Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 04, 1901, Image 3

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER '' 4,1901.
uawes ;J.uu nais.
Miss Emina Southeriand, of Scio,
is visiting . with Mrs, C. Chandler.
Mrs; Cbas. Davis arrived, Thurs
day, from Coryallis on a visit to
her sister, Mrs. E. Nichols Ash
lamd Town Talk. .
Otto Headrick. . and his sistsr,
lira. May Prestos, went eter to
. i r. j 3 t - :.t.
Altea, veonisuay, xor.o vn wim
' relatives and friends.
8. L. Kline arrived, Wednesday,
from San Franciseo, where b had
besnvlsitiag with his faallj and
H attending soaps business. ' ;
Mrs. Anas Bogus and children
left, Tuesday, Portland, whers
they will make their homo. - Harry
Darno will remain here for a few
Ammm oat
Hiss Hary Nolan left, Wednes
day, for Portland,' where she will
" enter St. Marys Academy. Mon
day evening a large . number of her
young friends gave her a farewell
party at heir home.
'Miss Babel Abbey, of Summit,
is again, attending college. During
the last seheol year she did not at
tend eellege, bat engaged in teach
ing seheol in the Summit and
Kings Valley distrlets.
It is reported ."'that river steam
ers are now running up the Wil
lamette river as far as Jodepend
ones. It will not be many weeks
before their whistles will again be
heard by the residents of this eity.
The express team ana - Wagon
azaln changed BaanatretJaent, Tas
day. R. P. Howell has turned the
reins over to Henry Meng. Mr.
Howell will accept a position en a
stock farm, at least, this is the re
ort. -; ' :--:;y, X '. . .
The pump at the Benton County
Prase Gomany's bigs orchard broke
down, Tuesday and occasioned
some delay in business. It was
soon repaired, however, and the
big dryer put in operation again.
T. W. Dilley, "The Fixer," fixed it
Tomorrow afternoon, at 2:30,
there will be a game of foot-ball en
tho 0 A 0 campus between Fresh
aaen and - Sophomore teams. The
game promises to be to be . unus
ually interesting and there will
undoubtedly be a good attendance.
From a letter received, it is
learned that E. W. Arnold, famil
iarly known as "Jack," is at Har
vard UniverBity where he is taking
an advanced course in English Lit
erature. He is already a graduate
of Berkeley. Mrs. M. M. Arnold,
his mother, is still at Asheville,
North Carolina;'
Tuetday morning, W. O. Heck
art Was the first roan to report in
town with ten China pheasants to
his eredit. At an early boar, Tues
day, gins wsre heard popping away
1 in all direclioti and many a Cer-
vallis banter came to town with
ten birds the limit of the number
they were allowed to kill by law.
John Oanlt arrived from Salem,
Tuesday, and will again attend oel
lege. Is addition to his eellege
duties he will do the mechanical
work on the College Barometer
It is the intention of all eonoerned
to get the first number of the Bar
ometer out as booh as postiblo and
hereafter issue the journal on the
first of every month.
If any lady wants to get a real
bargain in a lewiaz machine she
should call on ,T. W. Dilley, "The
Fixer." He Is ' selling this year's
. model New Home maohines for
$38. The usual, price ot these
machines is $75." The machine
offend by Mr. ' Dilley i? very light
running, as it is ball Bearing
Here is an opportunity that should
not bo lost. ...
Resent John Daly, of this eity,
went to Portland, Tuesday, to meet
Regent J. M. Church far the par
pose of discussing college matters.
A few days ago tho building ereeted
in tho O A C experimental farm at
Union, Oregon, was completed
Is a few days the committee will
. likely go to Union for the purpose
of inspecting the building with
. view to its atceptsces. -
The county court met ia regular
session, Wednesday forenoon. The
usual erist ef bills were audited.
There wal nothing of great impor
tance that claimed the attention of
the ceuit at this session.": Several
matters which had been continue!
over from the last terra of court
were. considered; among other items
the matter of the sheriff's bond.
The resignation of one of the road
supervisors . was - considered. A
umber of scalp .vouchers were
given attention, -t
A couple of weeks ago Miss Mag
da Shoenfeln, ef this ' city, received
postal Card from her brother who
resides is her childhood's home in
Germany. . The curd Is one of the
roost unique - we have ever seen
Jt represents . a thermometer, and
the weather is indicated by a color
change ef the register, It varies
is color frcia a deep red to a light
blue being red in stormy Weather
and blue when . the ; weather is fair.
Jacob Wrage, .Mies Shoenfield's
uncle, has signified his intention of
r trying to secure a coupleviei: bun
drei ef these postal cards,
W. A. Sanders, Jeweler. . -
Many people believe that no
loafer at all is better than half a
Albert Wells, of Portland, an 0
A C student, was visited during the
week by his mother and sister.
The' front of the poslofiice is
being treated to a new coat of paint.
C. A. Barnhart has the contraet.
Detective Kerrigan, ef Portland,
arrived in Corvallis, Wednesday,
for the express purpose of going
pheasant shooting with Sheriff Bur
nette yesterday. ,
Monday, Mrs. Mar? Bry son ex
pects to leave for Tipton, Iowa,
where she will be the guest ef Mrs.
W. T. Pcet. If she is pleased with
that section she may remain all
Warren B. Hartley, sot having
accomplished his reinstatement ! at
the 0 A C, to the disappointment
ef many friends, left, Wednesday,
for his home in Bohemia, Lane
L. W. Orin will go to neskins
tomorrow. - Monday, he will com
mence a term of school at that
place. Prof. Orin has a good repu
tation as a teacher and has taught
number of terms in the schools of
that section.
A Mr. Walker arried in Corval-
is a couple of weeks ago from Kan
sas and his wife and two children
reached this place last Monday.
Mr. Walker has rented the William
Boarue plaee, a few miles east ef
town and will farm for a year, If,
at the end of a year he likes the
country he will buy a farm.
The annual week of Prayer of the
Heme Mission Society, of the M.
E. Church, South will be' observed
by the local soeiety next week;
there will be - services in their
church every afternoon, beginning
with Monday, at 2:30 p. in. All
are invited to attend and take part
ia these meetings. Mrs. Wm. Cur
bin, Secretary. , .
Frank Seits arrived in Corvallis,
Wednesday evening, from Five
Rivera. : He brought in a load of
cbittim bark and was accompanied
by other parties who did likewise.
r. Seits will make a few more
visits to Corvallis this fall and is.
somewhat apprehensive that the
condition of the roads will interfere
with his plans..
Episoopal church notice Week
day service: Litany and leoture
on Friday, at 7:20 p. m.; choir re-
i in .1 A fr nr
nearest on oaturaay, . at :ou p. in.
Sunday service: Sermon And Holy
Communion at 11 a. m.; Sunday
school at 9 a. m.; Lay reading and
Church Lr ague at 7 p. ui. All are
cordially invited to these services.
MacLean, Pn. I).. Rector.
WeVare ia receipt of ft cepy of
The Lyons Weekly Sun, publirihed
at Lyons, Neb. The editor, H. H.
Basler, paid Corvallis a visit a few
weeks age and while here was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davis.
During his brief sojourn in Corval
lis he called at this office and ex
changed eourtesies. He is a bright,
wide-awake and pleasant gentle
Quite a large baud of Gypsies
ads their appearance in Corvallis,
Wednesday, and went into camp on
the flat seath oi town. The women
lost no time in canvassing the place
in the guise of fortune tellers. A
good many people gave them a few
cents just to see what they would
say. in nine oases out el ten tnose
who had their fortunes told will
marry at an early date, get rich in
a few days and live forever.
One of the best indications we
have that the old town is picking
up is cvidenoed by the fact that
houses are very difficult to secure
for new arrivals. A stroll about
town will show that every tenable
house is occupied, ana that many
dwellings heretofore uneccupied and
allowed to become somewhat delap
idated, are being rejuvenated and
fixed up generally. There can be
no more flattering state ef affairs
thau this,
The United Evangelioal church
was filled to the doors luesday
evening with a nippy throng of O
A C students, the occasion being
the annual reception tendered bv
the church to tho students. Judge
E. Woodward presided. A short
bet choice program was rendered
The church had been prettily dee-
orated for the occasion. After the
program the remainder of the eve-
niag was spnet in making new ac
quaintances and renewing the old
An enioyable evening is reported
by those present.
Monday, Gov. Geer issued a re
quiailion upon Gov. Rogers, ef
Wash., for the arrest end return to
Orogon of Charles S. Staats, of In
dependence, who recently sold seme
825 head of sheep ta James Lewis,
of this city. The charge against
staats is . larceny by bailee, com
mittcd specifically fey the sale of a
band of sheep upon whieh the Bank
of Monmouth held a chaltlo mort
gage for 9650, upon which he owed
if cstio. tie lctt rout county very
suddenly and mvsterieuslv, but the
telegraph and telephone wires wore
industriously used with the result
that he was slopped at North Yak
ima, and is under arrest, awaiting
the arrival of an officer from this
state; who will soon appear ia the
person of Constable J. H.fioraa
who hal been appointed the state'
agent to biing back the accused,
Haskias Case Dismissed.
The preliminary trial f Hen
ry Raskins occurred in Justice
Holgate's Court Wednesday af
ternoon, ftnd resulted' in the dis
charge of the aceascd. Deputy
prosecuting attorney Brysen ap
peared for the state, while Yates
& Glbsan represented the prissn-
The owner of the herse, which
Hasains was charged with cruelly
mistreating and them drowning,
testified that Haskias left Eugene
after ia:i? o'elotk and- other
evidence set the hour at late as
x p. IS. '
Adam Willelm and others
swore that Haskias arrived at
Menree between- 1:30 Sad 3
o'clock, the distance he had rid
den being 14 miles. The pris
oner stated that he did net reach
Monroe nntil 4 o'eleck.
Jas. Baily and John Petin tes
tified that they saw Haskins
riding thronta Monroe; that the
herse was badly, nsed p, and
searccly able to travel.
Berry Ingram lives shout 3 er
4 miles from Hearse and it was
sear his place that the horse was
found drowned in Muddy river.
He stated that Haskins bad come
to his place between 3 an! 3:30
p. ra., and told him that his
horse was in the river and that
he did set know wnether he was
dead or not.
A diserapency in Haskins story
and testimony of witnesses was
in the fact that Haskins swore
that a heg crossed the road, and
his horse took fright and jumped
into the river. One witness
testified that Haskias told hint
that he Was crowded oS the road
by a hack; while others stated
that the prisoner had said that,
two horsemen had crowded Ub
nto the river.
Horse Sales.
Tuesday Jessie Wiley sold bis
team of blacks to Bar. Frazier,
the well known liveryman of
Portland. It is understood that
the price paid fos these fancy
animalsjwas the highest ever paid
by Mr. Frazier, : una ae has Been
bay in horses in this section for
many years. After purchasing
the animals the Portland bayer
stated that be would take twenty ;
more bead at the lame figure
provided they were as haadse-me, -well
mated and well bred as
those ha secared of Mr. Wiley.
Nearly everybody in tows ad
mired this team. Jessie says bis
business will prevent him from
having anything - to do with
horses tn the future, but bis love
or a handstme equine ij so
strong' that soatfi of his friends
doubt this. . " . " . v
There is money in good horses.
A horse of rood velnts. well
broke and well bred will nearly
always bring, at least, a fair
priee. A short time ago Henry
Duan sold a span tf draft horses
to the Sklpton Bros, fer $400 or
better. A couple of days ago
rank Whitaker sold a siagle
driving animal for $125, and
other horse sales ceuld be cited
to show that good horses are
worth fair prices.
O. A. C. Officers.
The following classes - have
elected officers for the Coming
year. The Junior Class was
first to elect officers. They held
their election September 26th
when the following officers were
chosen: President, Edwin John
sen; vice president, Ethel Lin-
ville; secretary, Effie Michael;
treasurer, Edward Beaty; eergant
at-aras. Byrum -Maxfield.
On Monday afternoon the Sen
ior Class held an election ind in
stalled tho tellOwing efiieers;
Pres.. Elizabeth 1. Germain;
vice pres., Chester Langblin;
sec., Maud Sturgeon; trees.,
Pearl Allen.
Toe . fttucent bey held an
election after chapel, Tuesday
morning. One of the results Of
the meeting was the voting of a
tax of $1 on eaeh student -for
tho purpose ef advancing the
cause of athetics. At the same
Lraeeting the student body elec
ted tho following officers: Pres.
Edgar Tolly; vice pres., Byrum
May field; sec, Orla Thompson;
trees., Prof., Berchtold ; sergent-
at arms, John Bnster.
Am Industrial Jour.
Dr. Withyeombe left this week
in company with a party, which
includes Traveling Freight Agent
Iounshnry, Traveling Passenger
Ajtnt Jones, and. Industrial
Agent Jadson, en an industrial
tour of the Willamette Valley
and southern Oregon nnder the
direction' of General Passenger
Agent Miller, of the . Southern
Pacific) Company. . The party
are traveling en a special. , bo
nat tie members . can stop at
any point of the road they mav
desire to visit They will be
absent a week or more.
A tboroflgh Investigation will
be made ef the needs and the
best manner of supplying those
needs of the entire Valley, inclu
ding every 'indastrial branch.
From facts obtained during the
trip will be outlined a plan for
future development of the dis
trict's resources. Mining, stock
raising, horticulture, agriculture,
diversified farming, dairying and
other things which the Valley is
especially adapted for, will be
studied In detail. f
O. A. C. Exhibit.
Tfie Agricultural College is al
ways well represented at the state
fair, but the following from the
Orege. Agriculturist goes to
shw that the quality of the ex
hibit this feat was in advance or
the efforts of former years:
The Oregon Agricultural Col
lege did not Occupy as much
spaee as it has at some previous
fairs but we believe made the
best exhibit in quality it has yet
shown. One of the most inter
esting articles ia its exhibit was
a sample of the standard white
winter wheat grown ia Oregon
from seed introduced in Oregon
by the Hudson Bay Company,
nobody knows just ia what year
but presumably more than 60
years ago. This sample of
wheat was among tho most per
fect on exhibition at the fair and
the point, as Dr. Withyeombe
puts it, isjit doesn't deteriorate in
Oregon. It ia the kind of wheat
which is known to the market of
the world as MOregos" wheat
and its large, plump and land
some kernels are an occasion of
woader to residents on the ether
side of tho Rockies when taken
back by those Who visit the eeast
Dri Withyeombe: now proposes
to breed up the variety by selec
tion to see if it canaot bo made
even more productive and valu
able. ..
Additional Local.
The Black Cat. .
Misses Garrett and Herbert are -
now ready to do dressmaking on
Fourth St., three doors north of M.
Hi. church.
Miss Bessie Irvine returned.
Tuesday, from Lebanon, where eho
had been holding, a position in the
Criterion office, i :;
A reception for studertts - and all
our friends will be given at the Bap
tist ehureh ' on luesdav evening,
Doors open at 7:30. All cordially
invited. ; ,. - ,
Mrs. N. Wallace returned to her
heme in Portland a eouple of days
ago, after a few days' visit iu this
eity, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J.
vv Harrow.
Company A, Fourth Regiment,
O N. G., of Eugene captured the
first prize ef $100 in the "extended
order" drill, is the military program
at the Portland carnival last week.
We don't knew, any place else we
would rather see a winner than
Eugene. ;
Suit and overceat elegance need
not be extravagance, for as. matter
at what price (you buy a suit or
overcoat of us it will be made up ia
the latest style. You are sure of
the best fabrics and workmanship
if you bay year Tall suit and over
coat of us. Nolan & allahaa.
At the M. B. Church, South, the
following services will be held San-
day Oct. 6th. Sabbath School .at
10 a. m., Epworth League 6:30 p.
sr., Devotional services conducted
bylhe pastor .Rev. WV B. Smith:
The public and students especially
are invited to all these services.
, Thtre was a stir at the Oorvallis
sawmill, Tuesday. By some aocl
dent, 300 logs, held in the boom
just below Marys river, were per
mitted to canape,, and only the
most active efforts on the part ef
the entire mill force prevented their
loss, and, corralled them in the
lower beem.
W. B. Bohannon, a pioneer
of 185s, died last Sunday, after
an illness ef several months, and
interment occurred at Newton
cemetery Tneseay afternoon.. A
widow, two daughters and three
sons survive hint. Mr. Behan
nen was highly esteemed as a
neighbor and citizen.
The second race in the eup
lories, was won yesterday by
Columbia. The American yacht
now has two of the five races to
her credit, while Shamrock has
not scored a point.
The first of a series of .union gos-
pe temperance meetings will be
held at the Baptist church, next
Saturday afternoon &t 3 o'clock.
Rev. P. S. Knight will' preside and
an address will be delivered bv
Rev. R. L. Meily. These meeting
are held under the auspices ef the
W. O' T. U, and are under the di
rection of Mrs. E. Woodward.
R. L. Taylor, of this city,
and Adda Gripntas, of Lecera,
Iowa, were married In the Con
gregational church at Portlant,
last Tuesday afternoon, and ar
rived heme to Corvallis the fol
lowing day. Mr. Taylor is
widely known as "Maecabee
Bill.1' Wo extend eoflgratala
Mens. " .. ;'
Mrs. Claud Gatoh, daachter-in.
law of President Gatch, is in re
ceipt of a fine gold medal, a mag
nificent prize, awarded to her at
the Exposition, held at Ssokane a
short time ate, as the first prize in
amatuer photography. Mrs. Gatoh
is justly proud ot the prize, in view
of the fact that hundreds ef artists
had entered the competition ia tm-
atuer photography at the Spokane
A new set of rules relating to ab
sences have been issued at the O
A C. RuIe"C" is that "Absences
from any class in exoess of one
tenth ef the appointed exorcise of,
the class for the term, shall count
as failures in computing class
grades." Rule "G," in continuance
of absences, is: Absences incurred
by authorized attendance upon con
ventions or contests out of Corval
lis, shall net be reckoned among
the absences requiring extra woik,
but they shall be counted under
rules V' and "d".
Real Estate Transfers.
C t & L S Co to Ferdinand
XfOnge, 438 acres near Blodgett;
L;ewis Weller t Caroline
24axfield, 4 lots in Chase's Add
to Corvallis; t see.
WN Price to RWJobniOH,
rs acres near Albany; $300.
Befiton Bowers to Marshall
Miller, 6 lots, blk 19, Corvallis,
$500.- , - .
E P Smith to 8 M Satferd, 4
lots, blk 5 Avery & Wells' Ad
to Corvallis; $1.
D C Gatred t Oial Thomp
son, land in Sec 12, T ia 8, R 7
Laara Varnon to Lean Ver.
non, 62 acres in Alsea; I300.
Try this OfiSce for job Work.
- the most healing solve In the world.
Season's Introduction
We make our Fall and Winter
announcement with feelings of
gratitude to our friends for their
liberal patronage during the past
season. We open the Fall season
with the choicest stock of mer
chandise for men, women and
children, ever brought to this sec
tion. f we now oxteaa to all a
hearty invitation and warm wel
come to our store, i Our goods
merit the highest prise, while our
prices remain within easy reach,
Wo are now ready fo. iavestga
tion and accord ta each and every
customer Courteous and polite at.
tention. '
We wiU allow you the following- prices for
your produce: ... -
Fresh Ranch Butter, per roll-..-. .5
Eggs, per doz . .23
: Potatoes, per lb...... .01
Young Chickens, live, per lb...." .1
Old Hens, per doz.... . - f3-5 '
We know, by your liberal" patronage, during
the past year, that yon have appreciated our ef
fforts in keeping up the price of produce in Cor
vallis, and we will at all times endeavor to make
S. L.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Rotigh and Dressed Fir Lumbeir
Corner of 5th and Washington Streets.
Fer prices enquire jtt yards or
or Philomath, Oregon"
C?Job Prititiiig
at; this
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House J
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
- a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
cures coughs and colds at
once. . We don't mean that it
relieves you for a little while
it cures. It has been doing
this for half a century. It has
saved hundreds of thousands
of lives. It will save yours ii
you give it a chance.
"I hmve received so moeh benefit from It, thai
1 always recommend Shiloh's for coughs
throat, bronchial and lnng trouble."
CHAS. VANDERCAR, Waterfoid, N. Y.
8fa.lloh' OonsnmpMon Cnre l cold by all
ArngelsU t SSe. 60c, OlO bottle. A
nrlated t-rukrantee frsel with rer bottle.
If you are not satisfied go to your drogslat
nasnyoarnoney pscs. . :
Write for illustrated book on consumption. Sen!
Without cost to yea. S. C Wells ft Co., LcRoy, N. Y
Ear Sale.
I Four-room cottage and two lots, near
8. P. depot. Inquire of W. C, Corbett,
Carvallis, Or. - - .
E'RS provided for. all sorti
of clothes-tastes; men
who want the latest and newest
styles, and men who want the
quietest and plainest clothes they
can get; and men all the way
The qualities of all sorts 6f
men are the same; styles vary,
but Hart, Schaffner & Marx
quality remains always as good
as it can be. Whatever yoox
clothes-needs,, we intend that
this shall be your place to sup
ply them.
We are sole agents.
address the companyjat Corvallis
Just a lew sacks of red clovsr
seed left for sale at Ziertlf's.
J. D. Mann & Co. have just re-
beautiful designs.
Go to Zierolf s for nice red clover
seed raised in Benton county-
only a few sacks left.
Organ for Sale.
A good second-band instrument,
quire at this office.
Horses for Sale.
Will sell or trade for grain, hay, cattle
or any kiad of stock except horses. Call
on or address,
J. H. Mattley.
. " Corvallis, Or.
Fresh Fish.
Fresh and salt fish at 6 Cents per poaii
Fresh fish constantly received - from
Yaqnina Bay and Waldport. Leave
orders at Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis.
A. A. McCleart,
Waldport, Ore.
Potatoes Wanted.
Two hnndred bushels of potatoes are
wanted immediately .at Cauthorn Hall,
Call at Hall or address,
Ii. Bdbsaugh.
Repairing promptly and neatly' done,
First door west of the Gazette office.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys sad bladder right
.i-jgra, -tT'