The Stimulus of Pure Blood That ia what is required by every organ of the body, for the proper performance of its functions. It prevents biliousness, dyspep sia, constipation, kidney complaint, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, weakness, faintness, pimples, blotches, and all cutaneous erup tions. It perfects all the vital processes. W. P. Eeeton, Woodstock, Ala., took Hood's Barsaparilla to make big blood pure. He writes tbat be bad not felt well but tired for some time. Before he had finished the first bottle of this medicine he felt better and when he had taken the second was like another man free from that tired feeling and able to do his work. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Accept no substitute, but get Hood's today. A Footnote. Charley I think Coleman the most careless fellow I ever saw. The other . morning he got up at 5 o'clock and went gunning, wearing his patent ' leather shoes. You ought to have ( seen them. The wet grass took all 1 the varnish off. j James That must have been a case of the patent running out. Ex-' change. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cores a cold in en day Discovered. "They had been married a year be fore anybody knew it, and even then their secret was discovered only by accident. "- "Indeed?" "Yes, one evening at a card party they thoughtlessly played partners, and the way they ' quarreled let the whole thing out 1" Detroit FreePress. DKAFNESS CANNOT BI CUBED By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion o( the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition ol the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed von have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh, which is. nothing but an inflamed Condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deainess (caused by cataxih) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75o gall's Family Pills are the best. : In Jack's Case. "Is your son Jack going Lack to college?" "No. The college president seems to agree with Mr. Schwab about it's being a waste of time. " Cleveland Plaindealer. Crutlty. Sue Mabel was terribly disap- pointed last night. Belle In what way? Sue Why, Charley called and said he was going to tell her the old, old story. - Belle And did he propose? Sue No; he told her about Jonah and the whale. Philadelphia Record. ' Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use lor their children during the teething period. ' His Originality. . .. Sally (jlay Percy .Languish is quite an original thinker, isn't he? Dolly Swift Yes, indeed. He thinks I'm in love with him. Har per's Bazar. One Better. Mistress Mary! Mary! I've-just broken my hand glass. You know how unlucky it is seven years' un happiness . Maid Oh, that's nothin', ma'am. How about me? I've just smashed the large glass in the drawing room! Glasgow Times. FITS Permanently Cured. No fits er nervousness after first aa-T'i! use of lr. Kline's Great Nerva Tteitnmr. Rpnd fnr V K.1CF. SH-AA hnttlAnnri trenl. ise. Ss.R.H.KuNl.Ltd..llArch5t..PhUadelphia,P A Fifteen Minute Club. - New York has a unique organiza tion in a Fifteen Minute club. It is composed of newspaper men. They meet every night at 10 o'clock sharp and promptly adjourn at 10 :15. Its objects are purely social. No set papers or speeches are permitted. Rheumatism ia due to 'an excess of acid in the blood. When this escapes through the pores of the akin, as it often does, it produces some form of skin eruption some itching disease like Eczema or Tetter but when these little tubes or sweat glands re suddenly closed by exposure to cold and sudden ' chilling of the body, then the poisons thrown off by Jfe the blood, finding no outlet, settle in membranes. ! muscles, tissues and nerves. These parts become greatly inflamed, feverish and hot ; dagger-like, maddening pains follow in quick succession, the muscles become extremely tender, the nerves break down and the sufferer is soon reduced to a state of helplessness and misery. This acid poison penetrates the joints and seems to dry out the natural oils, and the legs, arms and fingers become so stiff and sore that every movement is attended with excruciating pains. . Liniments, plasters, electricity and baths, while their use may give temporary ease, cannot be called cures, for the disease returns with every change of the weather; " Three years a?o X had a severe attack of la grippe, which left almost a physical wreck. To add to my wretched condition, a severe form of Kheamatiam developed. I tried all the physicians in our city, but none of them could do me any permanent good. I nsed all the rheumatio ouros I could bear of, but received no benefit. After beginning: 8. S. S. I was relieved of the pains' and have grained In flesh and strength and my areneral health Is better than for years. X consider S. 8. S. the grandest blood medicine in the world, and heartily recommend it to any on seek ing? relief from the tortures of Ehenmatism. B.J!. GBEGOBY, Union, 8. C." to ruinous habits, Alkalies and the potash and mineral remedies so often pre- scribed, affect the tender lining of the stomach and weaken the digestion, thus adaing another burden to the already weak and impoverished blood. S S S Coa tains no mineral or dangerous drug of any kind, but is a simple, vegetable remedy and the most perfect blood purifier known. Send for our book on Rheu matism and write our physicians if you wish any information or advice. We would be glad to re ail you a book free ; we charge nothing whatever for medical ad vies, THE 5WIFT 5PECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. How the Puss Started. That hand-me-down suit you're wearing," remarked Bi vera, "reminds me of an unripe watermellon." "Why?" asked Brooks. "Because its' so different. One isn't cut to fit, and the other isn't fit to cut." It was then that Brooks, blazed away at him. -Pick-Me-Up. He Could Not Win a Woman. Mother Ethel is the very image of what I was at her age. He Really! I shouldn't have thought it possible! Mother (coldly) May ask why? He (seeing his error, and striving to rectify it) Oh er I was forgetting what a long time ago that must have been ! Punch. The Ingredients. "What did you find on the vessel which washed ashore this morning?" asked the cannibal king of his chief. "Only a shipwrecked shoemaker and a case of sherry, sire". " 'Tis well, slave Make, me - a sherry cobbler for dinner. I have often heard , of such a -delicasy. " Baltimore American. . Promotion for Bravery, Word reaches us of a small band of soldiers who held at bav a large number of Filipinos for over two hours until assist ance arrived, thereby saving an important point from capture. For their bravery they were all given promotion. To be brave it is necessary to have strong nerves and a good digestion. If your stomach is weak and you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching, nervousness or in somnia, you should try Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters. It will cure you. A Mistake. Consumer Say, what kind of a cigar do you call this? It's the worst tobacco I ever tasted. Dealer Beg your pardon, but you are wholly in error. There isn't a particle of tobacco in that cigar. It's so easy to be mistaken, don't you see. Boston Transcript. VOW KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simcly Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No Cure. N Pay . 50c. Raising Tags. Quinn What is all that waste pa per doing in Carter's yard? De Fonte J. hat isn t waste paper. It's a great collection of seed tags. Carter fastened a tag to each seed so he would have no difficulty in know ing the variety when the flowers came. Chicago News. Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs. Wm. 0. EnDSLEY,,'Vanbureu, Iud., a eo. lu, lyuu. He Said No More. " Mr. Bender Great Scott! When a woman goes out to get samples she spends half a day. Mrs. Bender That s nothing. Why, I've known you to - make a round of the sample rooms and spend half the night. Chicago News. wM. PENSION IT BICKFORO, Washington, 0. C, they will re 1 1 ceive quick replies. B. 6th N. H. Vols. Stall 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878. Unswerving. "It seems to me that our fr.'end has so much faith in money that he almost makes a religion of it." ' "I don't like the comparison. - The word religion implies at least a re mote chance of back-sliding." Washington Star. . " BROOKLYN, N. Y., Sent. 6. GARFIELD HEADACHE POWDERS HAVE GAINED THE RIGHT OF WAY I They are the kind people want simple, harmless and ALWAYS effective. The Garfield Tea Co. of this city will send sample powaersupon request. . ' . Unfinished Work. Baby May was having a hard time cutting her last teeth.. One day her mother found her crying and asked her what was the matter. . Little May said : v(iod made me but he didn't finish me. He left me to cut my toofs all by my self. " Harpers Bazar. TO CURE A COLD IK ONE DA1T Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All iruggists refund the money if it fails to cure. ot. W. vrrove s signature is on eacn dox. zoc Friendless Also. "No," he said, "I haven't anything for you. - "Say, Mister," whined the beggar, "I guess you don't-know how it feels to have no friends, an " . "Don't I though? I'm the official handicapper for the Ladies' Golf Tour nament." Philadelphia Press. ,1 An Ambitious Lady. Husband The doctor says if keep up this race for money I'll break down when I am 40. Wie Never mind ; by that time we shall be able to afford it. Sj. a, t. cures Rheumatism by working a complete change ia the blood j the acids are neutral ized, the circulation purified and the rich, healthy blood that ia carried to the irritated, aching muscles and joints, soothes and heals them. S. S. 8. cures Rheu matism even when inherited or brought on by the excessive use of mercury. Opium,, in soma form, is the basis of nearly all so-called Rheumatic Cures, which deaden the pain but do tin trmM. lUt. Aia,B 1 The Past GUARANTEES The Future The Fact That SUacobsOil Has cured thousands of cases of Rheumatism. Gout, Lumbago, , Neuralgia Sciatica, Sprains. . .. Bruises and other bodily aches and pains Is a guarantee that It : will cure other cases. It is safe, sure and never failing. Acts like - magic. Conq tiers Pain i Price. 35c and 50c. ' 'SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IS MEDICINE. MADE; BY THE MAKER OF' OILED CLOTHING HAVS THE SAME- POINTS lerexcEiUNce and give Badness. 'Oh mamma, "cried Tommy, "Will ie's pulling the pussy's tail !" He s a very bad tioy to do that, said mamma.' "Yes, and he's selfish too: cause he won't let me pull it at all." Phila delphia Press. A WONDERFUL FENCE. The "Anchor" Clamps Are Revolutionizing Wire Fences Now-a-Days. The surprising -stride in popularity made by the -'Anchor" wire fence proves that this fence has come to stay. . It is used all over the United states, and it bears the test of time, which in reality is the only convinc ing test. In the Pacific Northwest the Portland "Anchor" Fence Co, of 742 Nicolai street, Portland, Ore., is pushing this fence and its agents are Welcomed everywhere, as they bring an article which certainly is sorely needed. It is probably a fact that the "Anchor" fence satisfactorily solves the great fence question. The universal desirability of the Anchor' ' fence is understood when you come to know that it serves in the best possible manner nearly every use to which any fence can be put. The principle of. clamping upright stays, rivet-tight, " to the running rod makes every fence secure and durable. Never before have such economical and lasting fences been made. These "Anchor" fences are suitable for all kinds of ordinary fence pur poses : and also afford ' a large scope in the designing of ornamental fences, tree guards, fancy gates, etc. Besides this, if a man wants to repair his old wire fence all he has to do is to buy some of the little "Anchor" damps and a pair of pinchers and he is prepared to make his old fence last a long time, r - It is worth while to send for pict ures and catalogues to. the Portland Anchor"- Fence Co.V 742 Nicolai St., Portland, Oregon Not Setting a Good Example. Father (calling from head of stairs at 11:30 p. m.) -Fanny, don't you think its' about time to go to bed? Fanny Yes, I do, papa. What on earth keeps you up so late. Tit-Bits. - Stop tha Couffh and ' Work Off tha Cold. laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets enre a cold in one day. .No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. ; Near Enongh. Teacher Now, Susie, construct a sentence in which the word "literary" occurs. Susie (after much thought) Lit tle ;Wilies' hands were literary bCIUil Vl black with dirt. Philadelphia Press. - ' . BROOKLYN, N. Y., Sept 6. The secret of the remarkable suocess of the Garfield Headache Powders, manufactured here by the Garfield Tea Co., lies in the fact that they are harmless as well as effective; people have confidence in them. . Preliminary Arrangement. Mallory After we . are married, Marie, you must never hesitate to ask me when you want money. I Marie No, indeed, - Mallory; and I hope that you will never hesitate about giving it to me. Brooklyn Life. ! A Sign of Progress. : - McJigger Oh, no; it isn't a one- horse town any more. Thingumbob No? - McJigger No ; you remember their "Grand Dramatic Palace?" Well, they call it "the theater" now. Ruling Passion Strong In Death. - "I saw Mrs. K. going into an auc tion sale . last Monday. Isn't her craze for bargains extraordinary?" she could Yes, indeed. J. believe die happy if she knew she would be laid out on a bargain counter and buried as a remnant. "Town and Country. . . Well Taught. Lady I wonder , who taught that parrot to swear ! Dealer I don't know but I can recommend him as a mighty perfi cient and painstaking person. Wash ington Star. ,7 . : .:. CURtS WHEKE All fISf fAIIS. i uess iuga ojmp. -i-astes uooa. in time, eoia or a rue a A.NCIENTS WERE WISE NOT DESTITUTE OF GENIUS IN MECHANIC ARTS. rhey Had Many Things in Common Use that We Have Grown to Con aider the Products of Modern BkiU and Inventiveness. An official of the United States Pat ent Office who Is preparing a history of that Institution has been Impressed with the idea that there is little new under the son. He has pored over vol umes of ancient lore and satisfied him self that the ingenuity of moderns was discounted by the wise men . of an tiquity. In art, in the sciences, lu me j chanlcs, our boasted progress seems to him to have been vastly overrated. I There is not, he says, a single surgical bandage of . which examples are not ' seen in the swathings of Egyptian mummies. "The Patent Office issues a I patent for a nickel-ln-the-slot ma- Inhlna AaiIUA tt. na.iulnfiio ' PUnw tells us of a copy of the Iliad engraved on so small a piece of parchment that the entire work was contained in a nut shell. Microscopes of rock crystal were found In the palace of Nimrod. Nero had lenses made out of an emerald, with which from a distance he watched gladiatorial contests. The Romans, as Stated by Prof. Lanclanl, had storage warehouses and safety deposit vaults. - The ancients, according to this Pat ent office skeptic, were as full of wis dom as the moderns who lgnorantly undertook to patronize them. Their mechanical contrivances and engineer ing works were remarkable. Archi medes discovered many scientific prin ciples which are in use nowadays. Pub lic works were of the highest order. The ancient Greek water supply sys tem showed every modern improve ment such as we have acquired only within the past ten years. The public roads of Peru were built of masonry, were twenty-five feet wide, macadam ized with pulverized stone mixed with Ilme'and bituminous cement and wall ed in by walls more than six feet thick. A sort of telegraph system existed and news was transmitted hundreds of miles In a day. When Peru was "dis covered" several centuries ago its woolen and cotton goods exceeded in fineness any similar goods produced in Europe. Plato knew that the earth was round; other philosophers, now forgot ten, were familiar with the law of gravitation. Astronomers before the Christian era understood the rotation of planets and knew a great deal about comets. There Is reason to believe that the ancients nsed the telephone in some form, while there is a tradition in China that the phonograph was em ployed by rich orientals. Still, the wisdom of the ancients has not discouraged modern Inventors. Men of science and mechanical ingenu ity will continue to add to the knowl edge, the comfort and wealth of the world. With all the progress that has been made many contrivances remain to be devised before human ingennity realizes that its limit has been reached. Immense fortunes will be made by the Inventive geniuses of the future who work out problems which must be solved before man attains complete happiness on this mundane sphere. What appears impossible in this gen eration may be in general use in the next generation. Matters of transpor tation, of pewer, of fuel, of lighting and Heating engage at this time the atten tion of thoughtful and resourceful men. There are many prizes to be won by the successful inventors of the fu ture. Baltimore Sun. . "FROWED HINTS" AT. HIM. The Reaentfnt Keiahbor Kespondei with Brickbats. "Disser Hinry Green,", exclaimed a citizen, of Darktown, with his arms and tegs in splints and his countenance in plasters, "sho' did bumbard me las' nite wid brickbats." - v "Ax him whut he fro wed et me russ, ledge Briles," remarked Henry Green, as he shoved bis lower lip out over his chin. . ' ' "Nebber frowed nuttin' at him," said the splinted and plastered Darktown Ite. - "Well, what did he throw at you?" the recorder asked Henry. "He frowed hints," was the reply. "Yer see, Jedge Briles, me an' disser nigger libs 'jinin' rooms and he's bin er frowin' hints out atter me fer de 1 mer mln' dat de frowtn' 00 deni hints had got ter stop, i axea mm jest lak er Chrisshun brudder whut he wanter be frowin' hints At me. an' he una an' lawa aat ne ownea uat mour ob his'n. Fuss one word brung on annuder an' at de last I mout er flung er few brick bats at his head. But jest 'member, Jedge Briles, dat he frowed dem hints atter me fuss." "Brickbats for hints is too much lex talionis," remarked the recorder, ac cording to the Atlanta Constitution. "I know there are a great many people who won't take a bint, but that doesn't give them the right to pass brickbats. Some folks are very handy to throw brickbats and will do so quicker than j you can bat your eye. Henry, you did . a great wrong to toss those bats. You J wronged your neighbor, you wronged the hints, you wronged yourself and ' you wronged the bats. I'll fine you " 110.75. If you can't pay it then there Is the chain gang that you can help to populate for a couple or three weeks. That is a litle hint, I suppose, you can take all right." (jneen Never Discarded Old Clothes. I The sorting and arranging of the per sonal effects of the late Queen Victoria ' was a tremendous task, says a London corresponueiiu jjtrvunu.iitj' ui iier majesty was -.. never to discard any dress, mantle, hat or bonnet which she bad ever worn, and her,' wardrobe might well have been considered the most complete record of the fashion of the last sixty years In existence. An other fancy of Queen Victoria was to have everything in duplicate; two hats, two cloaks, etc., were always ordered. Her majesty had a wonderful collec tion of lace, but this is not to be com pared with the collection of the Queen Dowager of Italy,, said to be the best in. the world." : ' - - A darky with one leg is just as happy as a white man with two. Oar WoiMhf? Giris Life to the most favored is net always full of sunshine, but to the average American girl or woman who is obliged to work for her living, and, perhaps to help others at home, life ia often heavy drag in ooneequsBce of illness. Women who work, especially thosfj who are constantly on their feet, ar peculiarly liable to the development of organic troubles, and should par ticularly heed the first manifestations, snoh as backache, pains In the lower limbs and lower part of the stomach. Irregular and painful monthly periods: Miss Ella Bhekneb, E. Rochester, Ohio. faintness, weakness, loss of appetite and sleep. The young lady whose portrait we publish herewith had all these symp toms, and in addition leucorrhoea, and was cured by Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. First, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham's lab oratory at Lynn, Mass., describing her trouble, received in reply accurate in structions what to do to get well, and now wishes her name used to convince others that they may be cured as she was. The same helping hand, free of charge or obligation, is extended, to every ailing woman in America. If you are sick yon are foolish not to get this valuable advice, it costs you noth ing, and she is sure to help yon. Don't wait until it is too late write to-aay. An Exception. "Politeness is never wasted," re marked the man with Chesterfield ian manners. "Well, mister," answered the roughly-clad, weather-beaten person, ' that may be true in your part o town, but if you was in the canal boat business you'd know that there ain't any use whatever of sayin' please to a mule. Washington btar. lie Would Enjoy It "Did your father used to whip you when you was a boy?" asked the youngster who had been chastised. Did he! exclaimed the old gen tleman, reflectively. "In those days parents were made of sterner stuff, and he used to whale me . with a strap."', The boy s eyes brightened instantly. "Golly," he cried," "I'd like to see him do it now!" Chicago Post.'-. - He Was Satisfied. He was obviously anxious and she seemed almost willing. "I must refer you to papa," said she with a becom ing blush, betore giving you a hnal answer.", : "But I am perfectly willing to take you without any reference, " said he magnaniously. Tid-Bits. . An Avenue of Escape. "I'm thinking seriously of resum ing businss." ' "I thought you had retired perma nently. "l thought so too but l need some excuse lor not attending my wile afternoon teas. .Brooklyn Life. THE iSTOi EIBL. Is She Losing the Beauty Tha Was Once a National Boast? . Bright eyes, rosy cheeks, an elastic step and a good appetite are the birth right of every American girl. These are the conditions that denote perfect health. But, unfortunately, every day are seen gins witn pale, sallow- complexions, languid, , rouna-shoul dered and listless, and the question is often asked whether the woman of today has lost the healthy beauty which wasvonce a national character istic. One of the most common afflic tions .ot womankind is anaemia, a watery condition of : the blood. This causes untold misery and often leads to other and even more serious diseases. ' It cau be cured, how ever, as the following interview in the Harrisburg Star-Independent will show. ; Miss Annie L. Beel, of No. 910 Green street, Harrisburg, Pa., who has been a sufferer from this trouble, in answer to a reporters question said: . - - "Yes, ' I am entirely well now but I was a very sick girl. About' five years ago I had an unnatural craving for highly seasoned food " and after that 1 was afflicted with headache and my heart would beat about twice as fast as it should. My limbs got so weak that I had to rest on every step when going up stairs. The color of my skin was like that of a dead person. My limbs, and, in fact, my whole body, would swell at times; The doctor who treated me Lsaid my complaint was anaemia. "The doctor told me if 1 bad let the disease go a few weeks longer would have had dropsy. I was under his care . for 83veral weeks, but with little change for the better." "How, then, were you so completely restored to' health," asked - the re porter. - ; "I had been sick for two months when I began- taking Dr. Willams' rint rius tor raie reopie. in about a week I was feeling better." .The head ache left me and I began to get stronger. I took the pills for six weeks and became thoroughly cured. " Dr. Willams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing specific for lo comotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, - sciatica, , neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complex ions and all forms of weakness. At all dealers or direct from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,. Schenectady. N. Y., 60 cents per box; six boxes, $2.50. . Domestic Economy. ' Poor Man Well, did you buy tbat book telling all about bow to econo mize in the kitchen? Wife Yes, I've got it. Poor Man That's good. "What does it say? Wife It's full of recipes telling how to utilize cold roast turkey but wt haven't the turkey new xonr. Weekly. The Pleasing Answer. Dumlegh There's nothing cranky about Mr. Synnex; he's a man of sense, he is! Markham Flattering, Dumleigh Not a bit. Folks have been saying smoking cigarettes' weakened the intellect. I asked Mr. Synnex and he told me to keep right on; it couldn't possibly have that effect on me. Boston Transcript Not Issued in Time to Benefit Him. Did you see Mr: Mifkins this morning?" asked the bookkeeper. No," replied the publisher. "What did he. want?" 'He desired us to advance him 15 shillings on his forthcoming work How to Be a Financial Success.' " Glasgow Evening Times. A Kitchen Mystery. Father Cooking schools are of some use, after all. This cake is de 1C10US. Daughter Is it? I thought it would be a terrible failure. ' Why so?" 'I told Bridget exactly how to make it and she went and made it some other wav." New York Weekly. . Wouldn't Come Out. Deacon Pecksniff Fie ! I'd be ashamed to be seen coming out of a saloon. Mr. Hardkase Oh, yes : I suppose you're proud of the fact that you al ways stay in until they put you out. T J 1 . 1 1 ! 1 r. l x uuaueipiiia iiecoru. It, like truth, onlv asks a hearing. Wizard Oil Cures Pain. Sarcasm Wasted. Customer (to dealer) Say, there must have been some mistake about those peaches you sold me yesterday. Uealer What was the matter with them? "Nothing. That's just it. There were no bad ones at the bottom of the hactof "Bv eum.Ro von cot them did vou' picked them out for myself. The Best Prescription ror Malaria . Chills and Fever is ft bottle ot Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is Bimnlv iron and anlnlnn in a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. Price SOc. A War. Miss Passay When I watched the dear old soldiers pass by I thought how splendid it must have been to have had the privilege of living right here in the midst of the excit ing times of great civil war. Johnnv Fresh Then you were abroad during the war, were you? Cleveland Plain Dealer. - . VOYAGING TO SUNNY CLIMES. Gem of Art That May Be Had for the Asking. That's a beautiful subject to dis cuss any time ot tne year, out es pecially so during the rainy months, when a trip to Southern California is most delightful. The howwhen and where of the whole business is told briefly but comprehensively in a little book that would be an ornament to any library table. Ask the Pacific Coast Steamship Company to mail it from their office in Seattle, Port land, Tacoma or Spokane. As a work of art it's a gem. Get the book and enjoy its beauty and the story it tells. The trip may be within reach before the winter ends. Patents ProcurBd. Prompt. Efficient and Satisfactory Service. Attorney's fee not payable till patent granted. Trv us. Taber & Whitman Co., 38-40 Warder Bldg., Washington, D. C. What Mike Takes Back. Friend Hello, Mike! Off back to ould Ireland, eh? But where's your box? Murphy Faith, an' phat would I do wid a box? Friend Why, put your clothes in, of course. Murphy Phwat ! An me gd widout? Glasgow Times. . - FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. THE STAR OF STARS , Has bail bearing In turn-table. Turns freely to the wind. Ball bearings thrust In wheel, insuring ligntest .running qualities, and reserving greatest amount of power lor pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together w ih galvanized bolts, double-nutted ; no i an can rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perfect regulation. No spring to change tension with every change of temnerature, and grow weaker with age. Repairs alwavs on nana. These things are worth money to Vou. Then why not buy a 8TAR 1 MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, OREOOm. STEEL S STAR WIND -fi - MILL. Cure Your Horses PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS. AT DEAURS. 60c; BY MAIL, 60c. ' ' K CVKCD 1BIBTI-FODB BOB8E8, ., Psussi&h Rbmedt Co., St. Peal, Minn. . Gbntxembk: I have been using the Pbcssiah Hkavb Pow dbks the past eight months, and in that time haveenred 1 1 horses of heaves, 14 of distemper and 9 of chronic cough. Your Prussian Remedies have gained a great reputation in this section. WhblBsale Boota & Shoes KRAUSSE & PRINCE, ' 87 and 89 First Street, Portland, Oregon. 1 Telephone, Oak 1391, All Kinds Carried in Stock. MRS. COOPER. The Most Famous Sculpturess in the World, Entirely Cured by Peruna. Mrs. M. C. Cooper. Mrs. M. C. Cooper, of the Royal Acad emy of Arts, London, England, is un- . doubtedly one of the greatest living , Pnctin thp vrtxat. artiRt placed Mrs. cooper as one oi tne -greatest sculptors and painters of this century. Mrs. Cooper is an ardent friend of Teruna and in a letter dated January 26tb, written from - Wash ington, says the following: "I take pleasure in recommending Peruna for catarrh and la grippe. I have suf- ' ered for months and after the use of .-.n n Vi n t f In f Pomina T am artroxr . K11U uutHlU VI 1 . 11 V. 111. 1.111 vlllllllj well. Mrs. m. C Uooper. Send for a free book on catarrh en titled "Health and Beauty." This book is written especially for women;' and will be found to be of great value to everv woman. Adriresn Dr. Harfc- man, Columbus, Ohio. Pelt Like It Golf Expert So you received an accidental blow on the face with a golf club, eh? What were you hit . with, brassie, cleek, mashie, lofter or putter? Golf Novice I ain't sure which, but I think by the way my nose felt , when I was struck that it must have ' been the mashie all right. Judge. A Sure Indication. Sherlock' Holmes, Jr. Jenkins wants me to sell his place. Greene Why I never heard him say anything about it and I see him every day. Sherlock Holmes, Jr. That may be, but he wants to sell it all the same. I called there last evening and when I slapped a mosquito Jenkins said it was the first mosquito that had been on the premises this summer. Bos- -ton Transcript. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Summer Resolutions TAKE THE Keeley Cure Enre relief b om liquor, opium and tooaoaa -habits. Send lor particulars to Keeley Instituta, J.!Vo0rtSdvo,reona,,. $31 TO U PER DH Easily made lor the next 90 days, selling an . attractive line of Holiday Goods. or full par. ticulars send name and address to ALBERT DESPRES, Star Bldg., Chicajo, Ills. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Founded 1B70 A Hom School lor Boy Military and Manual Training Fall Torn Onon Soot. 13, 1B01 Writ a for llluatrated Oataloouo JUlhff' X. P. X. v. Da, 41 180U WHKJf writing; tft advertisers 'please meutian this paper. BMt possible to butld. Best material. Best pro portion. Best finish. Lightest running. Seventy years' experience. M11CHEI.I.. L11 St K1AVKK Co., 1st and Taylor Sis., Portland, Or JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot at Morrison Street, Can give yon the best bargains in Buggies, Plows. Boilers and Engines, Win.imilla and Pumps and General Machinery. See us before baying. (Til ill 1SBHWT REHHCK1.MWBrK.fl. I. E. J. BOW EN, Comet Agent, Portland, Oregon. Catalogue Furnished Upon Application.