest
of the said Estate of ia ard to Lots No. 7 and 8 of
Block No. lo in the Original Town of Marysville
now the City of Corvallis, Bentoi county, State of
Oregon; and also all of the North half of lot No. 4
(except 25 feeVsquara on the West end of said Lot 1)
all of Lot No. 2 and the South half of Lot No. 3, all
inBkckNo, 18 of the Original town of liary&Yille
now the City ef Corvallis Benton county State of
Said real property to be sold in two separate par
cels. Said sale subject to the confirmation of said
Countv Court of Benton county State of Oregon,
Dated Oct. 8th, 19SL
- Gf.0. F. EoLtii
Wm. Ckecs.
Executors of the Estate of Thomas Egiin, Deceased.
H. C. Walkms, sexton ot the Method
ist Church, Springfield, Pu., says: "My
wife has been very bad with kidney
trouble and tried several doctors without
benefit. After taking one bottle of Fo
ley's Kidney Cure, was much better, and
was completely cured after taking four
bottles." Sold by Graham A Wortham.
Notice for Publication.
Lakd Office at Orkoon City, Oregon
October 12, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that the following-nan.ed
settler hrs filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in eupport ot his claim, and that Baid proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Benton Co.,
at Corvallis, Oregon, on November 23, 1001, viz:
H. E. No. 11H'8 of Clara J. Seits formerly Clara J.
Hearing widow of James A. Herring, Deceased,
for tlie Ntt i NV V & NW i NE 1 Sec. 28T, IS S.,
K.8 W.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: Thomas M. Coci, of Inavale, Oregon,
Thornton A Lemaster, of Inavale, Oregon, James
Lemaster, "f Inavale, Oregon, Kam W. Calhoou, of
Dusty, Oregon. -
James White, Bryantsville, Ind,, says
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run
ning sores on l oth legs. He had suffer
ed six years. Doctois failed to help him.
Get DeWitt's.. Accept no imitations.
Grahiam & Wells. . :
Physician Sr Surgeon
Foley's Honey and Tar
i cures oldSf prevents pneumonia.
P. T. Thomas, Sumpterville, Ala , "I
was suffering from dyspepsia when I
commenced fs ii'.ig Kodo! Uyspepsia
Cure. .1 took several bottles and can di
gest anything.'' Kcdol Dyspepsia Core
is the only preparation containing all the
natural digestive fluids. It gives weak
stomachs entire rest, restoring their
natural rendition. Graham & Wells.
Consumption threatened C. Unger,
212 Maole St.. Champaign. I'l., writes:
1 nas troubled with a hacking cough
for a year and I thought I had consump
tion. I tried a great many remedies and
was under the care of physicians for sev
eral months. I used one bottlo of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar. It enred me, and
I have not been troubled since." Sold
bv Graham & Wortham.
pon't be satiiGed with temporary relief
from indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
permanently and completely removes
this complaint. It relieves permanently
because it allows the tired stomach per
fect rest. Dieting won't rrst the stom
ach. Nature receives supplies from the
food we eat.' The sensible way to help
the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which digests what you eat and
can't help but do you good. Graham &
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Corvatlls, Oregon
Established, Incorporated, ii
The mast ccmnkle line I of Pure Drugs and
Chemicals iu Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Fa-
pers, Fine Perfnmery, Toilet Articls,
Combs, Ercstes and Minors.
Poeltet Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Mauager of Perscription Departmemt,
T. A. JOKES, Registered
Special Coarse in riarn:ocy at Perdue TjBiversl
ty, Indiana
O. O. Buck, Beirne, Aik., says: "
was troubled with constipation until
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers
Since then I have beeu entirely cured of
my old complaint. I recommend them
Graham & Wells.
Form for Sale.
R. B. Blodgctt oilers for sale his 570
acre stock farm, one-half mile from F.lod
ect, Oregon.
Parties to cut oak and aeh nood from
now on, and during next fall and winter.
i The work umet be done neat and clean.
and wood cot even length, closely
trimmed and honestly .corded. Apply to
M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dttntistry of every disseiiption done In firw
class mtrnuer, aad satisfaction guar
Ofliee Over Z5arolf 's grocery store, opposr.
tire post otace, uorvaiMs. uregon.
Physician $ Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Dank Building.
I 10 to 12 a. m.
J 2 to 4 p. m.
Office Hours
Residence: Cornet College aud 8th Sts.
Telephone at office aad resirlen-.-ei
Corva'rti, - Oregon
Office Corner 3rd and Monroe streets
HotJBS 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone S15, at residence.
Titles. CoNVETANCiKe.
Practice in all State and Federal Coart
Office in First Rational Bank Bailiffriii.
E. R. Br y son
Corvallis, Oretfon.
Office in Postoffice Building.
Office In YTbitehom Block
W. T. Rowley
offire trter FI,Bt J?alio"El Etlk
Shojt LINE
amd uniojh Pacific
from rortlaud
Portland Special
0 a. ni. .
SaltLake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas Uity, St
4 :30p.n.
Louis, Chieage
vis Hun
and East
9 p. m.
via Hnn
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City. St
8: a.m.
Louis, Chicago and
ting ton.
St. Paul
Fast Mail
6:00 p.m.
Walla Walla. Lew
istoo, Spokl neJ
MmneaDolis, t.
raul.Dolnth, Mil
7:00 m..
waukee, Chicago,
and .hast.
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers.
No change of cars. Tickets East via 11
rail, or via boat and rail, via, Portland
Ocean and Kiver Schedule.
AH sailing oaten
subject to change.
8 p. m.
For San Franciseo,
4 p. m.
Sail every ti ve days
from April Zd.
Kx. Sun
8. p. m.
Columbia River
To Astoril & way
landing. 4 p. m.
10 p. m.
Water Permitting.
Steamer Ruth leaves Corvallis for Al
bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land
ings", Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6:00 a.m.; returning, arrives Corvallis
aboon Midnight, Tuesday, Thursday aod
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Southern Pacific Coir.panv.
airis leave Corvallis for Portland
and way siatiuns at 1:?0 p m.
Lv Portland S:S! a in
Lv Albany 12:30 pm
Ar Ashland 12:33 a m
A r Sacramento 5 .(p p m
Ar San Francisco-7 :4i p m
S :30 p oi
10:.r)0 p m
1 1 :3t) a m
4 :35 a m
9.30 a M
A i Osrden 6:45 p m
Ar Df-nvcr 9:00 a m
Ar Kaneaf City -7:i5 tn
Ar Chicago-" 7 :55 a m
11 :45 a m
U:i0a n
7 :25 a m
I) :30 a in
7 :00 a m
6 :r!8 p m
6:80 a m
9 : 55 a m
4 .DO a ra
: p n
6:42 am
12:43 pm
Ai Los Ai'ifeles 1 0 p m
Ar E! Paso 6:lO p m
Ar Fort Worth 6:80 a m
Ai City of Mexico 9 :53 a in
Ar Hoonton-- 4:00 a m
Ar New Orleans 6 :25 a in
Ar Washington 7-6:42 a tn
Ar New York 12 :43 pm
both trains. Chair cars Sarrameuto to
Onden and El Paso, mid TouriBt cars to
Chicago, St Ixiuia, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan,
China, Philippines, Central and South
See F. E. FARMER, sgent a Corvallis
station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
AU of these wagons are made of the
very "fortt material for an expensive
witL'on. We arc closing them out at
these loh prims to cifan up the building
to manufacture organs. Anyone wanting
to get a good bnruain should call early,
We on make the wagons to suit if do
not have one on hand.
Generul Manager and Salesman for
Cramer's Omans.
Corvallis & Eastern Mmi
2ForYaquina: ;
Train leaves Albany 12:60 p. m
" " Corvallis 1:50 p.m.
" arrives Yaqv 'na 6:45 p. m.
1 Returning:
Lea vcr Yaquina .... 6:C0 a. ra.
Leaves Co-vallis.... 11:30 a. na.
ArriveB Albany .... 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. ft.
Arriyes Detroit .... 12:15 p. ta.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. ra.
Arrives Albany 5:40 p.m.
Trains No. 1 arriyes in Albany in
time to connect with the S. P. south
hound train, as ell as giving two or
three hours in Albany befoie departure
of S. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
west side truin at Corvallis Crossing for
Independence, McMinnville aad all
points north to Portland.
Edwis Stone,
H. H. Chomse,' Manager.
A Kent, Cervalhs.
In cases c cough or croup give the lit
tle one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will be all right in a little while. It
never fails. Pleassnt to take, always
safe, sure and almost instantaneous in,
effect. Graham & Wells. .