Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 24, 1901, Image 3

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A. Rag-tirno jubilee at the 0;)
House tomorrow night.
Ernest Redd, the popular O A C
student and musician, arrived yes
Mrs. Mary Pratt and .Mi8? Had,;?
Dunn, of PortUud, are visiting rel
atives and frienda in this citv ' and
Dr. M. M. Davis came out from
the coast, Friday, and will spend
the greater part of the winter with
his family in this city. ' .
Mrs. W. E. Wilkinson, whs has
been visiting in this city daring
the past few days, left yesterday
for Berry, where she will visit with
her sister.
T. W. Dilley and V. R. DeBolt
returned home, Siturday, from a
week's hunting in the Alsea coun
try. They had eoaniderable hard
work, but suecaeded in killing a
very fine bock.
A.D. Morrison arrived in Cor
vallis, Friday, from Elgin, Oregon,
where he is in business. Mr. Mor
rison Is en a visit to his eld home
and does net kaoir just how long
he will remain here.
W. H. Franklin and wife, accom
panied by relatives of the latter
from Springfield and Wendliag, ar
rived home, Friday, from on outiag
of seventeen days at the coast.
They had a most enjoyable trip.
Gilford Nash, who passed the
summer with his parents at Nash
ville, Lincoln eounty, passed
through Corvalli8 last week eh
reute to Eugene, where he will as
sume his duties as teacher of the
piano. -:
Charles L. Morgan, eon of Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Morgan, ef this city,
arrived in Cervallis Saturday from
Oakland, California, and wilt visit
his relatives for two or three weeks:
He is employed by ths Pacific Press
Publishing Co. ol Oakland.
John Zeis has purchased the
share ef Jack Kirk in the . saloon
business formerly conducted by
Kirk & . Wiley, and took tfao form
er's place yesterday morning. Jack
went to Portland, Sunday, return
ing yesterday. He Intends leaving
shortly fer the East.
James Zarcher, an old 0 A C
student, arrived last week from
his Eastern Oregon home and is
once again attending college. Un
fortunately, Jim was sick the great
er part of the summer. He was
accompanied to this city by Claude
Lockwook and Jesse Tally, who
have been enrolled as new students
at the 0 A C.
miss manue iionman, me weu
known actress, who formerly lived
In Corvallis, and who' has many
friends in this city, will, this season,
play the role of the heroine in a
play called "The Cipher Code."
which John E. Kellard will produce
at the Fourteenth-street Theater,
New York, the Utter part of the
month. Telegram.
T. C. Thornton has a freak hick
en. Most freak chickens die as
soon as hatched bnt this chicken is
very much alive and will make its
way through the world by the sweat
taamA thin - ifliilrame rina nn
wrong side up, the "elbow" of its
wi(ID9 naeets nlmniil ftt. tine nf
. its seek, while ths points extend
forward past the neck like the
points of a stand up collar. It is
quite a curiosity. Jnactioa City
Times. "
Willie and Walter Hodes drtve
down from Eugene, Saturday, for a
short visit with relatives in this
eity. When about four miles south
of Corvallis they rrotioed a brood of
Denny pheasants huddled bv the
roadside. The day was cold and
rainy, and while ths birds were
two-thirds grown, they were too
chilled to fly a great distance. The
boys tied their horses, and caaght
fear ef the pheasants. They
brought them to town, where food
and warmth restored them to activ
"The Irish Duke," by local tal
ent, Friday night, was most liber
ally patronized and favorably re
ceived. The concensus of opinion
seems to be thai the play is of
small consequence weak In plot.
abounding in incongruities, and
lacking in aetien but that each
character was well sustained arid
every opportunity cleyerly handled.
Professor Smith leaves shortly for
Eugene or MeMinnyille. While
here his department has been above
repreach and he has earned the re
. sped of he cqmmunity.
Chrlav flrnlVr- whn nriovarl in
Corvallis with his family from Ho
qniam, Wash., about twa weeks ago,
has purchased the farm of Jo tin
Schouldtin Blodgett valley. The
deed was transferred Friday. .The
price paid was $2,200. Mr. Grosky
is well pleased with his bargain.
He has already taken possession
and his family is on the place. V Mr.
Bchouldt his not determined ba
his plans, bnk will remain in Cor
vallis for the present at least. He
is a substantial citizenan, excellent
neighbor and tli people of this"
cauaty earnestly hope he will re
main with us.
W. A. Sanders, Tewe:cr.
. D;we Oabum is now employed as
elerk in the establishment of F. L.
Siiller. . "
..Gerald Tutlle, of Elgin, Oregon,
is again pursuing his studies at the
Attorney W. E. Yates arrived
home a couple of days ago fro ai a
business trip to Portland.
Fred Overlander is. homo froM a
trip over to the Big Elk country,
where fee visited his brother Chas.
A few days ago Mr. and Mrs. J.
0- Wilson moved their household
Mfe'efs from the residence they re-
eently sold to A. C. White.
Bliss Martha Keerfier left Thurs
day for Corvallis and will attend
the Agricultural College this
winter. Oregon City Enterprise.
Ths equinoctial storm filled its
date very promptly this year, io
fact, the sun had hardly got over
the line when the storm was upon
Miss Helen V. Crawford, teacher
of eleeutien at the O A C, arrived,
Friday, Irorn her Linn county
home, wh?re she spent her summer
Victor Moses is expected to arrive
home this week from a eeupleof
weeks' sojourn in Southern Oregon,
also from a visit with his sister who
resides in Woodburn.
John W. Moore, a pionesr of '49
and a resident ef Corvallis for 30
years, but now of Waseo, bfierman
county, IB visiting with his daugh
ter, Mrs. S. N. Wilkias.
The Pacific Coast yield of heps
this year is estimated at 145,000
bales." Oreffon heads with 65,000
bales. Washington produced 30,.
000 and California 60,000 bales.
Rev. L. M. Boozer went to Pert-
land, yesterday. On his return,
Thorscay of this week he expects
to be accompanied by bis wife, who
has been visiting relatives in the
The residence of Virgil Watters,
which was recently moved to the
noith end of town is now in posi
tion and Mr. Watters and family
have moved into it. They weie en
abled to quit their tent and get in
to the dwelling just before the
Harry Cuslck, Harry Connaway,
Mies Nina Cline and Mies Vida
Hasten drove over from Albany
Friday evening to witness the pro
duction of "The Irish Duke." Miss
Hasten remained a few days in this
eity, the guest of the family of J.
W. Crawford.
Miss Blanche Dickinson, of Inde
pendence, paid the eity a visit
during the latter part ef last week.
Misa Dickinson is a teacher in the
public Bchool of Independence.
She states that the school patrons
ef that city have experienced great
difhcolty m securing now text
books. "
Henry Stone started drying
prunes, across the river from town,
the forepart of last week. His
new dryer has a capicity ef 250 bu
shels of prunes per day. The lat
ter park of the week he put the
dryer he owns io this city in opera
ties. The Cervallis dryer has a
daily capacity of 140 bushels.
Attorney and Mrs. J. H. Wilson
and ' son Joe departed Tuesday
morning far their he-noa at Corvallis.
We re all sorry to lose them: They
hare been first-elass citizens, end
their permanent home Bhonld bo
here where only good people live,
move and have their being. Lin
coln County Leader.
L. L. Swan and D. J. DuBroille
left yesterday for Lewiston, Idaho;
where the former will be united in
marriage on Saturday to one of the
estimable yenng lady school teach
ers of the state. Albany Herald.
Mr. Swan at one time was a res
ident of Corvallis and his relatives
and friends in this city will wish
him all happiness.
Many fine samples ot fruits and
grains were left at the Gazette
office during the past two months
to b added to the Benton eounty
exhibit at the state fair. J. H.
Moore was the last to contribute,
and finer quinces are seldom seem
than those left at this offiee by Sir.
Moore. Unfortunately, they ar
rived too late for the exhibit. .
Friday, Robert Lamberson and
family arrived home from Morrow
County. They were across 'the
mountains fer the purpese of work
ing through the harvest. They
were absent nearby two months and
did fairly well, but not as
well as they did last Tear when
they were ever there. This is ac
counted for by the fact that the
harvest ever there was a little later
than usual.
The death ef Mrs. Rebeekah
Kelly, occurred at her home in this
city at 5 o clock Bunday morning.
While she has been feeble for years,
her strength has waned rapidly
only during the last few weeks, and
she was able to be abont up to the
day of her death. At 5 o'ekek the
preceding evening she grew worse
rapidly and Dr. Farra was sum
moned, but medical skill was oi no
avail. Her daughter, Mrs. Addie
Job, and husband were called from
Cottage Greve, but they arrived too
late to find her alive. The funeral
service was performed by Rev.
Knight yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock, and interment was Blade at
Crystal Lake cemetary. "
An Eloqttcst Tribute Delivered at the
Recent Memorial Service by Rev. L.
Myron Boozer.
. During the recent memorial service
held in this city in reepeel to William
McKinlev, the following paper was read
by Kev. L. Myron Boozer. At our re
quest ear readers will have the pnv-
elege of reading it in theae culums:
"It is not neceesary for me to have-a
telpjrram from Paris or San Francisco to
know liow my fellow-mtn feel when
any crtat event happens." Thus epnko
Henry Ward Beecher. Today, each pa
tnot places Ins band upon bis own
bosom and in the beating of nis own tor-
rowing heart feels the throbbing ! a na
tion's pulse as a mourning nation bends
weeping over her noble dead.
William McKinlev, our honored, our
well-beloved president, is dead. Nay,
patriot, stay not the burning tear-drop
in its fall ; stifle not the sob that shakes
the manly breast. Grief too deep, sor
row too profonnd, does not exist for such
an bonr as this. A prince among men
has fallen. The foul red hand of an
archy has done its worst and a new name
is emblazoned on the scroll reserved for
the nation's heroes, whose most precious
life blood has dyed the altar of liberty,
To the executive chair of the nation
Mr. McKiuTey brought a wealth of ex
perience, a eturdiness of character, an
evenness of disposition, simplicity of
manners, and fidelity to purpose, such as
is perhaps without its equal among those
who preceeded him in its high honors.
His executive life during the years in
which he guided a nation's course, forms
a chapter in history to which fair Colum
bia will ever point with pride justified
by the life writ therein. The brilliancy
of his administration may dim as years
roll on, but the achievements, the stu
pendous labors of the tireless chief, no
storm may wreck, no ravage of time de
stroy. As long as lives our nation Wil
liam McKinley's name shall hold hon
ored place with .Washington, Lincoln
and Garfield.
As president, Mr. McKinley has prov
en himself ever to be the man for the
hour. History has been of rapid making
and startling changes in the recent past.
Crises) graver than since the early 60's,
have tried ths stability of onr institutions
and challenged the sagacity of our coun
try's statesmen. -Expansion, previden
tial perhaps, has been the key-note of
recent years, projecting our nation into
untried regions of national life and
action. Yet did onr President not come
short. His great powers could com pats
the -journeys of the flag and his great
heart had aSection sufficient to receive
into his national family the misguided
Filipino, the down trodden Cuban and
the needy Porto Rican . j
When our good ship Maine found a
resting place beneath the waters of Ha
vana harbor and our brave sons, by en
emy's treachery, went down to death, the
whole land cried out for1 war. Public
opinion ran high, and only the calmest
judgement could avert the precipalion of
national disaster- Who of us doe3 not
remember with just and patriotic pride
how our fallen Chief, grasped firmer the
helm ot Btate and looking straight before
into the gathering tumultous clouds of
war, trembled not nor paled in that try
ing hour? Never did his splendid per
sonality so dominate the Nation as then.
His calmness cooled the war fever that
coursed so madly through a nation's
veins, and when at last bis hand un
leashed the dogs of war, each
mow was a victory, -and his wis
dom was fully justified by the res alts.
So in every crisis, were it small or great
our President did with his might what
his hand found to do. Well does Ber
thold Auerbach say: "The main token
of a strong character is not to make
known every change and phase in thought
and feeling.but to give the world the
bnished results. Many details of his
life will remain unknown, but we behold
the finished works. . Finished ? Yes,
though cut off in the full noontide of his
glory, his was the mastery of detail that
made every day complete and earned
the plaudit,' "Well donet"
Mr, McKinley as -President most clear
ly demonstrated that the highest type of
American manhood is not incongruous
with American politics.
Timely indeed is this lesson. : Mr.
McKinley brought ' to the execu
tive chair a manhood unsullied by the
marks of political trickery, untarnished
by the moral leprosy that eats at the
yitals of so many of the public men of the
day. His life, official and private, has
exercised fa purifying influence on .his
party and American politics in general.
that should warn the office seeker of the
future, and prove a safe guide board for
the citizen voter in a choice of future ex
Spurgeon says, "Man's best powers
poiut him Godward." William McKin
ley, had great powers, and unerringly
they led his thoughts -Godward. His
soul beheld the infinite ideals and press
ed forward. As lus political career
opened before him, his soul kept pace
with the crowding honors, and Mr. Mc
Kinley, the man, ever towered above the
gathered trophies of his victorious life.
Like lofty mountain we behold him.
About its base the cloudy draperies of af
fection entwined by loving hands; bear
ing the mighty forests that bespeak years
of earnest labor; seamed and scarred by
many a ravine that tells of battles fought
and victories -won. But high above in
the clean searching light of God glistens
the ermine robe of his manly purity,
and as life's sun dropped behind his
western hills, the Inst beam transfigured
that great sonl, God's smile and benedic
tion burst 'upon him as he closed his
eyes on earth saying "His will be done."
The great life closed, the great heart
stilled ean belong to none other than
those of whom Byron sings in words so
true:! - ' - - . y . ...
"The great of old!
The dead but sceptered sovereigns who
still rule - -. '
Our spirits from their urns!"
- Strange though it is, "It seems to be a
part of the diviae Providenee that every
marked advance in national as in indi
vidual life must begin amidst the throes
of tumultuous and conflicting emotion
The President is dead, But duty beet
ons each patriot forward to meet the
duties of the hour.
"Sit not like a mourner, brother! by
the grave of that dear Past.
lr.row me-present! "tis thy servant
only when 'tis overcast.
Give battle to the leagued' world : if
thou art worthv, truly brave.
Thou shalt make the hardest cjreum
stance a helper or a slave :
As when the thunder wraps the scttinz
sun, he struggles, glows with ire,
Rifts the gloom with golden furrows,
with a hundred bursts of fire,
Melts the black and thunderous mass
es to the sphere of rosy light,
There on edge of glowing Heaven
6miles in triumph on the night."
Citizens' League Meeting.
Ths citizens league held a
meeting at the court fiansa Sat
urday evening, . Ta principal
business - under discussion was
the matter ot flistribation ef the
soavenirs descriptive of this coun
ty -which have just been comple
ted. The committee, B. W. John
son. C. JS. Woodsoa and Robt.
Jfthnsdn, te tphem was assigned
the task of getting tlla publica
tion out, reported the varioas
amounts collected, from what
source atid how expended.
The league contributed $335.
There ere 3,000 cosies f the
Souvenir and the cast of the work
was abont $540
How the books should be dis
tributed is a matter ef amch ira
portanee. Already requests for
about 300 of them have been ic
ceived frem the East. .Thevars
too valuable to be distributed
broadcast, but there is ; argent
necessity that they be gotten in
the' proper hands quickly. The
league voted that citizens of this
county may have copies for 25
cents each, they will be mailed
free to intending settlers.
Secretary Weoason made a re
port showing" that some $300 had
been raised by the league lor
other nrpeses,'' and how U has
been expended . About $30 re
mains in the treasury.
Stabte Sold.
Friday, G. F. Elgin, of this
city, sold his livery . stable to J.
E. Wlaeg af, of McMinnville. By
the terms of sale Mr. Winefar
seeares possession of lets q and
10 in the City of Corvallis. The
livery stable and other buildings
go with- tie real estate. Mr. El
gin retains possession ef . the
horses, carnages, and other mov
able chattels. Mr. Elgin has
net yet determined just wfiat he
will do in the fature, but he is
certain that he will net leave
Corvallis, as he says this eity has
been very kind to him in more
way than oae. - He has been in
the livery stable business In Cor
vallis for five fears and desires
to tale a rest. ,: Daring the time
he has been ranging his stable
he has cleared $i,oeo. He thinks
this is as good as farming. Mr.
Winegar is td 'take possession
October 1st, when he hopes for a
contlaaance ef the same liberal
patronage that greeted Mr. El
gin. "The Queen of Haytl.
The only colored, musical comedy
"The Queen of Hayti" will be seen
at the Opera House tomorrow night.
The company, which is unusually
largo for its kind, numbers 85 color
ed ladies and gentlemen. The Ore-
gonian, in speaking of this attrac
tion, says, it is one ot the best "ceen
shows" ever seen in Portland. The
prineipal members ef the company
are Laura Hoes, "the Australian
mhgtingale," Frank Kirk, as a rag
time hobo, Harry Gilham, aa Afro
Semite wanderer of the earth, Miss
Lottie Lewis. "The Queen of Hay
ti" and Jthe famous "Shereale Quar
tet." all of whom are supported by
a chores of singers ef exceptional
ability. The costumes ana scenery
are new and bright, and the orches
tra which is carried by the com
pany assists much in music.
m SeatB now selling at Gerhard's.
Reserved Beats 50 & 75c. General
admission 35c. : -
You can pay'
for a- hat and
be no better satisfiecT
than '2&itiS&
WilarcJoJeLagcnt!.' -
Try this Office for Job Work
-JM iM
Late Contributions.
The. following persons are
entitled to credit for late addi
tions to the state fair exhibit from
this county: Sol King Large
Elberta peaches; crab apples;
Hungarian, damson and purple
gage plums; corn and squash.
C. M. Smith Corn and three
varieties ot patatoes. Mr. Cur
ria Fresh ripe strawberries.
Several varieties of fruit each
from .Messrs. Elvin Witham,
Benj Martin and H. M. Flem
Speaking of the cart taken b?
the Agricultural callefe at the
fair, til Oregoaiaa says:
tanners who are contempla
ting sending their boys to college
shoald come to the state fair and
sea the elaraefer of work boys
are taught to do at the State Ag
ricultural Colleee. While only
few samples of work can be
shown, there' Is eaoagh tolndl
eate the general plaa ef Instruc
tion at that institution.
Real Estate Transfers.
H H Glassford to T C Lundt.
160 tores in Kia?s Valley
M E Palmer to W Wallis, 160
acres, T 10 S, R 4 W; $5,000.
John Harrison to A C White,
312 acres near Blodgett; $2,000.
Winifred Woodeoek to C 8 W
Bain, 60 acres near Dusty;
$1,100.- :
Coast h & L S CotoG W
Owen. 14 acres near Summit;
Coast I, & I, S Co to W B
KIger, 40 acres Bear Blodgett;
100. . '
Lain S Wilson to A C W&He,
4 lots, blk 29J Avery's Add to
Cervallis: $3, 000.
T J Phillips to O S
igo acres in Alsea; 30,
M Howe to E B Calhey, lots 7
and 8, blk 20, Corvallis; $r, 2 50.
Additional Local.
The Black Cat.
Big special 25 per cent off on
all summer goods at Kline's.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes
for dressy men, at S. L- Kline's.
j. D. Manfi & Co. have just re
ceived a line of new carpets. Some
beautiful designs.
Kline's new clothing for fall has
the self-retaining front, keeps your
coat in shape, and does not wrinkle
like the kind that is usually sold.
Dr. Maud B. Holt ostheepathist.
wishes the Gazette to Inform the
public that she will be unable to lo
cate in Cervallis at present as ad
Our boys clothing department is
school that forms in boys the
habit of wearing good olothinsr.
We take pupils as yeung as three
years of age. -S. L. Kline.
A telegraphic dispatch from Hal-
ey, Bunday, summoned Mr. and
Mrs. George Irvine to the bedside
of the latter's mother, Mrs. ohn
Cummings, who is dangsreuBly ill
with heart disease.
Fit out the youngsters for fall in
our Boys, Department. .Never be
fore have we sueh captivating styles;
never to great an assortment, and
never in the history of eur Belling
such rood values. Nolan & 0a-
We woeld suggest to all our read
ers wno visit the uarntval at Port
land, or the Street Fair at The
Dalles, that they should net fail to
take advantage of this opportunity
to take a trip en the Bailey Gatzert,
between Portland aad The Dalles,
the scenic route ef the Col mbia
River. ; '
It is learned from reliable au
thority that athleties will again be
instituted at the Agricultural Col
lege, subject to the restrictions aad
rules governing such matters at
Harvard University, which PresI
dent Gatoa asked the various
schools throughout the state to
adopt. Track and foot-ball teams
will be organized te compete in in
tercollegiate contests.
A Snap
Through an errer in billing, on the part of the Railroad Company, a
consignment of Men's and Boys' Clothing, inclndillg many snits of the
Mrs. Jane t Hopkins' Make
went astray, and to satisfy the claim for damages, the Sonthern Pacific
Eailroad Company authorized their local agent to sell the goods. We,
being the highest bidder, became the purchaser of the entire consign
ment, and intend giving onr many customers a chance to buy Fall
Clothing at
No damaged goods-
to pay what
" We are Showing a Strong
Line of
Boys' Two-Piece Suits.
Boys' Threii-Piece Knee
Boys' Yestcc and Manly
Suits. Boys' ReclTers.
Boys' - Cvercoats and Ul
sters. Yonths' Suits.
Boys' Waists and Blonses.
Our; Suits hav Re-enforced Seats
Knees; Every Seam Taped.
GUARANTEED to stand unusual wear and strain.
GUARANTEED not to rip.
GUARANTEED to be the best boys' clothing in tdwfl for tlia
Boys' Waists and Blouses 25 cents and 50 cents. j "
Bdys'Suits $i 50 up.
S. L.
Manufacturers of all kiads of-r -
Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber
Corner of 5th and Washington Streets.
Fc prices enquire at yards or address the companyat. Corvallis
or Philomath, Oregon.
Job Printing
at this office
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House i
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies :
a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
Parties to cat oak and ash wood from
now on, and during next fall and winter.
The work must be done neat and clean,
and wood cut even length, closely
trimmed and honestly corded. Apply to
M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon.
A good man to milk at a dairy and
do general faivai work.
M. S.. Woodcock.
Farm for Sale.
K. B. Blodgett ofiera for Bale hie 570
acre stock farmj one-half mile from Blod
ett, Oregon.: '
for ;You
Per Cent Discount.
just a clean, fair, square
the goods are worth; neither
your size is gone. " - ; . .
F. L MILLER, Corvallis, Oregon.
Horses for Sale.
Will sell or trade for grain, hay, cattle
or any kind of stock except horses. Cell
on or address,
J. H. MattleV.
Corvallis, Or.
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
First door west of the Gazette office.
Headquarters for bays soheel
suits made for the rough and tum
ble bey, pouble seat and knee. S.
L. Klino.
"We did not have
Call" early before
will yon.