PRESIDENT 1 g J I J , J J ? V J -y . Cp ' J Lead kind-ly IgW. 4-oikJ fte Wrtircling glooAJ Lead Thou on t ' Thousands of voices, through many years, have been raised in melodious ut terance of the beautiful words of "Lead, Kindly Light" and "Nearer, My God, t Thee," but probably never before have these hymns been sung with such a depth of feeling and such a fullness of meaning as during the days following the death of President McKinley. Ever dear, the fact that they were the favorites of the martyred President around whose bier a nation mourned has made them more than ever precious. Bands of music played the notes in solemn dirge and in the churches of the laud organs pealed forth the touching strains and lips uttered the words, while the mind dwelt upon the scene where tie spirit of William McKin ley went out in sublime submission to the will of the Master." How trustfully he yielded himself to the guiding hand of the Universe! Into the Great Beyond he passed, in the spirit so beautifully expressed by Cardinal Newman's hymn: Lead Kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on! The night Is dark, and I am tar from home Lead Thou me on I Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Tboa Shouldst lead me on. I loved to choose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on! I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will; remember not past years. PASSING. Low in the WeBt the daylight dips, While by the pool the Summer stands, With stain of purple on her lips And scarlet flowers in her hands. Within the watery mirror there, Narcissus-like she sees her face. So pale, so sweet, so mortal fair, And lingers spellbound by its grace. The morning red is vanished now. The splendor of the noon is gone. And, like a veil on cheek and brow, The wreathed mist is clinging wan. A breath from meadows shorn exhales, A sigh goes down the forest ways, The dryads of the woody vales Are mourning for the passing days. And Summer hears the warning note, As by the reedy pools she stands, Her fading tresses all afloat And scarlet flowers in her hands. St. Louis Mirror. rH-M-S-r ! ! ! ! ! Briarsmere. ! k SME BARTON, as she rode along on her trusty little cob, paid no v heed to the weather, so absorbed was she In her own thoughts. ' Ralph Underwood was coming that night to-ask her to be his wife, she felt sure, for his manner at the Fletchers' dance had been unmistakable. What answer should she give him? Could she ever love a man she did not altogther trust? Ah, if only Jack could speak she knew what answer she would give if be ever asked the same question, bbut Jack never would, now, though years ago he had shown In a hundred little ways that he loved her. But that was before his father died, and Briarsmere was found to be mort gaged and all the affairs terribly in volved. So now Jack was a poor man, and had even undertaken work as Un derwood's agent to pay off the mort gage, which Ralph held. Esme was rich, and could do as she liked with the fortune she had inher ited from her mother, but was power less to help Jack because of that un written law that "a man is to woo, a woman to be wooed." The rain poured down and at last awoke Esme to a sense of what was going on around her. The rain was coming down in tor rents, and an ominous roll of thunder in the distance made Beauty tremble. It was a lonely part of the road; only a little cabin, much out of repair, was in sight. She hastened toward it, not knowing If Mrs. O'Grady still occupied the place, or whether she had already gone to live with her sister in Kerry. On trying to lift the latch, Esme found It was locked, but discovered a shelter in the peat shed at the back. As she stood there caressing her horse to allay its fears, she was star tled to hear a key fitted into the lock of the door in front of the house. The boards of the mud-covered walls were ill-fitted and rotten, and Esme conld distinctly hear two men talking as they entered and shook the water from their clothes. "A good thing we are here so near the place," said Underwood. "Yes," answered a voice which made Esme blush in the semi-darkness, "it Is a bad storm, but It will soon be over. I am not sorry it has come now, as you will see that something must be done to the place before another tenant oc cupies it It isn't fit for a dog to live In." ; "1 shall do nothing; It's no use spend' ing money on property of this kind. ,The8e peasants are used to pigging it I Leave the place alone." ; "That Is, of course, your affair, Mr. Underwood," said Jack. "In my posi tion as agent it was my duty to point out to yon what was needed, but I can not make yon do it. Only I tell yon as man to man, that the neglect of your tenant's interests Is a disgrace to the neighborhood. I have worked as your agent in order to work off the mortgage which yon hold on my property, but I suppose the foreclosure which you threaten must come, for I cannot work for you any longer and have not money to redeem the estate." ' .--. ; "And, pray, why am I to lose your Valuable services?" said Underwood. "You know that during my manage ment your profits have nearly doubled. M'KINLEY'S FAVORITE So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night Is gone; And with the morn those angel faces smile Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile. This hymn was one of the favorites of the President, though perhaps less deeply but when it comes to distilling liquors In underground distilleries and expect ing me to be a party to the fraud, I draw the line." "How dare you speak like this to ine!" said Underwood, choking with rage. "You pauper, If I had not em ployed you, yon would have starved." "You are exaggerating my poverty," said Jack, in a calm tone. "It is true, by honest work I hoped to regain my property, but when you expect dishon est work, yon have come to the wrong man." . "By the way," continued Jack, and Esme could hardly catch his words, for ESME DISCOVERED A. SHELTER. he was already on the road. "I have ordered back the pipes and stills." "The dickens you have," roared Un derwood, as he paced the - miserable room. - . A -quarter of an hour later Esme was in the cozy office of her friend and ad viser, Mr. Ranee. It is a large sum of money to invest In landed property, Miss Esme." 'I know," said the girl, in her quick, bright way, "but what does that mat ter? I have ever so much more when that is spent. Besides I happen to know the mortgage will be foreclosed If this money is not paid, and I have other reasons as-well." . Beauty trotting along in the twilight was within a mile of her own warm ROOSEVELT AS A COLLEGE GRADUATEo iL' i , o m mm 'j. r.ygy- vmimrn Malawi- mm mrnmmmmmit i Hi r THEODORE Many pictures have been printed of President Roosevelt during the last few years, some as a plain citizen, some as a speaker, some as a cowboy, some as a soldier, and some as President but in none of these has there been any sign of hirsute adornment' except the mustache. There was a time, how ever, when the man who is now President of the United States wore whisk-, ers. The year President Roosevelt owned whiskers was 1880 the year he graduated from Harvard. The above picture was made from his class pho tograph. , ... ;v".-. '-'--;"'..-''' :;V :'- ' :C" '-'" -". .:' w. HYMNS. rooted in his affections than that othei song of praise and yearning, the words of which he murmured as life was leaving the body , Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee; E'en though It be a Cross ... That ralseth me; Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, . Nearer to Thee! t Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down, - Darkness be over me. My rest a stone. Yet In my dreams I'd be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! There let the way appear Stepa onto heaven; Ml that Thou sendest me In mercy given; kngeis to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, .... Nearer to Thee! Or, If on Joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon and stars forgot. Upward I fly Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, , Nearer to Thee! , The latter hymn was written by Mrs. Sarah Adams and Lowell Mason arrang ed the music. It was in 1841 that it was produced, and was based on an old Eng lish melody. The author was the wife of Bridges Adams, an inventor and pamph leteer, who was born in Great Harlow, England, and died iu August, 1848. stable,, when she suddenly swerved from a dark figure walking rapidly in the shadow; Esme. who had been sitting lightly in the saddle, thinking over her after noon's work, was taken unawares and flung to the ground. Stooping over her. Jack for It was he who had unwittingly frightened the cob lifted her quickly in his arms. She was dazed and stunned, and as her bead rested on his shoulder he stooped, and pressing his lips to hers stole the kiss that he had never dared to hope would be his by right. . . - "Esme," he said, after a pauset in which each read the other's heart, "I never dared to hope that yon had given me your love, and I have no right to ask you to be my wife, for in a few weeks I shall have no home. Briars mere is no longer mine. I kissed you be cause I could not help It "as you lay In my arms, and I thought you had fainted.' "Briarsmere is mine," said Esme, smiling, "and it is mean of you, Jack, only to want to kiss me when I have fainted." Chicago Tribune. Special Taxes in France. -In France doors and windows are taxed in over 9,000,000 houses and re turns made a few years ago showed that the -amount received from such taxation was just about half as much as was received from the land tax. Every railway ticket In France Is taxed and, th fact, in that country almost ev erything of any value or of money-producing power is taxed, either by cen tral or local authorities or both. Every thing that goes into any city or town in the shape of wine, fruit poultry, fish or any kind of food or drink is taxed as it enters. . Any person placing tables, plants or flowers in front of his establishment or an awning over doors or windows is taxed for so doing. The town authori ties of Bonn, in Germany, have decreed that every projecting window or bal cony shall be taxed 50 marks, or about 2 10 shillings, a year. It is astonishing how ignorant rail way officials are when asked for the details of an accident on their road. " Men and women waste a lot of valu able time feeling sorry for each other. POGSfcVELT. SHERLOCKHOLMES,Jt CHICAGO PARODY ON DOYLE'S ', WONDER DETECTIVE. An Example of Hla Marvelous Power of Deduction as They Strike tho Mod ern Newspaper Writer History of an ixcb.anged Umbrella. Sherlock Holmes, Jr., was seated at his desk with his back toward me as I entered. "Good morning," . be said, writing away without turning his head, "that's a fine umbrella you're carrying." '. A queer feeling came over me as ne spoke. Surely, I thought, this roan must be in league with unseen powers. I carried the umbrella under my arm, and ewen If I had struck the floor with it, how could he have known that it was not an old, cheap one or a cane? "Sherlock," I said, "you cause my hair to rise. I suppose" you will tell me you know by deduction that I carry a fine umbrella, but that will not satis fy me. . There is nothing to deduce from. I cannot account for it only on the theory that you have- second sight or eyes in the back of your head." "My dear Whatson," he said, smiling and swinging around In his chair, "you are unusually dull this morning. Don't you see that I have the mirror over there hung so that no one can enter the door without passing within the range of my vision, even though my back is turned? I arranged that all myself. Who but the greatest of all deducers would ever have thought of it? Ah, let me examine your umbrella. Yes, it is as I supposed. The man who ex changed with you is blind. - Poor fel low! He hasn't been that way long, though. Are you going to return it to him?" Panting with excitement over the man's wonderful powers, I dropped into a chair and stared helplessly at him for a moment When I was able to speak again I asked: "How do you know he is blind and that he has been so but a short time?" "Pardon me, my dear Whatson, If I decline to answer those questions just now. You haven't said whether you intend to return the umbrella or not" "How am I to return it" I asked, "when I don't know whose It Is." "That should be easy." he said, reach ing for it, and unbuttoning the strap that held it neatly folded. Then he half opened it exclaiming: "As I guess ed. Here is a little silver plate with his name on it." - I was duinfounded at the man's clev erness. - "Holmes," I said, "there Is only one man in the world who would ever have thought of doing what you have done, Oh, if I could only deduce as you can, But his name alone is there, you see. It seems to me that we are as far away from him as ever. How are we to find him among the hundreds of thousands of men in this great city?" "Wait a moment," he replied, as he put on his hat and left the room. In a few minutes he returned, saying: 'He lives at 7643 Paradise road; tele phone. West 6309." I had risen as he entered, but I stag gered back and fell into a chair again, overcome.. ; "How do you know all this?" I gasped. "There is a city directory In the drug store across the street" he calmly re plied. " "Do you wish to call him up and tell him that you have his umbrella? You can at the same time ask about his blindness." Almost overcome by the man's un canny air I permitted him to conduct me across the hall into an office where there, was a telephone that he was per mitted to use. It was as he had said. The man who owned the umbrella had suddenly gone blind a little while be fore, but the doctors were going to operate on him and hoped to restore his sight. V : ; ' ; When we had returned to the great amateur detective's room I said, almost shuddering: 'Now, tell me how you knew he was blind and that he had lost his sight only recently. ' He smiled half wearily; half In pity, as he replied: 'Ah, my dear Whatson, I'm afraid you'll never become much of a deducer. If he could have seen be would never have taken the old umbrella you carry, mistaking it for his own. And men who are long blind develop a .delicate sense of feeling that makes it possible for them to know their own by a mere touch. So It was plain that he was blind and that he had not been so long enough to recognize things by feeling them. ; Don't bother me any more this morning, please. I am working on a very abstruse problem. .. An Ohio man resigned a public office the other day. I have been commissioned to find out what's the matter with him." Chicago Kecora-Heraid. - SAVED BY HIS WIT. How One West Point Cadet Avoided Being a ".Deficient." "There was an officer In the regular army who is stationed not a hundred miles away irom Governor's Island, this very day,"-said a West Pointer yes terday, "who would never have gradu ated at the academy hid it not been for his cool nerve plus his quick wit on a trying occasion." And the West Point er went on to tell of the cause and effect Of that nerve and quick wit" -.- - Twenty odd years ago, when he was at West Point, there was a cadet there who "flunked" in his final examina tion in his fourth year. He was a pop ular fellow and his classmates felt sor ry for him. They were all to doff the gray for the bine in- a -few days and' the poor fellow it had leaked out despite. regulations would be declared on grad uation day "deficient" the only one out of a class of more than 60. : : ; - It so happened that a night or. two before graduation day Mr. X. let him be called that was obliged to be on sentry duty. The officer of the guard that night got a sudden idea into bis head; the cadet might be so disheart ened that he would be neglectful of his duty. " He would test him see if he had "soldier stuff" in him, even though the odds were against his future. - ,: It was a dark, rainy night The of ficer of the guard suddenly came across the cadet's post ;- v ' The click of steel at the same ttme'YTTR TJTT nfiTT AT? PTTW Warned the intruder that thA frtrv' 1 eyes were upon him at least that his qulek hearing had detected the stealthy steps on the wet sod. Then came out In a half muffled voice: "Who goes there?" This was the moment the officer of the guard had fixed in his mind for test of the cadet's soldierly quali ties. The answer came quickly to the sentry's challenge: "Nobody." To the amazement of the officer, th cadet came to a "right shoulder shift" as it was called in those days, paced by him and said: "All right my orders are to let nobody pass, major." The cadet has recognized the officer. His answer, even if not regular In a military sense, was correct, but it was a tough one on the major. The story was so good It could not keep, and It went to Washington. 'To make a long story short" said the West Pointer, "that answer, un der the circumstances, won Influence enough for that cadet not to leave the academy as 'deficient,' but mere ly to be put back for another year's chance. Result? He graduated with high honors in the following June and was my commander in the Philippines six months ago." New York Journal. In the Harvest Field. Frederic Mistral, the Provencal poet. tells a charming story of the first meet ing of his father and mother. Like all romances it has its like in a more an cient legend, suggesting, even to the scene, the ever-beautiful story of Ruth and Boaz. Mistral was born at Mail- lane, a village at the foot of the Alps. He was the child of a second marriage, contracted when his father was about 55, a marriage of pnre romance. This was the meeting of the middle-aged man and the girl who became his wife. One year, on St John's day, Maitre Francois Mistral was hi the midst of his wheat, which a company of har vesters were reaping. A through of young girls, gleaning, followed the reapers, and raked up the cars that fell. Maitre Francois, my father, no ticed a beautiful girl who remained be hind, as if she were ashamed to glean like the others. He drew near, and said to her, "My child, whose daughter are you? What is your name?" The young girl replied, "I am the daughter of Etienne Poulinet, Maire of Maillane. My name is Delaide." 'What! the daughter of the Maire of Maillane gleaning?" 'Maitre," she replied, "our family is large, six girls and two boys, and al though our father is pretty well-to-do. as you know, when we ask -him for clothes he replies, 'Girls, if you want finery, earn it' And that is' why I came to glean." Six months after this meeting, Maitre Francois asked Maitre Poulinet for the hand of Delaide, and of that marriage I was born. Catching Tigers. Capturing tigers by a novel method is now being adopted in Sumatra, and is proving almost invariably success ful. As soon as a tiger's lair has been found, natives are employed to con struct a wooden fence nine feet long and four feet ' wide a short distance away from it, and In this inclosure is then placed as a bait a dog. Which is tied to one of the fence posts. A nar row entrance leads Into the inclosure, and there, deftly concealed under earth, leaves and boughs of trees, is placed a strong steel trap, which is so designed that any animal that places Its foot on it is certain to be held cap tive. , - This trap is of recent invention, and consists of strong steel plates and equally strong springs. When it is set the plates form a sort of platform, and as soon-as the tiger which has been lured thither by the dog sets his foot thereon the springs are released, and the cruel steel grips the leg and holds it fast -' Powerful as a tiger is, he cannot free himself from such bondage, and - as those who have set the trap are never far away he is in a short time either killed or securely caged. At the same time the dog is released, and, indeed, he could not be removed from the in closure as long as the trap was set, since this Instrument, strong as it is, nevertheless is so delicate that the pres sure even of a dog's foot would release the springs and cause the animal's leg to be crushed in a twinkling. London Telegraph. What He Might Do. The custom of preserving the busi ness name of a firm years after the founders have passed away, or disapr peared finds its reproof in a story-related by the New York Evening Post. A young man who was sent out to canvass leading lawyers in a certain interest entered the office of a firm of great prominence and said: "I should like to see Mr. M." men tioning the first name of the firm. "Very sorry, sir, but Mr. M. has been dead three years," was the answer. "Well, in that case, I should like to sec Mr. N." the second name of the firm. " ; - . ' . " . "Mr. N. retired from the firm over a year ago," said the clerk, with a smile. "Indeed; then may I see Mr, O." the last name of the three. "Mr. O." replied the clerk, "sailed last week for Europe, 'and won't be back for a month yet; is there anything I can do for you?" ..: '-,. : ; -"There is," answered the canvasser, with the utmost suavity; "some day, when you have time, you might bring the firm name up to date." ... " If In Doubt, Work It Out. A Cambridge university professor, who dreams in figures, has done the following" atrocity. - 1 times 9 plus 2 equals II. 12 times 9 plus 3 equals 111. 123 times 9 plus 4 equals 1111. . ; 1234 times 9 plus 5 equals 11111. 12345 times 9 pins 6 equals 111111. . 123456 times 9 plus 7 equals 1111111. 1234567 times 9 plus 8 equals 11111111. .12345678 times 9 plus 9 equals 111111111. - . 1 times 8 plus 1 equals 9. 12 times 8 plus 2 equals 98. 123 times 8 plus 3 equals 987. -1234 times 8 plus 4 equals 9876. " :: '12345 times 8 plus 5 equals 98765. 123456 times 8 pins 6 equals 987654. 1234567 times 8 plus 7 equals 9876543. 12345678 times 8 plus 8 equals 98765432. - ' . 123456789 times 8 plus 9 equals 987(554321. . : v ui AU1UUX VA - A Uiii HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO INGS HERE AND THERE, Jokes and Jokelets that Are Supposed to Have Been Recently Born Sarins and Doings that Are Old, Cnrlons and lianghaMa The Week's Humor. Time, 11:43 p. m. A sound resembling a distant peal of thunder Is heard directly overhead. "What was that?" asked the young man as he started up from the parlor sofa in alarm. "That?" echoed the fair pride of the household. "Oh, that was only papa dropping a hint." And hastily gathering the hint unto himself the young man carried it out into the gloomy night. ' The Difference. Stout Gent I haven't an appetite for anything. Lean Gent An' I ain't got anything for a bloomin' appetite. Judge. , Politically Speakinir. "What we need in politics," said the man of theories, "is a candidate who is not afraid to stand up for his party's principles." "Yes," replied the practical Individ ual, "but the candidate who knows how to lie for his party's interests seems to hold the winning hand." Breezy. "Henry," said a young mother to the old-bachelor lodger, "what shall we name the baby? Hubby and I can't agree. We want a name that Is appro priate, and odd, and pretty, and that hasn't a horrid nickname to it. Can't you think of one?" "Humph! I don't have to name ba bies. I should think you would call that kid Cyclone, though. It's appropriate, at least." "Why so?" "The house has been full of squalls ever since he came." "Horrid!" Spoke from Kxperlence. Mrs. Enpeck I learned to-day that Bob Smith and Mary Jones were se cretly married ten months ago. Just think of it! Married nearly a year and nobody the wiser! Mr. Enpeck Oh, I don't know. I'll bet Smith was a whole lot wiser be fore he had been married a month. ' The Only Time. "What a great boon hairpins are to women," observed Pennington. "And to men," hastened -Meekwood. "How so?" "Why, when a woman fills her mouth with hairpins a man has the chance to get in a few words." A Pointed Question, Traveling Dog Fancier Do either of you two want a cheerful companion for the winter? The Tatler. Advics to Schley. Admiral Schley Yes, sir; I was at the battle of Santiago and took an active part in it - The Interviewer Good gracious, Ad miral, you'd better hustle home and read the official naval history of your country. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Two Views of Niagara. Overheard at Niagara Falls: "It seems a pity to see all this water going to waste," remarked the clerical-look lne man. with the white tie. "What good is it?" asked the man with the im pressionist nose. Philadelphia Record. The Kind. , .. ' "Writing love letters requires a great mental effort," said Bunting. "Yes, sentimental," added Larkin. 1 wo Girls. "If ten men should ask you to marry them, what would that be?" "What would it be?" . "A tender." ., "And if one should ask you, what would that be?" ( "I don't know; what?" . "A wonder." Life. . - - Eeanitnr. De Witt Yes, my son follows the medical profession. - ' Gabbll With his black clothes and white lawn tie, he looks more like aJ minister than a doctor. ... De Witt I didn't say he was a doc tor. He's an undertaker. Philadelphia Press. -.- - . ' . -. ' - ... A Picnic Incident. "Either that young fellow down there with his girl is a liar or I'm nothing," remarked the adventurous caterpillar as he proceeded to lower himBelf on his silken thread.- "What do you mean?" Inquired the tree toad. ' . "I just heard him tell her that noth ing, she might be sure, would ever come between them." Philadelphia Press. . Breezy Undertaking. Blinks I hear you are about to start a new paper. What are you going to call It? Jinks I had thought seriously of call ing it the Bugle. - Blinks Good! Just the thing If you have fully made up your mind to blow yourself. Kxactinar. First Summer Girl Oh! I broke off the engagement! He was so unreason able! Second Summer Girl Indeed! First Summer Girl Oh, yes! Why, he objected on my going to a moonlight drive with another man! Puck. Circumstances Alter Cisea, Mrs. Dorcas What does your hus- band do during the summer? Mrs. Gayboy That depends on whether I stay at home or go away to the country. Judge. Several Meals Behind. "Is . It true," asked the benevolent lady, "that you often have to go with out a meal?" It is, ma'am," replied Tattered Thompson. "This breakfast you have given me was due on the morning of May 7, 1889." Leslie's Weekly. A Male Own?r. Jake Here's a advertisement In th' paper fer that dog you found. The man wot owns him offers a reward. Jim How dy'e know it's a man? " Jake Th' paper says "no questions ' asked." New York Weekly. Two Views. Castleton (to- Dashaway What do you think of it? Here's Clubberly, who I have always thought was a friend of mine, actually asking me to lend him $25. ' Clubberly (later, to Dasha way) What do you think of it? Here's Castleton, who I have always thought was a friend of mine, actually refusing to lend me $25. Of Perfidy Proof Positive. She Untrue to you, Arthur! How dare you. What proof have you? He You are again wearing that shirt waist that Bobby Gillum admired so much last week. A Scandal Spoi'ed. Miss Sharpe Mrs. Gay is always de lighted every time her . husband goes away on u- uusiiiess trip. Miss Gaussip Aha! Do you know I thought there was something wrong Miss Sharpe Yes, you see, he always takes her with him. Philadelphia Press. ' "- ; Proverb Ante lated. "The pen is mightier than the sword,"' quoted the man who clings to proverbs. 'My dear sir," rejoined the modern ist "it is no longer a question of pens and swords. The debate now Is as to whether the typesetting machine is mightier than the Maxim gun."- A Quiet Tip. 'Oh er pardon me. Miss Maudie. but at what age do you think women should marry? You know the papers are discussing the question." a.i auuui my age, t imnK, Air. Tim id," she replied, sweetly. - : - jo '"eterrea rayment. note?" 'Certainly not" answered Mrs. Cuhv rox, a little indignantly. : "We pay cash for every lesson. The idearv-Washing- ton Star. : i- z r , Little Willie I bin' fishin', maw! Mother Nonsense! : ' Little Willie 'Deed I hav', maw! I caught all our goldfish with a pinbook: Ohio State Journal. .-" Crushing. . , . "I never was so humiliated in me life as much as I was In.' New York!" exclaimed Meandering Mike. "What happened?" inquired Plodding Pete. "De prosecutin' attorney accused me o' bein' as unprincipled as de police man dat arrested me." Washington Star. The Metamorphosis of Hog. . "You can talk all you want to about your queer names, but I've got-one that caps them all," said a well-known railroad man who just returned from a trip in the southern part of the State "This man's name is Thjng, and he's a preacher, too. He is called Every Thing, Any Thing and sometimes any old thing, but he bears it all with a patient shrug. "The way he got his name is rather amusing. He lives near Zumbrota, in Goodhue County. When he was a youtlt and his name was handed to him it was 'Hog yes, spelled the same way, and also pronounced that way. After he engaged upon his ministerial duties he did not care to be called a hog, so be asked , that his name be changed. He appealed to the District Court, and the judge asked him what name he pre ferred. He replied, saying anything would do. . Therefore, they gave him the name of Thing, and it is his for keeps. He is the pastor of a pretty lit tle white church, with green blinds, and everyone that knows blm says he la a good Thing." Duluth News-Tribune.