THE IM1IS GAZETTE. FKliAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1001. HIGH SCHOOL GRADES. ttccem . aecisions i.ueci oy i Superintendent of Public Instruc-' tion Ackermau will be very -rat-, T- . 1 . ' 1 1. ifvinc to the advocates of hicrh school education at public ex panse. If Supt. -Ackerman's de cision is a correct, interpretation of the law the voters of any school district which maintains schools of the eight grades provided . for by law for but seven months in . .1 .i I.- i tne year may autnonze aaauionai grammar grades covering a full high school course.. This ren ders it possible for aav district practically to establish a common hih school, or, indeed, have each school in tne district a corn- Wnerl cuimnon and liieh school. . Since this must be sanctioned by the majority of votes cast at a liwful school election, if is not probable many districts will ex tend the present common school course of eight years so far. There is a possibility, since this decision contravenes that portion of the school law which requires the schools to be in oper ation eight months before a high school shall be maintained m a district, that it is net -good law. At all events it is of no special value, because the superintend ent's decision in interpretation of the law decides nothing. It is not entitled to the raspect which we usually accord to mere judi cial dicta, and, unless given by one familiar with the rules of leeal interpretation, is of less value than the prima facie opin ion of any lawyer. It is, in part, by just such steps that the common school has been drawn . away from the efficient prosecution of its own work and . also burdened with that of the high school 6r preparatory acad emy. A wise and wholesome law, fixing the grades at eight and presenting a range of careful elementary instruction requiring eight years to complete, should certainly meet every just require ment of education at public ex- templates that after eight years, : each of at least eight months dur ation, all the proper purposes of common school education shall have been accomplished. But the law is made elastic. . When the schools of a district are efHci - .ently organized and successfully prosecuting their legitimate work during the time specified, the : voters of a district may, if they wish, maintain a high school. This renders high school grades . under the nlaii si Me fiction nf 'additional grammar grades" wholly unnecessary and ought to satisfy the advocates of the hign school as .part ol our common ichool system. We are not opposed to higher education; far from it, but while by far the .'greater number of . youth who enter our public schools have neither time nor m- ; clination to pursue an extended course of study, even so limited as that of the high school, and while the few who have such time and inclination can certain ly and easily avail themselves of . the facilities offered by numerous schools, academies and colleges established and maintained by private enterprise there is no ne cessity for a common high school. The theory of high school in struction at public expense, sup plementing the work of the com mon school, is a false one and the practice highly pernicious. If the common school of eight grades were doing its wdak thor oughly and efficiently, the sup . plimentary high school would be less objectionable, but it is not; every intelligent teacher knows it is not. One of the most effici ent instructors at the County In- , stitute recently held for this coun ty, in conversation, declared that he results of the common school educational processes were most unsatisfactory. The schools were burdensome! expensive and gave results by far less desirable than could . be attained through other agencies at less expense, He said the only adequate remedy 4 4 4 4 ne couict see was a comeiete re- : organization of the whole system which would adapt it to its spec ial mission arid confine it to its own proper sphere. This should be done, it must be done, but it will not be done while the ' 'school machine" and so-called . "professors" can beguile a pa tient and too-generous people, MR. SCOTTS ADDRESS. Of all who addressed bodies of workmen on Labor Day none ut tered more wholesome truths than Mr. H. W. Scott, of the Oregon ian. . In plain, rugged -English he skillfully traced the progress ' ol industrial civilization, showed the superiority of American .in dustrial methods and stated the fundamental principles and cbn- "" wu nab rained, and must in the future achieve its victories. Young nun should hear this. . ,The old car. ;diaal virtues are potent as cven O ' Personal industry, foresight, rru- dence, economy, perseverence, sobriety, is the family of vir- tues that beiong to the in-: dividual man. Society cannot supply these qualities, and culti vation of them by the individual is necessary as ever. " It was the cultivation and earn est practice of these cardinal vir tues that carried the pOor, almost - friendless, boy from a Puget Sound logging camp and fifty cents per day through, school and , colleee and .placed him in the front' rank of journalism. To American laborers he can "speak by the cara" and they Irmor themselves by having him do so. Ail kinds of boxes at the Cor- vallis sawir.ii!. .. . Fresh Alsea honey at Zierolf's- Two ppnnds for 25c. Hart, Schaffner & Marx fclothts for dressy men, at S. L- Kline'?. "Oar Own," cheapest end best washing powder. 5 pounds for 25c at Zierolf's. Letter List. For llie week ending Ana. i, 1901. Persons callinj; for these letters will please stata date on which they wera advertised. They will be charged at the rate of one cent each. Mrs Laurena Belnap,' Miss Bee, Prof Richard H Dearborn, C O Iiner, J Mtz cer, H B IIogaD, Clyde Meller, Mrs Al Rycraft, Mrs Nina Rycraft, R CRich ardson. Mrs Ida Rogers, Mrs J L Rick ard, William Ridgnay, Z Taylor, Mrs Alice Vader, F Weninger. B. W. Jbhnsos, P. M. . Seven Kays at Carnival. All the transportation lines in lh Northwest are arranging to give specially low rates to and from the Portland Car nival, which runs from Sent. 18 to Oct. 19, and the excursion tickets v. ill be good for 7 days. This is the longest limit ever glyen on such tickets, and will give peo ple ample time to see all the sights con nected with the great exposition. With twe full military hands, a mili tary tournament, ahorse show, 'athletic sports, exhibits of mining, agriculture, horticulture and manufactaiing, a' full midway, fireworks, and an array of amusement attractions, the Carnival will be one of tbo greatest events of the sea. son, and the admission fee is going to be only 25 cents, 10 cents for children. W atck Confidence Makes traveling a pleasure, when correct time is always a necessity. Yours may be a capable time keeper, but through incom petent repairing you have lost faith in it. Brine; it in to mo. I will repair the worst wrecked watcu, and t will do it economi cally. Albert J. fsfetzeer Three Doors North of the Fosteffice. Govemmeat Load. Parties desirous of locating on govern ment land should see J. W. Webber, Angora, Or. Farm for Sale. R. B. Elodgett ofiers for sale bis 570 acre stock farm, one-half mile from Elod gett, Oregon. - Geo. C. Hickock, Cnrtiss, Wis., says: "Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested and found to bo all you claim for it. I have given it to my fathw and it is the only thing that ever helped him." TGrra ham&Wortham. - - Notice of Fiaal Settlement. Notice is hereby given .that the undersigned, solo surviving executor ot the estite of JamesE Fisk deceased, has hied his final account in said Estate in the County Court of the Stole of Oregon for Benton County and Monday, the seventh day of Octnber 1901 at the hour of tcno'elocka m. in the County Court room in tho Court Bouse in Corvallls, Benton County, Oregon is the time and place fixed for hear ing objections, if any, to said unal accountandthe settlement thereof. " Bated atCorvallis Oregon this Sept. 0, 1801 noMER WYATT, Exeeutor. Mid-Summer Excursion to Newport There will be a chartered excursion train leave Albany for Newport and retnrnn Sunday, August 25. Traiu will leave A), bany at G :30 a. m. ; Corvallis, 7 jOO a. m returning, leave Newport 7:00 p. m. ' Rates from Albany and Corvallis io Newport and return $1.75 ; Philomatu to Summit, inclusive, to Newport and re turn, $ 1.50; Summit to Elk City; inclu sive, to Newport and return, $1.00; west of Elk Gity, 75 cents. Tickets and passes of C. & E. issue will not be honored on this trian. - Tickets on sale by Geo. Irvine, also H. Cronise. agent C. & E. Everybody go and enjoy a day at the seaside. -. " ' Only a limited number of tickets will be sold. . Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right. Ty this Office for Job Work, :OREGON: 5iJllll SALEM, SEPTtMBOl 23-28, '01 GEEAT AGSIO TJLTTJS AL 'and' '"" INDUSTRIAL FAIR Good Racing in the Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Au ditorium Building Every Ev ening, with Good Music. " Beautiful Gamp grounds, t-rse. Special Hates on Oampers Tickets. Come and Bring Your Families. Reduced Rales on a!! Railroads. For further particulars add'Css M. D. WISDOM, Sec, Portland Notice for Publication. Laxd Offics at Oregon CiTV?Or.F.aox, Ai'Tust 5. lflel . Kotico Ls hereby given that the iowhijr-naraed settler has filed notice of his iotontifi ' make final proof in support of his claio and tli it tid proof will be made ustarc the Co'intv Clerk M B lton county, at Con-alli?, Oregon, on September 10, 19J1, uz: 1JKUJ.O KUCilUK; H. K. No. 11942, for the E. i of S. E. i See. IS, T, 11 "5. . R 7 W. He uiiuics the foliowins: Witnesses to p:-ove his CMt'.hmous residence vpon and cultivation of said land, v.z: Albert Needham and Cliprles A. Baldwin of Sum, Tj:it, orrgon, Albert Wischnofsky, cf Bloiigett, Ore gon, Cihns ucrmanscn, t A many. UHAS. R MOOBES, - , Kegister. Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby jriven, that in pursuance of an order cf the county f ourt, tor the county ol croolc. State of Oregon, made on the 5th dav of August, 1001, in the matter of the guardianship of Frank r oster and Walter roster, minors, the unasrsitrned th3 guardian 'of the estates of said minors, will sell at private sale, Eubject to ooftfirfiiation by said County Court, from and after the 21st day of Sept ember, liWl, all the ritrht, title and interest of the said Frank Foster and Waiter Foster in and te that certain piecs or parcel of land situated in Benton County, State of Oregon, and bounded and described as ia:iott-s, to-wit: An undivided two nuiins in terest in the south half of the Donation Land Claim of John Foster and wife, being claim No. i5 iu Sect ions so. 3U, si and a m township 13 south, of Hang: five West of Willamette Ateridian Terms an cou ditions of sal,e Cash, 11. F. Allen. . Guardian of estates of Frank Foster and Walter Foster, minors. Notice to Creditors. . Noti-je is hereby given that the undersig-ned 1 as been appointed administrator of the estate of J. 1C A. llobiuson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Orogou, for Benton county. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to the undersigned prcperiy verified as fcy la.w required at the office of C. W. Davis, in Philomath, - Oregon, within six n;onths from the date hereof. Dated July 2, 1931. L. E. Fridley, Administrator of the estate of J. -E. A. Robin son, deceased. ' ' Mr. E. D. Arnold,' Arnold, la., writes : He was troubled with kidney ""disease about three years. Had to get up sever al times during the night but three bot tles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, he feels better than he ever did and recommends it to his friends Graham & Wortham. If yon are Bicli all over, and don't know juft what ails yoa, it's ten to one jour kidneys are out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you health and energy. Graham & Wortham. Our Clubbing List. Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain tho following papers in combination sub scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices stated below; cash in adxauce always te ac company the order. Those wishing two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please correspond with this office and we will quote you the combination price. We can gave yoa mency on nearly all publications vou desire. . -. The abbreviations below are explained as follows: W, foi weekly; S W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi n'outhly. The first price represents the -subscription rate of the publication alone, and .the second the rate for the publication offered - in conjunction with the semi-weekly GAZtvTTE. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Po.'t- land, or., s.w,, 50 eents; SjLSO. - -Oregonian, Portland, Or., W.,?l;60; 2.55. Rural -Spirit, Portland, Or., .Contains a live-stock market report, w.,2.ou; 2.55. o. , . .. . . Pacific ChrLst'uu Advocate, Portland, Or., W. $2.00.. 8.05. j $1.00; 2.20. " ' V . ' '! Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa,' A thorough stock The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., $1.00; 2.05. Tne American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind., Live BwUck, iarm aua poultry journal,, ju., bit cents; 1.65. The Cosmopolitan Magazine. New York. M. and Atlas of the W-orld, bound in cloth, 5ti pages of Wi,liS, $ , - The Outing Magazine, New York, M., $3,90; S.S0. Pacinc Homestead, Salem, Or., W.,?1.00; 2.30. Tible Talk, Philadelphia, M., $L0O; 2.15. American Homes, Kncxrille, Jean., N.. $1.00 2.30. ' Boston Cooking School Aiagazine, Bl-M., 50 cents; HcCiurc'a Magazine, New York, JL, $1.00; 2.40. Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Kv. one of the best rapere from the great South, T. W., "Dairy Fortunes," a neat, well written book of zu pajfes on an questions concerning dairying, feeds and feeding, the constituent .properties of ail kinds of feed; 30 combinations, forming well balanced rations fur dairy cows. Kerv d:iirvmnn should have it l"rico with the Cokvaujs Gazette one year, tpz. td. . . . Pocket Atlas of the World, 881 pages, containing colored maps ef all the Hates and territories in the United States, the province of the dominion of Casaua, and of every country and civil division on the face of the globe. Also valuable statistical in formation about each state and conety, giving the papulation oi every large city in the world, besides other valuable information. A handy reference work for every penon;- with Co&vallis Gazcttk one year, s.uo. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been dulva;tpointed administrator, with the wiil an nexed, of tne estate of Kosina Such, deceased, by the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, and has uij quanueu us sucn sumimatravor. and atl jwrsnns having claims agninst smd estate are hereby required to present the same to the underpinned at the office of the C'orvallu Oazkttie in Corvallis, benton Couuty Oregon,Vith the proper voucher within tix months from the date hereof. JPatcd this 21st day of August, A. T).t 1001 Pkrct R. Kellv, . , Adaainwtmtor, i Tlie greatest skin epccialift in America originated the formula for Ennner Salve. For all skin, diseases, all cuts or sores, i and for piles, it's the moat healing medi cine., .beware of BubfcUtotc?. Gndiam &tWortbata. . . ' . .Mr. W.J. Baxter, '.of North Brook, N- CC, says he 6ufftred wilh piles for 15 years He tried many rerueiiies with no reositta- Strtil lie- u-ed'PeAV ill's Witch Haze! Salve nd that quickly cured liim.-! Graham '& Wells. r ; , - Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Lit tle Eariy' Risers compel your liver aud bowels to do their duty, Urns giving you p'ure. Tich blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take.-- Never gripe. Gra ham & Wells; . .. i - Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa., Eays: "Our- little girl, almost strangled bvdeath' with croup. The doctors said she couldn't live but she was inetantly relieved 'bv One Minute Coiigb Cure. Graham & Wells.' In caEcs of. cough or croup give the lit tle one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all . right in a little while. It never .fails. Pleasant, to. take, always safe, sure and almost instantaneous in effect, . Graham & Wells. . Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering Jfrom Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint More than seventy-five per -rent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two deseases and their affects : such as. Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn. Waterbrash, Gnawing and Burning Pains at the pit of the-Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disa greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up ot rood alter Eating, Eow spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and get a feottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Graham & AVortham. Eruptions, cuts-, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye. Certain . cure for piles. : Beware of counterfeits. Be sure you get the original DeWitt's. - Gra ham & Well's. ' "I had a rnnnin;: sere on my tireast for over r. year," Fays Henry B. Kichards, of Willseyvihe, K. Y "and tried a reat many remeciies, but got no reiief until I used Banner Salve. After usingone-half bos, I was perfectly cured. I cannot re commend it loo highly." Graham & Wortham. O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark.," &ars: "I whs tmnlift wilh tnnO ng nn ,,,,! ... .. . . 1,., ,n tiw;,h t;.,i 17 1 , ; i bought DeWUts Little Early lusers. ! Since then I have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them .! Graham & Wells. Notica for Publieaticii. United States Land Office, Orejon City, Oregon, August 2, 1001. Kotice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tlie act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act ft r the sale of timber lands in the States ef California, Oregon, Nevatla and Washing ton Territory,' as extended to all the Fubiic Land States by act of August 4, 18S2, THEODORE T. ORR, of GarGeld, county of Whitman. State of Washing ton, has this day filed in this office his sworn state- ment No. 6433, for thejpurchase of the Mi t NV 5, lotM i and 2 of Section No. 80 in TownaUip Ho. 13 S, R No. 6 W, and will offer proof to shew that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or Btone than for agricultural purp3cs, and to establish his claim to said laad before the Register and Re ceiver of this office at Oregen City, Oregon, oa Fri day, the 18th day of October, 1901. lie names as witnesses: William K. Gwinn and Frank L. Gwinn of Garfield, Whitman Co., Wash., B. F. Tette,nd Thomas Coon of Corral iia, Benton Co , Oregon. - ' - Any and all "persons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 18th day of October, 1901. . CHAA. B. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication, TJnitsd St atfs La:d Office, Oregon City Oregon, Aogust 2, 3P01. Notice is hereby given that in complian e with the provisions of 4rhe act of Congress ef June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tbo sale of tiisker lands in the ifctates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the fubiic Land States by act or August 4, U92, WILLI1.M a. GWINN, of Garfield, county of Whitn.a, State of Washing ton, has this day filed in this offies his iworn state ment'No. 5482, lor he purchase of the Lot 3 of Sec tion No. 30, iu Towns-hip No. 3, S, Range No. C W, and will offer proof to show that the land eought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hid claim to said lanurbefore the Register and lieceiver of this ofHce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 13th day of October, 1901. - He names as witnesses: Theodore T. Oir and F-ank L. Gwinn, of Garfield, Whitman Co., Wabh. B. F. Totten and Thomas Coon of CorvaIlt3, Bentou Co., Oregon. Ay and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to rile their claims in this office on or before said 18th da of October, 1901. . CHAS. B. MOOREB; Kegister. Notice for Pttblicatien. Unitkd Statfa Land Office OreRon City, Oregon. Ju'y, 26, 1901. Nr.tice ie hereby given that in (nmpliance with the provisions of the act ef Congress of-June 8, 187$, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in -the State. of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to ail tho Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892,. FRANK L. GWINN, of Garfield, county of Whitman. State of Washing ton, has this day filed iu this office his sworn state ment No. 57d, for the purchase of E ot SW i, 8E i of SW J and Lot 4 uf Sectiun No S iu Town ship -'No 13 .South, itange No fl West, and will offer proof to snow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, antfto establish litis claim to said land btitorj the Register and lieceiver of tlm office at Oregon City, Orezon. on Fndav. the 18th dav of Ocbcr. 1901. lie nauiei as witnesoa: B. F. Totten, of Inavale, Oregon, Abe Coon, of Inavale, Oregon, Thoa. Coon, oi inavale, Oregon, Martin Jiutler, of Ftrrn. Any and all nersons ciaiimmr adverse v the abov described lands art requested to file their claims in this otfice on or before said 18th day of October, IOIU. ; Oil Art. o. JU.OUK.KS, t ' , Register Administrator's Notice. - Kotico is herihv riven te ail ccrsriis interested that th nndersigTied has been duly appointed ad ministrator ot the estate of Walter S. Hobb9.dc. ceased, by the county court of Uenton county, Ore gon, and has duly qualified as Btich administrator, aud all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present tho same to the under signed at the oflico of the Corvallis Gazettk. in Cor vallis, Benton county, Orecon. with the proper voueheri within six months irom t-he date uereof.v Dated this 2?lh day oi July, A D .1H01. - . . QALE S. HIM., Administrator. P2RCT B. KELLY, ' .: I : Attorney for the Administrator. P. T. Thomas, Sumntemlle, Ala., "I was sufteriiii; from dysrpsia when li commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I tcok sevt rat bottles and fan di gest anythiug." Kcdot Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation coataininj all the natural digestive fluid. It gives weak stomachs cntiro re;-t. restoring their natural vendition. Giulmm Ci Wells. The Creat Scourge Of modern times is coiihiimplion. Many cures and diecoveries from lime to time are published but Foley's Honey and Tar does tmthfully claim to cure all cases in the early stages and always affords com fort and relief in . the very w orst rases. Take uo substitutes. Graham & YVor-thaoi.- . Don't be satisfied with temporary relief from indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Qure permanently and completely removes this complaint. It relieves permanently because it allows the tired stomach per fect rest. Dieting won't rest the stom ach. Nature receives svjpplie& from the food wc eat. Tim sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what yoa eat and can't hvlp but do yon good. Graham & Wells. Drugs & Medicines . Kodaks & Photo Supplies attain $ells Corvallis, Oregon Established, Incorporated, 1S98 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete line of Pure Drugs and Chemicals in Corvallis. Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, ?ine Perfumery, Toilet Article, Combs, Brnelies and Kirrcrn. Poeket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery CIGARS - Manager of Perscription Department, T. A. JONES. Registered, Special Course in Phaimacy at Perdue Univcrsi ty, Indiana Digests what yon eat. This nrerjaration contains all of the dieestants aud digests all kinds of lilUUU. in aivus lusiiduu luuet illiu lieyjr a ; ..4. fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the fQod youwant. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands Of dyspeptics havo bsfn cured alter everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do yes ssd Prepared only by E. O. Hewitt & Co., Cbl The $1. bottle contains 3 times the 50c. size. Graham & Weils. .T0-:H0MESEEKCRS.'- No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation, good buildings, fine fruit and water, good bottom land ; price, (050. 4 miles from Philomath. No. 13180 acres, 25 in cultivation, nice young orchard; fair buildings, 2 cows and calves, team, wagon and har ness, plow, cultivator, tools, etc. ; also Turnitare. This is a good hill ranch and is cheap at )f 700. 6 miles from town. 74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation; small house; good barn and water; miles from town; cheap at $1,500; on main county read ; good pasture and timber. 113 A good 7-room house with one half aere lot; fruit, good water, 'chicken houses and Bheds, price $600; well ar ranged for poultry raising; this is a cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from Corvallis pestomce. HENRY AUM,BH, Real Kstate Ag-ent, Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. U first National Bank OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. 'ESTABLISHED 1890. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S. WOODCOCK, President. C. E. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially. ness enterprises and industries of this country. Deposits Received subject to check payable on demand. Foreign Exchange Sight exchange and transfers sold available in the principal Cities ef England, Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Swed en, uenraare, naiy, itussia, bpain, Portugal, uer- uanjt AUuia, Letters of CrcdU Issued available in the principal cities ot the United States. Principal Corresoondents Upon Whom W Sell ight Exchange The Commercial National Bank of Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. . The Hank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Cahforniau Bank, Ban Francisco, Cali The National City Bank New York. The Ifank of New York National Banking Ass'n, Imjioi trs dsTrader's National Bank, New York. Shoe, and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass. 1'hilaUclphie. Natioual naukof Philadelphia, Pa B A N Ei 6f R A LVE tho most healing salvo in the world. Portland-Astoria Routs. STR. "TAHOMA." Daily Kcund Trips except Sunday. ' TIME CARD Leave Portland Leave Astoria ..7 A M. ...7 P. M. o Baiies-PDrtiana Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERI" DAILY ROUND TRIP . EXCEPT MONDAY. Vancouver, Cascade Locks, St. Martin's Springs, Hood River, White Salmon, Lyle, The Dalles. TIME CARD. Leave Portlam! Arrive The Dalles Leave ' Arrive Portland - ....7 A. M ....3 P. M MEALS THE VERY BEST. 7Sundav Trios a Leadintr Feature. S"This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac tions on Karth. Landing and-Office: Foot of Alder Street, Both Phones Main 351. Portland. Or. JOHN IX. WMOOK, Altt. The Dalles. A. J. TAYLOR, Agt. Astoria. WOtFOP.D & WVERS, Agt's 'Wliite Sal mon, Wash. . J. c. WYATT, Agt. Vancouver, PRATHER & BARNES, Hood River. E.W. CRIC2XTON Agt Portland. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of every description done in Srnl cla'ss mannor, " and satis a.fLi0n guar anteed. C3SWS 6H3 BEICEE WOSI & SPECr<Y Office ever Zieroif 's rroccry store, oppos'M the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. IK T. Rowley PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OPTICIAN. Office over First National Bank B. A. GATHEY, M. D. Physician $ Surgeoh Booms 14 in Bant Building. tj ) 10 to 12 a. m. Office Houra 2 to 4 p m Residence : Goraei College and 3th Sth. Telephone at qfiice and residence. CorvaUie, - - - Ortson LG. ALTMAN, M. D. OFFicE-Corer 3rd ar.d Monroe st rests Koues 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Hun day & to 10. Kesidkkce Corner 3rd and Harrison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Telephone 315, at residence. Notary " Titles. Cosveiakciso JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORN'EY-AT-IW. Practice in rail State and Federal Court. OfBco in Firat National Bunk Building. K II. Bryson ATTORNEY AT - LAW COrvallis, Oren. Office in resteffice Enlldlne. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office In Wbitehora Btprfc - Corvallis, Cregcn Mies Mamie Smith. Middles! oro, Ky.,, writes; "Mv little sister had the t roup verv had. I gave her seveial doses of Foley's Honey and Tar, snd the was in stantly relieved. It saved her life. Gra ham & Wortham. If the action of your bowe's is noteasv and regular Eerious complications must be the final result. '" DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effictive. Graham & Wells. For Rent. Will rent 200 acres of land est of Monroe and take part payment of rent in work andimprovemeBta on the place. Address " M. S. Woodcock, Administrator, ' Oorvallis, Oregon. Government Laud. Parties wishing to locate on govern merit land will da well to consult - V. Kj.kckbb, - . Alsea, Or. Native Herbs. Anyone desiring this great Llood ruri fier, nmv Fecure the same by celling on or addressing - F.'KXECKER, . . Philomath, Or. Trice $1 per ljx. -. . James White, Bryantsville, Ind says DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run ning sores on bolh legs. He bad suffer ed six years. Doctois failed to help him. Get DsWiLl's. . Accept no imitations. Graham & Wells. Foley's. Honey and Tar forchildren,safe,sure. No opiates. OREGON SslOT L'HNE UNIOlfPAeiHC AND iHriiax TIKE SCHEDULES AcBIVK iron from Portland tso Chiaio SaitLake, Denver, ""' Portland Kt Worth. Omaha bpicinl CitVi st 4:3op.m. via'nnn L0"'"' Chiege linr Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Express Ft Worth, Omaha, 9 p.m. Kansas City, St 8:10 a.m. via Hnn- Louts, Chicago and ""gton. East St-Punl Walla Walla Lew- FiiStllriil iBtun, Spokane, fi-rm n m Minneapolia, St. , 8.00 p.m. raul( jji M5li 7:00 .m. Spnkane "k?6. Chicago, and East. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers. 72 HOURS PORTLAND to CHIOAQO No change of cars. Tickets East via all rail, or via boat and rail, via Portland Ocean and Kiver Schedule. FRO'il PORTLAND. All sailing dates'! subject to change. 8 p. m. For San FrafiCisso, 4 p. m. Sail every five daysj Irom April Zrl. Daily Ex. Sun 8. p. m. Golcmbia River Stcssisr. 4 p. m. Exc'pt Sunday Saturday, To Astoria & way- 10 p. m. landing. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVIS10' Water Permitting. Steamer Rut h leaves Corvallia for Al hany. Salem, Portland and Way Land ings, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 :0(i a. m, ; returning, arrives Corvallis aboun Midnight, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, TIME CARD. 'I For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. n. " " Oorvaliia 1:40 p. w. " arrive? Yaquina 5:65 p. r. 1 Ketnitrinp: Leaves Yaquina .... 7:( 0 a. m. LfavH Co'vaiiis . 11:33 a. fa. Arrives Albany .... 12:13 p. m. 3 For Detioit: Leavts Corvaiiie. . . . 12:00 p in. Leaves Albany ...... 1 :30 p. m. Arriyes Detioit- .... 6:20 p. m. 1 Returning: Leaves Detroit f:30 a. in. Leaves Albany ..... 10:30 a. m. Arrives Corvallis. .. . 11:15 p. m, Trsitis 3 and 4 hetween Albany aacT Corvallis,. Tuesdays. Thnrsdays and Sat urdays only. All other trsins daily ex- " cept Sunday. Trains 1 and 4 arriye in Albany in time to connect wilh the S. P: . south liomid train, as well as pivina two or three hours in Albany befoie departure of S. P. north bound train for Portland. Train Ko. 2 connects with the. 8. P. vest side train at Corvallis Crossing for Independence, McMinnville and all points north to Portland. : Edwin Stonk, H. H. Cp.onise, : Manager. Atwnt, Cervailis. SOUTH and EAST S outhern Pacific C( iopanv. THE SHASTA ROUtTfi Treins leave Coi vallis for Portland ard Vs itations at 1:20 p. m. L Porllaiul i-8:Si a m Lv Alhunt 12:S0 p m Ar Abhlai'id 12:33 am Ar t?acrflmnito -5.00 p m Ar San Fiauciw p- 7 :4o p m 3:30 p Bl 10 0 p m ll:S0m 4:3o a m 9.S0aM A r Onidpn 5:45 pm Ar Denver. 9:00 a m Ar Kansas City.. .7:25 a m At Chicago 7 :55 a m 11 :45 a m 9:80am 7 :S5 a m 9 :S0a m Ar Lrs Angeles- 1 :20 p m Ar Kl Paso- 6:IK) p m Ar Fort Worth 6 :80 a m Ar City of Mexico 9 :55 a m Ar Houcton 4 AO a m Ar New.Orleans-6:25 a m Ar Washington 6:42 a m Ar New York 12 :43 pm 7:00 a id 6:O0p m 6t30sm 9 8 am 4:00 titS 6S2SP Si 6:42 m 12:43 p tn PULLMAN AND TOTJEI8T CABS on both trains. Chair cara SacramefitO Ogden and 1 Paso, and Tourist Cora to Chicago, St .Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu Japan. Ohiiia, Philippines, Oentral and Sooth America. See F. E. FAEMEIt, agent a Corvallis station or address ' C. IT. MARKIIAM. G. P. A., Portland, Or. C. H. NEWT H Physician - - Svrgeon 5 III I. C MATH, 1 1 ,EG( i-. ' Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. Subsciibe -for this fsftr,