Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 08, 1901, Image 2

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can be no doubt that
Congress will enact laws i.ccesary
for the repression of anarchy and
t'ae punishment of thos who
t:ach or attempt to practice its
destructive theories. j
Public sentiment throughout
the whole country demands this
and i9 so earnest in the matter
that the senator or congressman
who opposes such legislation will
commit political suicide. It is
Sot probable that any member
will oppose such legislation, but
quite probable there will be a
greit diversity of o- inion as to
what mevures are ad i-ti and
IJauy iua seem to fear that no
adequate remedy can be applied
unless the constitution be first
ameaded with this purpose in
view. If it were necessary to de
clare destructive anarchy treason
before we may reach and punish
it, the constitution, of course,
would require amendment. While
anarchy is treason iu that it aims
to overthrow ana distroy the gov
ernment. vet it is not treason as
specified and intended by ,the
constitution. Many very able
men hold that anarchists are
public enemies who are engaged
iu making war and in inciting
others to make war upon all gov
ernment and, therefore, their acts
are acts of war and should be rec
ognlzed and punished as such,
This view is the foundation upon
which the laws in repression of
anarchy and nihilism rest in
most countries. In otuer coun
tries makiflg war or inciting to
war is declared to be treason and
punished as such. Since 'we
cannot do this we may regard
these acts as acts of war.
That we have not done so is
not because congress cannot do
sa but because, until recently,
there was rid acknowledged ne
cessity therefor. Anarchy is a
crime heretofore unknown in our
jurisprudence. It now becomes
the duty of congress to define it
aud to fix the penalties that shall
attach to it. It is quite probable
COHgtess will declare anarchists
to be public enemies and their
acts those of war. All else-nee
essary is then within easy reach,
There would not then be the
most remote fear of any restric
tion of liberty ef the press, and
freedom of speech, nor denial t&
" citizens the right of trial by jury,
Anarchists by ceasing to be snch
would retain all the rights and
Drivileges of citizenship, and
since "right wrongs nobody'
nobody would be wronged.
Bat congress should do more,
It should create a special court
having sole jurisdiction Over this
class of crimes and prescribe
rules of cractice to govern its
proceedings. The right of con
gress to do this is unquestioned,
Congress certainly has all nee
essary constitutional power to en'
act laws fully adequate to repress
and to punish such crimes as an
archists contemplate. That thesi
crimes are directed against the
state the 'government rather
than against persons renders it
more difficult, perhaps, to define
and to punish them, but this is
more a difficulty of sentiment
than of fact. All crime is offense
against the state and is prosecu
ted and punished in the nama of
the state.
That our immigration laws
should be more stringent has
been apparent to every one for
the last twenty years, or more,
That they might be made to ex
elude anarchists is scarcely pos
sible. We will not close our
cates to all immigration, and
nothing short of this would ex
clude anarchists.
We must enact such laws and
build up such right public senti
ment as Shall carry quick appre
.hension, certain ' conviction and
relentless punishment to every
one whether foreign Or native
born who promulgates or prac
tices the tenents of distructive
anarchy. We can do this, we
must do it.. Will we do so now,
or shall we wait until another
president is sacrificed?
In many localities in several
States fraternal and patriotic or
ders, trade organizations and the
people generally are urging ac
tion upon congressional delega
tions. This should be done in
very congressional district In the
Union. It will promote prompt
and efficient legislation. " ' ,
Potatoes Wealed.
Two hundred bushels of potatoes ore
wanted immediately at Coothorn Hall.
Call at Hall or address,
L. Burnaugii.
His Latest Movement.
Readers of this paper will re
call the details ef the capture of
Heury E. Eggertoa in Eugene,
some m6ntb3 ago, and his con
viction oa ths charge of fraud
ulently disposing of scalps to
various county clerk. He. was
sentenced to serve hi time out
tue county law at liutfeue.
List Wednesday, in company
witk otheis, he made his escape.
from jail. It appears that the
youaj rruii in question . was
mi-rely a tool m tne hands ct a
clever swindler. Young Egger
tea's home is so newhere in the
East and he, had been doing
military dut-7 in the Philijines
ud was short of niOHey en ar
nuns? on tne Jt'acine Loast en
rtalc hem. Hi fVil ia with the
swindler and concluded to tike a
chance oa the scalp busiaass u;i
til h couM secara enough to
pay his fair home.
Tae pair haviag failed to de
fraud the clerk of Lisa county,
they considered tha maltet of
carniag to Corvallis or going to
Eagene and finally weut ta the
latter town. The officials in
Eugene were notified and a war
raat was issued for young Ejger-
ton who was tea only one who
appeared ia passing the scalp:
At the time he was arteated he
was playing cards with his clever
rascal of a pardner. There being
bo warrant for the arrest of the
greater criminal, he fliade his
escape and has not yet been ap
preheadea. The yourig man ar
rested stated that he had not re
csived nay fet what he had deae,
and that the . man who escaped
had something over $600 on his
cerson when Eggcrton was' ar
rested at his side. Effgerton
aaa only about $20 waen ar
rested. The youflg Sian stated
that they had several hundred
sealps ia Portland awaiting their
conveaience waen the game
came to afi end. Part ot this
tale has been substantiated by
facts that came to light later.
while other portions of the reci
tation were merely . voiced by
the young man who made his es
cape a short time ago.
The Book Problem.
The inability f school patrons
to secure text-books causes great
annoyance to a large nftmbee of
people throughout the state.
Patrons have another year to ef
fect the change of text-books,
and it is ear understanding that
old books may be used in the
meantime by tha various sshOals,
provided that the board f scheel
directors are filling that their
uss may be continued. Bat, ia
case the old boks are not caaag
ed fsr the new by next Decern
ber their warn will not fee al
lowed the exchange erics. Ben
ton cou&tr educalers have dis
eassed this matter pretty freely
pro and con and same of them
haye voiced the opinioa that the
present unsatisfactory state of
affairs should aot be kid at the
doors of the various supply de-
poi3 of tha slate. Their reason
for this "Conclusion is that the
publishers are holding flp orders
for books with the. hope of delay-
lag the exchange until after De
eem&er, when they may sacsre
better prices for their beaks.
There is no way of substantia
tisg saeh opinions and it may be
that the view expressed is hardly
doing the publisher justice and
is a little severe.
County Court.
The county cHrt nut in reg.
kr sessioft last Wednesday.
Oct. 2, and all court officials
ware present, witfc t8e excestiea
of Commisioser KeoI's, wbo
was anderstoed to be slek. Tic
usual grist of ntoathljr bills was
. Ia tile m&tter of petition of
VV. Ci. L,b, as janitor of tss
catirt house, for additional pay,
the court, considering hitn cona
petsat to make certain repairs
about tke court house, which
have heretofore required atside
labor ef a skilled nature, saw fit
to allow hhn additional pay tor
snch Service. - The a'dditiosal
sum not to exceed ten dollars
per moath.
The . matter of resignation of
J. W. Banks,' supervisor of Dis
trict No, o, was eontmued for
the term. '
For Sals.
Four room fottage and two lots, near
S.- P. depot. Inquire of VY. C, Corbett,
Orvallis, Or.
tho most healing salve In the world.
Selections frani Roman History
Literal Translation from Entroplus
. by C. MacLeau, Ph. O. Valerius Call
ed Corviusa Because Aided by a
Crew la a Contest.
The census was again taken. Aud when
the Latins, who had been conquered by
the Romans, were unwilling to excell as
soldiers (i. e. to enlist "i, r. ruits were en
listed from among lLa Romans only.
And (of these) tea legions were mastered
in, a force which included even more '
than sixty thouiand armed men. In re- '
sped to material wealth the Roman
state was up to this time unimportant,
bat i'i the ait of war its excellence was
"very great" F01 when they hail
marched against the Gaols under the
leadership of Furius, someone from the '
raaks of the Gauls challenged that cno
Irom the ranks ot the liemans who was
the bravest. Then Marcus Valerius, '
tribune of the soldiers, offered himself,
and when he advanced, armed, a crow '
alighted on bis right arm. As soon as '
the fight against the Gaul began" the.
crow lashed the (due of the Gaul with her
wings and claws, so that he was not able
to see clearly. Thus, ha was slain by !
Valerius, the tribune. The crow Rare
dm not only victory, but also a nam?. I
For afterwards he was alee railed Oorvin-
g. And on account of this service he
was made consul in the twenty-third
year of his life.
Already the Remans had begun to be
powerlul. For a war was waged about
one hnndrcd and thirty ciilfS from the
city with the Samnites, wh- are alout
midway between Picenuu., Campania
and Apulia. Lucius Papiiiaj Cursor,
clothed witli the oliice of dictator, set out
for this war. And when he was return
ing to Rome, he gave orders to Quintus
Fabius Maximna, master oi the horse,
whom he left in command of the army,
not to tight in his absence. But the op
portunity having presented itself,, he
fought most successfully, and utterly an
nihilated the Samnites. Wherefore, be.
caus9 he had fought contrary to orders,
he was, by the dictator, condemned to
die. But, on account of his popularity,
he was, by the kiudness of the soldiers
and of the people, set tree ; and such was
the commotion excited against Papirius
that he was almost slain.
Afterward, in the consulships of Titus
Vetuiius and Spurins Postumus, the
Samnitei conquered the RomanSjOevering
them with great humiliation, and sent
them under tha voke. Thus was the
peace, w hich had been made with them
on accotitit of necessity, broken by the
senate and the people. Afterward, the
Samnites were conquered by Lucius
Papirius, the consnl, and seven thousand
of them were sent under the .yoke. ; Pa
pirius was the first to celebrate a triumph
over the Samnites. At this time Appius
Claudius, the censor, brought in the
Claudisn water and paved the Appian
Way." The war having been renewed,
the Samnites conquered Quintus Fabius
Maximus, three thousand men having
been killed. ' Afterward, when his fath
er, Fabiua Maximus, had been given to
him as lieutenant, he both conquered the
Samaftes and captured the most of their
towns. Then Publius Cornelius Rufinus
and Marcus Curius DeBtatus, both" ' con
suls, having been sent against the Sam
nites. completely wore them out in great
battles, Moreover, they brought the
war, waged . with the Samnites during
forty-nine years, to a close. And ne
enemy, who. had tested Roman valor,
was within Italy.
Good Dressers.
We have thres hundred samples
of the Hart, Scbaffaer & Marx
clothing besides the large stock we
carry. All tho new patterns in
Suits and Overcoats. Corce in and
try jour size on and bo well dressed
at half the tailors price. Sole
Agent. 8. L. Kline.
Freah fish.
Fresh and salt fish at 6 cents per pound.
Fresh fish constantly received from
Yaquina Bay and -Waldport.' Leave
orders at Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis. '
A. A. McCleaet,
Waldport, Ore.
Farm for Sale.
E. B. Blodgett offers for sale his 570
acre stock farm, one-half mile from Blod-
efcfc. Or egeH.
sVqu can pay
ei-Salil& for a hat nriA
no better satisfied'
HiS-arc ole . agenes!.
Mr. G. A. SUllman, a merchant of
Tampico, I'll., writre: "Foley's Kidney
Cure is meeting with wonderful success.
It has cured some cases here that physi
cians pronounced incurable. I myself
am able to testify to its merits. My face
today is a living picture of health, and
Foley's Kidney Cure has made it such.''
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Try this Office for Job Work,
Corvallis xCarrlagi factory
Buggies from $45.00 up.
Wagons, 3-inch steel gear, from
$60.00 up.
All of these wagon9 aro mtde of the
very best material for an exponsive
wagon. We are closing them out at
these low prices to clean up the building
to manufacture organs. Anyoxe wanting
to get a good bargain should call early,
Weoau make the wagons to suit if do
not have one on hand.
General Manager and Salesman for
Cramer's Organs.
Makes traveling a pleasure, "when correct
time is Always a necessity Yours may be
a capable time keeper, but through incoin-
pcLem repairing you nave lost laitn i it.
Brine It In to me. I witl repair t lie-worst
wrecked watch, and I will do it economi
Albert J. fMzeer
Three Doors North of the Foatef&ce.
For Sale.
Some fine-bred Shepherd puppies.
Geo. W. Smith.
James White, Bryanlsville, Ind,, says
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed ran-
oing sores on both legs. ;Hn had suffer
ed six years. -Doctors failed to help him.
Get DeWitt's. Accept iio imitations,
Graham & Wells.
Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa
says: "Our little girl almost strangled
to death with croup. Tbe doctors said
she couldn't Jive but she was instantly
relieved by Ona Minute Cough Cure
Graham & Wells.
H. C. WatkiHs, sexton ot the Method
ist Umirch, Springfield, Pa., says : "My
wife has, been very bad with kidney
trouble and tried several doctors without
benefit. After taking one bottle of Fo
ley s Kidney Cure, w as much better, and
was completely cured after taking fou
bottles." Sold by Graham & Wortham
- Bentcn county red clover seed for
sale at Zieroif's.
A I'iaiine of Black cat nose for
Ladies and Gent?, Boys and Girls
bent",' wean nff hose mae for-
sale only by S. L. Kline.
Oovorntneat Laud.
Parties desirous of locating on govern
ment land should see
3. W. Webbbe.
Angora, Or.
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores
of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's
Witch -Hazel Salye. Certain cure for
piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure
yon get the original DeWitt's.? Gra
ham Well's.
Ladies, Attention! .'
Opening Sept. 26, 27, and 23, an ele
gaut line of pattern hats and novelties.
Street and ready-to-wear hats a specialty.
Chas. Eeplogle, ef Atwater, O , was
unable to work ou account of kidney
trouble. " After rvag Foley's Kidney
Cure four days he was cured. Sold by
Graham & AVorthaui. "
The first National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. B. MOOR, Vice-Presideat. -WALTER
T. WILE9, Cashier.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
i Loans Made
On all kinds f acprorad security, and especially
to encourage and traild up tbe legitimate busi
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
Deposits . -Received
subject to clippie payable oa flemand.
r Foreign Exchange
Sight exchange and transfers sold available in
the principal cities ef England, Ireland, Switzer
land, France, Belgrtuin. Holland. Norway, Swed
en, Bennjark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria,
: - Letters of Credit .
Issued available iu the principal cities ot the
United States. ,
Priioipal Correspondents Upon Wheel XV t
Sell sight fcxehange
The Commercial National Bank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-Cahfornian Bank, San Franciscq, Calif
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of Ken York National Banking Ass'n.
importers '& Trader's National Bank, New York
6hoa and LesLQer National Bank of Boston. Mass.
Philadelphia national Daukof J'irifedeipiiil. f
Itiliaa Rye Grass for Sale.
For parlicn'ars, enquire of
Ob. W. Smith, Corvallis,
No relief fo' 23 years "I had bron
chitis for twenty years," said Mrs.'Min
erva Smith, of Danville, 111., "and never
got relief until I used Foley's Honey and
Tar, which is a sure cure for threat and
lung diseases." Sold by Graham & Wor-tham.
Plotice for Publication.
Ukitxd states Land office,
Oreuoii City, Orexcii, Autrcst 2, 1001.
Notice U berebv iriveu that in coni'.li:uiec with tha
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878.
entitled "An net for iho sale of timber lands ip the
States of California. Oreion. Nevada and Washing,
ton Territory," as extended to all tho Tublic Land
states oy act oi 4.
of Garfield, county of Whitman, Stato of Washing
ton, has this day filed in this office his sworn gt-ite-ment
No. 64S3, for thepurcliase of tbe NE , NW
, lots l and 2 of Section Ko. SO in Township Ko.
13 8. 11 No. 6 Yi. and will offer nroof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for airricultural ournosea. and to establish
his claim to said land before the Kegrister and Re
ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri-
uay, tne ietn nay oi uctoDer, lwi.
tie names as witnesses: w imam u. uwrnn ana
Frank L. Gwinn of Garfield, Whitman Co., Wash.,
B. F. Totten and Themos Coon of Coriallls. Beuton
Co , Oregon.
Any and all oersons claiir inz ad renelr the abore-
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this effice on or before said 18th day of October,
Administrator's Notice.
Kotico is herabr iriven that the ntid liiraed hu
bean dulv aaoointed administrator, with bo will an-
nexe'l. o the estate of Kosina Mich, deceasad, by the
CouDtv Court of Benton Coanly, Oregon, and lias
duly qualified ai such administrator, and all persons
having claims against said estate are hereby requires
to preaent the same to the undersigned at the otpes
of the Corrallta Uazkttb in OorfalHs, Benton County
Oregon, With the proper vouchers, within s:x
months from the date hereof.
fated this 21st day of August, A. I)., 1S01.
Good Advice.
The most miserable beingB iit the
world are those suffering .from Dyspep
sia and Liiver Uomplaict More than
seventv-five per cent, of the people in
tbe United States are atnicieu with these
two deseases and their affects : such as
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual
Cestiveness, Palpitation of the Heart
Heart-burn. Waterbrash, linawmg and
Burning rain 8 at the pit of tho btomach
Yellow Skin, Coated Tovgue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth, Comiug up
of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc.
Go to your Druggist and- get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses
will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's
Prize Almanac. Graham & Wortham.
Notice for Publication.
Ukttfd States Lasd Office,
Oregon City Oregon, Adgnst 2, 1901.
Notice ii hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," A3 extended to alt the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of GarfieM, county oi Whitnran, State of Washing
ton, has this day filed in this olHca his iworn state
ment No. 5482, for ' he purchase of the Lot S of Sec
tion No. 80, in Township No. 18, S, Range No. S
W, and will offer proof to show that the land sout
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
t id land before the Register and Receiver of this
ofaee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, ths ISth
day of October, 1904.
Ho names a3 witnesses: Theodoro T. Oir and
F auk L. Gwinn, of Garfield, Whitman Co., Wath.,
B. F. 1'ottcn and Thomas- Coon of Corvallis, Beuton
Co., Oregon.
, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
deseribed lands are requested to file their claims in
this oliice on or bsfore said ISth da of October,
1901. CHAS. B. MOORES,
Those famous little pjlla, DeWitt's Lit
tle Eariy Itisera compel your liver and
bowels to do their duty, thus giving you
pure, rich blood to recuperate yoar body.
Are easy to take. Never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells,
Wetice for PnMIcatien. .
Ukitkb States Land Office,
Orecou Citv. Oreton. July, 2G, 1901
Notice Is hereby given that incompliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress f June 8,1878,
entitled "An act fcr the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Ore j on, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory, as extended to all te ruoue
Land States by act of August 4, 1392.
of Garfield, county of Whitman, 'State ef Washing
ton, has this day Hied in this office his sworn state
ment No. 5470, for the purchase of E of SW ,
SE i of N W 1 and Lot 4 of Section No SO in Town
ship No 13 South, Range No 6 West, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for asricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said! land before the
Register and Receiver of this otice at Oi Ton City,
Oresron, on Friday, the 18th day of ctooer, 1901.
He names as witnesses: B. F. Totten, of Inavale,
Oregon, Abe Coon, of Inavale, Oregon, lios. Coon,
of Inavale, Oregon, Martin Butler, of Fern.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the afcove
d escribed lauds are requested to tile tbeir claim in
this office on oi before said ISth dav of ttctober,
1901. CHAS. B. UOORES,
Mr. W. J. Baxter, of North Brook,
N. C, says he suffered with files for 15
years. He tried many remedies with no
rasulta until he used DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve arid that quickly cared
him. Graham &Wells.
To Let.
A nice fui'e of rooms to Itt. Fur par
ticulars, inquire of Mrs. A. G. Mulkey,
near the residence of Prof. E. Ii. Lake,
this city.
In caf P8 of cou;;li or croup give the lit
tle ene One Minnie Cough Cure. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will be all right in a little while. It
never fails. I'leassnt to take, always
safe, tmre and almost instantaneous in
effect. Graham & Wells.
Nollce of Fiinl SettK-meat.
Notice in hFby given that tha undersigned, s.:le
surviving; executor 01 tltp estate of James K. fisjc,
deceased, baa tiled his rival account iH said Kstate in
the County Court oi the State .of Orejfon for Benton
County and Holiday, the seventh day of Octtiber, 1S01
at the honr of ten o'elock a m. id the County Court
room in the Court House iu Corvaliia, Ccmon
County, Orecon is the time and place fixed for bear-
ins; objections, if any, to said final account and the
settlement tiereor,
Dat ed at Coi vailxCrcgon Ibis Sept. S, 1901.
llOiiEU WYATT, Executor.
Geo. C. HicKoi k, Curtisa, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to bo all you claim forit.- I
have given it to my father and it is the
enly thing that ever helped him." Gra
ham & Wortham.
Phygisian 8? Surgeon
P. T. Thos-f.?, Sumptt-rvillo, Ala., "I
was suffering from dyspepsia when I
commenced ' taking Kodcl Dyspepsia
Cure. I took several bottles and can di
gest anything.'' Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure
is the only preparation containing all the'
natural digestive fluids. It gives weak
stomachs entire rest, restoring their
natural condition. Graham & Wells.
Consumption thr?:itened C. Unger,
212 Maple St., Champaign, I'J.. writes:
VI was troubled' with a hacking cough
for a year and I thought I had consump
tion. I tried a great many remedies and
was nndsr the cars of physicians for sev
eral months. I used one bottle, of Fo
ley's Honey and Tor. It cured me, r.nd
I have not been troubled since." Sold
by Graham & Wortham.
Don't be satisfied with temporary relief
from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
permanently and completely removes
this complaint. It relieves permanently
because it allows the tired stomach per
fect rest. Dieting won't rest the Btom
ach. Nature receives supplies from the
food we eat. The sensible way to help
the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which digests what you eat and
can't help hut do yon good. Graham &
Drugs St Medicine Kodaks (tPhoto Supplies
CcrvaHEs, Oregon
Established, Incoiporated, itjR
The most complete line of Pure Drugs and
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books end Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Articls,
Combs, Srnsnes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Ferscription Department,
- T. A JONES, Kegistered,
Special Csurse in Tbarmacy ot Terdue Cnivcrsl
ty, Indiana
Digests vdit yoa eat.
This preparation contains all of ibt
digestants and digests all Kiml i of
food. It gives instant relief and novor
fails to cure. It allows you to en t li
the food you want. The most sensi t.i ve
stomachs can take it; By its ue unuiy
thousands of dyspeptics have ben
cured after everything else failed. It
Is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It eaia'i kelp ;
bat do yea
Prepared only by E: O. DeWitx & Co., Cbicapo
She SI. bottle coctainsSj times tbe &0c. (size.
Crshsnr. & Welts.
to TOiEsratm
No. 101 loacres, 15 in cultivation,
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land; price, f650. 4fc milts
from Philomath.
No. 131 80 acres, 25 iu cultivation,
nice young orchard; fair buildings, 2
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plew, cultivator, tools, etc.; aleo
Turnitare. Tfcis is a good hill ranch and
is cheap at $750. C miles from town.
74 ICO acres; 30 in cultivstien ; small
house; good barn and water ; 1 n-.iles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county road ; good pasture and tin ber.
113 A good 7-rocin house with oue
half acre lot; fruit, good water, 'chicken
houses and sheds, price 5600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this ia a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis posiofiice.
Real Bstate Agent,
Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
O. O. Buck, Beirne, Aik., says: "I
was troubled with constipation until 1
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then I have been entirely cured of
my old complaint. I recommend them.
Graham & Wells.
We-joti '
To sell or trade. For particulars call
oa Char. Small, at Small & Son's con
fectionery store.
LTlcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds
and piles, quickly cured by Banner
Salve, the meet healing medicine in the
worl'!. Sold by Graham & Wortham
Notice for Pnblicatlon.
United Stamia Land Office,
Orcon C itv. Oreeon. SeDt. 21. lnoi.
Notice is hrrci.y given tiiat the followiiig-naraed
settier bus filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that ("aid rrnf
vi!l be made before County Clerk of Benton Co. at
v-orvaius, ure., on- ttoveruoer 4tD, lyyi. viz:
William H. farri?h,
H. E. 11117, for the SEi Sua. 20, T. 13 S . It. 6'.V.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis con
tinuous residence 'rpon and cultiration ef said
land, vizi Jasper kiekard. of Dusty. Ore.. Thornton
A. jLemaster, of Inavale, Ore., Joseph M. Gray of
cm-tfuiaip, vre., uiyheea . uieason, oi rern, ore.
"I had a tunning sore on my leg for
seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest, of
Chippewa Falls, Wis., "aud spent hun
dreds of dollars in trying to net it healed.
Two boxes of pauper gaTve entirely
cured it." Bewa-e of substitutes. Sold
bv Graham & Wortham. .'
Eulttiibe fcr this paper.
Conai & Eastern hd
2 Fcr Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. ra .
" " Corvallis 1 :50 p. to.
'' arrive!" Yaquina 6:43 p. n.
1 Reluming:
Leaves Yaquina. . . . 6:C0 a. n.
leaves Co-valHs. . . . 11:80 a. In.
' Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. ra.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. In.
- Arriy ee Detroit .... 12:15 p. fn.
Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. ra.
Arrives Albany. .... 5:40 p. m.
- Trains Ne. 1 arrives in Albany ia
time to. connect with the S. V. leeth
hound train, as well as giving twe r
three hours in Albany befoie departure
of S. P. north bound train for Portlaad.
Train No. 2 connects with the 6. P.
west side train at Corvallis Crossing fer
Independence, McMinnville aad all
points north to Portland.
Kdwim Stohb,
H. H. Cboniib, Managw.
Auent, Cervallii.
Dwitlstrv of evcir description dun In firrt
class "niinnCT, and satis faction guar
Office ovet Zterolf'a ftrootsry ttoffe, oppoei-
the po3irfnc.CervitfB. Oregon.
B. A..6ATMEY, M. D.
Physician ' Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
1 10 to IS a. m.
Office Hours f 2 tQ 4 p ,
Residence! Cornel College and 8th Sts.
Telephone at office and resMenre.
CcTTa'lio, - - - Oregon.
Office Cori er 3rd and Monroe streets
Hous 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Bon
day ! to 10.
RisioiiKCE Ct rner 3rd .and Hairteon
streets, Coi vallis, Oregon.
Telephone 815, at residence.
Practic ia ell Plate and Federal CoBrt,
Office fn Fir-I Na!ioul Hank RnHdW.'
E. ii. Bryson
Corvallis, Oregon.
Cffice in ToEtctEce cllUg.
Office In KMtehoi a J rofa
W. T. Rowley
Office over First Salioral Bunk.
A Little-Known Fad That the ma
jority ef ecnous diseases originate in dis
order of the kidneys. Folej's Kidney
Cure is guaranteed. Be sure to get Fo
ley's. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Parties to cut oak and ash wood from
now on, and during next fall and winter.
The oork must be done neat and clean,
and wood cut even length, closely
trimmed and honestly corded. Apply to
M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon.
If the action of our boe;s is not easy
and regular serious complications must
be the final result. DeWiit's Little Early
Risers will remove this danger. 6afe,
pleasant and efEctive. Graham & Wells.
For Rottt.
Will rent 200 acre of land est of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work and improvements on the place.
Address M. S. Woowwi.
Corvalljs, Oregon.
Slate Treasure r's Fiftp: Noficp,
Static of ORF-qov,
Trea-'ury Department,
Salem, Se( t. 12, 1901 Notice is here
by given 11 at tl;eie aie fiir.dik In the
Treasury with which to redeem all out
standing stale wairafits dian on the
state scalp bounty fund and endorsed
"Presented and" not paid for ant of
funds" prior to January 1, 1901. All
such w rrants, properly endorsed, will
be paid upon presentation at this office,
interest thereon ceasing from ar.dafir
this date.
State Treasurer.
Foley's Money and TBf
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.