Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 29, 1901, Image 4

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    The Main Thing.
"I hear you have been selected to
deliver the validctory at your com
mencement." " "Yes, "replied the fair graduate to
be, "and it's just worrying me sick.
I don't know what style to adopt."
"Why, there's only one style to a
valedictory address. I should "
"Silly! I'm speaking of my gown."
Philadlphia Press.
' There ii more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other disease! put together,
and until the lait lew years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great manv years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly Jailing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by P. J. Cheney dt Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Is the only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to
a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case it falls to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Why They Gushed.
"But his letters are so gushing,"
they protested to the fair young thing
who was corresponding with a senti
mental youth.
"I know they are," she said, "but
you must remember that he writes
with a fountain pen. "Baltimore
The New Fife Net
Kecentlv adopted by one of the metropol
itan lire departments has proven a won
derful success as a life saver. Every one
takes special interest 111 any invention that
will saveor prolong life. This is the reason
so many people have been praising the
merits of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters dur
ing the past fifty years. It cures dyspepsia,
indigestion, biliousness, nervousness, and
liver and kidney troubles. Many physicians
prescribe and recommend it. Do not fail
to try it.
Bound to SelL
Barber Wouldn't you like a bottle
of our hair restorer?
Customer No ; thank you. I pre
fer to remain bald-headed.
Barber Then our hair restorer is
just the thing you want, sir. Tit-Bits.
claihts for OFTNI55IOrV
Writs to NATHAN "1 'X i31
BICKFORO, Washington, D. C. they will re
ceive quick replies, it. 5th N. H. Vols. Staff
20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
Badly Mixed.
"Your new dog seems to
the daytime in order to bark at
' Yes; I guess he s a Chinese dog.
"Chinese dog?"
"Yes; of course you know that
when it is day in China it's night
here." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Not a Violent Pnr;e.
The day of the cannon-ball pill is past Sweet,
fragrant, mild, but effective Cascartts Candy
Cathartic takes their place. All druggists, 10c,
25c, 6Uc.
In a Nutshell.
"How did you like the finale to my
first act?" inquired the playwright.
. " I didn't see it," replied the first
nighter. "Ah! Got there too late, eh?"
"No; went away too soon."
An Eye to Business
Tommy (on a visit) Do your specs
magnify, grandma?
Grandma Yes, Tommy.
Tommy Do you mind taking them
off while you cut my cake? Tit-Bits.
She Loved Botany.
She said she loved botany.
were wandering through
tural hall.
"And where do they keep the elec
tric plants?" she asked.
He was too shocked to reply. Phil
adelphia Times.
And They Do It
"What we need to do, "cried I, hotly,
'is to take money out of politics!"
I took out all I saw, sir!" pro
tested the legislator, with convincing
candor. Detroit Journal.
Brooklyn, N. Y.f Oct. 14. The value
of Garfield Tea, the herb care, is sug
gested by these facts : it is a specific for
all diseases of the liver, kidneys, stonv
ach and bowels ; it purifies the blood
and lays the foundation for health.
A Hard Problem.
First Scientist This is a puzzling
case, indeed.
Second Scientist I should say so.
Why this would puzzle an amateur
scientist. Baltimore American.
An Ethical Sidelight.
Harris If you knew he was lying,
why didn't you tell him so?
Buck What would have been the
use? He knew he was lying fast
enough, and he would not have felt
so pleasant toward me if I had let him
know I knew it, too. Boston Tran
cure to be arrested! Anv ache or
pain by Hamlin's famous Wizard Oil,
xour druggist sells it.
Between Friends.
Edith Ferdy and I have been en
gaged for a month, and nobody sus
pected it.
Ethel No, everybody thought from
his looks he d been playing the races,
A Real One.
"Whew! exclaimed the first pigeon.
wasn t that sparrow mad when
swiped that grain of corn from him?
"I should say," replied the other,
lalk about your 'small hot bird
Philadelphia Press.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Rnnth.
Ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
.1. : .i . .i-T . .
"utwisu uunug wo seeming penou.
Goggles or Nothing.
"No, doctor; I won't wear plain
spectacles. If I'm compelled to wear
glasses, I 11 try goggles.
"But, my dear sir, there is nothing
fashionable in goggles.
"Oh, yes?; people will think I run
an automobile." Philadelphia Press,
Plenty of That ho you mink there was
glory enough to go around at Santi
ago? "
Tellit Yes; and there was loss of
memory enough to go all the way
around Cuba and back again. Balti
more American.
JOHN POOLS, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Street.
Can give you the best bargains in
Buggies, Flows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pumps and General
Machinery. See us before baying.
Summer Resolutions
ifeeiey Cure
Sure relief from liquor, opium and tobnoa
nana lor particulars to
Moved to 420 William
Ave., Portland, Oregon,
Keeley Institute,
W vna fc&ven't a retro lu. health movement of tfwt
bowels every day, you're nick, or will be. Keep your
bowel open, and be well. Force. In the shape of
Violent physic or pill poison. Is dangerous. The
innootbest, easiest, most perfect way ox Keeping the
Dowels ciear ana cieaa m w we
tkaoi majik niswimo fr
ITQ Permanently Cured. Ino fits or nervousness
after first dav'fl n.eof Tr. Kline's Great Nerve
Restorer. Send for FREE $2.00 trial bottle and treat
ise. De.B.1I.Klini,Lu1..s3I ArchSt.Puiladelpbia.Fa,
Dollars and Sense.
Towne Wasn't that Cholly Sap-
head who was just talking to you?
Browne Yes, There s a fellow has
more money than brains.
Towne Keally.
Browne Yes. . I just loaned him
a quarter. Philadelphia Press.
Bbooklyk, N. Y., Oct. 14. People
who have headaches know what they
are, and those who take Garfield Head
ache Powders know how completely and
how quickly they can be cured. This
remedy is peculiarly adapted to the
needs of nervous women.
Aa Object Treason Offered by Ticket
Window Ledges,
"Talk about money burning holes In
people's pockets," remarked an ob
servant stranger the other day, "but
here la a case of nickels burning holes
In wood." He poluted to the front of
the ticket seller's window on one of
the L stations as he spoke. The wood
work was scooped out several inches
deep where the intended passenger
usually shoves in his fare, and the cav
ity was twice as wide as It was deep.-
"That," said the observant man, "is a
more graphic Illustration of what con
stancy will do than all the lessons ever
taught by the dripping of water upon
rocks. They used to tell us in school
that a drop of water would wear away
the greatest stone, but here we have a
mute picture of what the constant shov
ing of coins In and out of that ticket
seller's window has done. You will
notice that the wood is worn out as
smoothly and evenly as if It were done
by the finest kind of tools in the hands
of the finest kind of a carpenter. There
Isn't the faintest suspicion of a splinter
there. Millions of nickels and dimes
must have passed and repassed through
that window and been shoved along
that hardwood board, which was orig
inally level and flat as a street of as
phalt, until they wore that cavity
which you now see there.
I do not know that there is any par
ticular way of shoving the money be
tween ticket seller and purchaser, but
there must be, because the cavity Is
shaped like an elongated saucer, dem
onstrating beyond any doubt that there
must be a universal way for moving the
coins back and forward. I have trav
eled a good deal, but nowhere have I
seen such a thorough object lesson as
the hollow of that board affords. To
make a cavity like that the exchange
of coin must have been simply enor
mous and beyond the imagination of
man to conceive. It Is one of the great
est curiosities of the city. I doubt that
it has an equal in the world. .This Is
the fifth or sixth window sill on the Ll
that I have noticed worn away by
coins In this way. At 42d, 33d, 23d and
14th street, on the 6th avenue road, the
cashiers' window ledges are especially
well worn away by the passing of coin.
don't suppose that one New Yorker
in -a hundred notices the fact as he
reaches forth for his ticket. New York
Mail and Express.
He Wasn't
Costigan Don't say you aint done
nothin . -
Madigan And why not?
Costigan Because that isn't good
Madigan Faith, I'm glad to hear
it, for by the powers, nayther am I,
Catholic Standard and Times.
Naturally Puzzled.
"He ees," said the French traveler,
what you call ze roundsman.' He
say he have been long on x6 beat.
ask: ' 'What you go around?' He
say ze skevaire. 0, zees language!"
unicago tneraia.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con
sumption has an equal for coughs and
colds, John F. Botes, Trinity Springs,
It became necessary for the Ems-
worth paDa to chastise mildly" his
small son the other evening. Some
time later, wishing to negotiate for a
favor, the chastised one stated his
wishes, and as an inducement added
"Well, James?"
ii you ao tnis, papa, I'll excuse
you lor tnat whipping you gave
me." Pittsburg Chronicle - Tele
1 A W I WW,
.Land acquired under the homestead
laws of the United States is not liable
to the debts of the patentee contracted
before the issuance of the patent, holds
the Supreme Court of Nebraska in the
case of Jackett vs. Bower (80 N. W.
Rep., 1,075). .
The profits, of a boarding house con
ducted by one injured by negligence are
held, in. Wallace vs. Pennsylvania Rail
road Company (Pa.), 52 L. R. A. 33, to
be properly considered In determining
her earning power as an element of
damages to be awarded for the injury.
The right of the representatives of a
deceased person to compromise a cause
of action for his death without the con
sent of the next of kin or the Probate
Court Is upheld in Foot vs. Great North
ern Railroad Company (Minn.), 52 L. R.
A. 354, although the action is brought
for the benefit of the next of kin.
In Missouri nominations of a county
convention for county offices cannot be
set aside by the State Central Commit
tee of the party, holds the Supreme
Court of that State, in the case of Slate
vs. Crittenden (64 S. W. Rep'., 1G2), ex
cept on a hearing accorded the nom n
ees, and a showing that the nomina
tions were procured by fraud, or In dis
regard of the usages and customs of
the party. . -'.
The measure of damages for the fail
ure of seed rice to grow when planted
by one who bought It under a warranty
and did hot discover its worthlessncss.
until it was too. late to plant another
crop Is held, in Reiger vs. Worth Com
pany (N: C), 52 Li. R. A. 362, to be the
purchase price, the cost of preparing
the soil and planting the seed and a
reasonable rent for the land, less its
rental value for crops that could have
been planted after it was too late for
If the payee of a check drawn upon a
bank In the State of Nebraska Indorses
it to a bank in a neighboring town for
collection, and the latter, without the
knowledge . or consent of the payee,
sends it for collection through a distant
bank, situated outside the State, there
by consuming three days for making a
presentment for payment, which might
have been made in one day, the Su
preme Court, in the case of BedelL vs1.
Harflne Bank (86 N. W. Rep., 1.060),
held that the indorsee will be liable for
the consequences of such delay, and for
any default or negligence of the bank
chosen to make the collection
."SjT WiNO
Has ball bearing in tarn-table.
. Turns freely to the wind.
Ball bearings thrust in wheel, Insuring
lightest running qualities, and reserving
greatest amount of power ior pumping.
Galvanized after making. Put together
with galvanized bolts, double-nutted; no
part can rust or get loose and rattle.
Weight regulator; perfect regulation. No
spring to change tension with every change
of temperature, and grow weaker with age.
Repairs always on hand.
These things are worth money to you.
Then why not buy a STAB ?
PrMNint. Palatable. Potnt. Tart QctcA . TtnOAtVL
Stover Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, lOo, fiOo. Write
or free sample, and booklet on health. Address
' akHiff aUad7 Cwpaay, CUesf. ZoatrMi, Inr ! nil
I i Best Cough
F.J In time
Best Cough Srrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time. Hold Dy anifreints.
:.!! 1'-H) Of- .i
, sr. p. it. u.
: Mo. S 1901;
WHEN writing t advertisers plesu
mention this paper. , v
A Curiouj Deed.
A curious deed is on file" In Northum
berland County, Pennsylvania,, accord
ing to the Sunbury Republican. It bears
date of October 9, 1793. In a series of
whereases it traces the ownership of
the land conveyed from the Creator of
the earth, who "by parole and liverey
of seizin did enfeoff the parents of man
kind, to wit, Adam and Eve, of all that
certain tract of land called and known
in the planetary system as the earth,"
down through the ages to the maker of
the deed.
Length of Illness.
Between 21 and 30 a man is ill five
and one-half days a year on an average,
and between 30 and 40 seven days. In
the next ten years be loses eleven days
annually, and between 50 and 60, twen
ty days. , '
Thoroughly Equipped.
Forse They say Studman has the
best-equipped stable In town.
Fenton Without a doubt! Why, he
actually has a - mahogany hatraek to
hang the horses' bpnnets on. Philadel
phia Record. - - .
NOV. 30
j '
masEttfioiKK. for ptve roMcco.
SPtrr sambos fSHime too ihm.
or srr sivffff PLireo.
- ' - to ues.
" E. Rice, Greenville," J. T" "Good. Luck,"
"Cross Bow," "Old Honesty," " Brandy wine,"
"Jolly Tar," "Standard Navy," "Planet," "Nep
tune," "Razor," "Tennessee Cross Tie," "Granger
Twist." o
(Two " Granger Twist"" tags being equal to one o others mentioned.)
Our new illustrated
FOR 1902
will incTudeTmany articles not shown here. It will contain the
most attractive List o! Presents ever offered for Tags, and will
be sent by mail on receipt of postage two cents.
(Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, 1902.)
Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1902.
Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages
containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to
. s 421 Folsom Ave.,
St. Louis, Mo.
19 0 2 A
Fdl63f tfii"
mmmmam m Mn TAGS. mUmMEM MtlCM QM flltf CUT TMUPPtt III
m w S Buiren KKin Xoeut: timet-
--;. TAPC MASUft. Ksortr.
nf) Hi (Is Juf 4 hums AnoroKS.
IVi M f Ml r sue""""1
' - sgjr'::J''
Farmer Mossbachker The princi
pal of the academy says my daughter
has got elocutionary talent.
JFarmer Hornback Wa-al, don't
take' it tod much to heait, . Enoch;
she may outgrow it. Puck.
- "That child is going to make a
great golf tjlaver." said the croud
"How can you tell?"
"I was teaching him to walk this
( morning, and the first thing he did
was to toe in as it ne was about to
make a drive." Washington StarT
It Was All Right. ' .
Mr. Goodmau-s-I gave you a quarter
to get a hair-cut, and you've got a jag!
Wooing Slumbers Oh, I'll get de
hair-cut at de jail to-morrow forenoon I
Dat's wo't I got de jag fer Judge.
It makes no difference what gram
matical errors are made' In paying a
compliment to a man, be will - never
notice them. . , t .
Necessary Precaution.
"Mrs. P I ordered a new dress pat
tern here yesterday, to be sent. I
wonder if it has been cut yet?
- Shopwaker Certainly not, madam.
The assistant said you hadn't been
in .to change your mind yet. Tit
Bits. " -
Continuous Performance.
"Well, no man has to die more
than once, anyway."
"I don't -know about that. How
about the youngest soldier, to enlist
in the civil war? He dies regulaYly
every - year r. or so." Philadelphia
Press.. . i
, . v .... u,c Blood.
Jack I've resolved to give up drink
ing and betting and all that sort of
thing. - - V,
Tom Ohj you'll .never keep that
resolution. - ' -. -
Jack I'll bet you the drinks I do.
'Glasgow Evening Times. "
V" :-" None to Imitate.
."Now, Johnny, "his mother said, as
they started for church, "I want you
to behave like a good little boy.",
' "I can't," blubbered Johnny. "I
don't know any good little boy."
Chicago Tribune. .
Celestial Costumes.
"Husband I wonder what we shall
wear in heaven." .
Wife "Well, if you get there, John,
I imagine ' most of us will wear sur
prised looks." Smart Set. - -
Very Plausible. .
Jed "Chollomy has just returned
from a hunting trip. He says he
shot the biggest bear on record. "
Ned "That might be so. Jf it
hadn't been a big one he would never
have hit it." - . '
To The Very End.
An old lady, being told that a cer
tain lawyer "was lying at the point
of der-th, " exclaimed : "My gracious !
Won't even death stop that man's
lying?" Tit-Bits.
- Resistance.
Paterfamilias "Tommy, stoD nul
ling that poor cat's tail." "
I'm only holding-on to it. ;The cat's
pulling it." Tit-Bits. '
' An Advance in Art '
"Miss Dash, What is your club do
ing to help beautify the city?"
- 'Oh, we are working hard to get
the clothing houses to use the word
'trousers' instead of .'pants' in their
advertisements. DetroitFree Press.
Quite Strange.
Blobbs It seems funny that living
altogether on the ocean they should
never get their sea legs on.
- Slobbs Whom are you talking
Blobbs The mermaids. Philadel
phia Record.
Tommy's Little Hint
Tommy Tell me a story, uncle.
Uncle Astory! But I don't know
what to tell a story about.
Tommy Oh, tell me a story abojit
a little boy who had a good uncle
who gave him 10 cents. Indianapolis
A Difficulty Removed.
"Dickie, when you divided those
five caramels with little sister did
you give her three?"
"No, ma, I guessed they wouldn't
come out even so I et one 'fore I
began to divide." Puck.
Her Good Management.
Agnes Well, Ferdy has finally
proposed. I knew be would. '
Ethel Why; you said you thought
ho had 110 intention of proposing.
Agnes Well, he didn't have. Tit
Bits. . -
Her Clad Surprise.
"I have found out one thing about
my husband," said the bride' who had
been married before, "that surprises
me greatly."
T n- f 1 iii-i .1 j mnval tin o lit.t.lA
nearer, no that they could whisper,
and asked : "What is it?"
. "iHs salary is just as big as he
told me it was." Chicago Kecord
Herald. An Indignant Denial.
" So !" exclaimed " Senator Sor
ghum, melodramatically; "that poli
tician says I have betrayed my. trust,
does he?"
' "Well you can go and tell him to
his teeth that he has uttered an un
truth. I have stood by my trust ever
since it put up the money for my
campaien, years ago." Washington
Star. "
Disqualified. '
Miss Swagger I don't think Miss
Warble ought to be permitted to sing
in our choir. - '
Mr. Basso Why? she has a lovely
Miss Swagger That may be, but
she's wearing her last year's hat made
over Ohio State Journal.'; ... .
Kills Lie on Poultry. You
paint the percnea, rno
Is9 lfl CfB fames klU the lice. Bens
blWb IVI bbblt cannot feed liceand feed
yon. Price, SOc and Sl.OO can. Sold by deaden. .
Oentlemra: I am a breeder of Cnl-rliw SH-Lace Wyandotte.
I von a can of your PRUSSIAN LIQUID LICE KILLER u a special
tuvmlum at tbe St. Paul Poultry Show of 1900, and find It I ail
you' sis all right. WM. al 8WAGOERT, Wayrala. Minn.
Is Just the thin? for rice on hops, and in worth five time !teco
K. J. Uoweu, Cossi Agent, Portland, Ore.