Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 08, 1901, Image 3

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    TIE COfflWS wim
Hawe3 $3.00 Hate.
The SiuJentj now enroled at
O A C number over 400- -
Mack Porter, of this county,
practically had a waik-over with
hie Polled Angus eattle at tho stats
fair and took quite a number of
Prfcf. Colvin is in the city. H
is a dancing master and advertised
to begin a dancing sohool ia Bur
nett's hall Jast night It is his in
tention to continue Lis teaching in
this city until Saturday evening.
A few days ago C. A. Barnhart
received a very fino mitrting ma
china for use ia his p'ace of bnri
n39. It is. the latest invention of
Brandon's and will b used by
Charley for making pielure frames,
A large number of people visited'
the Bentan County Prone Com
pany's big dryer, Sunday. Every
thing down there was moving along
nicely. There is about 12,000 hush
els ef fruit picked up to date. This
shows something over 200,000
pounds of fruit dried. i
Mr. and Mrs. John Holt and
family have moved back from Cor
vallie, and have rented the Kelly
farm, near Crabtree creek, and
about a mile from Thomas station
Tkey have been residents of Benton
county seat of justice for the past
couple of years. Sanliam News.
A drove of from 100 to 150 bunch
grass horses Were driven through
Corvallis, Sunday, by a man and a
couple f girls, The outfit was
headed north. The girls seetaod
to be used to stock driving, for
they rede astride, were large som
breros on their heads and spars ou
their heels.
Miss Pauline Klin accompanied
by Mrs. E. R. Lake and Mis3 Em
ma Crawford, drove orer to Albany,
Sunday. It is near the anniver
sary of the death of Miss Kline's
father, and fitting observance of
this oecasion was what took Hiss
Kline to Albany, where her father
was buried.
" Five new silos have btervbuilt at
the college farm. They will bs
used for experimental purposes.
One of the silos has already been
filled with green earn. The re
maining foar will be used for
sorjjkara, soi beans, corn and greea
peas. In storing the silos "1 per
cent of salt is used. -
Saturday, P. A. Sheasgrecn dis
continued picking prunes at hie
i it . mi.
orcnara across ine river, mere is
quite a quantity of greon fruit still
on the trees, bat no further picking
will be dene. Sir. Sheasgreen is
quoted as saying that One reason
that his prunes did not ripen more
evenly is on account of cultivation
It is claimed by come growers that
where the orchards havo not been
cultivated that the frrjit ma
tures more evenly.
China pheasants, which are such
popular game birds in Oregon jutt
new, were first introduced in this
country eighteen years ago. O. N
Denny, who was U. S. Consul fn
erat at Tien Tsin, China, sent two
pairs to his brother in Linn County.
They were released near Albany
and from tbem all our wild pheas
ants ftre deseended. They have
already spread over much of the
state but are particularly numer
ous about their old starting place
in Linn eotinty. Ex.
A bull that would graco a Span
ish arena, or be worthy of a display
line in a write-up of Quo Vadis,
is the property ol the Agricultural
College. W. E. Yatts, a half hun
dred ftudents. ProfesEor Horner or
almost any other member of the
faculty will subscribe to that. The
animal, a splendid Jersey, has de
veloped such a tendency for pure
"cussedness," that the college -authorities
have decided to dispose of
him to some butcher. Truly, the
way of the transgressor is hard.
The Lineoln county fair will
open tomorrow at Toledo. This
will be the finest county far ever
held in that eounty. It ia to ha an
exhibition ef the various resources
of the county and will embrace ag
ricultural, horticultural, and fleri
cultural features; also livestock,
fisheries, natural and manufactured
products of the county. Art will
also be given prominence during
(be fair. It is not a money-making
fpheme in any sense of the term and
Lmoaln deserves to meet with suc
cess and encouragement in her un
dertaking, and beyond doubt phe
So far during the present China
shooting one has been re
ported accidentally shot in Benton
pganty, Accordjag to tho Leb
anon Exprss3 Advance, . the Linn
or else not so careful. That paper
says: It is not an uncommon
thing these days for hunters of
Chinese pheasants to shoot one an
other. Arthur Burkbart has been
hit twiee this week by other hunt
ers, Feme ei the eBot penetrating
one' of his hands, .Fred Doud also
knows what it is , to be under fire,
having been struck by several shot.
These are only two of several like
.oceurenws. .-;
W. A. Sanders,. Jeweler,-.";
I TVrlnn r.-MriKr Tiis 9. filft anru r-.f
school land.
Lea Wade of Toledo was in town
recently. Ha reports Mr3. J. T.
Vincent s health improving.
Tho circuit court for Benton
county will convene on the fourth
Menday in November, the 25th.
Waldimar Kaupiscb, manager
ef the CorvfJlis Creamery, went to
Portland, Friday, and returned
home on the Sunday
Capt. J. W. Crawford i again a
familiar figure eh the streets. The
captain wa3 confined to his njoni
several- days last week with a
severo cold.
Corvaili has a preacher by name
ef Beozer, and a Northern Califor
nia town has a salosn keeper by
name of Cbureh. Nearly every
church however, has its boozer, but
not every boozer has his church.
Albany Democrat.
We were misinformed when we
stated in our last issua that War
re B. Hartley, failing to be rein-
Stated at the O A O, had returned
to his home ia Bobomia. Ja nes
Hartley was the student referred to
aad his home is in Lorane, Or.
On the 18th and 19th of this
month Supt. Denman will hold a
local teachers institute ia Dusty.
This will be the first local institute
ever held jn Du3t? and .every possi
ble' effort will be made to have the
program one of unusual merit.
Charles Morgaa will leave today,
for Portland, whjre hi will take
passage on tho steamer Columbia
for San Francisco. Ha has ben
visiting in this city duiing the past
two weeks with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Morgan, and goes
to Oakland, where he has a posi
tioa with the Pacific Prehs Publish
ing Co.
Letters have been exchanged be
tween the managers of foot-ball
teams of O A G and U of O. It is
understood that the, Agricultural
College boys wish to" arrange for a
game with the oni versif y "kickers,"
provlding'the game can be geveriud
by the rule3 which have been adopt
ed to govern athletio contests at
the OAC.
A letier recently raeeived from
Mrs. Grace B. Hall, formerly of
Cor ralli8, but now ef Oregon City,
bears tho intelligence that she and
her husband are now comfortably
located in a neat dwelling and that
Mr. Hall has employment at the
Wi'iaTietto paper mill. She also
staios that Albert Thornton, who
loarned tho printor's trade in this
eity, is now running the Cheney
Seolinel, at Cheney, Wash. .
H. A. Brewer, son in-law of Hon
W. P. Kea2y was in." town Satur
day. , He says his three-months
old baby is the finest bey in the
state of Oregon. Mr. Keady has
jast left Portland for his gold
mines in Eastern Oregon. After
stopping there a week or so he in
tends going to Malheur oounty to
look after his oil prospects. The
Company will spend $20,000 at
this time in the development of
these oil properties.
Levi Oren has just completed a
13-ton eilo. He filled it with green
corn that had been well chopped.
Tee eorn was prepared for the silo
with a horse tread mill. The tims
required far chopping the 13 tons
was two days and a-half. Mr. Orin
says that when once opeaed there
must be at least two inches fed off
of the top of the silo, every day or
else it will spoil. In fact silo has
to be handled a great deal after the
manner of sour kraut.
A half tone ef Miss Mary Smith
Philbriek appeared in Friday's
Uregonian. Mis I'hilbncii is ia
charge of the newly established
course of music at' the Oregon Ag
ricultural College. She-is from
Tiltoti, N. H., and' secured her
musical educatien in Boston. She
has had six years' .experience as a
teacher of mueic, a portion of which
period was passed at Aibamarle
college, Virginia. Miss Philbriek
bas already entered upon her duties
at the college.
On account ot ill health Mis3
Matlie Lee a teacher in the Corval
lis sohools, was obliged to present
her resignation to the board of di
rectors a short , time ago. The
board selected Mrs. J. A. Cramer,
f this city, to fill the position.
Mrs. "Cramer will teach the 7th
grade, the Earns grade that was un
der the charge of Mies Lee; The
newly elrcted teacher entered up
on her duties Friday. It is unfor
tunate for Mies Lee thtt her health
is so poor. A year or so ago she
was obliged to give up" her situ ition
as principal of - the Buena Vista
schools on account of illness.
Saturday, G. A. Robinson, W. G.
Davis, Mr. Peterson and others were
down on Soap Crock looking over
some land and ran onto a fine buck.
The buck, on seeing them, turned
his collar up &sd approached, eeem-
mgiy witn tne intention or doing
battle. He was "shooed" away,
but returned. On-, returning
was met by Capt. Robinsin who
attempted to kill the aaimal with a
rock. In the moantirne one of the
party had gone tor a gun, fcut re
turned too late, for the animal had
goBe to the.timber and the captain
and his eomsnand were" obliged to
leave for home. , Later," -however,
parlies started after the buck, but
whether be was killed is not known.
aaie Sensible .Remarks Upon let jiaper
ance, and Its Remedy. ,
Ths Women's Christian Tem-
paaaace Uuion, of . Corvallis,
beld a god .neetiog at the Bap
tist clinrcli last Sunday. The
edifica Via tcell filled with peo
ple and the exercises were inter
estiaj. Mrs. Sanders presided
at the organ and the congrega
tion joined heartily in the sougs
selected from the Gospel Hymns.
Rev. Tiark Noble oonductcd the
Scriptural reading, after which
Rev. F. L. Meore offered prayer,
when Rev. R; L. Meily made an
address upon the subject1 of tem
perance. .The general outlines
of his remarks were:
; The curse ef intemperance and
the remedy for it. He began by
saying that if he had na titer
reason than that of his own jp
perience with intemperance, he
would hate it. He had witness
ed, while ia college, tile blight
of its influence ; npsn a fellow
student who went. Ifom bad toi
worse In his work, and finally to
his death, his bier being followed J
to the station by the student
body with silent tread and Htt-
covered heads X sad lesson to
all of the baneful power f this
evil. He had known a child de
serted by its inebriat parents;
he had stood ia Baltimore at the
grave of that illustrious Boet,
Edgar Allen Poe, who died a
raving drunkard. -' These in
stances, if no other knowledge
were had, would cosvinco him of
the iniquity of intemperance,.
The speaker then discussed
methods te relieve the people
from the pest. He said parents
must begin with the home and
fill the miad of tlie child with
noble ambitions, with firmness
to withstand the seductive influ
ences of evil of every form fonnd
in society especially liquor
dri&king. Bnild up character
in the youth; make him noble,
make him strong ta resist terup
tatiou. Remove as much as. pos
sible all . kifids of tempiatioa,
but depend more upon making
real men and women of the chil
dren. Naxt, the people must
have a strong public sentiment
iu favor of good and against ; the
bal. They cannot depend tison
any kind of legislation without a
stroug ptiplic senfimeut to "'en-1
iefce the laws. " :
Let the church, let this organ-
izatien, the noble Women's
Christian Temperance Union, j
foster and build up such a public
desira for law and order that all
these evils-will be abated. - They ;
must not pass a law and then
give it over, but they must work
in Season and out of season far
the upbuilding of a moral senti
ment m the comrnumty.' The
speaker predicted that the. time
would eventually come when
this hydra-headed mssster would
be driven from oar land. ';.
Horses Stolen.
On October 1st, Sheriff W."
W. Withers, of Lane county, Bp
prised Sheriff Burnett that a
span of horses had been stolen
at Eugene a short tiaae before
the date of the letter. Oae Of
the horses was a bron gelding,
with a white strips in face, small
collar mark on top of necfe, shed
all araund, branded oh . right
shoulder with 'F. E.,'-' weight
about 80 or 900 pounds. Also
osa biowa gelding, about the
same weight and with the same
Brand oa right shoulder.
The ponies are snpdsed to have
been 6tolea by horse traders.
The animals belonged ta an In
dian and were takeri out of theif
fastare during tae night,
Should anybody Uam anything
of the stolen animals, or the
parties weo stole them, Sheriff
Bar sett wil consider it a special
favcr if they will communicate
their knowledge to him..
River Rights..
.'Daring last spring a party, or
parlies, petitioned the Circuit
csurt of the State of Oregon for
Beuton c6unty, for certain rights
and privileges en that partiau f
the IuckianiBte river which
lies in Benton county. The jpe-
t'.tiaa was refused on the greuad
that ta grant it would be an in
terference with the rights ot the
geaeial public. -'
The Chas. K. SpauJdmg Log
og company, a corporation,
complained to taa county eourt
at its last gesttea that R. Dnnn,
C. A. Franlz, T. B. Reed and
W. H. Miller, doingr husiaess
under th,e same of The Iucki
taute River improvement Associ
ation, had attempted to restrict
the Spanlding company's tights,
as loggers, on the Iuekima.te
river by obstructing . tue river
harrassing and arinoyiBg the said
Spaulding Co., etc, aqd pravea
tfee eoart to issue a restrainiag
rder in tae matter, "
After dae . consideration, the
court fssoed an order restraining
Th Lackimata River Improve
ment Association from any fur
thar iaterfarence with the arc
tioas of the Spaulding Co. until
a further order of the circnit-i
court of ths State of Oreeon for
Benton eoanty,or the jadge there
of. '
It is further, considered, order
ed and adjadged that before any
injunction order shall issue plain
tiff shall b Mqtiired to enter into
an naderstaadinff, with one or
more saffici&at sureties to be
approved Jby Judge Woodward,
in the penal sura of $500 and
conditioned as required by law,
and It Is farther considered, or
dered and adjadged tfiat this or
der f injaactioft is retarnable to
the Circait ccmrt of the State of
Oregon for Benton, county,
whereia said suit was "com
meaced afld is pending, to be in
said circuit eourt heard and de
termined, and that the same is
issued by the Said E. WeoSward
as eoanty judge, ia the absence
of the honorable judge of said
circuit eoart.
The above order of restraint
was issued Friday, Oof. 4th.
1901. v
First of The Series.
Tne firat of the series of five lec
tures to be delivered here under the
direction of the California Lecture
Bureau, was heard at the Opera
Mouse Saturday night.
the speaker was introduced to
the large audience by Geo W. Den-
man, who has charge of the course
to be given in this city. " What
time is it, and where are we?" is a
text which gives Dr. Thos. A. Boyer
opportunity tor an interesting and
edifying lecture, and he made the
most of that opportunity. .
Dr. Boyer is not an orator, and
his effort Saturday night ia in no
setfae an oration, but he is a rare
speaker, and his lecture was brim
ful of wit, humor and sound horse
sense. There is not a dull moment
in it. Dr. Boyer rivets attention
with his first word, and keeps his
audience expectant and amused
while he edifies them. His deliv
ery is graceful and devoid of posing,
the treatment of his subject orig
inal,, and his style forcible and con
vincing. -Additional Local.
The Black Cat. . "V
Just a few ccks of red clover
seed left for sale at ZiertlFs.
Martin Butler, of Philomath, has
been granted a pension of $12 per
month. -
Go to Zierolfs for nico red clover
seed raised in, Benton county
only a few sacks left. .
Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in
the Witham school house Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
J. D. Mann & Co. have just re
ceived a line of new carpets. Some
beautiful designs.
Misses Garrett and Herbert are
now ready to do dressmaking on
Fourth St., threo doors north of M.
E. church. , ;"' "
There will be a Memorial service
for Mrs. Rebecca Kelly at the
Reading Room lhuriday at 3 o'
clock p. m. All friends invited.
A-meeting of the Citizpns' League
will he held in tho parlors of the
First National Bank this evening
at 8 o'clock. A' good attendance is
desired, as matters of much impar
lance are to be considered.
Suit and overcoat elegance need
not be extravagance, far bo matter
at .what price you buy a suit or
overcoat of us it will be made up ia
the latest style. . 1 ou are sure 0
the best fabrics and workmanship
if you buy your Fall suit and ever-
coat of us. Nolan & Callahan.
T. H. Gibson, a mighty hunter
he, took a little turn with his gun
yesterday morning while returning
from Soap1 Creek. , When he rode
into Corvallis a few hours later,
five Denny pheasants dangled from
his hunting belt, and a fine fat
deer, cold in death, rave evidence
of his prowess. ;
Miss Sophie Wolfe an elocution1
iHt from S'tlverton will give an eve
ning of Victor Hugo's "Les Miser-
ables" in the college chapel Oct. 18
under the auspices of the Pieiian
Lit erary Society. : Miss Wolfe is
highly recommended by the Emer
son College ot oratory and it is
with pleasure we look forward to
her coming.
The Reading Room buildiBg bow
presents a very neat appearance
being entirely renovated inside and
out. The W. C. T. LT. were fortu
nate in seeming Mr. and Mrs.
Swan to occupy the lower fkor, who
will.endeavor ts make it pleseat to
one and all who desire, te come in
and avail themselves of the Fret
Reading room. The ladies hope
soon to add the Daily Oregonian to
their room,
- A smart carpet daummer met his
match in this city last Friday. It
appears that Mr. Blackledge, of the
J, D. Mann Co., gave an order for
Eome fine carpets and the drummer
got ante and attempted to "bilk"
the firm. The outcome was that
Mr. Smith, of the same firm, be
came somewhat heated and did
about the proper thing by tearing
the order from the drummer's book.
Dilley, "The Fixer," allowed
$1,000 to escape him a couple of
days ago. He was assured by an
agent ibf-the San Francieco Exam
iner thaf he would -draw a prize
worth that sum if ho would sub
scribe for tho paper. Dilley in
prettv narrow-minded in some
things end couldn't get this propo
sition through his head, or, it may
be that he would sooner do with
out the prize than subscribe for the
T. W. Davenport, father f the
famous cartoonist, Homer Daven
port, is dying at his home near
Silverton. Tho physicians have
abandoned all hope of recovery,
and the patient is gradually grow
ing weaker, until at the time rf
writing there was comparatively no
life remaining. Mr.' Davenport
was hurt in an accident, in which
he was thrown from a buggy, his
head being caught in the rn-ming
gear of the vehioie.'
Captain Bert Hateh, who has
been steamboating on the Yukon
duryig the past Summer, has re
turned to PortlaSd, sayl t&e Oregonian,-
aad looks as if he had
spent the Summer at a health re
sort. He made tae first trip
down the Yukon last Spring on
tae steamer Lightfliag, covering
the distance from Dawson to St.
RJiehael abont 1700 miles, in
four days and 20 hdurs. He
then took command of the steam
er Leon, and with two heavily-
loaded barges ia tow, Started for
Dawson. It took him & month
to get there, - the current being
swift. . Thera was plenty of
water, tha lowest depth beiag
about six feet. Soma fre'ght
boats without barges made two
roaad trips during the season,
and tome passenger boats mads
four . round trips. Captain
Hatch's wife and her sister are
at Noma aad have found the
climate verp healthful for thems
To Laundry Patrons.
, Hereafter, laundry bundles will be col
lected and delivered any place in the city,
it parties desiring such service will leave
their name and address at. The Book
- C. A, Geariiaed.
H. S. & M.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx the clothes
with a Guarantee for .sale only by
S. L. Kline.
- - - Special Line of Street
Corner 3rd and Monroe Sts.
Foley's Honey and Tar
forcbildren,safe,sure. No opiates.
Season's jntf oductioii
We 'make our Fall aad Winter
announcement with feelings of
gratitude, to our friends for their
liberal patronage during tlie past
seasoa. We open the Fall season
with the choicest stock of mer
chandisa for men, women and
children, ever brought to this sec
tion. We now extend to all a
hearty iavitation and warm wel
come to our store. Our goods
merit tke highest prise, while our
prices remain within easy reach.
We are now ready fo. iavestga
tion and accord to each, and every
customer eonrteous and polite at
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
First door west of the Gazbxtb office.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes Kiaaeya ana biaaaer rtgau
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber
Corner of 5th and
For prices enqaire at yards or
or Philomath, Oregon.
Cbrvallis' Most Popular Eating' House I
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits aad
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
1 LSg 1
Reduced Ten Per Cent
For October.
That Means Overstocked.
This includes oar entira stock of tha seasoa'a latest area
tiona ia Box Cdats,
Cova - - OregoruJ
To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect
" j; Summor Grazing Lands at Nominal Prices
The Coast Land & Live Stock Company hating purchased 40,000 acres of thd
Corvallis and Yaquina. Bay Wagon Koad lands, known as tho "Coe Land
have now placed them on the market. -
These aw unimproved landi situated iu Beaton and Lincoln conntiea
along the line f the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing andfrnitl
raisins section of Western Oregon. : :
. Prices: i.uu to q.uu per Acre, easy lerms. Perfect Title
; M. M. DAVIS, Agent"
October 7, 190.1. Corvallis, Oreoon.
E'RE provided for all sOrti
ot clothes-tastes; me
who want the latest and newest
styles, and men who want tlM
quietest and plainest clothes thoJT
can get; and men all the v. ay
between, '
The qualities of all sorts ff
men are the same; styles vary,
but Hart, Schaffner & Marx
quality remains always as goo
as it can be. Whatever yoUX
clothes-needs,- we intend thai
this shall be your place to sup
ply them. .
We are sole agents. ! !"
Washington Streata.
address the company 'at Corvallis
Job Printing . SC?
0 tUta nftiro ii&ljrW
Aatoraefelles, Etc.