C0RVALLI8 GAZETTE : - - - WEEKLY. . ; - ' . . ' ' lVt.l'lLT. ConsolWatedPel). 1899. EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers The United States gunboat Machias is at Colon. A large sugar beet crop is expected is Southern Washington. Michael Berry, a noted Colorado burglar lias been arrested. Relations are still disturbed be tween France and Turkey. Two men were killed while trying to shut off a new Texas oil gusher. Colombians generally expect the revolutionary movement to succeed. Shaffer says the move to settle the steel strike is without official sanc tion. Englishmen are confident that Sir Thomas Lipton is going to win the America's cup. Howard, who deserted the Amer icans to become a Filipino leader, has been captured. . Cardinal Gibbons was given a royal welcome on his return to Bal timore from Europe. By the explo-ion of a bomb in New Jersey three men were seriously in jured and several women and children slightly. A vessel was stolen from a dock in Maryland and the thieves tried ' to escape with her. They were over taken later. Department of justice upholds the secretary of the navy in withholding the royalty on the Harvey steel-hardening patent. The overhauling to which the var ious royal palaces of King Edward is being subjected, has disclosed vast . treasures that have been hidden for years. Lord Kitchener reports that a col umn sent into Cape Colony was at . tacked by the Boers and three officers and 65 men captured. One man was killed and four wounded. Boers resumed activity in Cape Colony. v A German steamer and eight sailors 'were lot. . . .";;. - ; " A gale wrecked a number of build ings in Jersey City. A Tennessee Negro murderer was burned at the stake. Turkey will not buy the quays of the French company. Steel workers are willing to make concessions to end strike. United States Attorney Evans, of Minnesota, died suddenly. . Nogales, Ariz., officials are impli cated in a smuggling plot. Striking machinists in Chicago ignore an order against picketing. One hundred Filipino insurgents surrendered during the past week. San Francisco iron workers' strike was settled in favor of the laborers. The military force ,at Manila will be increased to pi event a possible uprising. A movement is on foot for a gene ral shut down of all shingle mills in Washington. - Venezuela will lay its case before the state department in order to ward off intervention. Castle Bock, on the Columbia river has been scaled by a party of climbers from Portland. Sir Thomas Lipton has arrived in New York. The navy department has denied a request from Schley. A coast survey obseryatory will be established at Sitka, Alasak. Two men were arrested for passing tne bills of a defunct New Jersey bank. Fifteen persons were drowned by the capsizing of a French coasting vessel. -Murderer Nordstrom of Washing ton, has given up all hope of escaping the gallows. ' A Colombian gunboat sank imme diately after leaving Savanilla for Cartagena. - A change of one point in the course of the steamer Islander caused her to strike the iceberg. The cable between Nome and St. Michaels is broken in several places ,and cannot be repaired. An explosion in the tunnel being bored in Lake . Erie for Cleveland's water works system, cost five lives. The census bureau gives St. Joseph, Mo., as the healthiest city in the United States, and Portland, Oregon, as the second healthiest. Winter?, who stole the $330,000 in gold bullion from the Selby Smelting Co., of Vallejo, Cal., was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.- Birtish public expenses are running nearly $2,000,000 per week beyond last year. . . A New York judge decides that in surance companies cannot be - com pelled to make good damages 'result ing from explosions. Henry B. Dean, of St. Louis, claims to have found the secret of perpetual motion. . He has been working on this great problem for 12 years. . NORDSTROM. WA8 HANGED. Condemned Man Completely Callapsed and Was Strapped to a Board. Seattle, Aug. 24. Charles W. Nord strom was hanged yesterday morning at 9 :49 o'clock ' for the murder, on November 27, 1891, of William Mason. From early morning the condemned man had seemed to fully realize his position, and while ' ministers and members of the Salvation Army prayed with him, he cried continually. Shortly after 9:30 Nordstrom was brought from the room in which he had been, just adjoining the execu tion room. It required the assistance of four men to keep him on his feet. When he was taken into the pres ence of the scaffold, he broke down completely. Crying in a childish voice and praying that his life be spared him, he collapsed entirely and fell to the floor. Efforts to raise him and keep him on his feet were fruitless, and at last Sheriff Cudihee ordered that a board be brought. To this Nordstrom was tied. It required four men to hold him while this was being done. While being tied to the board, Nordstrom continued to cry in a loud voice. The six men who had held him raised his body on the board, and with great effort, succeed ed in getting him on the gallows and onto the fatal trap. Here he was stood upright, four of the men stand ing on the four sides of the trap and holding hhn. Within two seconds after the condemned man was in place the trap was sprung and Nord strom had paid the penalty of his crime. The trap was sprung at 9:49, and Nordstrom was pronounced dead at 10:02. TO MEET WAR EXPENSES. Columbia Gives Notice That . It Will Make Forced Loans. Colon, Aug. 26. An official decree, dated Bogota, July 18, and addressed to the governors of the departments, was published today. It says:." "A new aspect of war, which seems to kindle anew with the help of for eigners who threaten the frontier, places the government under the ne cessity of assuming a different atti tude from that maintained hitherto, and forces it to proceedings which it has previously tried to avoid. "It has been resolved: First, to suspend the payment of all accounts for war material pending, and to limit the expenses to the payment of the armed force and the adminis tration ; secondly, to proceed to ex propiiate all the necessary elements -for the feeding, - equipment and mo bilizing of the army; thirdly, to levy forced and voluntary loans, accord ing to circumstances, and to impose war contributions in order to meet the expenses of each 'department without depending upon the national capital. "The governors are hereby amply authorized to proceed in these matters according to the requirements of the case, and each governor must assume the responsibility in order to save the" situation within his territory.'" v-. TO PREVENT SMUGGLINQ. Chinese Bound for Other Countries' Will Nol Be Allowed to Land. Washington, Aug. 24. The de termination of the treasury depart ment to take advantage of the author ity given by the Chinese exclusion act to regulate the tiansit through the United States of Chinese emigrants bound for other countries was today officially brought tp the attention ol the Chinese legation. The occasion presented itself when an attache of the legation called upon Assistant Secretary Taylor to lay before him a message received from the Chinese consul at San Francisco, conveying the information that Chinese destined for Mexico had been refused the privi lege of landing at that port. Mr. Taylor told the attache that the department had " become . con vinced that most of the Chinese who had gone into Mexico in the past twe or three years had smuggled them selves back across the border into tht United States.- He therefore an nounced that hereafter the depart ment would refuse landing permission to Chinese bound for Mexico unless it could be absolutely satisfied of theii good faith. Fast Train Wrecked. Jacksonville, 111., Aug.-22. The fast Kansas City passenger train on the Alton road was wrecked at mid night at Prentice, a siding eight miles north of here, by running into a freight. New Venezulean. Revolution. New York, Aug. 26. The Willem stad, Curacao, correspondent of the Herald says : There is excellent au thority for the statement that a new Venezuelan revolution, lead by Lib erals, is being arranged. The ' leader of this revolution is now in New York. The political situation in Venezuela is more than serious. No one is al lowed to leave the country without special permission. . At the iimon river, where an . American company employs 300 men, one morning only 15 were found on the premises. ' v; The Gift of Chile. ?ew York, Aug. 24. The Chilean tiaining ship General Bageduino, with a number of cadet i recently graduated from the naval academy at Valparaiso, is expected to arrive in New York within a few days. - - The cadets will visit Annapolis. - They are bringing with them a bronze tab let, the gift of Chile, to. be placed on the Washington monument. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUOTY, OREGON, JNJjJYYb UH THE bTATifi BORDER SMUBGUNg plot- items OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Ira. - portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industrie! Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report The Florence salmon cannery will start up next week. Prunes are beginning to move in earnest at The Dalles. . The Jacksonville public schools will opeii September 2.- A race meeting will probably be held in Pendleton this fall. The Klamath county wheat crop will not be as large as it was last year. Hopgrowers at Woodburn comnlain of a scarcity of help to harvest the crop. The wheat crop of Jackson county is turning out much belter than ex pected. The Sherman county Horse Fair Association will hold a fair at Wasco some time this fall to encourage the breeding of good horses of all kinds. The first crop of alfalfa in Klamath has been cut and cared for. The sec ond crop, which will be cut next month, promises to be much larger than the first. The following schools in Polk coun ty are without teachers, and in each case a good one is wanted : Concord, Lincoln, Bridgeport, and the primary department at Falls City. " The apple crop of -the Rogue River valley promises to be a great income producer during, the present year. Not only is the yield a fuH - one, but the quality is finer than usual. : From several sources comes the re port that Bartlett pears will be scarce this fall. In many orchards the trees did not bear at all, while in others the trees seem to be drying Bp. " Owing to the delay in the receipt of the new text books, it has been decid ed by the board of directors of the Ashland public schools to postpone the opening of the fall term one week, or until September 9. T :' v:. it is expected that tie Southern Oregon district will ship 275 car loads of apples " during the present crop year, and the fruit will all be first class, i,- - The -., unusual demand . .for Oregon apples is created by the par tial Jailure of the "crop in the middle states and - by the long season of drought in Missouri. "". " ' s r There is every prospect of a fair yield of hops in Polk county. The Ager-Klamath Falls stage was held up and robbed of . the treasure box. . y The .postoffice at Ruby, -Douglas county, will be discontinued on Aug ust ai. ; . - - The log raft is still stuck at the entrance to the Westport slough, near Astoria. " ' ' . Eugene has not Bad such a buildine boom in years as is at present being experienced. " - ; .... . - .- .. .; . The Polk county grain cron " this year will be the largest harvested in several years. 7 . The committees in charge of the Baker City street carnival, to be. held beptember 6-1, report excellent suc cess. . Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, nomina 56Jc per bushel ; bluestem, 56) ate; valley, ODao. - Flour best grades, $2. 65 3. 50 - per barrel; graham, $2.60. Oats Old, $1.101.15 percental. - Barley Feed, $1515.50; brewing," $15.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $27 per ton ; mid dlings, $21:50; shorts, $20; chop) $16. Hay Timothy, $11 13; clover, $79.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. " . Butter Fancy creamery, 22 25c; dairy, 18 20c;" store, ll12c per pound. : J - ' Eggs 1717c per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 11 lle; Young America," 12c per nound.' . j Poultry Chiekens, mixed, $3.00 3.75; hens, $4.505.50; dressed, 10 11c per pound; springs, . $2.503.5GL per dozen ; ducks, $3 for old ; $3.00 3. 50 for young; . geese, $56 per dozen ; turkeys, live, 810c; dressed. Pl012c per pound. ; -" Mutton Lambs, 3j4c, . gross: dressed, . 67c per pound; sheep. $3.25, gross; dressed, 66Jc per lb. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.756; light, $4.755; dressed, 77c per pound. ' - - Veal Small. 89c ; ; large, 7 7c per pound. Beef Gross top steers, $3. 50 4. 00; cows and heifers, $3.253.50; dressed beef, 67 Jc per pound. Hops 1214c per pound. Wool Valley, ll13)c; Eastern Oregon, 8 1 2 c; mohair, 2021c per pound. , . - - Potatoes $1$1.10 per sack. There are 649 1-3 millions of men and 633 2-3 millions of women in this world, giving the men a majority of 15 1-3 millions. ; . " For the first time during his pon tificate of 23 years Pope Leo recently entertained eight guests at luncheon in the Vatican. , ..- -. ...'- George W. Banck. one of the best known literary men of Kentucky, was struck and killed by a Louisville & Nashivlle train at Lexington. . i Gigantic Frauds Unearthed in Arizona Many Customs Officers Arrested. Washington, Aug. .27. Probably the most important arrests ever made in connection with the smuggling of Chinese across the Mexican border into the United States were made yesterday in Arizona, when William A. Hoey, collector of customs at Nogales; BF. Jossey, an immigrant inspector, and two Chinese were taken into custody by special agents of the treasury and secret service operatives. Other arrests are expected to follow within a day or two.. . It is said that with two or three exceptions, the whole customs and immigration administrations"at Nogales are in volved. ; ' Some time ago an official of the treasury department, having Nogales as his headquarters, wrote to the de partment that he had reason to be lieve that the official force at that point was corrupt, and that Chinese, in large numbers, were' being smug gled across the border for a considera tion. A secret service operative was sent there at once, and plans laid to secure evidence against the persons under suspicion. v " beveral Chinamen ; were furnished with money and sent on to buy their way through the official cordon. This was accomplished without difficulty, the price demanded being .from $50 to $200. The secret service men also arranged with one or two employes, whose honesty had beea tested, to go into the collector's office at a - cer tain tinle and demand a share of the money being received from the China men, and to be admitted into the combination so that they might get their share of the proceeds of future deals. This was reluctantly agreed to, and considerable sums of monev were - handed over : ins the presence and full hearing of a secret service man who had. previously secreted nimseit in a near by office closet. lhe officials soon found that China men, who presented a certificate marked with the letter "a" were allowed to proceed without question, while those having certificates that did not bear this cabalistic mark were turned back without" ; ceremonv. Later it waT developed that the letter a on a certificate indicated that the amount demanded had been paid. Several Chinamen were jjent through with the requisite "a' mark on their certificates made by one .of the secret service men. The utmost care and secrecy was maintained from the first to secure positive .priirrf-against each, ft an under mspi6timi.jxJ&F ine number of Chinamen who have bought their way " into the United States through the alleged connivance of the Nogales officials is believed to have been large. ' ': - . FLOODS IN PENNSYLVANIA. " Four Fatalities and Great Lost of Property Reported. PhiladelDhia. Axis?. 27. Rpnnrfn received in this citv tonio-rit. toto j O"- that the heavy rains : which have laiien auring ine past weeK tnrough out the state have resulted in. the most disastrous floods experienced in many years. At Mauch Chunk the storm was attended by four fatalities. The Mauch Chunk creek is 15 fnct. iKivs its normal mark, and the towns in uaroon county along its course have Rllffftrpd mlinh HamarrA R,irlfVna -e culverts and " arches are destroyed, and the loss to the borough and to ine property noioers win be many thousands of dollars. Business is at a standstill. '"' .', At Wilkesbarre- a InnHslirlo v. ourred along the Lehigh Valley Bail road. A" washout on' the Sunbury branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad delayed traffic several hours. At onamotin, xamaqua, i'lttston and several other minintr towns mnnv colleries have been flooded and : work lias been suspended. .: At Tamaqua the rain fellsin tor rents from 3 o'clnr-.k - t.hi mnmno until 3 o'clock this afternoon. The lines of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, between Tamaqua and Mauch Chunk and -the Pittsville branch of the Philadelphia & Beading road are tied up, owing to washouts. The .Schuylkill river and Panther and Wabash creeks at this point are overflowing their banks, and many bridges have been washed away. All the collieries in the Pantherjcreek val ley are flooded. Crops in the Cata wassa valley are practically ruined. Trade With the Philippines, r Washington.' Au?. 27. A , t j ' o vuv.uui increase in both the export and im port traae ot tne rnilippmes is shown in a comparative statement compiled at the war ; denartment.' cirincr tT, i , C5 ilVJ commerce of the islands for the seven months ending January- 31, 1901, and 1900. The total valno f chandise imported during the seven montns ended January 31, 1901, was $17,999,167, as against $12,674,705 for the same neriod in 1900 in1 ft.. merchandise exported was $12,617.- ao, as against $8,3Ud,a30for the 1900 Deriod. This shows 42 per cent in - the value of imports and oz per cent m export values. Gold Ore From Chile. ": I Omaha, Aug. 27. Notice has been received at the local office of the American Smelting - . and Refining Company of a shipment of gold ore from Chile. It is the first shipment of South American ore to this smelt ing company's plant, and is in the nature of an experiment. The ore is said to . be very rich, and if its treatment proves successful, the shipment will be followed by others on large scale. ; - . FKIDAY, AUGUST 30, SUGAR BEET YIELD SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON IS EXPECTING BIG CROP. Said to be More Profitable Than Wheat RaU - ing New Enterprise is Growing Rapidly U well Adapted to the Soil and Cli mate, and Avoids the Waste Incident to Summer Fallowing. Wayerly, Wash., Aug. 28. Sugar beets in this district will have, from present indications, a crop nearly three times as large as that of last year. The harvest will probably yield about 16,0QQ tons . of beets and about 2,400 tons of sugar. Last year's production amounted to about 6,000 tons. The land this year devoted to sugar beets aggregates about 1,800 acres, 600 acres more than it did last season. The crop per acre will be about 9 or 10 tons. The beets are doing well, but are in need of rain. A light rainfall would be very welcome to farmers, for un less in excess, it would not interfere with grain harvest, would lay the heavy dust in the roads and would clarify and cool the atmosphere, be sides aiding beets and other kinds of vegetation. ; Farmers in this district are accustomed to rely on an August rainfall, especially those who culti vate beets, but no rajn has fallen this month, except perhaps a local shower here and there. A large acre age is given to cabbages, onions and fruits, which would be benefited by moisture. . - This year's progress in the sugar beet industry shows that the enter prise is well adapted to this part of the state, and that it was wisely con ceived. The present is the third sea son of work with sugar beets. In the first year little was accomplished, for the industry was such'an innova tion that it did not catch at once. In the- succeeding year a good gain was made and the practicability of the work demonstrated. What has been achieved ., so far this year may be taken as a true criterion for the fu ture of the industry when the enter prise shall be fully established. Farmers have discovered that there is much to learn in the culture- of sugar beets. It has been necessary to modify the methods pursued in Europe and California to Eastern Oregon condition! of soil and climate. The practice of growing beets on high ridges-- shows itself not to be a good one, because of scarcity of moisture . The fact that no artificial fertilizing is done, or fcpmpaiatively ; little, has made it necessary to" alter approved methods of planting. Elsewhere beets yield the highest percentage of sugar when set eight or 10 inches apart. When further than this the beets overgrow and lose the propor tion of saccharine matter that is in the smaller size. But in this district, experiment has demonstrated that best results are attained when f he plants are from 18 to 24 inches apart. They " may thrive more vigorously when still further apart, but this is yet to be proved. When the increased spape is between the plants it is much easier to cultivate them and weeds, which are the bane of successful beet growing, are more readily eradicated. Besides, the moisture of the soil is more economically husbanded. -v.-' FACING STARVATION. Terrible Situation in Zapata County, Texas ; Range Water Has Failed. V San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 27. Re ports from Zapata county confirm the reports that the poorer class there are facing starvation. They must have immediate help in the way of food or the results will be terrible. Range water has failed, and cattle-are too weak to travel and are rapidly dying." The country -" is literally burned up by drought. There is not a green thing to be seen except cactus plants. -Zapata county is 50 miles from the nearest railroad, and what ever in the way of food is sent to the farmers in the famine stricken place must be hauled ; from Laredo, a two days' trip at best. Mayor Hicks, of this city, .; has started a relief fund, and has already sent a small sum of money to Laredo to" be used in buying food for the suf erers. Relief work will be continued here. Nothing has been heard from the War department in answer to a request for rations sent rby Congress man Kleburg.-. N Found Gold in Town. Baker City, Or., Aug. 28. Reports have been received here of a great strike in Whitney, that has set that town agog. While excavating for the new city scales this morning the men struck a rich ledge of free gold ore I that will run $500 to the ton. The ! find aroused great excitement in the town, and people who own town lots are prospecting for ore. What will be done with the property on which the gold was found is not known, but it is reported that - the owners proposed to do development work. j , -; Town Struck bv Tornado. ' " Centralia. 111.. Aur. 28 A tnma. do and cloudburst did thousands of dollars' worth of damage in Centralia last night. ' . The .Negro Baptist church was wrecked : and peach or chards - destroyed. " In the city the telephone and electric light systems were seriously - damaged, and the streets were blocked by hundreds of falling trees. Many residences were damaged by falling trees. The rain fall was l)i inches. ' - - laoi. VOL. BOLD ACT OF AN AMERICAN. Captured a Deserter Who Was Filippino Leader. j Manila, Aug. 28. Pilcher's first despatch from Mindoro tells how Lieu tenant Hazzard, of the Third artil lery, commanding troop of Maca bebe scouts, captured the American deserter, Howard, who, as leader of the Filipinos, had been annoying the Americans for many months. Fer guson, one of Lieutenant Hazzard's civilian scouts, disguised as an in surgent, with eight Macabebes, pene trated into the camp of Colonel Atienza, commanding 240 riflemen and 200 bolomen, at night, located Howard, bound and gagged him and carried him away without disturbing the camp. Insurgent Forces Captured. Manila, Aug. 28. Captain Harold L. Jackson, of the First infantry re cently surprised General Lukban at Pampubiken in the mountains of the island of Samar. Three of the gen eral's guards were killed, and Lukban was wounded, but escaped. His family was captured. A captain and a lieutenant were also made pris oners, .. . Ovation for Governor Taft Manila, Aug. 28. Civil Governor Taft received at Aparri, province of Cagayan, the greatest ovation of his trip. He announced that Aparri would be a port of entry, and receive a large appropriation for the improve ment of the harbor and Cagayan river. BOERS IN CAPE COLONY. Town of Oudschern Threated Dclarney's - Counter Proclamation. - London, Aug. 28. South African dispatches show that the Boers con tinue active in Cape Colony. Sharp skirmishing has occurred near Union dale, a day's ride from the sea, while Commandant's Schepp's commando is threatening the important town of Oudschern 30 miles from the Indian ocean. In Brussels it is asserted that Com mandant General Botha has ordered the Boer commanders in the future to retain all captured British as host ages in rcase Lord Kitchener carries out the threats of his latest procla "mation. The war office has received the fol lowing dispatch from Lord Kitchener dated at Pretroia today;: --' "Delarey has issued a counter proc lamation, warning all . Boers against my- latest proclamation,' declaring that they will continue struggling."- - r ON THE SAFE SIDE. ' Military Forces at Manila Will Be Increased to Guard Against Uprising. Manila, Aug. 28. Word was re ceived that the insurgent colonel, Loreel, with 17 officers and 13 men, surrendered yesterday to Captain Brown, of the Fourth Infantry, at Talisa. The surrender of numerous other small contingents during the week brings the total up to more than 100. In the city of Manila there are now less than 1,000 effective soldiers, and it has been decided to increase this number by four companies of in fantry. The official reason for the increase is that the guard duty is too heavy for the present force. As a matter of fact, however, there is a feeling that, although there is no apparent prospect of trouble, never theless, in the event of an uprising in the future, such as is always possible among the Malays, it would be better to have a sufficient body of troops available. Another Touch of Summer. Topeka, Kansas, Aug. 28.. Kansas was given another touch of summei today after three weeks of very mod erate weather, accompanied by cool nights and occasional rains. The temperature in some places was re corded at 106, and at Topeka the mercury hovered around the 105 mark. The rise in the temperature was not predicted, and came wholly unexpected. Wichita recorded 104; Salina 105 ; Atchison 102. At Leav enworth there were several prostra tions. : - - The Danish Antilles. Copenhagen, Aug. 27. A promi nent politician in the counsels of the ministry today told a representative of the Associated Press that a sale of the Danish West Indies, it was confidently expected, would be con summated before the close of the pres ent year. Chaun's Illness a Pretext for Delay. Rome, " Aug. ." 28. The illness of Prince Chan, brother of the emperor of China, who with a Chinese mis sion has arrived at Basle, Switzer land, on his way to Berlin to apolo gize for the assassination of Baron von Ketteler, the German minister at Pekin, is, according to a dispatch received here today from Basle, a pre text for delay, Prince Chun having received orders from Pekin -hot to proceed, as fresh complications have arisen with reference to the protocol. - Decline in Indian Famine Relief List London, Aug. 28. The Indian office has received the following dis patch from Lord Curzoh, viceroy of India : "The rains .-are irregularly distributed. They are particularly deficient in the . rice districts, while excessive rains have caused damage to crops in the northern and central provinces. ' Prices are generally fall ing. There is a slight decline in the number of persons on the famine re lief list.the total now being 507,000."" XXX VIII.. NO. 36. GIVEN A FBEE HAND FRENCH MINISTER TO TURKEY HAS POWER TO ACT. France Will Support Him in Any Move He May See Fit to Make He Has Delivered An Ultimatum to the Sultan, Threatening tc Leave Turkey if Matters Are Not Set tled at Once. Paris, Aug. 26. While the officials of the French foreign office decline to confirm or deny the advices from Constantinople announcing that the French ambassador has sent the sul tan a practical ultimatum, parson -ally informing him that he would leave Constantinople with the entire staff of the embassy if the matters in dispute were not settled immediately, they admit having received a tele gram from M. Constans which has been laid before the council now sitting at the Ely see palace. The correspondent learns that M. Constans has been given a freehand. Any step he finds proper to take will Joe fully endorsed. The foreign minister, M. Delcasse,. if he finds necessary, will ' withdraw the French embassy from Constantinople, and Munir Bey, the Turkish embassador, who is now in Switzerland, will be notified not to return to Paris, in which case Munir Bey probably will withdraw the legation to Berne, as he is also accredited as minister to Switzerland. No naval demonstration is as yet contemplated, but . the sultan will probably be .seriously inconvenienced by the closure of the Turkish em bassy here, which is the center of the espionage maintained to watch the numerous young Turks and other disaffected Ottoman subjects and voluntary exiles who make their headquarters at Paris, and who will have a free hand if diplomatic rela tions between France and Turkey are completely broken off. It has been suggested that the French government issue orders for the bourse to cease dealing in Turk ish securities, but it is not likely that this step' will- be taken, as it would injure the French bondholders. The Sultan's Fears. New York, Aug. 26. The French governent is thoroughly in earnest in its attitude toward Turkey, and is fully . aware that at the present mo ment, - no foreign power would raise any objection to a' French fleet resort ing to mosf drastic measures,., says a Paris dispatch to the Tribune. According to information that has reached Paris, the real reason for the sultan changing his mind and de clining to fulfill his proimse was due to his hopes that the obstreperous clamor of the Nationalist party in France would induce M. Delcasse, the minister of foreign affairs, to disavow Constans. The sultan's great ob-. jection to the French concession is that if the Constantinople quays were under the control of a French or other foreign company there would be disquieting facilities for the land ing of conspirators and their baggage. But Constans gave ' the sultan the option of buying back the dangerous quays by paying 41,000,000 francs for them within six months and provided the porte with a scheme for raising the cash. EXODUS FROM NOME IS ON. Town is Filled With Idle Men Who Are Out of Money. Port Townsend, Aug. 24. The ex odus from Nome is fairly on, and each steamer from there has many passen gers. The Roanoke has just" arrived from Nome with 130 cabin passengers, besides a large number in the steer age. This makes about 1,000 people who have arrived from the North this season, and from reports each suc ceeding steamer wilr be loaded with pasengers until the ice closes naviga tion. The returning passengers re port Nome as being remarkably quiet. The town is filled with idle men, many .of whom are willing to work for almost anything in order to get pas sage money, but there is no work and great anxiety is felt by the residents as to what will be done with so many men without means. The Roanoke brought down $600,000 in dust, $90, 000 of which was shipped by the Pio neer Mining Company, the remainder being snipped by the JNorth American Trading fe Transportation Company. It is estimate that passengers had on their persons $200,000 in gold. Want Reservation Opened. Spokane, Aug. 26. Plans have been announced to secure the open ing of the Spokane Indian rrvar tion to mineral locations. The reser vation is 25 miles northeast of this city, and contains about 200,000 acres. The mineral wealth is un known, but surface indications are said to be promising. The reserva tion is now occupied by about 350 Spokane Indians with" Chief Lott at their head. The chamber of com -merce here proposes to take steps to secure favorable action by congress. Bumed Itself OuL Philadelpiha, Aug. 24. The fire which started at the works of the At lantic Refining Company, at Point Breeze, has burned iteslf out. The loss is estimated at about $500,000. Fourteen tanks containing about 200, 000 barrels of oil were destroyed. One pumping station and thousands of feet of pipe were rendered useless, but the most important machinery is intact.