if: . - THE LIVING MUSE. Horace calls no more on me, ' " Homer in the dust-heap lies; I have found my Odyssey In the lightness of her glee, In the laughter of her eyes." Ovid's page is thumbed no more. E'en Catullus has no choice! There is endless, precious lore, ' Such as I never knew before, In the music of her voice. Breath of hyssop steeped in wine, Breath of violets and furze, Wild-wood roses, Grecian myrrhs. All these perfumes do combine In that maiden breath of hers. Nay, I look not at the skies, Nor the sun that hillward slips, For the day lives or it dies. In the laughter of her eyes. In the music of her lips. Bookman. 23 h E was looking at May's portrait a lovely little miniature when the housemaid brought the pack et to him. The girl entered timidly, with a furtive glance at her master, for whom her heart was bleeding. No sign of tears either past or pres entwas visible in the young man's eyes. They were hard Jand bright. Hard, also, was his face, and the clenched lips like adamant . He took the thick envelope, glanced at the clerkly writing, and at the back, upon which was stamped in blue let ters, "W. Robinson & Co." Then he . flung it on the table, and as the servant ; left the room, the sound of harsh daughter broke upon her ears. . She fled ' to the kitchen, and with scared face ' whispered that she thought poor Mr. Ord must be going mad. He had written a few days before to ; William Robinson for those patterns that he might choose the materials for his wedding suit May was so particu lar about what he wore. He used to be a little careless about his dress once. Then, in his endeavor to gain May's approbation, he had overdone it In the opposite direction, sporting collars of absurd height, and Impossible ties, en during like a martyr the pinch of pat ent leather shoes a size too small for him, and getting himself a little chaffed by appearing in suits which were un mistakably in advance of the fashion. May, with gentle tact had changed all this. : He had written for the patterns from : Robinson's a few weeks before -the im portant suit should be needed, as he . wanted to have May's opinion wlthre- gard to the materials. He consulted her about everything. He had ho sis ters, and until the last year when the death of an uncle and the inheritance J. of a fortune had made him his own master he had lived a solitary life in a remote country town with the rela tion by whose sudden death he was en riched. - . .fter that laugh of harshness which ,? ; . had so startled his servant, Laurence . Ord went back to the study of May's ' portrait. A sob of anguish broke In a ;":groan from Ord's pale lips. He had l i.tried to realize that those dancing eyes ! were closed forever. : . The idea of May May, the merriest little person in the world lying cold - and silent was too much for the young man who last had seen her having a wild game with a kitten on the deck of : a friend's yacht " ; He had dreaded that little cruise more than he could say. He had all but ask ed her not to go, but from this he had refrained, deeming It mere selfishness. "You don't mind me going, Laurie, do you?" she asked, when the trip had been first suggested, and with a little pleading look in her eyes which was Irresistible, especially as he had not yet the absolute right to give or withhold permission. "I'll only . be gone three weeks, and then If you still have a mind to you may take me and keep me forever. A large order, Laurie! Shall you want me for so long,' do you v think?" fie had gone to see her off on board the Orchid, andhe had stopped In the middle of one of her airy whirls with ; i the kitten and a piece of scarlet ribbon. .. i) "Mind you have the patterns ready by the time I comeback!" v "xne yacnt urcnia, wnicn was wrecked last night on the dangerous reef outside Alwyn Bay, is the proper- :-T ty of a Mr. Griffiths of London. All on ! board were saved except the unfortu- i nate lady whose body was washed ashore early this morning. It has been Identified as that of Miss May Carden." This was the paragraph which had - caught the eye of Laurence Ord as he yi had run over his morning .paper at breakfast Afterwards he had come Ht upon the first and longer account, but rthis was evidently a little paragraph Inserted when further Information had , been received. His senses had at first been blunted 1 by the shock. Now they were awaken ed to full consciousness of the Immeas urable pain. He laid the miniature down, and began to walk about the room. He moved things here and there. He wound the clock then his nerveless fingers dropped It with a crash. He let It He where it had fallen. He began mechanically to settle the things on the table, to fold up the news papers, and open his neglected letters. He was fighting his pain.' The letters were read without his being a whit the wiser as to their contents. The packet of patterns was the only thing that re mained. . t With another of those pitiful laughs he ripped open the envelope. The laugh changed into an Indescribable cry. There were no patterns In the envelope. Instead there were three thick sheets of notepaper, each of which had "Wal ter Robinson & Son, Solicitors, Alwyn Bay," printed upon it The writing was a penciled scrawl a dear, familiar scrawl. Laurence' read it on his knees, sob bing out his thanks to God. Three sen tences and the signature will sufficient ly explain: - - ' "I was brought ashore half-drowned. Mr. Robinson, a lawyer, has kindly given us shelter. Mr. Griffiths Is addressing this. Tour loving May." San Francisco Argonaut. FIVE TIMES PRESIDENT OF THE I Villi am T.aker-9! Forty years ago last March W. T. Baker joined the Chicago Board of Trade, and ever since has lived the strenuous life of an active member of that associa tion. He has done other things as well. He succeeded Lyman J. Gage as presi dent of the-World's Columbian" Exposition after having been one of its directors for a year and also chairman of the committee on foreign exhibits. He was elect ed for a second term as president of the fair, but illness compelled his resignation and Mr. Higinbotham succeeded him. He was also vice-president of the Civic Federation. On 'Change his interests have so invariably been on the side of higher prices that there is a legend around the board to the effect that the only property that ever fell after he bought it was the water in Snoqualmie Falls, in Washington. Mr. Baker has been five times elected president of the Board of Trade, serving in 1890, 1891, 1895, 189 i and 1897, the only man who ever held the office three successive years. He could have had it a fourth year had he cone sented. . ' HUMAN FINGER PRINTS. There Are Possible Drawbacks to Their Value in Identification. The constancy of human finger prints has chiefly been discussed in connec tion with the identification of criminals. Assuming that the evidence of finger prints Is to be admissible in criminal proceedings, it will be hot only neces sary to prove that in the case of the same man the finger prints remain un altered, but that no two persons have identical finger prints. Where is the evidence of this? There are propably 1,500,000,000 men and women on the earth. Can -we sup pose that no two of these have identical finger prints?; Nor indeed is this all. We may be comparing the finger prints of a living man with those of one who has been dead for years past, and the doctrine of heredity might lead us to expect to find similar finger prints In the case of parents and children and of different children of the same parents. It is, at all events, certain that if this finger print system were once intro duced Into our courts of justice there would be any amount of wrangling as to whether they were identical or only similar experts contradicting each other and involving the whole subject in confusion. : Moreover, professional criminals would probably soon find some mode of altering their finger prints. No doubt if the person who committed a crime a murder, for example has left the im print of his fingers on anything it may prove an important clew, but the same thing may be said of the imprint of his boots or shoes. But a clew is one thing and a proof is another thing. Let me point out another difficulty. In a country where there are a large num ber of criminals whose finger prints are collected, the number Of these will soon be very large. How long would it take to examine this collection in order to find out whether any of them corre sponded accurately with the finger prints of the man who is now accused? The task would, I think, be a hopeless one. - .. - That finger prints may be important in the detection of crime whenever the criminal has left the print of his fin gers behind him I do not dispute but without much stronger evidence than we now possess that no two persons have undistlnguishable" finger prints such evidence ought never to be per mitted to outweigh what appeared to be a tolerably satisfactory alibi. Knowledge. . - The Plethoric Picnic Pie. - That the joyous picnic season does not bring peace and happiness to all alike Is clearly shown by a composition written on the subject by a girl in a New York high school: . - - - "May parties will soon be ripe, and me June waiK season win roilow Card upon. The difference between a Mar party and a June walk is a simple matter of chronology. Each has Its queen of brief authority and its chap WINNER OF THE AUTOMOBILE RACE BETWEEN PA RIS AND BERLIN. Henri Fournler, the winner of the automobile race from Paris to Berlin, has long been known on the continent as the king of the automobilists. ; He first used a petroleum tricycle for his road 'work. .With a machine of 1-horse power he made ad average of more than forty miles an hour at a time when automo biles were the merest novelties. . Thus it will be seen that he was no new hand in the big race which has just been won at Berlin. Fonrnier is a veritable spectacle on his machine. He flies along with bulging eyes cast ground ward, hair stream ing in the wind, and his motor puffing like mad under him. He is so accustomed to these hazardous trips that he is perfectly cool while traveling oyer a country road at sjpress train speed. ' - : CHICAQO BOARD OF TRADE eron of absolute sway. Each has also Its hamper, which is as deadly an ene my to the Manhattan populace as the frying-pan to the Kansas farm hand. took an Inventory of one of these hampers last year, and as 7 1 was a member of the physiology class at the time,, it startled me out of a session's growth. - 'When the hamper was opened the chaperon drew forth one bag of sand wiches and one pie; one bottle of pick les, one pie; one sponge cake, one pie; one roast chicken, one pie; one bottle of lemon juice, one pie; one bag of assort ed cookies, one pie; one dozen doughnuts,- one pie; one package of biscuits and one pie. This was all, except that there were a few extra pies at the bot tom, for the purpose, I suppose, of forestalling famine. 'The, chaperon wondered after lunch eon why the girls and boys didn't enter Into their play with as much zest as they did when they -first arrived at the Dark. I didn't. I was studying natu ral history at the time, and only a few ' days before a lucid explanation had been given why the boa . constrictor takes a month's nap after dining on far more digestible food than anything I saw in Central Park that day." Concert on Wife's Grave. . Out of respect for the memory of his wife, Jesse Mitchell played twenty-seven pieces of music over her grave in Pittston Cemetery. She died a year ago. The strange concert was witnessed by a large crowd, among them a num ber of boys who jeered at Mitchell. Others guarded the bereaved man as he sat upon the newly made mound and played the Scottish bagpipe for an hour. Pittston correspondent Philadelphia North American. . ' . Science Versus the Rat Pest One of the professors at the Pasteur Institute In Paris has discovered a mi crobe that breeds a pestilence among rats. ; Specimens of it have been tested on farms and In warehouses with suc cess. In one-half the cases the whole colony of rats was destroyed; in other cases, the number was greatly reduced. Thus science will take the place of na ture and the occupation of the cats will be gone. A True Story. She (reading lazily) Why Is it that this newspaper calls its column "Through the Microscope?" He (lighting a fresh cigar) Because of the (puff) prodigious enlargement requisiter-(puff, puff) to see the point to most of the stuff that appears under it Indianapolis Press. ' City and Country. New York now leads all the other States in the predominence of its city over its country population. Of every 100 inhabitants of the Empire State, 77 live in cities and towns. The percent age of the population living in cities and towns for the whole country Is only 4?. .. sarvention Another mountain observatory Is pro jected. It is to stand at an elevation of 6,000 feet near Semmering, in the Austrian Alps. The neighboring val leys are frequently filled with clouds, while the chosen peak towers clear in the starlight : - - - - : It has been supposed that the Hert zian waves, on which the wireless tele graph depends for Its operation, went through the ground as well as in the air, for mountains offer no obstacle to them. But M. La Grange reports to the Paris Academy of Sciences that the Hertzzian waves simply follow along the ground, being directed by its surface, and that tests show that they do not penetrate the earth to a distance of eighteen inches. The conclusion from this is that there is little hope of se curing underground wireless tele graphy. T. J. J. See of the Naval Observatory has announced the results of new meas urements of Saturn and Its rings, which differ somewhat from older determina tions. He makes the exterior diameter of the rings about 173,226 miles, the equatorial diameter of Saturn 74,990 miles, and the polar diameter 67,395, the difference between the two diame ters being 7,595 miles, almost equal to the entire diameter of the earth. Mr. See's measures make the diameter of Titan, the largest of Saturn's moons, 2,092 miles. It had previously been estimated as high as 8,500 miles. R. H. Yapp, an English naturalist who has recently explored the moun tain ranges of the Malay peninsula, re ports the hitherto little known fact that in several species of bamboo the hol low internodes the parts Of the stems between the joints are stored with large quantities of naturally filtered water. The knowledge of this fact might be of great service in an emer gency. Mr. Yapp also discovered two species of ferns, growing on trees, whose thick, fleshy stems are filled with galleries tunneled by ants, the ferns thus forming living nests for the ants. , . " A light electric railway for passen gers and goods traffic in Russian Po land, connecting the towns of Lodz, Zglerz and Pabianlce, is now open. The building of this railway has been grant ed by the Russian government on the condition that after twenty-eight years the whole line and plant is to be hand ed over to the government without any compensation, and that after twenty years it has the option of purchase. Furthermore, the company has agreed to pay a certain portion of the profits to the government. This line is inter esting, as it is the first electric railway established in Russia. In the constellation Gemini is a well- known variable star, Zeta, of less than the third magnitude. when brightest, which, according to an estimate recent ly set forth in the Observatory by Miss Agnes M. Clerke, may be ranked among the giants of starry space. ; The corn- parative insignificance of Zeta Gemino- ram among the visible stars appears to be due to its enormous distance. - If re moved equally far away, our sun would be only one-thirty-seventh as bright as Zeta Geminorum when at its maximum brightness, and Miss Clerke computes the gravltative power or the star at 225 times that of the sun. A French writer, Henri Coupin, says that the fact that notwithstanding their simplicity, the songs of the birds cannot be Imitated with musical in struments arises from the Impossibility of reproducing their peculiar timbre. The notes of birds, while corresponding with our musical scale, also include vibrations occupying the intervals be tween our notes. The duration -of birds' songs is usually very snort, two or three seconds for thrushes and chaf finches, four or five seconds for black' caps, but from two to five minutes for the lark. . Monsieur Coupin remarks that while one in every ten species of European birds is tuneful, the propor tion diminishes to only one in a thou sand among the gorgeously clad birds of the tropics. TWO CASSOWARIES IN A FIGHT. They Use Their Feet to Kick After -' Style o Ostriches. Although the cassowary' In captivity has the reputation of being extremely tractable and docile, he is terrible when aroused. - j A notable peculiarity of this is that if any particular object attracts his attention he will perform a sort of war dance over It This happened at the zoo when one of the cassowaries, which are confined In cages near the malu entrance, lighted upon a piece of gaudy ribbon blown Inside the bars from the hat or dress of. some woman visitor. says the London Express. He was one of the smallest of the col lection, bnt he was of martial disposi tion. After having carefully examined the ribbon he started his war dance and kept It up with great vigor for some minutes. Just while he was at the height of his. enjoyment a larger casso wary came up and interfered with him. - , -,; - - - ' He stood this for some time, but when the larger bird attempted to oust him from the spot in order that he In turn might prance about the ribbon he re sented the intrusion in no uncertain style. : ' ' . Kicking out vigorously on all sides. craning his neck, snapping his beak, elongating his body and hitting imag inary blows with the horny mass which cassowaries carry on the top of their heads and which is called a helmet he seemed torfiid defiance to all comers. : The larger "cassowary, thinking ap parently that he could treat the demon strations of the light weight with con tempt, commenced bustling the latter. The two were ill-matched as regards height, one of them .being above five feet high and the other a foot or more shorter, but the battle which ensued showed that weight and height will uot always tell. Forward kicks were the main feat.ire of the fight The cassowary, it is be lieved, is the only bird, except perhaps the ostrich, which uses this method of attack and aerense, ana the way a cas sowary can kick would warm the heart of a French " boxer. He - can kick straight out like a man, or he can do the high kick like a music hall star. At first the blows were delivered chiefly on the breast and didn't fcnrt much, bnt eventually the small bird knocked the other one out with a mas terly stroke delivered by the long sharp claw of the inner toe on the wattles of his antagonist No fatal injury was done, but the shock must have been terrific, for the big bird uttered a peculiar cry and re tired In confusion to its corner, while the victorious one resumed Its war dance.. It also had been severely pun ished, l SOMETHING ABOUT BOILS. Slight Injuries, High. Living and Close eha-vinar Alike May Cause Them. Contrary to the common belief, boils are not indicative ai diooo disease. They are really indications of local poisoning by pus-bearing germs, and the boll is an abscess. Every pus prick, every scratch, every abrasion, every cut with a razor or pocketknife, every splinter that enters the skin may cause a boll. Nor need the wound be a serious one; it may be so minute as to be invisible to the unaided eye. Nor is the result always produced, "for if it should be, every slight wound, every thorn pvlck, every scratch of a cat every bite of a dog, every abrasion of the skin, would be followed by disas trous, if not fatal, consequences. The reason for this immunity is that there is a certain Inherent power of the body to resist these noxious agents and It Is only when the powers of the body aro Weakened by disease that the morbific agents can thrive In the body and ac complish their evil work. In this sense, then, boils are diseases due to diseases of the blood, but it not a disease in itself. High living also favors boils. ; Dr. . Reld, speaking of pus, and Incidentally of boils, says 'Job was probably run down by a long period of debauchery. We read that the devil had him in town some time be fore his bolls broke out If, now, he could have had the counsel of three good physicians, instead of as many tiresome theologians, he would have had his system toned up; his broken potsherd, with which 'he scraped him self withal,' thus spreading sympathy, and infection would have been taken from him, and he would have been taught a few lessons in sanitary sci ence instead of theology." The reason why a boil -is always In the worst place is because that is the most exposed place. The back of the neck, where the- collar rubs the mi crobes into the skin; the wrist where the cuffs irritate and make the entrance of germs more easy; the top of the foot, where the shoe pinches; the razor swept chin are all favorite "worst places." American Druggist and Phar maceutical Record. Wonders of Peat. The London Leisure Hour says that Herr Zschorner of Vienna has been ex perimenting with peat for twelve years, and has shown -conclusively that it has many astonishing qualities. , In Ireland, in particular, this intelligence should be welcomed. , A building has been exhibited in which everything, from the carpets on the floor to the curtains in the windows and the paper on the walls, was made from peat The fibers of the remains of the reeds and grasses of which peat is composed have, of course, their orig inal physical and chemical characters changed, but the fibrous structure re mains unharmed, and the fibers them selves are very durable, elastic and non-conductors of heat Fabrics woven from them are found to have the toughness of linen with the warmth of wool. There is no textile fabric that cannot be woven from these fibers. Blankets and other coverings used for horses and cattle have been found to excel in warmth and cleanli ness. " Paper of several 'qualities has been made, and the uses to which peat fiber has already been applied indicate possl bilitles that may render the peat-bogs of Ireland a valuable addition to the resources of that country 4 ".'- A Novelty in Hospitals. Floating over a three-story building In the heart of the Sixth avenue shop ping district In New York Is a Red Cross flag. Strangers would suppose that sick or wounded soldiers were be ing cared for there, but the sign over the door reads, "Dolls' Hospital.' And none but sawdust-stuffed patients are admitted. A corps of expert surgeons and nurses is on hand to administer to sufferers .who may have suffered from accidents In the nursery. Many a flax en-haired, doll Is sent from homes of the wealthy, to be repaired at this unique hospital, where modern surgery makes possible some miraculous cures. The attendants wear 'white aprous and caps, and the superintendent is called "Doctor." " To the children who call with their pets he is of much more im portance than the family physician, for this doll surgeon cannot only amputate limbs, but replace them as well. Libraries for Lighthouse - Keepers. Traveling" libraries are furnished for lighthouse keepers. Neat cases, hold ing from thirty-five to forty books, are changed at every visit of the steam tender that brings other" supplies. These visits occur at Intervals of about tfiree months, and the tender always carries a dozen-or more bookcases. The lighthouse keepers, as a rule, are not il literate men, although a high grade of education is not required to perform their duties, but they are great readers and call chiefly for fiction, biography and books of travel. It is not generally known that they are now appointed under civil service rules after, competi tive examination. Chicago Record Herald. " - ---'-.C :': -- - - r: An Atchison man guards again going to sleep In church by getting his eyes on some woman who is chewing gum. He claims that It Is impossible to watch a woman who is chewing gum, and go to sleep." ' ' ." - - - ;" -; "It is easy for a young man to figure that hi? wages will support two, but does he expect a proportionate advance every time there is an increase?, A man who knows the people, is very careful about trying toifool them. OUR BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO INGS HERE AND THERE, Jokes and Jokeleta that An Supposed to Have Been Recently Born Baying- and. Doing that Are Old, Cnrlons and laughable The Week's Hnmor. "You cannot fail to note," said the French war expert, proudly, "that we are taking the lead in developing the balloon and the automobile. Think of the races that have been held recently." That Is a wise precaution," returned the Yankee, "for those who anticipate that they may want to get away in a hurry, but it lacks interest for those who look at the matter from another point of view." Chicago Post. The Bald-Headed Tyrant. Brown Well, did your baby enjoy the picnic? ' Jones I guess so; he had five of his own family waiting on him all day besides all the outsiders he could drag in." Much the Same. 'My wife is a woman of strong will power, said Goldthorpe. 'My wife Is a woman of great won't power," added Bickers. Life-Savins; Exertion. 'Don't you pay any attention to sum mer athletics?" 'Oh, yes; I often run a few blocks after the iceman when he has gone by without leaving us any ice." A Condition. 'You say you want to get off this afternoon to go to a funeral?" "Yes, sir; if it doesn't rain." - The Proper Time. 'Amy, said Mabel, "when do you Intend to wear that stunning bathing suit of yours?" "When the men arrive," replied Amy. ' Pro paara tors. "Mosquitoes are accused of propa gating disease," said Spykes. "Well, I know that they propagate profanity," said Spokes. True RegiKuation. - The Spinster (an invalid) Is it really true that marriages are made in heaven? The Parson Yes, I believe so. The Spinster (resignedly) Oh, I'll tell the doctor - he needn't again. Chicago News. then call A Paradoxical Talesman. Judge Have you formed any opinion on this case? Wouldibeigh Juror No, sir; I haven't mentioned it to my wife. The Smart Set Trouble Not Far Off. First Back-Yard Farmer Have you spaded up your garden yet? Second Back-Yard Farmer No, but my next-door neighbor has let out all his hens. Somerville (Mass.) Journal. His Status. "Whoopler seems to have nearly fin- isnea ntting nimseil for active mem bership In a trained animal show." "Oh, he was an Elk, and then he be came a White Rat, and last night he joined the Buffaloes and they made a monkey of him." Puck. Comparison. Miss May I do not know any better way to describe my embarrassment in your presence than to say that I feel as if I were about to be examined at school. Bombe. . Sorry He Lied. De Garry You are the only woman I ever loved. Ma3ge In that case I can't be your summer girt I don't want any ama teur. Judge. '?- Exclusiveness. - Mrs. Purseproud I see where several millionaires chartered a whole steam boat in order to come across the ocean. Mr. Purseproud Well, when we go over we will lease the ocean for week. Baltimore American. Turned Down. "I have written my autobiography," said the ex-politlclan who had seen beS ter days. "I suppose you would It willing to advance a few dollars on it eh?" ."". . ; "Not on your life," replied the soul less publisher. Chicago News. - ' The Same To-J ay. - "In old times, when a man committed a mistake he was put in the stocks." "It's sometimes that way now," sigh ed the fellow who had been dabbling on a falling market "To be caught in the stocks means you've done somethln you shouldn't have done." Philadel phia Times. : T - ! . A Whole Lot Short. ' "Say, pop!" said Willie, "Is 'gent' short of 'gentleman? " ', "Yes, my boy," replied the old man, "a gent is far short of a gantleman.1 Philadelphia Record. A Fallacy. "There is a great deal to be said on both sides of every question," said the broad-minded man. "My dear sir," answered Mr. Meek- ton, "it Is very plain that you have nev er, engaged In an argument with Hen rietta," Washington Star. Appropriate. I wonder why they put 'He Rests in Peace over Jones' grave. I understand that he led a very bad life." 'True but you don't know Mrs. Jmes." Life. "Gee, I'm glad my mother don't wear shoes like those." He Sympathized. The Summer Girl (to her companion) What do you suppose it. Is, dearest that makes the sea murmur so? Testy Old Gentleman (who has en countered a mooning couple in every secluded nook along the shore) Lord, Miss, you'd murmur If you had to hear all the sentimental rot the sea hears! Detroit Free Press. Looked Like Her. "Sir," said the gentleman, angrily, as he burst Into the photograph gallery, "you have Insulted my wife and I de mand satisfaction!" "Believe me, sir," said the photog rapher, soothingly, "I am Innocent of any intended offense. ' What have I done?" "You will have to fight, sir," went on the man; "you took a picture for my wife "and it looks like herr' Boston Post. What He Would Po. "My poor hungry man, if I were to give you a nickel, what would you do with itr inquired the lady with the angular smeller and the uncertain spec tacles. . "I'll tell yer, mum," replied the gen tleman with the straggling whiskers and yearning bread pouch; "I'll git a Turkish bath an' buy a ottymubble wid th' change. Where's th' ten, mum?" Denver Times. Recrnitine. Riding Master Why don't you mount? I gave the order two minutes ago. The Rider Hang It, man, I've been on half a dozen times since then. The King. . - The Pane- of It. "Why dear, what's the matter with you? Bad news from your husband?" "Oh, worse than that. He writes me that he is longing for me and kisses my picture every day." "That's no reason for crying." "Yes, but I find I put mother's pho tograph in his trunk in mistake for mine." Brooklyn Life. ' Water at a Discount. "Is it not beautiful to see the moon shine across the water?" inquired the romantic young woman. "Well, miss," answered Col. Still well, "moonshine is very acceptable in an emergency. But I don't know as I especially care about the water." Washington Star. Appearances Aa-ainst Hint. The Parson (leaning over the fence, shocked) Makin' garden on Sunday, brother! I Is pained beyon' measuah. Brother Johnson! U Rastus Johnson - (flustered) Deed I ain't makin' garden, pahson. I'ze only diggin' bait "to go fishin'. Brooklyn Eagle. Noacommital. "Senator," asked the interviewer, "da I understand you to say there is very little money made in politics?" "Well er you might say," replied the Senator, "there is a great deal of money made out of politics." Phila delphia Press. The Brutality of Man. A correspondence full of eloquence and a speaking moral has been brought to light by a trade journal in St. Paul. The lady received the first letter, and It read thus: "Dear Madam: I take pleasure in shipping to your address a rug valued at $50, for which I shall be glad to re ceive your check. If you do not desire the rug please return It Very sincere ly, and so forth!" "The idea!" exclaimed the indignant woman, and thereupon she sat 'down and indited the following reply: "Dear Sir: : I have ordered no rug from your establishment, and I see no reason why I should go to the expense of returning that which I do not want. and which was sent to me unsolicited." To this complaint she received the following gently sarcastic rejoinder: "Dear Madam: I will send for the UUDUUUICU J-US, AUU A U U JUU Will do me the favor to send for the unso licited charity tickets which now lie with about twenty-eight others on my desk. Very sincerely, and so forth." "The discourteous boor!" shrieked the lady. - ZD HI v 4 -am