Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 06, 1901, Image 3

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    THE WlUSIMIti:
Mrs. J. H. Simpson aud daugh
ter, Miss Merle, went to tha oa3t.
Monday, for an outing
County court convened Wednes
day. The most important business
at this session was the auditing of
Mrs. L. M. Boozer was called to
Portland, Wednesday, by the eeri
nus illness of her father Mr. P. T.
Regular services in the Uni'.ed
Evangelical Church Sunday morn
ing and evening. AH will be wel
comed to these services.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Johnson and
Arch Johnson and daughter, of
Suver, were in Corvallis on busi
rtess the first of the week.
The usual services will be held
in the Bibtist Church, Ssp. 8,
both morning and evening. All
are invited and welcomed.
'Grandma" Hayden returned to
her Alsea home, Tuesday, after a
two-weeks' visit in this city with
her daughter, Mrs. Ed Ryder.
. Wednesday, Chief Alexander had
two walks placed across the alley
back of the establishment of J. D.
Mann & Co. and D. D. Bsrman.
Georgo Sibrell came out from
Alsea, Monday, for the purpose of
looking, after his property in Jobs
Additioa. Ho returned to Alsea,
Teddy Palmer who graduated
from O A C with the class of 1900,
has accepted a position with tha
electric light company of Grants
Mrand Mrs. C. H. Evans, pa
rents of Miss Nellie Evans, of this
city, cime out from their Alsea
home daring the past week on a
short visit.
Tuesday, marriage licenses were
iasued to Sherwood Hopkins Adams
and Miss Estlier Van Tuyle A-erv,
and Albsrt N. WoadV and Miss
Pnrla Jackson.
Postmaster A. B. Crosstnan, of
Portland passed through Corvallis,
Tuesday, on his way home from the
coast. He spent about ten days at
the coast and his family are still at
During the eight days previous
to September 3rd, Cal Thrasher
canvassed tha country writing pol
icies in the Oregon Fire Relief As
sociation. During that time he
wrote up thirty four-policies.
, William Headrick and sn, Linn,
came out from Alsea, Monday.
Linn Headriek returned home,
Tuesday, but his father will remain
out here for some time, as he has
some work to do on a barn for
Henry Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Holconib, of Wend
ling, arid George David and family,
of Springfield, relatives of Mrs. H.
W. Franklin, of this city, arrived
iu Corvallis, Monday. The follow
ing day they started for tha coast
intending to spend three, weeks at
Seal Rock.
W. A. Martin, formerly of this
city, cams up from his Dallas home
on his wheel, Monday. After at
tending soma business he returned
by train the following day. While
here he stated that - a daughter had
been born to his wife, Thursday,
August 29th. . ..
A recent letter from Henry Allen
announces that Mrs. Allen will not
come to Corvallis immediately as
contemplated. She is bow at some
frmous springs in Virginia, and if
her health continues to improve,
she will make that her residence
for the present, at least.
Last Sunday Dr. Farra operated
on an abseeis onthe jaw of the six-raonths-old
baby of Mr. and Mrs.
O. B. Conner. The parents had
noted the ehild,s condition, - but
immagined that it had the mumps.
Finding that its condition, did not
improve with time they called in
Dr. Farra with the above result1.
Albright & Adams have the con
tract for raising and repairing the
residence of E. B. Horning, near the
G. & E. depot, and now have the
work partially completed. The
baildieg is being raised four test
and the basement in to be converted
into kitchee, sitting room and
dining room. . ;
The sewing society of the United
Evangelical church is deserving of
considerable praise for the work it
is doing. Whenever thare is sewing
to do the society's members are no
tified and a place of meeting agreed
upon. In this way a great amount
of work is done on short notice.
The society sews an afternoen for
lifty cents think of it; a house full
of women sewing all afternoon for
such a sum I In this way people of
moderate means can get a great
denl of sewing done, and it is '&
great assistance to women ef large
families, for they can keep the
'children's clothing made up and in
better order ia tins manner, for a
trifling sum, than they could pos
sibly do in any other way. ' It will
pay mothers of large families to
see this sooity. The society met
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Lee Heckle. v '
' : Wi -A. Sanders, Jewe'er. '
-: .Rs. Msily went to Portland,
Monday . He will be home to d;iy.
Rev. F. A. Lark and wife went
to Portland, Monday, for a few days'
visit with relatives.
MisB Ruth Thomas, of Coryaliif,
visited friends in Lebanon daring
h?past few days. ' She will soon
jain her folks in California. Ad
vance. Mrs. C. E. Denllar aud little eon
left yesterday for the Philippine
Islands, where thoy will join Cap
tain Dei, tier, who is stationed in
tfeeJi&'anda for an indefinate period.
Jas. and Woo. Skipton, of Salem,
are in the city greeting old friends
today. They are buying heavy
draft horses for the Seattle market.
Rosebnrg Review..
Miss Esther Simmons has return
ed to Roseburg, after a visit with
her sister, Mrs. Rufns Skiptoo, in
thi3 county. Miss Sim .t. ens is a
teacher in the -Roseburg public
Fiiends of Mlsa Jessie Buoy, in
this city, wtfl be glad to learn that
she is now convalescing though
very slowly Sifter a severe illness
of over two weeks duration at the
home of her parents near Toledo.
J. D. Coleman, special agent for
the Home Insurance Go. was Jn
town Wednesday interviewing his
local agent Geo, F. Elgin. Mr.
Coleman was a civil engineer On
the Oregon Pacific daring the boom
days of 1884-5 and is remembered
by many old Corvallisites.
A few days ago Jack Wright
received a letter from Ed Thayer,
who at the time of writing was at
White Horse ,N. W. T., Canada.
Ed has gone through many ex
periences in that cuntry. He
states that Olney McLogan was
well and was in the Atlin coun
try. Sec. Wisdom, of the state iair
management, has notified Mr
French that Benton ceunty would
be assigned the space occupied by
Washington county at the fair last
year. This the left-hand corner of
the pavilion, directly opposite the
main entrence, and is coasidered
the best location "in the building.
Our merchants are preparing for
a big business this fail. During
the next two months, the ladies de
Dartment inF. L. Miller.s establish
ment will be presided over by Mrs.
Hi. M. bimpson, who for : several
years held a similar position in the
large dry goods store of James Mo
ran, on Market street,- in San
Mr. and Mrs. Morris and Mr. and
Mrs. Meach, of Cottage Grove, ar
rived in Corvallis, Tuesday. The
former gentleman and wife are
the parents ef Mrs. W. C. Swan, of
this city. The party wsie en route
to Nestucca and continued their
journey, Wednesday, accompanied
by Mrs. bwan. They will enjoy an
outing of some duration.
J. R. Fehler was in Corvallis,
Wednesday, on business connected
with the county court. In conver
sation with the Gazette man he
told of a phenominal run made by
the Wyatt-Castle machine thrash
ing oats on the John Wyatt place,
Friday afternoon. In a half day
they threshed 1262 bushels of oats,
that were absolutely clean. Mr.
Feeler's spring oats averaged 40
bushels to the acre, and his fall
wheat yielded 25 bushels, machine
Only timely efforts saved Judge
McFadden another heavy loss as
the result of fire Wednesday after
noon. About 3 o'clock the alarm
brought the department out with a
rush, but the blaze was extinguish
ed before they arrived at the scene
of the fire, which was the W. S.
McFaddsn residence in the north
part .of town. Flames were first
diseovered ' issuing from the roef
near the kitchen chimney. The
roof was quickly torn away and the
fire subdued before it ' gained much
At its meeting Monday night the
fire department elected the follow
ing efficers for the ensaeingjlerm:
F P Sheasgreen, re-elected chief;
Ed Clark, assistant; E R Lake,
president; James Gibson, vice pres
ident; Edwin Rose, secretary; Dr
Harper, foreman; George White
sides, captain hSe team number
one; Will Horning, captain hose
team number two; C E Hont, cap
tain hook & ladder; V E Wattere,
captain of engine; executive com
mittee, 11 W 11 all, E 11 Lafce and
CE Woodson.
Henry Kubli and his three fel
low prisoners who were examined
as to their sanity last week and
ordered committed" to the insane
asylum were not transferrsd to that
institution, the proceedings in the
matter of the examinations having
beenjirregular. These examinations
were, held before a justice of the
peace in the absence of the county
judge, and without the knowledge
of the sheriff, consequently when
the commitment papers were pre
sented to . Secretary of State" F. L.
Dunbar that official refused to rec
ognize them on the ground that the
papers did not show that the jus
tice was snmmuned . to act in the
place of the absent - judge by order
of the sheriff. The result is-that
another examination will be neces
sary before these prisoners can be
properly committed to the asylum.
Mr. S Tier wood E. Adams and Miss Esther
. Avery Were Married Wednesday. -..
Married, Wednesday morning,
September 4, 1901, at tlie churdi
of the Good Samaritan, Corval
is, Oregon, Mr. Sherwood H..
Adams and Miss Esther Van
Tuyle Avery, tha Rev. Mac
Lean officiating.
This simple announcement
marks the most momentous
epoch in two young lives, and
chronicles the leading social
event of the season.
The decorations t the Episco
pal chtircti, which, was to be the
scene of this iBgortant event,
were entrusted to, Prof.' Coote,
and they were artistic aad com
plete. . The chancel was a mass
of potted plants and ' srnilax,
with palms. The pew had a
bow of rnousseline de soie, ' en
twined with asparagtts fern, and
smilax entwined the hangings of
the electric lights.
Just at 9 o'clock the wedding
march, playefl by Mrs. E. F.
Pernot, announced the coming
of the. wedding party, consisting
of the us&ers, Louis Gurlinger,
ot Portland, and Roseoe Bryson;
bridesmaids, Miss Edna Irvine
and Miss Leona Ssiith; maid of
honor, Miss Luoy Sitton, of
Portland, and the bride leaning
on the arm of her father, who
appeared at the main entrance
and proceeded to tbe altar, where,
they were met by the groonf at
tended by his best - man, Mr.
Raymond Jackson of San Fran
cisco. Then Rev. MacLean
spoke those solemn words -which
wedded two lives "until death
doth them part." -
The bride wore white real
lace over while silk, and she car
ried an exquisite boquet of car
nations. Her maid of honor was
dressed in whita crepe de chine,
while the bridesmaids wore pink
organdie with elbow sleeves. The
groom, his best man, and attend
ants were dressed in black Prince
Alberts, light vests and trousers.
After the ceremony the wed
ding party repaired to the home
of tha bride'-s parents on Qth and
Jefferson streets, where a dainty
breakfast had been prepared on
the lawn. . Two pretty arbors
covered with fir boughs, - their
pillars decorated with ferns and
cannas, sheltered two tables from
the morning sun. At the one sat
the bridal party, at the other the
invited guests. The bride's ta
ble was bedecked with smilax
and sweet peas, and the other
with smilax and lillies. Daring
this repast the sweet strains of
violin and piano beguiled the
The scena at the C. & E. de
cot, when Mr. and Mrs. Adams
arrived to take their departure,
wa3amerry one. Their trunks
were ornamented with old shoes,
and a shower of rice greeted them.
The bride was clad in a brown
tailor-made traveling suit. The
greom has prepared a residence
in San Francisco, and this city
will be their home.
Mr. Adams is the son of Mr.
A. J. Adams, of San Francisco.
Timothy Hopkins; the noted
California millionaire, is his
guardias until he reaches the
age of twenty-five, and Mr.
Adams has employment In his
guardian's office. JUs mother
was a daughter of Judge Saw
yer, 01 Caluorma.
The bride is the daughter 6f
Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Avery, of
this eity. She is a lovely and
accomplished young lady, being
a graduate of the Oakland High
School, and a student last year
at Stanford University.
"Cancerous" and the Bees.
Somewhere along the dividing
line between the counties of Ben
ton and Lane is a spot that will
always remain verdure-elad .in
the memories of the rnea ' com
posing the threshing crew of a
certain machine that was oper
ated ia the fall f igor. Prom
inent in the crew Was aa indi
vidual who was a charmer of
cancerous snakes, warty toads
and untold numbers of other un
canny aad creepy subjects. "He
boasted of bis "charming" abili
ties, ef what he had done and
could do, until the crew mani
fested considerable . interest in
his powers for charming and da
sired an exhibition.
One day it came to pas3 that
an honest farmer on whose wheat
plantation the threshing crew
were operating .concluded to rob
his bees of some honey. The
boys desired that "Cancerous,"
as the snake charmer" had been
nick-named, be allowed to try
his power on the bees. ; The
farmer was willies?. Cancerous,
armed with a hammer, a knife
and a cold chisel, followed by aa
admirer Vh 6 Lad faith ia him,
sallied toward the fortress of the
honey-makers. The majority of
the " crew stood at a respectful
distanea from the base of opera
On arriving fit the stand,
"Cancerous" deliberately gather
ed a "handful of bees and cast
them from him. "Several Land
fills of bees were treated with
the " same off-hand contempt.
Tilings began to warm up aud
the body-guard beat a hasty re
treat. " With the utmost con
tempt, tke charmer set his chisel
and sti tick it . with the hammer.
Immediately more bees appeared,
then still more bees. 'Cancer
ous" watered in his onslaught.
He would now and then reaoh a
hand toward his face and go
through the motions, of placking
a bea off,the perch." , The bees
surrounded their charmer in such
numbers that ; to spectators
' Cancerous" , Was . the faintest
outline of a man. Suddenly,
without any suggestions along
that line, 'Cancerous' ' and the
bees began to move in every di
rection. In this charming man
ner the bees were finally thrown
off tha scent and "Cancerous"
was free. He had wandered far
from camp and when found by a
search party was blind from the
operation of the bee9 he had
hypnotized so 'well. . This is
perhaps thd only time that his
hokus-pokns failed, him.
A Woman With Grit.
While in from Alsea last Tues
day, Lon Hash related an iaci
dent of womanly pluck and self
reliance worthy of pioneer days.
Mr. Hash and his x sons were
working on a hill above his
hotlse in Lower Alsea when the
familiar report of a rifle reached
them and the father exclaimed,
"That's my gun!" and they all
paused to listen. Three more
shots followed in rapid succes
sion, aud shortly after a hailing
blast from the dinner horn. They
hastened to the house, where
Mrs. . Hash pointed to the body
of a large buck, which she had
the skill to bring down with her
rifle, but lacked the heart to cut
its throat.
The dogs had driven the ani
mal near the house, and Mrs.
Hash seized the Winshester and
tumbled bis deership over at the
fourth shot.
The antlers of this buck will
hang beside another trophy tak
en some years ago, the skin ot a
huge California lion. " ,
One day, while th6 children
were playing near the house,
wholly unconscious of. the danger
larking near, the trusty watch
dog suddenly smiled the air and
dashed into the thieket. The
mother's ejes followed his move
ments, and the sight whieh met
her gaze would have frozen the
blood of a less courageous woman.
The dog had started a larg-e lion
within a lew feet of where the
children were playing. The ani
mal sprang upon the trunk of a
nearby tree, and climbed to the
branches-. , Mrs. .Hash quickly
secured a rifle from the house,
aud sent a ball thfoagh th& lion's
body, brlngiag it to the ground.
It bounded away parsueL. by the
dog, and climbed a tree some
distance from the house; Here
it remained until Mr. Hash re-
turfted home and dispatched it.
Mrs. Thomas Condon.
Mrs, Thomas Condon, wifeef
Dr. Condon, the well known ge
ologist ot tne University of Ore
gon, died at her summer home
at Newport, Or., last Monday.
after a week's illness with ty-
pfioid lever.
Mrs. Condon came around the
Hera to Oregon with her hus
band ia 1852, and with him bore
a great part in the making of the
State's history. : ; ,
They first located at The Dal
les and for a number of years
bota were teachers on the Warm
Springs Indian resevatioti. They
then moved to Forest "Grove and
later to Eugene in 1876 where
they have since resided. Be
sides her husband,, the deceased
lady leaves the following children
who were all at her bedside at
the time of her death except Mrs.
Bean, who is en route from" the
east: Mrs. H, F. McCorfiack,
tf Eugene; Mrs. R. S. Bean, of
Salem; Hon. S.' W. Condem, e-f
Oakland, Cal; Herbert - T. Coa
don, of Moscow, Idaho; Mrs,
Nolf, of Pendleton. , -
.Mrs. Condon was a prominent
worker' . in the Congregational
church, W. 0. T. U., and the
Fortnightly elab of - Eugene, be
ing a lady of high literary ftltaifl
menls. Interment ' occurred at Eugene
Wednesday morning.
Caa't Marry in Oregon.
G3v. T. T. Geer yesterday re-
! ceived a most peculiar request,
evidently written by a love-sick
swain, says the Statesman. Trie
letter is dated in pne. of the
towns of Oregon, and says:
"Please inform me if cousins
can be legally married in tire
state of Oregon. If not, iu
what other states can thev be
legally married?"
In a boslscriDt the most inter
esting nart. of the letter id con
tained, showing aa abiding
iaicn in tne great power vested
in Oregon's Executive. It fol
"Could it be so arranged that
the parties could be married at
Salem by 'your authority?"
Govenor Geer informed the
seeker after knowledge that tia
der tha laws of Oregon consins
could no! be legally married,
that no One, ne-t even the gov
ernor, could set asida the laws,
and advised him to consult the
laws of the etate of Washington,
where it might be possible tha
desired ' marriage could ". take
Additional Local.
The Black Cat.
Go to Zierolf'a for Alsea honey.
Royal fruit jars, the-best thing
going, at Zierolf's.
Shingles and cedar posts at the
Corvallis sawmill.
Our Own washing powder 5
pounds for 25cts at Zierolf's.
Big special 25 per cent off on
all summer goods at Kline's.
Miss Olive Hamilton left
yesterday for a ten-day's visit to
Our new outing flannels and flan
nelettes have arrived. Nolan &
Callahan. .
J. D. Mann & Co. have just re
ceived a line of new carpets. Some
beautiful designs.
The very best washing powder
"Our Own," at Zierolf's. Five
pounds for a quarter. -
A new sidewalk is building
along the north side of the First
National Bank building.
Patnain Fadeless Dyes are fast
to sunlight, washing aad rub
bing. Sold by Graham & Wells.
Judd Wiley, of Montana, and
his brother, Charley, of Junction
City, are visiting relatives in this
city. ' , .
Our Ladies garments for Fall!
are all New York made; strictly
up-to-date in Style and fit. Nolan j
& Callahan.
Our new stock of Mens clothing
will arrive this week. ; Latest styles,
elegant fitters for good dressers. No
lan & Callahan.
J. H. Albright , has the thanks
of the Gazette office for a treat
ia the shape of some of his de
licious blackberries.
Kline's new clothing for fall has
the self-retaining front, keeps your
coat in shape, and does not wrinkle
like the kind that is usually sold.
The Misses Sitton, ef Port
land, who attended the Adams
Avery nuptials, are visiting at
the home of Dn and Mrs. Avery.
Our new Fair stock of Ladies
Tailor-made Suits; separate Skirts,
Jacket?, Oapes, JDIoaks and Dress
goods have arrived. Nolan & Cal
lahan. Rev. P. S. Knight wilLpreach
at the Congregational church
next Sunday at 11 a. m. aad
7 :30 p. m. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
Ladies Tailor-made Suits to
order. Our book of Samples for
Fall haa arrived. We take meas
ure and guarantee a fit or no trade.
Nolan & Callahan. '
Miss Altha Leach visited
friends in this city kit week.
Miss Leach graduated from the
OA Cin the class Of '93. She is
now a successful milliner at
Heppner, Oregon.
The J. O. Wilson residence
property in this elty passed Into
the hauds of A. C White, Wed
nesday, the consideration being
$2,000. Mr. 'White recently
purchased a farm in Blodgett
valley. ....
You will be welcome at the
Christian church next Lords day.
G. S. O. Hambeft will preach.
Subject at the; morning service:
"The Descent Of the Holy Spir
it." At the evening services
(7:30) the theme will be, "The
Blood of the Cross." -
To Let.
Mrs. V. Espy ' has a suite of 3 or 4
furnished rooms to let. . They are suita
ble for small family er young lady etu
Oeuts who desire to board themselves,
and contain, among other things, a
kitchen range and a fireplace. For par
ticulars call at residence in this city. .
Fall and
-it?. : --VL-s-av.":
ti Mars
HI ill
We have selected an extra large order from these two
well-known firms, and yon can be assnred that they will
be correct in style and fit; self-retaining front, silk-sewed,
throughout, and gaarantee with every suit from $10 up.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Rougli and Dressed Fir Lumber
Corner of 5th and
For prices enquire at yards or
or Philomath, Oregon.
m r,,iii nn 4. n
lfiMJJob Printing 5?
JJllf at this office )lJ$P
vujl v cuni5 iviwsi i upuicjr eating nouse
Fresh bread dailv. A rorrmWt
g ' "nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies fl
p a special ty; . -j
H. W. HALL, Proprietor. . k
- Real Estate Transfers.
S J Galloway ' to . Maty H
Whitbv, 120 acres, Sec 16, T n
S, R7'Wri3.56.
Balfour Guthrie & Co to A
Wise, 540 acres, T 12 S, R, 7
W; $2,600.
State ef Oregon to NJ Arm
strong, 26 acres in Sec 8, T r3
S, R6W;$5o.
CL&LS Co to W B Kiger, 40
acres near Blodgett; $100.
C L & L S Co to George W Owen
a small parcel of lond near Summit;
$50. " ,
Winnie Woodcock to S-W Bain
60 acres near Duety;$ 100.
. Jelly glasses, "Royal" fruit jars,
etc., at Zierolf's.
the eye specialist, will be in Corvallis,
from Monday, September 9th, until Mon
day, September lGth, only.
Parties to cut oak and ash wood from
now on, and during next fall and winter.
The work must be done neat and clean,
and wood " cut even length, closely
trimmed and honestly corded. Apply to-
M. S. Woodcock,
. . ; Corvallis, Oregon.
. For Kale. .
Four-room cottage and two lota, near
S. P. depot." Inquire ol W. C. Corbett,
Corvallis, Or.
Get youf Job W rk done here
Our First Invoice
Of ' ' '
Mens1 Clothing
5 Has Arrived 2
fconsistin-' of the famous Hait
Schaf7ner& Marx brand, and
David Adler
The Great Overcoat House.
Washington Streets.
address the company atjCorvallia
i . v. tt
df-nrlr rvf ran'pc -Pme A 13
Dr. Maud B. Holt
Osteopathic physician will be perma
nently located m Uorvallis alter Septem
ber 18. Will treat both chronic aad
acute diseases without the use of knife or
drugs. Office first door south of MUg
Johnson's millinery stare. Hours from
a to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 5 p. m.
' V T
"Will Rnnn Ha nrpr and rrnn nvn T.l.l
- w I v. l.uu JVU III. UIUU.UI
fh!nl-ln( ff; A .. 1. '
gains at prices that are very low.
iiw 0 eweier
Ta .. ,J . : t 1 -
V. tl V . v., a UAH ul nuijk UUIBCB id kuu
.. .. .1 . 1 ." rinn , t ... . . .
I I T , ,
, J. V. "Walters,
a. tuorouga up-io-uaie larmer to ia
ywcwiti, t. laiuii null BUUU BKffl!
t.u.u bun. j. v. ..mi .aiiuiaia uiu HDnni
his time so as to be womol fn Tilnntii
and caring for crops. Also having an,
cessful experience in handling, feedin
and- carincr for stock. ADolicanta wi
please furnish references as to their pxf
perience, success, and where they havl
operated. Address
M. S. Woodcock.
Corvallis, Oregon,