WEEKLY, TCIIOlf Entmb. Jalr, 18T. Consolidated Feb. 1899. COBVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NO VfiMBER 1, 1901. VOL. XX Will. NO. 45. G1ZBTTB Ktab. Da EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which is Most Likely to Prove sf Interest to Our Many Readers. for state offi- SHAKE-UP IN NAVY. NEWS OF THE STATE killed in the raging on Ten states will vote cers this fall. It is believed at Sofia that Miss Stone is dead. Ten persons were Louisiana race war. A heavy storm has been Puget sound for two days. The Northern Pacific has insured its property for $20,000,000. King Edward's physician attended him at an official reception. The Czolgosz autopsy proved that the murderer was perfectly sane. Noyes has made application for a postponement of the hearing in his case. The administration will not sus? pend the reduction of the Philippine army. A large portion of the Siberian peninsula will be opened to miners next year. . . . Preparations are being made for the -return of. the Duke of York to England. Countes Kussell demands an apol ogy from the assistant secretary of the treasury. The race war in the South contin ues and it is feared that the militia will have to be calied out. President Castro, of Venezuela, has declared that so far as his country is concerned, the revolution is ended. Malvar appoints himself captain general of the Filipino army. His proclamation warns natives who aid Americans that they will be treated as traitors.. Fourteen people were killed in a race riot in Louisana. Lieutenant General Miles has sub mitted his annual report. . The state dpeartment is more san guine of saving Miss Stone. Bains in Argentine have greatly .weakened the wheat market. i - Chinese government is being. ganized on conservative lines. The British barks Bowman B. Law and Glenogle were destroyed by fire. -.. Admiral Schley will call two more witnesses and the prosecution about 15. from delivering a eulogy on McKin , -ley, . All preparations for the execution of Czolgosz, the assassin, have been .completed " The Schley court of inquiry is slow Iv dragging itself alone, with no . definite time set for its closing. Czolgosz, the assassin of President "McKinlev. was electrocuted; He : went to the chair unconfessed and 'unrepentant.' If the rumors concerning the condi tion of King Edward are well found fed, it is barely possible that he may never be crowned king of England , '. There is a scarcity of firewood at . Salem. -- Chile and Argentine are preparing -: for war., King Edward is suffering from can cer of the throat. ,'. - Weyler denies that he aspires-to ' Spanish dictatorship. ' Two" steamers have arrived at Port Townsend from Nome." : - i "Twenty-five insurgents were killed fn a fight near Ilo'Ilo. ' Nashville police attetripted to arrest -a Great Northern. xobber... .Americans propose to buy up the street railway of Sfe Petersburg; ') ' The town of Brobuisk,' Russia, was destroyed by fire and several lives lost; 1 Several Boers, "wearing khaki uni forms, were court martialed and'shot. P' The Mckinley ; Memorial Arch As- sociation issues a- statement to the -:publiei- -- . " ' Three persons were killed in a rail- - road - wreck - at- a crossing near Mil- - waukee. - - Many people-are being devoured by wolves while working in the fields in Poland. : ' Eight - million - salmon eggs have been . received at the- Clackamas hatchery. " Conditions- in Cebu are encourag- ; ing. ' Lack of food is bringing the natives to terms. - 1 -' ..Japan raises a loan of 10,000,000 . yen. :';' .... ... ,. :-: " Verdict in the Islander investiga tion. .X " ''- , Conservative Chinese want Minister Wu recalled. . Schley Court of Inquiry Said : to Be Cause of Much Dissatisfaction. ' - Washington, Oct. 31. President Roosevelt seem3 determined to cause a shake up in the inner circles and bureaus of the navy department as a result of the revelations of the Schley court of inquiry. When Assistant Secretary Hackett suddenly decided to resign a few days ago, it was recalled that he had al ways been an intense partisan of Sampson, and further developments, not entirely pleasant for Sampson's particular friends or supporters m the department, ' were looked for. They came yesterday, when it was announced that Bear Admiral Crbwn inshield, chief Ot the bureau of navi agtion, would be suspended before the usual term of four years lor which he was chosen expires. His successor will be Bear Admiral Taylor, and Crowinshield, who took the lead in securing a court of inquiry for Schley, will be deported to Europe, there to take charge of the new European station. " ... '-' ' It is a current report that when Theodore Boosevelt was assistant secretary of the navy he clashed with Crowinshield, and this, besides his intense partisanship -for Schley, is set forth as a reason for the bureau chief's removal. It is said Crownin- shield flatly opposed bringing the Oregon around the Horn to Cuban waters, while Mr. Boosevelt as strong- ly favored it, and won, - with Secre tary Long's help. Officials of the navy department unhesitatingly say that it is honey combed with a partisan feeling for Sampson. These admissions, coupled with the Hackett and Crowninshield developments, are what caused the expectation of a thorough overhaul ing of the naval department machin ery from the. assistant down a boom erang effect of the Shley trial which the prime movers did not look for. Within a few days Mr. Hackett has received threatening letters, and strange men have called at his home and frightened his family, until they called for police protection.; Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report have been found MOST MAY ESCAPE. by Certificate of Reasonable Doubt - Granted Supreme Court Judge. New York. Oct 3L Justice Mc Lean in the supreme court, today granted a certificate of .". reasonable doubt in the case of Johann Most, editor of the Freheit, an anarchist paper, in order to stay his sentence of 12 months' imprisonment '. for the publication of an article entitled "Murder vs, Murder, " which appeared- the day of President McKin- ley's assassination. . Justice .McLean says . the only . proof to. support the judgment is that Most purloined an article expressing certain sentiments, written by another half a century ago, and published it as his own, "in a paper- professedly of some circula tion, but which circulation is shown by the sale of but a single copy, that purchased by the police, probably for the purpose of prosecuting." He fur ther says that it may be doubted reas onably whether the judgment,- even with that support, should stand, plagiarism is not a criminal offense under the laws of the United States. BRITISH CAMP ATTACKED. TEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. CONDITIONS IN CEBU. CHIEF OF B0L0MEN Oil indications near Sparta. The Normal school building at Weston is nearing completion. The Dalles streets will be lighted with electricity after the 15th of next month. Articles of incorporation of the First Christian church of Pendleton have been filed. The next Polk county teachers' in-j stitute will be held in Dallas about the middle of November. -.' .. ' A number of potatoes 10 and 11 nches long and weighing. over three. pounds each were exhibited in Elgin recently. ' : - . Three carloads of machinery for the Pomeroy dredger, to be operated on the John Day, arrived at bumpter last week. " . '-:.- The grade of the John Day road leading down the . mountain to the North Fork is reported to be in very bad condition. During the past week. 70 carloads of livestock have been shipped from the - Pendleton stockyards. . The larger part of the shipments went to the Sound. : , ' - A subscription paper is being circu lated in Union to raise funds to se cure and improve grounds for a park to be used for athletics. It is pro posed to lease a piece of ground south of town. . It is reported from Prairie City that the big shaft at the Bed Boy mine has passed the 200 loot level, and three shifts are cross cutting the vein as rapidly as possible. - The 20 stamps are dropping day and night. . Albany college has an enrollment of 118 students. A 2-year-old child was drowned near Athena by falling into a pool of water. .. . . Irrigation in the Sprague river country; has been largely: extended this year. . .." .. .',.. , .; , . . The salmon run has been very good so far and some heavy hauls-..: have been made.:: -.- A lodge , of Degree of Honor of 75 members has been- formed at New Pine "Creek. '-.. - Two Umatilla Indians are under ar rest for killing an Indian woman whom they believed to be a sorceress. ' The chair - factory -at Al bany was destroyed by fire which started - by a' hot electric light globe breaking and falling into a varnish tank. - The body . of W. II. Young, of Haines, who suddenly disappeared several weeks ago, was found about 12 miles from Baker City. Louis Harvey was arrested at Pres cott Saturday and taken to Pendle ton, charged with assault. Harvey had been wanted for three weeks. Lack of Food Having Hs Effect Upon Natives One Cause of Samat Trouble. Manila, Oct. 30. The constabulary report a fight with insurgents near Passi, province of Ho ; Hp, island of Panay, in which 25 insurgents were killed, together with a quantity of arms and ammunition captured.. News from General Hughes regard ing conditions in Cebu are -encouraging. ' Lorega surrendered with his entire force and one cannon and seven rifles, while General Hughes is negotiating for the surrender of Maxilo, who styles himself "Governor Politico-Militar." His surrender will mean the pacification of the island. Lack ol food and the . harassing effects of the aggressive- tactics now pursued ny tne American: iorces are having their influence upon the na tives. In many places, where rice is doled out by the - government," only enough is given for one meal, so that it is hardly possible for any large amount to find its way to the insurg ents. It is believed that the recent manifestations in the island of Samar Were chiefly due to the lack of food, The first labor problem growing out of the new tariff has arisen. A hat and umbrella factory, employing 600 hands, has found it necessary to close. The lawyers are making a - protest to the commission, urging protection. as the same goods from Germany can be sold at half the price it takes to manufacture them here. -? ' In an attack by insurgents on the municipal police and scouts at Sa- bang, one scout was killed and two of the police were captured.- -The in surgents secured two Krag-Jorgenson rifles, two shotguns and 200 rounds of ammunition. Dispatches from: Catbalogan, isamar, say that stringent and ener getic measures are being taken to sup press the insurrection m that island. General Smith has notified all the presidents and head men of the pueb los that they must surrender all arms and turn over the persons implicated in the- Balangiga massacre before November 6, threatening that, other wise the presidents will be sent to the island of Guam, the village destroyed and the property confiscated. Boers Were Repulsed Only After the Most - . Severe Fighting. '-..- London, Oct. 31. A dipsatch from Lord Kitchener, dated' Pretoria, says he has rceeived reports of the fighting Oct iber 24 near Great Marico . river, when Delarey and Kemp "attacked-a British force and were only repulsed after severe fighting, leaving 40 dead on the field,; including. Commandant Omstireyscn. The British ,: lost 28 men killed and 55 wounded. : The Boers carried light British' wagons. The Repblicans appear to have paid special attention to the guns, as 37 gunners and drivers were Jailed -.or wounded. v .Liora K-itchener mentions , a num ber of minor- affairs, -and - says this week's "bag"Jconsisted of 74 Boers killed, 16 wounded and 53 made pris-; oners.' In addition, 45 Boers!' surren dered, and the British captured 471 rifles, 75,950 rounds if -ammunition, 216 wagons, 50 horses and 8,000 head of cattle. -- France has a soldier to every 59 in habitants, Germany one to every 89, . Italy one to every 14, Great Britain fine to every 100. The Ganz system of . electric trac tion uses 3,000 volts in each phase which is fed directly to two trolley wiresi the track forming the third con ductor. This system pruvides . for hauling a 250-ton train of freight 20 miles an hour on a 10 per cent, grade by a 600-horse power locomotive. Blizzard at Butte.,. .. ' Butte, Mont., Oct. 31. Butte was struck by a "blizzard early this even. ing. The temperature dropped sud denly nearly. 25. degrees, and a fine snow, almost of the character of hail, began . Jailing. The wind, which blew a gale, was bitterly cold, and there, was considerable suffering various portions of the city where no provision had been - made for the appearance of winter at such an early date. - - ,-' Big Orange and Lemon Crop. San Francisco, Oct. 31. The" orange and lemon shipments to the East-from Southern- California last season aggregated 22,500 cars. It is expected that the shipments " this season will not fall short of 26,000 cars.: - The' orange crop of Northern California also- promises to largely exceed that of last year. MILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. MALVAR APPOINTS HIMSELF AS CAPTAIN GENERAL. 1 Has Issued a Proclamation to the Natives to That Effect ATI Filipinos Caught Aiding the Americans, and Abo All Who Surren der to Them, Will Be Considered Trait ors and Treated Accordingly. Manila, Oct. 31. Malvar has issued a new proclamation, appointing him self captain general and reorganizing the Filipino army under two lieu tenant generals and four generals of divisions. Every guide caught aid ing the Americans will be treated immediately as a traitor. Those who surrender to the Americans will be treated in the same manner. Malvar considers his own appoint ment to be temporary, until the meeting of the general assembly of liberators. He congratulates the soldiers on the good work they- are doing in the field and also those who are working for the cause of freedom and liberty m the cities. ' A hat and umbrella factory, em ploying 600 hands, which recently found it necessary to close, the ac tion constituting the first labor prob lem growing out of the new tariff, has decided to remove to Hong Kong, BERTHOLF SUCCESSFUL. Two Move, Steamers From the Icy North Bring L200 Passengers. Port Townsend, Wash.. Oct. 29. Two steamers arrived here from Nome today, bringing over 1,200 pas sengers, the Senator bringing 625 and the Uarrone 7UU. . The Senator sailed from Nome October 19 and for several days before sailing the icy fingers of , winter had faotAnAfl friamoalitoa sin Vnma anil vicinity. Snow was falling and ice had formed and preparations were being made for a long, cold winter. When the Senator sailed the steam ship Queen was at ' Nome and the Boanoke was at bt. Michael. A furious northern gale was blowing. The Queen, Valencia and Boanoke will be the last steamers from Nome, ana they will bring about Z.UUU peo ple, and there are many more who would return if transportation could be secured, besides a large number of destitute who would be compelled to remain at Nome and face an Arctic winter, depending upon charity. " A larger acreage of peas will be put in at Weddsrburri next season, and the pea canning industry will be car ried ya on a larger scale than ever. Portland Markets. - Wheat Walla V Walla; nominal 5555c?; bluestem,. 56o; , Valley 5555Kc. :v , Flour Best grades, S2.653.50 per barrel; graham, $2.60. ,- Oats Nominal 90$1.00 pr cental Barley Feed, $1515.50i brewing, 16.00 per ton. . '" Millstuffs Bran, ' $1718 ;- mid dling; $2021; -shorts, 1920; chop, $16. . . ; -: Hay Timothy. $1113 ; clover, $79. 50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. : 'W.':!-;- Butter Fancy creamery,2527 Jc : dairy, 1820c ; store, : 1415c per pound. ; - -'.;:..:.: ' , r--L- Eggs Storage, 20c; fresh, 2324c: Eastern 2021 - ' Cheese Full cream, . twins, 13c ; Young America, -1314c. Poultry Chickens, : mixed, $2. 50 3.00; hens, $4.00; dressed, 10 11c per pound . springs, $2.50 3.00, per dozen; ducks, $3 for old $3.00 4.00 for young ;.; geese, $67 per doz en; turkeys, live,- 10llc; dressed, i 810c per pound. . " 1 Mutton Lambs,3MC gross; dressed 66c per pound; sheep, $3. 25 gross; dressed, 6c per pound. - - Hogs (jr0ss,heavy,$b6.2a; light, :.755; dressed, 77c per pound. Veal Small, 88c ; large,77c per pound. . . . . .. Beef Gross top steers, Sd.504.00; cows and heifers, $3:00 3. 50; dressed ty.ei, 9bgc per pound; - '. - iiops bioc per pound, t- -" Wool Valley, 11 13 c per pound ; Eastern Oregon, 812c; mohair. 2021c per pound. Potatoes 6585 per sack. ' Hundreds of People All Over ihe Country " Buncoed Out of Savings.?. ; Boston, Oct. 30. In connection with what the - United" states - mar shal's Office declares to be , one of the biggest frauds they ever had t to. deal with in this city, members of tfte firm of J.C. Fisher & Co., brokers, were arrested today on a charge of using the . United States mail in a scheme to defraud. It is alleged that $1,000,000 has been taken from the public since January 1, 1900. The method of the firm is said by the authorities to have been very simple. People all over the country, it is alleged, were written to and told what exceptional chances there were to invest money, and that large re turns could be expected. - Pools were formed and those desirous of getting rich - quickly were invited to re mit. After two or three weeks, it is said, investors would be advised that a pool . had been formed on a well known stock and that as the quota tions had gone dowQ the margin had been swept away, ; and : that more money was necessary immediately in order to save the stock. After hav ing put in two or three Wines the original stock, some investor ' became suspicious- and called the attention of the authorities to the matter. :': 7 SHIPS FROM NOME. FOULDEED AVENGED CZOLGOSZ, THE ASSASSIN; DIES' IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR. Met His Fate With Perfect Composure He Refused to Accept Religious Consolation and to Renounce Anarchism Would Not Bid Re'atives Farewell fib Body Will Be Burled at the Prison. ' INSPECTOR'S REPORT. ON CONSERVATIVE LINES. Work of Board Reorganizing Chinese Govern- . ment Study Western Methods.-- Washington, "Oct. 30. The state department has received from Minis ter. Conger at Pekin, a translation ; of a series - of v preliminary regulations adopted by the recently organized Chinese- Board of National . Adminis tration, charged with the reorganiza tion of that government on . modem and efficient lines. The sentiments expressed are conservatiye, ' says Mr. Conger, and it is made plain' that there is; no dntention'to imitate the too brisk pace sett by - the- reformers of 1898, but instead to study- West-: ern methods and, without adopting Western civilization as a whole, to adant to Chinese conditions such ins titutions as seem likely to add strength to the state. . , Fulfilled the Object of His Jonrney to Siberia ' Secured 254 Reindeer. Seattle, Oct. 31. Dr. 'Sheldon Jackson, general agent for the bureau of education in Alaska, has arrived in Seattle from the land of his labors, having . taken passage on the City of Topeka from Ketchian. He brings additional details of the experiences of Lieutenant Bertholf, who was sent to Siberia to purchase reindeer for the government. - . Dr. Jackson tells a different tale of the' daring young revenue officer, who, it now appears, was never in danger, and near starvation in his long and tedious journey through Siberia. ; . Lieutenant Bertholf left Washing ton, D. C, last January, going to St. Petersburg, thence to Irkutsk. From there he disapppeared on the steppes. His; . mission, ' as sated above, was to procure a herd of rein deer of- laier-sizeJthan-?those'Tiow m Alaska. A revenue cutter was to meet him and . convey the animals, and the lieutenant, to Alaska, but owing to circumstances, the govern ment could not send one, and it was thought for a time he might perish. A short time ago there came a brief notice that he ' had landed at Port - Clarence with -a herd of rein-j deer.: He was riot expected to. return for a year or more, but his , usual re sourceful ability, evidently brought him out earlier. He traveled across Eussia and - Siberia very rap:dly, going with trained guides in storms often when many men . would have sted in some camp retreat. After - leaving the railway, he tra versed 1,500 miles of unknown Siberia until near Orla, on the Okhotsk sea, he found . the bred of reindeer he wanted, purchased 254 head and got them to . Baroness Korfg bay, where shipment could be made. He then retraced his steps to Vladivostock under very trying . conditions. . In one instance broke-' a trail through snow waist deep for a distance of 100 miles.: . This he accomplished by rid ing the reindeer ahead, under saddle, taking turns as they became exhaust ed with the continued effort. Arriv ing at Vladivostock, Lieutenant Bert holf chartered a Russian tramp steamer ' and returned to the point where he had the reindeer located, loaded them safely and landed them in excellent condition at Port Clar ence, - where they ' are now - being wintered. i . Increase in Loss of Life on Steamboats Last - Year. Washington, Oct. 28. The annual report of General James A. Dumont, supervising Inspector General of steam vessels the last fiscal year, has been made public. It shows that 9,773 vessels -were inspected during the year, a decrease of 80 from the figures for the preceeding year. The total loss of life on steam vessels last year was 340, an increase of 140 over the previous year. By the loss of the steamer Bio de Janeiro at San Fran cisco last February 127 lives were lost General Dumont adivses that sec tion 4490 of the revised statutes, pro Auburn, N. Y., Oct 29. Leon Czol gosz, the assassin of President Mc- Kinley, was electrocuted at 7:12:30. Czolgosz passed a quiet nieht. He slept nearly all night. He awoke finally at 4:45 o'clock. He suffered a sight nervous attack late yesterday, but remained sullen and stoic up to the time the prison closed at 10 o'clock. He refused to heed the words of the priests' who came to urge spiritual nrena.mt.inn for death and declined to re-embrann Roman Catholicism or to renounce anarchism. Czolgosz showed no strength of love for kin, nor did he turn to any of those higher consider ations which ordinarily claim the thoughts of men occupying his posi- i tion. He may have suffered untold -torture, but outwardlv he seemed sullen and indifferent. The statn is not to surrender possession of his" body, and by.sundown it will have been secretly interred in ground con trolled by the officials of Auburn prison. Czolgosz held his last two inter views last night, the first with Super intendent uoiuns and the second : with his brother aud brother-in-law. -Both of the interviews were brief. The interviewers did most of th i me revised siaouies, pro (in nnCin. i- viding for at least -three water tight ZJ compartments in all sea-going and coastwise steamers, be amended to in clude all passenger and ferry boats hereafter built of 600 tons and up ward, - regardless of the watesr they navigate, and further, that th number of passengers be liimited on ferry boats running routes exceed ing three miles from dock to dock. from his seeming lethargy and vio lently denounced the church and the clergy and made his relatives promise mat tnere should be no service for him, living or dead. When his brother and brother-in-law bid him farewell, he turned and walked to the other side of the cell and refused to answer them. ENTOMBED BY CAVE-IN. SEVERE STORM. Unsuccessful Efforts Made to Rescue Two .' ' Utah Miners. .-'! Salt Lake, Utah, Oct.- 2ft. A tele phone message from Bingham, Utah, tonight states that up to 10 P. M. rescuing parties had failed to reach Charles Nutting and William Ander son, the two miners who were entomb ed in a cave-in in the Highland Boy mine. At that .hour it was not known whether the imprisoned men were dead or alive, their signals hav ing ceased after midnight last night. Great difficulty is being encountered in reaching the place where the men are located. The walls of the tunnel are constantly crumbling, not only impeding the work of rescue, but also endangering the lives of the miners who were endeavoring to save their entombed comrades. Western farmers all say that high er prices for hay and other crops will compensate for the loss on corn. There are 5,383 libraries in the United States,, containing 44,591,851 books. There is one library for every 14,118 inhabitants. - . .--'-.. . Nicola Tesla has purchased 200 acres o land on Long Island Sound and will erect the "largest- building of its kind in the world to experiment with wireless rnessages. . Four Masted Schooner Ashore. Port. Townsend, Wash., Oct. 3L As a result, of last night's storm, a fountmasted schooner is ashore on Smith Island, and seas -are breaking over her; A report was brought here this.evening'-by:; the steamer Lydia lhompson, which passed the .scene of the disaster late in the afternoon. but, owing to the heavy seas, was un able to approach . close enough to ascertain the name of . the vessel Shipping men say the stranded ves sel is the E. K. Wood, from San Pedro, bound for Whatcom. :. Ex-Bank Official Arrested. . Halifax, N. S., Oct. 30. Adam A. Harley, ex-manager of the Bank of British North America at Frederick- ton, N. B., was arrested in rthis city tonight on a warrant charging him with stealing $6,000 belonging to the bank.. Two weeks ago he met two friends .Ironr: Scotland, and one of them, it is claimed, gave him $6,000 to deposit in the bank. It is alleged he did not. .make the deposit, To: mght he was" arrested on a railroad train bound for St. John. - ' ' ,. - President Roosevelt's. Birthday. J. Washington, Oct. 30. Sunday was the 43d anniversary of the birth of Prresident Boosevelt.. "Occurring on Sunday there was no formal celebra tion'. Dr. .Nichols, : friend: from Baltimore, was at the White House a portion of the day and in the evening uommanaer uowies was a guest at din- tier; 'The president attended religi ous services at Grace Reformed church as usual. v " - Czolgosz Hanged in Effigy. . - New York.-. Oct. 31. Czolgosz was hanged in effigy at Hampstead, L. I. tonight with elaborate ""ceremonial hisses,- catcalls ' and . groans. . Moses A. Baldwin Post No. 44, G. A. R. marched with the elaborately 7 con structed effigy to Smith's hotel, where it was swung up to a tree and many pistol shots were fired at it." Rockets, Roman candles , and. red fire -were burned, and under the swinging effigy a hre of tar barrels was started. :- - : , Plague Deaths at Liverpool. ' . . .London, Oct. 31. The local govern ment board has issued a statement that two persons died from the plagu in October at Liverpool,' according to the bacteriological tests ; made after the deaths. -- Three - suspected .'. cases and all who have 'been in contact with "the suspected .persons have been placed imder observation. The board says that the- plague was - at first thought to be influenza. Many Vessels On the North Coast Forced to Seek Shelter Damage Great. - - - --- Vancouver, Oct. 30. The severest storm of the season broke over the -" Northern coast last week, and for three days shipping was nearly at a standstill. Skagway steamers were forced to seek shelter and the steam ers New England and Catrilano. which have arrived here; report that the sea was the roughest seen on the; north coast for a year. - - v J. he greatest damage done was at Port .Essington, just above the Indian village of Iverness. There the build-' ing of the Church of England ha been leveled by the storm and half. a. dozen other buildings were blown over and pieces of the'ir roofs scattered for half a mile up the river. :'"'"' KING MAS CANCER. Real Condition of Edward VII Is Explained Trouble is in Mis Throat Pulled a Lamp From the Table. .' 'zo Alleghany, Pa., Oct. 30. Thir- teen-months-old Robbie Busier to-- night pulled a lighted lamp from" a table and was fatally burned. ' 7 His mother, in her' efforts to save , the baby, was seriously burned about the London, Oct. 29. Reynolds Week- head and breast and her recovery is lv NewsnaDer is the first British paper doubtful. Three neighbors were all to assert that King Edward is suffer- painfully burned while extinguishing ing from "cancer of the throat. In the flames. Mrs. Busier ran into the today's issue, it declared that sipce yard with her clothing ablaze and - it his maiestv's accesson. three, opera- became nocessary literally to tear the tions have been performed for the re- clothing from her. moval of papilloma on the left vocal chord and that one was removed from the right vocal chord last week. "Assistance was hastly summoned," says this journal, "as his majesty was breathing with difficulty, and an immediate operation was performed. But it is regarded as only a temporary relief, the injured epithelium now having become a cancerous growth, and serious developments are ex pected." ' Chicago Laborer's Crime." " Chicago, Oct. 29. Because he was denied the sight of his two little chil dren, James Kennedy, a laborer, to day murdered his wife and killed him self. The couple Were married 12 years ago, but- quarreled recently and separated, s Kennedy called on his wife today and asked to see them. She refused, fearing he meant to take them awav and keep them from her. Gun at Army Fort Exploded. Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 30. By an explosion of a Colt's automatic firing gun at Fort Leavenworth today,; Captain Menoher and five men of the Twenty-eighth battery of field artil. lery were wounded, three severely.. The gun, a new one, was being tested," and was allowed to become too- hot. and when a shell . came into the breech after firing, the shell exploded, tearing out the breech, fragments of which struck and injured the men. ' "" Boers Court Martialed. and Shot. London, Oct. 29. The South M- rican mail brings news that several Boers who were captured wearing Khaki uniforms were court martialed and shot. It seemed also that Com mandant Theron crossed the Cape line, : west of Touwse river station; September 23. - - - - - - Chinese Eager for Reform. Chicago, Oct., 29. Regeneration of the Chinese people - and . the over throw . of the Chinese government were predicted by the Right Rev. J. R. Graves, ' missionary bishop "of Shanghai, in a sermon at Grace Episcopal church." According to the prelate, the recent outbreaks in China nication with are but signs of a coming revolution, reports they Xhe Chinese people, ne saia, were oe coming eager for reform and the nev generation would revolt in order to learn of the customs and habits of other people. , . Confident of Rescue. - ; Washington Oct." 30. The state department officials . are more san guine than they have been of late as to the successful outcome of ;, the efforts now being put forth in behalf of Miss Stone. It is true they have not succeeded in establishing commu- the kidnapers, but the have received ' from Spencer Eddy, at Constantinople, and Dr. Dickinson, at Sofia, encour age the 'belief that they are about at a point where direct negotiations can be opened with the brigands. . Sunset Limited Starts December 3. New Orleans, Oct. 28. The Sunset Limited, the transcontinental service of the Southern Pacific, will be put into-operation-between New Orleans Quick Way to Settle With Americans." V"-. Washington, Oct. 30i As a quick, way of adjusting the claims of the small number of American citizens' who were deported from South Africa" and the Transvaal as- a military ne-' ana San Franci8CO,Monday,Decemrjer .CM8ity,-the . British government has ... : j i : I offered to pay the, lump sum -of A. tne IliBL train wee uuuiiu ituik .oa nru . .. , . , . . . "i " " - . . . . 0 I $30,000 over to the state department,, New-Orleans that day -The Sunset Z,.L W sn ' v. .... . , I nuivu WlaA UUVIU'UIO , blJt? Limited ' is- the tram which - eight years ago established a transcontinental service. money among the claimants. ' This proposi- record in tion has not yet been acted upon, but probably it will be accepted.