Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 29, 1901, Image 2

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Some men think that if our
immigration laws were made
more exclusive we shall t! en find
the problems of dealing with an
archy and anarchists of easy solu
tion. Senator Chauncy Depew
is the most prominent man who
holds this view. Mr. Depew is
llpt noted for close analytical
thought and accurate knowledge
ba any subject, so that little
weight attaches to his utterances
on this matter. It is unfortun
ate, however, that even . a fevj
such men have a vote in deter
mining how we shall deal with
armchy. Something must be
dene, and something adequate
will be done and freedom of
speech and liberty of the press
will not be impaired nor denied
to aflv matt.
Certainly any person who will
examine the conditions whicU ex
ist, and the very grave perils
which, springing from these con
ditions menace our national life,
must see that even an utter pro
hibition of all immigration would
not even simplify nor render
easier of solution the problem be
fore us. Already there are thou
sands of anarchists and sympa
thizers with anarchists in the
country. We see them multiply
ing far more rapidly than is pos
sible from immigration alone. We
create tJlem here in this country.
Comparatively lew reach us
through Castle Garden. . We
would be compelled to forbid all
immisration to exclude even so
small a number. We will not do
this. On general principles our
immigration laws should ie made
more stria gent, and . probably
shall be.
Had Senator Depew spoken to
our naturalization laws he had
been more practical. Foreigners,
tinctured it may be with aaarchy,
are generally clothed with the
rights of citizenship. Oar at
tachment to free' speech and our
habitual abuse of the right pre
sents the opportunity for such to
glide olf into the dissemination
of the vagaries arid dangerous
theories of anarchism. They
claim all the rights and immuni
ties of citizens and we are com
pelled to accord them. Citizen
ship has cost them nothing.
They do not understand its duties
nor comprehend the value, of its
privileges, and ignorantly mis
take our broad, unrestrained lib
erty for license. Coming here
believing that all governments
are alike, organized forms of op
pression, they hasten to assail our
government and abuse our dearly
purchased liberties.
We have made legal citizens of
them and must - endure them.
Were they alien denizens we
might easily hustle" them out "of
the country. Were they re
quired to be in the country twen
ty years before becoming citi
. zens, they might then better un
derstand the duties and the privi
liges of American citizenship.
' The whole process of natural
ization should be readjusted.
The sort of immigration t:ow
coming hither makes it necessary
that we reform our naturalization
laws and the administration of
them. ' For the most obvious
reasons the : administration : of
these laws should be placed
wholly in the hands of the TJ. S.
Dictrict courts.
But revising our , immigration
and our naturalization laws and
rendering them more restrictive
does not aid in the solution of
the problem before us. At most
it would but aid in preventing
the recurrence of similar prob
lems. . ' .
The congressman,, or senator
who attempts to deceive the
people by any such little, inade
quate remedies will be called tp
account. Yet here is danger.
Some of our legislators are both
physical and moral cowards;
others are in sympathy with some
of the mischief-making elements
Of our social, industrial and po
litical life. These will advocate
compromise, that misleading de
ceitful siren that ever promises
fair yet ever lures to greater
penis. Compromise never set
tied anything. It has written
the bloodiest, the most humilia
ting chapters in American history.
The people demand iustice for
anarchists not, cowardly com pro
xnise with them.
Mr. G. A. Stillman, a merchant of
Tampico, 111., writes: "Foley's Kidney
Cure is meeting with wonderful success,
" It has cured some cases here that physi
cians pronounced incurable. I mjteelf
am able to testify to its merits. My face
today is a living picture of health, and
Foley's Kidney Cure has made itBuch.''
Sold by Graham & VVortham.
Selections from Roman History
k Literal Translation front - Entrosins
. by C. MacLcaa, Ph. D.-r-Tho
Second Panic War.
(Continued) ''
Ia the consulships of Marcus Miduuiu
Knfiw ami Pablius Cornelius war was
ma leoa the Histrutu, became thy lu.i
co nmitteil piracy on R'luiin vetwcla that
were supplying vara; an 1 ail wr sub
dued. In (ha sune year . Ilia Second
Funiu War was thrust upon the Romans
by Hannibal, U& Carlha;iuian general,'
who, having, in the t.vcutiu'li year or !
his a.;c, Knt!i?rel together one hundred
and fifty thousand ' soldiers,, undertook
to storm Sagmitu;i), a oitv of Spain,
which was friendly to the Romans.
The Romans ordered him, through their
envoys, to retrain from war. TBm he
---- . l. j I
wai not williag to give a hearins to the
meaacngers. The Romans no : seat to
Carthage to warn Haimibil not la wage
war agin3t the allies of ths Roman peo-!
pie. By the Carthaginians' : offensive ,
lit. harsh replies were male lit. givn.
Meanwhile, the people of Siuntum are
overcome with hunger, an 1 those cap
tured by Hannibal are treated with ex
treme cruelty. War is declared against
the Carthaginians.
Then I'ublius Cornelius Suipio pro
eeeJcd with an army to Spain, and Ti
berius Semprou'ws to Sicily. Hannibal
having left Hasdrubal, his brother, " in
Spain, crossed the Pyrenees. He opened
for himself across the Alps, a wav on
that Bide heretofore thought impasea
ble. Ii is said that he led to Italy eighty
thousand foot-soldiers, ten thousand cav
alry, and thirty-seven elephants. Mean
while, many Ligurians and Gauls joined
themselves to Hannibal. Sempronius
Gracchus, liaviaa learned of the coming
of Hannibal toward Italy, brought his
army from Sicily to Ariminum. - .. '
: -. ' CANNAE. '
Publius Coruolius Scipio was the first
to encounter Hannibal. When he joined
battle, and he and his forces were put to
flight, ho returned to camp. . At the
river Frebia Sempronius Gracchus also
fights. He, too, is conquered. In Italy
mauy surrendered- to Hannibal, i Com
ing toward Etruria, Hannibal next en.
countered Flaminius, the consul. Flam-
inius he slew on the spot, and twenty'
five thousand of the Romans were cut
down. The rest fled in different di-
rectijns. Afterward, Quintus Fabius
Maximus was sent by the Romans
against Haunibal. By postponing the
fight he prevented him from attacking in
force. Then as soon as the opportunity
came to him j he con q tiered .
In the five hundredth aid fortieth
year after the building of the city, Lu
cius Aemiliua Paulas aud Publius Taren-
tiu3 Varo are seat against Hannibal and
they succeed Fabius, who, going away,
warned both consuls that they could con
quer Hannibal, a skillful but impetuous
general, not otherwise than by postpon
ing the battle. But when by the im
patience of Varo, the consul, the other
consul being opposed to it, a battle was
fought in Apulia, near a village which is
caneu iannre, oocu consuls weie con
ii y"l , . i .
quered by Hannibal. In this battle three
thousand of the Africans perished, and a
great part of the army of Hannibal was
mortally wounded. Yet in no Punic
battle were the Romans more roughly
handled. For in it the consul, Aemiliua
Paulus, perished, twenty consuls or proc
tors, inirty senators, tnree hundred re
nowned heroes were captured, or cut
down, and of soldiers forty thousand,
and of knights three thousand and five
hundred. Yet, amid all these misfor
tunes not one of the Romans deigned to
mention peace. Slaves were manumitted
and made soldiers, a thing which never
before had been done.
After this battle many cities of Italy,
which had been subject to the Romans,
transferred themselves " to Hannibal.
Hannibal ottered to the .Romans that
they ,.x;ould ransom the raptives; but by
the senate anstrer : was made: "Those
citizens are not necessary (tp the welfare
of the state), who, when they were armed
men, could be taken captive." tie after
ward put (them) all to death by means of
different kinds of torture, and sent to
Carthage three modio some lay bushels,
others pecks of golden rings which he
had taken from the hands of Roman
knights., senators and soldiers.
Kings Valley Notes.
Another basket social is talked
f for thanksgiving. The school
hopes to secure a library fund
O 1- - .1 ...
oueu a wormy cause will no
donbt be well patrenized.
- Miss Hattie Prica spent several
days last week visiting her cous
in, Miss Ethel Price, who is at
tending college.
The new rooi onthe Hoskins
Store is now Completed and Mr,
Miner now leels secure against
tne anticipated winters rain
There seems to be some few
deer left in this region from the
number , that has been killed
lately by our local hunters. "
The regular quarterly meetino-
ol tne .Evangelical Association
was in progress fiom Thnrsday
to. csatHraay inclusive. Rev,
uiuiiu ueuvcrcu several very
a Die sermons.
The ptople of this vicinity are
to pe treated to a lectnre on
"Our Martyred President." on
Nov. 4th, by Sunt. Deninan.
This Is, something: very unusual
ana deserves tke hearty com
meudation of all for ; those who
are responsible far it.
Mrs. Willard Price and family
were visiting 'relatives in
the valley last week. Mr.
Price was . enjoying a .week
anioog the deer on the upper
Luckiamuter .
The most attractive thing that
has been in the Valley for some
time is a patent gate which has
recently been 1 lit by X,. G.
Price. It is attractive, not only
because it ismade by home
talent but because.of -its simplic
ity and the ease with tthich it
worka. And also the ease with
which it may be applied to
different conditions and posi
tions. It ' is said by those who
have seen it to ba a wonderful
Mfv a w kw a wvuuciiui
invention and many are wonder-
!, whv thev eonld not have
found such a method.
New gooils all the time at N & C.
Benton county red clover seed ior
sale at Zierolfs.
Mens Fine Shoes. Our Hamilton
Brown $2.50, W. L. Douglas $3.00,
nd the celebrated "Walk .Over"
shoes at $3.50 and $4 00 are the
production of the best ehoe makers
in America., N & C, Agents.
For ' Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land west of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work and improvements on the place.
Auaress ca.f- woodcock.
- : Alraiaistrator,
Oorvallis, Oregon.
Another invoice of Ladies Cape?,
Jaekets and Raglins have arrived.
Nolan & Callahan.
You can pay
for a hat and
jjpio better satisfied
HSlSfdpJciagentst' ;.;
Spacial Line of Street i
' : - Hats. : .. . .: '
. , Corner 3rd and Monroe Sts. .-
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
First door west of the Gazette office.
In cases c cough or croup give the lit
tle one One Minute Cough Cure.-. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will be all right in' a little -while. It
never fails. Pleasant to lake, always
safe, sure and almost instantaneous in
effect. Graham & Wells. .'.-.J K
The Real Thing;.
If any lady wants to get a real bargain
ia a sewing machine she should -call on
T. W. Dilley. "The Fixer.",. He is sell
ing this year's model New Home ma
chines for 38. The usual prici of these
machines is $75. ; The machine offered
by Mr. Dilley is very light running, as
it is hall bearing, These machines are
guaranteed to sew equally well with
euner siik or cotton inreaa. - Here is an
opportunity that should not be lost.
For Sale. '
Some Gne-bred Shepherd puppies.
Gbo. W. Smith.
For Sale.
Four-room. cottage and two lots, near
S. P. depot. Inquire of W. C, Corhett,
Uervall-JB, Or. - "
Foley' 's. Honey and Tar
ior cnuaren,sate,sure. No opiates.
, - mcKOCK, Liurtiss, Wis., says:
Foley s Kidney Cure has been, tested
and found to be all you claim for it. I
have given it to my father and it is the
XT- 1 1 n . m . .
oniy ining tnat ever nelped him." Gra
ham & Wortham.
Mr. W.J. Baxter, of North Brook,
N. C, says be suffered with piles for 15
years. He tried many remedies with no
results until he used DeWHt's Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured
Mm Graham dwells.
Uaby a Grst Bhoes fieei The
Hamilton Brown. Shoe Co., will
present free of charge to all babies
born in 1901.-one pair of Fine TCid
noes. jJolan Callahan, distrih.
nters for this section.
Be Wise.
Come to our store when in noprl
of clothes,, we are pfferinsr some
great enits for $10 in clay wirrsteds,
serges, cashmeres, and fancy pat
terns. -If you want them better,
we have them un to $2500. a. T,.
m mm
announces the opening of his class in
- T artistic piano playing. :
Mason's Pianoforte Technics and Reed
' Ofcjai) ... v ;
Mr. Goodnough's understanding of the
higher art of music has been attained
by years of study and attested by several
years successful teaching. He is, there
fore, prepared to receive pupils for the
production of
Intelligent, refined, musical and planlst--.
1c playing of the first class. .
The same care is given to pupils of the
organ as is given piano pupils. For
terms and hears, call at residence on Gth
street, west of Court House.
Makes traveling a pleasure, when correct
time is always a necessity. Yours may be
it i-upauic umc Keeper, oui (nrougn lUCOm
petent repairing you have lost faith ia it.
Bring; it In to me. I will repair the worst
wrcenea wuco, ina 1 win ao it ecottoiKi
cally. Albert J. fVletzger
Three Doors North of the PosteSce.
Corvallis & Eastern RaQroad.
2 For Yaquina:
Irain leaves Albany 12:50 p. m
" " . Corvallis 1:50 p.m.
" arrives Yaquina 6:45 p. na.
1 Returning: 1
Leaved Yaquina.... 6:C0 ft. m.
Leaves Corvallis . ... -11:30 a: b.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. to.
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany. . . .. . . 7:00 a. m.
Arrives Detroit .... i2:15 p. tn.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit ...... 1 2:45 p. ra.
.' Arrives Albany. ... , 5:40 p.m.
Trains No. 1 arrives in Albany ia
time to connect with the S. P. south
bound train, as well as giving tno or
three hours in Albany befoie departure
of S. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
west side train at Corvallis Crossing fer
Independence, McMinnville aod all
points north to Portland.
Edwin Stone, -H.
H. Ozonise, ' : .Manager.
Agent, Corvallis. j-.
lie First National Bank
.-. ... ESTABLISHED 1 BOO. -
U. S. WOOD'COCK President. ' .
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILB3, Corvallis, Oregon
On fttl kinds of a
security, and especially
to encourase and build uo the leeitimate
e legitimate bust
seas enterprises and industries of this country.
.: " -Deposits" .
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign. Exchange
Sight exchange and transfers sold available 1b
the principal oities ef England, Ireland, Switzer-
iaiio, trance,
en, Denmark.
Belgium. Holland. Norway. Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger-
maay, Austria.
Letters o! Credit
" Issued available in the principal cities oi the
United States. ,
Principal Correspondents Upon Whom Vj
Sell Sight Exchange ;
The Commercial National Bank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bauk of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-Californian Bank, gau Francisco, Calif '
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n.
Importers & Trader's National Bank, New York.
Shoe and Leather National Bankof Boston, Mass,
Philadelphia National Bankof Philadelphia, Pa -
Notice for Publication.
, TJxitkd States Lakd OmcK,
Oregon City Oregon, August i, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
previsions of the act of Congress of June , 1878,
entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands In the
btatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by set of August, 1892, -
of Garfield, county of Whitiran, State of Washing,
ton, has this day filed m this office his sworn state
ment No. 6482, for - he purchase of the Lot 3 of Sec
tion No. SO, in Township No. 13, S, Range No. 6
n will offer proof to show that the land sought
Mmore valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of this
omce at Oregon -City, Oregon, on Friday, the 18th
day of October, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Theodore T. Oir and
r.ank L. Gwinn, of Garfield, Whitman Co., Waeh.
5' J'ottea nd Thomas Coon of Corvallis, Beaton
Co., Oregon. -
. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
desenbed lands are requested to file (heir claims in
this omce on or before Bind 18th da of Oiitobar.
19M-.; , CHAS. B. MOORES,
Register, i
On Shares.
About' 200 Cotswold
ewes to let on
shares. Applv to
Wit. Cbees,
Corvallis, Or.
Chas. Replogle, of Atwater, O,. was
unable to work on account of kidney
trouble . After using Foley's Kidney
Cure four days he was- cured Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
QoorJ Dregser?.
"We have three hundred BamnleB
of the Hart, Scbaffoer & Marx
cIothingbesides the large etoek we
carr. All the new ; patterns ii
Suits and Overcoats. Come in and (
try your size on and be well dressed
at , hall the tailors ; price.- Sole
Agent. ' S. h. Kline. . .
3". 23. 3VI3Xr3Xr cfi? OOr
A Little-Known Fact That the ma
jority ef eerions diseases originate in dis
order ol the kidneys. Foley's Kidney
Cure is guaranteed. Be sure to get Fo
ley's. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys end bladder right
"I had a running sore on my .leg for
seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Foiest, of
Chippewa Falls, Wis., "aud Fpent hun
dreds of dollars in trying to get it healed.
Two boxes , of Banner Salve entirely
cured it." Bewae of substitutes' Sold
by Graham & Wortham.
Notice for Publication.
Usrren Staves Laxb Omcs,
Ori'sron Citv. Oreiron. Sent 21. 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before County Clerk of Benton Co. at
Corvalus, Ore., on November 4th, 1901. viz:
William II. farrirh,
H. E. 11117, for the SEJ Sec 20, T. 18 S.. R. 6W
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation ef said
land, viz: Jasper Hickard. of Dusty. Ore.. Thornton
A. Lemaster, of Inavale, Ore., Joseph M. Gray of
rnnomatn, ore., uiysses s. uieason, oz rem, ure,
Ulcers, open or obstinate eores. scalds
and piles, quickly cured by Banner
Salve, the mest healing" medicine in the
world. Sold bv Graham & Wortham
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Henton county. - -
D. N. Williamson, '
naintin, I
" "Mary A. Williamson,
T. B. Williamson 1
Martha E. Prettyman, J. f
W. Williamson, Wiley I ' -
A Williamson, , W. G.
Williamson, P. E. Wil- j
liamson, Arthur Beamia,
MaUie Pretty man-John-
ston and Henry Pretty- I
man, a minor, - I
Defendants. )
To Mattie Prettyman-Johnston, one of the above
named defendants:
In the nahr op toe State of Oreook, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above-named plaintiff filed against you
in the above entitled court, on or befow the expira
tion of six weeks from the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, which is the 11th day of Oc
tober, 1901, and the last date of the publication of
this sum mens is the 22ad day of November, 1901.
and you are notified if yon fail to appear and answer
said complaint the plaintiff will apply to said court
for the relief prayed for in his said complaint, towit:
For a decree and order of said court to correct a mis
take and error in the description io a certain deed
made and executed by- P. R. Williamson and Mary
A. Williamson to the plaii tiff on July 25th, 1S96,
and recorded iu the deed records for Benton county,
Oregon, Volume 33, at page 412 thereof, and for
such other cclief ab to the court may seem just.
This summons is served bJP publication thereof in
tne Corvallis viAiBTTK by order 01 Hon. ti wooa
ward, County Judge for Kenton County, Oreeon.
Made the 9tb day of October, 19ol.
N. II. Newport, "
Attorney for Plaintiff.
If the action of your bowels is not easy
and regular serious complications must
be the final result.' DeWitt's Little Early
Risers will remove this danger. . Safe,
pleasant and effictive. Graham & Wells.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Omce,
Oregou Oity, Oregon, August 2, 1901.
Notice is berrbr given'that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878,
entitled "An act for iho sale of timber lands in the
States el CVifornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washing
ton 'Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States tiy act of August 4. 1892,
of Garfield, county of Whitman, State of Washing
ton, has this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment Na. 6483, for thefpurchase of the NE NW
yi, lots l and 2 of Section No. 30 in Township Ko.
IX S R No. S W. and will offer oroof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
his claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, ou n
dar. the 18th dav of October. 1901.
He names as witnesses: William H. Gwinn and
Frank I. Gwinn of Garfield. Whitman Co.. Wash.
R F. Totten and Thomas Coon of Conaliis, Benton
Co , Oregon.
Any and all persons clain-ing adverse'y the abovo.
described lands are requested to file ttieir claims in
tms emceon or lei ore saia lotn nay oi uctooer,
1901. . CMAi. B. MOOKB,
Ei uptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores
of all kinris quickly .healed by PeWitt'i
Witch " Hazel ' Salye. Certain cure for
piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure
yon eft the original DeWitt's. . Gra
ham & Well's. -
Notice for Publication. ;
JJifjTKD States Lakd Officb.
Oregon City. Oregon. October, 6, 1901
Notice is hereby giyen that in compliance with
the provisions ef the act of pngress of Jpe 8. 187-8
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in jtyie
states ot California, Oregon, ievaa, ana wasnmg,
ton Territory," as extended to all tbe Public Land
grates oy act oi August 4.
of Philomath, county of Benton. State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn statement
Kn. 6524, tor the purchase of the S. J of N. W. J
and Lots 3 and 4 of section No, 4 ip Township No.
13 South, Range Na 7 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to tald land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on batuiaay, ,tne zun oay oi ireceiooer,
lf.01. -.
He names as witnesees: Melrose Courier of Falls
City. Oregon. John Hyde or rmiomatn, uiegon.
Charles Udell of Philomath, Oregon, aud r red
Slmeral of Philomath, Oregon, .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to nie tneir claims in
this office on or before said zist day ol uecemner
1901, . CHAS, Ii. MOORKS,
. . ; Register
Italian Rye Grass for Hale,
For particulars, enquire of '
. - ' Geo. W. Smith, Corvallis.
Try this Office for Job Work,
We Are Headquarters
. FOR- . - .
. STOVES and
No relief for 20 years "I had bron
chitis for twenty years," said Mrs. Min
erva Smith, of Danville, 111., "and never
got relief nntil I used Foley's Honey and
Tar, which is a cure cure for threat and
lung diseases." Sold bv Graham &Wor-
Good Advice.
The most miserable beings ia the
world are those suffering Jfrom Dyspep
sia and Liver Complaint More than
seventy-five per cent, of the people in
mo united states are afflicted with these
two deseases and their affects: such as
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache. Habitual
Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Heart-burn, Waterbrash, Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the pit of the Stomach,
Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up
of Food after Eatimr. low Spirits, etc.
Go to your Drusgist and' get a bottle of
Auuust i lower for 7o cents. Two doses
will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's
Prize Almanac. Graham & Wortham.
Those famous little pills, DevVitt's Lit
tle Eariy Risers compel your liver and
bowels"to do their duty, thus giving you
pure, rich blood to recuperate your body.
Are easy to take. Never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells.
No. 101 4o acres, 15 iu cultivation,
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land ; price, $650. i miles
from Philomath.
No. 131 80 acres, 25 in cultivation,
nice young orchard; fair. buildings, z
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plow, cultivator, tools, etc. ; also
furniture. This is a good hill ranch anil
is cheap at $700. C miles from town.
74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation ; small
bouse; good barn and water; 1) milec
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county road ; good pasture and timber.
113 A good 7-rootn house with one
half acre lot ; fruit, good water, chii ken
houses and sheds, price 360U; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minuted alk from
Corvallis postoffice.
- - Real Kstate Agent,
Box 59, Pltilomatn, Benton County, Oregon
Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.,
says: "Our little girl almost strangled
'to death with croup. . The doctors said
I she couldn't live, but she was instantly
, relieved by One Minute Cough Cure.
Graham & Wells.
Executors' Sale of Real
Executors Notice of sale of real property. Notice
is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the
County Court uf the State of Oregon for the County
of Benton, made on the 3rd day of September, ltfdl,
in the matter of the Estate of Thomas Eglin de
ceased, tbe undersigned - Executors of said estate
from and after Saturday tbe 9th day of November
1991, will proceed to sell tbe real property herein
after described, belonging to said F.slate, at private
sale at Corvallis Benton county State of Otegon. for
cash at the time of purchase. Tbe said real prop
erty to be sold as herein required, id described as
follows: To Wit: All tbe right, title aud interest
of the said Estate of in and to Lots No. 7 and 8 of
Block No Id in the Original Town of Marysville
now the City of Corvallis, Benton county, state of
Cnsgon; and also all of the North half of lot No. 1
(except 26 feet' square on tbe West end of aid Lot 1
all of Lot No. 2 and the South half of Lot No. 3, all
inBkckNo.18 of tha Original town of Alary viile
now the City of Corvallis Benton county state of
Said real property to be told in t'0 separate par
cels. Said sale subject to the confirmation of said
Coantr Court of Benton county Suite of Oregon,
Dated Oct. 8th, 19J1. -
Geo. F. E6L1N
. - ' Wm. Ckees,
Executors of the Estate of Thomas Eglin, Deceased.
H. 0. Watkine, sexton oi the Method
ist Church, Springfield, Pa., says; "My
wife has been very had with kidney
trouble and tried several doctors without
benefit. After taking one bottle of Fo
ley's Kidney Cure, was much better, and
iras completely cured after taking four
bottles." Sold by Graham A Wortham.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Omoos Cm, Oregon
October 12, 1901.
Notice is hereby .riven that the following-nait.eU
settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final
proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof
win pe maae oeiore tne uounty vierir oi Benton jo.,
At Coryallig Oregon, on November 23, 1001, Tip;
t. E. , Np. 11108 pf Clara J. Sis formerly Clara J.
earinir widow of ' James A Henrinir. Deceased.
IPF (IO JNH. si W J JNt f $eC- ZD 1, 13 S
She names the following witnesses to provo her
land, viz: Thomas M, Coon, of Inavale, Oregon,
Thornton A Lemaster. of Inavale. Oretron. James
Lemaster. nf Inavale. Oretron. Cam W. Calhoon, of
iusty, Oregon. - .
, JUHAS. IS. iIOUilE.9.
" Hegister.
James TVhite, Bryantsville, Ind save
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run
nini; sores on both lees. He had suffer
ed six years. Doctors failed to help him.
Get DeWitt's. Accept no imitations.
Graham & Wells. 7
Physician -Sc Syrgeon
- -, ,.. - ; - ;-
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
P. T. Thomas, SumpterwHIe, Ala., "I
was Buffering from dyspepsia when I
COululciiceu tuailig . aww J 1
Cure. I look several .bottles and can di
. 1 i .. V. : XTAnl TlwaanaiO:
gest anything." Kt J 1 Dyspepsia Core
. .. , M 1. a
is the oniv preparation cuuiuiuiuu an ui
natural digestive fluids. It gives weak
stomachs entire rest, restoring their
natural condition. Graham & Wells. - .
Consumption threatened C. Unger,
212 Mnple St, Champaign, PI.,- writes:
"I was troubled with a hacking cough
for a year anil I thought I had consump
tion. I tried a great many remedies and
was under tho caro of physicians for rev-
eral months. I need one bottle pf Fo
ley's Honey and Tar. It enred me, and
I have not been troubled since." Sold
by Graham & Wortham.
Don't be satisfied with temporary relief
from indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
permanently and completely removes
this complaint It relieves permanently
because it allows the tired stomach per
fect rest. . Dieting won't rest the stom
ach. Nature receives supplies from the
food we eat. The sensible way to help
the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which digests what yon eat and
can't help but do you good. Graham &
Drug & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Corvallis, Oregon
Established, IncorpoiaUd, 1298
The most complete line of Pure Drugs and
Cliemicala in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article,
Cotnba, Brashes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Perscription Department,
T. A. JONES. Registered,
Epecial Course in Pharmacy at Terdue Uaiverai
ty. Indiana
O. O. Buck, Beirne, Aik., sajs: "I
was troubled with constipation nntil I
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then I have been entirely cured of
my old cBitiplaint. I rei-ommend Ihtm.
Graham & Wells.
Farm for Sale.
Ii. B. Blodgelt ioflein for sale his fi7
acre stock fai m, one half mile from Blod
ett. Oi-eg.i i.
Parties tocut oak and at-h wood from
now on, and during next fall anil winter.
The work must be uVne neat ar.d clean.
aiwi wood cut even length, cloeely
trimmed and boutsth coided. Applv to
M. S. "Woodcock,
Coi vallin, Oregon.
DnntisLry of every description done In first
class manner. And satisfaction a liar -
Office over Zterulf 'b grocery store, oppoa'tJ
the potitoi&re, Corvallis. Oregon.
Physician Stvrgeon
Rooms 14 In Bank Building.
( 2f to 4 p. m.
Residence: Cone! College and 8th SU.
Telf piioup at office ami rasiien-.
Corva'., - - Oregon
Office Corver 3rd and Uonroeetratta
Houes 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
EieipKNCE Corner 3rd and Harrlaon
atreeta, Corvallis, Otegon,
TBLEruoNB 315, at residence.
Titles Covetamcit.
Practice In (all State and Federal Ooart,
Office ia First National Bank Baltdlng.
Corvallis, OFeon,
OJEcp is Postc(Jice EU4lf ,
011m ! Wbltehora Blark
W. T. Uowley
Office over. First National Pant-,