THE tMNftttfllE FRIDAY, OCTORER 25, 1901. To cover the cost ot setting and dis tributing the type iu snch matters, a clmrgo of fifty cents will be m ide lor each "Card of Thiwks," and live cents per line for each set of "Resolutions of Condolence" appearing in these columns. LOCAL NEWS. W. S. Gardner, Photographer. Misa Edna Chandler has resigned her position at the Occidental hotel and expects to goto Albany in the immediate future. The season for pheasant shooting will close Dec. 1st.- During the last 15 days of November it will be lawful to sell the birds in the mar kets. Hunters hare only a few more days of the time prescribed by law for the killing of deer. The close peason for these animals "begins Nov. 1st. A special freight train came up from Portland Wednesday. It ar rives very early in the morning and the object of its run was to dis tribute empty cars along the line. W. C. Corbett is doing a good business at his brick yard. There seems to be an unusual demand for brick at present' for various purposes. Quite a number of wells Are being suuh about the country and brick are demanded for curbing them. The ladies of the . Eastern Star had initiation of new members in their hall Tuesday night. During the evening vocal and instrumental music contributed to the pleasure f those present. ' Refreshments wer served at the conclusion of the evoning's festivities. R. D. Burges?, wbo graduated with the class of '98 from O A C, has been visiting for the past week in this city. He goes ffom here to San Francisco. He spent last winter in Pennsylvania, but says nothing would induce him to reside in the East, after having learned to know the Pacific coast. There wis a double wedding solemnized last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Naucy Porter, near Monroe. The contracting parties were Fred Thad Thompson and. Miss Nettie Porter, and Frank Porter and Hiss Bertha Wigle. Rev. M. M. Waltz performed the ceremony. . All parties are highly respected citi zens .of Monroe. - . Mondav, Dock Kiger . sold his place in 'Blodgetts Valley to Mr. Van Alstein. The place comprises 1 75 acres of land and the consider ation was $3,100, oash. Mr. Van Alstein has been residing in Mon mouth during the past month or two, but he is a Michigan man and is a friend of Dr. Rowley, who re cently arrived from that state. A gentleman who hunts a great deal commented the ether day on the difference between a bird and a fowl. A Lluejay, a crow, or a pig eon we would class ' among the bird, while grouse, . pheasants, quail, etc., are termed fowls. He stated that the difference lies in the fact that a bird carries , food to its young, while a fowl takes its young to the food. Students and citizens are remind ed that there will be a game of foot ball on the O A C campus tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. The game is to be played between Al bany and O A G and is t he first j game played by the home boys in two years. That the contest will be interesting and exciting there is no doubt and everybody should suppoitthe boys in their athletic work. Tuesday, Clerk Watters issued a marriage licence to Jaspar G. Den nis and Miss Eva Loretta Zierolf, of Monroe. At nine o'clock the same morning, Father Jurek performed the ceremony at the Catholic church which made them wan and wife. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Zierolf, a highly estimable young lady. Mr. . Dennis is a business man of Mon roe. We extend congratulations. Talk about seeing things in a paper of tacks! Dick Smith, of J. R. Smith & Co., opened a box of these useful little articles the other day, and nicely stowed away was a note, written May . 27, 1901, by Clell Miller at Madisoa.'. Indiana, in which the writer asked the find er to eorrespond with him regard ing the country and its prospects. Dick is a democrat, but there are republicans in the firm and they will see that the note is answered. E. A. Thayer came up from Sa lem, last Saturday, for a 'cruise about his old stamping grounds. He spoke of the exceptionally low stage of water in the Willamette this fall and said he would not be greatly surprised if no steamer reached before the middle of next month. Mr. Thayer states that last fall the first boat reached Corvallis ou the 25th day of Oct ober, just a year ago today. After a trip or tw they were obliged to lav the boat on tor .a lew days Two years ago the boats reached Corvallis on about tlie same date that they did last year, but were obliged to lay on lor ssveral weets on account ot lew water, ua ryea nesday Mr. Thayer and his wife went up to Eugene for a brief visit W. A. Sanders, Jeweler. W. 0. Ileckart inada a business trip to Salem, Wednesday. ' Bids for the new building3 at the college will be opened today. ...... Mr. McBride, of Phoe'nix, Ariz.', U visiting in this city, the guest of I 13. Farmer. Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in the Witbmn schojl kouso Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Students washing neatly done including mending. Leave orders at A. K. Milner's grocery store near P. O. Waldimar Kaupisch, manager of the Corvalli3 Creamery, went to Portland, yesterday, to be absent several days. ' The ladies of the Presbyterian ohurch realized the neat sum of $35 from the tamale supper given by them last Wednesday afternoon and evening. Dont forget Dr. Lowe, the well known cculoopiieian will be in Corvallis Nov. 4, 5 and to noon of the 6th. His glasses strengthen the eyes and brain. Rev. Boozer will jreach in the United Evangelical church Sunday morning and evening. A cordial invitation is extended to the pub lic to attend these services. The contract for supplying the Corvallis public schools with sta tionery was awarded to Allen & Woodward. The other bidders were C. A. Gerhard aBd Graham & Wells. The Gazette loree return abund ant thanks to James Bier for a lib eral supply of his delightful Vfda pop, also to A. Kisor for an equity kind remembrance in the way of sweet cider. Truly, this has been a memorable week with us. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tapscott.-who were rnairied October 18th by Rev. F. L. Moore at the residence of Capt.'J- W. Crawford in this city, went to Portland to reside Tuesday. Mr. Tapscott will probably be im ployed this winter as purser. on the Ruth, which runs between this city and Portland. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zeis arrived in Corvallis, yesterday, after several years' absence, during which time they have resided in Redding, Galif. They came up via San Francisco and Portland, and will visit Corval lis friends for a few days before pro ceeding to Eugene, where they will . visit Mrs. Zeis' brother, Albert Ap ger. Frank Seits arrived is Corvallis, Wednesday, from his home in the Five Rivtrs country. He brought out some potatoes . that were the i talk of the town, so large and fine were they. .One of. the potatoes was exhibited at this office and it measured nearly fourteen inches in length i by a little over nine inches in circumference. Other potatoes that he brought mit are said to have been even larger than the one brought this office. On Wednesday evening, October 23rd, at 7:30 o'clock, Mr. O. F. Mulkey and Miss Ida May Hotch kiss were united in marriage by Rev. L. Myron Boozer. Only the immediate relatives of the contract ing parties were present. After the ceremony supper was served to the auests. Mr. and Mrs.-Mulkey are well known young people of our city and their host of friends unite in hearty congratulations and best wishes. Corvallis will be their future home. " The Episcopal; Church. Litany or eyening prayer every Friday at 7 p. m. Choir Rehearsal every Saturday at 7 p. m. Holy Com munion on first Sunday ot every month at 11 a. no. Morning pray er and sermnn every aunaay at 11 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. Church League, for the study of Church Liturgy, and Holy Scripture every Sunday at 7 p. m. Service at Wells on the fourth Sunday of every 2 p. m. C. MacLean, first and month at Ph.D. A letter received in this city a few days ago bore the information that Mrs. Agnes lhompson and daughters had arrived safely in Boise City, Idaho. They report hating found the weather at Boise quite similar to the weather here during the , past, week or two, ex cepting the fact that there was an absence of fog in JJoise. While, at the tinae of writing, they had not seen verymuch of the place, they were very favorably impressed with their surroundings. Their present address is 1605 Tenth Street, Boise City, Idaho. - In our last issue, we made men tion of an old book, the property of S. A. nmphill, which was printed in 1764, but Mr. J. E. Fowells, of this city, has one which antedates Mr. -Hemphill's by 24 years. It was written by Henry Bracken, M. D., and was published in 1737; for J. Clarke, London. It is entitled "Farriery improved, or a compleat treatise upon the art of Farriery, wherein is fully explained the nature, structure and mechanism of that noble ' and useful creature, the horse." The composition and press wont is excollent. - lhe bind ing is the same as that of Mr Hemphill's volume, and is so sub' Btastial. tlat it is in perfect eondl tion today. mil TO BE ENfORCED. "The laws are on the Statute Books and Their Enforcement is the Duty of the Oflicers," says Con,acilaian Hetilt'.o. A meeting of the city courcii was held Monday evening, the real pur pose of which was to give the city attorney an opportunity to reply to the communication made by the chief of police to the council at its regular -October meeting, wherein the chief stated that the city attor ney had refused to prepare the cow plaint necessary to tha arrest of Adam Assel for alleged violation of the Sunday clcaing law. However, much of the time of the meeting was consumed in a desultory dis cussion of the law itself and its en forcement; matters which had no place lefore 'that body. In the language of councilman Henkle: "The laws are on the statute books and their enforcement is the duly of the otheers, and the whole matter is out of place in the council." The kernel of the matter before the council is this: What is the power and authority of the council, and what is the duty and authority of police officers, and of the city attor ney in the matter of enforcement of ordinances? Under the. charter of the city of Corvallis the common council has power and authority "to pass any ordinance Bot repugnant to the laws of the United States or the law of the state of Oregon necessary or convenient for carrying such power or authority, or any part thereof, into effect." When the council has enacted an ordinance and it has gone into effect, the charter provides that police officers "may make arrests for breach of the peace or commission of a crime within the limits of the city, with or without a warrant, as a peace officer may do under the laws of the state, and must exe cute all processes issued by the police judge or directed to him by any magistrate in this state in ciiminal matters',' and shall exer ercise such additional powers as may be conferred upon him by or dinances. Here in substance is the duty and authority of council and police officers. An arrest having been made, the culprit must be taken before the police judge who has jurisdiction of all crimes and mis demeanors defined by ordinance of the eity of Corvallis, and "has the authority of a justice of the peace within the limits of the city, in both civil and criminal matters. Should the defendant plead "not guilty" when arraigned before the police judge, the law piovides that he may have a jury trial. - ; -Then,' and not till then, are the services of the city .attorney really in demand. A prudent officer may seek advice from the city attorney whore there is doubt that the law has been violated, but the city at torney IS Under no legal obligation to give it. And there is no service in his power to perform in the matter of assisting in the apprehen sion and arrest of offenders, which the statutes of the state do not con fer upon any other attorney. He is simply an attorney retained by the city to "give his advice and opinion in writing concerning any matter in which the city is interested, wnea required by the mayor or council or any committee of the council" and to "attend to all actions, suits and proceedings ift which: the city is legally interested, and attend to the prosecution of all persons charged with a violation of a city ordinance." We have gone to some length to explain these matters, which it would seem all should understand, but that they do not is clearly proved when the council is asked to mediate a difference between the city attorney and a police officer. All this has nothing to do with; the Sunday elosing law, and should have nothing to do with it. The council has said plainly, by ordinance, that, it shall not be lawful for any. per son td sell or in any wise dispose of, witHin the corporate limits of the city of Corvallis, any spirit ous or fermented malt-liquors, or to keep open any place whete spintous or malt liquors are sold, on the first day of the week, eoinmonly called Sunday, and the fiduneil can do no more. It is the duty of an officer to arrest any person who violates this or dinance. If the defendant stands trial and the ordinance is found to be unconstitutional it can and should be repealed. If he is f$und guiltr there, is pun ishment provided for the offense, It is reasonable to suppose that the council was in earnest when it passed these ordinances, and that it will repeal them when it no longer, inletids to support its officers in enforcing them. ,. Coming Novesufcor nth. The date of the appearance of the Fischer-Van Cleve Co. m this eity has been changed to tH week beginning November iitll. Their . ouenim? bill will be "Jerry, theTTramp." The com pany has been appearing in Al bany this week to crowfled houses, and the papers ia that city speak highly of the' work of the Various members of the cast. The Herald says'; - "Last night, after an absence of -five years, Bert Van Cleve, a native Albany boy, returned to his old home with his Own com pany of players and. presented "Jerry, tha TWip," to a packed hoasc. It was standing room only from early in the evening and not one ia the entire 'audi ence regretted being present. "Bert comes back to us a pol ished and genteel actor, and is accompanied by a clever lot of show people. They are 3voung, energetic and industrious and do their best to please. 'Jerry, the Tramp," is a melodrama with a tinge of humor running through the lines. It is the 'story of a beautiful young girl who suffers because she is loved by two mea, one a trua sweetheart, who is a man ot few words, but acts at the proper titfle, and the other is a scheming Scoundrel, with murderous plots in his mind at every tarn. Miss Babe Fischer is a pleasing and winsome little lady and acts the part remarka bly well. She, won the approval of the asdienee from the first act and they welcomed her appear ance on the stage during the re mainder of the piece." Basket Social at Kings Valley. The basket sosial at Kings Valley was a grand success, financially a3 well as sScially. At a very early hour the congre gation had assembled and the pastor led the meeting which was opened by a few selectiofis from the hymnal, and by prayer. W. Iy. Price then toa'k charge of affairs to act as auctioneer. The bidding was rapid and in teresting. The first sale was closed at eighty cents, .and was the beginning -of a continuous series et surprises, which . de veloped at the third sale, into something, very excising, Wnea a representation of a guitar beauti fully ; decdrated was sold for $3.25. Sales followed rapidly at good prices, with various apes and 'sizes. Some being of the shape of heart, squares, diamond, stars and many others, all handsomely decorated. The highest figure reached was $4. 10 which was bid on the basket of Mrs. John Price. . The buyer was the Haskins .school teacher. The average of all sales was r. 05, ana total amount was $63.20. This was a very much greater return than was expected and all who furnished baskets were highly pleased; A more- sociable gathering .would be , hard to- fiad. . There was ' 'Peace on earth, good will toward mea" in .abundance and there was not one who was not glad to have been there. X. Her Heart In Oregon. " Mrs. E. S. Murray, who is now a resident Of Philadelphia, but 'who resided in Corvallis many years prior to 1900, has shown that her , heart is still in Oregon by the active interest! she has exhibited in the affairs Of the state in general and old Benton in particular. Postmas ter Johnson, vice-president Of the Citizens' . League, recently received the following letter from Mrs. " Mtlrray, which: will prove interesting to her many friends ia this city: I have been watching with much interest the commendable work being done by the Citizen's League, and most especially in the discriptive Beaton County Pamphlet. As it promised to be exactly the literature I have been needing in . my little mis sionary work ' among the people whom I meet whs show a desire for' information about Oregon. My Oregon" and have some inclination to ssek a' more - gen ial climate. I cOuld raise a little colony , to go to. Oregon when we are ready to retnra, if I had the freedom of a man and could address them, and hold "Oregon meefciags." lea close fifty cents for five pamph lets." '.. -: letter List. For the week ending Oct. 19. 1901. Persons calling for these letters will please state date on which thev were advertised. They will be charged at the rate of one cent each. ' -. F.OBrown, H C Bales, MisT Maud Crosby, Miss Olara Duncan, Nathaniel Hughes, Mrs Letty Hall, Wm Huff, Miss Sadie Longbsttom' Edd Monroe. W F Miller. J F Miller, Peter Peterson, Mrs 8 a. rrose ana Aaa ismitn. , , B. W. Johnson, P. M. IHTEREST IS GROIBG French E. Oliver, of Chicago, With VV. R. Oliver in eharge of the music, will hold meetings every af ternoon and evening, with the ex ception of Saturday afternoon and evening, at the M. E. church. They will conduct services at this church Sunday at 11 a. m. and 3 and 7.30 p. m. . ; Selections from Roman History k Literal Translation from Eutropius by C. Macl ean, Ph. D. The Heroism of Regains. (Continued) After these rmsfortatea the Carthagin ians requested Regains, the general whom they had taken captive, to proceed to Home, and to obtain peace from the Romans, and to exchangs captives (lit. to make aa exchange of captiveB). When he had come to Rome, nnd had been brought into-the senate, he did rot act at all aa a Roman; but eaid that he had censed to bo a Roman from the day on which he had come into the poire? of the Africans, And consequently he released his wife from her marriage vows, and advised tha senate that no peace hould be made with the Carthaginians. For they, broken up with so many misfor tunes,, have no hope ; (and as for himself) he is not of so much importance that so many thousands of captives should be returned on account of one, an old man, too, and a few mea who had been taken captives from the Romans. And sov he prevailed. For no one gave a hearing to the Carthaginians who had come to seek peace. He himself went back to Car thage, and when the Romans assured him that they would keep him at Rome, he said that he would not remain in that city in which, after he had served-as-a-slave the Carthaginians,- he could not have the rights of an upright citizen. Having, therefore, returned to Africa he was put to death by all sorts of torture. BATTLE OP L1LYBAEUM EXCHANGE OF CAPTIVES. " In the consulships of Cains Lutatius Catulus and Aulas Postumius Albinns, in the twenty-third year of the Punid war, a war was begun at the instance of Catulus against the Carthaginians. He (Catulus), set out with three hundred ships' to Sicily; and the Carthaginians equipped four hundred against him. Never was a battle fought on the sea with such forces. Catulus embarked on his ship in a condition of bodily weak ness, for he had been wounded in a form er battle. The battle was fought with the skill and valor so characteristic of the Romans lit. with the great bravery of the Romais ingenti virtute Roman orum. For fcixty-three ships of the Carthaginians were captured and one hnndred and twenty-five sunkj thirty two thousand of the enemy were cap tured and thirteen thousand killed ; and an enormous quantity of gold, silver and other booty was brought into the posses sion (lit. power of the Romans. Of the Roman fleet twelve ships were sunk. This battle was fought on tire 10th of March. The Carthaginians at once sued for peace, and peace was granted to them. The Roman captives who were being held by the Carthaginians were returned. The Carthaginians also begged that those captives from Africa, whom the Romans were holding, should beallowed to be redeemed. The senate ordered that those who were in public custody should be given without a price, but that those who were held by private individ uals might return to Carthage on the re turn to their masters of their price, and that this price should be paid out of the treasury rather than by the Carthagin ians. Additional Local. The Black Cat. Hawes $3.00 Hats. Just a few sacks of red clover seed left for sale at Ziertlf's. Rugs! Rugs!! Rugs!!! Just ceived at J. D. Man & Co's. re Go to Zierolf a for nice red clover seed raised in Benton county only a few sacks left. Our Ladies fine shoes at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 are the acme of perfection. N & C. Get your umbrellas fixed at the liicycle Hospital. Just received a fine supply of fixtures. Prof. A. Klingemann, Corvallis, Oregon, will teach German, in a town, community or family. Misses Garrett and Herbert are now ready to do aressmaKing on Fourth St., three doors north of M. E. church. Our stock of Mens and Boys heavy Boots, Shees and Rubber goods is now complete, and our prices are right. JN S u. Upon complaint of Chief Alex ander, sworn to fiefore Police Judge Greffoz, Tuesday after noon, Adam Assell was arrested, charged with violation of the Sunday elosing law. Mr. Assell pleaded guilty and was fined $io by Judge Greffoz. ; ' The man or boy who desires to be well dressed, according to fash ion's latest decree should visit our store. Good dressers will be sure to come, in fact, the majority of the best dressed men in the community patronize our firm, because they eet the very best fitting suits and overcoats at the lowest possible prices consistent with quality and durability. N & C. At a special meeting' Monday evening, the city council granted the rjetition of property owners re siding in block 12, requesting per mission to build a lateral sewer. A petition, : numerously signed by members of the W. C. T. U., asked the city to place a street light in front of the free reading room. On motion, the matter was referred to the fire and watter commute" a t t HartX Schafrner Vfade rya BENTON COUNTY L&1 V -4 m m Z3 PM COPwnr'iqJ .HT. CHArrNCJI MAM ess. S Manufacturers of all kinds of Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber m CARLOAD LOTS -YARDS AT CORVALLIS- Comer of 5th and Washington Streets. For prices enquire at yards or address the company at Corvallis cr Philomath, Oregon. Job Printing at this office To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect Summer Grazing Lands at Nominal Prices The Coast Land & Live Stock Company having purchased 40,000 acres of tho Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road lands, known aa the "Coe Landa," have now placed them on the market. These ara unimproved lands situated iu Beaton and Lincoln counties, along the line of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing and frnit raising section of Western Oregon. . ... Prices: $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre. Easy Terms. Perfect Title. M. 1VLV DAVIS, Aont October 7, 1901. I ". - - I CorvalHs' Most Popular Eating House P loneer AND RESTAURANT. Fresh breadMaily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and j a specialty. H. W. HALL, Proprietor. Reduced Ten Per Cent For October. That Means u . -", -fi This includes our entire stock of the season's latest crea- 5 tlons in Box Coats, ' J Corvallis, 1 F i i ,o' iLb PERFECT-CLOTHES j ""trOU don't expect perfection I in clothes any more than ? in men; you try to come as ; near as possible, r 7 If you get inside one of our ; H. S. & M. suits, you'll be as " close to clothes-perfection as you will ever get. Specials With every Boy's Suit or pair of Shoes we give a bag of mar bles free. e e LUMBER 60MPAI ' Corvallis, Oregon. 4 Overstocked, m Automobiles, Etc. , 9 . -'ft Oregon. lin Bakerv I Ei 111