WEEKLY, fTHflOM Blstab. JmIt. 187. ( Pnnenrlit of ail Pah 4900 . CORVALLIS, BEHTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, laoi. VOL. XXXVIII. NO. 37. EVENTS OF THE BAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTER8 OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Lov highwayman was captured near Ashland. Insurgents of Colombia hare besieg ed Bocas Del Toro. France requests the Turkish Ambas sador to leave Paris. Oregon's Pan-American exhibit has been of much benefit. British bark Collessie wrecked on west coast of South America. Official trial race of Columbia and Constitution was without result. Labor Day was quite generally ob served throughout the United States. Philadelphia woman was arrested in London for the forgery of nearly f 500 000. United States Consular agent re quests that a gunboat be sent to the scene. Burdette Wolf, who murdered a girl In Portland 10 years ago, is in hiding in Peru. . : The steel strikers were unable to get the men at the Duquesne mills to walk out. Roosevelt, in an address, said the cry against the men of wealth is not justifiable. Courts of Hawaii do not-agree on the question of the Constitution fol lowing the flag. Francis, the Missouri murderer, is still at large. Frenchmen are excited over the com ing visit of the Czar. Five American warships visited Brit ish ports simultaneously. Steel strikers declare they have caused the Duquesne to close. Columbia defeated Constitution in the first race of the final series, Boers blew up a train and killed a promising young British officer. Venezulean and Colombian troobs are massed on the border near Cucuta. ; A trust has been formed to control . the manufacture of laundry machin ery. An Illinois aeronaut fell 400 feet from his balloon and was alive when picKea up. New York banks affected by Sub- treasury operations and intorw a mand for money. t, ' . . I wr Tt,.T A t, xvreos Bl,au. ra-. " puiuu iu Montana train wreck on the Great Northern was the worst In the road's nistory. Thirty-eight were killed. -Nearly 10,000 Venezuelans are m. ed on the Colombian frontier in readi ness to support the Colombian revo lutionists. Prince Chun's mission will be hur- na 10 Benin. Shamrock had another satisfactory Bi in new iotk uay. TTftthAnAw , I . . , - , : - i """"US prisoners. The Chinese are ae-aln dirtaHno- I terms In regard to the protocol Nine- persons lost their liven hv fii explosion of a Delaware steamer. Nebraska Reonbllcan. dnn,,n fin. aowo " , ,, Governor Savage for paroling Bartley. A Missouri negro murderer ia helne- pursued, and may be burned if caught, Sante Fe line negotiating with Pi. cine man lor trans-Pacific . ennnnn. uons. . ; . - . The list of Witnesses to annpar hJ fore the Schley court of inquiry is maae puduc. Burns, of the Window Glass Work- ers, has a plan for settlement of the States were in session here today dhv steel strike. cussing plans for a consolidation of all A gang of thieves stole a three- masted schooner from her moHV In Sharptown. Md., and got away with .- -A. Chicago policeman shot and kill- eu a Doy, ana says it was in self-de- fense against a gang of young hood- lums. .. . . . New York vachtamf.ii nr ifw Shamrock II. - Inland Empire farmers are having a prosperous season. - - Sampson will be a witness at Schley court of inquiry. the Members of the Nome bar petition McKinley to remove Judge Noyes. Trans-Atlantic freight business out or. New York is very light. The expiatory mission of Prince Unung has been delayed at Basle. Nicaragua and Colombia promise not u mix m the isthmian trouble, Rothschilds deny any knowledge of the- recent reported combine in cop per. Tinplate officials deny that negotia tions are under way to settle th& strike, The worst epidemic of plague in years is now rampant in parts of Canton, China. - One hundred fellows were" electari to the Association for the Advance- ment of Science. - Preserved fruits, in a state fit to have been eaten, have been taken from the ruins of Herculaneum. , English cement manufacturers. finding their trade threatened by the American product, . decide to adopt the Yankee methods and machinery. The Southern Pacihc railroad now ' has 95 engines equipped for the burn ing of oil as fuel. It takes 21 barrels of oil to run a locomotive a day.; but the cost is small compared with coal. 8HIPMENTS OF ARMS. Munitions of War Going to Central and South America. New York, Sept. 2. Special agents of the United States Government are constantly watching for the shipment of arms from this port, designed to fall into the hands of the warring factions in Colombia, and the infor mation concerning the shipments of arms and other war materials from here to Central American ports is sent to Washington in the form of weekly reports. It is said that a report has been sent to Washington containing the information that during the week ending August 27 these amounts of arms and explosives were shipped from New York to Mexican, Central and South American ports. To Mexico Seven cases of fire arms, 11 cases of cartridges and 28, 350 pounds of powder. To United States of Colombia 206 cases of cartridges and one Driggs Seabury 15-pounder rapid-fire gun from Pan-American Exposition (latter weapon not manifested.) To Venezuela 20 cases -of fire crackers and 429 cases of railroad ma terial. ' . . To Santo Domingo 925 pounds of gunpowder. - To Uruguay 100 cases of fire crackers. To Argentine Republic One case of firearms and five cases of cart ridges. To Central America One case of firearms and two cases of cart ridges, x To Bolivia 36 cases marked "wheelbarrows." PULLMAN TURNED OVER. Mother Baotiste, of Denver, Was Killed and Three Others Were lnjnred. Durango, C61o., Sept. 2. By the, turning over of the Pullman on the west bound Rio Grande passenger train at 11:18 this morning, .Mother Baptiste, of Denver, mother superior of Colorado, was killed, and Sister Mary Nora and Harley McCoy, also of Denver, and Pullman Conductor Whan were injured. The accident oc-1 curred at Lobato side track about 100 yards from the high bridge, five miles east of Chama. Railroad men and passengers alike are unable to explain why the car turned over as the train was slower than usual, the track in good condition and there was no breakage before the accident The car was dragged about 75 feet Mother Batiste was sitting on the left side and the car- turned to the right. She was thrown across the aisle and half way through an open window, her head and shoulders being dragged between the side of the car and the ties. She was dead before anT one reached her, her head being sPut open. Sister Mary Nora Is hurt internally and her injuries are quite serious. HSrley McCoy was asleep When the jar came. His arm slipped through the window and his hand was ground off at the wrist. Conductor Whan had his left hip crushed, and was also internally injured. W. D. McDowell, state health inspector, was aboard the train and cared for the in jured at Chama. Three Men-of-Warsmfn Drowned. Washington, " Sept. 2. The Navy Department today received a cable gram from Captain Craig, of the Al- I V. A J 4. A A I XT A van j t uuicsu. at. aucu, auuuuuuxu luau f ictun. ioi;uii uuu x luiutu LU y while sleenln? on tho noon rtlr of rho Albanv last Sunday nieht slid nvpr- board during the heavy roll of the 'ves- BeI- Captain Craig's cablegram says he remained m the locality where the "5 c"r ?af y nignt ana uuui alter aayiignt jvionaay, nut tne men were not aeain seen and their bodies could not he recovered On the following Monday George Perkins went overboard and was drowned. His aoar was.recoverea ana will De Durlea asnore at Aden. Forming the Plow Trust Chicago, Sept. 2. Nearly thirty Plow manufacturers - of the United h ? iff toe nntry. f1.. - was announcea UcTSZTt prospects ana mat aDOUt sdu.uuu.UUU would be reDresented in the nrrahlra- tion when It should be completed. The recent rise of ten per cent in the price of Dlows and the nrnnoand AnnsnliHn. fa ls the result, the manufacturers B&Y r an increase in the price of every kind of material and a ruinous credit system that has prevailed for ' Turkey Considering the Claims ' Pnr.HtnnHTirml Sont 9. Tha T.. kish Minister discussed the French claims Saturday. It is believed that full satisfaction will, be given to France. Smiths of Oklahoma.. Guthrie, O. T.. Sept. 2. Today call was Issuedr for a convention in Guthrie October 12 next of all Dersons in Oklahoma by the name of Smith, to enect an organization for annual reunions. It is estimated that 2000 Smiths are in the territory. - .: Drilled Into Dynamite Shamokin, Pa., Sept 2. John Shen- asky, a miner, was killed today and several others were badly injured by I an explosion of dynamite at the Scott shaft here. The explosion was caused by a arl11 accidently running into a cnarge or dynamite. - The Iowa at Acapulco. Washington, Sept. 2. The battle ship Iowa arrived today at Acapulco on her way to join the Ranger in look ing after, American interests on the Isthmus. - . - - Declared the Strike Off. Pittsburg, Sept. 2. The seven hun dred strikers at the plant of the Mc-Clintock-Marshall Company, at Ran kin,. Pa., met today and declared the strike off. - They go -back at the terms offered by the company. . NEWS OF THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report. Large-deposits of mineral wax have. been discovered in Malheur County. A pocket of 50 per cent pure gold ore was uncovered in the Virtue mine In Eastern Oregon.- - Reports are current that numerous Chinese pheasants are being slain un timely in the Willamette Valley. Superintendent Ackei-man holds that Oregon voters have the right to say whether more than eight grades shall be taught in the public schools. ; A Pendleton bicycle thief got safely away with a wheel, then became frightened, jumped off. abandoned his booty on the street corner and ranj away. . . ; ., : .. A chicken-raiding owl, .measuring five feet from tip to tip and with claws as large as a man's hand, was killed the other day in the mountains above Weston. Webb street, Pendleton, is to be im proved by crushing all boulders larger than a number seven hat, that can be found thereon. The street was dress ed with "gravel" some months ago and has been impassible for teams ever since. - Another rich strike has been made in the Copper Stain mine in the Mount Reuben district near Grant's Pass, Workmen, while drilling, noticed glis tening particles in the rock, which proved to be gold. The extent of the vein is not yet known, but the rock is -worth many thousands per ton. From parties who have been fishing on Bear Creek, it is learned that some unscrupulous persons have again been dynamiting fish in that stream. One man reports having seen any number of dead trout along the banks where the dynamiters failed to gather them up. He says he measured one such, which was exactly 2f inches in length. Hop picking has begun in several uregon yards. Another contest ias been filed in the Tillamook timber land case. Cattlemen fired about 100 shots into a band of sheep in Eastern Oregon, Important changes will be made among the traffic men of the O. R, & N, Railway. , ; - Hop pickers are said to be very scarce in many sections of the Wil lamette Valley. Richard Downey has been appoint ed marshal of Vale, vice Robert Draper, resigned. Construction of the Lakeview-Silver Lake telephone line will be begun about September 1st. - A band of- counterfeiter's captured at Huntington had one of the most complete outfits ever found. A branch of the Sons of SL George has been organized by the British- American citizens of Marshfield. A dead infant was found in a mill- race at Salem, but the presence was explained satisfactorily to the cor oner. - . - : -r r W. S. Walker's threshing crew run five days on spring grain and aver aged 2500 bushels. The . largest run in one day was 3100 bushels. That is something big, and Mr. Walker would like- to hear of the thresher that equals it. Portland Markets. Wheat Walla' Walla, nominal 56Jc per, bushel; bluestem, 56 o7c :. valley, oo W0b. Flour best grades, $2.653.50 per barrel; eraham, $2.bU. Oats Old, S1.101.15 percental Barley Feed, $ 1515.50; brewing. S15.50 per ton. -s; - Millstuns Bran, 827 per ton ; mid dlings, $21.50; shorts, $20; chop, $16, Hay Timothy, $llld; - clover, $79.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. , ' . " .- . Butter Fancy creamery,22)25c dairy, 1820c; store,. 11 lzc per pound. ;; - Eggs 1717c per dozen." Cheese Full cream, " twins, 11 llMc ; , Young America, 12)c per pound. ; --- ' Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 3.75; hens, $4.505.50; dressed. 10 11c per pound; springs, $2. 50 3. 50 per dozen ; ducks,- $3 for old ; $3.00 3.50 for young; . geese, $56 per dozen ; turkeys, live, 810c; dressed, 1012c per pound. . ' . ; Mutton Lambs,. aMc. -. gross dressed, 67c per- pound;' sheep, S.To, gross ; dressed, bbc per lb, ; Hogs ' Gross, heavy, "; $5.756 light, $4.755; dressed,. 77c per pound. ' "" Veal Small. 89c; large, 7Ve per pound. ' -' - Beef Gross top steers, $3.50400; cows, and heifers, $3. 25 3. 50; dressed beef, 67 Jc per pound. ' Hops 12 14c per pound. Wool Valley, ll13c; Eastern Oregon, 812c; mohair, 2021o per pound. -. Potatoes $1$1.10 per sack. Brazil produces 350,000 tons of cof fee out of the world's yearly crop of 600,000 tons. The population of the United King dom passed that of : France for the first time in 1892. Holland has 10,100 windmills, each of which drains 310 acres of land, at an average cost of 25 cents an acre a year. Italy and Spain have fewer houses in proportion to population than any other country. The Argentine Repub lic has most. - 8TRIKERS FAIL AT DUQUESNE. Employes of the Carnegie Plant Did Not Come Out as Expected. y Pittsburg, Sept. 4. The steel strik ers who have been trying for a week to get the employes of the Carnegie plant at Duquesne to come out, made last stand today and failed. " A par- de from McKeesport to meet the workmen on their way to the mill at A. M1,, and induce them to remain away, had been arranged, but when the hour arrived there was no march ers and the i parade was abandoned. The fight had been made In the open- hearth department, but notwithstand ing a house-to-house canvass by the strikers last night, only two men re fused to return to work. Today the works were in full operation, and the strikers argue there is little hope of closing the plant Dissatisfaction' is increasing at Mc Keesport. . Last Friday about 40 strik ers returned to work at the seamless tube plant, and today their force was considerably increased. It is said pre parations are in progress for resump tion of work at the - National Tube Works, and that the machinists who were" compelled to cease work through the strike, have been ordered to re port for work, for the purpose of get ting the machinery in order. The Mononghela blast furnace de- department - of the National Tube Works is working full, and an effort is to be made this, week to beat the output record since the strike started. At the Demmler tin plate plant, every thing has been made ready for an early start A report was current in Mc Keesport today that a large number of Deputy Sheriffs had been sworn in to go to Demmler to guard the works at that place. . The deputies have been ordered to report for duty Wednesday. FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED. Four Deaths In One Family Within a Month Cause an Investigation. Calumet Mass., Sept 3. It is rather unusual for four persons in one family to meet death within a period of one month. Yet this ocurred In the case of Mr. and Mrs. Alder P. Davis and their two daughters, Mrs. Irving Gibbs and .Mrs. Harry Gordon, the latter of Chicago, the deaths taking place only a few weeks ago. Some one started a rumor that these persons, or at least two of them, did not die from natural causes.; Finally the District Attorney ordered an inves tigation, and Joseph Whitney, of the state police force, was instructed to make an autopsy on the bodies of Mrs, Gordon and Mrs. . Gibbs. An under taker exhumed the bodies and an au topsy was held in the presence of med ical experts, including State Examiner Faunce, State Detective Whitney, Pro fessor Whitney and Professor Wood, of Harvard College. While Professor Wood had undoubtedly been requested by Captain Paul Gibbs to attend the autopsy, he was also present as an expert employed by the state, and to his custody was intrusted the organs of the two bodies for chemical analy sis. This, in the minds of many, shows that the authorities are looking for poison. The fact that the Jacin House, which was the home of the Davis fam ily, was set on fire four or five times during the interval between the death of Mrs. Davis and her youngest dau ghter is considered as having an im portant bearing on the case, Whether the bodies of Mr. and Mrs Davis are to be exhumed depends on the result of the autopsy held tomor row. The result will not known for several days. become . Overawed the Spanish. : Madrid, Sept. 2. While the British fleet in Spanish waters was maneuver ing today a torpedo which had been launched stranded oh the shore in front of La Linea. A party of man-of- warsmen was sent to recover it, but was prevented from doing so by detachment of Spanish carbineers, The landing party was strongly rein forced from the fleet, overawed the carbineers and took the torpedo. : Will Accept Offer of United States. London, Sept 4. A dispatch to news agency from Copenhagen today says the new Danish Ministry has decided to accept the United States' offer of 16,000,000 kreger for the Dan ish West Indies, thus announcing as an accomplished fact what the dis patches of the Associated Press saw the Ministry would do. Revolution in Persia. Cologne, Sept. 4. -A dispatch to the Cologne Gazette from Teheran, dated Ausnest 31. says: ; . ; A wldesperead revolutionary move-J ment is going on In Persia, iosterea by discontent with the government on account of the new loan negotiations with Russia. The Grand Vizier is ac cused of selling the country and fail ing to make reforms. Martial law has been proclaimed In the capital and en virons. The agitation, it is said, pro ceeds from the entourage of the Shah, who frequently finds threatening let ters upon his writing table. Miners Refuse to Work. Coal Creek. Tenn., Sept 4. About 1000 miners refused to go to work in the Coal Creek district today. The Coal Creek - Coal Company and the Black Diamond Coal Company's mines are completely shut down. ; . A New World's Record. New York, Sept 4. John Flanagan threw the 36-pound hammar 171 feet : 9 inches at the Irish Athletic Club games at Celtic Park today. This is . a new world'a record. : - FAMINE IN KUSSIA GOVERNMENT IS PREPARING TO , FEED THE DESTITUTE. Prospects for the Winter are Decidedly Bad In Many Districts the Population Are Al most Face to Face With Starvation Official Government Crop Reports Show a Serious Condition. St. Petersburg, Sept. 2. The day on which the first fruits of the har vest were blessed in the churches, which was celebrated throughout Russia this week, must have been a day of mourning in many of the provinces. The outlook has grown worse almost every week dur ing the last four weeks. Even vege tables, including potatoes, have been largely burned by the scorching heat in some districts. -. The approaching winter will be one of the gloomiest Russia has ever seen. The government already has begun preparations for the feeding of the population in districts where starva tion is threatened. By a law adopted some time ago, the Zemstvos, or dis trict assembblles are relieved from all responsibility in the matter, the famine relief funds being now turned over to the central government Agents of the ministry of the interior are engaged in buying grain, though the Russian press is forbidden to mention the matter. The precise ob ject of this prohibitiion is difficult to divine. It cannot be possible that the government thinks the grain, spec ulators can be taken unawares, and the secrecy with which the prices and the localities of purchases are invest ed can hardly be conducive to econ omy. The latest trustworthy reports show the crop condition about August 1st Excessive heat and aridity prevailed during the preceding six weeks. This cut off the development of the grain and unduly hastened maturity. Suffi cient rainfall was had only in the western and Baltic provinces. The winter grains naturally suffered com paratively little from the weather, and the harvests of winter grain will . be good in the provinces of Kieff, Po- dolia, Bessarabia and Kherson, in some portions of the black earth dis tricts, particularly the provinces of Tchernigoff, Poltava, Volhynia, Kursk, in the province of Minsk, Grodno, Kovno, Vitebsk and Smolensk, in por tions of the Baltic territory, in Fin land and in a portion of the central region.- In the remaining portion of the Empire the winter grains will shade off from below medium to very bad, and the official report adds that "the condition of spring grains is below-that of winter grains.' The har vest of spring grains will be "satis factory ' in the southwest, the Vistula provinces and portions of the north west It is bad throughout the im mense southwestern territory between the Dneiper and the Ural. Percent age estimates have not been given. EXAMINATION OF HOEY. A Line Rider Testifies to the Nogales Smug gling Conspiracy Case. Nogales, Ariz., Sept. 2. William Hoey, United States Collector of Cus toms at this port, was arraigned today before United States Commissioner R. D. George on several charges based on information that he conspired to ad mit Chinese into this country from Mjexico in a fraudulent manner. number of witnesses were examined, the principal one being George W. Webb, known as a line rider. Webb testified, among other things, that he advised Hoey that Chinese were being brought through the lines and made an engagement with the Collector to meet him at his room. He put a man named Dickey in a cupboard and left the door ajar. Continuing he said "I talked with Hoey about a China man named How and proposed to go in with him. I said that How had promised me $10 a head. ' Hoey said all right and told me how he had fixed it with them to use a letter A on the certificate of those who had paid the fee, and that I was to let such. China man go. but was to arrest all others. The examination will be continued tomorrow. A Car Inspector Killed St Louis, Sept. 2. In an accident on the Southern Railway at Firewater Station, four miles from East St. Louis, today, Frank Haefele, chief car inspector of the road, was killed, -and Elmore Drumm, fireman,' was fatally ana seott Mulconnery, engineer, se riousiy mjurea. : , . On An Oregon Beach. . Marshfield, Or., Sept" 2. The Brit ish bark Baroda, bound from Callao for Portland, Or., is ashore nine miles south of the Coquille River.. She struck head on and swune around, and is now lying with her bow to the sea. She has two heavy anchors out, and if the sea remains smooth, as it is now. the captain has hopes of floating his snip on, nut men who have had expert ence on the - beach in " that locality claim that- the chances are against her being floated. She- has about 100 tons of coal forward and same ballast aft Insurance Litigations Settled. Chicago, Sept.- 2. A settlement of the litigation which has Involved the Northwestern Life Assurance. Com pany since last September was effect ed today by the bid of Walter H. Lee for the assets of the company.' Some time ago Mr, Lee offered to pay 40 per cent on all approved .claims against the company In return for the title to all the assets. The claims which are to be settled aggregate ix round fig ures $1,000,000. EDUCATING INDIANS. West Virginia School Gives Them a Thorough and Practical Training. Washington, Sept S. A study of the results that have been attained at the Indian school at Hampton, Va., gives fair idea of what modern Indian edu cation will accomplish when conduct ed under the most favorable circum stances. The Hampton school is not primarily an Indian school, but rather one conducted in the interests of the colored race. Special arrangement was made by the Indian Office, through the sanction of Congress, whereby not to exceed 120 Indians are educated at this school every year, and for which Congress appropriates $20,040. A study of the report of the superintendent of the school for the past year, insofar as it applies to the Indian students, is rather interesting. Among other facts brought out are the following: There were at the Hampton school last year 119 Indians 54 girls and 65 boys. They were chosen from 21 dif ferent tribes, the Oneldas of Wiscon sin and the Sioux of North and South Dakota predominating. A plan has lately been devised to encourage the Indians to keep cows and study prac tical dairying. A number have been taking special training in the care of cattle and the making of butter and cheese. There will . go from the Hampton school to the Oneida reservation with, in the next year a number of boys and girls who have definite plans as to what they will endeavor to accomplish. The Hampton Institute pursues similar plans with all Indians, adapting the work of the school to the special condi tions at their respective homes. As far as possible Hampton is made miniature world where the young people learn to deal with problems similar to those which they will meet in the outside world. Work in the va rious trades is made more and more a part of each boy's course. The grad uating, class in carpentry has taken for half a year one-half a day each week at bricklaying, painting and tin smithing; four hours at woodturning; six hours at designing small houses; and the remainder of each week is spent at the carpenter bench. The shoe department made 385 pairs of shoes; .the harness department fixed 56 sets of harness; ; the bricklayers have laid 450,000 brick, besides making all repairs to brickwork and plastering on the grounds. The machine shop turned out 179 gears, machined 700 trucks, and did considerable work for the electric light and power plant of Hampton City, besides building a six horse power, vertical engines The woodworking machine shop has built and sold 727 trucks; the tailor shop made 302 uniforms. The manual train ing department gives instruction to every student in the school. No boy graduates from Hampton without hav ing worked in wood, iron and sheet metal, besides having taken a course in agriculture; no girl graduates with out having . received instruction in woodwork, enabling her to mend and make small furniture, or without hav ing been taught to cook and serve meals and to make her own dresses and underclothing. All pupils receiv ed instruction in agriculture the past year. The head of the department year. There are three courses In cooking at Hampton an elementary one In home cooking for girls who are not likely to go very far in the school; a more advanced class, and the normal course for post-graduate students who intend to become teachers of cooking. Besides the routine of the cooking classes, the girls are taught to care for the dining room, to set a table proper ly and wait on the table. In the sewing department the stu dents show real enthusiasm, and a spirit of co-operation that is striking. In addition to the regular sewing courses, classes in basketry and lace making, were conducted during the past year. The head of the depart ment considers that as a training for the hand and eye, basketry is in some respects superior to sewing, because inacurate or slovenly work can readily be detected. The study of mathematics is one of practical character. Each student keeps a cash book, Bhowing what the school owes him for work, what he owes the school for board, etc., and each month an account is rendered by the student to the treasurer's office. These two statemnts should agree, and if they do not means are taken to discover on which side the error occurs. Articles are manufactured by the students, and the cost of materials, time, etc., is kept of record. Details for - memorandums concerning trans actions on the farm, in the workshops, in the commissary and kitchen are sent in for the classes to put in proper shape. - In this way the Indians are taught to make practical application of their mathematical education. Thorough instruction in vocal music is given to the pupils. Negro Murderer Extradited. Okalahoma City, O. T., Sept. 3. Will Favors, the Pierce County negro porter, charged ' with the murder of Miss Gazelle Wild, a white girl, start ed back to Missouri today in charge of officers from that state. Favors will be held in Kansas City until it is con sidered safe to take him to Pierce City, where three negroes have already been lynched for the crime with which he is charged. Governor Jenkins hon ored Governor Dockery's requisition today. Spark Fell Into the Powder. ' Altona, Pa., Sept 3. At Munson, a mining town north of this city, Emanu el Rinus, a German miner, was empty ing powder from one cask into another at his home, when a spark fell from his pipe into the powder. The explo sion which followed wrecked the house and hurled the Rinus family in all di rections. The father, mother and two children were terribly burned and mangled. All are living, but their death Is expected. ITS WORST WRECK GREAT NORTHERN DISA8TER AT KALISPELL, MONTANA. Twenry-clght Freight Cars Ran Down a Steep Grade for Sixteen Miles and Crashed Into - the Rear of a Passenger Train Shock Set Fire to the Wreckage, Consuming Many of the Dead and Living Victims. Spokane, Sept 3. All reports show that the wreck on the Great Northern Railroad, 40 miles east of Kalispell, Mont, was the worst in the road's his tory, and one of the most agonizing In the annals of American railroading. Thirty-eight lives were lost and 13 per sons were injured. Three of the in jured will surely die, and the others were seriously hurt By strenuous and heroic effort 15 ot the bodies were taken from the wreck ed cars before the flames reached them. All the other victims were cre mated, including the bodies of Super intendent P. T. Downs and his son, T. Kirk Downs. There is a severe grade near the scene of the wreck. Two engines had taken a train of 28 freight cars up this grade and drawn off to take water. While doing this the 28 cars started down the grade. The runaway train dashed down the grade at frightful speed and crashed into the rear of west-bound passenger No. 3 near the siding at Nyack. Superintendent Downs' private car was attached to the passenger and next to it was a day coach filled with railroad laborers from Duluth. As the runaway train sped by the switch it struck a caboose and day coach on the siding, wrecked them, and the fire started from the oil lamps in the caboose. The point where the wild train crashed into the passenger was several hundred feet away and it was two and a half hours before the flames reached the main wreck. Meanwhile frantic efforts were made to take out the dead and injured. The wreck was piled high and wedged into almost hopeless confusion, and in spite of superhuman efforts the flames burned their way to the wrecked cars before the work was completed. J. H. Blair, colored cook in Mr. Downs' car, was taken out alive but died in a few minutes. It was impossible to get at the bodies of Superintendent Downs and his son. Made a Mile a Minute. The runaway tore down the hill at lightning speed, rounding the most sharp curves at a speed of 70 miles an hour, where regular trains crawl along. With a roar it burst around the curve and what is most remarkable jumped a split switch, which would have turned it to the sidetrack and crashed into the passenger. There was neither time nor opportunity for escape. Mir. Downs' car and that of the laborers was smashed into kindling wood, the occu pants of the private car meeting in stant death. The debris and shingles and lumber of freight burned like tin der. The train crew was forced back from its work of rescue. One man penetrated as far as the private car where he said he saw the dead bodies of Mr. Downs and his son, and from where he dragged the corpse of the cook. In the laborers' car many of the 46 occupants were so penned in that they could not be reached and burned to death before the eyes of the spec tators. The fire was so fierce that the rear sleeper could not be saved, though it had not left the track. Its occupants were hurried into forward cars, which were pulled ahead out of reach of the fire. The flames extend ed to the brush alongside the track and burned down the telegraph poles. A wire break followed, which, with a storm, greatly retarded telegraphic news of the wreck. 1 TO CLOSE BUTCHER SHOPS. New York Butchers Will See That the Sunday .. Law Is Strictly Enforced. New York, Sept 3. The butchers of New York are determined that the new state law prohibiting the sale or delivery of meats Sunday shall be en forced. To this end' an army of 2700 men, all' opposed to Sunday labor and all eager to aid in carrying out the provisions of the law, will patrol the city tomorrow. It will be the largest nrmv pvpp nr(rfttli7Pi in flnv ritv for such a purpose and will be under the direction of the Benchman's Associa tion of Retail Butchers, comprising 36,- 000 men, employed in butcner shops in this city. The butchers came to the conclusion that the most effective means they could adopt to compel the stoppage of the sale and delivery of meat Sundays was to create a legal vle-llAnrA nrmniTi'ttpA nf thplr nwn. Tha city has been divided into districts and captains appointed in each. Porto Rican Union Chartered Washington, Sept 2. The Ameri can Federation of Labor, with head quarters in this city, has granted the first charter for a general branch of that order in Porto Rico. The organ ization in that island is treated like any other state organization. New Oregon Postmasters. Washington, Sept 3. Oregon post masters were appointed today as fol lows; u, .oictjieary, m uttrnouu, vict? a.. Simms, resigned; F. G. Jones, at West fall, vice C- W. Madden, resigned. Will Consolidate tiovernments. 'Manila, Sept 2. Civil Governor Taft returned here today from . the north. He is pleased with the con dition of the parts ot the country visited. During his trip he establish ed civil governments at Launion, Illo coa (South and North), Abra, Caga yan, Isabela, Zambales and BocoL He intends shortly to amalgamate the provincial governments, abolishing the cumbersome machinery of the smaller provinces. ' .