Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 29, 1901, Image 1

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UNION Ktb. July, 1897.
GAZKTTK Kstab. Oao., 1863.
i Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL. II. NO. 27.
T -
The Doetor'$
By Hesba
4.,.tttni.,n...,t.,t.,,.ii.,t,tl,tn,,n,,t1 ltl,t,,11,.i,.t,.t..t,.it..t.i..mlitilni.Mii.t
CHAITER XIV. (Continued.)
"I am no phantom," I said, touching
her hand again. "No, we will not go
back to the shore. Tardif shall row ns
to the caves, and I will take you into
them, and then we two will return along
the cliffs. Would yon like that, mam'
zelle?" "Very much," she answered, the smile
still playing about her Xace. It was
brown and freckled with exposure to the
sun, but so full of health and life as to
be doubly beautiful to me, who saw so
many wan anJ sickly faces.
"Doctor," said Tardif's deep, grave
voice behind me, "your mother, 'is she
It was like the sharp prick of a pon
iard, which presently you kuew must
pierce four heart.
The one moment of rapture had fled.
The Paradise that had been about me for
an instant, with no hint of pain, faded
out of my sight. But Olivia remained,
and her face grew sad, and her voice low
and sorrowful, as she leaned forward to
speak to me.
"I have been so grieved for you," she
said. "Your mother came to see me once,
and promised to be my friend."
We said no more for some minutes, and
- the splash of the oars in the water was
the only sonn I. Olivia's air .continued
sad, and her eyes were downcast, as if
she shrank from looking me in the face.
"Fardon me, doctor," said Tardif in our
own dialect, which Olivia could not un
derstand, "I have made you sorry when
you were having a little gladness. Is
your mother very ill?"
"There is no hope, Tardif," I answered,
looking round at his honest and hand
some face, full of concern for me.
"May 1 speak to you as an old friend?"
he asked. "You love mam'zelle, and you
are come to tell her so?"
"What makes you think that?" I said.
"I see it in your face," he answered,
lowering his voice, though he knew Olivia
could not tell what we were saying.
"Your marriage with mademoiselle your
cousin was broken off why? Do you
suppose I did not guess? . I knew it from
the first week you stayed 'with us. No
body could see mam'zelle as we see her
without loving her."
"The Sark folks say you are in love
with her yourself, Tardif," I said,, almost
against my will. .
,Y His lips contracted and his face sad
dened, but he met my eyes frankly.
" "t is true," he answered; "but what
then? If it had only pleased God to
make me like you, or that she should be
of my class, I would have done my ut
most to win her. But that is impossible!
See, I am nothing else than a servant in
her eyes. I do not know how to be any-
. thing else, and I am content. She is as
far above my reach as one of the white
clouds up yonder. ' To think of myself as
anything but her servant would be Irre
"You are a good fellow, Tardif," I ex
claimed. -
"God is the judge of that," he said
-with a sigh. "Mam'zelle thinks of. me
. only as her servant. 'My. good Tardif, do
this, or do that.' I like it. I do not
know any happier moment than when I
hold her little boots in my hand and
brush them. You see she is as helpless
. 'and tender as my . little wife was; but
she is very much higher than my poor
little wife. Yes, I love her as I love the
blue sky, and the white clouds, and the
stars shining in the night. But it will
, be quite different between her and you."
' "I hope so," I thought to myself.-
"You do not feel like a servant," he
continued, his oars dipping a little too
deeply and setting the boat a-rocking.
"By-and-by, when you are married, she
will look up to you and obey you.' I do
not understand altogether why the good
God has made this difference between us
two; but I see it and feel it. It would
be fitting for you to be her husband; it
would be a shame to her to become my
"Are you grieved about it, Tardif?" I
"No, no," ho, answered; "we have al
ways been good friends, you and I, doc
tor. -No, you shall marry her, and I will
be happy. I will come to visit you some
times, and she will call me her good Tar
dif. That is enough for me."
At last we gained one of the entrances
to the caves, but we could not pull the
boat quite up to the strand. A few paces
of shallow water, clear as glass, with
pebbles sparkling like gems beneath it,
lay between us and the caves. ,
"Tardif," I said, "you need not wait
for us. We will return by the cliffs."
"You know the caves as well as I do?"
he replied, though in a doubtful tone.
"All right!" I said, as I swung over the
side of the boat into the water, when I
found myself knee-deep. Olivia looked
from me to Tardif with a' flushed face
an augury that made my pulses leap.
. Why should her face never change when
he carried her in his arms? "Why should
she shrink. from me?
"Are .you as Strang as Tardif?" she
asked, lingering, and hesitating before
she would trust herself to me.
. "Almost, if not altogether," I answer
' - ed gaily. "I'm strong enough to under
take to carry you without wetting the
- - soles of your feet. Come, it is not more
than half a dozen yards."
She was standing on the bench I had
- just left, looking down at me with the
same vivid flush npon her cheeks and
forehead, and with an uneasy expression
- in her eyes. Before she could speak
again I put my arms round her, and lift-
. ed her down.
,"You are quite as light as a feather,"
I .said, laughing, as I carried her to the
strip, of moist and humid strand under
the arehway. in the rocks.. As I put her
down I looked back to Tardif, and saw
him regarding ns with grave and sorrow
ful eyes. .
"Adieu!" he cried; "I am, going to look
' after mjr lobster pots. God bless yor.
: both!" ' - .:
He spoke the last words. heartily; and
we stood watching him as long as he was
.in sight. Then' We. went on . into the
. ". caves. - , . ,!
I had known the aves; well, when I
was a boy, bat It was many years .since
I had been there. Now I was alone in
them with Olivia, no other human being
in sight or sound of us. I had scarcely
eyes for any sight but that of her face,
which had grown shy and downcast, and
was generally turned away from me. She
would be frightened, I thought, if I spoke
to her in that lonesome place. I would
wait till we were on the cliffs, in the
open eye of day. '
She left my side for one moment whilst
I was poking under a stone for a young
pieuvre, which had darkened the little
pool of water round it with its inky fluid.
I heard her utter an exclamation of de
light, and I gave up my pursuit instant
ly to learn what was giving her pleasure.
She was stooping down to look beneath a
low arch,- not more than two feet high
and I knelt beside her. Beyond lay a
straight, narrow channel of transparent
water, blue from a faint reflected light,
with smooth sculptured walls of rock,
clear from mollusca, rising on each side
of it. Level lines of mimic waves rip
pled monotonously upon it, as if it was
stirred by some soft wind mhich we could
not feel. You could have peopled it with
tiny boats flitting across it, or skimming
lightly down it. Tears shone in Olivia's
"It reminds me so of a canal in Ven
ice," she said, in a tremulous voice.
"Do you know Venice?" I asked; and
the recollection of her portrait taken in
Florence came to my mind.
Oh, yes!" she answered; "I spent
three months there once, .and this place
is like it
Was it a happy time?' I inquired.
jealous of those tears.
It was a hateful time," she said ve
hemently. "Don't let us talk of it." "
You have traveled a great deal, then?"
I pursued, wishing her to talk about her
self, for I could scarcely trust my reso
lution to wait till we were out of the
caves. "I love you with all my heart and
soul was on my tongue s end.
'We traveled nearly all over Europe,"
she replied. .
"I wondered whom she meant by "we,
She had never used the plnral pronoun
before, and I thought of that odious
woman in Guernsey an unpleasant rec
We had wandered back to' the opening
where Tardif had left us. -The rapid cur
rent between us and Breckhou was run
ning in swift eddies. Olivia stood near
me; but a sort of chilly diffidence had.
crept over me, and I could not have ven
tured to press too closely to her,- or to
touch her with my hand.
"How have you been content to live
here?" I asked. - : , - ,
"This year in Sark has saved me," she
answered softly.
"What has it saved . you from?"-1 In
quired, with intense eagerness. She turn
ed her face full upon me, with a world
of reproach in her grey eyes.
"Dr. Martin," she said, "why will you
persist in asking me about my former
life? Tardif never does. He never im
plies by a word or look that he wishes to
know more than I choose to tell. I can-
not tell you anything about it"
Just then my ear caught for the first
time a low boom-boom, which had proba
bly been sounding through the caves for
some minutes.
"Good heavens!" I ejaculated.
Yet a moment's thought convinced me
that though there might be a little risk,
there was no paralyzing danger. I had
forgotten the narrowness of the . gulley
through which alone- we could gain the
cliffs. From the open span of beach
where we were new standing, there was
no chance of leaving the caves except as
we had come to them,- by a boat; for on
each side a crag ran like a spur into
the water. There was not a moment to
lose. Without a word, I snatched up
Olivia in my arms, and ran back into
the caves, making as rapidly as I could
for the long, straight passage.
-Neither did Olivia speak a word or
utter a -cry. .We found ourselves in a
low tunnel, where the water was be
ginning to. flow in pretty strongly. I set
her down for an instant, and tore off my
coat and waistcoat. Then I caught her
np again, and strode along over the slip
pery, slimy masses of rock , which lay
under my feet "covered with seaweed. "
""Olivia," ! said; "X must have my right
hand f ree . to' steady myself with. Put
both your arms round. my neck and cling
to me so. Don t touch my arms or shoul
ders." . . jVV .. - ..
. Yet theL clinging of her arms about my
neck, and her cheek close to mine, al
most unnerved me. I held her fast with
my left, arm, and steadied myself with
my right. We gained in a minute or
two the mouth of the tunnel. The-drift
was pouring .into it with a force almost
-too great for me, burdened ai I was.
But there was the pause of the tide,
when the. waves rushed out again in
white .floods, leaving the water compara
tively shallow. There were still six or
eight yards' to traverse before we could
reach an archway in the cliffs, wmcu
wonld land ns in safety in the outer
caves. There was some pern, dui we
had no alternative. I lifted Olivia a lit
tle higher against my shoulder, for her
long serge dress wrapped dangerously
around us both; and then waiting for the
pause in the throbbing of the tide, I
dashed hastily across.
One swirl of the water coiled about us.
washing up nearly to my throat, and
giving me almost a choking sensation of
dread; but before a second could swoop
down upon ns I had staggered half-blind
ed to the arch, and put down Olivia in
the small, secure cave , within it. She
had not spoken once. She did not seem
able to speak now. Her large, terrified
eyes looked up at me dumbly, and her
face was white to the lips. I clasped her
in my arms once more, and kissed her
forehead and lips again and again, in a
paroxysm of passionate love and glad
ness. "Olivia!'' I cried, "I wish you to be
come my wife."
"You wish that!" she gasped, recoil
ing. "Oh! no, no I am already mar
ried!" CHAPTER XV.
Olivia's answer struck me like an eelc
tric shock. For. some moments I was
simply stunned, and knew neither what
she had said, nor where we were.
"Olivia!" I cried, btretching out my
arms towards her, as though she would
flutter back to them and lay her head
again where it had been resting upon my
shoulder, with her Tace against my neck.
But she did not see my gesture, and the
next moment I knew that she could never
let me hold her in my arms again, i
dared not even take one step nearer to
her. -
Olivia," I said again, after another
minute or two of troubled silence
"Olivia, it it true?"-
She bowed her head still lower upon
her hands, in speechless confirmation. A
stricken, helpless, cowering child she
seemed to me, standing there in her
drenched clothing. An unutterable ten
derness,- altogether different from the
feverish love of a few minutes ago, filled
my heart as I looked at her.
"Come," I said, as calmly as I could
speak, "I am at any rate your doctor,
and I- am bound to take care of you. You
must, not stay here wet and cold. Let us
make haste back to Tardif's, Olivia."
I drew her hand down from her face
and through my arm, for we had still to
re-enter the outer cave, and to return
through a higher gallery, before we conld
reach the cliffs above. I did not glance
at her. The road was very rough, streWn
-with huge boulders, and she was compel!-
ed to receive my help. But we did not
speak again till we were on the cliffs,
in the eye of day, with 'our faces and our
steps turned towards Tardirs farm.
"Sorry that I love you?" 1 asked, feel
ing that my love was growing every mo
ment in spite of myself. The sun shone
on her face, which was just below my
eyes. There was an expression of sad
perplexity and questioning upon It, which
kept away every other sign of emotion.
"Yes," she answered; "it Is such a mis
erable, unfortunate thing for' you. But
how could I have helped it?"
"You could not help it," I said.
"I did hot mean to deceive you," she
continued "neither yon nor any one.
When I fled away from my husband 1
had ho plan of any kind.- I was just like
a leaf driven about by the wind, and it
tossed me here. I did not think I ought
to tell any one I was married. I wish
I could have foreseen this."
"Are you surprised that I love you?"
I asked. . ;, . : ' ii-
-Now I saw a subtle flush steal across
her face, and her eyes fell to the ground.
I never thought of it tul this after
noon"," she murmured. "I knew you were
going, to marry your cousin Julia, and
knew I was married, and that there could
be no release from that All my life is
ruined, but you and Tardif made it more
bearable. I did not think you loved me
till I saw your face this afternoon."
"1 shall always love you," I cried pas
sionately, looking down on the shining,
drooping head beside me,' and the sad
face and listless arms hanging down in
an, attitude of dejection. .
"No," she answered in her calm, sor
rowful voice. "When you see clearly
that it is an evil thing you will conquer
it -'There will be no hope whatever in
your love for me, and it will pass away.
Not soon, perhaps; I can scarcely wish
you to forget me soon. Yet it wonld be
wrong for you to love me now. Why
was I driven to marry him so long ago?"
"Your husband must have treated you
very 'badly, before yon wonld take such
a desperate step as this," I-said -again,
after a long silence, scarcely knowing
what 1 said.
.. "He- treated- me so ill" said Olivia,
.with the same hard tone in her'voice,
mat wnen. l naa a chance to escape n
seemed as if - heaven Itself opened the
door for me.,: He treated me so ill that
It I thought there was any fear of him
finding me out. here, I would rather
thousand times you had left me to die
in the caves.
(To be continued.)
Two Kinds of Ears,
Annt Hetty had a way of looking into
the children's rooms after the folks
had all gone to bed. She did this to see
if the little ones were comfortable.
It was summer time, and one night
her nephew Charlie, who had come
from the city on a visit, was tucked
away in one of the. little beds upstairs.
Charlie was not asleep, and the sight
of Aunt Hetty coming In with a lighted
candle in her hand made him open his
bright eyes wider. - -
I hope you are not ill, my dear?"
asked aunty, going to the little white
No, indeed," said Charlie, smiling.
I'm listening to the noise. It's a nice
noise, though," he added, thoughtfully,
for fear his criticism of his surround
ings might offend. This, by the way,
was Charlie's first visit to the country.
Aunt Hetty looked a little astonish
ed. "Why, If s as quiet as can be," she
said. "Perhaps you have been dream
ing. What kind of a noise did you
think you heard?"
"It goes whiz, whiz, cheep, cheep.
cbeep-l-ty, cheep-i-ty, and buzz, buz-z-z,
all the time," said Charlie, Imitating
the sounds that he heard.
Aunt Hetty smiled. "Ah, these are
country noises, Charlie. Numberless
little insects live in the trees and shrub
bery, you know, and they are all astir
now. You will get used to the sound
after a while, and not notice it."
The next day some one referred to
the noise that had kept Charlie awake.
and this made Cousin Mabel laugh..
"To think of a city boy talking about
the noise of the country !" she said.
I'm sure where you live it's rattle,
rattle over the stony pavements from
early morning till late at night. I won
der how you can sleep, at home."
I don't believe I ever hear the big
noises," said Charlie, with a puzzled
And then Aunt Hetty explained some
thing that no one else liad thought of.
Charlie has city ears," she said. "He
is so accustomed to the rattling, loud
noises of the streets that he doesn't
think of. listening to ibem; but here in
the country quietness he hears every
thing. Mabel and the rest of us have
country ears, ; so we don't hear the
noises of the insects at night; or rather,
we don't notice them because we hear
tbem so constantly. Yes, there are two
kinds of ears, and it is good for those
with country ears to be told how many
noises there are.for'them to listen to.
Some;of these noises are musical, and
all of them are interesting. Suppose "we
all try for a while to hear country
noises with city ears." Youth's Com
panion. -
. Ef I Was Bleb.
Ef I was rich, I tell you w'at
I'd have a bully time;
I'd spend a lot on candy
Why, I guess I d spend a dime!
An' soda water, too, yon bet, -
I d buy a glass each day,
An' jus' plunk down a quarter- .
When it come the time to pay.
I'd buy a lot of soldiers, too,
Like Cousin Joe has got
An' then it wouldn't matter much -
Ef one or two got shot
An' lost their heads an' arms an' legs
An couldn t go to wu
For when a feller's rich, you see,
He goes an' buys some more.
I'd have a boat with sails , an' things,
An' p'r'aps a train o' cars, '
An' all the kinds o' jelly w'at
Comes all put up in jars
An' always -stays locked up, so's you
Can't never get a bit,
Except when big folks come around
An' eats most all of it
I'd get a pair o boxin' gloves, "
A turnin' lathe an', tools,
An' picter books, but not the kind
You sees at Sunday schools;
An' ef they tried to make me go
To school thro' rain an' shine, ' ..7"-.
I wouldn't go a step no, sir, '
I'd rather pay the fine. ; .
P'r'aps I'd get a bike, besides, "';.
Ef I was awful rich, ,
An', oh, a baseball, too, the kind
What really players pitch;
An' then I'd get a well,1 let's see,,
I can't tell all I'd do '
But pa an' ma should have their. share,
An' Sister Nellie, too. .
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Friendly Bite.
Animal Talk and Laaib.
Paul B. Du Chaillu, the explorer, says
there is no doubt that animals talk in
certain ways among themselves. In
Africa, he has heard gorillas laugh
and guffaw when they came to rob a
man's field and found that elepbants
had already destroyed everything, as
if they appreciated the Joke on them
selves. Again, he heard a gorilla,
which had found some choice berries,
call another that was a long way off.
He saw monkeys apparently deliberate
for a long time before making some
move.- These animals, by the way,
rarely drink water, but eat Juicy ber
ries and fruits Instead. Du Chaillu
was impressed by the fact that even In
tropical forest animals have to work
hard for a living. Some of them travel
miles every day to get food and have
all kinds of trouble In finding a safe
place to spend the night Even ele
phants are very careful about their
sleeping places. They hate snakes,
and before lying down they carefully
trample over a large area to kill or
drive out reptiles and rodents. And
big as they are, they go in herds for
greater safety. Little Chronicle.
Albert K nsw.
"What are the first teeth called?:
asked the Jeacher of the juvenile class.
Milk teeth," answered the class in
chorus. .
"Correct. Now who can tell me what
the last teeth are called? "
After a prolonged silence a little fel
low raised his hand as if struck by a
sudden inspiration.
"Well, Albert," said the teacher, no
ticing the uplifted hand, "you may an
False teeth," proudly responded the
youthful observer.
Cost Enough to Be a Diamon 1.
"Where did you get your pretty ring,
Edna?" asked a visitor of a bright 4-
year-old miss. -
Brother Will gave It to me," she an
Is it a diamond?" queried the vis
itor. '
"Well, I should think It ought to bey
was the indignant retort. "It cost 39
Too Much of a Man.
Ned (aged 6) Please give me a nick
el, Uncle John?
Uncle John Why, Ned, I thought
you were too much of a man to beg for
a nickel. -
Ned So I am, Uncle John. Make It a
dime. ' -
or Conrs", They Are.
"Mamma," said 5-year-old Freddie,
looking up from his story book, "what
does this story mean about a great-
grandmother?- Ain't all grandmothers
Whale Hunts His Hunters and Terribly
-Injures One of Thenu
Accounts of whaling voyages often
convey the idea of a very agreeable
pastime, but sometimes, as in the case
of the historic tiger, the whale" takes it
into his head to hunt you; then look out
for trouble. Mr. Bullen gives, in""The
Men of the Merchant Service," a de
scription of the experiences of Captain
Gardiner of the ship Union, which re
sulted somewhat disastrously for the
the fearless mariner.
While he was in pursuit of his calling
off the west coast of South America a
sperm whale flung its jaw upward
across the boat, and caught him by the
head and shoulders. The blow did not
sweep him overboard, but laid his scalp
back from the skull, broke his right
jaw, tearing out five teeth, broke his
left arm and shoulder-blade, and crush
ed the hand on. the same side between
the whale's jaw and the gunwale of the
In this deplorable state he was car
ried on board bis ship, and his young
officers may well have been excused
for considering his case hopeless.. His
brave spirit however, did not recognize
a defeat He gave directions, mostly by
signs,, for the preparation of bandages
and splints, and instructed his willing
but ignorant helpers In the way of us
ing them. ; '
When all had been done that he wish
ed or could think of, he ordered the ves
sel to be taken into port, and although
apparently at the point of death, he lay
in a commanding position and piloted
the ship. A Spanish surgeon was
brought on board, who, as soon as he
saw the sufferer, advised sending for
a priest, as the-case was hopeless.
This advice was lost upon the valiant
Yankee, who sent a messenger, thirty
miles for another doctor a German.
This gentleman hastened down to the
ship, dressed the skipper's wounds, and
had him transported on an improvised
ambulance slung between two mules
up to the healthy highlands of the in
terior. - In six months he was fit to re
sume command of his ship, which
meanwhile had made a most successful
cruise under the mate.
The captain's left hand, unhappily,
had been so badly mangled that it was
hardly more than a' stump, the first two
fingers being so twisted in the palm
that he was afterward always obliged
to wear a thick mitten to keep him
from being entangled in a lance-warp
while he was lancing a whale.
This good man was for a quarter of a
century master of a whaler, and Jived
to be nearly ninety years old.
Tumble Bags as Barometers.
Country folk are firmly of the opin
ion that the tumble bug (geotrypes ster
corarius) is an excellent barometer and
that It takes flight only when a season
of fair weather, is coming. M. Fabre, a
French naturalist, has investigated the
question thoroughly and has come to
the conclusion, that this. Insect is, in
fact more sensitive than the best ba
rometers, and that it can veritably be
used to predict fine weather. It is to
changes of electric tension that the in
sect is sensitive. . . - ;
When a dog succeeds in capturing his
toil his end is accomplished.
A Handy Baa- Holder.
A great deal of time is lost in filling
grain bags, unless some device is used
by which the bag can be kept open and
the one filling It have the use of both
hands. The upright board (Fig. 1) is
made of Inch stuff, two feet long and
eleven Inches wide. The arms (Fig. 3)
which support the hopper are held by
two triangular boards (Fig. 2), which
are nailed to these arms, and to the
upright board (Fig. 1), as shown In the
illustration. The arms shown at Fig.
3 are each ten Inches long, two Inches
wide and an Inch thick, and the ends
are screwed to the side of the spout
as shown. The spout Is made nine
Inches square, and both this and the
hopper should be made of boards eight
inches wide. At Fig. 4 a row of wire
nails is shown, by which the bag is
held In place at the bottom of the
hopper. By boring a number of holes
In the back board (Fig. 1) at intervals
of an inch apart, and hanging the de
vice to a heavy wire nail or a heavy
screw put In the wall, the bag holder
may be raised or lowered to a conven
ient "height
Fall Plowine.'
One trouble with fall plowing Is the
careless way in which It is done. Often
times the land is simply plowed in a
careless manner with the thought In
mind that It can be finished in the
spring If it Is to lie fallow. Sonie-
tlui!, the plowing Is no more perfect
when winter wheat and rye Is to be
raised. The ground should be as care
fully plowed and prepared for grain
sown in the winter as for that sown
In the spring. As a rule five or six
inches is a most satisfactory depth to
plow in the fall, although, of course,
It depends somewhat on the character
of the soiL If the ground is intended
for fair seeding, it must be handled in
accordance with its character. If in
clined to be loose, the harrow and roller
should be used until It Is well compact
ed. If the soil is naturally heavy. It
should be loosened up Just before seed
ing, by a straight tooth harrow, and
if rain should come In a few days after
the seed is sown, it always pays to go
over the entire plot and loosen up the
soil by a light harrowing.
For Scalding Hoe.
With the device shown here, repro
duced from the Ohio Farmer, one man
can handle the heaviest hog with ease.
I have scalded 40 hogs with it and
know what I am saying. Place the hog
en the rack (Fig. 1), then close it then
proceed as shown in Fig. 2. Lift the
hog over the trough by taking hold of
the long lever. Lower It Into the
trough, so that the rack springs clear of
the bottom of the trough, then take
hold of the cross lever and work It up
and down, throwing the carcass from
one side to the other, back and forth,
until perfectly scalded. Keep trying the
hair, so as to know when the proper
scalding point is reached. Then swing
out on the cleaning rack and take an
other hog. The figures explain them
Winter Feeding of Wheat.
The consensus of opinion-among
those who have fed more or less wheat
seems to be that wheat can be fed
profitably,, when comparatively low In
price," to nearly all farm stock, provid
ed it Is ground or partially broken
and fed with some other grain. Wheat
and bran was found to be a fair grain
ration for horses and wheat and corn
meal for swine, while for sheep the
wheat was mixed with oats to the best
advantage. 'Ground oats and crushed
wheat make a fair ration for the dairy
cow, or wheat bran may be fed with
any other grains the dairyman is In
the habit of- using. The experiments
of feeding the whole wheat show that
often as much as one-quarter of It
passes through the animal without be
ing digested, and when the wheat was
ground or crushed it was but an in
different food given alone.
Fertilizer for Email Fruits.
Undoubtedly the judicious use of
commercial fertilizers is beneficial to
small fruit plants, but it must be ap
plied Intelligently, especially if worked
with stable manure, to gain the great
est value. A first-class general fertiliz
er for all -small fruit plants Is a mix
ture of either sulphate or muriate of
potash, 200 pounds with 500 pounds of
dissolved phosphate rock. It may be
applied broadcast or with a drill, the
quantity named being sufficient for an
acre. This mixture should be applied
this fall, and can be used by the plants
In time to benefit the crop next sum
mer. This mixture should be applied
once every two years. It will be un
derstood that the mixture named is for
general use. Some other mixtures will
do better for some plants, and what
will do best can be determined by ex
perimenting, but until the fruit-grower
learns just what mixture gives him'
the best results, be will make no mis
take by using the one here advocated.
Thousht It Was a Fake.
The first incubator made its appear
ance in this country in 1845. A Yankee
put one on exhibition on Broadway,-'
New York. He charged a shilling to
see the wonder and out of curiosity was
well patronized. His machine was
considered a fake. Men would not be
lieve than an egg could be hatched any
where except under a hen, so the show
man began demonstrating to prove the
virtue of his invention. He would
break eggs from the machine to show
the different stages of incubation, and
finally succeeded In convincing a good
many that it was not a fraud. Time
has proved that It was far from being
a humbug. .
Safety Blind for Horses.
When you want to get a frightened
horse out of a burning stable a blanket
thrown over Its head renders It as do
cile as - though
there were no fire,
and why shouldn't
the same idea be
applied to a runa
way horse on the
road? In the illus
tration we show
this idea carried
out under the in
vention of Daniel safety ulind.
Connerthy, of Chunehula, Ala., and J-
sef Rothweller, of Chicago, I1L In or
der that the appliance for manipulating
the blinders may not interfere with the
control of the horse on ordinary occa
sions a separate pair of cords is pro
vided, leading back to the carriage. The
blinds are held normally open by
springs on the bridle, being hinged to
the side straps. A pull on the cords
throws a lever out from the rear por
tion of the hinge and presses the blinds
over the eyes, thus shutting out the
vision of whatever has frightened the
animal. As soon as the pressure is re
leased on the cords the blinds resume
their normal position by the action of
the springs.
No Money in Fcrnbi.
As a rule the best cattle in Texas are
bred and raised by the large ranch
man who owns thousands of head; the
scrubs, as a rule, are bred and raised
by the farmer who owns only a few
head. While the ranchman is to be
commended for the rapid improvement
made in the range herds, yet the farm
ers should be at the head of the pro
cession when it comes to raising good
cattle. No man can afford to raise
scrubs, and especially is this true as
to the farmer.--Farm and Ranch.
Farm Motes.
All trees should be examined early
in the. fall for borers.
Farms are getting smaller; the aver
age size in 1850 was 203 acres; in 1890,
137 acres.
Large profits from farming In Alas
ka are claimed. It has been suggested
that stock farms near the larger set
tlements would pay.
' Rape may be fed to best advantage
in the early fall, and hence is of valua
ble assistance in fattening lambs for
the fall or early winter.
It costs no more per pound to raise
a colt than a steer, and the colt will
sell for four times as much as the
steer if the colt is of the right kind.
The grape leaf hopper lives on the
underside of grape leaves ' from mid
summer until, they fall In autumn.
Burn all fallen leaves.
. Bederwood strawberry seems to be
the best all round perfect flowering
variety at the Michigan station, either
for home use or for general market
ing.. :,'-
Tests at the Geneva (N. Y.) station
are said to strikingly confirm; the gen
eral belief that soda cannot take the
place of potash in the ; growth of
. A hired man who persists In swear
ing at or speaking toi the teams In a
loud, harsh manner should not be tol
erated All farm animals should be
treated with kindness.' y ..
Indian Runner ducks are attaining a
good degree of favor just now among
fanciers and by them are recommended
to farmers and other practical folks on
account of their great prolificacy.