Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 29, 1901, Image 3

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To cover the cost efr"BfcttfiMf tttia-ffl
tribuliog the type in such matters, a
charge of fifty cents will be niide for
each "Card of Thanks," and five cents
per line for each pet of 'Resolutions of!
Con lolence appearing in these columns,
W. A. Sand?rs, Jewer, .
Prof, L. W. uric, of the Haskins
school, visited in Oorvallis the last
of Iho week.
7J Next Friday bicvcle riders may
again age ine siaevraiKs i ine uity
of Corvallis. However, they must
not ride on the walkn of Maia street
or the street leading to the college.
W. S. Uardner, f holographer.
Kline's $10.00 Suite are eood
tones. " ,
Polk county appears to be doing
her part by the 0 A G, , Thero are
twenty-two students attending col
lege from Polk county. .
Burnett's hall was the scene of a
nice social dance Friday evening
Those who attended this danoc re
port an enjoyable time. .
Miss Jessie McGeo, of this city,
received a very nice present a short
time ago. It was an organ and
was sent to her fiora Albany by
her grandfather. She is lastly
proud of the gift.
Ben Brattain arrivod in Corval
lis, Friday, from Lobster. He
brought some produce out with
him and on . his return took a
wagon load of various necessities
which he intends to sell on conimia
sion. ' r- ', '
Eugene DaJele of Wells was in
Oorvallis, Saturday, for the first
time in four months. His daugfi-
The dance given Friday evening tfi, ft Tonnsr i.JT has had nneumo-
by the firemen was a., delightful af- a e7 eiueo July 16th, and her
fair. - There was a good crowd, the
music was satisfactory and every
thing went as merry as a marriage
George A. Houck, of Eugene, ar
rived in Corvallis last Friday eve
ning en route to Lincoln county.
Mr, Heuck was taking some horses
over to the Siletz Agency. He
took Over a team of diaft horses
and a saddle horse.
Ellsworth Cameron and little
daughter arrived in this city, Fri
day morning, from their home in
Pjtaluma. Calif. It is several
years since Mr. Cameron has paid
his old home a
sickness -has
horns all this
Mr. Dodele at
to wait on her,
Capt. J. T. ApersoH was in Cor
vallis Saturday on business con
nected with the college. -He ia an
enthusiastic worker for the institu
tion, and has been a member of the
Board of Regents for about 15
years, a part of the time president
Of the board.
Supt. Denman arrived heme,
Thursday evening, from a visit to
the schools of Alsea valley. At
present there are but two schools
running in Alsea, and the superin-
a i.Htoq tendent reports that they are -both
ana inenuo wi w iui n,iv - , . ,-,- An-
Hn, incr his SOlOUrn. . r r
o wnrir.
Ka W.1U ,liatrir.l and there is nam- M1BS ADna wno . .lue
VMMV ' - " . 1 nni fHAnrha Vi An IxaAn tnBifr
that section are setting ia a bad
condition. The report may pos
sibly be a little strong, but even if
Plaint wiai iuo ioaui uu uiiugco ; . ., , . , - . . , ,
. . ... i j in this eitw. the truest of her broth
er, Prof. A. L. Knislsy, left Friday,
for Denver, Colorado. She was
-j ' r - T .1 .J l
. .l,-lrll,Jnnin fh accompauieu as lar as lurunuu uy
UU1BUU,..U...,... - uor h-linr Tt l Mioa
matter. Road
of that district recently
Ins resignation. ' -
The citizens of Alsea deserve
ereat credit for the energy they
have displayed in
work. For some
Intention to
remain indefinitely in
Jay William Hudson was heard
in the tnird lecture ot me star
the way of road course, now beinz given ia this
time they have citv. at the Opera House last
been engaged at the task ot eordu- Thursday eveninp-. ; "Rambles
roving the rosd en the west side of tn . tae Land of ShakesDeare."
Alsea mouBtain ana nave accom- was his, subject, and it contained
plished wonders. If the weather , to interest and instruct.
ffl Zr10 of Shakespeare would
have appreciated . a little more
time devoted to- the devine bard
and a little less to Hudson,- but a
popular audienee is not so selfish
about such thiugs. and is will-
their task this week
In his bulletin on "Prunes and
Prune Culture ia Western Earope"
Issued by Prof. E. B- Lake, of the
OAC; this city, he says: It is
C.f til DQ1T liAX7DVAr I ll Q t. ill O TY O I"
ket for the evaporated prunes will in? to devide honors evenly
. HWHdll V 1111:1 COCO 11 iu nan v.c ouu- I . .
".""i V:X"'a -w u7;i! centfal part of the city has been
C- l-i - troubled somewhat of late over the
- myatenoas disappearaHee of his
al. T l i V . ...
lou sneuia lane a wain out jtoye wood. Qne nlgnt, about a
through the college campus some of weet ago, he was awakened by a
tnefenne evenings, ana you win 8ort 0f a "scratchy" sound that con
nrnj tne tennis court iun oi piayers,
and r any more ready to play.
You will find bovs on the track
training the museles and a little
further on and you will csme to the
pig skin kickers hard at it. Oh yesl
vinced kim that his wood was in
danger. He sprang out; of bed,
seizing a small . derringer,
raised the window and fired ia the
direction of his unbidden guest.
When the smoke rolled aside the
la a Ficbt after banco Sr Stimuli,
, John Post was "Shut in tlic Arm.
; A dsnGe at the home bt James
Posy at Summit, last F.lday
night, terminated ifl a shsoting
scrape, in which Pearl Cooper,
ol Independence, handled the
gun and John Post was the vie
tim. ;
Cooper, with three compan
ions, Wm. Baldwin and "Dutch"
Bartman, of Independence,, and
Dick Westicott, of Salem, were
on a nnnung - trip ana were
camped at Surnmit. They at
tended the aance at host's ana
participated In the festivities.
It is said they er in a belliger
ent mood all eveaing and that
several minor engagements Were
flarrowly . averted througB the
pacifying efforts of Jehu Post.
Baldwin became involved in a
heated controversy with Roy
Norton, bnt they had about set
tled th matter amicably, wnen
Cooper deliberately struck Nor
ton who is quite a small man.
The matter was dropped for the
time, but after the danee was
over, about 3 0 ciock in ine
morning, an elder brother of
Roy's, talking the matter over
with Cooper, said' that no white
man would strike another wnen
he was in conversation with
some one else. William Bald
win overheard the remark, nd
said that he could whip the man
who said that Cooper wasn't a
white man. Norton said that he
had made that remark, and
Baldwin knocked him down:
As Norton fell, Baldwin whirled
rand struck John Post. These
two were engaged in a lively
give-and-take, when Cooper
drew his revolver, ran areued
behind Post, and, fired. The
ball entered Past's right forearm
passing through the fleshy por
tion and doing little damage.
-Cooper and his companions
left the dance hall. Two of
them left shortly after, for Inde
pendence in , ' a baggy, while
Cooper and another made a de
tour through the jhrnsh, and
struck the road in Kings Valley.
Here they were seenbya yeung
girl, who informed Deputy
Sheriff Willard Pric and they
were shortly after everhanled by
this officer who brought Cooper
to Corvallis - that afternoon.
Cooper's father, who is an Inde
pendence saloon keeper, came to
this city Saturday and iurnisaed
bail for his son, and they left
immediately for Independence.
The preliminary hearing will oc
cur this afternoon at one o'clock
ia Justice, Holgate's court. : V -Post
cams out on Saturday's
train to gee a physician and have
his arm dressed, and returned to
Sanimit by private conveyance
in the afternoon.
the boys are alive and np and man b.hind the gun beheld what
cooing. appeared as a shadow rapidly rnov.
in the last issue ofthe Home-N soutth- Te Bbdow .did not
een of Dr. Tames Withveombe. of kmdhnS
this citv. on "Why Linseed Oil is I According to the weatner lore-
Valuable as a Food for Dairv oast ot I. R, . Hieks for the month
Cows." The article is very full of of So'emb?r it may be assumed
information on the subiect and I that the menth will Jiot bravery
contains many rece'nts which, un- J severe one. The only thine thai
doubtedly. will be found of great will tend to disturb the natural
benefit and valne by farmers who placidity of the weatppr W11 be tfte
Hawes $3.00. Hats. y
. - Ecg'nser Bert Lucas, whose
train v. as held tip last week just
beyond Eugene, is pretty well
known in Corvallis.. He was here
a coup of years ago as representa
tive for the Cleveland bicycle -cam-pany.
. -
. A letter to the Gazette from
Mr. O. B. Wells, states that the
writer is in good health and doing
well. He is now in Alberta, N. W.
T., at . a point 140 miles from a
town or railroad. ' '. ;
We are informed that our Kings
Valley correspondent was in error
when he gave $4.10 as the highest
price paid for a basket at the re
cent social in ths valley. . One bas
ket brought $6.50. - - .: .
After a short visit in Corvallis,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zeis left yester
day for Eugene. They will spend
a day or two in that city at -the
heme of Mrs. Zeis' brother, and
will then proceed to their home in
Redding, California.
Next Friday night there will be a
basket social given in the grange
hall in Alsea. A literary program
will tend to make the . occasion
memorable. Supt. Denman expects
to go over to Alsea for the purpose
of attending this entertainment.
1 he proceeds are to .be applied to
ward a public library.
J. W. Bailey, state food and
dairy commissioner has returned
from a six week'B trip East, where
he went as delegate to the Na-;
tional Association of State Dairy
and Food ' -Departments, held at
Buffalo. Mr. Baily succeeded in
getting the association to meet in
Portland next year, and the date
fixed is July 8 9 and 10. This as
sociation is composed of the food
commissioners of each state, there
being about 21 states that have
them and their aim is to get a
national pure food law - passed by
congress making, the laws regulat
ing the sale and manufacture of
foods the same in every state. A
bill will iikely be introduced in
eongress this fall to that effect
Rural Spirit.
Contract Awarded.
Bids were opened in Albany
last Friday in the office of C. H.
Barggraf, for the new horticul
tural hail, --v-.v-
The "plans call for. a building
85x25 feet, three ;stoiies high,
built of Oregon stone. The
bids were asjfollsw.s;-,; , "
H. Snbokj Salem $36,' 090,
1st grade; $i8i-ioo grade A:
38.900," grade Bp $550 off; for
unfinished attic. , - -
F, A. Erieksonr; Salem 41,-
164, 1st grade; 43,962, grade Av
2,881, grade B. $7001 xff for
unfinished attic. ' '
W. O. Heckart, Corvallis
$40,200, isf. grade; $42,450,
grade A;' '$44, 000. grade R.
$625 ;bS for nnfinishe-attic. -
. H. R. 'Ely, Salem $40,0 j8,
1st grade; $38,888, grade A:
$42,638, grade B, . $690 dfffr
unfinished attic.
Additional Local.
Venus period of disturbance, which
is central on the 20th of the month.
Its pertrubing influence will extend
well toward the 1st 01 UecemDer.
According to Mr. Hicks, the great
est storms will occur in the Iforth
Atlantis and Lake regions during
the latter part of November. The
North Pacific ocean will not wholly
escape severe boreal storms at this
period. ' . ' '- '': - - .
Fred Stump, whose home is at
P'oSt by what the article teaches.
F. M. Pomeroy, who resided in
Ibis city lor several years, was
married iu Albany last Wednes
day, Oct 23rd, to Mrs- Agnes
Fearsoi , of that eity. ".he Albany
tierald contributed the following
The groom has been a resident of
this city for a number of years and
i in business near the depot. The
bride is a popular lady and they
, U VL. , J . . , I
gratulations and wis !i them a long ver, naa qujie an experieuuo i
aim nappy nie. They will reside ww nuutwuH
in their home, corner of Tnird and on tbe fe"y boat at this place.
Mud hmmira n.l " nt Wil iraVeUM OH DU UlliVWO uu
Keaaers oi tne uazette will re- ,n,;o tua Aa nf iha fenat raihns.
member seeing the account of a n tVa Wt w. onmo nattlethat
serisational siit that ha4 been filed were baine taken across tbe river.
fn .the circuit court of Linn County, tub cattle became quite unruly
wnerein one A. W. Blackburn had an(j one 0f the animals made a pass
T: ReeB for ihe sum ef $10" at Fred, who took to the water
000 for the alienation of hiB wile'fl ro;n,nt. mem,,. " Lnckilv. he
atlections which resnl ted in separa- ,na nat hurt. n mr way. aside
Uonand divorce. The matter was frnn nolli'tH a CAnrl rllirVinff. DUt
wv,n.v.,jiDf,u a uayo ago. un- Bi9 wheel was knockea aown ana
der the agreement the plaintiff is to
recede. $g5p and is permitted to
haye charge of 4 sop now with Mrs.
piaokburn. s a result of the
matter, divorces baye been granted
IP Boia ramiits, wmen are-now
completely separated.
tramned on bv the cattle to suph
an extent that t was taen to '.The
The exact date of the next lecture
ef the Star Course Entertainment is
not at present known, .Nor 13 u
known which of the two speakers,
Last Saturday marked the fif Radir or Gaston, will appear next.
teenth anniversary ef the marriiffe The nartv who ia handling the
of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Miller, of course In this citv has not been
this cityi In honor of the occasion able to est any information from J
Mrs. Miller gave an afternoon tea J. Wasner. the advance man who
to quite a number of lady friends, arranged to have the course of lec-
A delightful time was experienced tures eiven here, on account of Mr,
Yj all anc the'hoitws was the re- Wagner's sudden departmre for Cal
cKpient of many nice . presents, ifornia. whither he was called by
Fjfteen years ago Mr. and -Mrs. sickness in hia tamilv. There are
Mi'ler were wedded ia Gilmore City, two lectures of the course yet to be
Iowa. Their Crystal wedding was riven one. in Novemher. if not both
celebrated in this eity last Satur-I of them. There will be an effort
day, and, beyond doubt, they think made bv Sunt.. Denman lo have
enough of this sectieu to cclebiatej ene of the lectures occur .on'the date
their diamond wedding here as of a ISoal teach ara' institute which
wu. it is nopea tney may.- I will be held in Corvallis before ong,
A Pretty Custom.
The Black Cat.
Just a few sacks of red clover
seed left for sale at Z.iertli's. r
Rugs! Rugs! I Rugs!!! Just
ceived at J- D. Mann & Co's.
; Go to Zierolf's for nice red clover
seed raised - in Benton county
only a few sacks left.. ,
Rev. L. M. Boozsr will preach in
the Mt. View school house Sunday
afternoon at 2:60 o'clock.
Our Ladie3 fine 'shoes at $2.50,
$3 00, $-5Q and $4-60 are the aome
of perfection. N & C.
Get your umbrellas fixed afr the
Bicycle Hospital. Just received a
fine supply of fixtures.
A flue all wqq! black olay worsted
dress suit .. gooi weight and silk
sewed for $10 at Klines.
Prof..A.J Klingemann, Corvallis,
Oregon, ; will teach German, in ,a
town, community or family. ? i
Students washing . neatly done,
including mending. Leave orders'
at A. K. Muner s grocery store near ,
U. -Our
stock of Mens and Boys
heavy Boo,tg, Shoes and Rubber
goods is" now complete, and our
prices are right, w & C,
Dont forset Dr. Lowe, the well
knp,wn oculoepiician will be in
Corvallis N.ov. 4, 5 and to, noon of
the $tb. ?is glasses strengthen
the eyes and brain, ".
A gacae of football has been ar
ranged with Chemawa to be played
against O A C on the college campus
next fcaturday . afternoon. The
game wuh Albany, and a week's
good work under Coach Gault will
improve tne wearers oi the erange
wonaeriuliy. ; . -
The man or boy. who desires to
be well dressed, according to fash
ion's latest decree should visit our
store. "Gofld oressera will be sure
to eome, in fact, the majority of the
best dressed merr in the community
patronize our firm, -'because thev
get the -very bcst fitting suits and
overcoats at the : lowest possible
prices consistent with - quality and
auraomty. in s c.
n. pretty practice wnica pre
vails in some parts . of the East,
and to some extant in the North
west, Is that f giving the farm
a distinctive tiame. Besides the
sentiment attached t designa
ting the iarrn - witn some pretty
cognomen, it has its useful side
in giving it a definite location,
ivaen iarm, ., witn its name is a
distinct elaeer whftreas those art
named are merely so many tracts
Or acres or land. - The named
farm is easier to find and indi
cates that the owner has a pride
ifl it that it is his home. Then
it is easier to address mail mat
tr, and in return, the farmer
may, like - other business men,
have a line of printed letter and
bill heads, . envelopes, ete.
Which cost but - little v more, if as
much, as the same amount ef
blank paper bought in. small lots!
hese are small things, but it is
dftea trifles that elevate the man,
mate mm rate mora pride in
his surroundifigs, and -lead him
appreciate hfe,-sHomestead
Albany Collcse Defeated the OAC Elovcn
Ia a Tame Contest. Score, 6 to O.
The Albany college foMball
team defeated the OAC eleven
by a icore Cf 6 to 0, last Satur
day afternoon, in what was prob
ably the poorest exhibition of the
game ever 6en on the home
campus. The policy f total ab
stinence, made compulsory by
the' action of the hoard of regents.
has not tended to make the rep
resentatives of the OAC formid
able in any field f athletU en
deavor, and she is now practleal
ly where sha was ten yaars ago.
Love games between classes have
failed to sustain interest afld
stimalate effort, and as a result,
the - sturd? eleven who lined up
against the nimbi boys from
Albany, while possessed of ejfj
eellent natural ability, t?re
without knowledge ef evea this
rudiments of the game, and were
given faint-hearted encourage
ment from their supporters oil
the side lines. ' .
On the ther handK tfco visi
tors came from an lnstifn'tion
which has" fostered athletics and
remained t loyal to its eliveh
through an almost unbroken
series of defeats.
Albany College has been rep
resented by. a football team-" as
long as lias tho OAC, and yet
Saturday's victory was tho sec
ond ia her history. Notwithr
standing her many defeats, her
ardor has never been dampened,
and her persistence has at " last
been rewarded. She has wrested
victory from the ones prond pos,
sessor of the Northwest cham
pionship. It was the first time,
however, that she has aver scored
against . the orange, and with
athletics again restored at the O.
A. O., it will be the last time:
This is a reasonable deduction ,'
far tha Agricultural college has
at least four times as many
students to draw ffom. ..
Alhany won the toss and chose
the east goal. Sha kieked off,
and the ball was placed for the
first scrimmage! on : O A C's 20
yard line. By a series oi plunges
through center and tackles the
ball was--steadily advanced to
Albany's 25 yard line," where it
was lost oa a fumble. On the
first line-up Albany tried the line
for a slight - gain. It -was soon
apparant that O A C had the
heavier eienand that she was
more affective In hitting the line,
but the visitors played a more
snappy , game ' and their team
work was far superior to that' of
the farmers. In fact, the latter
developed no interferenca daring
the game, and in defensive work
it was every man tor himself.
A vbeafitiful ran around the
end by Coates brought tha pig
skin to O A' Q's 20 yard line,
and Francis advanced , it areuad
the other end to the farmers' one
yard line, where they showed
what was in them by holding
the visitors for tho three flowas,
Just as they gained possession of
tee ball, time was called-for tBO
first half, neither "side having
scored. " ; ; 'y :'
OAC kicked off ia the seeoni
half. ' After a conple of ineffec
tual trials at the line Albany
punted to center. Tho farmers
pounded . the line and punted.
Albany sent Coates, who "was
easily the star performer of the
afternoon, off for another pretty
run, and he was downed on the
farmers ; tea-yard line, h Ywiee
Albany was catight for a loss,
then forming fora pant, Morrison
skirted the right end n a fake
for the first and only touchdown.
Goal was kicked. , Score, Albany
6, O A C, o. -
Tea minutes of play remained
and a series of punts, alternated
with an occasional trial at the
lino consumed the remaiader of
the half. , :
m m
yOU don't expect perfection
in clothes any more than
in men; you try to come as
near as possible.
If you get inside one of our
H. S. & M. suits, you'll be as
close to clothes-perfection as you
will ever get.
turn. tourrNu 2a
With every Boy's Suit or pair
of Shoes we give a bag of mar
bles free.
S. L. Kline.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber
Corner of 5th and Washington Streets.
For prices enquire at yards or address the company at Corvallis
or Philomath, Oregon.
Job Printing .
at this office
secure a Good Horrfe, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect
Summer Grazing-Lands at Nominal Prices
The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchased 40,000 acres of tbe
Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Koad lands, known as the "Coe Lands,''
liavenovy placed them on the market
. These are unimproved lands situated iu Benton and Lincoln counties-,
along tbe line of the Corvallis & Eastern, raikoad, in the best grazing and fruit
raising section of Western Oregon.
Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre. Easy Terms.. Perfect Title.
M. M. DAVIS, Agent
October 7, 1901. Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
t send, a receipt for chow-chow, which
very excellent: One peck of green
tomatoes, large head of cabbage, 6
onions, 'i red peppers, to be chopped
fine, quart of vinegar, 1 teacup fall of
salt boil 30 minutes; drain through a
cullender. New take 2 quarts of vine
gar, 2 pounds sugar, 1 tablespoonfal
each of allspice.- cinnamon, cloves and
ginger. - Put in the Ingredients and boil
until tender. Mas. A. F. Peterson.
For Sale. -
Having jeered from the business of
(arming, I will sell a 3-inch Bain wagon,
springtooth' hayrake, and a- splen
did young mare, cheap. Terms, cash or
well secured note. J. I. Taylob. -
Tt- " ' Corvallis, Or.
f , - Fresh Fishi
Fresh and salt fab at d een 1 8 per pound.
Fresh" fish constantly received from
Yaquina IBay and Waldport. Leav
orders at Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis. -
. ."' ; A. A- McCtEABY, .
- Wa,ldnort, Ore.
Meeting Schedule.
Daily, at 7 :30 p. m.
Wednesday and Friday, 8 p. m, -Saturday
at 2 :30 p. m. - : " V" "
Thcrsdat SpeciaIi Fast Day. -.
Circle meetings at 8:80 a. m., as fol
lows;" .".
Mrs. J. D, Mann's. "
Mrs. M. Bwichs'. . - . 1
Mrs. Campbell's.
Mrs. Herherfk ' ' " .
Mrs. Hartley's. r .- .:
At tbe chorea. - : : "
General gathering at the church at
9 ;30 a. m. , ,
A meeting for women only t 3 p. m.
Admission by ticket. . . '
A chance o a Life-Time.
J. K. Berry is agent for. the eld stand
by sewing machine the Wheeler &
Wilson. He has two oi the finest ma
chines that evei struck the town a $75
box cabinet foi $45 ; a $50 drop head for
$35. Buy a machine thai will last a life
time.. - Ball-bearing, " rotary "motion
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
' -nuts kept canstantly 'pn hand. Smokers supplies .
- a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
Reduced Ten Per Ceiit
For October.
That Means Overstocked.
1 This iacludes our entire stock 6f the season's latest crea
tions in Box Coats, Automobiles, Etc.
;vf. 1. J1ILLER 1
S Corvallis, - - v - Oregon.
ateel-pointed. V -- f